Home / Pies / How much to cook chanterelles before pickling. Processed cheese is a good idea! Rules for cooking delicious chanterelles

How much to cook chanterelles before pickling. Processed cheese is a good idea! Rules for cooking delicious chanterelles

These are some of the most popular mushrooms. They are used in the preparation of dishes not only of traditional Russian, but also of European cuisine. Culinary experts are attracted by their exquisite taste, low calorie content, and the content of vitamins and minerals. In order not to spoil the taste of the dish and not to harm yourself and your loved ones, you need to know how much to cook chanterelles for making soups, frying, risotto, pies.

How to cook chanterelles

Before cooking, the chanterelles must be cleaned of adhered twigs, leaves and blades of grass and washed. Due to the content of a specific component of quinomannose, these mushrooms are excellent insect resistance, so cleaning them does not cause any particular difficulties. You need to rinse them several times in a colander under running water and start cooking.

Thoroughly washed mushrooms are placed in boiling water. Large pre cut into several pieces along the leg... Add twice as much water to 1 part of the mushrooms. The chanterelles are placed in boiling water and boiled for 15-20 minutes, stirring gently and removing the resulting foam. For cooking, it is advisable to use enameled dishes.

They can be boiled not only in pots, modern household appliances for cooking are perfect for this. The only drawback in this kind of boiling is the inability to remove the foam, which can somewhat worsen the taste of the workpiece. Cooking methods:

  • V microwave... Put the prepared chanterelles on the bottom of the container, add spices, salt, onion, chives to them, fill with water and cover with a lid or cling film. Cook at maximum power for about 20-25 minutes.
  • V multicooker... Place on the bottom of the container, add spices, fill with water, close. Mushrooms are cooked for about 20 minutes in the "Baking" mode.
  • V pressure cooker... Everything is the same as in the previous case, but we select the "Porridge / steam cooking" mode for 15 minutes.
  • V steamer... We put mushrooms and spices in the upper bowl of the device, and water in the lower one. Close the lid and turn on the steamer for 15 minutes.

If the chanterelles are intended for direct consumption, then it is better to salt them during the cooking process, add the desired spices. For mushrooms that, after boiling, will be used for cooking various dishes or further freezing, it is better not to use salt. Advice:

  1. To preserve the orange color after boiling, add a pinch of citric acid to boiling water.
  2. To avoid bitterness in boiled chanterelles, when preparing large autumn specimens, add a dash of sugar, preferably brown for a savory aftertaste.
  3. Many people soak chanterelles for 1.5-2 hours before cooking. A good remedy for bitterness and softening is to soak in milk for the same time.

How many chanterelles are boiled

You can determine more precisely the cooking time of chanterelles by their size and age. Cook small young mushrooms faster than large adult mushrooms. An undercooked product is tough, while an overcooked product loses its characteristic structure. How much to cook chanterelle mushrooms also depends on the recipe of the selected dish:

  • soft, pre-soaked mushrooms are suitable for salad or pasta,
  • for soup or filling in pies, it is better to cook harder chanterelles.

Until ready

The washed chopped mushrooms are placed in boiling water for 15 to 20 minutes. The surest indication that they are completely cooked is when they are completely immersed in the bottom of the pot. Added spices or herbs, onions, salt, bay leaves, sugar, citric acid do not significantly change the cooking time. Do not forget stir constantly the contents of the pan, remove the foam.

Before frying

Remember how to cook the chanterelles before frying, otherwise the cooking process is correct - no longer than 15 minutes. The boiling process allows you to avoid getting small debris into the prepared dish, and it is more difficult to overcook such mushrooms than raw ones. Many housewives do not want to boil this product before frying to preserve the taste and aroma. Whether it is necessary to cook chanterelles before frying depends:

  • from the desire of the cook, preferences for the taste of fried chanterelles;
  • the age of the mushrooms (old, bitter ones are best processed);
  • the ecological state of the forest (collected near cities, roadways).

