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Marinade for goose wine. Spicy marinade with ketchup

Cooking a goose in the oven is considered the highest culinary aerobatics - the meat should be moderately fat, soft and juicy. These indicators can be achieved with the help of a properly selected marinade and observing the baking technology. We present to your attention a recipe for a goose marinated in white wine.

Selection of ingredients. Frozen meat is also suitable, but it is better to take just chilled, preferably young poultry. The skin of a fresh carcass is dry, not slippery, the color is the same everywhere, and the fat is white and transparent. The legs of young birds are yellow and covered with thick down, while the legs of old geese are red and almost free of down.

What is required is dry white wine, which, due to its high acidity, softens goose meat well. Other types (semi-dry, semi-sweet, etc.) are not suitable, as they give a characteristic sweetish aftertaste. The quality of the drink should be at least average. Red wines do not go well with white meat, so they are not used in this recipe either.


  • goose carcass - 1 piece (2.5-3 kg);

  • white dry wine- 0.7 liters;

  • water - 1-2 glasses;

  • apples - 3-4 pieces;

  • lemon - 1 piece;

  • salt, pepper, other herbs and spices - to taste.

goose in white wine

1. Singe the gutted carcass, rinse with water, remove excess internal fat. Trim the thin parts of the wings (outer phalanxes) so that they do not burn when baking. Cut off the neck, and tuck the skin inside the mascara. Wrap the wings behind your back.

2. Make longitudinal punctures under the skin with a thin knife, being careful not to touch the meat. Pierce the breast several times, then the legs at their junctions with the body. Fat will be melted through the punctures, as a result, the meat will be soft and juicy, but not greasy.

3. Mix in a deep container wine, water, salt, pepper, other spices and juice squeezed from one lemon. Pour the carcass with the resulting mixture (must be completely covered with liquid). If the marinade is not enough, add more water or wine (preferred).

Attention! To avoid oxidation, use stainless steel or food-grade plastic containers; regular metal pickling bowls are not suitable.

4. Leave the goose to marinate in wine for 8-12 hours in the refrigerator.

5. Before baking, cut the apples into 4-6 pieces, remove the core and seeds. You do not need to peel the skin.

6. Stuff the goose with apples (fill the inside by about 2/3), fasten the skin on the belly with toothpicks. For reliability, you can skip through toothpicks culinary thread or just sew up the hole.

The easiest option is to close the hole

7. Preheat oven to 180 ° C. Put the carcass on a baking sheet with its back on top, pour over the marinade. Bake the goose in the oven for 2-2.5 hours until tender (the meat is easily pierced with a fork, and the juice released in the thickest part is transparent). Every 30-40 minutes, water the carcass with the fat accumulated on the bottom of the baking sheet and turn over: first on one side, then on the second, then on the back, and at the end - on the breast. If the breast reddens too quickly, cover it with foil or reduce the temperature by several tens of degrees.

One of our favorite holiday dishes is baked goose. This dish is very tasty, quite original and noble. The goose on the table symbolizes prosperity in the family and comfort in the house. Goose meat is quite tough, but it takes a long time to bake. Therefore, to give the meat a delicate consistency, first the whole bird is marinated. It is very common for a goose marinade recipe from a variety of ingredients: wine, mustard, kefir, apple cider or wine vinegar. Our grandmothers prepared lingonberry or cranberry marinade. One more old recipe involves the use sauerkraut with apples.

Classic marinade

This recipe was widely used in the old days in Russia for pickling a goose. It can be used if we have a lot of time to prepare the bird for baking. The result is a very tender and aromatic meat. We need the following ingredients:

wine vinegar - 1 l;

medium carrots;


ginger root;

Bay leaf;

dried herbs;

Dill seeds;


boiled water - 3-4 glasses;

salt - 100 g

Cooking the marinade

We wash and clean vegetables thoroughly. Finely grind the carrots, chop the onions. Put it in a bowl. Grind the greens, cover them on top. We also send grated ginger, bay leaf, pepper, salt there. Mix well, pour in vinegar and water. We put on fire. Bring to a boil, simmer for about 10-15 minutes on the lowest heat. Turn it off, let it brew. Marinate the goose after the liquid has cooled to room temperature.

There are also ways to marinate a goose with a lack of time for long cooking.

Quick marinade

This marinade is well suited if we have about 5-6 hours to marinate the goose. You will need the following ingredients:

mayonnaise - 270 g;

1 large lemon;

black pepper;

white pepper;

spices to taste;


Pour the mayonnaise and butter into a suitable container. Squeeze lemon juice there. Beat with a whisk. Add spices and salt. Mix thoroughly. We coat the goose and leave for 5-6 hours.

