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Food recipes for students. Dishes for a student for a week

The student is always hungry. And this is normal: young people should spend their time not on healthy and high-quality food, but on entertainment. After all, it is for this that we are given youth, isn't it?

But it is still better to preserve at least a piece of health, so that in the near future you do not run to the doctors and heal the wounds received as a result of not healthy eating... Therefore, we decided to tell you about how to eat cheaply for a student, and so that food does not bring much harm to health.

And now in more detail about proper nutrition for students. Menu for any wallet!

  1. Student - "doshirak". This representative eats only rolltons and infusions, soups fast food, sausages, pasta, pasties with cats. In general, his food is anything that is hearty, cheap, and can be eaten with ketchup mayonnaise. Most often, this is what the students of the hostel eat, since eating is useful here is not profitable: at any moment 100,500 neighbors will come to you, ready to forcibly share your meal with you.
  2. Vegetable-eating students. This includes most of the fair sex. Under the guise of preserving the figure, they make up their diet mainly from vegetables: onions, cabbage, potatoes (someone, tell them that this vegetable "protects" the figure in the same way as pies from yeast dough!). however, they also do not disdain porridge. On their table you can always find something that will not lure guests: oatmeal, rice and unsalted buckwheat.
  3. Student earner. These are the smartest: they do not spend at all on food. Their tactic is as follows: we make as many friends as possible and visit them every time we feel like eating. And there is always something to spend the money saved on!

And now about the main thing.

A useful menu for those who like to eat cheap

You don't know what it is yet "Student pilaf"? Quickly write down:

  • boil rice;
  • fry the onion;
  • if there is a carrot, fry it too.
  • We mix all the ingredients and enjoy our meals.

We do not ask if you have meat for pilaf. After all, if there is, then you have nothing to do on this page. Because we tell smart guys and girls about how to live on a budget without him.

Another excellent, cheap and healthy student snack option is sandwiches "Joy"... Behind this humble name are equally humble components. Stale bread is fried in a pan and rubbed with grated garlic. Easy peasy!

And our most valuable advice on what should be in your refrigerator that will be useful for your wallet and health.

Do you want meat?

Buy offal from the store. Chicken liver, ventricles, hearts - all these products are several times cheaper than any meat. The benefits of them are exactly the same. And as a bonus, get a recipe for a healthy dish:

  1. We take a kilogram of any offal, wash them.
  2. Clean and chop 5 onions, fry in a pan.
  3. We spread the offal (navels, hearts, ventricles or liver) in a deep saucepan, add chopped onions and simmer for 2-3 hours over low heat.
  4. At the very end, add your favorite spices and salt. Optionally - sour cream, curry, ketchup.

It really tastes good

You won't believe us, but it's beautiful nutritious dinner for the whole week. You can eat with or without a side dish, just with bread.

By the way! For our readers, there is now a 10% discount on any kind of work

Excellent meat substitute - mushrooms

Some even call them "white meat". Why not? By nutritional value and because of their satiety, they never step on meat. In addition, in the summer you don't have to buy them at all - you can stock them up for a year in advance! Go to the forest, collect, roll in cans or dry, or just ask your relatives.

Mushrooms are always great

Mushrooms are great both as an independent dish and as a side dish, additive, decoration. Fry, boil soup, marinate, add to salad or eat with onions and butter - mushrooms are incredibly tasty, cheap and healthy, but only if you know how to collect them.

Meat is an irreplaceable product

If you love meat, but hate any “substitutes” for this product, do this: buy several chicken backs / necks or a broth set, boil in a large saucepan or stew with potatoes. The smell of meat will definitely be, and in some places there will even be a taste!