For soup

When preparing soups with boiled chanterelles, mushrooms are often boiled beforehand. To obtain a fragrant broth, it is advisable to cook raw chanterelle soup. After boiling, the first water is drained and poured with new, peeled vegetables are added, and the cooking process continues for about half an hour with continuous stirring.

Before freezing

Before freezing, it is advisable to boil the chanterelles, cooking time is 15-20 minutes, at the end - drain the water. You can also freeze uncooked mushrooms, but cooking will greatly save space in the freezer and additionally get rid of forest debris in the harvesting.


All dried chanterelles must be boiled before use. Before cooking, they are soaked in cold water for at least 3 hours. The water is drained and the mushrooms are placed in a pot of boiling water; after boiling, do not forget to reduce the heat. Nuances.

When wondering how much to cook chanterelles, you need to understand that these mushrooms do not always need preliminary processing. For example, if you plan on making soup, multi-ingredient pie filling, or frying items, the cooking will only negatively affect their texture. When you need to prepare a component for a salad or cold snack, you cannot do without such heat treatment. It won't take long. Regardless of the state of the chanterelles, the duration of their cooking will be from 15 to 30 minutes. The main thing is not to forget about a number of nuances that have a significant impact on the quality of the final result.

Some useful facts about chanterelles and their processing

Like any mushrooms, chanterelles are distinguished by their specificity. In order not to waste a lot of time without getting the desired result at the output, they need to be handled correctly.
There will be no problems if you learn the following points forever:

Tip: Despite the delicate texture and low calorie content, chanterelles are classified as heavy food for the body. Even if there are no digestive problems, these components should not be included in the menu too often.

  • Today, it is increasingly common to find mushrooms grown artificially. Practice shows that in terms of usefulness and taste, they are significantly inferior to forest products.
  • In order not to collect or unknowingly acquire false chanterelles, which are poisonous, you need to remember three distinctive features. False items have a brighter color, a hollow stem and a more regular round head.
  • While bright mushrooms do not tolerate soaking in water very well, staying in a milky environment affects them only positively. If, before cooking, the chanterelles are soaked in milk for 1.5-2 hours, you can guarantee the absence of bitterness and obtain the most delicate texture of the component.

The benefits of properly cooked boiled chanterelles lie not only in their nutritional value. The component contains many vitamins and minerals necessary for the normal functioning of organs and systems. Considering the fact that the product stimulates the strengthening of bones, increasing the body's resistance and energy production, it is recommended to use it for people of all ages.

How to cook chanterelles in a saucepan?

Chanterelles cleaned of debris and washed several times under running water are recommended to be cut into quarters, passing along the length of the leg. If the mushrooms are very large, grind them even more. Now you need to do the following:

  1. Put the blanks in a saucepan and fill with water. For 1 part of the product, there should be 2 parts of the liquid. We put the container on fire and bring to a boil.
  2. If the mushrooms are to be used for salad or immediately eaten, they can be salted. When you plan to cook them further, it is better to do without adding salt.
  3. Cook the product for about 20 minutes using medium heat. From time to time it is necessary to remove the foam, it is better not to cover the pan with a lid. If the ingredients are kept in boiling water for too long, they will resemble rubber in texture.
  4. We put the finished products in a colander and wait until all excess liquid drains.

If you need to keep the mushrooms hot for some time, it is recommended to hang them directly in a colander over a saucepan with slightly boiling water. However, this approach should not be overused. The texture of the product may not deteriorate, but there will be little benefit in it.

Features of using a multicooker and pressure cooker

Mushrooms are pre-processed regardless of how they are planned to be boiled. If for some reason you do not want to resort to the traditional version of temperature exposure, you can try one of the following:

  • In a slow cooker. Put fresh, thawed or soaked ingredients in a multicooker bowl, fill with water in a ratio of 1 to 2. Add a little and close the lid. Cook the blanks on the "Baking" mode for 30 minutes. Unfortunately, with this approach it is not possible to remove the foam, so the end product can have an unpleasant aftertaste. It is better to use a special basket for steaming the ingredients. In this case, a little water is poured into the bowl of the device, the "Steam" mode is set, the timer is started for 40 minutes.