In recent years, the method of baking products through a pastry sleeve has become widespread. The meat cooks very quickly, but it turns out very juicy and tender. The method is very convenient and does not require cleaning the dishes and oven from grease. Almost any kind of marinade can be used to cook the goose in the sleeve. If you need to cook everything during the day, and the family loves spicy, a recipe with ketchup will be very appropriate.

Marinade with ketchup

This recipe has a distinctive feature - the goose will be cooked in tomato sauce, and the meat will turn out to be very fragrant with spicy taste... Ingredients:

Mix the ketchup and vegetable oil, gradually add lemon juice, then spices and seasonings. Everything is mixed again, and you can rub the goose with this marinade. To make the meat better saturated, it must be wrapped in plastic and stored in a cool place for 5 or 6 hours. Then we start baking.

hot ketchup (like kebab) - 200 g;

vegetable oil - 4 tbsp. l .;

large lemon;

dried greens;

black and white pepper;


Stir the ketchup and butter, squeeze the lemon juice. While stirring, add the spices and seasonings. We mix everything thoroughly. We rub the goose with the composition. We wrap it in plastic and put it away on5-6 hours in the cold. Then we bake.

Everywhere has its own national recipes marinades from locally specific products. For Russia, honey has always been such a product. Therefore, marinades were also made on the basis of honey for cooking poultry.

Spicy marinade with honey

For cooking spicy honey marinade we take the following ingredients:

liquid honey - 2 glasses;

mustard (like Dijon) - 3 tbsp. l .;

ginger root - 3 cm piece;


dried herbs;


Mix honey with mustard. Add a glass of water. We mix. Add the grated ginger, then the spices. Mix again. We coat the goose with the resulting composition from all sides. Wrap in plastic, put in the cold for 3 hours. Then we bake.

The recipes above are good for marinating a goose that will be roasted whole. But you can cook the poultry in separate pieces. It will be faster and easier. Kefir marinade is suitable for adherents of a healthy diet.

Kefir marinade

To prepare a goose cut into pieces, you can take a different marinade. Let's describe the recipe based on kefir. We will need:

kefir - 1 l;

grated ginger;

mustard - Art. l .;

onions - 2 pcs;

dried herbs;

white pepper;


Pour kefir into a container, add spices. Cut the onion into half rings, add. We mix kefir with other ingredients. Then we coat the pieces of goose with the mixture. You can marinate directly in a container with kefir, if all the meat fits in it. If it does not fit, we coat each piece separately. Then we wrap it with foil and put it in the cold for 5-6 hours. Before frying, remove the marinade from the pieces of goose.

Another recipe that has survived from the old times is a marinade on sauerkraut with cranberries.

Marinade on sauerkraut with cranberries

Any acidic foods are great for the marinade. Previously, they often took just what was at hand. And sauerkraut with berries in the old days was in any hut. Therefore, such a marinade came out inexpensive and effective. You will need the following ingredients:

sauerkraut pickle - 1 l;

cranberries - 1/2 cup;

large onion;

vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l .;

Dill seeds;

Bay leaf;



We take a spacious container. Pour in the brine. We sort out the cranberries, wash, crush. Add to the brine. Pour in the oil. Add spices. We mix. Chop the onion, add. We knead everything well. Place the whole goose directly in the bowl of brine overnight. Then we take out and bake.

Traditional Christmas goose is a festive table decoration: with apples, quince, prunes or dried apricots!

Traditionally for Christmas we roast a goose. This year we decided to do it without fancy. With apple and prunes. But as a side dish, I recommend soaked lingonberries. It turns out without frills, but very tasty !!!

  • Goose 2 pcs.
  • Apples 1 kg
  • Spices and seasonings 5 ​​tbsp
  • Prunes 300 g
  • Vegetable oil 5 tbsp

Geese must be defrosting in a completely natural way. That is, it is best to put it in “just a refrigerator” and wait for the bird to take its natural condition. Let the bird be defrosted in a bag. In order not to dry out.

It is imperative to rinse well. And process if necessary. Any feathers or hemp from them, if any, remove. Well, etc. And as you rinse - let it dry. Let excess moisture drain.

You can even use paper towels to speed up the process. Just don't wipe it off, just get wet.

While the geese are being ventilated, we prepare the arrogance of spices and seasonings. What did you put in the cup? Salt is one. Three tablespoons. Thyme - a tablespoon, or one and a half. Peppers. We took a tablespoon with a top of crushed red paprika. Not ground, but crushed. Red hot - on the tip of the knife. Black - a teaspoon. Ground ginger. Incomplete, in general, without top, a tablespoon. And curry. Here - purely to taste. You can add something else if your soul requires it.

A head of garlic. Rub, best of all, on a grater. Not at the smallest, which is typical.

And add two spoons of oil. We used one which is made from grape seed. And tastier and more aromatic.

And then mix well. Until such a homogeneous gruel is formed. If it is very dry, you can add some apple juice. To moisten the mixture a little.

