Home / Chebureks / Classic American Pumpkin Pie: Recipes and Cooking Features. Classic American Pumpkin Pie: Recipes and Cooking Features Pumpkin Pie with Condensed Milk

Classic American Pumpkin Pie: Recipes and Cooking Features. Classic American Pumpkin Pie: Recipes and Cooking Features Pumpkin Pie with Condensed Milk

American Pumpkin Pie is an iconic New World dish. Americans are in awe of this dessert and prepare it most often on big holidays such as Thanksgiving, Halloween or Christmas.

There is nothing particularly difficult in preparing American shortbread pumpkin pie, but there are some nuances. For example, butternut squash is the best choice for pumpkin. And spices, although Americans usually buy ready-made ones, you can use those that are suitable for European gingerbread. In addition to pumpkin, various dairy products are used as the main component of the filling: heavy cream, cream cheese, concentrated or condensed milk.

To make a pumpkin shortcrust pastry dough, take a list of foods and rub the cold butter and flour well until you get a crumb.

Then add an egg and two stocks of ice water. Mix everything thoroughly and collect the dough into a ball.

Let the dough sit in the refrigerator for about 15 minutes, then distribute it over a mold with a diameter of 21-22 cm and put it back in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

In order to prepare the filling, the first step is to boil or bake the pumpkin until soft. Then mash it with a blender.

Let the pumpkin puree cool slightly, then add the eggs, spices, icing sugar and cream. Mix everything thoroughly with a whisk. The filling is ready.

Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Remove the dough form from the refrigerator and place in the oven for 12-15 minutes. When the shortbread base is slightly creamy, remove the mold and pour the filling over the dough.

Reduce the oven temperature to 180 degrees. and bake the cake for 50-60 minutes. Then cool and refrigerate for 6-8 hours.

American Pumpkin Pie is ready. Bon Appetit!

This is not a cake, but a real cake! After all, its base is crunchy to madness, and the most delicate filling is like the touch of your beloved hands. This is how it is obtained thanks to the separate preparation of the dough and the bright, aromatic pumpkin-cream filling. Of course, such a culinary process requires more efforts of the hostess, but the result will fully justify itself!
American Pumpkin Pie is a sweet, open-top pie made with chopped or shortcrust pastry. First, the base is baked, which is then poured with a pumpkin and cream filling. Top of the pie is garnished with vanilla, cinnamon or pumpkin seeds. The baked goods are delicious. Even those who do not like this vegetable will appreciate its mild taste and will happily eat a piece. In America, this cake is made for Christmas, Halloween and Thanksgiving. There is a cooking option when shortbread cookies are taken as a basis and a cheesecake is obtained. But traditionally, the pie should be made from dough.

TIME: 1 hour 45 min.


Servings: 6


  • For chopped dough:
  • Flour - 230 g;
  • Butter - 125 g;
  • Sugar - 50 g;
  • Egg - 1 pc.;
  • Salt - 1 pinch
  • For pumpkin filling:
  • Pumpkin - 400-500 g;
  • Cream 10-15% fat or homemade fatty milk - 0.5 l;
  • White or brown sugar - 150-200 g;
  • Vanillin - 2 pinches;
  • Egg - 2 pcs.
  • To decorate the cake:
  • Pumpkin seeds, almond petals - optional.


It is very convenient to prepare sweet chopped dough using a food processor (if you do not have this device in your kitchen, you can use a sharp knife). Sift flour into a food processor or deep bowl, add sugar, a pinch of salt, and the diced butter you just removed from the freezer. Stir this mass or chop with a knife until you get fine butter-flour crumbs.

Break an egg into the resulting flour crumbs for uniformity, turn on the processor again for 1-2 minutes.

After that, you can easily form a whole ball from the dough. If, nevertheless, it suddenly does not stick together, and this may be due to poor quality or insufficient amount of flour or eggs, try pouring in 1 tbsp. a spoonful of ice water.

Chopped dough immediately, until the butter has thawed, roll out and put in a mold for the base, make punctures over the entire surface with a fork. Bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 20-30 minutes. In order for the base to bake evenly, we recommend covering the dough with parchment paper and pouring peas or beans into the depression for the load.

