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How to cook mushroom salad in the snow. Salad "Mushrooms under the Snow

Step-by-step recipe for "Mushrooms in the snow" salad with photo.
  • National cuisine: home kitchen
  • Type of dish: Salads
  • Complexity of the recipe: A simple recipe
  • Prep time: 15 minutes
  • Cooking time: 30 minutes
  • Servings: 4 servings
  • Calorie count: 297 kcal
  • Occasion: On the festive table

A very satisfying and delicious Mushroom salad under the snow at home is quite simple to prepare. And the ingredients are all available. Therefore, it seems to me that nothing prevents you from cooking it!

This recipe for making Mushrooms salad under the snow is, in fact, another option for quick preparation of such a serious and hearty dish as a salad! It turns out that you spend less effort, and the dish itself can rightfully serve as a decoration for your table! If you want to save even more time, this simple recipe for Mushrooms in the Snow salad allows you to replace meat with sausage, and fried mushrooms with pickled ones. But to be honest, it won't be that tasty. So decide for yourself, and I offer you a classic recipe for Mushrooms in the Snow salad!

Servings: 4-5

Ingredients for 4 servings

  • Champignons - 500 Grams
  • Boiled meat - 400 grams
  • Hard cheese - 200 Grams
  • Mayonnaise - 250 Grams
  • Potatoes - 5 Pieces
  • Onions - 4 Pieces

Step by step

  1. First, boil and cool the potatoes. Boil the meat, if it's not ready yet. Chop the onion and champignons and fry in vegetable oil. Cool it down.
  2. Three cheese on a fine grater.
  3. Cut the meat into cubes.
  4. Now we lay it out in layers. Three potatoes on a grater and put on the bottom. Then - mushrooms and onions, then meat and mayonnaise. Sprinkle the top of the salad with grated cheese and garnish with herbs. Ready!

We present to your attention a simple recipe for New Year's salad, which can perfectly cope with its task on this holiday. All guests participating in the celebration will be able to enjoy a delicious and unusual salad. In addition, you can use this recipe to enjoy the festive atmosphere and other winter holidays. It would also be great to remember the wonderful winter days that you spent with this delicious salad.

For cooking, we need the following:

1. Stock up on mayonnaise, because this is the main component of New Year's salads. For one salad you will need 200 gr. mayonnaise.
2. You will not get this New Year's salad without 200 grams of mushrooms and three boiled eggs.
3. Boil 2 potatoes in advance.
4. Prepare and rinse some dill greens and one onion.

Pay attention to the preparation process for this wonderful salad:

1. Cut the large mushrooms into slices, and leave the small ones as decoration.
2. Chop our greens together with onions very finely, and rub the pre-cooked potatoes on a coarse grater.

3. We need to rub the yolks together with the whites on a fine grater.

This simple recipe for New Year's salad is all about laying out the ingredients in a very simple way. Sprinkle the laid out mushrooms with onions and grease with a little mayonnaise.

After that, lay out our grated eggs and grease with mayonnaise again. Put potatoes on top and use mayonnaise for the last time. Decorate with herbs and small mushrooms. We put our New Year's salad in the refrigerator. If you wish, you can prepare a salad of any desired shape, and also decorate it not only with mushrooms.

Mushrooms under the snow - a very beautiful and very autumn salad of mushrooms, meat, onions, eggs and carrots, worthy to decorate any table. Laid out in layers, very satisfying and delicious salad in November. A real feast of taste!


Boiled potatoes - 3-4 pieces
Meat 200 gr - pork
Fresh mushrooms - 150-200 gr
Onion - 1 onion
Boiled eggs - 3 pcs.
Fresh cucumber - 2-3 pieces
Carrots - 2 pieces
Hard cheese - 200 gr
Decorating herbs - dill.


Boil the meat, cool, chop finely. Boil potatoes in salted water, cool, peel, grate. Finely chop the onion and mushrooms, fry in vegetable oil. Boil eggs, cool, peel, grate. Grate cucumbers or chop finely. Boil carrots (you can together with potatoes) cool, grate. Grate the cheese on a fine grater.

Now lay the cooked food in layers on a flat dish with high edges.

Coat each layer with mayonnaise:
1st: grated boiled potatoes
2nd: chopped boiled meat
3rd: mushrooms fried with onions
4th: grated boiled eggs
5th: grated fresh cucumbers (optional - apples)
6th: grated boiled carrots

Decorate as follows: lay out dill like the herb of our meadow, then make mushrooms from baked potato wedges and sprinkle with cheese on top. If it's not autumn, but spring outside the window, the same salad can be turned into a bouquet of flowers, as in the photo.

A very satisfying and delicious Mushroom salad under the snow at home is quite simple to prepare. And the ingredients are all available. Therefore, it seems to me that nothing prevents you from cooking it!

This recipe for making Mushrooms salad under the snow is, in fact, another option for quick preparation of such a serious and hearty dish as a salad! It turns out that you spend less effort, and the dish itself can rightfully serve as a decoration for your table! If you want to save even more time, this simple recipe for Mushrooms in the Snow salad allows you to replace meat with sausage, and fried mushrooms with pickled ones. But to be honest, it won't be that tasty. So decide for yourself, and I offer you a classic recipe for Mushrooms in the Snow salad!

Servings: 4-5

A simple recipe for "Mushrooms in the Snow" salad of home cooking step by step with a photo. Easy to cook at home in 30 min. Contains only 84 kilocalories. Author's recipe for home cooking.

  • Prep time: 8 minutes
  • Cooking time: 30 minutes
  • Calorie count: 84 kcal
  • Servings: 11 servings
  • Occasion: On the festive table
  • Complexity: A simple recipe
  • National cuisine: home kitchen
  • Type of dish: Salads

Ingredients for five servings

  • Champignons - 500 Grams
  • Boiled meat - 400 grams
  • Hard cheese - 200 Grams
  • Mayonnaise - 250 Grams
  • Potatoes - 5 Pieces
  • Onions - 4 Pieces

Step by step cooking

  1. First, boil and cool the potatoes. Boil the meat, if it's not ready yet. Chop the onion and champignons and fry in vegetable oil. Cool it down.
  2. Three cheese on a fine grater.
  3. Cut the meat into cubes.
  4. Now we lay it out in layers. Three potatoes on a grater and put on the bottom. Then - mushrooms and onions, then meat and mayonnaise. Sprinkle the top of the salad with grated cheese and garnish with herbs. Ready!