And they gave the geese a massage. With the rubbing of the resulting mixture into their organisms. Rub thoroughly, thoughtfully. Both outside and inside.

Here is such a handsome man should turn out. Take it and eat it right away.

Wrap the wings and bones of the legs with foil. How is it? Where it is thin - there it breaks. And in our case, it will burn. The foil will protect.

And then pack the geese in baking bags. Tighten the knot well on one side. On the other hand, don't. Because you still need to get access to the carcasses. And put it back in the refrigerator. At night. Let it soak - pickle.

The filling must be prepared immediately before…. Apples look unpresentable, of course, BUT! .., this is a real Antonovka. Stored in the cellar since autumn. Today it was warm, so she became wrinkled. But it remained juicy and sweet and sour. Real, in general.
And prunes. If possible, avoid importing. It is very sweet. Better to pick sweet and sour. Even more sour than sweet. But, in any case, to be so fragrant ..., prune. Just rinse the prunes. But carefully. Cutting and so on - no need.

The filling is prepared corny. The apples are cut into quarters. Clean everything in the middle. There are all sorts of seeds, etc. put away. And then stuff the geese from the inside with these apples and prunes. Tightly.

Well, tie the bags. On the other side. And tighten already tight. You will tie it, you need to remove the air from the bag. So all the preparations are over.

And then the geese go to the oven. I recommend preheating it to the oven to one hundred and eighty degrees.

In two hours there will be such a picture. The bags will be filled with air, or rather goose pairs.

When you get the geese out of the oven, the bags will fall off almost immediately. Not really, but the volume will decrease. By the way, a lot of fat in the bag is formed. It will heat up, it means internal.

The packages must be ripped open. Only carefully, it can still splash. And it will turn out hot and dirty.

This is such a special thermometer. He sticks into the carcass. The temperature inside it is still eighty degrees. Those. the goose is not quite ready yet.

Then it must be sent in a printed form to the oven. Another twenty minutes, at least. Leave the temperature the same.
This is how it will turn out. The main thing is that the crust will become crunchy. And a little colored.

And the degrees inside the carcass, in the goose meat, will become almost a hundred. This means that the bird is ready.

Which is confirmed when you start eating it. The skin is moderately fried and crunchy, the meat is juicy, not overdried, slightly greasy !!! Delight. I answer!

And as a side dish, as mentioned, it is best to cook soaked lingonberries. How? Best of all, in the fall. Pour lingonberries lightly (exclusively to taste) with sugar-coated water. Here one must proceed from the juiciness, sweetness, or, conversely, the sourness of the berry. If you like - add cinnamon, cloves there. But I didn't. Excessive odor - spoils the berry. Here. Pour the berry into a jar, and pour this very sweet brine so that the berries are covered with one and a half fingers. Solution - hot brine should be natural. Cork the jar, cool and place in a cool place. A month will stand and ...

Recipe 2: Christmas goose with apples (step by step photos)

The slightly crushed caraway seeds begin to give off their wonderful aroma when hot goose fat penetrates and soaks it. The smell is stunning. And then the potatoes are fried in this "crushed" fat. You can't think of anything tastier than such a potato.

  • goose about 3 kg weight,
  • cumin (you can add a little coriander, but caraway should still dominate),
  • black pepper,
  • salt,
  • small red apples (8 pieces),
  • green sour apples (5 pieces) or quince (3 pieces),
  • pitted raisins,
  • prunes,
  • shallots (10 pieces),
  • head of garlic,
  • 1.5 kg of potatoes,
  • 2 glasses of dry white wine or apple cider

Grind a tablespoon of caraway seeds, a pinch of coriander and a few peas of black pepper in a mortar along with sea salt.

This is what the mixture looks like after grinding.

Gut the goose. Cut off the wings, leaving only one "shoulder". Well, if a set of giblets is attached to the goose, then you can cook more pearl barley pilaf with goose giblets.

Sprinkle the goose with a mixture of crushed spices. And rub thoroughly into the skin of the goose. There is no need to add spices inside the bird. Apples and dried fruits that will be inside should be cooked without salt and spices.

Cover the goose with foil and put in a cool place for a couple of hours.

Turn the oven on for preheating. Degrees 220.

Cooking the filling. It took me five green sour apples... A handful of raisins, prunes and dried apricots. Pre-soak dried fruits for half an hour in aniseed vodka, but this is not necessary at all. Cut apples into cubes, mix with dried fruits,

stuff the goose with this mixture. Leaky! Otherwise it will not be baked. We tie the legs with twine.

Put the goose fat on the bottom of the high-edged refractory dish, and put the fat back down on the bottom. We put it in the oven.

After half an hour, take out the goose and pour over the released fat. After another half hour, merge all the melted fat into another separate refractory dish.

The goose was poured with wine and put in the oven for the next half hour. A 3kg goose should be baked for 3 hours in total.