While the dough is baking, we will prepare a pumpkin filling for our American pie: for this, cut the pumpkin pulp into cubes, pour cream or homemade milk, add vanillin and sugar.

Then put on fire and boil for about 15 minutes, until the pumpkin becomes soft.

Then use a blender to make the puree. Try to achieve a uniform texture. Be sure to cool the pumpkin-butter puree! Do not forget about the dough, if the edges become golden, you need to take it out of the oven and leave it for a while before pouring the filling.

When the pumpkin puree has cooled, add two eggs, stirring vigorously with a mixer.

The filling is ready, the dough base has been cooled, now you can pour the pumpkin filling into it and put the cake to bake for another 30 minutes, but the oven temperature must be reduced to 160 degrees.

Before treating loved ones and relatives, the pie needs to be cooled (only cold it can be beautifully cut into even portioned pieces), sprinkle with almond petals and pumpkin seeds on top. Enjoy your tea with the most delicious pumpkin pie!

Well, who else has a pumpkin left? Not sure what else to cook with her? Then try it! I've been making this American pumpkin pie for 5 years now.

Whatever it was ... but it always turned out delicious! There is a huge field for experiments, everyone can make a cake to their liking (for example, another option -). And I will give the version that I have come to now.


mold diameter 24 cm


  • 140 g butter
  • 50 g sugar
  • 2-3 st. l sour cream
  • 200 g flour


  • 400 g pumpkin puree
  • 1/2 can of condensed milk (or more)
  • 150 g cottage cheese
  • 3-4 tbsp. l. decoys
  • cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger

American Pumpkin Pie Recipe:

  1. The first thing to do is pumpkin puree. To do this, clean the pumpkin, cut it into large pieces and send it to the oven, bake it at 200 ° C until tender (it should be easily pierced with a fork). You just need to bake, not boil, because boiled pumpkin has a lot of liquid, and the filling will turn out to be too liquid. The amount in the photo is enough for two pies.

    Bake pumpkin

  2. Cooking the dough. Melt the butter, add sugar, sour cream, mix.

    We mix butter, sugar and sour cream

  3. Pour in flour. The dough should be very soft, oily, and not sticky to your hands. The flour may go a little more or a little less. Please note that the amount of ingredients is indicated for a form with a diameter of 24 cm, if you have more - increase the amount of products, less - decrease.

    American pumpkin pie also works well with the classic base (biscuits + butter, blended), and if you want a more dietary option, prepare the dough from the recipe, it has less oil.

    Kneading the dough

  4. We distribute the dough in shape with our hands, making small sides. Since it is very oily, you do not need to grease the form with anything, but if you have a one-piece form, it is better to put baking paper so that later you can gently get the cake out. We send it to the oven, preheated to 200 ° C, for 10 minutes (if you choose a base for cookies, you do not need to bake).

    We distribute according to the form

  5. At this time, we make the filling. Mix mashed potatoes, condensed milk, cottage cheese, semolina, spices in a bowl, mix. This time I took 200 g of condensed milk, because the pumpkin was quite unsweetened. From the remaining pumpkin puree, I prepare an American pie the next day, or use it in another recipe, or freeze it (then, before cooking, it only needs to be defrosted).

    Making pumpkin filling

  6. We take out the form, pour the filling into it, send it back for another 40 minutes. In the original recipe, pumpkin pie needs to be baked at 200 ° C for 10 minutes and another 30 minutes at 180 ° C, but perhaps I do not have enough power in the oven and during this time it is not baked, so I put it for 40 minutes at 200 ° C. Make sure that the sides of the dough do not burn out, if they are completely darkened, get it out quickly.

It is advisable to let it cool if you can.

I made this American pumpkin pie without cottage cheese, and with breadcrumbs, and with jam, and with oranges - experiment!

If you cooked everything according to the recipe, and the cake still turned out to be too liquid, put it in the refrigerator overnight.

Bon Appetit!

