Home / Cupcakes / Secrets and recipes for homemade mayonnaise in a blender. Making mayonnaise at home How can you replace mustard in homemade mayonnaise

Secrets and recipes for homemade mayonnaise in a blender. Making mayonnaise at home How can you replace mustard in homemade mayonnaise

  1. All ingredients should be at room temperature.
  2. If you cook mayonnaise on eggs of domestic chickens, then its color will be yellow. And what fresh eggs, the richer the color will be. Eggs bought at a regular store will make light mayonnaise.
  3. Cook mayonnaise on sunflower oil or on a mixture of olive and sunflower in a ratio of 1: 1, and preferably 1: 2 or 1: 3. If you use only, especially extra virgin, then the sauce will taste bitter.
  4. If you add a little more oil than indicated in the recipe, the mayonnaise will be even thicker. In the same way, you can save the sauce in the case when the mass does not thicken when beating. If you want, on the contrary, to make it thinner, then pour a little water into the sauce.
  5. To diversify the taste of the sauce, you can add dried or chopped to it fresh garlic, ground black pepper, paprika or chopped dill. And the amount of salt can be changed to taste.
  6. Ready-made homemade mayonnaise is stored in a hermetically sealed container for no more than 4–5 days.

4 homemade mayonnaise recipes

Image Credit Flickr Jules

The ingredients can be whipped in two ways: with a blender or a mixer. In both cases, the sauce turns out to be tasty and aromatic, but both options have their pros and cons.

It is easier to make mayonnaise with a blender because you can use whole eggs. And the sauce prepared with a mixer will be thicker, but you will have to take time to separate the yolks from the whites.


  • 2 raw eggs;
  • ½ teaspoon salt;
  • ½ teaspoon sugar;
  • 2 teaspoons of mustard;
  • 250 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice

Break whole eggs into a tall, not too wide container, such as a jar or blender glass. Do this carefully so that the yolks do not spread. Add salt, sugar and mustard.

Lower the blender to the bottom and beat the mixture until smooth. Then, moving the blender up and down and continuing to beat the mass, pour in the oil in a thin stream.

Frame: @ Olga Matvey / YouTube

When the sauce thickens, add lemon juice and beat the mayonnaise with a blender again.

Crack the eggs, gently and place in a wide bowl. Add salt, sugar and mustard to the yolks and beat the mixture with a mixer on low speed.

Continuing to beat, gradually add the oil a little at a time. When the mixture thickens, increase the speed of the mixer and pour in the remaining oil in a thin stream. Then add lemon juice and mix thoroughly.

Frame: @NiceLifeWithMe / YouTube

Photo: MaraZe / Shutterstock

A quick way to make a thick sauce from whatever you will find in the kitchen. It will come out no worse than mayonnaise with mustard.


  • 2 raw egg yolks;
  • ½ teaspoon salt;
  • ½ teaspoon sugar;
  • ½ teaspoon vinegar 9%;
  • 150 ml of vegetable oil.


Place the yolks in a tall, narrow container. Add salt, sugar and vinegar. Instead of table vinegar can be used, then the mayonnaise will be softer.

Pour in the butter and, placing the blender on the bottom of the container without moving it, beat the mixture for about 3 minutes. When the sauce begins to thicken, move the blender up and down to mix the ingredients evenly.

Photo: Africa Studio / Shutterstock

The sauce made on this is incredible simple recipe, it turns out to be quite thick and has a delicate creamy taste.


  • 150 ml of milk of any fat content;
  • 300 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 2-3 teaspoons of mustard;
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice
  • ½ teaspoon of salt.


Pour milk and butter into a tall, narrow container. Whisk the mixture with an immersion blender for a few seconds. You should have a thick mass. Add mustard, lemon juice and salt and beat again until smooth.

Photo: Antonova Ganna / Shutterstock

This non-standard, but delicious sauce - great option for those who do not want to use raw eggs and vegetable oil.


  • 3 boiled yolks;
  • 2 teaspoons of mustard;
  • 300 g fat sour cream;
  • ½ teaspoon of salt.


Add mustard to the yolks and mash with a fork until smooth. Add sour cream and salt and mix thoroughly so that there are no lumps left.

