Home / Dough / Meat filling for minced meat pies: recipes and tasty tips. Yeast pies with meat in the oven Meat filling for baked pies

Meat filling for minced meat pies: recipes and tasty tips. Yeast pies with meat in the oven Meat filling for baked pies

Almost every housewife tries to learn how to bake hot and ruddy pies. This is both a decoration for a festive table and just a very tasty dish for the whole family. There are a lot of fillings for pies. However, the meat one is the most popular. It can be prepared from different types of meat, including mixtures of them. For example, the filling of pork and beef mixed in equal proportions is very tasty.

The preparation of the filling always starts with the preparation of the meat. The selected piece must be thoroughly washed, freed from the bone, if any, and from its fragments.

From boiled meat, you can form a filling - purely meat or with the addition of various fillers.

Classic boiled meat filling


500 g of boiled meat,

1 carrot,

1 onion

3 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil

5 tbsp. l. broth,

salt and black pepper to taste.

How to cook:

    First you need to grind the boiled meat in a meat grinder or blender. In the absence of them, you can simply cut it very finely with a knife.

    Then you should grate the carrots on a coarse grater, cut the onion into small cubes and fry them in heated vegetable oil in a pan.

    Frying should continue until the vegetables are golden brown.

    As soon as the onions and carrots reach the desired state, add boiled meat to them and fry the filling for about three minutes.

    The mixture should be thoroughly mixed, salt and pepper, and then gradually pour 5 tbsp. spoons of broth.

Raw minced meat filling


500 g minced pork or a mixture of pork and beef,

1 onion


ground black pepper and salt to taste.

How to cook:

    The onion must be peeled, chopped into small cubes and fried in butter until translucent.

    Then add minced meat to it and fry the mixture until a crust forms.

    During frying, the minced meat must be constantly stirred and kneaded with a fork to prevent the formation of lumps.

    Finally, add pepper, salt to the filling and simmer for about 10 minutes under a closed lid.

    You can diversify this filling by adding a chopped boiled egg, herbs or fried mushrooms.

    If, despite stewing, the filling is dry, you can add moderately juicy fresh vegetables to it, for example, bell peppers or finely chopped cabbage, or a tablespoon of medium-fat sour cream.

In addition, light grains such as rice can be added to meat fillings. It goes well with pork filling. Boiled potatoes, mashed in mashed potatoes, are sometimes added to beef.

But whatever filling is used, it should be laid out on the dough only when it has cooled down.

After the holiday delicacies, I am happy to return to simple yeast baked goods. Moreover, it is winter now - it's time to bake ruddy pies with meat in the oven, a step-by-step recipe with a photo will be very detailed, designed for beginners. I make yeast dough on dough, stuffing with boiled meat with fried onions and peppers. The pies are delicious, fluffy, with a thin soft crust and a very juicy meat filling. Although the dough is prepared in a sponge way, it is very easy to prepare, it fits quickly and has never misfired.

My recipe for pies with meat is designed for a small portion, it turns out 12-15 pieces, just for one baking sheet. Which is very convenient: it takes a little time, and you can use the meat from which the broth was cooked for the first courses in the filling. If you need to bake more, double the proportions.


To make yeast pies with meat you will need:

  • warm milk - 0.5 cups;
  • fresh pressed yeast - 12 g;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l;
  • salt - 0.5 tsp;
  • flour - 3 tbsp. l. with a slide.
  • egg - 1 pc;
  • sunflower oil - 3 tbsp. l;
  • flour - 150 g.
  • boiled beef - 200 g;
  • onions - 2 pcs;
  • salt, pepper to taste;
  • sunflower oil - 4 tbsp. l.

How to cook meat pies in the oven. Recipe

For the filling, I used beef, adrenal part. If you prefer pork, choose moderately fatty meats. You can take it with a bone, cook the broth for the soup, and define the meat in the filling. I fill the meat with cold water, bring it to a boil. The foam will begin to rise - I collect it with a slotted spoon so that the surface remains clean.

Beef is cooked for an hour and a half, until soft. For pork, an hour is enough, but if the piece is large or wiry, then you need to increase it to one and a half hours. I left the meat in the broth until it cools down just as the dough comes up.

I make the dough for pies with meat on a yeast dough. I mix fresh yeast (those sold in cubes or bars), sugar and salt.

Knead with a spoon, grind until the sugar begins to melt and a liquid brownish gruel is formed. I pour in warm milk.

I stir, dissolve grains of sugar and salt. I add some flour.

The dough will be liquid, like the dough for pancakes. It is not necessary to make it thicker, a thick dough is suitable longer, and a liquid one will begin to foam and rise in 10-15 minutes. I put a bowl of dough in a warm place for 20-30 minutes.