Chicken - even more so

Food supplies for students: what should be in everyone's closet

Well, in addition to pleasant and healthy substitutes for expensive food, each student should have the following products in warehouses:

  • cereals. Buckwheat, rice, barley, pearl barley, oatmeal, peas - all of this is good for preparing the first, second, and independent dishes;
  • pasta - as much as possible and in any form. This product is the alpha and omega of every student's nutrition;
  • tomato paste (it is better for her to replace her beloved ketchup) and of course mayonnaise. Without these products, no student recognizes his or her own in you;
  • beets, peppers, tomatoes, onions, cabbage. Even if you don't eat these vegetables, they should still be there. To be, and this is the end of the conversation;
  • potato. This product is generally a substitute for everything. It can be eaten together with cereals, and instead of vegetables, and instead of meat. Fried, boiled, steamed, stewed - respect potatoes.

Don't throw away stale bread. Sprinkle it with sugar or salt and fry in a skillet. So we get a budget treat for tea or beer - for whom which is more relevant.

Guys, I really want to eat just

Oh, how hard it was to write this article! In general, everything is as always: if you want - write yourself, if you don't want to - contact specialists for writing control, term papers, essays and diploma theses. I'll go eat.

Quick noodles

Quick noodles- This is the most popular invention of the Japanese of the twentieth century. Karaoke is in second place, and CDs are only in fifth place. Initially, it was positioned as an expensive, instant, exclusive product. It cost about 6 times more than traditional soba and udon noodles. Now it serves as an indicator of the growth of the economy: when the economy is in decline, people start to consume cheap noodles, and their sales start to grow. In Russia, instant noodles in everyday life are called "bum-bags", "beach-bags", "plastic porridge", "bepashka", "choisy", "freeze-dried noodles", "instant macaroshki", "instant noodles", " Chinese noodles"," Doshirak ".

To cook quick noodles can be done in two ways: as a soup or as a side dish. You can break it or leave it long before cooking. (Further…)

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Everyone knows two common truths:

1. The student is always hungry.

2. If the student is not hungry, see point one.

On the eve of initiation into students, we decided to find out what, in addition to the granite of science, a student is gnawing, and also to think about how to help a poor student live on one scholarship.

What does the student eat

First category saves time on cooking and actively eats "doshiraki and rollton", soup in bags, pasties, sausages with pasta and even "sawdust (fried) with ketchup - inexpensive and satisfying." And if there is not even sawdust, then “the way out is to drink”.

Second category, which included mainly representatives of the beautiful half of the student body, tries to eat healthy food as much as possible. Oatmeal, buckwheat, rice and vegetables occupy leading positions, apparently due to the relatively low cost.

Student's feet fed

If you believe that nothing worthwhile can be prepared from this, then you are deeply mistaken. This is what the "hunters" told us. To prepare "Hunter's Lunch" in boiling water, dip a little rice, finely chopped potatoes and pre-roasted onions and carrots. When everything is practically cooked, put the grated processed cheese and salt.

Another variation on the theme is "Student pilaf": rice is cooked, onions are fried. If you are a very rich student, then carrots are also fried. Then all the ingredients are mixed.

And there is also something called “Student's Joy”: croutons are fried from rye black bread (in any fat), and then rubbed with garlic. Or onions are fried in vegetable oil and eaten again with black bread.

Another creation of a hungry student is a sandwich, in which the name contains only “ford” (German for “butter” - butter, “ford” - bread): bread with cabbage, sprinkled with mayonnaise on top.

5 Ways to Eat Hearty, Affordable, and Healthy Eating

So, the result of the survey showed that the student either lives on fast food, or eats cereals and vegetables. The latter, of course, is not bad, but young growing brains need at least some protein at least sometimes - sausages do not count!

Method 1

If you want meat, but the price is "prickly", then buy so-called offal instead of meat: chicken navels and hearts. For the price they are twice cheaper, and from the kilogram you can make an excellent nutritious dish that you can eat all week. We take a kilogram of offal, rinse it. We take 5 onions, chop them, fry in a pan and put in a saucepan (ideally a cast iron, but if it is not there, then it's not scary). Then add navels to the pan and simmer everything together over low heat (about 3-4 hours). Add spices: salt, pepper. Optionally add curry, sour cream or tomato paste... Thus, dinner for the week is ready. This dish can be eaten both separately and with any side dish: rice, buckwheat, lentils, potatoes or vegetables.