  • In a pressure cooker. Put the prepared mushrooms in the bowl of the device, salt, add spices. You can additionally add a little chopped onion and a pinch of citric acid for flavor. We close the lid, set the timer for 15 minutes. The finished product remains to be thrown into a colander and further used for its intended purpose.

Some housewives boil chanterelles and other mushrooms in the microwave. The option is not very troublesome and rather fast, but you will have to select the exposure time yourself, depending on the volume of the processed product and the power of the device.

How to boil chanterelles for soup?

In this case, the components must be prepared as usual. Despite the fact that some chefs add already boiled products to the ready-made soup, it is wiser to use the following approach:

  1. Place the cut blanks in cold water. We bring them almost to readiness, boiling for 15 minutes. We drain the liquid, put the boiled product in a colander.
  2. While the rest of the ingredients are being processed, it is necessary to prepare the broth for the soup, for example, from the bouillon cube.
  3. Finely chop the carrots and onions, sauté in vegetable oil, add the mushrooms and simmer for another 5 minutes.
  4. Put potatoes cut into small cubes and prepared mushroom frying in the finished broth. We cook all this until the potatoes are ready, i.e. about 10 minutes.

The soup prepared in this way will have a mild mushroom aroma. All ingredients will cook evenly, giving the dish a pleasant texture.

The nuances of boiling frozen and dried chanterelles

In this case, everything is very simple, frozen and dried components only need to be brought to a standard state and can be boiled. If fresh food has been frozen for some reason (which is not recommended), they are first put in the refrigerator for several hours, then defrosting is finished at room temperature. The components are washed several times and boiled exclusively in a sweet solution, because bitterness is likely to be present.

With dried blanks, everything is much easier. They should only be soaked for 2-3 hours, after which we change the water and proceed to boiling the products. It is enough to keep them in boiling water for 20 minutes after boiling to bring them to readiness.

Each product has useful properties and contraindications, we recommend that you read the article on

What to do if you are already full of fried chanterelles during the harvest season, you have made preparations in jars, and there is still plenty of harvest? Of course - freeze. This is the most rational way to store food. besides convenience and speed, it has another important advantage. When preparing frozen mushroom dishes, you will notice their fresh taste, unlike pickled or pickled mushrooms.

Before sending to the freezer, the chanterelles must be boiled. Read on to learn how to cook chanterelle mushrooms for freezing.

Methods for freezing chanterelles

In order for frozen mushrooms to retain the taste, aroma and attractiveness of fresh ones, they must be properly prepared before freezing.

Chanterelles can be frozen raw or boiled. For fresh freezing, it is necessary to choose only young chanterelles grown in humid conditions, otherwise they will taste bitter. And any mushrooms are suitable for boiled harvesting.

We have already said enough about this.

Stage 1. Mushroom preparation

  1. Before boiling chanterelles for freezing, select specimens that are identical in size, without damage, preferably small in size.
  2. Soak them for 10 minutes in a large container so that they are completely covered in water. Place a wooden cutting board on top and press down with a weight. Do not keep the mushrooms in water for more than 10 minutes, otherwise they will become loose.
  3. Then clean them of adhering leaves and dirt. Cut off the bottom of the legs. Leave the small ones whole, and cut the large ones into small pieces.
  4. Place them in a colander and rinse well under running water. Let the water drain completely.

Stage 2. Boiling chanterelles for freezing


  • 1 kg of chanterelles
  • 2 l of water
  • a pinch of salt.

How to cook?

  1. Pour cold water over the chanterelles, place the pot on the stove and let it boil.
  2. Remove the resulting foam and cook the mushrooms over moderate heat for about half an hour.
  3. Throw the boiled mushrooms in a colander to drain the water. Then place on a baking sheet in one layer and dry.

When cooking, add a little salt to the water so that the mushrooms do not taste bland. Do not use spices and herbs. You can add them while preparing dishes from already thawed mushrooms.