Triplikeido recipe author

If your recipe requires pumpkin puree, simply boil or bake the pumpkin until soft, cool completely, and purée.

krisrobin / depositphotos.com

This cake is a traditional Thanksgiving treat in the United States and. In America, it has been baked since the time of the first settlers, who actively cultivated pumpkin and added it to almost all dishes. A version with a sandy, crumbly base and a delicate aromatic creamy pumpkin filling is considered a classic.


For the test:

  • 250 g flour + for rolling;
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 170 g butter;
  • 6-7 tablespoons of water.

For filling:

  • 220 g sugar;
  • 1 tablespoon ground cinnamon
  • ½ teaspoon of ground cloves;
  • ¾ teaspoon of salt;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 420 g pumpkin puree;
  • 260 ml of sweetened condensed milk (also called concentrated milk; if you can't find it, try replacing it with medium-fat cream or cream and baked milk (for flavor) in equal proportions).


Combine flour, cinnamon and salt. Add cubes of cold butter and crush into crumbs. Pour in cold water and knead the dough. Collect it in a ball, flatten it, wrap it in plastic wrap and place in the refrigerator while you cook the filling.

Combine sugar, cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg and salt. Whisk the eggs lightly. Add sugar mixture and pumpkin to them and mix thoroughly. Pour in milk and stir again.

Sprinkle flour on a table and roll out the chilled dough on it. Transfer it to the shape, smooth out the edges and use your fingers to pattern on them.

YouTube channel Tasty

Pour the filling over the dough. Place in an oven preheated to 220 ° C for 15 minutes. Then lower the temperature to 180 ° C and cook for another 40 minutes. Cool the pie completely before slicing. You can put it in the refrigerator for a few hours.

2. Chocolate Pumpkin Pie by Jamie Oliver


A three-layer cake in which chocolate serves as a delicious addition to the crispy crust and delicate filling.


For the test:

  • 175 g flour;
  • 50 g cocoa powder;
  • 2 tablespoons of powdered sugar;
  • ½ teaspoon salt;
  • 115 g butter;
  • 60 ml of water;
  • 1 egg yolk;
  • 100 g dark (no more than 62% cocoa).

For filling:

  • 1 orange;
  • 4 eggs;
  • 425 g pumpkin puree;
  • 300 g sour cream;
  • 100 g cane sugar;
  • 1 star of carnation;
  • 2 tablespoons flour;
  • ½ teaspoon ground ginger;
  • ¼ teaspoon grated nutmeg.


Sift flour and cocoa powder and mix with icing sugar and salt. Add chilled diced butter and knead the dough. When loose lumps begin to form, pour in cold water and egg yolk and continue stirring. You should have a smooth, tough dough. Wrap it in cling film and refrigerate.

After 30 minutes, roll out the dough into a thin layer and place in a round shape with a diameter of 20–25 cm. Make sides, pierce the bottom with a fork and refrigerate for another half hour. After that, cover the cake with baking paper and put it in an oven preheated to 200 ° C for 20 minutes. Then remove the paper and keep the mold in the oven for another 5 minutes.

When the cake has cooled, pour the chocolate melted in a water bath over it. Let the glaze harden.

Prepare the filling at this time. Grate the orange zest (no pulp is needed), beat 2 yolks into a foam, use the remaining 2 eggs whole. Combine these and all other filling ingredients in a deep bowl and beat thoroughly.

Pour the resulting mixture onto the cake and bake the cake for another 40-50 minutes at 180 ° C. Let the dessert cool completely and refrigerate overnight. This is necessary so that the filling does not spread when cutting.

Jamie Oliver caramelizes the surface of the pie: sprinkles with sugar and melts it with a special burner. But you can skip this step and just decorate with powdered sugar or grated chocolate.

3. Pumpkin pie with curd-butter cream


The perfect combination of moist, juicy pie and the most delicate cream.


For the test:

  • 4 eggs;
  • 300 g sugar;
  • 250 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 400 g pumpkin puree;
  • 300-320 g flour;
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • ½ teaspoon of baking soda;
  • ½ teaspoon of salt.

For the cream:

  • 200 g fat-free;
  • 5-6 tablespoons of powdered sugar;
  • 200 ml of cream (not less than 33% fat).


Beat eggs, sugar, butter and pumpkin puree with a mixer. Combine flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt. Pour the flour mass into the egg and bring to a homogeneous consistency.