Method 2

Another excellent "substitute" for meat is mushrooms, known for their useful properties... Now, when the mushroom season is in full swing, you can go and pick them up yourself, and then cook a delicious mushroom soup... If you are lazy, then in the store you can buy oyster mushrooms: their price is much lower than, for example, champignons.

However, in this case, I recommend buying a bouillon cube with mushroom flavor... You will also need a bag of cream, croutons, and a bunch of any greens (the last two are optional). So, we wash the mushrooms in water and clean. Then we boil them for 15 minutes. Pour the mushroom "broth" into a separate bowl, and finely chop the mushrooms (ideally, it would be nice to break them with a blender, but for a student this is nobility). Then we put them in a saucepan, add cream and mushroom broth, depending on how thick you want your soup to be. Salt to taste, bring everything to a boil, but do not boil. Pour into plates, throw in croutons and finely chopped greens. The first course is ready.

Method 3

Another option to eat the first is to buy several chicken breasts which are also cheaper than meat. They can be boiled in a large saucepan to form a broth. Part of the breasts can be used for meat for soup, and we will get to the second a little later. If you leave the broth in the refrigerator, then within a week you can fill it with various cereals and thus diversify your life.

Method 4

Cut the boiled breasts into small pieces and fry with any vegetables (well, onions, so onions!). Boil buckwheat or rice, add to chicken meat and mix everything - the pilaf is ready!

Method 5

Ground chicken is also much cheaper than, say, beef. So, we buy a pound of minced meat, a couple of onions, a couple of tomatoes or tomato paste and spaghetti (or any other paste). Prepare a dressing for pasta: finely chop the onion, mix it with minced meat, salt and pepper. We put the pasta to cook, according to the instructions on the package. Pour into a frying pan vegetable oil and fry the minced meat on high fire stirring constantly. When the pasta is ready, drain the water and mix it with the minced meat. Student-style pasta is ready!

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Students are always interested in simple recipes... They just don't have time to cook something complicated. Yes, and money is always difficult for students, so it is better to use the simplest and most affordable products.

1. Scrambled eggs with nishtyaks

For example, one of these recipes is scrambled eggs with nishtyaks. To prepare it, you need to buy sausage (doctor's or Protvinsky cervelat, in principle, whatever you like better or for which you have enough money), bread, eggs, cheese, onions and tomatoes.
Grease a preheated pan with oil, put finely chopped bread on it. Fry it until a beautiful crust forms. Finely chop the sausage and add to the bread, fry for a few minutes. Then you can reduce the heat slightly and add the tomato, also cut into small pieces. Stir the food slightly during frying.

We collect all the frying in the center of the pan, forming a slide. Break the eggs on top. Sprinkle with seasoning if desired. Cover everything with grated cheese on top. Fry for another 5-10 minutes under the lid.

2. Dumplings stewed with vegetables

Students usually look for recipes that are simply cooking. The most "favorite" student dish is dumplings. However, it soon gets boring. We offer a variant of how you can diversify ordinary dumplings and get a completely new dish.

You need to stock up on dumplings, peppers, carrots, onions, potatoes, tomatoes. Of course, you need salt and oil, as well as seasoning to taste. The number of ingredients depends on how many people you will be cooking for.

Preheat the pan and grease it with oil. Put the grated carrots and chopped onions into the pan. After that, there is a line of peppers, tomatoes and potatoes. Everything needs to be mixed.

Add dumplings to the resulting mass of vegetables, mix everything again and set to stew. Simmer until the food is cooked, about 10-15 minutes. Then add the seasonings and simmer for another 10 minutes under the lid.

3. Scrambled eggs with cheese and sausage

What are the easiest recipes for a student to cook? Of course, scrambled eggs in its most varied versions. For example, with cheese and sausage.