There is no salad without mayonnaise, hot is not at all the same, even a side dish without dressing is not appetizing. Mayonnaise is the most popular sauce in the world. The store counters are full of packs of supposedly mayonnaise. This is how manufacturers call a product with preservatives, substitutes and flavorings.

At home and from good quality products, of course, a completely different mayonnaise is obtained. Delicious, real and healthy.

Sauce, the fat content of which is less than 50%, cannot call itself mayonnaise. Manufacturers are required to clarify that they sell a mayonnaise substitute, but not the original. It is easier and more profitable to prepare a gas station at home. How to make homemade mayonnaise?

You can't do without a blender or mixer. Whisk the mixed products vigorously.

Ideally, try to find homemade eggs. Their yolks are brighter, which means that the color of the finished product will be appetizingly sunny. If the store eggs are too pale, you can add color with turmeric.

V egg mixture invariably put salt, mustard, hot spices, vinegar and the most important ingredient is lemon juice.

Most often (it is cheaper) sunflower oil is used, but try to buy olive oil anyway. It tastes better this way. You need to fill it with a thin stream.

The density of the final product depends precisely on the amount of oil. Don't feel sorry!

Classic recipe

  • A glass of vegetable oil
  • 2 eggs
  • Lemon juice
  • A little mustard and sugar

Grind chicken yolks with sugar and salt. If you do not have enough strength, we do it easier - pour it into a blender. The grains should disappear.

Do not stop whipping and slowly pour a glass of butter. If done correctly, you will end up with a thick mass. Acidify it with lemon, add a spoonful of mustard and stir again.

A thin mixture can be corrected by adding a little more oil and continuing to scroll clockwise.

Classic mayonnaise at home without mustard on yolks

  • 150 grams of sunflower oil
  • 2 yolks
  • Salt, sugar
  • A few drops of table vinegar
  • Ground black pepper

There are two nuances so as not to spoil the mayonnaise. This is intense beating and room temperature foods. Making mayonnaise at home with a blender is as easy as shelling pears.

Separate the yellow circles from the protein. We put all the seasonings and vinegar in them at once. We turn on the mixer and proceed according to the traditional scheme. Pour the oily liquid into the egg mass. Put a couple of parsley sprigs on top in a saucepan. That's the whole recipe for how to make homemade mustard-free mayonnaise.

Diet mayonnaise

You will be surprised, but in this recipe we completely refuse oil, the main ingredient. It's too high in calories to be on the dietary list. We take:

  • Boiled yolk
  • A little mustard
  • 100 grams of liquid cottage cheese

Beat the three ingredients until a single thick mass. It remains to put salt and the sauce is ready.

Lean mayonnaise is made from natural yoghurt, sour cream, kefir. Oil substitutes are much healthier. In such recipes, boiled yolks are often used, they give a thickening to the product. True, the result is still different in taste. Make it rich by adding mustard, pepper, spices, dill, parsley.

Quail egg mayonnaise

  • 6 quail eggs
  • 250 ml. vegetable oil
  • Dessert spoon of salt
  • A teaspoon of mustard and sugar
  • Lemon juice

The output from the listed number of ingredients is 350 grams of the finished product.

Process the eggs before placing them in a blender. We rotate all the products together at speed, except for the oil.

When the mass becomes homogeneous, add the oily liquid, continuously the entire glass. First, white stretching threads should form, then the mass thickens entirely, acquiring a pastel shade. Add lemon sourness at the end.

How to make mayonnaise at home and keep it for a long time? Will not work. Fresh homemade sauce not stored for a long time. No more than 4 days. Natural ingredients don't last as long as store-bought artificial additives.

It happens that the result is too thick. There is only one answer: somewhere you have violated the proportions. It is easy to fix the problem. Just add some boiled water or milk. Scroll in mixer again.

Mayonnaise with lemon juice


  • Vegetable oil - 150 ml
  • Chicken egg - 1 pc
  • A teaspoon of mustard
  • A little sugar, salt and spices
  • A tablespoon of squeezed lemon

We choose the dishes of a cylindrical shape, for a mixer this is the most suitable shape to rise the whipped mixture.

The citrus juice and all of the listed spices are the first to drop into the bowl. Fill with oil, and pour a spoonful of mustard on top. None of the products should be mixed, they are laid as if in layers.