The dough, although liquid, needs to be fermented, it is good to rise. When it increases several times, and bubbles and holes appear on the surface, it means that the dough is ripe. You can add the rest of the food and knead the dough.

I transfer the dough into a larger bowl. I pour out the loose egg there.

The composition of the dough for baked meat pies is very simple, there is no butter or sour cream in it. To mix better and be loose, I add vegetable oil.

I sift the flour, about two-thirds of the required amount. I will add the rest a little while kneading.

After mixing all the components of the dough until a loose lumpy consistency, I spread it on the board, gradually adding the rest of the flour. I knead with my hands for about 15 minutes, rolling the dough over flour.

After a while, it will become soft, plastic, and stop sticking to your hands. By pressing on the bun, you will feel how it springs under your palms and rounds again. I put the kneaded dough back into the bowl, greasing the bottom and sides with oil. I cover it with a lid, put it in heat for an hour or until it triples.

While the dough is rising, I prepare the filling. I cut the onion into small cubes. With onions, the meat filling for pies in the oven will be much tastier and juicier. So do not spare the onion!

Heat oil in a frying pan, pour onions. While stirring, I bring it to transparency and turn the fire down to minimum. I leave the onion to simmer for ten minutes, until it becomes soft, with a light golden hue.

Advice.When frying onions, do not leave them unattended. Stir, watch the fire, and remember that onions have the ability to burn instantly. Burnt onions have a bitter taste; they are not suitable for filling.

I take out the meat from the broth. I cut it into pieces so that it is convenient to push it into the meat grinder.

I twist it once through a meat grinder with a regular grill. I pour the minced meat into a bowl.

I put the fried onions there along with the oil. If someone in the family does not like fried onions, rotate them in a meat grinder, alternating with pieces of meat.

I add some salt, season with black pepper. You can add a pinch of nutmeg or coriander - use the spices that you usually season meat dishes with.

I mix everything, as if lightly rubbing the meat filling for the pies. In consistency, it will turn out to be a little viscous and will not crumble.

Advice.If the filling is crumbly, it will spill out of the pies, stuffing and eating them is not very convenient. Add a spoonful of water or broth and stir again.

The dough for pies with meat came up, increased three to four times. I knead around the edges, pressing down with my palm.

I divide into equal pieces weighing 30 grams. I roll each piece into a bun, covering it with a slightly bent palm. You need to roll it on a board or table without dusting the surface with flour, but spread it on flour so that the dough does not stick.

I cover the blanks with foil, leave for 10-12 minutes. During this time, the koloboks will round up, grow a little and become softer. I turn on the oven, let it heat up to 180 degrees.

I knead several koloboks into flat cakes about 1.5 cm thick. A rolling pin is not needed, the dough is very soft, plastic, stretches well. I spread 1.5-2 teaspoons of the filling. When in doubt you can divide into equal portions, use a kitchen scale. It took me 20 grams for each pie. Raising the edges, I squeeze them tightly over the minced meat.

Then I pinch from the middle to the edges. If the filling falls out, I fix it, push it back. You will get a small neat pie with a scallop on top. To make the seam denser, I collect the comb in folds, tucking it inward. This is how I start all the pies.

I cover the baking sheet with paper. I spread the pies seam down at a distance from one another. I cover it with a towel and put it on the stove for proofing. Do not skip this stage - without proofing, meat pies in the oven will not rise, they will be tough.

After 15-20 minutes, the pies will increase, fit, become lush. Shake the egg until light foam, grease each pie on top and on the sides.

I put a baking sheet with pies in the oven on a medium level. Temperature 180 degrees. Pies with meat are baked in the oven for 20-25 minutes, until golden brown.

I remove the finished pies with meat from yeast dough from the hot baking sheet onto the board or transfer to a large bowl. Be sure to cover with a light towel, let them gradually move away from the heat. If you do not cover and leave on a baking sheet, the top will dry out, and the bottom of the pies will get wet.

Well, the meat pies are baked in the oven, cooled down a little - it's time to try. Very tasty, they have enough fillings, and the dough is tender, soft. I hope my friends, my recipe for baked meat pies and you will like it. Happy baking, beautiful and delicious pies! Your Plyushkin.

One of the versions of the recipe for making pies in video format

Of unsweetened pies, products with meat are especially popular. They are the most satisfying, have a high energy and nutritional value. Such pastries can be tasty to feed household members and guests of the house, collect them with you to have a snack at work or on the road. Meat filling for pies is made from different types of meat and meat offal; vegetables, mushrooms and other ingredients are often added to it, which make it even more juicy and tasty. There are a lot of recipes for filler for meat pies, so that every gourmet can choose an option that suits his taste.