We take boiled sausage and cut into slices. Fry on both sides. Next, break the eggs into the pan (4 pcs). Leave the yolk intact. Now you can add salt. Next is the turn of the tomato. Cut it into circles and place on top of the eggs. For a minute or two until cooked, put grated cheese on top. You can sprinkle the eggs with herbs before serving.

4. Salad from seaweed

Many girls even in student years they monitor their figure in a special way. It is for them that we can offer a very easy and healthy salad from seaweed. These salad recipes are easy to prepare and enjoyable to eat.

First you need to boil 1 egg, cool and peel it. Rub the egg on a coarse grater. Then we take 100 grams of pickled seaweed and lightly rinse it in boiled water. This is necessary to remove the spiciness from the cabbage. If the algae are very long, it is best to cut them up.

My cucumber, carrot and apple. We clean everything and cut into cubes, the smaller the better. We also finely chop the pre-washed greens. Then everything is very simple. We combine all the ingredients, salt to taste and season with sour cream.

5. Potatoes with stew

You shouldn't think that delicious food always take a long time to cook. Usually delicious recipes easy to cook in 10-15 minutes. Especially such recipes are liked by students who are always short of time. You can have a hearty meal with a wonderful dish - potatoes with stew. This is, so to speak, a student classic.

We take potatoes, peel and boil them. We open the stew, and put the fat from it in a preheated pan. On it you need to fry finely chopped onions. Put the stew into the almost finished onion. We extinguish everything a little.

Mashed boiled potatoes and put them in a skillet. Simmer a little more and stir until formed homogeneous mass... That's all.

6. Suzanne's salad

January 25 is a significant day for every student. And I want to celebrate it in a special way. If you have an extra penny, then you can prepare the Suzanne salad. For this pretty penny you will have to buy 1 can canned salmon, or other similar fish. All other ingredients are inexpensive and are available in every student's refrigerator.

Cook four chicken eggs and boil 200 grams of rice separately. Take 10-12 prunes and soak it for 10-15 minutes in cold water... After that, it will need to be cut into strips, after drying. Finely chop 1 onion and boil it with boiling water. Grind fish and eggs.

Now you can combine all the ingredients to taste, pepper and salt, served under mayonnaise in a salad bowl.

7. Carrot and cabbage salad

Carrot and cabbage salad looks festive and elegant. At the same time, this salad may well be classified as one of the "simplest salad recipes" group. In general, it’s just the right thing for students.

You only need carrots and cabbage. Refined oil and salt to taste are also used for dressing. But the result will exceed all expectations - that's for sure.

First, chop the cabbage very finely. It must be transferred to a salad bowl and crumpled with your hands. Such a simple procedure is necessary in order for the cabbage to start up the juice.
We grate the carrots, it is better to use large ones. Then chop the carrots a little with a knife. We put everything in one salad bowl and again we mash, now the carrots and cabbage together.

8. Bean soup

Not very difficult to cook bean soup... However, its preparation will take a lot of time. It is very nutritious and delicious, so it is perfect for student lunches. True, you will have to prepare the beans in advance. It must be soaked in the evening.

Fill the beans with water and put on fire. After it boils, you need to turn off the gas. It should be cooked for about 40 minutes. The beans will be almost ready before adding the rest of the ingredients. While it is cooking, you can do the frying.

Put the carrots, onions, tomatoes and peppers on a preheated frying pan and pour in the oil. We will simmer everything under the lid until cooked for about 10-15 minutes.

Put potatoes in almost finished beans. The fry should be placed in the soup when the potatoes are ready. We mix everything. Next is the turn of salt, seasonings and bay leaves... We put all this to taste. Cook until tender for about three minutes. Then turn off the heat and leave the soup to brew for about 5 minutes.

9. Chocolate dessert

How to treat yourself to a student on Student's Day? Moreover, so that it is fast and inexpensive. For example, a chocolate dessert. You will need sugar, chocolate, starch and milk.

Dilute starch in a glass of cold milk. The rest of the milk (3 more glasses) is put on medium fire and add chocolate and sugar to it. We are waiting for the complete dissolution of the chocolate. Remember to stir. After that, pour in the starch and heat, stirring constantly. Pour the thickened mass into cups. Enjoy chocolate dessert while it's hot.