Pour the dough into a baking dish. Place in an oven preheated to 180 ° C for 35-40 minutes. The cake should take on a golden hue. Cool the baked goods.

For the cream, rub the cottage cheese with powdered sugar, sprinkling it in parts. Pour in the cream and beat thoroughly with a mixer. The cream should be very delicate. Cover the cake with it.

4. Pumpkin pie on cream cheese with sugar-cinnamon layer and milk glaze


This pie has a delicate, airy dough and an unusual filling - a layer of sweet aromatic crumbs.


For the test:

  • 220 g;
  • 115 g butter + for lubrication;
  • 150 g brown sugar;
  • 100 g white sugar;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 200 g pumpkin puree;
  • 280-300 g flour;
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon of baking soda;
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • ½ teaspoon ground nutmeg;
  • ½ teaspoon ground ginger;
  • ½ teaspoon salt;
  • ¼ teaspoon of ground cloves.

For the layer:

  • 200 g brown sugar;
  • 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
  • ½ teaspoon ground nutmeg;
  • 3 tablespoons of butter.

For glaze:

  • 60 g icing sugar;
  • 2 teaspoons of milk.


Beat the cheese and butter with a mixer. Without stopping, add both types of sugar to the mass. Combine it with eggs, pumpkin puree and vanilla extract.

Combine flour and all other dough ingredients. Gradually pour the dry mixture into the liquid, trying to achieve a uniform consistency. Grease a baking dish with butter and spread half of the dough over it.

For a layer, combine brown sugar, cinnamon and nutmeg. Add cubes of cold butter and grind into fine crumbs. Spread ¾ of the mixture over the dough. Pour over the remaining dough and sprinkle with the rest of the cinnamon sugar mixture.

Place the dish in an oven preheated to 180 ° C for about 35 minutes. Cool the cake completely. Combine the icing sugar and milk and coat the baked goods with the icing.

5. Carrot-pumpkin pie with raisins and butter cream


A wonderful combination of red, aromatic spices and delicious cream cheese cream.


For the test:

  • 2 eggs;
  • 200 g pumpkin puree;
  • 150-170 g white sugar;
  • 50 g brown sugar;
  • 120 ml of vegetable oil + for lubrication;
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
  • ¼ teaspoon ground nutmeg;
  • 1 medium carrot;
  • 130-150 g flour;
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • ½ teaspoon of baking soda;
  • ½ teaspoon salt;
  • 100-150 g of raisins (you can replace half of the raisins with chopped nuts).

For the cream:

  • 170 g cream cheese;
  • 60 g butter;
  • 180 g icing sugar;
  • ½ teaspoon vanilla extract;
  • a pinch of salt.


Whisk until smooth, pumpkin puree, two sugars, butter, vanilla extract, cinnamon, cloves, ginger and nutmeg. Add coarsely grated carrots and stir.

Pour flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt into the liquid mass and stir. Add raisins. Place the dough in a greased baking dish and bake for about 45 minutes at 180 ° C. Cover the cake with foil 10 minutes before the end. Check the readiness with a toothpick: it should come out of the dough clean.

While the baked goods are cooling, prepare the cream. Beat the cream cheese and softened butter with a mixer until fluffy. Add powder, vanilla extract and salt and beat for a couple of minutes. Spread the cream over the cooled cake.

dolphy_tv / depositphotos.com

It is prepared in a matter of minutes, and the dessert itself comes out tender and insanely fragrant.


For the cake:

  • 3 eggs;
  • 300 g sugar;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 150 g butter + for lubrication;
  • 200 g flour;
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1-2 teaspoons of ground cinnamon;
  • 70 g of walnuts;
  • 300 g pumpkin;
  • 1 tablespoon finely grated orange zest

For glaze:

  • 60 g icing sugar;
  • 1-1½ tablespoons of orange juice.


Beat eggs with sugar and salt with a mixer. Pour in the vanilla extract and melted butter and whisk again. Add flour, sifted with baking powder, and cinnamon and stir until smooth.