We break the egg very finely, pour it into a container so as not to damage the yolk. He will become the center of intensive mixing with a blender. We turn on the unit at full capacity for 10 seconds with interruptions.

The thick mass will show the readiness of our dish.

From cottage cheese

  • Pack of cottage cheese
  • A few spoons of milk
  • 2 yolks
  • 4 tablespoons olive oil(you can replace it with just vegetable)
  • St.l. mustard
  • Fruit acid or vinegar


We make the preparation, like for cheese pancakes. Combine cottage cheese, yolks and milk.

Stir the mixture clockwise without stopping, slowly adding olive oil. Monotonous kneading is the secret of success. In the process, we gradually add all the ingredients.

The mixture is thick thanks to the curd. For a uniform consistency, it is better to grind it or rub it through a strainer. This is how the famous additive is made in Switzerland.

Garlic and fresh herbs are finely chopped into such a sauce. And you can eat it separately from everything else, just spread it on a piece of loaf.

Lean mayonnaise

The name itself should be taken literally. This product is for those days when believers limit themselves to food.

  • A glass of flour
  • Water - 750 ml.
  • Sugar
  • Vegetable oil - a little more than half a glass
  • Standard set - salt, mustard, lemon

We make a liquid flour solution. We put it on the stove and, stirring, cook. It turns out quite thick, like a paste.

We combine the rest of the products in one dish. Pour in the slowly brewed flour and work with a blender. On this basis, lean mayonnaise is created.

The recipe is too simple. Many housewives use broths instead of water, from boiled vegetables, or mushroom. The taste is certainly improving.

Lean mayonnaise without eggs

Vegetarian or lean mayonnaise is based on the most different products... This is sour cream, water, milk, flour. Let's consider one of the recipes.

  • A glass of sour cream
  • Pinch of turmeric

Since there is no fastening product - an egg, you should not resort to using a mixer. We manually mix everything that is. And the sauce, which many call lean mayonnaise, is ready.

Garlic mayonnaise

This variety belongs to the most spicy sauces... "Not for everybody", but ideal for those who appreciate garlic. Delicious, fragrant, irreplaceable addition to meat.

And the composition and method of preparation need not be described. The recipe is completely similar traditional mayonnaise... The only difference is three cloves of garlic. Three of them and add to the already thick sauce.

How to make homemade mayonnaise with a blender

An elementary matter, even for inept people. Provided that the house has a blender. It is almost impossible to spoil the sauce with it.

The main thing is that the blender is fixed clearly in the center of the dish. In the first version, beat the pre-mixed egg mixture. Pour in oil with a thin stream.

You can do it differently. Do not damage the egg yolk, pour oil on top gently and, pressing the yellow circle, turn on the blender. First, white threads are formed, then the whole mass thickens.

You can also make homemade mayonnaise with an ordinary mixer. It is important to twist clockwise, at the same speed.

The benefits and harms of homemade mayonnaise

With all the popularity of the oil product, any nutritionist will advise: put it on the table less. Why?!

First of all, the sauce universally hides the original taste of the dish, making the most unsuccessful preparation appetizing.

Real mayonnaise is very high in calories. This harms not only the figure, but also people prone to excess cholesterol.

If the mayonnaise is store-bought, the risk is even greater. It is full of preservatives that unbalance the entire gastrointestinal system.

But if you love so much that you cannot refuse, look for the pluses in this product. For example, you can significantly reduce your calories by making homemade lean sauce.

Fats, whatever one may say, are good for the body. Especially emaciated.

Mayonnaise contains vitamins! Due to the products that are included in its composition. Vitamin E from oil, vitamin D from yolk. And if you take milk, cottage cheese, sour cream as a basis, then the daily dose of calcium is provided for you.

Don't forget about lemon juice. You will also get plenty of vitamin "C".

How to diversify the taste of mayonnaise

From the simplest mayonnaise, you can create a masterpiece as an addition to any dish. Here, the fantasy is limitless. Garlic, spices, fresh herbs, horseradish are successfully added to the sauce, someone even puts ketchup, making supposedly pink mayonnaise.

As a filling for roasts, the butter mass is mixed with cheese. The mixture is amazingly delicious baked.

Chop finely pickled cucumbers, olives, capers to meat and fish and add thickness to the sauce.