10. Sandwiches for breakfast

Students usually eat sandwiches for breakfast. There are a lot of their recipes, we suggest using one of them, which is perfect for a regular morning and for a snack on Tatyana's day.

On the sunflower oil fry Rye bread on both sides. Chop and fry boiled sausage... We spread it on the bread, and put the tomato slices on top. Now it's turn grated cheese and greens. That's it, fast and tasty.

I looked at the statistics of visits to my LJ and found out that my section "recipes for students" (in which there are undeservedly few posts), it turns out, is very, very visited.

Under the heading "Recipes for Students" I collect recipes that anyone can make. These recipes do not require any culinary skills or talents. And besides, these recipes should be cheap. Well, where did you see a student munching on jamon and eating Parmesan? Sausages with cheese - and good!

The potato is the very thing. It's easy to cook, difficult to spoil. 20 rubles per kilogram of food is not student happiness? Even before the scholarship you can afford it!

Most of the recipes have already been met in the open spaces of my and even more so mute LJ, but here all my favorite potato recipes are collected together.

Jacket potatoes in the oven

The easiest thing to do with potatoes is to bake them. You don't even need to clean it)
Complexity of preparation: 1 out of 10. Taste 9 out of 10. The probability that it will turn out the first time, 99%

Wash the potatoes well (like any other vegetable you are going to eat without peeling the skin). We coat with vegetable oil, without fanaticism we coat with salt. We spread it in 1 layer on a sheet. We stuff it into the oven. Cooking time for a kilogram of potatoes is about an hour. In general, you need to make sure that the fork sticks into the potatoes easily, without effort. Or a match.

The laziest can skip the stage with oil and salt.
I always eat potatoes prepared according to this recipe right with the peel. Although this is a matter of taste - you can clean it.

Jacket potatoes in the microwave

The complexity of preparation is 1 out of 10. The taste is 7 out of 10. The probability that it will work the first time, 80%
If the oven is not available, you can also bake the potatoes in the microwave. (My microwave even has a "jacket potatoes" mode - if you have such a mode, follow the directions for it.) Wash the potatoes well again, chop them with a fork in several places (this is important, otherwise the potatoes will explode and be nonsense).
Brush each potato with salt.

Put in the microwave. Place the potatoes on a platter at intervals.

Difficulties can arise with determining the time for which you need to shove the potatoes into the micro. I shove 4 small potatoes for 4 minutes. One potato 200 grams - for two. Therefore, the probability of cooking the first time is not high: 80% I recommend determining the time empirically. Hold the potatoes in a micro for a few minutes - stick in a fork. If it comes in well, it's ready. If it’s bad, reheat it in the micro. And so iteratively.

Again, you can eat with the peel, if you washed the potatoes well before cooking.

Jacket potatoes with additive

The complexity of preparation is 2 out of 10. The taste is 9 out of 10. The probability that it will turn out the first time, 95%

Bake the potatoes in their uniforms. (according to one of the two previous recipes) Cut in half. Put the additive on top.

For example, in the picture, cottage cheese is taken as an additive, which is mixed with chopped dill. Cottage cheese is soft, homogeneous consistency. But you can take a grainy one - then there will be another dish. You can also take cheeses like Mascarpone, Ricotta or Almette - but this is no longer student-like.

Another tasty addition here is the sausage cheese salad. Grate sausage cheese or processed cheese. Add a grated clove (or two) of garlic and mayonnaise to it. Mix cheese, garlic and mayonnaise. You can take not cheese, but cheese in half with carrots, or just one carrot. Or half cheese and radish. Everything will turn out delicious both by itself and as an addition to jacket potatoes.

