Home / Buns / Dense cream for cake decorating. How to make a protein cream at home? Making protein cream for decorating cakes

Dense cream for cake decorating. How to make a protein cream at home? Making protein cream for decorating cakes

How nice it is to eat a cake that is prepared with your own hands at home. Such desserts will never be compared to counterparts from the store.

Homemade cake has its own special taste, and if you try, with the help of a cream, you can give the baked goods a beautiful look.

For these purposes, the hostess will have to tinker with the creamy composition, but such a decoration will perfectly retain its shape and will delight all guests.

General cooking principles

Cream for homemade cakes is presented in a large assortment. You can choose completely uncomplicated recipe which will help to decorate the cake with a beautiful creamy decor.

By connecting your imagination to the case, you can create a real cooking masterpiece as in the photo. Excellent cake decorations are obtained on the basis of protein, butter or Charlotte cream.

The main task during the preparation of the cream mass will be to create the desired consistency of the batch from the products.

If you do everything right, it means that you will be able to apply small patterns on the cake, make roses with petals and even unique figures, as in this photo.

Decorating desserts at home can be made from simple boiled condensed milk, ready-made whipped cream sold in grocery supermarkets, or chocolate spread.

Your dessert will surely please your family, because the decoration for it can be made to your personal taste.

In each case, the time for whipping the cream will vary. This is due to the fact which components are included in the composition of the cream you have chosen to make.

In this article, I have presented exclusively proven recipes for decorating homemade desserts.

Even the simplest dessert in your own kitchen, with a strong desire, can be made truly festive, decoration can be in the form of special figurines made of cream.

You can also use mastic, sugar figurines, fruits, marzipan, nuts, etc. Such decoration will surely delight children.

You can bake curly cakes in accordance with the attributes of the holiday, decorating with cream decorations.

The classic way decorating homemade desserts is with the help of a cream. You will need a bag or syringe.

With their help, you need to apply a pattern to the surface of the dessert. The result will depend on the personal skills of the hostess and her creative mood.

You can use fruits to decorate the tops of the cakes. For example, you can cut out different fruit shapes, leaves, etc., decorate with butter beads, nuts, confectionery sprinkles, marmalade, etc.

I advise those who have not yet gotten their hand in decorating cakes with creams to decorate baked goods with ready-made figures from sugar, which are sold in confectionery stores.

You must create a real culinary masterpiece at home. And remember that it will be doubly interesting to decorate the dessert with your children.

Before serving the cake to the table for home, you need to let it brew for a couple of hours either in the refrigerator or in a cold place.

Butter-thick cream for cake decorating

A great option for novice cooks if you need to decorate home cake... The classic method of cooking involves the introduction of condensed milk and slurry into the cream. oils.

In order for the cream to be fragrant, you can add flavorings to it while whipping the mixture with a mixer.

I painted the recipe itself step by step so that it would be even easier for novice cooks to master the preparation and decorate the pastries to their taste.


240 gr. condensed milk; 200 gr. sl. oils.

Cooking Algorithm:

  1. Sl. I heat the oil at room temperature or in a small metal container to get the consistency of a cream.
  2. Beat with a wooden spatula or a whisk sl. butter. The mass will be elastic, white in color.
  3. I beat and add condensed milk in portions. The cream needs to be interrupted for 15 minutes so that it becomes lush and uniform.
  4. Condensed milk should be warmed up if its mass is heterogeneous and there are sugar-coated areas. Stir and let cool.
  5. If the cream spreads, sl. the mass needs to be warmed up and killed again. You should not be afraid of this process. But if a liquid appears in the creamy mass, it is worth throwing it through a sieve to drain it. Sl. the mass also needs to be heated and beat with a mixer.

Cooled butter cream is really easier to work with, so take my advice and make the perfect dessert garnish.

Butter cream with sugar syrup for cake decorating

It is not at all difficult to prepare an excellent cream on sugar syrup. The recipe will have a similar technology to the above. Decorating a dessert will not be difficult if you connect your imagination to work!


145 ml of water; 150 g Sahara; 200 gr. sl. oils.

Cooking Algorithm:

  1. I pour sah into a bowl. sand. I bring in water. I mix with tbsp.
  2. I bring the liquid to a boil. It is necessary that sah. the sand has completely dissolved. When the syrup boils, you need to remove the foam.
  3. I heat it up on the stove or in the microwave oven. oil to make a thick mass. I beat it with a whisk or a wooden spatula. The result is a lush white mass.
  4. Beat up sl. butter. I add sugar syrup and interrupt the cream with a mixer so that the composition has a uniform consistency.

That's it, the cream can be used to decorate cakes in your kitchen. When the dessert is ready, call your home and start your holiday tea.

Sour cream recipe for cake decoration

Even a novice in the kitchen can make such a cream. It will be incredibly difficult to spoil the mass. Just keep in mind that you need to take sour cream from 25% fat and above.