Chop finely and finely grate the pumpkin. Add these ingredients and the orange zest to the dough. Stir well and place in a greased pan. Bake at 180 ° C for 50 minutes.

Combine the powdered sugar and orange juice. Pour the resulting icing over the cooled cake.

YouTube channel The Novice Chef

Lush spicy baked goods with sweet cinnamon topping.


For the test:

  • 370 g flour;
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • ½ teaspoon ground nutmeg;
  • ¼ teaspoon of ground ginger;
  • ¼ teaspoon of ground cloves;
  • 1½ teaspoon of baking soda
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • ½ teaspoon salt;
  • 170 g butter + for lubrication;
  • 250-300 g sugar;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 1 tablespoon vanilla extract
  • 420 g pumpkin puree;
  • 80 g sour cream;
  • 240 ml.

For Streusel:

  • 250 g flour;
  • 200 g sugar;
  • 1½ teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 170 g butter.


Combine flour, cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, cloves, baking soda, baking powder, and salt.

Beat the softened butter and sugar with a mixer. Enter the eggs. Add vanilla extract, pumpkin and whisk again. Pour flour into the pumpkin mixture, pour in milk and bring to a homogeneous consistency.

Separately combine flour, sugar and cinnamon for streusel. Pour in melted butter and stir until crumbly.

Grease a baking dish and add the dough to it. Cover with a streusel and lightly press the crumb into the mass. Bake for 40–45 minutes at 180 ° C.


This cake has a thin crunchy crust. The pumpkin layer is not too sweet, and the curd layer creates a pleasant creamy aftertaste.


For the test:

  • 1 egg;
  • 50 g sugar;
  • 100 g butter + for lubrication;
  • 200 g flour;
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder.

For filling:

  • 300 g fat cottage cheese;
  • 50 g fat sour cream;
  • 1 egg;
  • 120 g;
  • 3 tablespoons cornstarch
  • 300 g pumpkin puree.


Beat the egg and sugar. Add softened butter and whisk again. Then carefully add the sifted flour and baking powder and knead the dough. Knead it until it stops sticking to your hands. Wrap the finished dough in plastic wrap and refrigerate for 30-60 minutes.

Combine cottage cheese, sour cream, an egg and 70 g of condensed milk. Also add half of the starch and mix well. Combine pumpkin puree with the rest of condensed milk and starch.

Spread the rested dough on a greased baking dish. Make the sides about 3 cm high. Put the filling on the dough, alternating layers of curd and pumpkin mass. You should get an orange and white zebra. Bake the pie at 180 ° C for about 1 hour.


There are two cooking methods in this recipe: in a slow cooker and in an oven.


  • 150 g sugar;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 250 g flour;
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • ¼ teaspoon of salt;
  • 5 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • 300 g pumpkin;
  • 1 apple;
  • ½ lemon;
  • butter - for lubrication.


Whisk the sugar and eggs until fluffy, white foam. Add sifted flour, baking powder, salt and oil and mix thoroughly. The dough should resemble thick sour cream.

Coarsely grate the pumpkin and apple. To prevent the latter from turning black, pour lemon juice over it. Add these ingredients to the dough and mix well.

Grease the mold liberally with butter. Place the dough in it and bake the cake in the "Bake" mode for 1 hour. Check if the dessert is raw with a toothpick. If the dough still sticks to it, lengthen the cooking time by 10–20 minutes.

To bake in the oven, place the mixture in a greased baking dish. Place it in an oven preheated to 180 ° C for about 40 minutes. Bake the cake longer if necessary.

YouTube channel “Recipes LIFE - DELICIOUS! Galina Artemenko "

This cake is also called "Three glasses" because the dough requires 1 glass of each of the three dry ingredients. Therefore, this recipe is very easy to remember.


For filling:

  • 800 g pumpkin;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 100 g of sugar.

For the test:

  • 1 glass of flour (volume - 250 ml);
  • 1 glass (volume - 250 ml);
  • 1 glass of sugar (250 ml);
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 180-200 g butter.


Grate the pumpkin and lemon zest with a fine grater. Add lemon juice and sugar to them and mix thoroughly.

Combine flour, semolina, sugar and salt. Add chilled, coarsely grated butter and stir by hand. It is not necessary to grind the mass into small crumbs - let large pieces remain.

