Home / Recipes / Simple melon jam. Melon jam for the winter - exotic aroma

Simple melon jam. Melon jam for the winter - exotic aroma

Few people know that from such seasonal berries as watermelon and melon, you can prepare stunning in their taste and direction of harvesting for the winter. These can be appetizers in the form of salads, jams and compotes, marinades and pickles.

Jam made from melon, regardless of the method chosen, always turns out to be fragrant, slightly viscous-liquid, in its taste resembling young, only harvested honey.

For making jam, not only ripe melon can be suitable, but also unripe with tough pulp or overripe, already with such pulp that it, in fact, is one melon juice.

Recipe 1. The classic way to make melon jam

If you properly prepare this wonderful jam according to the recipe below, then it will definitely become your favorite. It has a beautiful amber color when finished. This is simply a divine delicacy with an incredibly pleasant aroma and delicate taste... Cooking is very simple and easy. A hostess who is beginning to cook will be able to cope with this matter.


  • sweet pulp of fresh melon - 1.5 kg;
  • sugar - 0.9 kg.

Step-by-step cooking steps:

  1. Wash the melon.
  2. Peel the peel from the melon, peel it completely of all seeds.
  3. Cut the pulp into small cubes and transfer to a deep bowl.
  4. Cover the prepared melon with sugar and leave for half an hour. During this time, the melon will give juice.
  5. Transfer all contents from a bowl to a bowl / pot where the jam will be prepared.
  6. Put the dishes with the food prepared for cooking on the slowest heat.
  7. Bring the jam "to a boil" and turn off the heat, cover the jam with a lid that is tight to the dish and let it cool. It takes about 4 hours.
  8. Put the cooking jam on the slowest heat again and bring it to a boil.
  9. Cook it for about 5 minutes, periodically crushing the melon pieces with a spoon and at the same time stirring the jam. In this case, it will become much more fragrant and more fragrant.
  10. Repeat the procedure from clause 7 to clause 9 2 more times.
  11. Transfer the cooked jam to clean, dry, sterilized jars and seal them hot with suitable lids.
  • Sugar in its quantity depends on how sweet the melon is. The sweeter the melon, the less sugar you need to put in the jam.
  • For the preparation of this jam, you should give your preference to the hard melon.

Recipe 2. Melon jam with bananas

Due to its color and texture, the banat is ideal for a company in the preparation of melon-based jam. Moreover, thanks to him, the delicacy becomes thicker and even more aromatic. Melon jam with bananas turns out to be of a warm honey color, with a refined delicate taste.


  • sugar - 800 gr.;
  • ripe melon pulp - 1.2 kg;
  • sparkling mineral water - 120 gr .;
  • previously squeezed lemon or lime juice - 30 gr.;
  • fresh ripe bananas - 600 gr.

Cooking steps:

  1. Wash and dry the melon.
  2. Prepare melon pulp by cutting off the rind and peeling off the veined seeds. Cut it into arbitrary pieces and put it in a saucepan (basin) in which you plan to cook the jam.
  3. Pour sugar into the melon.
  4. Cover the melon pot with a tight-fitting lid and leave for 15 hours.
  5. Add pre-prepared lemon juice and mineral sparkling water to the melon that has squeezed out during this time. Stir and boil for half an hour over very low heat. In practice, it is not boiled, but languishing.
  6. Prepare bananas. Peel them off and cut into slices.
  7. Transfer the bananas to the saucepan for the cooking jam. Interfere.
  8. Increase the strength of the fire a little and cook it for another half hour. During this time, the jam will be completely cooked. It thickens and all foods become soft.
  9. Turn off the fire.
  10. Cool the jam naturally and put it cold in clean, sterilized jars. Cork.

Special storage conditions melon jam brewed according to this recipe is not required.

Recipe 3. The most unusual melon-based jam - with oranges and lemons

It is exceptionally aromatic and incredible tasty treat should be prepared with a fragrant but slightly unripe melon. Oranges should be sweet red and large ripe lemons. Small lemons and limes are not used in this recipe.


  • sugar in powder / sand of any kind, both white and brown - 1.5 kg;
  • melon - 2 kg (approximately);
  • oranges - 500 gr.;
  • lemons - 300 gr.;
  • vanilla sugar in the form of powder - 15 g.;
  • mineral water with gas - 300 gr.