The cream in this case will be good; homemade sour cream is also suitable for this purpose.


135 g Sahara; 500 gr. sour cream with a fat content of 25%.

Cooking Algorithm:

  1. I mix sugar and sour cream together.
  2. Beat up the ingredients. Do this with a mixer, starting at a slow speed and gradually increasing it.

Sugar needs to be introduced in portions to speed up the process, you can use sugar. powder.

The mass will be thick, it is necessary that the cream does not drip from the spoon. As the sugar crystals dissolve, the mass will be liquid, but will thicken again during whipping.

In the event that you chose not fatty sour cream, you need to put it on cheesecloth and hang it in your kitchen overnight. This time will be enough for the whey to glass, and the sour cream to acquire the desired density.

If the sour cream still hasn't thickened, a thickener package will come to the rescue; you can buy it at any grocery store.

Protein custard for cake decorating

Making a cake with protein cream is very simple. You can apply beautiful flowers or patterns. The texture of the cream composition will be light, it will be a pleasure to work with it.

The secret of making custard protein cream for the cake will consist in the correct preparation of the sah. syrup, since it is the basis of the composition.


2 pcs. chickens. eggs (only proteins are needed); 60 ml boiling water; 180 g Sahara; van. sugar and a little citric acid.

Cooking Algorithm:

  1. I pour water into the pot. I enter sah. sand. I cook syrup, constantly stirring, so that bubbles appear. At the end of cooking, I introduce citric acid at the tip of a knife.
  2. Before removing the sah. syrup from the fire, check the readiness. If it does not spread on the plate, then you can finish cooking.
  3. Beat chickens. proteins. They should be refrigerated. Beat the product for 5 minutes at medium speed. When the mass becomes thick, it is worth pouring sugar into it in a thin stream. syrup that is still hot.
  4. I enter the van. sugar, beat so that the mass becomes airy and homogeneous in composition. That's it, the cream can be used to easily decorate your homemade cake to your liking.

Protein-butter cream for decorating the cake

The recipe for the cream is not only as simple as possible, but also considered universal. Cooking will take a little time.

The cream will turn out to be lush, due to the fact that chickens enter it. proteins, and even thick, due to the introduction of sl. oils.

Butter and protein cream can be used to decorate the top of the cake, make patterns. Those. feel free to include culinary fantasy and create your masterpieces.


2 pcs. chickens. eggs (only proteins are needed); 150 g sl. oils; 100 g sugar and vanillin.

Cooking Algorithm:

  1. I mix proteins and sugar in a bowl. I send to water bath and stir with a whisk. The movements should be intense so that the proteins do not curl up.
  2. I do the procedure until the sugar is completely dissolved. Remove the bowl from the heat and beat with a mixer.
  3. I add vanillin, beat until stable peaks appear.
  4. Gray sl. butter to room temperature, add portions into the whites while whipping. When the cream becomes dense and has an even, homogeneous texture, you can stop the whipping process.

Charlotte cake decorating cream

The favorite recipe of professional pastry chefs. Charlotte is made from chickens. eggs, and therefore has a very delicate taste.

It is considered the best for decorating cakes, because Charlotte perfectly keeps the shape set by the culinary specialist.


2 pcs. chickens. eggs; 200 gr. sl. oils; 100 g sugar and 120 ml of milk.

Cooking Algorithm:

  1. I mix sugar and milk together. I send it to the fire and let it boil.
  2. Beat chickens. eggs with a whisk or fork. I put milk into them little by little. Constantly you need to stir so that the proteins do not curl and become lumps in the mixture under conditions of high temperature.
  3. Pour into a saucepan and bring to a boil. Constantly interfere with the future decoration for the dessert. It is important that the cream does not boil.
  4. Let it cool down and immediately start decorating the cake. Be sure to make such a cream very beautiful and just decorate the cake! Good luck!
  • To make a good cake cream at home, just stick to the recipe and the tips below:
  • To color the cream, use natural or synthetic dyes. Your baking decoration will be fun and colorful.
  • Sour cream should be cooked on a sour product. If the sour cream is not sour, then you just need to add a little lemon juice to it. The composition will be perfect to taste.
  • Cream jewelry is short-lived. For example, custard and sour cream compositions can be stored for 6 hours in a refrigerator. The shelf life is limited, since the composition is not highly stable. Butter cream can last up to 36 hours, and protein cream even 72 hours in the refrigerator.
  • If there is still a protein cream, try making a marshmallow. homemade or you can use it as a base for a cake called " bird's milk". You just need to add different fillers and gelatin to it.

Such a treat not only looks beautiful, but also tastes great! Bon Appetit!

Choose a recipe and start cooking cream decor, then your dessert will be the most delicious and beautiful. Good luck to everyone in the culinary field!

