Home / Pies / How to bake shortbread cookies through a meat grinder. Recipe: Shortbread Cookies with Margarine - Meat Grinder

How to bake shortbread cookies through a meat grinder. Recipe: Shortbread Cookies with Margarine - Meat Grinder

V pastry shop today there is an opportunity to buy shortbread of various types. It has different shape, your own design option and original recipe offers each manufacturer. But it is hardly better, more natural and tastier than a recipe for homemade cookies through a meat grinder.
To cook shortbread dough it is not difficult, his recipe in one interpretation or another is known to almost every housewife. It is also not difficult to come up with an original serving of homemade cookies, for example, by scrolling the dough through a meat grinder.

Appetizing, crumbly homemade cookies winds up memories from childhood. Wavy cookies seemed so original then! To give a little magic to your children, you can prepare shortbread cookies for them, natural, made with love.


The recipe requires the use of the following foods:

  • a glass of sugar;
  • three chicken eggs;
  • small pack of margarine (200 g);
  • 2.5 - 3 glasses of flour;
  • extinguished lemon juice Soda on the tip of a teaspoon or store-bought baking powder
  • lemon peel, orange peel, vanilla, optional flavorings;
  • any vegetable oil for greasing the baking sheet.

Cooking method

Cookies "Flagella" video - recipe

As you can see, the cookie recipe from shortcrust pastry, passed through a meat grinder, does not require absolutely any supernatural efforts from the hostess. But homemade baking is beyond praise.

The idea of ​​passing cookie dough through a meat grinder, thus giving it an interesting, original shape, has its roots in the distant past. Mothers and grandmothers did not come up with anything in their attempts to surprise the "home"! And it was not in vain that they tried, because this cooking method is in demand today.

If you have children, then the recipe will be doubly useful. Kids love to watch flagella emerge from the meat grinder, which can later be cured! So, to bring to life the recipe for shortbread cookies through a meat grinder, you will need such products.


  • Butter 100 gr.
  • Sugar 150 gr.
  • Eggs 1 pc.
  • Mayonnaise 20 gr.
  • Flour 350 gr. (+100 gr home)
  • Baking powder 5 gr.
  • Starch 20 gr.

Cooking process

We first take out the butter from the refrigerator for softening. Combine butter and sugar in a bowl.

Grind thoroughly until smooth. The photo shows a whisk, but in fact I used a fork, it turned out to be much more convenient.

Previously, margarine was more commonly used for baking. But today, buying butter will not be a problem. All the same, this is a more natural product, and margarine contains combi fats that are difficult to digest and difficult to remove from the body. Therefore, the recipe for cookies through a meat grinder with smargarine has lost its popularity.

Add the egg and mayonnaise to the resulting mass.

I must say right away that it is better to use these components chilled, in order to maintain a lower temperature of the cookie dough through a meat grinder. So the butter will melt much more slowly and, as a result, the cookies will turn out not to be stone, which is not rare, but soft and crumbly. By the way, it is for friability that mayonnaise is added. Clarification for those confused by this ingredient!

At this stage of preparation, you can set off the taste with various flavors. In my case, this is the tangerine zest. You can add vanilla, cocoa, lemon zest or ground nuts, dried fruits, chocolate pieces and whatever you want.

Mix the sifted flour, baking powder and starch in a separate bowl. After that, enter in parts.

When the mass is distributed in pieces in the container, put it on the table and knead, or rather, collect the pieces into one whole. This means that shortbread dough does not require a steep kneading, just achieve uniformity as in the photo.

We form a cake with a thickness of 2-3 cm.Wrap in cling film and send it to the freezer for 30 minutes.

Shortbread dough can be stored in the freezer for several weeks without any problems. Therefore, you can prepare it and, if necessary, bake fresh products every time.

In the meantime, let's prepare the technique. If the house has special attachments so that the cookies from the meat grinder come out of a geometrically unusual shape, feel free to use them. And if not, it doesn't matter, you can do without them. Be sure to remove the knife from the appliance.

We take the cake out of the refrigerator and cut into strips. We lay the strips one by one in a meat grinder and cut them off at an interval of 6-7 cm at the exit. In general, there are no restrictions, here it is already as you wish! We form cookies and put them on a baking sheet, previously covered with parchment.

The shape of the products can be very different. It all depends on your imagination!

We send it to an oven preheated to 200 degrees. We bake shortbread cookies through a meat grinder for 15 minutes (until golden brown).

My cookies turned out to be soft and crumbly. Scattered as quickly as it was prepared!