Stage 3. Freezing chanterelles

  1. Divide the chanterelles into single portions.
  2. Wrap them in food grade cellophane or plastic bags, squeeze out the air.
  3. Place the portion bags in the freezer.

Mushrooms are a perishable product that quickly loses its attractive appearance. Therefore, they should be processed before freezing immediately after collection or purchase.

  • After defrosting, the mushrooms must not be re-frozen.
  • Mushrooms should not be stored in the freezer for more than six months.
  • You can freeze boiled, fried and stewed chanterelles. Once thawed, they can be used to make snacks, stews, pie filling, etc.

How to cook chanterelles

Do chanterelles cook? Of course yes. Mushrooms need to be well examined, to clean the chanterelles from dirt, dark spots and other various contaminants. Transfer to a container or colander and rinse under a cold stream of water.
Before cooking, you can soak the chanterelles for 1 hour in milk in order to remove the taste of bitterness.

How much to cook?
Boil the mushrooms in salted water for 20 minutes in an enamel bowl. During the cooking process, remove the foam with a spoon.

Due to the content of a special substance in chanterelles - chitinmannose - you are unlikely to find a wormy mushroom. Chanterelle water tincture is an excellent remedy for worms. To get the maximum benefit from these mushrooms, grind them as hard as possible. Such mushrooms are very fond of coniferous forests, birch and spruce-birch. They contain a large amount of vitamins A, B, PP, amino acids and trace elements. The beneficial substances contained in chanterelles are an excellent prevention of eye diseases and help in their cure, this is the benefit of chanterelles.
In Europe, chanterelle extracts are used to treat hepatitis C and liver diseases. The chanterelle can be confused with only one mushroom - the false chanterelle. It is not dangerous, but it is not as useful as the real one.
The calorie content of such mushrooms per 100 grams is only 19 kcal.

Fried chanterelles with potatoes

A very tasty recipe for fried chanterelles in sour cream. To prepare it, you only need a few ingredients:

1. Chanterelles - to taste

2. Potatoes - 5-6 pieces

3. Sour cream - 1 jar

4. Onion - 1 piece

5. Salt and pepper - to taste

6. Spices - to taste

Wash the chanterelles well, chop not too finely. Finely chop the onion.

Fry the onions in vegetable oil until golden brown. Add chanterelles to it and fry for 5-10 minutes until the water evaporates from the mushrooms. Season with salt and pepper, add spices if desired. Then add sour cream and simmer for another 10-15 minutes. Peel, cut and fry the potatoes separately from the mushrooms. When serving on a plate, put mushrooms and potatoes together.

How to salt chanterelles

Mushrooms can be salted in two ways - hot and cold. Let's take a closer look at each salting method.

How to cold salt chanterelles

To pickle mushrooms, we need:

1. Chanterelles - 1.5 kilograms

2. Dill - 3 umbrellas

3. Garlic - 3 heads

4. Salt and sunflower oil

First of all, thoroughly clean the mushrooms from dirt and forest debris, then put them in a bowl with cold water and rinse them well. Using a knife, separate the caps from the legs. Transfer the processed mushrooms to a colander, pour over boiling water and allow time to drain the excess water from the mushrooms.

Prepare glass jars. Put the dill umbrellas drenched in boiling water in a jar, then put the mushrooms in the second layer. Sprinkle each layer with salt and finely chopped garlic with a dill umbrella. We put the load on top and send the chanterelles to the refrigerator for one day. After that, we remove the load and pour preheated oil into each jar so that the mushrooms are completely covered. Then, close the jar with a lid and put it away for storage.

How to salt chanterelles hot

To pickle chanterelle mushrooms, we need:

1. Chanterelles - half a kilogram

2. Cloves - 3 pieces

3. Garlic - 3 cloves

4. Bay leaf - 3 pieces

5. Salt - 1 tablespoon

6. Pepper peas - to taste

We clean fresh chanterelles from various contaminants. We put the mushrooms in a bowl, fill them with water and rinse them well.