My video recipe

The cake is the pinnacle of skill in the preparation of desserts. Its taste and appearance depends on all products used in the preparation. But one of the main and defining components is cake decorating cream. There are dozens of recipes for its preparation. Conventionally, creams can be divided into: protein, custard, butter and butter.

Protein cream is made from egg whites whipped with sugar. They only use it to decorate a dessert. It is very light and airy, so it is not suitable for impregnating and gluing cakes. Can be found nice pictures, on which dessert with protein cream is complemented with marzipan and multi-colored dusting.

The most time consuming cooking process custard... It requires attention, accuracy and speed of action. Have to take:

  • 1 glass of milk or cream;
  • 4 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 5 grams of potato starch;
  • 3 eggs.

Pour granulated sugar into a metal dish, add eggs and starch. Mix all the ingredients well for a few minutes, then slowly pour in the milk. Put the dishes with the mixture over medium heat and heat until almost boiling. It is better to use a thermometer and make sure that the temperature does not rise above 80-85 degrees. After the cream thickens, remove from heat and refrigerate.

Such a cream is delicious on its own and with a variety of additives. To add a fruity flavor, you can use half a glass of milk and half a glass of juice or puree. Done right, the effort will be rewarded with a delicious, aromatic cream. You won't be able to decorate the cake with roses and berries with it, but it is ideal for saturating the layers and coating the top. How it looks can be seen in the photo of the Napoleon cake.

Butter cream

Whipped cream is loved by many for its lightness, splendor and soft taste. Because of the airiness, they are only sandwiched biscuit cakes, but to decorate the top of the cakes, it is perfect. This is proved by the fact that one of the most common desserts photos is whipped cream with fruit.

For cooking you will need:

  • 1 glass of cream, at least 35% fat;
  • 1 teaspoon caster sugar
  • Vanillin on the tip of a knife.

Pour cold cream into a bowl and beat slowly, gradually speeding up. Gradually add the icing sugar along with the vanilla. Readiness can be determined by density.

Unfortunately, the cream quickly loses its shape, it must be used immediately. To extend the period, you can add gelatin, given that then it will not be airy, but gelatinous.

The same amount of food will require half a teaspoon of gelatin, which must be soaked in half a glass of cold cream. Dissolve gelatin in a water bath and cool. Slowly pour the gelatin into a thick foam, whipped from the rest of the cream, powdered sugar and vanillin.

From butter and condensed milk

The most beloved, simple and popular is oil. If in the photo there is a beautifully decorated cake, then it was probably made with butter cream. Due to the fact that it is very dense and persistent, it can be used to fantastically decorate the cakes: to make inscriptions, various flowers, berries and even portraits. And the recipe is simple and available for everyone to cook.

To prepare a classic butter cream you will need:

  • 100 grams of butter;
  • 4 tablespoons of condensed milk.

The oil must be heated until it resembles thick sour cream in consistency. This can be done on a stovetop, with a small fire, or in a water bath for better control over the process. The heated butter must be whipped thoroughly until a fluffy white mass is obtained and slowly pour in the condensed milk. Stir everything together until the mixture is smooth.

In the absence or dislike of condensed milk, it can be replaced with syrup. Suitable for both purchased and self-prepared. To make the syrup, pour granulated sugar into a saucepan, pour 4 tablespoons of water and boil until the sugar is completely dissolved. Cool the resulting syrup and add to the oil in the same way as condensed milk in the previous recipe.

The oily composition, prepared using eggs, has an interesting taste and texture. Egg white, due to its viscosity, creates a satin texture, and the yolk adds piquancy to the taste. Cooking is simple, and only slightly complicated by adherence to the temperature regime. For 100 grams of butter, you need 1 egg and 2 tablespoons of sugar. Beat the egg and sugar until the volume increases by 2-3 times, heating to 45 degrees. The temperature may be slightly lower, but not more, otherwise the egg will curdle. In another bowl, heat and beat the butter until white. Connect all components. Actively stir the whole mass until a lush butter cream is formed.

In France, a trendsetter in culinary fashion, buttercream is prepared using eggs and fresh milk. It has its own name - "Charlotte". To the same amount of products as in the previous recipe, add 2 tablespoons of milk. Sugar is poured into a saucepan, milk is added and, stirring constantly, bring to a boil. In another saucepan, beat the eggs a little, after which, slowly and carefully pour in the hot milk. All together bring to a boil, and allow to cool to room temperature, and during this time prepare the oil, as in the previous recipes. All components are mixed until a bulk density is obtained.

In decoration, butter cream is interesting because it allows you to get different textures. If you decorate it while still warm, then the jewelry will be glossy, shiny, and matte relief patterns will come out of the cold one. Often, to decorate a cake, you need an oil composition of different colors. To create it, food colors, juices of berries and vegetables are perfect.

The cake is a symbol of the holiday and decoration of any table. Regardless of what kind of cream is used: custard, protein, butter or butter, the cake should be beautifully decorated. And he will become the pride of a culinary specialist.