Want a colored gravy? Squeeze out the juice of the carrots. Your guests probably haven't tried orange.

No matter how much they argue about the benefits and dangers of mayonnaise, it is useful what you love and like. It won't be like this without mayonnaise delicious sandwich, soup, mantas dressing and other dishes. Know when to stop and do not deny yourself!

Try to conduct a survey on the topic "What is mayonnaise". And you will hear two opposite opinions: "mayonnaise is delicious" and "mayonnaise is very harmful". But what is the harm of mayonnaise? They will answer you: "The fact that at the production they add all sorts of nasty things!" If this is the harm, then it is easy to avoid! After all, mayonnaise can be easily prepared at home! Moreover, diversify it with all sorts of additives, which you will not find in commercial sauces. And you will be firmly convinced of the freshness and quality of your mayonnaise.

Cooking provencal mayonnaise (contains mustard)

The preparation (emulsification) of this type of mayonnaise is the simplest, since it contains a natural emulsifier - mustard. That is why the taste of this sauce is more spicy, not as refined and delicate as that of classic mayonnaise. But to many, especially meat dishes, the most suitable is this particular type of mayonnaise.

It will take about 200 ml (a glass) of oil. Food temperature - 12-18 degrees Celsius. We take 2-3 yolks, an incomplete teaspoon of sugar, a quarter teaspoon of salt, half a teaspoon of ready-made mustard and mix everything well. Add half a teaspoon of oil (not drop by drop, as in making mayonnaise without mustard). Emulsify by stirring in one direction (!) Until complete homogeneity is achieved and a little more (it is better to re-emulsify than under-emulsify!). Then add the oil already by teaspoon, and then, increasing the portions as it thickens, and by a tablespoon, and by the end 2-3 tablespoons, each time carefully emulsifying. But if you add too much oil even once, the mayonnaise will disintegrate, or, as it is called in cooking, it will “get oiled”. Therefore, when preparing mayonnaise, it is reasonable to use the principle of parachutists - “hurry slowly, it will work out faster”.
When the emulsification process is completely finished, add lemon juice or vinegar to taste (while the mixture turns a little whiter and becomes more liquid), stir thoroughly and ... the mayonnaise is ready! With some skill, cooking Provencal mayonnaise takes no more than 8-10 minutes. After standing in the refrigerator for several hours, the sauce becomes more jelly-like. If, after cooking, you want to add a little more sugar or salt to taste, then you should stir until the grains are completely dissolved! Otherwise, around the undissolved crystals, the emulsion will begin to disintegrate after a while, and then all the mayonnaise will quickly disintegrate.

If the emulsion breaks down during preparation, you can add 2-3 drops of water and try to emulsify more intensively. If this attempt fails, then you can prepare a new mixture with yolks and add not butter, but failed mayonnaise to it during emulsification. Or just use the resulting "unsuccessful" mixture for dressing salads, frying eggs, etc. (Oiled mayonnaise mixture can be stored in the refrigerator, like mayonnaise, for up to a week or more.)

Making the classic mayonnaise sauce (no mustard)

Everything is the same as when preparing Provencal mayonnaise, but mustard is not added to the yolks. In this case, emulsification is much more difficult. Pour in refined olive oil (the rest of the vegetable oils are more difficult to emulsify, and the taste is not the same!) First, a few drops should be added, by the end no more than a teaspoon. But then we will cook a real classic sauce mayonnaise, less pungent than Provence, and having that thin and delicate taste, which made him famous in the world of culinary.

Mayonnaise additives

Additives are added to the finished mayonnaise shortly before serving. Mayonnaise with additives cannot be stored! Only the most common mayonnaise additives are listed here, but they can be varied indefinitely to adapt to various dishes and individual taste. Spicy additives are usually added to Provencal mayonnaise, and caviar and sweet additives are usually added to classic mayonnaise(no mustard).