Divide a third of the dough over the mold. Spread half of the filling on top. Pour some of the pumpkin juice over it.

Sprinkle another third of the dough on top. Spoon out the other half of the pumpkin and cover with the remaining flour mixture. Bake the pie for 30–35 minutes at 200 ° C and cool before slicing.

The recipe for which can have several cooking options is always made from a thin layer of dough and abundant filling. There is one more feature - the amount of spices added to the dish. They are put in large quantities.

Spices are added to the dish according to your own taste. You can limit yourself to cinnamon, or, conversely, completely abandon it. Ground cloves work well for cake. But vanillin is a safe bet anyway. The pie is decorated mainly with nuts and berries. But you can also use sliced ​​banana.

Preparing the pumpkin for the pie

The classic American one, which is very simple, does not take long to prepare. But first, you always need to bake the pumpkin beforehand. To do this, it is cut into two halves and cut into a baking sheet. Steamed in the oven for an hour and a half. Readiness is checked by sticking a knife into the pumpkin. If it enters easily, then the fruit is ready.

Pumpkin pie is prepared not only from the fruit baked in the oven. It can be prepared in advance in a steamer or saucepan. If the fruit is cooked in water, then the liquid is added, covering the pumpkin pieces only halfway. And the container must be closed with a lid.

Pumpkin pie ingredients

The classic American pumpkin pie recipe for this article is a thin shortbread crust filled with a thick filling. It turns out to be very soft, with a creamy taste. There should be a lot of spices in the pie.

Ingredients for the dough:

  • one and a half glasses of flour;
  • 2 tsp Sahara;
  • half a glass of vegetable oil;
  • 2 tbsp. l. milk;
  • 1 tsp salt.

Ingredients for the filling:

  • three hundred grams of heavy cream;
  • 2 cups pumpkin puree
  • half a glass of brown sugar, st / l white;
  • two yolks and one white;
  • 1 tbsp. l. lemon peel;
  • a pinch of ground: nutmeg, cloves, allspice and cardamom;
  • 0.5 tsp cinnamon and a quarter of ground ginger and salt;
  • a bag of vanillin.

Making pumpkin pie the most common way

The classic American pumpkin pie (the recipe is very simple) is quick to make. The cooled pumpkin is taken out of the oven. The skin is removed from it. The pulp is mixed in a food processor until puree. A small amount of cream is added. Then the dough is kneaded and rolled into a thin layer.

It is laid out in a prepared form, completely covering its bottom and sides. The crust is pricked with a fork in several places to avoid deformation of the baked goods. The excess dough is cut off.

All dry ingredients are mixed for the filling. Yolks and whites are added. Again, everything is mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Then it is added and everything is mixed again. The rest of the cream is added last.

Again, everything is thoroughly mixed, the filling is poured into the mold. The pie is baked in the oven for about 50-60 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees. The readiness of the baking is checked with a knife. If the blade remains dry after piercing, then the cake is ready.

It is removed from the oven and cooled for two hours at room temperature. Then it is placed in the refrigerator for four hours. There the pie becomes strong, dense and acquires a pronounced taste. Served garnished with whipped cream and ground cinnamon.

Pumpkin pie with condensed milk

American Pumpkin Pie (Condensed Milk Recipe) has a thin shortbread base filled with generous filling as standard.

Products for the test:

  • 100 g of white granulated sugar;
  • 100 g butter (butter);
  • 300 g wheat flour;
  • one raw egg;
  • salt to taste.