Video recipe for cake decorating cream

A beautifully decorated cake pleases the eye, is able to charm and surprise guests. Housewives come to show maximum imagination and make remarkable efforts so that their baked goods become not only tasty, but also amazingly beautiful and unusual. There are a great many techniques and recipes for decorating cakes today. For this, a variety of devices are used, of which the most inexpensive and accessible is a pastry syringe or a bag with nozzles.

For a confectionery syringe, the cream is selected sufficiently thick, plastic, well-retaining its shape. Too thick mass will be squeezed out of the nozzle unevenly, in pieces. And too liquid - it will spread right after the decoration is applied to the surface or sides of the cake. Therefore, the main parameter for choosing a cream recipe is its consistency.

Butter cream

The simplest and inexpensive recipe... Consists of several available ingredients... It can be used for decoration in its pure form, as well as tinted and additionally flavored.


  1. Butter - 250 grams;
  2. Condensed milk - 1 can (boiled is used more often in this case);
  3. Vanilla, cognac, liqueur optional.

Cooking process:

  1. Soften the butter and chop it finely with a knife.
  2. Add condensed milk and beat with a mixer for 5-10 minutes. Make sure that the mass does not delaminate.
  3. Add flavoring, food coloring according to the recipe.


This cream is more fluffy. The mass turns out to be snow-white, and therefore can be used for decoration in its natural form or set off with natural or artificial dyes. The cream holds its shape perfectly if prepared strictly according to the recipe.


  1. A pound of sugar;
  2. 5 very cold proteins;
  3. Half a teaspoon of citric acid;
  4. Half a glass of water.

Cooking process:

  1. Boil the syrup from water and sugar. Add citric acid to it.
  2. The syrup is boiled, stirring, for at least 5 minutes.
  3. The mass is cooled slightly.
  4. Whisk the whites until fluffy and inject the uncooled syrup in a thin stream.


Cream based fresh cream also suitable for decorating a cake with a syringe or bag. It is lightweight, squeezes well even from the narrowest nozzle, its consistency is uniform, so there are no voids and air bubbles in the finished decor.


  1. One large egg;
  2. One glass of cream (35%);
  3. 80 milliliters of milk;
  4. 80 grams of granulated sugar;
  5. 10 grams of gelatin;
  6. Vanilla.

Cooking process:

  1. Soak gelatin for 25 minutes in a regular cold water... Wait for it to swell and absorb all the water.
  2. Mix the egg with sugar and grind it white. Boil the milk, immediately remove it from the heat and pour it into the egg mixture in a thin stream.
  3. Add gelatin, stir and place in a water bath.
  4. While continuing to stir, dissolve the gelatin (just do not bring the mixture to a boil).
  5. Whisk the cold cream until frothy. This will take about 10 minutes.
  6. Pour the milk mixture cooled to room temperature little by little into the creamy foam, add the vanilla and stir.

Decoration technology

The decorating method with a syringe is quite simple. You will need the actual syringe and several attachments. There are sets with nozzles in the amount of 4-10 pieces. The more there are, the more refined and unusual decorative elements you can make on the cake.

The article suggests you simple recipes making a delicious protein cream at home.

How to make protein cream in a water bath: a recipe for decorating cakes, pastries

It is very easy to prepare a delicious, pleasant-looking and structured cream. This does not require any special ingredients and technologies. All you need to have is sugar and egg white, and the cream is brewed and cooked in a regular steam bath.

Make a steam bath:

  • Pour water into a saucepan (half level)
  • Wait for the water to boil
  • Place the glass bowl on the pan so that the bottom does not touch the water in any way.
  • Brew the cream without stopping whipping it with a whisk until the thickness you require.

You will need:

  • Egg white- 2 pcs. (i.e. from two eggs, pre-chilled white).
  • Sugar
  • Lemon acid

How to prepare a protein-based brewing cream:

  • Pour cold proteins into a glass or bowl of a blender
  • Add a pinch of citric acid and begin actively whisking the whites, gradually increasing the speed of your blender or mixer.
  • Beat the whites for a long time, from 5 to 7 minutes.
  • Then add sugar in small portions in portions and beat the cream until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  • Transfer the mass to a steam bath, where you continue to actively whisk the cream for 10-15 minutes (it all depends on the thickness of the cream you need).
  • Remove the mass from the bath and continue beating for up to 5 minutes.
  • Place the whipped cream in a culinary bag or a syringe and start decorating your cake (cakes, muffins, etc.) with it.

An example of decorating a cake with protein cream

Delicious protein custard: a recipe for decorating cakes, pastries

You can brew a protein cream without citric acid at all. To do this, add half a tsp. lemon juice. This will give you a pleasant sourness in the cream. Another way is to add a pinch of salt. Together with it, the protein is whipped until foamy and only then sugar is gradually added.