In a dish with fat, put shallots or ordinary chopped into 4 parts onion, garlic cloves right in the husk, potatoes cut into two or four pieces. Sprinkled with salt and caraway seeds, mixed in the oven.

We prick beautiful red apples and tough pears with a fork in several places and spread them around the goose. We put it back in the oven. After a while, they will need to be watered with "goose" juice.

Our New Year's (Christmas) goose is ready, let it rest a little in the oven, and, to the table!

Recipe 3: how to cook a goose for Christmas and New Year

The pre-holiday cooking of the Christmas goose opens up freedom for your imagination. There are many recipes for this. I want to offer you not traditional recipe Christmas goose with apples, simple but delicious.

First you need to prepare the goose carcass, clean it of excess fat, make cuts with a sharp knife along the entire length of the carcass on both sides.

Then I rub the goose inside and outside with pepper, dry mustard, thyme. A choice or all together, whoever loves it. For example, I mix all the ingredients in equal proportions. Preparing the first filling. To do this, you need 3-4 green sweet and sour apples, a bunch of parsley, a couple of onions, 4-5 smoked sausages.

I cut the apples into pieces, separating them from the seeds. I cut onions and sausages into large pieces. Medium size, not very fine, I cut the parsley. I grind everything in a blender until homogeneous mass... I mix 3 teaspoons of salt with 2 teaspoons of ground pepper. I stir it. With the resulting mixture, I rub the carcass outside and inside.

I put the first filling in the neck of the goose. I fasten the edges of the skin on the neck of the goose with toothpicks, stretching between them with a thread so that the edges do not diverge. Next, I prepare the second filling.

To do this, I take three green sweet and sour apples, 300-400 grams of cranberries, one large onion, 150 grams of red sweet wine, 5-6 hot peppercorns, salt - the amount to your taste, but not a lot, so that it is not superfluous.

I put the second filling in the belly of our goose.

I put as much as it will fit. Don't stuff too tightly. I fasten the skin on the abdomen in the same way as I did on the neck, with toothpicks and sew it up.

Then I pour half a liter of water into a shallow baking sheet, add 200 grams of red wine, 5-7 peas of black pepper, 3-5 bay leaves. I put the goose on a baking sheet and send it to a preheated oven to 180 degrees for forty minutes. After forty minutes, I take out the baking sheet from the oven, pour the resulting juice over the goose, turn it over and put it back in the oven, now for an hour and a half.

If the sauce has decreased in the baking sheet, you can add a little water.

I make sure that the goose does not dry out, turning it over from time to time and pouring sauce from a baking sheet. An hour and a half passed. Now you can take the goose out of the oven. I check its readiness. If the goose is not young, I water it with juice again and send it for an additional 25-30 minutes. I get the goose out oven, pouring abundantly with sauce, cover with foil and put the baking sheet in the oven again for about half an hour.

In half an hour our goose is ready. I take out the baking sheet from the oven, easily removing the toothpicks and threads from the goose, and put it on the dish. I decorate the goose with apples, herbs, pickles. Christmas goose with apples is ready quickly and tasty. I serve to festive table... Everyone loves dishes cooked with soul.

Recipe 4: goose with dried apricots and prunes for Christmas

Christmas is not complete without a goose! I offer you the most delicious Christmas recipe for cooking a goose for a festive table.

  • Fresh goose 1 piece
  • Sweet and sour apples 3 pcs
  • Dried apricots 5 pieces
  • Prunes 5 pcs
  • Apple juice 3 tbsp.
  • Apple cider vinegar 100 ml
  • Allspice peas 5 pcs
  • Carnation 5 pcs
  • Bay leaf 3 pcs
  • Brown sugar 100 gr
  • Edible salt to taste
  • Cumin 2 tsp
  • Honey 2 tsp

There are a lot of different spices ... Therefore, I will write step by step. The first step is to deal with the goose. Cut off the neck, wing phalanges, butt and put it together with the entrails in a small bag) - this will come in handy for soup. Rinse the goose well, check for feather residues and weigh. My goose turned out to be exactly 3 kg.

Now let's prepare the marinade for the goose.

Combine vinegar in a saucepan, Apple juice, sugar, a little salt, allspice, cloves and bay leaves. We boil all this - we taste it - it should be sweet and sour. Let's add what is missing to equalize the taste. Then let cool and add 3 glasses cold water... Put the goose in the pot. It will now marinate in the refrigerator. If it doesn't fit completely, turn it over while marinating.

I marinated for three days and turned it over three times. The goose is marinated for at least 24 hours.

Then remove the goose from the marinade and dry it with a napkin.

Cut the apples into cubes and mix with dried apricots and prunes. Grind caraway seeds, peppercorns (5 pieces) and salt separately in a mortar. Goose grease olive oil... Loosely push the sliced ​​apples with dried apricots and prunes inside. Sew up the hole or stab it with a metal skewer.