We collect a small amount of water in a saucepan, put it on the fire, put half a tablespoon of salt and wait until the water in the pan boils. Put bay leaves, cloves, peppers and mushrooms in boiling water. Then simmer for 15 minutes over medium heat. During cooking it is necessary to stir the solution from time to time with a spoon.

Prepare an enamel container. We send the mushrooms there, add salt, garlic and pour in the water in which the mushrooms were cooked so that the mushrooms are barely covered with it. We put the load on top. We remove the mushrooms that have cooled down under the yoke in the refrigerator for a day.

The next day, the mushrooms can be rolled up in jars and stored or washed and eaten.

Bon Appetit!

Chanterelles in their nutritional qualities are not inferior to porcini mushrooms: they are filled with vitamins and minerals. What is especially attractive about these mushrooms is that they most often remain untouched by worms (they are protected by a special substance - quinomannose). Chanterelles can be cooked in different ways: boil, fry, bake, pickle. It is not difficult to cook boiled mushrooms, but you need to know how to boil chanterelles correctly so that the dish turns out to be tasty and healthy.

Marina Guselnikova

Fresh mushrooms must be cleaned of litter, blades of grass, dirt and rinsed, preferably several times.

“> 30 minutes. Do not cook the chanterelles for too long, so as not to spoil their taste. When boiling chanterelles, it must be remembered that the foam formed during the boiling process must be removed periodically.

If you plan to boil dried chanterelles, then they are pre-soaked for 2-3 hours, and then boiled in salted water for 15-20 minutes.

Boiled chanterelle recipes

In order not to suffer over the question of how to cook chanterelles, use one of these recipes.

Chanterelle salad


  • chanterelles - 200 g;
  • tomatoes - 2-3 pcs.;
  • ham - 200 g;
  • bulgarian pepper - 1 pc.;
  • olive oil - 2-3 tbsp l .;
  • soy sauce - 2 tbsp l .;
  • salt, pepper, other spices - to taste.

We clean fresh mushrooms from dirt and litter, cut into small pieces. Boil the chanterelles in salted water, adding spices to taste, for 25-30 minutes. Cut the ham into cubes. Cut the bell pepper into slices. Cut the tomatoes into cubes. We combine everything, salt and pepper to taste. Season the salad with sauce and butter (if desired, you can use mayonnaise or other sauce).

Cucumber salad


  • chanterelles - 200 g;
  • chicken fillet - 250 g;
  • onions - 80 g;
  • olive oil - 2-3 tbsp l .;
  • pickled cucumbers - 2-3 pcs.;
  • greens;
  • sour cream for dressing.

Chicken fillet with chanterelles

Boil the chanterelles, cut into strips. Bake chicken fillet in the oven, cut into cubes. Shred the onion. Cut the cucumbers into strips. Combine ingredients, season with herbs and spices. Mix everything and season with sour cream.


  • chicken fillet - 3-4 pcs.;
  • chanterelles - 250 g;
  • olive oil - 3-4 tbsp l. for the sauce and 4-5 tbsp. l. for frying;
  • lemon - 3-4 tbsp. l. juice;
  • soy sauce - 2 tbsp l .;
  • salt, pepper to taste;
  • seasoning to taste;
  • garlic - 2 cloves.

We make the marinade. Mix the soy sauce, lemon juice, squeeze out the garlic, mix thoroughly. Add olive oil and seasonings to the resulting sauce (you can use “Seasoning”, “Maggi” or “Knorr” for chicken). Cut the chicken fillet into small pieces, salt, pepper and marinate in the sauce for 30-40 minutes.

Boil the chanterelles for 20 minutes, put them in a colander, let the water drain. Place the boiled chanterelles in a frying pan greased with olive oil and, season with salt and pepper, fry for 20 minutes. Put the marinated chicken fillet in a skillet and fry it lightly, then simmer for 20-25 minutes. Next, add the chanterelles and bring them to readiness.

The calorie content of chanterelles is 20 kcal per 100 g. Nutritional value of chanterelles: proteins - 1.7 g, fats - 1 g, carbohydrates - 1 g.

If you want to prepare chanterelles for the winter, pickle them.