Beating sugar with protein is a long painstaking task, because insufficient beating can completely ruin the cream at the initial stage. For a thick and elastic mass, try whipping the cream with icing sugar... For two proteins, you need 100-150 g of powder.

IMPORTANT: If you want to tint your cream, you should use food colors that are easy to buy online or in a store.

Examples of cake decor with protein cream:

Cake decoration with protein cream, waves

Protein cream flowers

Protein cream roses

Delicious protein-butter cream with butter: recipe

Protein-butter cream is prepared with the addition of ordinary butter. It is important to choose a quality oil with a high percentage of fat so that the cream is as tasty as possible. The amount of cream is prepared based on the size of the cake. For a small kilogram cake, you need 2 proteins, for 2 kg - 3 proteins, and so on.

It will be useful for you:

  • Egg white - 2-3 pcs., Depending on how large the eggs are.
  • Powdered sugar - 130-150 g (can be replaced with regular sugar or sugar syrup).
  • Butter(vsmore 73% fat) - 150-170 g (depends on the thickness and preferred fat content of the cream).
  • Lemon juice (1 tablespoon) or citric acid (pinch).


  • Proteins should be pre-cooled, cold they whip into a foam much better.
  • Add lemon juice to the whites and start actively whisking for 5-10 minutes, until foam forms.
  • Add the icing sugar gradually until the cream is thick (as required).
  • The oil must first be left at room temperature to soften.
  • Add soft butter to thick protein mass in small portions, kneading a homogeneous cream.

Butter-protein cream: an example of cake decorating

Delicious thick protein cream with gelatin: recipe

A protein cream prepared with the addition of gelatin is tasty addition to any dessert: cakes, pastries, muffins, fruit jelly... Gelatin will give the cream elasticity and density, the cream can easily keep the given shape. Even "Bird's milk" sweets can be made from such a cream.

It will be useful for you:

  • Egg whites - 4-5 pcs. (depending on how large the eggs are).
  • Sugar - 350 g (can be replaced with the same amount of powdered sugar, or slightly less).
  • Lemon juice - 1 tbsp (or 1-2 pinches of citric acid).
  • Vanillin(if you want to give the cream a sweet scent)
  • Gelatin - 5-2 tbsp (pre-fill with water and let it swell).


  • Cool the egg whites beforehand and beat at moderate temperature with lemon juice until frothy.
  • After foam appears, add sugar in small portions, stirring each portion thoroughly until completely dissolved.
  • At this stage, you can add vanillin or vanilla sugar whisking it thoroughly.
  • Pre-soaked and already swollen gelatin should be melted in a steam bath until it becomes liquid and homogeneous.
  • Liquid gelatin should be poured into the protein mass in a thin stream, without ceasing to beat the protein.
  • After adding gelatin, the cream is whipped for another 5-7 minutes.

Whipping the protein cream with a gelatin mixer

Delicious thick lemon protein cream: how to cook?

Protein cream can be infused with a delicious lemon flavor, making it rich and special. This cream is perfect for fruit, cream and chocolate cakes.

It will be useful for you:

  • Egg white - 3 pcs. (large eggs, chilled whites).
  • Lemon - 1 PC. (juice and zest of medium lemon)
  • Sugar - 150-200 g (can be replaced with an equal amount of powdered sugar).
  • Butter (at least 73%) - 100 g (room temperature, soft).


  • Pour the cold egg whites into a blender bowl and beat at high speed until a thick foam forms.
  • Add sugar gradually, without stopping whipping until completely dissolved and until the cream becomes firm and thick.
  • Grate the lemon zest on the finest grater, you should get about 1.5-2 tbsp.
  • Add to the mass soft butter(dividing the entire mass into about three parts and each time waiting for it to dissolve).
  • Add the zest and beat the mixture for another 5 minutes, you can store it in the refrigerator, and then fill the cooking syringe and make patterns.

Delicious protein cream with lemon flavor

The delicious thick protein cream is simple: how to cook?

It will be useful for you:

  • Egg white- 2-3 pcs. (depending on how large the eggs are and how much cream you need).
  • Sugar - by the amount of cream (just add sugar in 1 tablespoon and dissolve it thoroughly with a mixer, when the mass becomes that thick as you need, stop adding sugar).
  • Vanillin - 1 pack (small)
  • Salt - pinch "Extra"


  • Cold egg whites beat thoroughly at the high speed of the mixer along with a pinch of salt, which is the secret of the fluffy foam.
  • When foam appears, add vanillin and gradually add sugar.
  • Bring the cream to your preferred thickness and stop whisking. You can "pour" desserts with liquid cream, and make patterns thick.

Simple protein cream

Delicious thick sugar-protein cream with powdered sugar

Powdered sugar, unlike sugar, dissolves quickly, which allows the cream to quickly gain density and firmness. The powder should not be added all at once, but in small portions, whipping the cream thoroughly. Before adding sugar, be sure to add a pinch of salt or citric acid to the egg white.