Then rub the goose on top and bottom with a mortar mixture. Pack the goose in foil so that fat does not leak out later.

We put the goose in an oven preheated to 200 grams for 2.5 hours. You can forget about the goose for this time. Remember - the goose is baked in time based on its weight. 1 kg of weight takes 1 hour.

After 2.5 hours, remove the goose and carefully unfold the foil.

There will be a lot of fat. Pour the fat into a bowl. Mix part of the fat with 2 tsp. honey. Lubricate the goose with this and return to the oven. Reduce the temperature to 180 degrees. Every 10 minutes for half an hour, grease the goose with fat and honey. The goose will be varnished.

Recipe 5: Christmas goose in German (step by step)

Ruddy goose with sweet and sour apple filling, with delicate aroma cumin. The sweet and sour filling in this dish perfectly sets off the slightly sweet meat of this bird. And the most wonderful thing about the recipe is that such a Christmas goose is prepared from the simplest and most affordable ingredients.

  • Goose - 3.5-4 kg
  • Bulb onions - 1 pc.
  • Fragrant apples - 2-3 pcs.
  • Cumin - 1 tsp
  • Salt to taste
  • Ground pepper - to taste
  • Strong aromatic alcohol (brandy, rum, cognac) - 1 glass
  • Flour - 2 tbsp. l.
  • A set of vegetables and spices for the broth, I have this:
  • Onions - 1 pc.
  • Carrot
  • Celery stalk fresh
  • Fresh leeks
  • Black peppercorns
  • Pink peppercorns
  • Juniper berries

The first step is to process the bird. Cut off excess fat from the carcass (there are many of them near the neck and tail). Then we cut off one "phalanx" from each wing. Gutting a bird.

We wash the carcass outside and inside and dry it with paper towels.

Remove the remains of feathers with tweezers and / or scorch the bird.

Now is the time to get started with the filling. For her, coarsely chop the onion and apples, add the caraway seeds, mix.

Rub the carcass with salt and ground pepper on all sides.

To stuff a goose, the first step is to close its "throat". This can be done using wooden skewers (as in the photo - crosswise) or a culinary needle (which I personally safely lost) and thread. Next, put the filling in the remaining large hole, sew it up (or fasten it with skewers). We tie the legs with a non-synthetic thread.

This is what our goose looks like in the end.

Using a skewer or other sharp object, we make punctures in the skin of the carcass so that fat is better melted out of it.
Next, we send the goose with apples to an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 50-70 minutes. The goose should lie on the breast, back up.

After the specified time, gently turn the carcass over and fry the same amount, periodically pouring melted fat on the goose. Then we bring it to readiness (when the meat is punctured, the juice from the carcass should flow out transparent), depending on the oven and the size of the poultry.

To prevent fat from burning, it is best to do this. Pour 0.5 liters of water at the bottom of the baking sheet, put a wire rack, and a goose on it. If there is no grate, water can still be used. Water needs to be added periodically.

While the goose is cooking with apples, you can do the sauce. Put the cut wings, giblets, cut fat, spices, vegetables for the broth into a saucepan (onions and carrots - fried in a dry frying pan until they are tan). Fill with water, bring to a boil and cook for 10 minutes.

Mix about 10 tablespoons of goose fat melted during baking with a couple of tablespoons of flour, put on fire, add a glass of alcohol, salt, a couple of ladles of goose broth and cook together, stirring occasionally, until the sauce thickens.

Let the finished bird stand for 10-15 minutes, so that it becomes juicier. Cut the goose with apples into pieces and serve with sauce and garnish from the filling.

Recipe 6: Christmas goose with quince in wine (with photo)

Cooking a Christmas goose opens up a lot of creativity. There are many recipes. We present you a traditional recipe for baked goose with apples. A dish cooked with love is loved by everyone.

  • 1 goose - 4 kilograms
  • apples - 12 pieces
  • quince - 1 piece
  • carrots - 2 pieces
  • onion - 1 piece
  • leeks - 2 stalks
  • parsley root - 1 piece
  • celery root - 1 piece
  • bay leaf - 3 pieces
  • allspice - 5 pieces
  • cloves - 5 pieces
  • salt - 4 teaspoons
  • ground black pepper - 3 teaspoons
  • strong red wine - 150 milliliters
  • water - 750 milliliters

Cooking the filling: We clean the quince from the cannon, wash it, divide it into 8 parts and clean the bones. Cut 6 apples into 4 pieces and remove the seeds.

Chop in large pieces 2 carrots, 2 leek stalks, parsley root, celery root and one onion.

Mix 4 teaspoons of salt with 3 teaspoons of ground black pepper. Remove the tail and rub the goose inside and outside with salt and pepper.

Put apples (how many will fit) and quince in the belly of the prepared goose.