Cooking steps:

  1. Prepare the melon. Wash it with warm water, peel off the peel and seeds, along with the membranes on which they are located.
  2. Cut the resulting melon pulp into small pieces in any shape. These can be bars or cubes. Fold into the selected container for making jam. This can be a saucepan or a small copper basin.
  3. Wash oranges and lemons and, without peeling off the peel from them, put them in boiling water for 3 minutes.
  4. Cut the citrus fruits into halves, and using a special juicer (you can electric) squeeze the juice out of them. Add it to the melon.
  5. Add any remaining ingredients to the jam products: mineral water with gas, both types of sugar - basic and vanilla. Stir the food.
  6. Cook the jam in one go over low heat after boiling for 40 minutes. Until its full readiness.
  7. Transfer the hot jam to clean glass jars with a small volume - up to half a liter. Seal them hermetically. Cool and store.

The jam can be eaten as soon as it cools down.

Melon jam can be made with any ingredient. These can be fruits - apples, pears, pineapples, peaches, apricots, papaya - or vegetables - pumpkin, carrots, zucchini and even turnips. All options will turn out to be unusually tasty and unusual. The main thing is that the added ingredients have a yellow or white tint in the color of the pulp.

Melon can relieve stress and irritability. Also, the berry helps tissues recover faster, stabilizes blood pressure, improves hair structure and dermis condition. The product normalizes metabolism, contains a lot of minerals and vitamins for the whole organism.

The classic melon jam recipe

  • water - 0.8 l.
  • melon pulp - 2 kg.
  • sugar - 2.2 kg.
  • lemon - 1 pc.
  • vanillin - 5 gr.
  1. For cooking unusual jam slice juicy berry into cubes. Put water on the stove in parallel. As soon as the liquid boils, toss the melon into it.
  2. Simmer the product over low heat for 6-7 minutes. Catch the berry slices from the container, place on a sieve. Wait for excess water to drain.
  3. Wash the citrus, cut it in half with a sharp knife, and squeeze the juice into a small cup. Stir granulated sugar, vanillin and lemon juice into the broth.
  4. Boil the syrup for a while until the crystals are completely dissolved. Then the pieces of berries must be put in a heat-resistant container and filled with hot broth.
  5. Wait 10 hours, for the allotted time the jam will acquire the desired aroma. Pour the sweet mass into an enamel container, put on fire again.
  6. Reboil the syrup for half an hour. Allow the composition to cool. Pour the treat into sterile containers, close with capron. Send for storage.

Melon jam with ginger

  • melon pulp - 1.9 kg.
  • sugar - 1.3 kg.
  • large orange - 1 pc.
  • fresh ginger - 55 gr.
  • ground cinnamon - 4 gr.
  • vanilla - 2 gr.
  1. Get a sugar melon that looks like a rugby ball. Cut the fruit in half, chop into square pieces.
  2. Place the melon in an enamel-coated pan and rub the ginger root into the bowl. Halve the orange, squeeze the juice into a common container.
  3. Add 150 gr. sand, stir, let the product brew for 2-3 hours. Pour in 1.5 liters. drinking water, add the remaining sugar.
  4. Boil the mixture until the grains are completely dissolved. Protome the composition after that for another 20 minutes. As a result, you should get a thick mass. Extend the cooking process if necessary.
  5. At the end of the manipulations, add spicy spices, distribute the delicacy in the jars, roll up. Let it cool at room temperature, place in the cold.

  • honey melon - 950 gr.
  • granulated sugar - 500 gr.
  • citric acid - 4 gr.
  • vanilla - 2 gr.
  1. Butcher a melon, cut out seeds, peel. Chop the fruit into square pieces, send the pulp to a multi-bowl, add sugar.
  2. Set the "Stew" program on the kitchen appliance, cook the product for 3.5 hours. After the set time, add lemon powder, stir.
  3. Put on the "Steam cooking" program, wait for the bubbles to appear. Do not be alarmed if the sweet mass is watery.
  4. Next, put the "Baking" mode on the multicooker, blanch the berry for 35-45 minutes, open the lid, stir occasionally.
  5. Sterilize glass containers, pour the melon mass into jars, roll up in the usual way. Store jam in your basement or storage room.