Crumb Potato

The complexity of preparation is quite high for this section 4 out of 10. The taste is 10 out of 10. The probability that it will work the first time, 95%

Cut the jacket potatoes in half. It is best to do everything while the potatoes are hot, or at least warm. Use a teaspoon to pick out the potatoes from the uniform, being careful not to damage the uniform. How thick the walls will remain is how skill will allow you. Do not discard the resulting potato cups.
Add a piece to the picked out potato pulp (no matter how much you don't mind) butter... If there is no butter - at least a little milk. Mash it with a fork until puree.

Add an additive to this puree (the additive is tastier, but you can do it). The picture above is just chopped green onions.
You can take grated cheese.
You can cut the sausage if you have it.
You can add cheese like feta cheese, cut into small pieces.
You can have a slightly salted red fish - but I'm already fantasizing, where did the student get a red fish before the scholarship?
Pickled cucumbers, or better yet, mushrooms. If mom gave a jar))
Several of these additives are available.
Place the mixture back into the potato cups. Yummy.

Potatoes with cheese (and possibly bacon)

Again, do not peel the potatoes, just wash them. Cut with a "book", i.e. not to the end, but so as not to fall apart. Put pieces of cheese between the pages of this very book. Alternatively: alternate between cheese and bacon (if you have it from somewhere). You can alternate between cheese and butter (small thin slice).
Arrange on a baking sheet and send to the oven. When it's ready, it depends on how much potatoes you put. If it is about a kilogram, then it will take an hour.

Fried potato. How to do it ideally and how to do it "as always"

The complexity of preparation is 3 out of 10. The taste is 10/9 out of 10. The probability that it will turn out is 90%.

IdeallyAs usual
1. Wash the potatoes, clean them, carefully remove all the irregularities, wash them again. Cut into cubes. We lower it for 10 minutes in plain water, take out, dip with a towel.We clean the potatoes, wash them, cut them at random: cubes, slices, quarters, etc. It would be nice about the same, but not necessarily.
2. Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan to a height of almost a centimeter, heat it a little. Add some potatoes so that they fit in one layer. Fry, not forgetting to turn over. When ready (follow the color) - take out and add the next batch of potatoes to the butter. So, until all the potatoes are fried. Salt the finished potatoes a little.Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan. We fall asleep here the potatoes. Fry until the bottom is browned. Salt. Stir, trying to get the bottom potatoes up and the top down. Fry again until the bottom is browned. Everything.

The main difficulties await you in the fact that the potatoes can burn. According to the option "as usual" it sometimes turns out even tastier)))

Potatoes with mushrooms

I doubted whether to add a recipe for potatoes with mushrooms to this collection.
In fact, mushrooms can be very cheap if you pick them yourself, and quite expensive if you buy them from the store. Let's assume that the recipe is for students who can pick mushrooms. Moreover, in this recipe you can take as many mushrooms as you like. At least a small handful "for the smell")))

Peel the onion and chop finely.
Peel the mushrooms and cut into small pieces.
Peel and cut the potatoes into small pieces.

Heat oil in a frying pan, add onion. Fry, stirring occasionally, so as not to burn. When the onion becomes transparent, add the potatoes and mushrooms. Mix. Fry potatoes until tender. Salt, fry for another 2-3 minutes. (Readiness can be determined by sticking a fork, or you can taste the potatoes by mouth).

You can already eat, or at this moment you can add a couple of tablespoons of sour cream and stew it with sour cream. Both are delicious in their own way.

Boiled potatoes

An equally tasty and simple dish is boiled potatoes.
The complexity of preparation is 2 out of 10. The taste is 7 out of 10. The probability that it will turn out the first time is 99%

Pour water into a saucepan. For a kilogram of potatoes, you need to take a 3-liter saucepan and pour a liter and a half of water into it. Salt the water. Peel and wash the potatoes. If the potatoes are small, do not cut them. Cut the medium-sized pieces into halves. The middle one is cut into quarters. Cut the coarse one more) And only then throw all the potatoes into the water at the same time.

Cook for about 20 minutes. A fork should easily stick into the potatoes.
Then there is a difficult moment. Pour the water out of the potatoes. Cover the pan with a lid so that there is a gap, and carefully, trying not to burn yourself, pour out the water, from which hot steam rises - this is the main danger. Return the saucepan, in which there is a minimum of water, to the fire and hold it for a little while over the fire, so that the rest of the water will boil away.