We connect the edges of the skin on the abdomen using toothpicks and tighten with a thread, stretching it between the toothpicks crosswise. Tie a thread as needed. If there is free space, you can add apples. We do the same with the throat. We start with apples and sew up.

Pour 750 milliliters of water, 150 milliliters of strong sweet wine into a baking sheet, add 5 allspice peas, 5 cloves, three bay leaves. Place the goose and put the rest of the filling and carrots, onions, leeks and roots in a baking sheet. We send the goose to the oven preheated to 180 degrees Celsius. After half an hour, take the goose out of the oven, pour it over with juice, turn the goose over, and put it back in the oven.

We bake for 1.5 hours, from time to time turning the goose, pouring the resulting sauce and, if necessary, adding water.

It took 1.5 hours to remove the goose from the oven. We clean whole apples from seeds, cut the skin in a circle and place in a baking sheet next to the goose. Pour juice on the goose and put it in the oven for another 15 minutes. At the same time, the goose should lie with its breast up.

After 15 minutes, water the goose and apples with juice, put them in the oven for another 15 minutes.

For any holiday, I want to cook something original and tasty, and at the same time noble. These dishes include baked goose. For a long time it was believed that this is a symbol not only of prosperity in the family, but also of special comfort. Goose meat itself is harsh and baked for a very long time, therefore, in order for the dish to be tender and juicy, you must first marinate the bird. What kind of marinade for a goose they make! The most different products: wine, mustard, kefir. Grandmothers made a marinade from sour berries: lingonberries, cranberries. The goose marinated very well in sauerkraut and apples.

Classic pickling

In this way, poultry has always been cooked in Russia. This is the most common goose marinade recipe. It is used if the bird is planned to be marinated for a long time. The meat will not only be very tender, but also fragrant. We need: about a liter of white wine vinegar, one hundred grams of salt, medium-sized carrots, onions, peppercorns, ginger root, dill seeds, bay leaves, various dried herbs if desired, and three to four glasses of water, preferably boiled.

Cooking the marinade

Wash and peel the vegetables thoroughly. Finely grind the carrots, chop the onion. Put everything in a bowl and add chopped herbs, bay leaf, grated ginger root, pepper and salt. Mix everything well and add wine vinegar and water. Put the whole mass on fire and bring to a boil, and then simmer for about 10-15 minutes over very low heat. Turn off and let it brew a little. Poultry can be pickled when everything has cooled to room temperature.

Many people are interested in how to pickle a goose if there is not much time for cooking. This method is also available.

Making a “quick” marinade

If you cannot prepare the bird for several days, then you need to use another recipe. We need: about four tablespoons of any vegetable oil, a little more than half a half-liter can of mayonnaise, one large lemon (if the bird weighs more than two kilograms), black and white pepper to taste, favorite seasonings and spices, and do not forget about salt. This goose marinade prepares quickly. Pour oil and mayonnaise into any container. Squeeze the juice from the lemon there and beat everything with a whisk until fluffy. Then add all the other spices and salt. Mix everything thoroughly and coat the bird. She needs to lie in this marinade for about 5-6 hours, after which you can proceed to baking.

Recently, the hostesses have enjoyed cooking in a pastry sleeve. It is convenient and fast. The meat is juicy and tender. And the most important advantage is that there is no need to clean the oven and dishes from grease. Any method you like is suitable to prepare the marinade for. Everything will depend on the time and taste of the hostess. If you have only one day at your disposal, and everyone at home gives preference to spicy food, then marinade with ketchup is suitable.

Marinade with ketchup

This recipe allows you to cook poultry already in tomato sauce. The meat will be especially aromatic and tasty. We need about two hundred grams of ketchup, and better than spicy (not bad if it is barbecue), about four tablespoons of any vegetable oil, a large lemon (if a goose weighing more than two kilograms), salt, pepper (not only black, but also white) , any dried herbs to taste. Mix the ketchup and vegetable oil, gradually add lemon juice, then spices and seasonings. Everything is mixed again, and you can rub the goose with this marinade. To make the meat better saturated, it must be wrapped in plastic and stored in a cool place for 5 or 6 hours. Then we start baking.

In each country, for the marinade, they use those products that are available, as they say, at hand. Russia has always been famous for its honey. So the festive goose is often prepared with honey marinade.

Hot honey marinade

In order to prepare a spicy honey marinade for a goose, you need to take following products: about two glasses of honey (we prefer liquid honey), about three tablespoons of mustard (better than Dijon), about three centimeters of ginger root, salt and pepper to taste, any dried herbs. We begin to prepare the marinade. Put honey and mustard into any container and pour in about a glass of water. Mix everything well. Next, add the grated ginger root and all the spices. Mix everything again. We coat the bird with this mixture on all sides, wrap it in polyethylene and put it in a cool place for three hours. Then you can get it out and bake it.