Ingredients for the filling:

  • kilogram of pumpkin;
  • one can of condensed milk;
  • nutmeg, cinnamon and ginger to taste;
  • two raw eggs.
  • The butter is softened and diced or kneaded with a fork. The resulting mass is combined with wheat flour and crushed into crumbs. Sugar is poured into it, salt and an egg are added. Everything is mixed until smooth. The finished dough is removed to cool for 50 minutes in the refrigerator.
  • To prepare the filling, raw pumpkin is peeled and seeds removed and cut into small pieces (3 x 3 cm). The baking sheet is covered with foil. Sliced ​​pieces of pumpkin are laid out on it. It is baked for twenty minutes, the temperature is 200 degrees. The finished pulp is chopped in a blender until puree. A regular sieve can be used instead of a kitchen appliance. A can of condensed milk, eggs and all the spices are added to the pumpkin mass. Everything is thoroughly mixed.
  • The dough is taken out of the refrigerator and laid (you can roll it out in advance with a rolling pin) in an even layer on the mold. To avoid leakage of the filling, sides are made 3 centimeters or slightly higher.
  • The pumpkin mixture is poured onto the dough and placed in the oven for twenty minutes - the temperature is 200 degrees. Then it drops to 180, and the cake is cooked for another 30 minutes. Readiness is checked with a toothpick. If the filling doesn't stick to it, then the pie is ready. The dish is served warm to the table.

American pumpkin pie, the recipe for which is described above, has its own characteristics. If the filling is watery, then add 1 tbsp. l. starch. But then, before serving the pie on the table, it must cool completely. Instead of starch, semolina is used (1 tbsp. L.). In this case, the cake is cut while still hot.

Pumpkin pie pie

The classic American pumpkin pie pie is prepared in the same way as the previous one, with condensed milk. Only a few changes in the ingredients. For the test you will need:

  • butter (120 g);
  • a couple of yolks;
  • flour (200 g);
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 2 tbsp. l. water.

Filling Ingredients:

  • sour cream (250 g);
  • three raw eggs;
  • pumpkin (800 g);
  • anise, cardamom is added to taste.


Granulated sugar is added to the softened butter. The yolks are whipped. Then they are added to the previous mass. Everything is mixed and flour is poured. The finished mass fits into the mold, spreading evenly over the surface, without breaks. Put in the refrigerator for half an hour.

For the filling, pumpkin is prepared in the same way as in the recipe with condensed milk. Then other ingredients are added to the resulting fruit mass and everything is thoroughly mixed. The form is taken out of the refrigerator and baked for 20 minutes in the oven at 200 degrees. Then the filling is added. And the cake continues to bake for another half hour, the temperature is 180 degrees.

American Pumpkin Pie: Multicooker Recipe

Pumpkin is a unique fruit, a pie from which you can also cook in a slow cooker. This will require ingredients:

  • one and a half glasses of flour;
  • three raw eggs;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • half a glass of sugar;
  • 1 pack of cottage cheese;
  • some vanilla sugar;
  • pumpkin puree;
  • one bag of baking powder;
  • large banana;
  • one hundred grams of butter.

American pumpkin pie in a slow cooker is prepared in several stages. The butter is melted in a water bath. Then granulated sugar, vanilla and salt are added to it. The mixture is thoroughly mixed until the ingredients are completely dissolved.

Cottage cheese is added to a separate container and kneaded with a fork. Broken eggs are added to the mixture. Flour and baking powder are poured out. Everything is mixed until smooth. Pumpkin puree is added.

Then the masses from both containers are combined and thoroughly mixed. The resulting dough is divided into two parts. A banana is peeled and cut into one centimeter thick slices. The baking dish is lined with oiled parchment. To prevent the top of the cake from burning, cover the top with foil in a multicooker.

The dough is laid out in a mold in two layers, between which a chopped banana is added. The pie is cooked at a temperature of 170 degrees. Baking time in a multicooker is 120 minutes. After cooking, the cake should be left to cool in the form for 15 minutes.

American recipes have their own secrets. For example, the dish can turn out soggy if the pumpkin is rubbed on a fine grater. In this case, the resulting mass is poured with granulated sugar and squeezed out after 5 minutes.

It should be borne in mind that each has its own juiciness. The highest moisture content is found in fruits of the highest grade. If the pumpkin is not very sweet, then a little sugar is added to the resulting filling. Powdered sugar or lemon peel is used to decorate the cake.

Pros of pumpkin pie

Pumpkin is very healthy. Contains many vitamins and minerals. Pumpkin pies are aromatic, tender and very tasty. The cooking process is very simple. The pie can be cooked frequently as the ingredients are inexpensive. The pumpkin is stored for a very long time. Easy to cook in a multicooker.