If this is too difficult for you, do as I did as a child. Simply use a spoon or slotted spoon to remove all the potatoes from the water. Like dumplings.

Received boiled potatoes is a great thing.
Many people like this improvement of boiled potatoes: add a piece of butter and chopped dill to boiled potatoes (when there is no more water). Shake it up. Leave under the lid to dissolve the oil from the heat of the potatoes. Shake or stir again.

Mashed potatoes

From boiled potatoes, one step to mashed potatoes.
The complexity of preparation is 3 out of 10. The taste is 10 out of 10. The probability that it will turn out is 99%

When boiling potatoes, do not pour out the broth completely. Let half a glass remain in the potatoes. Add a lump of butter here. And some milk. Take a crush and put it on. Everything.
If the puree turns out to be watery, keep it on fire. The water will boil over, the puree will become thicker.

Puree mashed potatoes, purely for beauty, can be dyed.

For pink, add ketchup to the puree. For beauty and taste, it is a little different and also tasty.

Potato casserole

And from mashed potatoes one step to potato casserole.
The complexity of preparation is 3-4 out of 10. The taste is 10 out of 10. The probability that it will work out, 95%

V mashed potatoes add an egg or two depending on how much mashed potatoes you have.

Prepare the filling, but you can also cook without the filling.
The filling can be:
1. minced meat + onion, fried together, and then it is advisable to turn it again in a blender or in a meat grinder;
2. stewed fish- just divide into small pieces with a fork;
3. some meat or fish left over from yesterday's dinner. Better - turn it in a blender or meat grinder, well, or just grind it somehow;
4. fried mushrooms;
5. sausage or sausages - cut into small pieces. You can pre-fry. Or fry with a small amount of ketchup.
6.anything that comes to mind

Put half of the mashed potatoes in an oven dish, then the filling, then the remaining half of the mashed potatoes. Sprinkle with grated cheese on top. If the cheese is expensive, you can grease it with sour cream. But if there is no sour cream, leave it without lubrication. In the oven for 40 minutes (until the top of the casserole is beautiful).

Potato pizza

It logically follows from a potato casserole " potato pizza".
The complexity of preparation is 3 out of 10. The taste is 10 out of 10. The probability that it will turn out is 95%.

Mashed potatoes need a little. Drive 1 egg into it. Arrange in an oven dish. Create pizza on top. Brush with ketchup, sprinkle with cheese. Put pickled cucumbers, cut into slices, something meat (sausage, sausages, etc.) You can sprinkle cheese on top again.
Put in the oven for 30 minutes - before the top becomes very beautiful.

Potato casserole other

You can still cook potato casserole in a different way, without the initial preparation of mashed potatoes.
The complexity of preparation is 3 out of 10. The taste is 9 out of 10. The probability that it will turn out the first time, 95%

Cut the potatoes into slices. In a separate bowl, combine a glass of milk, salt, spices, 1 egg. Prepare the filling. It can be minced meat (no need to fry). Can be sausage / sausages. Can be cooked without filling.

Put in the oven dish in turn: a layer of potatoes, a layer of filling (about the thickness of a layer of potatoes), a layer of potatoes, a layer of filling, etc. Drizzle with fill. Put in the oven for an hour or even a little longer.

Potatoes in the microwave. Like a casserole.

Difficulty 1 out of 10. Taste 8 out of 10. The probability that it will work the first time, 95%

Cut the potatoes into slices. Arrange the potatoes on a large flat plate. Lubricate with mayonnaise. Spread another layer of potatoes, again mayonnaise. Maximum - three layers of potatoes. Top with mayonnaise. In the microwave for 10 minutes.