Horseradish mayonnaise- up to 20% grated horseradish, a little sugar and salt (for preparation, see below "Russian table horseradish"). For cold meat and some fish dishes.
Mayonnaise with tomato- up to 30% tomato paste (you can also pinch red pepper, a little more sugar, salt, sometimes sautéed onions are added). To boiled cold fish, hot fried fish, for dressing fish salads.
Mayonnaise with gherkins and capers- finely chopped gherkins and capers are added to taste. To cold fried meat, to boiled pork.
Mayonnaise with spices and soy sauce - added to taste. For dressing meat and vegetable salads.
Dill mayonnaise (Spring mayonnaise)- finely chopped dill is added to taste, a little parsley is also possible, sometimes dill oil is simply added.
Onion mayonnaise - add up to 20% grated onion to taste.
Garlic mayonnaise- garlic porridge and black pepper are added to taste.
Swiss mayonnaise (or apple)- added to taste applesauce, a little in equal parts of lemon juice and dry wine.
Orange mayonnaise- grated horseradish and orange juice are added to taste in equal parts.
Fermented milk mayonnaise- add katyk or yogurt to taste, a little mustard and lemon juice.
Green mayonnaise (or spinach)- spinach paste and grated horseradish are added to taste.
Mayonnaise for asparagus (shantaya sauce)- add sour cream, whipped with mustard and salt.
Tarragon mayonnaise- finely chopped fresh tarragon or ground dried tarragon is added to taste.

Snack mayonnaise, different (for cold fish and egg dishes, for sandwiches):

  • 20% of pureed black caviar is added;
  • add 20% pureed red caviar;
  • 20% of pureed caviar is added;
  • add 20% pureed or finely chopped herring;
  • 20% of finely chopped salted salmon, salmon, chum salmon, sockeye salmon, coho salmon are added;
  • add 20% finely chopped anchovies;
  • 20% of finely chopped keels are added;
  • added 20-30% grated cheese(you can add greens, or caviar, or salted fish).

Dessert mayonnaise different (for sweet dishes):

  • add 25% of any jam or preserves;
  • add 25% condensed milk or condensed cream (Dietichesky mayonnaise).

Mixer Mayonnaise Recipes

(after V.V. Pokhlebkin)
Composition 1 (no mustard)

  • 150-200 ml of olive oil
  • 2 egg yolks
  • a little less than a quarter teaspoon of salt,
  • half a tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice,
  • a quarter teaspoon of red pepper,
  • preferably 1 teaspoon grated lemon peel,
  • a quarter teaspoon of dry tarragon ground in a coffee grinder.

Composition 2 (with mustard)

  • 5-7 yolks,
  • 1 liter of olive oil
  • lemon juice, salt, white pepper, mustard - to taste.

Preparation(for composition 1 or composition 2). Separate the yolks in the most careful way, not allowing a drop of protein and completely removing the films from the yolks. Beat the yolks in a mixer until foamy, while gradually adding a little salt.

Little by little, butter is added, which should have exactly the same temperature as the yolks (about 18-20 degrees), while the beating does not stop for a minute.

Add lemon juice drop by drop (the beating is not stopped). Add oil again, but faster, until completely beating. Then the final introduction of lemon juice, salt, pepper (and mustard) is carried out; beating continues until the mayonnaise is completely smooth.

It should be noted that correct manual emulsification gives a noticeably better result in terms of taste mayonnaise, although it is very simple and takes no more than 10 minutes to make 0.5 liters of mayonnaise.

Egg-free mayonnaise

  • 150 g milk
  • 300 g of sunflower oil.

Beat in a blender for about three minutes.
Add 1 tsp. salt, 1 tsp. mustard, 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice.
Beat for another two minutes.

Lean mayonnaise

We take 0.5 cups of peeled walnuts(you can lightly fry), grind thoroughly in a coffee grinder - this is important because nut flour is an emulsifier.
Add mustard (to taste), water until mushy (rather thick consistency) + salt and sugar to the nut flour. This turned out to be the base of mayonnaise (in technological terms - the body of the emulsion). Then, first, add the unflavored vegetable oil drop by drop and mix (grind) in one direction until a characteristic crackle. Then the oil can be added with a teaspoon, stirring thoroughly each time so that no drops of non-emulsified oil remain.
Vegetable oil can be added up to 1 cup, but remember: the emulsifying power of nut flour is not infinite, and the addition is too a large number oils can lead to delamination of mayonnaise, and, alas, it is impossible to fix this. Dilute the resulting thick mayonnaise with vinegar and water to the desired consistency.
Such mayonnaise can be eaten during fasting, it brightens up a rather monotonous menu and allows you to eat salads, okroshka, which are not so tasty without sour cream and maonnaise. If there are no walnuts, peanuts and hazelnuts are suitable, only the taste of mayonnaise will have the same nuts that were used.