The marinating methods listed above are good for poultry as long as it is cooked whole. If you want to cook meat in slices, it will be much easier and faster. For those who prefer healthy eating and for some reason avoids spicy food, you can use kefir marinade.

Kefir marinade

Can be used in the preparation of marinade for goose, sliced, different. A mixture based on fermented milk products is also well suited. We need: kefir (about a liter), a little white pepper, salt, grated ginger root and dried parsley and dill, a couple of onions, about a tablespoon of mustard. Pour kefir into the container, add all the spices. Cut the onion into thin half rings and add to the kefir mixture. Mix everything well and coat the bird. If the container is large, and the meat, cut into pieces, fits completely there, then you can marinate like this. If the bird does not sink into the brine, then we carefully coat it on all sides and wrap it with polyethylene. We put it in a cool place for 5 or 6 hours. Then the marinade for the goose before baking can be removed with your hands or with a wooden spatula, and the bird can be prepared for frying.

Our grandmothers often cooked poultry for the holidays and used pickle from sauerkraut and cranberries.

Sauerkraut and cranberry marinade

Culinary experts have long noted that any acidic foods can be used as marinades. In the past, they took any that were at hand. In each hut there were stocks of sauerkraut and berries. Making goose marinade from these products is very simple. We need: about a liter of sauerkraut brine, half a glass of cranberries, peppercorns, a large onion, bay leaves, dill seeds, salt, about two tablespoons of vegetable oil. Pour the brine into a bowl. Sort the cranberries, wash and crush, and then put in a bowl of brine. Add oil and spices and mix well. Cut the onion into thin half rings and add to the mixture. It is advisable that the container is large, because the goose must be placed in it entirely. In such a brine, the bird should lie all night. When the time is up, we take it out and prepare it for baking.

If the bird had to be cooked quickly, then it was Home wine and apples.

Homemade wine marinade

This marinade allows you to cook poultry meat quickly. It is usually cut into portions and dipped into the mixture. To prepare it, you will need: half a liter of young sour wine, a glass of water, about two tablespoons of any vegetable oil, a couple of apples, a little salt and ground pepper, preferably white. Apples (better if it's Antonovka) wash and grind, add wine and water. We mix everything. Then add all the spices, oil and salt. Mix again. The goose, cut into portions, is immersed in the finished marinade and left for 3 or 4 hours in a cool place. When the time is up, you can bake the poultry.

Baked goose - traditional holiday dish Slavic cuisine. In a large waterfowl with a rich layer of subcutaneous fat, the meat is rather dark and very high in calories. However, goose fat does not actually contain saturated cholesterol, so goose meat is considered a healthy and delicious food.

A large carcass of a goose is not always successfully cooked. It should be remembered that cooking a goose with apples in the oven without prior marinating does not make sense - the meat will remain tough and tasteless. To add spice to the dish and juiciness to the meat, it is recommended to keep the carcass in a special marinade for several hours.

Carefully rinse and dry the poultry carcass in advance.

Marinade options for making homemade goose

For pickling domestic goose you can choose one of the following types of marinades.

Spicy sauce

An extraordinary combination of seemingly incompatible ingredients saturates poultry meat special taste and a very pleasant aroma.

  • 3-5 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 teaspoon chopped ginger root
  • 4 tablespoons of hot mustard;
  • 200 ml of dry white wine;
  • 50 ml of honey;
  • zest of 1 orange;
  • olive (sunflower oil) 3 teaspoons;
  • salt to taste.

Finely grate the garlic, squeeze the juice from the orange peel. Combine all components in one container. Carefully grate the goose carcass with marinade, remembering to treat the area under the wings, as well as the inside of the bird. The pickled goose is wrapped in foil and placed in a cold place (balcony or refrigerator) for 6-8 hours.

After that, cooking a goose carcass with apples in the oven will take at least 3 hours at a temperature of 180-200 degrees in a sleeve or baking dish.

Classic marinade

An old Russian recipe that was used in the 14-15th century. Classic sauce makes the goose meat incredibly tender and juicy, and the aroma emanating from the dish will captivate all guests! For the marinade, you need to prepare:

  • external vinegar 0.5-1 liter;
  • coarse salt;
  • black peppercorns;
  • carrot;
  • chopped fresh ginger;
  • dill grains;
  • Bay leaf.

Grind vegetables and ginger root. Dilute wine vinegar with 150 ml of water, add chopped vegetables and ginger to the resulting sauce. Put the sauce on low heat and boil for 10-15 minutes. The goose should be marinated with a marinade cooled to room temperature for at least 4-6 hours. Then bake in the traditional way until dark golden brown.

Quick sauce

The hostess does not always have time to marinate the goose for a long time. However, we know that meat can be dry and tough without marinade. In this case, we recommend using the recipe quick marinade, which will soften poultry meat in 1 hour, and the dish will have an incredibly appetizing appearance and thin refined taste and aroma.

