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Why is the most popular pizza called margarita? Why is pizza called margarita

why is the pizza "Margarita" so called? and got the best answer

Answer from DK [guru]
Pizza Margherita is named after the Italian Queen Margherita, wife of King Umberto the First. In 1889, pizza maker Rafaele Esposito made a pizza in her honor with the colors of the Italian flag: green - basil, white - mozzarella, red - tomato.

Answer from Android[guru]
The royal chefs quickly found their bearings, went on an "exploration" to the foot of Vesuvius, got hold of recipes, but could not introduce new dishes into the royal menu. The queen objected, who did not even want to touch the "food of the plebeians".
More than a hundred years have passed. The royal couple, while in their summer Neapolitan residence, wanted to try this local dish. And on the birthday of the beautiful Margarita of Savoy, wife of King Umberto I, who became the head of the newly unified Italian kingdom, pizzaiolo Rafaele Esposito with his wife Rosina Brandi was called to court. According to the surviving evidence, they made three types of pizza. One of them included tomatoes, mozzarella and basil in the same colors as the Italian flag: red, white and green. The Queen especially liked this pizza, and she allowed to call it by her own name, thereby initiating the culinary canon. The queen ordered to bake pizza "Margarita" only in the ovens of her palace in Capodimonte. But soon this order, like most other decrees in Italy, was dissolved in revolutionary popular insubordination. "Margarita" has become a favorite dish of all Italians - from fisherman to marquis. Over time, an increasing number of new varieties of this dish appear - this is pizza based on shortcrust pastry, and based on unleavened dough from corn flour(Genoese) ... and toppings are becoming more and more diverse.

Answer from Alla Zubareva[guru]
The pizza was made for Queen Margarita, she really liked it and the pizza was named after her.

Answer from Alexander[guru]
margarita 206 kg cellulite

Answer from Sourire[guru]
As befits any decent dish, the history of the creation of Margarita pizza is surrounded by legends. According to one version, the author of the famous culinary masterpiece was considered a certain Rafaello Esposito - the owner of the most popular pizzeria in Naples at the end of the 19th century. Rumor had it that in 1889, during the visit of the King of Italy Umberto the First to Naples, his wife, Margaret of Savoy, wanted to try favourite dish the Italian poor. But the French court chef was not familiar with the secrets Italian cuisine, so I had to invite a local cook. It turned out to be Esposito. He made a pizza using, to the delight of Margarita, the colors of the Italian flag, and called his own creation - the pizza "Patriotic". Subsequently, the people who adore their queen renamed her "Margarita".
According to another version, the famous pizza was not prepared by Rafaello, but by his wife Rosina. Margarita allegedly selected the ingredients for this dish herself.
In general, for a long time, almost every Italian pizzeria told its story of the creation of "Margarita". It was only in 1974 that Corrado Ericelli, a correspondent for the Republica newspaper, conducted a journalistic investigation, during which it was possible to find out that the three-color pizza ("trecolore") was prepared for Margarita Savoy by the chef Pappino Brandi. This fact cannot be disputed: the heirs of the famous master presented the correspondent with a royal charter, in which the august person thanked the cook for a tasty invention. This document still adorns the wall of the Brandi pizzeria in Naples.

The first dishes, similar to pizza, people began to cook thousands of years ago. The prototypes of pizza were created by both the Romans and the ancient Greeks. But that antique pizza lacked one of the most important ingredients - tomatoes, which came to Europe from South America only at the beginning of the 16th century. Therefore, that ancient pizza was a simple piece of baked dough with various foods piled on top.

It is believed that pizza resembling modern pizza was first prepared in Naples, Italy, in the mid-16th century. But do not think that pizza in those days became an elite dish that was served to noble people. On the contrary, it was considered the food of the poor: even a poor peasant could afford to cook this simple dish by rolling it into thin pancake the remains of the dough and leaving from above everything that I could find at home - the remnants of meat, cheese and herbs. In a short period of time, pizza became the favorite dish of ordinary Italian people, and at the beginning of the 17th century, even a separate profession called pizzaiolo- a man who cooked pizza for peasants.