Cooking features

Not all housewives have meat filling for pies equally tasty and juicy. To get the expected result, you need to know a few points.

  • The taste of finished products directly depends on the quality of meat. Usually, for the pie filling, pulp or tenderloin is chosen, pre-cleaning them from films. The use of other parts of the meat carcass is also permissible, it is only important to take care that fragments of bones, cartilage and a large amount of fat do not get into the minced meat.
  • Fillers for pies made from several types of meat are considered the most delicious and juicy. Experienced housewives often combine beef with pork or lamb in a 1: 1 ratio. Often, pork or beef is also mixed with chicken or turkey, making the filling lighter.
  • To add juiciness to the meat filling, onions or mushrooms are often added to it. It becomes more tender when combined with cheese, potatoes.
  • The filling for pies can be made from raw minced meat, but then they will have to be baked for a long time so that the filling has time to bake. Usually the dough is ready much earlier than the minced meat has time to bake, so most housewives prefer to bring the meat filling to readiness before forming the pies. To do this, the meat is boiled and chopped or turned into minced meat, after which it is stewed or fried in a pan.
  • After frying in a pan, the minced meat may harden into small lumps of meat. If you turn it through a meat grinder again, it will become tender again. Chopping other products together with minced meat, you will make the filler even more homogeneous and pleasant to the taste.
  • Before placing the meat filling on the dough and forming the pies, the minced meat must be cooled to room temperature. When in contact with hot foods, the dough will steam out and become sticky, and baked goods from it will no longer be tasty.

The meat filling is suitable for both baked and fried pies. The exception is the raw minced meat filling. With it, products can only be baked; such a filler cannot be considered suitable for fried pies.

Filling for boiled meat pies

  • beef - 0.3 kg;
  • pork - 0.3 kg;
  • carrots - 100 g;
  • onions - 100 g;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the meat, cut into large pieces. Dip in boiling water and cook until tender. Do not forget to salt the broth and add bay leaves, a few peas of black and allspice each.
  • Cool the meat. Grind through a meat grinder, alternating between beef and pork.
  • Strain the broth to use in soup. A few spoons of broth will also be required to prepare meat filling for pies.
  • Peel the onion, cut into small cubes.
  • Scrape, wash the carrots. Dry it with a napkin, chop it on a grater with large holes.
  • Heat oil in a deep frying pan, put carrots and onions in it, fry them for 5 minutes.
  • Put chopped meat with vegetables. Season and salt to taste. Continue to fry the food all together for 5 minutes.
  • Add 3-4 tablespoons of broth to the minced meat, mix. Put it out for a few minutes. The filling should be juicy, but not runny.

Recipe for the occasion::

It remains to transfer the filling into a bowl and wait for the minced meat to cool down. After that, it can be laid out on rolled dough pieces and formed into pies.

Meat filling for minced meat pies

  • beef tenderloin - 0.25 kg;
  • pork pulp - 0.25 kg;
  • onions - 150 g;
  • fresh herbs, spices, salt - to taste;
  • butter - 50 g.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the meat, dry with a napkin. Remove films, grease. Cut the meat into small pieces.
  • Peel the onion, cut each onion into 6-8 pieces - they should easily pass into the mouth of the meat grinder.
  • Turn on the meat grinder. Place in it alternately pieces of beef, pork and onions until all the food is gone.
  • Add salt and pepper to the minced meat, stir it.
  • Melt the butter in a deep frying pan, put the minced meat in the pan. Fry it until it turns gray.
  • Scroll the finished minced meat through a meat grinder again, mix with finely chopped herbs.

After the minced meat has cooled, it can be used as a filling for fried and baked pies.

Meat filling for pies with cabbage

  • minced meat - 0.25 kg;
  • white cabbage - 0.35 kg;
  • carrots - 70 g;
  • onions - 70 g;
  • refined vegetable oil - how much will it take;
  • tomato paste - 20-30 ml;
  • salt, spices - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Chop the cabbage, put in a saucepan or cauldron. Add some water to it. Salt. Simmer until soft. Throw in a colander to remove excess liquid.
  • Peel the carrots and grind them.
  • Finely chop the onion, freeing it from the husk.
  • Heat the oil in a deep frying pan, fry the onions and carrots in it until golden brown.
  • Transfer the cabbage to the fried vegetables. After 5 minutes add tomato paste, salt and spices, stir. Simmer vegetables in tomato for 5 minutes.
  • In a separate skillet, fry the minced meat until tender, seasoning and salt at the same time.
  • Combine stewed cabbage with minced meat, cool.

Pies with minced cabbage and meat are relatively inexpensive, but they turn out to be tasty and satisfying. Many people like such products even more than stuffed with meat alone.