IMPORTANT: The secret of a good fluffy cream is not only the right ingredients, but also the nature of the whipping. If you beat by hand with a mixer or blender, you should not use a circular motion, but a figure eight motion with a mixer. This will make the foam larger and larger.

Delicious thick sour cream and protein cream: how to cook?

The protein cream mixed with sour cream is delicious. It can be added to "fresh" fruit cakes and creamy desserts. But you cannot store it for a long time, as it can stratify.

It will be useful for you:

  • Egg whites - 3-4 pcs. (depending on how much cream you need and what egg size).
  • High fat sour cream (33% or homemade)- 200-250 g.
  • Sugar - 200-300 g (try the cream to avoid making it too sweet or overly sweet).
  • Salt - 1 pinch
  • Vanillin - 1 pack (small)


  • Whisk the cold whites thoroughly with salt at high speed.
  • Add sugar (and vanillin if you like) when the proteins are frothy. Do not dissolve all the sugar, leave 100 g.
  • Beat the sour cream with sugar, beat until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  • Sour cream should be poured into protein, stirring thoroughly until a homogeneous consistency.

How to prepare sour cream protein cream?

Delicious thick cottage cheese-protein cream: how to cook?

The cream, made from protein and curd mass, turns out to be especially thick and with a pleasant creamy taste... Use ready-made curd mass(but without syrup and jam), or grind the cottage cheese yourself, adding sour cream to it, to get a “homemade” curd paste.

It will be useful for you:

  • Egg whites - 2 pcs. (large eggs, cold squirrels).
  • Curd - 200 g (or grated cottage cheese)
  • Sugar - 150-200 g (to your liking, try it)
  • Salt - one small pinch


  • Beat the whites in the usual way at high speed with a pinch of salt.
  • Add sugar (in small portions) to the fluffy protein foam and beat until firm.
  • In a thick protein mass, portions of 1 tbsp. add curd mass.
  • Whisk the whole mixture thoroughly and decorate your dessert when finished.

Homemade protein-curd cream: a simple recipe

Delicious thick protein cream protein-butter cream

Cream is a common ingredient in desserts and creams. They are always easy to whip, and when combined with a protein cream, they gain elasticity and stability (if you make compositions and patterns on cakes).

It will be useful for you:

  • Fat cream (30% or more)- 200 ml.
  • Sugar -
  • Salt - 1 pinch (you can not add it, it is necessary for whipping the proteins).


  • Whip the cream in advance into a thick, stable mass, for this you will need to whip the cream for a long time at a high speed of a mixer or blender.
  • Whisk the whites and sugar or powder separately until they are thick enough to fall out of the bowl in which you whipped them.
  • Gently and in small portions, mix the butter cream with the protein, stirring thoroughly.

Thick cream with cream and proteins

Delicious thick protein cream according to GOST: how to cook?

In the old days, there was a certain standard by which it was customary to prepare even a protein cream. It was distinguished by its stability, always familiar taste and the ability to take any shape. You can still make such a cream at home.

It will be useful for you:

  • Squirrels- 3 pcs (required from large eggs)
  • Sugar syrup(carefully diluted 150 g of sugar in 50 g of water).
  • Lemon juice- 0.5 tsp
  • Vanilla sugar- 1 small bag


Delicious protein cream wet, liquid: recipe

Liquid protein cream can be impregnated with biscuit cakes or poured over unsweetened desserts. It is easy to prepare it at home.

You will need:

  • Egg white- 1-2 pcs. (cold)
  • Sugar - at your look
  • A pinch of citric acid


  • Whisk whites with acid
  • Add sugar gradually, without ceasing to beat the mass.
  • Add sugar until the mixture has the desired consistency.

Liquid protein cream, wet protein cream

Delicious thick protein cream with syrup: how to prepare?

It will be useful for you:

  • Squirrels
  • Sugar syrup(Prepare thick sugar syrup in advance to taste).
  • Lemon juice- 0.5-1 tsp
  • Vanilla sugar


  • Prepare the syrup by dissolving the sugar completely in the ode
  • Whisk the egg whites until foamy with lemon juice.
  • When the proteins turn into foam, pour the syrup into them in a thin stream, beating without stopping until the cream becomes firm and thick.

Delicious thick protein cream with fruits, cherries

You can also prepare a protein cream with a fruity one. For this, not fresh fruits or berries are used, but pre-cooked jam or syrup.

It will be useful for you:

  • Egg whites - 5-6 pcs. (depending on the size of the eggs).
  • Jam or jam(Strain or grind in advance with a blender so that the syrup is homogeneous, you can add sugar to taste).
  • Gelatin - 1 sachet


  • Soak the gelatin in advance, let it swell
  • Dissolve the gelatin in a steam bath and mix it with the jam. Strain the mass, it should be free of lumps.
  • Beat the whites in the usual way
  • Pour the syrup into the whipped egg whites in a thin stream and beat until lather.