Melon jam with banana

  • ripe bananas - 900 gr.
  • melon - 1.5 kg.
  • lime - 8 pcs.
  • sugar - 1.5 kg.
  • cognac - 40 ml.
  1. Place the prepared melon pulp in a saucepan, sprinkle with the required amount of sugar. Cover the container with a gauze cloth, leave the berry for a day.
  2. After the time has elapsed, wash the lime, cut 5 copies into two parts, squeeze the juice from the fruits into a common saucepan. Send the container with food to the oven, simmer the ingredients for 30-40 minutes.
  3. Remember to stir the ingredients when making the jam. Cut the remaining citrus into slices with the peel, chop the banana pulp into rings. Add food to the saucepan.
  4. Boil the ingredients until puree. Keep in mind that the languishing process should be carried out over low heat. Stir the mixture, cook until thickened.
  5. Pour into portions, roll up in the usual way. Turn the jars over, the next day, put the jam in the refrigerator.

Melon jam with grapefruit

  • melon (pulp) - 1 kg.
  • sugar - 750 gr.
  • grapefruit - 1 pc.
  1. Cut the flesh of the berry into cubes, place in a plastic bowl, sprinkle with sugar. Leave the melon for 10-12 hours. During the allotted time, the product will let the juice out.
  2. Transfer the melon to a metal container, put on medium heat. After boiling, reduce the power of the stove, boil the mass for at least 8 minutes.
  3. Turn off the gas, leave the broth for a day. After that, repeat the cooking manipulation again for a quarter of an hour. Turn off the hotplate, wait 7 hours.
  4. Chop the washed grapefruit with zest into small slices, toss into the saucepan over the melon. Simmer the mass for 20 minutes.
  5. At the same time, sterilize the jars, pour the finished jam, close the containers with nylon. Store jam in the pantry.

  • melon cubes - 1.9 kg.
  • lemon - 2 pcs.
  • sugar - 950 kg.
  • freshly ground cinnamon - 7 gr.
  1. Place the prepared melon slices in a thick-walled saucepan. Squeeze citrus juice, add 300 gr. Sahara. Leave the ingredients for a few hours.
  2. Meanwhile, pour in 1 liter. drinking water in a container, add the rest of the sand. Send to the stove, boil the syrup. As soon as the hot composition is cooked, pour over the infused melon.
  3. Stir the ingredients, put the saucepan over low heat. Boil the jam until tender. When the mass thickens, turn off the stove. Add cinnamon, stir.
  4. Distribute the melon treat into dry, clean jars, roll up iron lids... Store the jam in a suitable, low-temperature room.

Melon jam with pear

  • cut melon - 850 gr.
  • ripe pear - 1 kg.
  • sugar - 900 gr.
  • water - 0.5 l.
  • pink peppercorns - 25 pcs.
  • essence of grapefruit - 110 ml.
  1. Rinse pears, remove excess moisture with a waffle towel. Cut off any excess from the fruit, including the core. Chop into slices with shell.
  2. Cook separately sugar syrup... After the formation of a transparent composition, throw in the pear wedges. Boil the mixture for a total of 3 times for 5-7 minutes.
  3. In between, wait for the sweet composition to cool completely. In parallel, chop the melon pulp into pieces. Send the berries to the pear mass. Add peas or grind them in a special appliance.
  4. Repeat boiling the sugar berry in a similar manner to the pear. 2 minutes before the end of the last manipulation, pour in the essence of grapefruit. Distribute the fragrant delicacy in containers, cover with capron. Store in a cool place.

  • apples - 500 gr.
  • melon pulp - 1.4 kg.
  • sugar - 550 kg.
  • lemon zest - 1 pc.
  1. Sterilize the jars and lids, then wash the citrus and apples. Pass the prepared honey berry through a blender. Pour the resulting gruel into an enamel-coated container.
  2. Pour granulated sugar into the puree, mix well. Turn the heat to low, simmer the composition, stirring constantly. Reduce the mass to a thick consistency. Chop the apples finely. Continue with the procedure.
  3. Grate the citrus zest, add to the overall composition. Simmer for 5-7 minutes. Turn off the stove. Pour the sweet mixture into portions glass jars, close the lids. Store in the basement, avoid direct sunlight.