Margarita Savoyskaya

This went on for decades, until, finally, the people of the upper class did not taste the pizza. The wife of the king of Italy, Margaret of Savoy, decided to inquire about what the common people live and in 1889 she visited one of the usual quarters, asking ordinary peasants to cook her food. The cooks were stunned by the Queen's sudden visit and did not manage to prepare the ingredients that Her Majesty was familiar with - seafood, meat. All that remained was to improvise: the dough cake was generously greased with cooked on hastily tomato sauce and sprinkled with cheese, tomato slices and Italian herbs on top. They say the queen liked this simple but extraordinary tasty food that her personal chefs wrote down the recipe for the dish and began to cook pizza for Margarita of Savoy in the future. Popularly, such a pizza without any additional filling began to be called "Margarita" - in honor of the Queen of Italy, who made this dish famous throughout Europe.

Whether this is true or not - but it is this legend of the origin of the pizza "Margarita" that is most popular among the inhabitants of the Apennine Peninsula.



It got its name from the main ingredient - Pepperoni sausage. It should include the pizza that bears that name.

Origin story

This type of salami appeared in Italy. It got its name from one of the main ingredients - hot, paprika. It was the word Pepe, which means capsicum, that formed its basis. Therefore, the name itself should indicate to you that the dish you receive will be very spicy. It is mistakenly believed that Pepperoni appeared in America, since she is one of the first in the ranking of the most famous. It is she who is most often ordered with delivery and bought in establishments. In fact, it appeared in Italy, but there it has a different name - Devil's Pizza. This name also perfectly emphasizes the spicy taste.

Classic recipe for Pepperoni pizza filling

To prepare the right filling, you need Mozzarella cheese, salami, tomato sauce... All components must be taken in equal proportions. The prepared dough is greased with sauce, pre-grated Mozzarella cheese is spread on it. The sausage is cut into thin rings and spread over cheese and sauce; olives can be placed on top. Based classic recipe dozens of other recipes have been developed. The tomato sauce was changed to creamy. In Italy, prosciutto ham was added; in Spain, jamon was used as an additional component. In Germany and the Czech Republic, they began to add local sausage with large quantity capsicum.

Pepperoni's popularity

It should be noted that spicy sausage is so popular that it is used in the preparation of other types of pizza. In America, its sales account for 30% of the total. In Texas, Dakota and Arizona, the devil's pizza has replaced other, once common recipes, even the famous "Margarita" has lost its popularity.

Widespread in America is explained by the fact that it was here that the first recipes came from Italy. Since Pepperoni is considered a classic product, it was she who came to America one of the first. To this day, Americans prefer its taste.

Also, this type of Italian salami is widely used in cooking and other dishes. It is added to scrambled eggs, and sandwiches are prepared on its basis.

On average, the total amount of pizza eaten per year in America and Canada is approximately 10 kg per person. It is ordered in delivery services, in establishments and prepared independently.

It is worth noting that in India this product is not very popular, since beef is used in the preparation, and the cow is considered a sacred animal in this country. Therefore, one of the well-known companies decided to change the classic recipe, replacing beef with chicken, leaving unchanged main ingredient- hot peppers.

The very word "pizza" appeared at the end of the twentieth century. The inhabitants of those times used this word to mean something that had just been snatched from a red-hot oven. From Italian, the word pizzicare is translated as "pinching", "to be spicy", which is explained by the shape of the pieces and the way of eating pizza. There is also an opinion that the modern name of the dish "pizza" resembles the Italian words piatto (plate) and piazza (square). It is believed that this is where the tradition of cooking round pizza that takes up the entire plate on which it is served.

The history of the dish itself is quite fascinating and interesting. The inhabitants of Naples several hundred years ago began to knead dough and prepare tortillas, covered them with tomatoes and cheese, sprinkled with herbs and decorated with fresh herbs. And already in the 17th century, the first chefs appeared, whose duties included making dough, toppings and baking pizza. Time passed, and such a dish became popular among all segments of the population, both ordinary villagers and representatives of the elite fell in love with it.
The most common and beloved version of pizza is called "Margarita" in honor of the queen, for whom the chef prepared pizza in a special and unique recipe... The charming queen liked the dish so much that later pizza was cooked for her only in the oven of her palace. Today, there are about 2000 types of pizza all over the world, which, first of all, differ in the components that are included in the filling. You can also see, order and taste both mini-pizzas and huge-sized dishes.

