Home / Khachapuri / Kurabye crumbly recipe. Delicious shortbread cookies kurabie

Kurabye crumbly recipe. Delicious shortbread cookies kurabie

I want to show you how to bake kurabie cookies at home. I have long wanted to make it, but still my hands did not reach, and then there was an extra egg white, so I decided to use it just here.

Below I will show you which dough is usually used to prepare kurabye and tell you how best to form it. Unfortunately, I do not have a suitable wide nozzle, but everything is quite small in diameter, therefore beautiful shape my cookies didn't work. It is very good that such factors do not affect the taste at all.

The recipe for kurabiye cookies at home is very easy to prepare, the products for it also need the simplest ones. From these ingredients, I made 24 cookies. I cook them with plum jam, which is thick enough and does not flow, but you can use any other or even jam. Since the dough is quite sweet, I advise you to take sour jam, such as plum, cherry or apricot, and it must be thick. I also advise you to bake in the form of chrysanthemums, which many have known from childhood.


  • Butter - 100 g
  • Powdered sugar- 40 g
  • Egg white - 1 pc.
  • Vanilla - a pinch
  • Wheat flour - 125 - 150 g
  • Thick jam or jam

How to make kurabie cookies at home

Before you start making the kurabiye dough, you need to remove the butter from the refrigerator to soften it. You do not need to melt it, wait until it softens. Then I transfer it to the mixer bowl and beat for 3 minutes, until the mass becomes more airy and turns white. Next I add powdered sugar and beat again, for another 2 minutes. The powder may not be purchased, but crushed from sugar in a coffee grinder.

Then I add the egg white and a pinch of vanilla. And again I continue beating, it will take about 4 more minutes to make the mass fluffy and homogeneous.

I add flour last and start stirring it in with a spoon or spatula. I immediately add 125 grams of flour, and if the dough is still not very thick, then I will add more afterwards.

Its quantity depends on moisture content, variety and quality. It took me 130 grams, and you look at the consistency that you get.

Next, I transfer the dough into a tight pastry bag with a wide nozzle, but I only have one with a small diameter, so I used it. I tie the end of the bag to make it more convenient. This is the main part of the kurabie cookie recipe and the most important, if you did everything right here, then everything will work out further.

On a baking sheet I put a silicone or Teflon mat, or ordinary parchment, on which I put small cookies on top. After settling each of them, you need to help the dough come off, as it is quite thick. I can say that even my hands hurt after squeezing out the dough.

Since it is so homely shortbread with jam, then in the center of each I make a small depression and put quite a bit of jam in it.

I bake it in a preheated oven at 230 degrees for about 12 minutes or until golden brown. Now I let it cool down a little and you can serve it to the table.

Here is such a shortbread kurabie at home. Its taste is very delicate and we can say that it melts in the mouth. I recommend trying it, and as I said, I came up with 24 things from these products, but this is quite a few, so you can safely make a double portion. Bon Appetit!

Kurabie cookies are tender, crumbly and very delicious pastries based shortcrust pastry... Mouth-watering cookies in the form of flowers with a drop of jam or jam in the center will surely be remembered by many from a distant childhood. Today, you can buy Kurabye cookies in almost any store, but it is even better to cook them yourself at home.

I hope that there will be no problems with the ingredients - they are all quite affordable and are available in the stock of any hostess. As for the amount of wheat flour, I will dwell in more detail along the way of the recipe (in steps). Egg whites we use room temperature (60 grams is proteins from 2 chicken eggs medium size). Vanilla sugar you can not add.

Any jam or homogeneous jam can be a filling for Kurabie cookies, provided that they are thick enough. Liquid dessert can be thickened with potato or corn starch (no more than 0.5 teaspoon for 2 tablespoons of jam or preserves). I used a home apricot jam() - it is quite thick, so no starch was added. In addition, the jam is not sugary sweet and its light sourness remarkably sets off the sweetness of the shortcrust pastry.


(300 grams) (200 grams) (80 grams) (60 grams) (2 tablespoons ) (1 tablespoon )

Cooking a dish step by step with a photo:

Since it will not take much time to prepare shortbread dough for Kurabye cookies, we immediately turn on the oven to warm up to 230 degrees. Put butter (200 grams) into the container in which you will prepare the dough. It should be soft (not melted, but soft) - remove it from the refrigerator in advance and let it warm on the table.

Beat the butter with a mixer for 2-4 minutes until it becomes smooth and white. Then pour 80 grams of powdered sugar (you don't have to buy it - at home you can grind granulated sugar in a coffee grinder) and beat everything together for a couple of minutes at high speed.