Note to the hostess

The egg is added to the dough to bind the flour and butter together. If you do not add it, the mass simply cannot be kneaded. In the case of a shortbread dough recipe, many recommend adding only yolks to achieve a more crumbly texture.

As for sugar, it is advisable to replace it. icing sugar... Then it will be faster to perform the batch, which for sand option a definite plus. Another way is to grind sugar with eggs, not butter. It will also save time.

If you used the recipe for homemade cookies, write in the comments on what happened. And also, what amendments I would like to make, how to supplement the recipe! I would be glad to receive feedback from readers).

Often, the forgotten old returns in people's lives, gaining its right to exist in their everyday life. Passing the dough through a meat grinder, and then baking cookies, was invented back in Soviet times... Homemade cakes on hastily cooked in this way, it turns out delicious and crumbly.

How to grind cookies

This homemade culinary product is all about combining ingredients well while creating a quirky shape. Remember how long it takes to fiddle with the dough in order to rid it of unnecessary lumps that appear even in the tidiest housewives? When preparing homemade cookies from a meat grinder, you do not need to be smart: the clots themselves will break on the blades of the kitchen device. For the recipe, you will need to make a dough of moderate density so that the baked goods do not turn out to be dry.

Cookies recipes through a meat grinder with a photo

The consistency of the mass for cooking the dish should be moderately viscous, however, it is not necessary to season it with flour too much - the products are dry. You can take fat country sour cream as a reference point, bringing the dough to the same state. One of the main ingredients old recipes such cookies are considered butter, instead of which you can also take margarine.

Do not forget that the device through which the culinary mass will be driven is mainly used for meat dishes as the name suggests. Before passing the dough through the cookie grinder, thoroughly wash all parts and attachments of the machine to avoid unnecessary taste. To get delicious products, as in the photo on the Internet, you just need to follow simple instructions step by step.

Chrysanthemum cookies through a meat grinder

The shape of a homemade treat prepared according to any recipe should be beautiful and eye-catching. Cookies from childhood were passed through a meat grinder in order to ready meal had the shape of chrysanthemum flowers. For these simple manipulations, nozzles with holes of medium or small size are more suitable. Cookies are prepared through a manual meat grinder, since it is easier to control the process with it.


  • butter - 220 g;
  • sour cream - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • sugar - 220 g;
  • flour - 630 g;
  • baking powder - 1 tsp;
  • vanillin - 1 g

Cooking method:

  1. Melt the butter until soft but not liquid. Add granulated sugar and beat until smooth.
  2. Break the eggs into the same bowl, stirring them into the mixture one at a time.
  3. Add sour cream, stir well.
  4. Pour flour and stir in portions, after adding baking powder and vanillin to it. Knead the mass into several dense homogeneous balls.
  5. Put each ball into the hole of a clean meat grinder and slightly rotate the handle.
  6. With a hand sprinkled with flour, take the resulting tubes and cut with a knife. Form the chrysanthemum flower, being careful not to wrinkle the piece.
  7. Bake for a quarter of an hour at 180 degrees.

Cookies with mayonnaise through a meat grinder

The usual component for dressing all kinds of salads has a place in recipes delicious pastries... If you are wondering how to make a crumbly treat, then try making mayonnaise cookies through a meat grinder. The salad dressing will become great alternative sour cream, affecting not so much the taste as the texture flour product.


  • mayonnaise - 130 g;
  • flour - 600 g;
  • sugar - 210 g;
  • egg - 3 pcs.;
  • butter - 130 g;
  • soda - ¼ tsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Mash the slightly melted butter until it is white.
  2. Whisk the yolks separated from the proteins with sugar until it dissolves. Add mayonnaise, stir.
  3. Add the crushed butter, combine the ingredients.
  4. Stir baking soda with flour and add dry ingredients to liquid ingredients in portions.
  5. For half an hour, the wrapped dough should be in the refrigerator.
  6. Pass the dense mass through a meat grinder and form the cookies.
  7. Preheat oven to 180 degrees before making minced biscuits. You need to bake for 20 minutes.

Cottage cheese biscuits through a meat grinder

Dairy products- cottage cheese, for example - is often used in recipes for homemade sweets. Curd biscuits in a meat grinder becomes a single whole, providing a pleasant taste and delicate texture finished product. It is not difficult to cook it: you will need standard baking components. A tasty addition for gatherings over a cup of tea is guaranteed!


  • cottage cheese - 520 g;
  • flour - 600 g;
  • butter - 255 g;
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. l .;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • soda - 1 tsp;
  • nuts.