Melon jam with watermelon rinds

  • melon - 500 gr.
  • watermelon peel - 450 gr.
  • sugar - 550 gr.
  • water - 0.6 l.
  1. Cut off a thin layer of the shell from the melon, similar to the watermelon rind. Chop food into small pieces in a way that is convenient for you.
  2. Pour water into a cup, salt a little. Place the sliced ​​slices in the recipe for half an hour. Next, the product must be transferred to boiling water for 8-10 minutes.
  3. Simultaneously cook the syrup over classic recipe... Remove the melon and watermelon rind from hot water, transfer to a dry heat-resistant container. Pour the prepared syrup over the product.
  4. Send the mass to the stove, cook in 3 stages, bringing the composition to a boil. The interval between procedures should be at least 2.5 hours. Next, pack the finished jam in glass jars, roll up. Wrap up with a blanket, wait a day.

Melon and orange jam

  • oranges - 2-3 pcs.
  • chopped melon - 1.5 kg.
  • water - 0.7 l.
  • sugar - 2 kg.
  1. Chop a melon in random order, place in an iron cup. Fill in the pulp of the berry 0.5 kg. Sahara. Stir the ingredients, leave for 3 hours at room temperature.
  2. Next, start cooking the syrup. Combine the remaining sugar with water, prepare a sweet liquid. After a while, pour the hot sweet mixture over the melon.
  3. Mix the ingredients thoroughly, cover with a cloth for a day. Leave the sweet mass to infuse. After that, separate the syrup from the pulp, send to boil.
  4. Pour the melon again with the hot mass. Re-infuse the product for 8-10 hours. After a while, chop the oranges into small cubes along with the zest, add to the bulk.
  5. Finally, boil the jam to a thick consistency, distribute hot over clean jars. Store in the classic way in a dark room.

  1. To make melon jam, you need to choose hard enough fruits, while they should differ in their honey taste. The advantage of such a berry is that the pulp does not fall apart after cooking.
  2. Overripe melons can be passed through a food processor and mashed delicious jam... Also, if you are going to make jam based on watermelon peels, soak the hard base in a salty solution. Such manipulations will help the pieces retain their shape in the future.
  3. The finished melon jam looks pretty nice and attractive. The shade of the syrup will generally depend on the variety of the berry. Cut the melon slices in random order, their shape affects exclusively the original look of the delicacy.
  4. The consistency of the syrup depends on the cooking duration of the ingredients. The thickness of the treat does not affect the taste at most. Eat melon jam with pancakes, pastries, ice cream, or cheese. Stock up on a vitamin for the whole year. Strengthen your health with a treat.

Cook melon jam using the following recipes. You can create your own treat yourself from similar fruits. Experiment with melon jam to your liking. Pineapple, kiwi, mango, peaches, figs can be perfectly combined with honey berry. Enrich the treat with nuts, there is no limit to imagination.

Video: delicious and aromatic melon jam

It is difficult to find a hostess who would not like to know how to prepare fragrant and Exotic fruits for example how to make melon jam. But there are a lot of options for working with this component! The recipes are varied and not alike. Despite its specific taste and aroma, melon goes well with most fruits and berries. It is not too demanding for processing and retains after it a significant part of the useful components.

Melon harvest facts you need to know

Melon harvested for the winter according to all the rules is not only exquisite delicacy, but also useful product... In some countries, its therapeutic properties are even higher than honey. This is due to the unique chemical composition fruit pulp. In it you can find both vitamins and minerals, and organic acids, natural fiber and pectins. If you cook the mass quickly, as a result of which it retains maximum benefits, you can count on the following results:

  • Blood pressure is normalized, the course of metabolic processes improves.
  • The condition of the hair and skin improves, the profile defects that arise every winter due to seasonal vitamin deficiency are eliminated.
  • Recovery of tissues is accelerated, small wounds heal faster.
  • Signs of irritability, nervous sleep, insomnia are removed.

Just a spoonful of melon jam a day can improve mood, prevent the development of colds, anemia, seasonal depression, heart and vascular problems. Melon honey should take a special place in the winter diet of adults and children. Even sugar is not needed to create this amazing product.