It is generally accepted that the diameter of a classic Neapolitan pizza should not exceed 35 cm. The chefs of our Doshi Doshi chain also adhere to these parameters and prepare very tasty and juicy pizza. If you want to enjoy amazing taste and discover new types of pizza, check out our .

Fragrant, tasty, with a stretching cheese filling and a crispy crust. This is how we know pizza today. It is baked by dozens of specialized establishments in every city. At the same time, branded products in each of them will differ in taste. Are you wondering who invented pizza? The history of this goes back centuries, so it is rather difficult to follow the course of all events. But we will try to study all the data that have come down to us.

Indelible image

Even if you have never been to Italy, tasting aromatic pizza, you will surely involuntarily imagine the lovely streets under the shade of olive and tangerine trees and the noise of the Mediterranean surf. It never occurs to anyone who invented pizza. They were definitely Italians. And it is still believed that the best pizza can only be tasted in her homeland. True, in every city there are excellent Italian restaurants, where the chefs will prepare a real masterpiece for you. But today we are interested in the history of the creation of a culinary masterpiece.

Erasing social inequality

Today the stratification of society is becoming more and more noticeable. But it was so many centuries ago. An insurmountable chasm existed between the Roman patricians and the plebeians. But this did not prevent both of them from having juicy and aromatic pizza on the table. It could be different in shape or filling, but the essence remained the same. Speaking about who invented the pizza, it's safe to say that it was not an aristocrat. Rather, these burritos were the food of common workers.

A simple cake with cheese is quite common in the description of the events of that time. A variant close to a modern dish was included in the rations of Roman legionnaires. But they didn't come up with it first. They got this idea from the Babylonians and Egyptians. Some information suggests that the inhabitants of Ancient Egypt prepared special herbal cakes on special days. And the Babylonians came up with a thin base, which was oiled with olive oil and decorated with olives. Therefore, it is difficult to say who invented the pizza.

Food for the nobility

This dish was gradually changing. The recipes became more complex and the ingredients more sophisticated. Initially, a thin tortilla greased with olive oil was an obligatory attribute. Olives, chicken meat and sheep's cheese, nuts were laid out on the prepared base. We should not forget about the climatic features of the region. The history of pizza began in Italy precisely because all these ingredients are quite common here. Seasonings were mint and basil.

But gradually the recipes began to get more complicated. They began to decorate the products with intricate curls, add smoked meats and other delicacies. Pizza is called "food of the gods". The Roman chronicles give a variety of recipes... One thing remains unchanged - a thin cake, olive oil and cheese. Cakes were baked in a well-heated stone oven.

The first Italian restaurants

The history of pizza runs through the centuries. At all times, people loved to eat deliciously. The traditions of late Roman times, when it became a food for the rich, gradually faded into the past. But the dish was not forgotten. Enterprising Italians began to open small eateries in which everyone could refresh themselves with a slice of hot pizza. The composition has also changed, now this open pie began to acquire modern features. Homeland is Italy, but not all traditional components of the finished product were born in this sunny country.

  • Tomatoes. They have so merged with the image of pizza that they are practically inseparable with it. But in Italy they were previously considered poisonous, and only in the 16th century they began to be imported from Peru and Mexico. That's how they ended up in Italian pizzerias.
  • Mozzarella cheese. It is surprising that a product with such Italian name is not local in origin. Buffalo milk cheese was made by nomadic peoples long before that. But in the 17th century, Italian chefs also got acquainted with this product, calling it mozzarella.

Now all the filling, with which pizza has come down to our times, began to be actively used for the manufacture of delicious food.

Pizza dough

But if the filling turned out to be a national team from all over the world, for sure there is something that allows the Italians to call this dish national and traditional until now. This is definitely the dough. The emergence of the original pasta is associated with Italian culinary specialists. The pizza base had to be fairly thin and crispy. At that time, it was possible to achieve such an effect only by kneading the dough with your feet. It is understandable why for a long time pizza was considered the food of the commoners.

Gradually, the manual method of kneading the dough was mastered. But this happened only in the 18th century. Now it becomes clear which Italian city is considered the birthplace of pizza. It is called Naples, and the most famous Neapolitan pizza in the world was named after this city. The first pizzeria in the modern sense of the word was opened in this city. She is still waiting for her old and new clients today.