Beat everything again at high speed for about 4-5 minutes, until the mixture is smooth and completely homogeneous. For the first 1-3 minutes, the mixture will look quite lumpy (grains), but will gradually turn into a single whole.

It's time to add sifted wheat flour... Here it is important not to be mistaken with the quantity, since not only the consistency of the shortbread dough depends on this, but also, as a result, appearance and the texture of the finished Kurabier cookies. Plus, if you add too much flour, you just can't get the dough out of the pastry bag. I advise you to start with 250 grams and adjust the amount of flour as you knead. In my case, it took exactly 300 grams, but you may need more or less - it depends on the moisture content of the flour.

As a result, it should turn out to be neither thick nor liquid - a smearing consistency. For clarity, I just smeared a small part on my palm - it sticks slightly to my hands, while keeping its shape and not floating. Remember, it is extremely important to stop at the right time and not overdo it with flour!

Forming of Kurabie biscuits provides for the deposition of shortcrust pastry using a pastry bag. It is advisable to use a nozzle with an open star with 9 petals, but it is important that it has a large volume. Otherwise, the dough will break the pastry bag - that's how it was with me. In an unequal struggle with the dough, I lost 4 bags, although they were made of rather dense polyethylene. It's just that the nozzle was not large enough, and I pressed too hard.

As a result, I decided to use the largest nozzle (I have a Closed Star, 3.5 cm in diameter at the bottom base), and also 2 bags (I put one in the other). Then the matter began to argue and everything worked out for me, although my hand was tired - shortcrust pastry quite difficult to squeeze out.

We place the blanks on a baking sheet covered with baking paper (you don't need to grease or sprinkle anything!). In total, out of the specified number of ingredients, I got 42 blanks - just for 1 standard baking sheet. Another point: when you squeeze out the dough into 1 piece, help to gently tear it off the nozzle with your fingers - it will not come off by itself.

The lexeme "kurabye" can rightfully be attributed to both the Arab and Turkish world. A lexeme appeared in Arabic - ġuraybat = sweets made from flour, sugar and vegetable oil and baked in the oven. The origins of the word in the adjective ġarīb are strange, alien, exotic. In Turkish, the lexeme appeared only in the 16th century, then "urabiye" meant: a small thing and kurabiye cookies. The cookie was perceived as something unusual, new, alien. The Arabic root gh-r-b or g-r-b was used to denote foreign, foreign. It is interesting that in Russian the lexeme is neuter, while in Arabic the word contains a feminine indicator - the suffix "t".


Manufacturing and tradition


In Crimea it is called "khurabiye", from the word "khurab", which means "sweetness". In Crimea, "kurabye" is made of various forms. The khurabiye has a ritual festive character on the holiday of Eid al-Adha (completion of the 30-day fast), when it is necessary to treat someone with dinner and sweets to someone outside - a guest in the literal sense of the word. There should be a smell of food in the house all day. The housewives send the children to carry the pasties and khatlama to their relatives. In Crimea, Eid al-Adha has another very important feature - one must not only try such a gift, but also be sure to praise the hostess for a delicious treat.

Crimean "kurabye" has many forms, but at the base it is similar to shortbread cookies with the addition of jam (or jam) in the center.

In ancient times

The ancient version of kurabye has the shape of a flower and is decorated with a drop of jam in the center. However, there are other forms of kurabye - in the form of a ball, or in the form of an obliquely cut rhombus, approximately five centimeters in size.


The Greeks, as well as the people of Cyprus, consider these wonderful cookies to be their national Christmas delicacy. They cook it in the form of balls, which are thickly sprinkled with snow-white powdered sugar. The balls are placed on the dishes and placed on the windowsills in the form of snow slides. According to legend, Athena invented this dish. Somehow she went down to earth and was very hungry. She entered the house in the form of an old woman. The inhabitants of the house were kind people, but poor. They only had flour and honey. Athena came up with this dish by accident. But since then it has been eaten by the Greeks.


Each people of the East has its own name for kurabye cookies: they were called Persian, Baku. In addition, there are types of cookies: Surski, Smyrna, Southern and many others.

Kurabye in art and literature

Kurabye recipe

Butter- 100g.

Powdered sugar - 40g.

Flour - 160g.

Protein - 1pc.

Vanilla sugar - 1 tsp

Cooking time lasts about 12 minutes (temperature 220 °).