Potato shangi

You can make dumplings with potatoes or pies from mashed potatoes. But this is quite difficult. The easiest way to make potato shangi is from this.
You will need "cheesecake" or "pie" dough, yeast.
Divide the dough into plum-sized pieces. From a piece, make a cake as round as possible. Spread the mashed potatoes on top of the cake. Put in the oven until the peeking edges of the dough are nice.
Well, about the same as cheesecakes with potatoes, only it's easier to do - you don't need to spread the mashed potatoes beautifully into the depression in the dough, but just grease it))))
There are also dishes with potatoes (mainly potatoes), but they are already more complicated. The hungry student, I'm afraid, will not bear their preparation.

After leaving school, the overwhelming majority of schoolchildren become students, who will face new school days and a completely different daily routine than before. At home, the parents took care of cooking, and now a student who went to study in another city has to think himself what he will eat. Many people neglect the norms of a healthy diet: some due to lack of time to prepare full meals, others due to a small budget, in other words, a lack of money.

Features of student nutrition

The peculiarities of students' nutrition are that due to the lack of a clear daily routine, parental control and an increased load, nutrition is given a secondary role. Many people eat on the run, in a hurry, often dry-boiled, use semi-finished products to speed up the cooking process, neglect breakfast, or even switch to the buffet menu.

As a result of such experiments with food, many students in higher and secondary professional educational institutions suffer from various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, have metabolic disorders, increased fatigue, etc.

Optimal student menu

Here is an example of the optimal menu for a student for a day and for an academic week.

Sample menu for one day


As a nutritious and healthy breakfast porridge from any cereal is suitable. Buckwheat, rice, barley, rolled oats, corn, etc. In addition, you can boil an egg. A large number of fiber will give a feeling of fullness for a long time and energize in the morning.


Once a day, you definitely need to consume hot liquid dishes and it is best to do this at lunchtime. If it doesn't work out exactly at lunchtime, then you definitely need to eat soup in the evening, swapping lunch and dinner.


For dinner, you can eat any of the main courses, salad or fish. Products that stimulate brain activity are also very useful, these are nuts, seeds, cocoa, etc.


Snacks are allowed throughout the day. They can even sometimes replace the main meal, because it is better to eat at least this way than not eat at all. A snack can be a bottle of kefir, yogurt, a banana or an apple. The main thing is that these are not croutons, chips, cola and other carbonated drinks.

Sample menu for the school week

Not every student will be able to adhere to such a menu, but this is how nutritionists see the rational nutrition of students.

The first number contains breakfasts, the second - lunches, and the third - dinners.


  1. Oatmeal porridge with raisins, apple juice.
  2. Salad from fresh vegetables, meat soup.
  3. Meat with potatoes and carrots, a piece of pie, tea or compote.


  1. Corn porridge, grapefruit juice.
  2. Pickle, potatoes baked with sour cream.
  3. Fruit salad, muffins, green tea.


  1. Rice porridge, tomato juice.
  2. Soup from chicken broth, cookies, fruits.
  3. Boiled beans, compote.


  1. Muesli with dried fruits.
  2. Vegetable soup, sandwiches with cheese.
  3. Pies or pancakes, tea.


  1. Barley porridge, juice.
  2. Borscht on meat broth, the vinaigrette.
  3. Pasta with minced meat, green peas.

On weekends, you can stick to a similar diet or allow yourself to go with friends to a cafe, to a friendly party or just to visit. Or you can pamper yourself with a pizza of your own production or any other dish that you couldn't cook during the week.

What can be improved

For example, a multicooker will help solve the problem of lack of time. Cooking with it will eliminate the need to stand at the stove and will allow you to get tasty and healthy meals at the right time, be it breakfast, lunch or dinner.

Sometimes students, renting an apartment, live with the owners, and with the consent of the latter, some decide to pay extra for the opportunity to eat ready-made homemade food. But what can students living in a hostel eat?

Examples of simple dishes

  1. Porridge.
  2. Fried or boiled potatoes.
  3. Pasta with stew.
  4. Syrniki.
  5. Pancakes.
  6. Omelette casserole.
  7. Soups.
  8. Chicken meat with a side dish.

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