The composition of the quick marinade:

  • 300 ml mayonnaise;
  • 1 large lemon
  • black and white pepper;
  • your favorite condiments and spices;
  • salt.

In a bowl, beat the mayonnaise with sunflower oil adding the juice of one lemon there. Add spices and salt to the resulting lush mixture. Liberally coat the carcass with marinade and wrap in a bag or baking sleeve. Leave the bird in a cool place to marinate for at least 1 hour.

The longer the bird is marinated, the softer and juicier the dish will be.

Spicy marinade with ketchup

For lovers of dishes with peppercorns and a slight aroma of tomatoes, we recommend preparing a special spicy marinade with ketchup for roasting the goose.

This marinade contains:

  • 200 grams hot ketchup;
  • 100 ml sunflower / olive oil;
  • 1 lemon;
  • salt and spices to taste;
  • dried herbs.

Whisk the ketchup with a whisk with sunflower oil and add the remaining ingredients and the juice of one lemon to the mixture. After rubbing the goose with marinade, the carcass should be wrapped in a bag for better pickling and leave in the refrigerator for 6-8 hours. Be sure to try this unusual recipe cooking goose with apples in the oven.

Honey sauce

Many chefs actively use honey when baking. meat dishes... To prepare a baked goose, you can also use a honey-spicy marinade, which will not only give the goose a beautiful golden crust, but also saturate the meat with a delicate spicy-pungent taste.

Composition of honey marinade:

  • 2 glasses of liquid honey;
  • 3-4 granular mustard;
  • Ginger root 3 cm;
  • Pepper and salt to taste;
  • Dried greens.

While mixing honey with butter, 1 glass of water is gradually introduced into this mixture. Then grated ginger and spices are added. The goose carcass should be rubbed on both the outside and the inside. If you plan to bake the goose not whole, but in pieces, then carefully grease all the pieces with sauce. Leave the goose for marinating in the refrigerator for 6-8 hours, then bake in the oven at 200 degrees for at least 2.5-3 hours.

Exotic kefir marinade

Dairy products and meat? Yes, this is a very unusual combination, but the resulting taste will be remembered for its tenderness and juiciness.

To soften the meat fibers, prepare a kefir-based sauce.

For kefir marinade you will need:

  • 1 liter of kefir (2.5% fat);
  • Pepper and salt to taste;
  • 2 onions.

Cut the onion into rings and pour over kefir, add spices. Place the goose in the resulting liquid so that it is completely drowned in kefir brine. Be sure to wrap the carcass with polyethylene and place in a cold place for 5-6 hours. Before baking, traces of kefir marinade must be removed from the goose with a spatula. Bake the bird in the oven at 180-200 degrees, turning the carcass over once.

Cooking and serving goose

Having decided on the marinade, many housewives necessarily fill the goose carcass with additional filling. The following products can be used as a filling:

  • Apples. It is better to choose unsweetened sour varieties of hard apples (for example, Antonovka). Before filling the goose, the apples should be washed, pitted and tipped, and cut into large slices. If the apples are still sweet, you can first sprinkle them with lemon juice.
  • Oranges. The fruit is peeled and cut into slices.
  • Mushrooms. Braised mushrooms with onions - an excellent filling for a baked goose.
  • Dried fruits. For stuffed goose, you can use dried apricots, prunes and some raisins. Keep in mind that if there are a lot of raisins, the meat will acquire a sweetish taste.
  • Buckwheat or rice. The porridge, pre-cooked almost until cooked, is placed inside the carcass and the hole is sewn up or chopped off with toothpicks so that the porridge does not crumble. The goose is served immediately with a side dish.

The finished marinated and stuffed carcass is placed in a roasting sleeve or bulk dish.

The goose is placed with its back down in an oven preheated to 200 degrees. The poultry is baked, depending on the size, from 2 to 3 hours. The bird in the sleeve should be turned over once, but if the goose is baked in a dish, then every half hour it should be watered with drained marinade.

15 minutes before the end of cooking, cut open the baking sleeve so that the goose crust becomes golden brown and crispy.

Ready dish traditionally takes center stage of the entire table. As an additional dish, baked potatoes go well with goose, vegetable salads, pickles.

The carcass of a young goose differs in that the color of the paws of a young bird is yellowish, and the carcass is covered with down. A mature goose has red legs, and there is practically no fluff on the carcass. Goose fat is located on the belly and should be white. The older the bird, the longer it should be marinated and baked.

Pure goose meat without skin contains:

  • Proteins 22.75 g;
  • Fat 7.13 g;
  • Carbohydrates 0 g.

The exact calorie content of a baked bird can be calculated based on its filling and marinade.

Do not be afraid to experiment and try new recipes for cooking a goose carcass with apples in the oven, use unusual marinades. With the help of special sauces, you can add new taste and flavor even to traditional dishes.