American pizza

As trade ties grew stronger, more and more people began to get acquainted with this amazing cake or flatbread. It can be called differently, but enterprising Americans immediately realized that this could be a good business. But since the Italians kept the dough recipes secret, they had to improvise. The advent of pizza in the United States led to the creation of a whole chain of pizzerias throughout the country. They began to offer their customers a slightly modified version of the traditional thin base, in the Italian manner and with a thick one, in the American one.

The main differences are:

  • As already mentioned, they began to use thicker cakes. Some people like it, others don't. But pizza has become more satisfying and nutritious.
  • Olive oil in the recipe began to be replaced by vegetable oil. The spread of pizza in the world has made this rule ubiquitous to reduce the cost of the finished product.
  • The filling volume has doubled. It turned out already rather pie.
  • Bacon, beef and chicken, gherkins, mushrooms and pineapples were used as fillers.

Today, a huge number of options have been invented. To be convinced of this, it is enough to look into any pizzeria or go to the site of an Internet pizzeria. Each of them offers dozens of filling options and traditionally two types of dough. And the housewives cook it on dumplings, yeast, puff and choux pastry... And of course, the taste is different every time. This dish is very convenient because a semi-finished pizza can be frozen and baked at any convenient time.

Legendary pizza

Among all the variety of varieties, the first place is occupied by "Margarita". The simplest and most affordable for its ingredients, it is loved by thousands of people. Let's talk about where this name came from and why she got it. A beautiful legend is connected with this, which they like to tell in Italian restaurants.

By the 18th century, pizza was no longer a food for the poor. Now even kings didn’t mind trying this amazing dish. Queen Margaret of Savoy, wanting to show her affection for Italians, wanted to try National dish... Until now, restaurant owners explain to their foreign guests why the pizza is called "Margarita". To prepare it, a famous Italian chef was summoned to the palace, who showed his skills and pleased the crowned heads. He had to come up with completely new recipe, which he dedicated to the queen. Until now, no one has come up with better name.

Exclusive composition

Pizza "Margarita" is simplicity and sophistication. It is so harmonious that there is nothing more to add to it. A special pizza for the queen was baked with tomatoes, basil and mozzarella. These products matched the colors of the Italian flag: red, green and white. Very laconic and at the same time very tasty. The composition of the Margarita pizza has not changed until now. Some chefs add garlic to it, but this cannot be considered an exact reproduction. original recipe.

Secrets of the classic "Magarita"

It can be cooked at home, but for this you need to know and observe a few secrets:

  • Don't buy a pizza base from the store. Much better to cook at home yeast dough from two types of flour, coarse and fine grinding. Add some olive oil and substitute softer than dumplings.
  • The second secret is tomato sauce. You need fresh tomatoes and basil.
  • made without filling. Immediately after the layer of sauce comes the cheese.
  • It must be baked in a very hot oven on a hot sheet.

Other famous varieties

There are many of them, but today we will pay attention only to those that can be considered classics. Of course, in every diner, the chef can make a special dough, add his favorite ingredients to the filling and get a completely new variety:

  1. Aglio e olio. A very simple, flavorful and delicious pizza. It contains garlic and oregano. These ingredients are pre-fried in olive oil.
  2. "Alla Vongole". Great option for seafood lovers. Contains parsley and olive oil, garlic and seafood. The highlight of the composition are mussels. But traditional tomatoes and cheese are not here.
  3. "Neapolitano". Real pizza this variety can only be tasted in Naples. She is very interesting for her taste... In addition to cheese and tomatoes, it also contains oregano, anchovies, parmesan, olive oil and basil.
  4. "Caprichoza". Very spicy pizza thanks to artichokes, black olives and mushrooms. Tomatoes and cheese complete the picture. Despite the fact that there is no meat in it, the pizza turns out to be very satisfying and nutritious.
  5. Diablo. This the best way for spicy food lovers. It contains mushrooms and hot peppers, salami and several types of cheese. It turns out delicious, but quite spicy.

These are only the most famous varieties of pizza.

Instead of a conclusion

Today it is surprisingly simple and at the same time exquisite dish known all over the world. This is a great option to cook delicious snack for your family members, fast and delicious. Pizza is perfect for a party or business lunch. We can say that - pizza - today has become international. But still cook it like the chefs do Italian restaurants, almost impossible. Therefore, if you want to taste the original pastries, then go to good restaurant... Not everyone succeeds in repeating this masterpiece at home.