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Notes (edit)


An excerpt characterizing Kurabye

"What could it be? - thought Rostov. - An enemy in the rear of our troops? It can't be, thought Rostov, and the horror of fear for himself and for the outcome of the whole battle suddenly came over him. - Whatever it was, however, - he thought, - now there is nothing to go around. I must look for the commander-in-chief here, and if everything perished, then my business is to perish with everyone together. "
The foreboding, which suddenly found on Rostov, was confirmed more and more, the further he entered the space occupied by crowds of heterogeneous troops, located behind the village of Prats.
- What? What? Who are they shooting at? Who's Shooting? Asked Rostov, leveling up with the Russian and Austrian soldiers who fled in mixed crowds across his path.
- And the devil knows them? I beat everyone! Lost it all! - Crowds of fleeing people answered him in Russian, German and Czech, and did not understand, just like him, what was going on here.
- Beat the Germans! One shouted.
- And the devil take them, - traitors.
- Zum Henker diese Ruesen ... [To hell with these Russians ...] - the German muttered something.
Several wounded were walking along the road. Curses, screams, moans merged into one common hum. The shooting died down and, as Rostov later learned, Russian and Austrian soldiers were shooting at each other.
"My God! what is it? Thought Rostov. - And here, where at any moment the sovereign can see them ... But no, that's right, only a few scoundrels. It will pass, it is not that, it cannot be, he thought. - Just hurry, hurry to pass them! "
The thought of defeat and flight could not enter Rostov's head. Although he saw French guns and troops precisely on Pratsen Hill, on the very one where he was ordered to look for the commander-in-chief, he could not and did not want to believe it.

Near the village of Pratsa, Rostov was ordered to look for Kutuzov and the sovereign. But here not only were they not, but there was not a single commander, and there were heterogeneous crowds of upset troops.
He drove the already tired horse in order to pass these crowds as soon as possible, but the further he got, the more upset the crowds became. On the main road, on which he rode out, there was a crowd of carriages, carriages of all sorts, Russian and Austrian soldiers, of all branches of the army, wounded and not wounded. All this buzzed and swarmed with mixed sounds under the gloomy sound of flying cannonballs from French batteries placed on the Prazen Heights.
- Where is the sovereign? where is Kutuzov? Rostov asked everyone he could stop, and he could not get an answer from anyone.
Finally, grabbing the soldier by the collar, he made him answer to himself.
- NS! brother! They've all been there for a long time, have escaped ahead! - the soldier said to Rostov, laughing at something and struggling to escape.
Leaving this soldier, who was evidently drunk, Rostov stopped the horse of the orderly or the important person's guard and began to question him. The orderly announced to Rostov that the sovereign had been driven at full speed in a carriage along this very road an hour ago, and that the sovereign had been dangerously wounded.
“It can't be,” said Rostov, “right, someone else.
“I saw it myself,” said the orderly with a self-confident grin. - It’s time for me to know the sovereign: it seems, how many times in Petersburg I saw something like that. Pale, pale in the carriage. As soon as he could run up the four crows, my dears, he thundered past us: it’s time, it seems, to know the tsar's horses and Ilya Ivanitch; it seems that Ilya the coachman does not go with the other as with the tsar.
Rostov let his horse go and wanted to ride on. A wounded officer walking past addressed him.
- Who do you want? The officer asked. - Commander-in-chief? So killed by a cannonball, killed in the chest with our regiment.
"Not killed, wounded," corrected another officer.
- Who? Kutuzov? Asked Rostov.
- Not Kutuzov, but what do you mean by him - well, yes, it's all one, not many are left alive. Go over there, over there, over to that village, all the authorities have gathered there, '' said this officer, pointing to the village of Gostiradek, and walked past.
Rostov rode at a pace, not knowing why and to whom he was now going. The sovereign is wounded, the battle is lost. It was impossible not to believe it now. Rostov rode in the direction indicated to him and in which the tower and the church could be seen in the distance. Where was he in a hurry? What could he now say to the sovereign or to Kutuzov, if even they were alive and not wounded?

Shop Kurabye gives off margarine and cannot be compared with homemade one! I was very happy when I tried the Kurabye recipe at home, it tasted much better, and the zest of crumbly crumbly cookies from my childhood was preserved!

The idea to decorate with such cookies for children festive table warms my soul, and you can also bake a heap of cookies and put them in a beautiful metal box. Such a sweet gift will definitely cheer you up.

I suggest baking and treating as soon as possible!