Fruit protein cream

Delicious thick protein cream with condensed milk: a recipe

In this case, condensed milk is used as a concentrated sweet syrup instead of sugar.

It will be useful for you:

  • Squirrels- 2-3 pcs (necessarily from large eggs)
  • Condensed milk - 1 can (250 g)
  • Lemon juice- 0.5-1 tsp
  • Vanilla sugar- 1 small bag (you can skip it, to taste).


  • Whisk the egg whites until foamy with lemon juice.
  • When the proteins turn into foam, pour condensed milk into them in a thin stream, without ceasing to beat, until the cream becomes elastic and thick.

Delicious thick protein cream with pectin: recipe

It will be useful for you:

  • Egg whites - 4 things. (depending on how large the eggs are).
  • Sugar - 250-350 g (can be replaced with the same amount of powdered sugar, or slightly less).
  • Pectin - 20 g


  • Whisk the cooled proteins with salt or citric acid (a pinch).
  • Add sugar and pectin gradually
  • After adding the pectin, the cream is whipped for another 5-7 minutes.

Protein cream with pectin

Delicious thick protein chocolate cream with cocoa: recipe

It will be useful for you:

  • Egg whites - 2 pcs. (necessarily cold)
  • Sugar - 200-300 g (here the amount of sugar is not limited, it is important to try and determine the right one).
  • Cocoa - 2 tbsp (adjust the amount of cocoa yourself).


  • Whisk the whites with the sugar or powder until it is thick enough to fall out of the bowl in which you whipped it.
  • Stir in cocoa carefully and in small portions until desired taste and color.

Protein cream with cocoa

Delicious thick protein meringue cream: how to cook?

It will be useful for you:

  • Egg white- 2 pcs.
  • Sugar- 100-125 g (you should look at the consistency of the cream, if the foam is elastic, then 100 g is quite enough).
  • Lemon acid- 1 g (this is literally a small pinch, by the eye).


  • The egg mass is beaten into a foam with a pinch of acid
  • Sugar is added gradually, in small portions
  • The mass is whipped until the sugar is completely dissolved
  • Continue whisking the cream, holding the container over the steam bath, until the mixture thickens.
  • Received thick cream cover the cake or dessert
  • Send the dessert to the oven for a few minutes, the degrees should be no more than 60. When the meringue turns yellow and blush, the dessert is taken out of the oven.

Video: "Protein Cream for Cake"

Recipes for making cream and other confectionery decorations

cream for cake decorating holds its shape well

500 ml

1 hour

180 kcal

5 /5 (5 )

I really love homemade cakes and I hardly recognize "plastic" cakes from the store. Honestly, the question of how to decorate a homemade cake was not for me for a long time, because the charm of self-made sweets lies precisely in the absence of pathos - it is more than replaced by the love invested in cooking.

But today so many new and interesting things have appeared on the shelves both in terms of products and in terms of kitchen appliances that to compete with the confectionery not only in content, but also in form is becoming a very real task.

With those who are ready to accept the challenge, I will share good recipe cream for cake decorating.

  • Kitchen appliances and utensils: a saucepan with a thick non-stick bottom, a bowl, a mixer, a wooden spatula for stirring.

The technology involves cooling a hot product to room temperature, so the cooking time may vary slightly depending on the conditions in your kitchen and whether it is possible to speed up the process a little, for example, by exposing the mixture to a cold balcony.

Necessary products

To prepare the cream, you will need:

Features of the choice of products

I use regular sugar for the preparation of this cream, but if you have the opportunity to replace it with cane sugar, the result will only be better. Brown sugar will give the cream a more noble color and additional flavor.

You can use vanillin instead of vanilla sugar, but be careful: it tastes coarser, so don't go overboard with the amount.

The quality of the butter - main secret good cream! It should be at least 82.5% fat, and you should be sure that you are using it. milk product, not a spread.

Some housewives, however, argue that the cream turns out to be quite good just from the spread, but as for me, nobody canceled the benefits of healthy food.

How to make a cake decorating cream that holds its shape well at home

Break the proteins into a saucepan, add sugar and beat with a mixer until the mixture increases several times in volume and becomes much lighter.

We put the saucepan on low heat and heat, stirring constantly, until the protein-sugar mixture acquires the consistency of thick semolina.

Do not be distracted or stop stirring, otherwise you will not notice how the eggs curl or burn. The mass must remain homogeneous and under no circumstances stick to the bottom of the pan. The whole process is not very fast, be prepared to spend a good half hour at the stove.

Remove the mixture from the heat and continue stirring until the bottom of the saucepan has cooled. Then beat until dense foam.

Whisk in a separate bowl butter, adding vanilla sugar to it in the process. Gently add butter to the custard.

We continue to beat until smooth and fluffy.

At this stage, the cream can be tasted for sweetness and, if there is not enough sugar for your taste, add a spoonful or two of powdered sugar.