Recipes for making classic, thick and liquid jam

For the preparation of preparations for the winter, regardless of which recipe will be used, it is best to choose dense and slightly unripe fruits. Then their pulp will not turn into an incomprehensible mess, but will retain a pleasant texture. It is best to start experimenting with melon with the simplest approaches:

  • Classic melon jam. For a kilogram of melon pulp, we need a kilogram of sugar, one and a half glasses of drinking water, a packet of vanillin, one medium lemon. Cut the melon pulp into pieces of any size, blanch in boiling water and, after 5 minutes, put it in a colander. While the product cools down, cook the syrup from sugar, water, lemon juice and vanillin. Fill the fruit pulp with syrup and soak for 6 hours. Then we put the preparation for the winter on fire, bring to a boil and boil for a quarter of an hour. We close the finished composition by banks.

  • For 800 g of melon pulp, take 1 kg of granulated sugar, a glass of almonds and three glasses of sugar and water for syrup. Cut the melon into very thin slices and lay in layers in a jar, spreading almonds between them and sprinkling with sugar. Boil the syrup separately and fill the blank with it. The product must be stored in a cool place for at least three months!

Tip: Jam for the winter, made from melon, can be made not only tasty, but also beautiful. To do this, we take molds or special knives and give the pulp the desired look. It will be saturated with syrup, but will not fall apart, which will allow you to get an original delicacy that you will not be ashamed to serve on the table.

  • To prepare it, you need to take 1 kg of melon pulp and sugar, a glass of drinking water and a tablespoon of brandy. Cut the fruit into thin equal slices, put in a bowl, sprinkle with brandy, sprinkle with two glasses of granulated sugar and cover with a cloth. The mass must be insisted in a cool place for a couple of hours. From the rest of the sugar and water, prepare a syrup, which we pour over the infused melon and leave for a day. After the indicated time, we drain the liquid, bring to a boil and again fill the fruit with it. We wait a day and repeat the manipulation again. Then we boil the whole product for 10 minutes and pour it into jars.

Each of the above blanks for the winter has its own advantages. And, given the fact that heat treatment in all cases is minimal, you can also count on unconditional benefit.

Jam without pulp or "melon honey"

For the preparation of fragrant and delicate honey, we do not need anything except the melon itself. It should be ripe and juicy, with sugar pulp and free from the slightest defects. We pass the pulp through a meat grinder with a large grid or chop it arbitrarily with a knife. We put the resulting mass in a gauze bag and try to squeeze out the maximum amount of juice from it.

Pour the resulting liquid into a saucepan and bring to a boil. If foam appears on the surface, then remove it. We filter the workpiece through several layers of gauze. We put what has turned out on the stove and cook until the volume decreases significantly (about 5-6 times). After that, we check the readiness of the product by dropping a little on a plate. When hot, it will flow a little, and after cooling it will harden. It is recommended to strain the product again through several layers of gauze and pack it in jars. They do not need to be turned over, we simply put them up for storage.

Dessert recipe in a slow cooker

A fragrant preparation for the winter can be prepared in a multicooker, spending a minimum of effort on it. True, it is worth considering that in this case the heat treatment will be long, due to which the mass will lose a significant part of the useful components.

  • For a kilogram of melon pulp, we take three large prunes, two glasses of sugar and a glass of water.
  • We clean the melon and cut into small cubes. Chop the prunes as much as possible with a knife. We cook syrup from sugar and water.
  • Put fruits in the bowl of the apparatus and fill them with still hot syrup. We select the extinguishing mode and set the minimum power. We set the timer at 5 o'clock.

We start the device and forget about the product for the specified time, after which the workpiece will be completely ready. It remains to mix it well and can be poured into jars.

Melon desserts with various fruits and berries

Melon jam has a sweet and unforgettable aroma, but its taste is not so pronounced. Therefore, most often this component is still preferred to be combined with other fruits and berries. Here are the most popular options for melon blanks for the winter:

  • With citrus. For 1 kg of peeled melon, we take 700 g of sugar and a couple of citruses (lemons, oranges, grapefruits). Cut the melon pulp into thin slices, sprinkle with sugar and leave to infuse for 4 hours to let the fruit juice. Then bring the workpiece to a boil and cook for 5-6 minutes. We insist the mass for 6 hours and again boil the same amount. After another 6 hours, introduce citrus, cut into very thin slices along with the peel (even if it is a grapefruit). Boil the jam for another 15 minutes, cool it in a natural way and cook for another quarter of an hour.