Prepare the following ingredients:

  • Butter - 100 g.
  • Yolk of one egg
  • Wheat flour - 250-300 g.
  • Powdered sugar - 70 g.
  • Vanilla sugar bag
  • Thick jam, marmalade, preserves (in terms of density, you need such "so that the spoon stands")
  • Starch -1 tablespoon

Kurabye recipe with step by step photos

Mix butter (100 g) at room temperature with powdered sugar. If the oil is just from the refrigerator, let it warm up, leave it for 40 minutes and only then mix with powder (70 g)

Step by step video recipe

Add the yolk of one egg to the butter-sugar mixture. If, when separating the yolk from the protein, you did not succeed in doing it perfectly and a little protein gets into the dough - it's okay, this will not affect the result.

By the way, many Kurabye recipes from the Internet include just the protein, not the yolk.

Stir the mixture with a fork until smooth.

Pour 250 g of flour into the dough. We add flour in small portions, stirring constantly, controlling the consistency of the dough (flour for all housewives is different in moisture content and degree of grinding, it may take more or less 250 g)

Putting the dough into a ball. We select all the crumbs so that there are more cookies and nothing tasty is wasted =).

So, the dough for kurabye is ready! We proceed to the formation of products.

We form cookies "Kurabye" at home

Under normal conditions home cooking to repeat the Kurabier shape, you can use a special metal nozzle and a pastry syringe. Unfortunately, I didn't have the right inventory, so I came up with my own way of molding cookies. I'll tell you in detail)

First, break off small balls-balls from a large ball of dough. For convenience, you can immediately spread the balls of dough on a baking sheet covered with parchment.

A sheet of parchment need not be greased or sprinkled with flour, since the dough for Kurabye contains a large number of oils.

With your fingers or the bottom of a glass, we press down each ball, turning it into a cake. Do not be zealous, we need the final cakes to remain thick, at least 0.5 cm.

In the middle of each workpiece, we make a recess (we use improvised kitchen items). I used a garlic extractor handle.

We fill each cavity thick jam... I used thick lingonberry jam, it went perfectly: the sourness of lingonberry complemented the taste of the sweet dough.

It is very important that the jam for Kurabye is thick. Too much liquid jam it is recommended to mix with starch, thereby thickening it.

If it was not at hand thick jam, can be used to decorate candied fruit or marmalade. Remember, the color in these cookies is more for beauty than taste. And if we put liquid jam in pursuit of a generous filling, at a high temperature it will flow, turn baked goods into porridge. Nobody wants such a result, right?

And now the most interesting moment of preparation: we turn the circles into flowers. Using a toothpick, draw petals on the chamomile (or rather, apply a toothpick to the dough and press, leaving a trace). This activity can be easily entrusted to children - give them an ocean of pleasure!

Confectionery is consumed daily by most people. We are talking not only about cakes and pastries, but also about cookies, sweets and other works of confectionery art.

Sweets deliver endorphins, hormones of pleasure to our body, and hardly anyone can refuse from their periodic use. That is why today diversity confectionery is just incredible. There are tons of sweets, cakes, pastries that have become famous for their taste and names.

Various types of cookies are also very well known. For example, Kurabye cookies are very popular. But have you ever wondered why Kurabye is called that? Let's take a look at this issue.

What kind of cookie is it - "Kurabye"

Many people, even having tried such a delicacy several times, may not know that it was "Kurabye" and what it was called.

In fact, these cookies are a traditional delicacy in the Crimean Tatar cuisine. That is why it is known to us as well. It is made using the following ingredients:

  • Vanilla sugar;
  • Protein;
  • Powdered sugar;
  • Butter;
  • Flour.

It is noteworthy that the biscuits do not contain any special ingredients, but if the recipe is correctly followed, shortbread delicacy acquires a unique taste that cannot be confused with any other cookie. It is also interesting that such cookies can be prepared in just 12-15 minutes.

Why is the Kurabye shortbread cookie so called

What can we say about the origin of the name, which today we know as the name delicious sweetness, then etymologists agree that this name has its roots both in Azerbaijan and in France. In addition, there is evidence that the name belongs to the Turkish and Arabic languages.

If we try to translate the name from the Arabic language, where it looks like "uraybat", then we get a flour sweetness baked in the oven.

It is noteworthy that in Crimea such cookies are called not Kurabye, but Hurabie, where its name comes from the word "Hurab", which means "sweetness" in Russian.

As you can see, the answer to the question of why Kurabye is so called is extremely simple. And even in ancient times, this cookie already bore a similar name, and even had an almost identical recipe, method of preparation.