Best cream ready to decorate the cake, you can start creativity.

Such a cream, by the way, can also be spread with openwork "caps" on muffins and muffins. Or just use it as the main one in cakes and pastries (the last option is in case the decoration does not work out at all).

During the preparation of the custard, it is very important that the protein-sugar mixture does not burn. If you do not have utensils of suitable quality for such a procedure, it is better to use a water bath. Bringing the cream to the desired consistency in this case will take a little longer, but in this case it is definitely a lesser evil.

Make sure all the dishes you use are completely dry before you start cooking.

It is best to stir the cream with a wooden spatula, you can also use a silicone one. But it is better to refuse a metal spoon, since when heated it can react with food, which, firstly, is not very useful, and secondly, it negatively affects the taste of the finished cream.

The following indicator testifies to the readiness of the custard: when you run a spatula along the bottom of the saucepan, the protein-sugar mass does not return to its place immediately, for a few seconds the bottom remains completely bare. The mass is easy to scoop, after which it slowly and slowly flows from the spatula back into the saucepan.

When you remove the custard from heat and leave to cool, tighten cling film, and not on the surface of the saucepan, but directly lay the film on the cream. Then the mass will not be weathered, not covered with a crust, but will remain silky and homogeneous.

In order for the butter to whip well and not stratify into fractions, it must be completely softened, and not cold. If you still get lumps while whisking, try heating the oil a little in a water bath, or wait until it warms up naturally.

There is one more trick: if everything is really bad with butter, you can try to fix the situation by adding melted chocolate to it, but the cream will turn out to be much darker, so the “composition” on the cake you have conceived may collapse. On the other hand, in theory, butter cream is intended for decorating chocolate cakes, but if your products have a light surface, then chocolate can be added to such a cream deliberately.

Do not forget only that chocolate cannot be heated over direct fire - only in a water bath, and the bottom of the container with chocolate should not come into contact with the surface of the water. And one more rule: when melting chocolate, it must not be stirred - the mass must melt "in a calm atmosphere", without assistance.

It is also important to remember that only fresh cream for cake decorating keeps its shape well. It is better to use it right away, since decorating a cake at home is not an easy task anyway, but it is completely problematic to do this with an overused cream. You can, of course, whip the cream again before the procedure, but even in this case, there is a danger that the roses you have lovingly built will "float" anyway.

And the last thing. The mass during the decoration process should be at room temperature. If the cream is cooled, the oil will solidify, and it will be very inconvenient to "work" with such a mass, moreover, from a cold butter cream jewelry does not turn out appetizingly shiny. Warm cream, on the contrary, spreads, does not "line up" and mixes with the main cream on the cake or dough, which does not suit us at all.

Video recipe for a cake decorating cream that holds its shape well

Decorating cakes with cream is a fascinating process and a real art that can be comprehended throughout your life, however, by watching the video, you will be convinced that the road will be mastered by the one walking:

Protein custard. Cake decorating cream recipe

The recipe for the most delicious and beautiful protein custard.
This cream is ideal for decorating cupcakes, cakes, and berry baskets.
The cream keeps its shape perfectly and does not lose it at room temperature.

Tools that can be bought on Aliexpress:
- Kitchen thermometer http://ali.pub/1bfwau
Food coloring AmeriColor 101 - 128 http://ali.pub/jnw8p
- Food coloring AmeriColor 129 - 165 http://ali.pub/t8jy9
- Disposable pastry bags http://ali.pub/9knog
- A set of adapters (large and small) http://ali.pub/1dqupi
- Small seamless nozzles for the cream http://ali.pub/1dqvrm

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WE COOK AT HOME with Oksana Pashko is a culinary channel where you will find many video recipes for making cocktails, cakes, desserts, meat, poultry and fish dishes, salads, various snacks, aromatic soups.
With the COOKING HOME culinary channel, you diversify your home menu. Well, if you don't know what to cook, then you have come to the destination 😉 On my channel you can always find some new recipe or an idea.

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Hashtags: # Cream # Cake # Food # Tasty # Tasty Food # OksanaPashko # CookingHome



2016-03-29T12: 05: 33.000Z

In fact, on the Internet there are a huge number of various master classes on decorating cakes with cream, but this video contains a whole series of different variations and ideas - both for beginners and for those who already have certain skills in this area of ​​culinary creativity. ... You can choose anyone to your liking and learn the science of decorating a cake with cream literally step by step.

Invitation to discuss the cream and possible improvements

There are a lot of creams for decorating cakes at home, the creamy one I proposed is just one of the options. A protein cream is well suited for an effective presentation, often pure butter (with sugar or condensed milk) or sour cream is also used. Which cream to choose for decorating a cake depends on the idea and personal preferences. I would like to know more secrets about how to decorate a cake beautifully, and I will be especially grateful for ideas on decorating homemade cakes with cream with a photo. Write, let's discuss and be creative together!