  • With watermelon. We take half a kilogram of melon and watermelon peels, three incomplete glasses of water and one and a half glasses of sugar. Cut off the dense outer skin from the white parts of the peel and cut it into small cubes. We lower the mass for half an hour in salted (!) Water, after which we keep it in boiling water for 10 minutes. We take out and fill in with hot syrup made from water and sugar and leave to infuse overnight. The next day, bring the product to a boil 4 times, taking breaks of 3 hours between sets.

  • With a banana. For 1.5 kg of ripe melon pulp, take a kilogram of ripe but not spoiled banana pulp, 4 small lemons, 1.5 kg of sugar and a couple of tablespoons of brandy. Cut the melon into pieces, put it in a suitable container, add sugar and cover with a cloth. The mass should be infused for 8 hours. In the morning we introduce the juice of one lemon and put on the fire - cook the mass for 30 minutes. Cut the bananas into washers, cut the remaining lemons together with the peel into the finest slices. We add these ingredients to the melon along with the cognac. Cook until the mixture turns into a puree and thickens. Then it can be laid out in banks.

In addition, there are many more interesting recipes... You can even invent them yourself. It is only necessary to empirically select the optimal proportions of the components and maintain them so much that the mass is homogeneous and textured, but at the same time retains useful material... To achieve this, you need to insist the ingredients more often, apply various syrups. To give the finished product a piquant aroma, it is recommended to moisten paper mugs in cognac and put them in jars, on top of the jam.

Delicate aromatic jam from a melon will not leave anyone indifferent. With lemon zest or flavored with cognac - a real pleasure!

Melon jam is one of the most aromatic. In taste and color, it is somewhat similar to honey. But this will be so if you cook it according to the correct recipe so that the cubes retain their shape and the syrup remains clear. Of course, the cooking process will take a long time, but the result is worth it!

  • Melon (pulp only) - 1 kg
  • Sugar - 1 kg
  • Water - 1 glass
  • Cognac - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Citric acid - 0.5 tsp

Peel the melon, cut in half and remove the seeds with a spoon.

Cut the melon into cubes. You can use a curly knife.

Sprinkle the sliced ​​melon with half the sugar and pour in the cognac.

Mix the mass.

Leave the mixture for 3 hours in a cool place, stirring occasionally. The sugar should be dissolved in the released juice.

Pour the remaining sugar with water, add citric acid and boil the syrup, removing the foam.

Pour melon with boiling syrup and leave in a cool place for a day.

After aging, drain the syrup into a saucepan and boil it down to 1/3 of the volume.

Dip the melon cubes back into the syrup.

Boil the jam for 25-30 minutes.

Pack the jam in sterilized jars with a capacity of 0.5 liters, cool and seal with boiled lids. Melon jam is ready.

Recipe 2, step by step: melon jam for the winter

Melon jam is incredibly tasty, has a delicate aroma, and the taste always depends on the selected variety. So, an orange melon will have a pleasant pumpkin flavor, a green one will have a pear flavor, and a white melon will have a pineapple flavor.

  • Melon - 1 kg
  • Sugar - 800 g
  • Lemon - 1 piece

Wash the melon, dry with a paper towel and cut in half. Gently pick out the seeds from the melon with a spoon.

Peel the melon.

Cut the melon, peeled from the crust, first into wedges, and then into medium-sized cubes.

Put the pieces of melon in a bowl or saucepan, sprinkle the layers with sugar. Pour a thick layer of sugar on top. At this stage, it is sufficient to use only half of the required sugar.

Add lemon juice to the sliced ​​melon with sugar before making the jam. Using lemon juice not only allows for a more balanced flavor, but also preserves color. The finished jam will have a delicate honey color. To preserve whole melon slices, the jam will need to be cooked in several stages.

The first time the jam should be brought to a boil, stirring constantly until the sugar is completely dissolved, and cook over low heat for 3-5 minutes. Add the rest of the sugar to the hot mixture and leave for a day: the sugar will dissolve, sugaring the pieces of melon so that they remain intact and not boiled down to a puree state.