Egg-free soy milk mayonnaise

We breed dry soy milk: 1 tbsp. l. in a glass of water, add a little salt, sugar with half a teaspoon and start twisting in the combine, pouring in a thin stream of oil (ordinary, odorless). A glass of milk well "absorbs" about two glasses of butter, and if there is more butter, then a very thick mayonnaise is obtained, if less, it is more liquid, i.e. you need to look after the consistency. In the end, flavoring: mustard, acid - acetic or citric, you can squeeze a lemon - (by the way, it thickens a little more) and other flavoring additives - at will.

Mayonnaise on yolks

Put three raw egg yolks in the dishes, very carefully separated from the proteins, add half a teaspoon of salt and mustard on the tip of a knife, stir well with a jelly. Then, while stirring, pour in a little vegetable oil (30-40 g) in a thin stream and completely combine it with the yolks. Without stopping to twist the mass, we combine all the oil (350 g) with it in the same small portions. Cool the mass periodically (you can put it in a bowl with ice or cold water stirring continuously). The sauce at this stage should be thick and stick well to the jelly. Add 50 g of 3% vinegar and stir again, this will brighten and soften the mayonnaise.

On a note:

First, the yolks and vegetable oil must be well chilled before and during cooking.
Secondly, vegetable oil requires refined, refined, preferably olive oil.
Thirdly, it is necessary to "twist" the mass only in one direction - even half a turn in the other direction will spoil ready-made sauce... Success here largely depends on patience, time and skill.

step by step recipe with photo

Easy to prepare and very delicious mayonnaise without mustard ideal for salads, meat or fish dishes, snacks. If you want to make any sauce based on this mayonnaise, you can also be sure of an excellent result. If you do not whip the mayonnaise with a whisk, but use a blender, the mayonnaise will be ready in just a minute.


  • 1 chicken yolk
  • 3 pinches of salt
  • 100 ml vegetable oil


1. Carefully separate the egg yolk from the protein, transfer to a bowl and salt.

2. Begin to whisk the egg yolk and salt vigorously.

3. Add vegetable oil drop by drop. If you want to get mayonnaise without a bright taste and aroma, use the same oil - almost tasteless refined sunflower, corn, olive.

4. Gradually increase the amount of butter while whisking. The more oil you add, the thicker the mayonnaise will be. At the same stage, you can add lemon juice (optional), any spices and herbs.

Homemade mayonnaise without mustard in a blender is obtained even by novice cooks, because there is nothing complicated in its preparation. However, here and there you can hear angry reviews that the sauce did not thicken and an oily mass was formed in the residue. Preventing all negative reviews, I will say that the thickness of the sauce directly depends on two qualities: the yolks at room temperature and the high power of the technique. If you have a blender with a capacity of less than 500 watts, then the ingredients will not go astray !!!

You don't have to blame anyone later - you will have to put the mass on the marinade or pour it out.

So, let's prepare the usual ingredients for homemade mayonnaise, which are sure to be found in everyone's kitchen: chicken eggs remove from the refrigerator and warm up to room temperature for 30 minutes.

Carefully separate the yolks from the whites and add the yolks to a deep blender glass. We use proteins for another dish or freeze.

Pour salt and ground black pepper into a glass. You can add ground paprika, turmeric, etc. Pour in the vinegar. Instead of 9%, you can use apple, wine, etc.

Insert a blender and pour vegetable oil along the wall. Its mass does not matter, you can add both 100 ml and 150 ml, the main thing is not to lift the blender.

At the highest speed, beat the whole mass for about 2-3 minutes, without lifting the blender from the bottom of the glass. As soon as you see that the mass has begun to thicken and have joined together, the blender can be torn from the bottom and whipped mayonnaise in any position. I got an oily, thick yellow mayonnaise - the eggs were from poultry.

By the way, the more oil you add, the thicker your sauce will be.

Place homemade mayonnaise without mustard from a blender in a gravy boat and garnish with herbs, serving. It is necessary to store mayonnaise in the refrigerator in a closed container for no more than 4-5 days.