Cooking method:

  1. Combine the softened butter with cottage cheese, mix well.
  2. Crack the egg, add sugar and stir until smooth.
  3. Add slaked soda to the mass.
  4. Sift flour and chop the nuts. Add them gradually to the liquid ingredients while kneading the dough.
  5. After being in the refrigerator for half an hour, pass the cookies through a meat grinder. They can be rolled into any shape or left straight, approximately 5 cm long.
  6. Spread the products on a baking sheet and bake in the oven until slightly golden.

Shortbread cookies through a meat grinder

In the photo in cookbooks, you often find delicacies of a bizarre shape with a ribbed surface. Give such appearance homemade products will be helped by a device designed for chopping meat. Shortbread cookies from a meat grinder are crispy on the outside and crumbly on the inside. Eat so interesting and tasty treat- pure pleasure!


  • flour - 220 g;
  • margarine - 120 g;
  • granulated sugar - 200 g;
  • egg - 3 pcs.;
  • baking powder - ½ tsp;
  • salt - ½ tsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Separate the egg yolks and mash with sugar until the crystals dissolve.
  2. Add baking powder and salt.
  3. Chop the slightly softened butter into slices and combine with the sugar and egg mass.
  4. To prepare cookies through a meat grinder, flour should be added to the shortbread dough gradually, kneading it until smooth and slightly loose.
  5. Pass the mass through a meat grinder in small portions, cutting off the blanks with a knife. They can be given any shape you like.
  6. Bake on a baking sheet until a delicious crust appears.

Check out the recipes for how to cook delicious.

Video recipe: Meat Grinder Cookies

Sometimes you really want to plunge into childhood. Probably, all of us, while we were little, loved to visit our grandmother, who often spoiled us with something tasty. We are usually reminded of childhood by some kind of taste, smell, and even sound. Today, a simple scroll will help to remember it. Your family and friends will definitely appreciate it. Despite the fact that quite a few are used in cooking simple products, the taste of this cookie is excellent. It will go well with tea, compote, milk and even kefir. It is also perfect as a light snack.

Scrolled cookies through a meat grinder. Recipe. Photo

We will need:

  • a glass of sugar;
  • two eggs;
  • 200 g margarine;
  • three glasses of flour;
  • soda (0.5 tsp) + vinegar;
  • a pinch of vanillin;
  • sunflower oil.

Cooking method:

Note to hostesses:

If the shape of the cookies is not so important to you, and time is running out, then you can simply skip the whole dough through a meat grinder on a baking sheet and bake a large crust, which can then be easily cut into desired pieces. Only you need to cut it while it is hot, otherwise it will crumble. As you can see, the cookie recipe, scrolled through a meat grinder, is actually quite simple. Everything will take you no more than an hour and a half, but the result will delight you for a long time! You get a lot of cookies, they are tasty, aromatic, crumbly! Your household will definitely ask for more and will admire him for a long time extraordinary taste! I hope this recipe for cookies through a meat grinder will come in handy for you.

Today, in any supermarket and small pastry shop, we can always buy a wide variety of shortcrust pastry products. Any company that manufactures these products develops its own recipe, its own design. But still homemade baking made of shortcrust pastry will be better, healthier, more natural, tastier. Since childhood, we all remember shortbread cookies through a meat grinder, which my mother baked. The curly curls coming out of the meat grinder did not leave the children indifferent.

Anyone can make shortcrust pastry, even not so much experienced hostess, his recipe in one form or another is known to almost everyone. Let's and we'll try to bake to family dinner friable, crispy homemade cookies, the highlight of the preparation of which will be the use of a meat grinder. The original serving of the dessert will allow us to present a bit of magic and magic to our children.


To make shortbread cookies, you will need the following products:

  • 2.5 - 3 cups wheat flour top grade;
  • 3 chicken eggs;
  • 200 grams of butter (replacement of butter with margarine is possible);
  • a glass of granulated sugar;
  • soda mixed with lemon juice, or a ready-made baking powder;
  • optional - crushed citrus zest (lemon, orange), vanillin;
  • any vegetable refined oil for greasing a baking sheet.