Meat filling for pies with potatoes

  • potatoes - 0.6 kg;
  • boiled meat - 0.4 kg;
  • chicken egg - 2 pcs.;
  • onions - 150 g;
  • refined vegetable oil - how much will it take;
  • salt, black pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Boil the potatoes in their skins, cool, peel.
  • Cut the meat into pieces, pass through a meat grinder.
  • Cut the potato tubers into several pieces, chop with a meat grinder. Place in a mixing bowl.
  • Break the eggs into a container with potatoes. Beat them until smooth.
  • Peel the onion, chop finely and fry in vegetable oil until soft.
  • Add chopped meat to the onion, season with salt and pepper. Cook together for 5-10 minutes.
  • Combine the meat with mashed potatoes. Mix them well.

The potato and meat mass prepared according to this recipe can be used not only as a filling for pies. You can form cutlets from it and fry them in boiling oil in a hot pan.

The meat filling for pies with meat or potatoes will become even tastier if you add 100-150 g of mushrooms to it. Cut the mushrooms into cubes and fry in a little oil until excess moisture evaporates from the pan, then combine with the rest of the ingredients.

Meat pies have many admirers, as they come out tasty and satisfying. Meat for the filling is used boiled or raw, in the form of minced meat, carcass or frying it in a pan. The meat filling will become even more juicy and tasty if you add mushrooms and vegetables to it.

The most delicious meat dishes Zvonareva Agafya Tikhonovna



Classic meat filling

Pass the meat through a meat grinder. Chop the onion, fry in fat until golden brown, add the meat, stirring occasionally, heat it up and add the broth or sauce to make the filling juicy. Then put the chopped egg, salt, season with pepper and chopped herbs.

You can add 1-2 tablespoons of sour cream to the meat filling.

Instead of meat for the filling, you can use by-products (lungs, heart, etc.). Boil offal, and then simmer or cook until tender. The filling is prepared in the same way as the meat filling.

Compound: boiled or stewed meat - 400 g, butter or pork fat - 30 g, onion - 1 pc., meat broth or the remaining sauce, sour cream - 2 tbsp. spoons, salt, pepper, chopped parsley or dill, eggs - 1-2 pcs.

This text is an introductory fragment.

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Meat fillings. Chicken stuffing with onions 500 g chicken fillet 2 onion heads 150 ml vegetable oil dried thyme black pepper salt Cook the chicken fillet in a little salted water until tender. Then refrigerate and slice

Fillings for pies Meat 600 g meat pulp, 2 onions, 1 tablespoon flour, 4 tablespoons oil, bay leaf, salt, pepper to taste. Rinse the meat, mince it, put on a greased baking sheet and fry in the oven until tender, but do not dry out.

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Calorie content: Not specified
Cooking time: Not specified

This meat pie filling is very tasty and simple. It is important to remember a few basic rules of preparation. Firstly, you need to take about twice as much meat as vegetables. Secondly, the main products are pre-cooked, only green onions can be added raw. Thirdly, add a slice of fat cheese to the filling to make it juicy.
It is important to remember that you can only sculpt pies when the filling has completely cooled down, this is an important rule of any baker. Be sure to look at this one too.
It will take 30 minutes to cook. These ingredients are sufficient for making 10-15 medium sized patties.


- beef or veal - 500 gr.;
- onions - 120 gr.;
- carrots - 200 gr.;
- garlic - 4 teeth;
- chicken egg - 2 pcs.;
- fat cheese - 35 gr.;
- chili pepper - 1 pc.;
- green onions - 60 gr.;
- vegetable oil, butter, salt, pepper.

Recipe with photo step by step:

Finely chop the onions, crush the garlic cloves with a knife, chop. In a frying pan, heat a tablespoon of vegetable oil and the same amount of butter. Saute onion and garlic until transparent.

Grate the carrots on a coarse grater, add to the pan when the onion becomes transparent.

Fry the carrots with onions until the vegetables are completely soft, they are approximately halved in volume. I think you'll want to know.

Cut chilled beef or veal into small pieces, cut off the veins and films (if any). Grind the meat in a meat grinder or grind it in a blender.

We cook minced meat separately from vegetables. Fry it for 2-3 minutes in a well-heated frying pan, greased with vegetable oil, then mix with a vegetable sauté.

Cook hard-boiled chicken eggs, rub on a fine grater. We also finely rub a small piece of fatty cheese, add to the minced meat with vegetables. See how it is prepared and such.

Finely chop a bunch of green onions. Clean a small chili pepper pod (optional) from seeds and partitions, chop finely. Add chives, chopped chili, salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste to the rest of the ingredients. We mix the ingredients, be sure to taste them, and when the filling for the meat pies is very tasty and completely cooled down, you can fill the pies.

Bon Appetit!