Cooking method

The preparation is as follows:

  1. To begin with, we will beat eggs with sugar so that the mass grows in volume by 1.5-2 times. To achieve this, it is not advised to use eggs straight from the refrigerator, it is better to keep them warm or slightly warm them up. For this purpose, eggs are broken into a container, which is placed in a heated liquid. Sugar is added later, the mixture is vigorously whipped with a whisk by hand or with a mixer.
  2. Melted fat component is poured into the resulting egg-sugar mass, flavoring - zest, vanillin, continuing to stir vigorously.
  3. The flour is sieved, combined with a baking powder.
  4. It is necessary to mix flour quickly and intensively. As a result, a golden ball of dough should form, which hardly sticks to your hands.
  5. A lump of dough is placed in plastic wrap and placed in the cold. After 40-45 minutes, the dough will harden and can be easily rolled through a meat grinder.
  6. You can give our liver an unusual original shape. To do this, you need to use a special grate-attachment for a meat grinder. The current meat grinders are equipped with curly nozzles. "Minced meat" from the dough can turn out in the form of a diamond, a star, a flower, etc. If our meat grinder is not the most modern, then you can use a grate with ordinary round holes. In this case, the cookies will be shaped like a chrysanthemum.
  7. The shortcrust pastry strips at the exit of the meat grinder should be about 5 centimeters long. We cut the strips with a sharp knife, trying to keep them the same size. This is necessary so that the products are baked evenly and at the same time.
  8. It is advisable to spread the cookies on a sheet of parchment. Then vegetable oil remove from the recipe.
  9. The holding time of our products in an electric or gas oven at 180 degrees Celsius is 20 - 25 minutes. Try not to overexpose baked goods, otherwise they will be very dry. "Chrysanthemums" have become golden, browned, ready - you can get it out.
  10. You can decorate the finished cookies in any way - sprinkle with powdered sugar with cocoa, nuts, decorate with chocolate chips, fondant.

Have you noticed that the recipe for cookies through a meat grinder does not require an unbearable investment in either time or money. But the delicacy turns out to be tender, delicate, above all praise.

With mayonnaise

There is a rather old and, apparently, many housewives familiar recipe for cookies with mayonnaise through a meat grinder. Cooking these cookies also does not require any special culinary skills, and anyone can cope with this recipe.


  • wheat flour - 2 cups;
  • mayonnaise - 3 - 4 tablespoons;
  • sugar or powdered sugar - 200 grams;
  • eggs - 2-3 pieces, depending on size;
  • margarine - 250 grams;
  • vanillin - 1 sachet;
  • soda -1 teaspoon;
  • lemon juice -1 tablespoon.

Cooking method

We will spend only 35-40 minutes to prepare the dessert:

  1. Combine granulated sugar, eggs and mayonnaise, beat until a homogeneous homogeneous structure is obtained. It is necessary that all these ingredients are at the same temperature. To do this, it is better to remove the eggs and mayonnaise from the refrigerator in advance.
  2. We introduce baking soda mixed with lemon juice and vanillin into our mass. Pour the sifted flour in small batches. We will leave part of it for kneading.
  3. Grind the pre-softened margarine into small pieces, add a little to the dough, stirring into the mass with a mixer or a whisk.
  4. We dump this flour mass onto a dry surface, crushed with flour, and knead an elastic, non-steep dough.
  5. Cover the baking sheet with a sheet of parchment, turn on the oven, heat it to 220 degrees Celsius. We form small pieces of dough with a diameter of 3 - 4 centimeters.
  6. We distribute them on a baking sheet at some distance from each other, crush them with a fork to obtain the required pattern. We send the baking sheet to the oven for 20 minutes. The pastry should not become Brown, it should only lightly brown.
  7. At our discretion, we crush the baked goods with cocoa, cinnamon, coconut flakes, powdered sugar


Using a meat grinder, you can bake cottage cheese cookies. Chrysanthemum curd biscuits through a meat grinder are so yummy. The recipe is completely simple, it prepares very quickly.


List of components:

  • wheat flour, about 2 cups;
  • 250 grams of cottage cheese;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • soda on the tip of a knife;
  • 200 grams of margarine.
  • 200 grams of granulated sugar.

Cooking method

We will cook shortbread and curd cookies like this:

  1. Stir the curd thoroughly with butter, slowly adding salt and soda. Stir until grains of cottage cheese are felt.
  2. Slowly pour flour until you get a rather steep, elastic dough.
  3. Wrap a lump of dough in plastic wrap and put in the cold for 30 minutes.
  4. Scroll the dough through a meat grinder, cutting off the cookies of the desired uniform size with a sharp knife.
  5. Lay out our blanks on a baking sheet covered with parchment, keeping the distance between them.
  6. Bake at 160-170 degrees Celsius for approximately 20 to 25 minutes.
  7. Decorate finished products with powdered sugar, chocolate pieces, fondant, icing.

Your homemade tender crunchy is ready. loose biscuits Curd taste gives it a special charm. The recipe is simple, uncomplicated. Cookies go well with tea, coffee, milk.