At the end of the day, bring the jam to a boil again, stirring occasionally, and cook for 5-7 minutes. Leave the jam to cool completely. When the jam has cooled down, evaluate its consistency. If it is already thick enough, you just need to boil, pour into prepared jars and cover with a lid. If the melon was very juicy, then the boiling process must be repeated until the jam has the desired consistency.

Recipe 3: jam with melon and lemon (with photo)

  • ripe melon - 1 kg,
  • granulated sugar (white) - 700 g,
  • lemon fruit - 1 pc.,
  • vanilla sugar - 3 g.

First of all, we wash the melon under the tap with warm water. Then we cut it in half and carefully remove the seeds. Then we cut it into slices, while be sure to remove the peel. Next, very carefully cut the melon pulp into pieces, which we will boil.

Rinse the lemon fruit thoroughly with warm water and soap. Then we cut it in half: cut one half into thin slices, and squeeze the lemon juice from the second.

We put the melon in a saucepan, add lemon wedges and lemon juice, and add sugar.

Stir the fruit mixture and heat over low heat for about 5 minutes, and then let it stand for 3 hours.

Then we reheat the jam, boil it for 10 minutes, and set it aside for another 2 hours.
Now add vanillin or vanilla sugar to the delicacy and boil the jam for another 15 minutes.

On this, in fact, the brewing process ends, we put the sweets in clean jars, close the lids and look forward to the winter evening, when we can serve a vase of amazingly tasty delicacies with fragrant tea.

Recipe 4, simple: melon cinnamon winter jam

  • Melon (without seeds and rind) -1 kg
  • Sugar-1 kg
  • 1 x Lemon
  • Water-1 glass
  • Cinnamon-2 sticks
  • Cognac-2 tbsp

Peel and seed the melon, cut into cubes.

Cover the melon with half the sugar, pour over the brandy, set aside for an hour to let the juice flow.

Cut the lemon, squeeze the juice out of it.

Boil the syrup from water, lemon juice and the second half of sugar.

Put the melon with juice in the syrup and cook, stirring for 15-20 minutes. Remove the jam from the heat and leave in a cool place to infuse overnight.

Pull the pieces of melon out of the syrup with a slotted spoon into another dish.

Boil the syrup in half.

Return melon to syrup, cook until tender (about 40 minutes) or until desired consistency.

While hot, spread the jam into jars, put a stick of scalded cinnamon in each jar, close the lids.

Recipe 5, with pictures: delicious melon jam

Recently, not the most ordinary traditional types of jam, but interesting and unusual ones have been very popular with housewives. They are often prepared in small portions and packaged in small jars. It is very convenient to give such unusual jams for winter holidays to relatives and friends. And you yourself can enjoy such an unusual deliciousness.

I suggest making melon jam with orange. The jam turns out to be bright, aromatic, sunny and bright.

  • Orange 0.5 pcs.
  • Melon 400 g
  • Sugar 500 g

Recipe 6: melon and banana jam (step by step photos)

  • Bananas - 400 Grams
  • Melon - 300 Grams
  • Mango - 100 Grams (I add for a bright color. You can replace with apricots, or you can just take
  • more melon)
  • Lemons - 2 Pieces
  • Sugar - 5 Glasses
  • Butter - 1 Teaspoon

If you always cook jams in the season of berries and fruits, then do not be lazy and stock up on an unusually beautiful and delicious jam from a melon. It is absolutely not difficult to prepare it, but in winter you can surprise your family and friends with a delicious dessert.

Melon Jam Ingredients

Melons with very dense pulp are suitable for jam. You can even use not quite ripe, which have not very sweet taste... So, prepare:

  • melon pulp - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg and 200 g;
  • water - 375 ml;
  • vanillin - on the tip of a knife;
  • citric acid - on the tip of a knife.

Preparing melon for jam

Cut the melon in half and remove the seeds - use a large spoon. Peel the melon halves and cut them into slices about 1.5 cm wide. Then cut these slices into small pieces. Try to keep them rectangular and the same size. Dip the prepared cubes in boiling water and hold them in it for 5 minutes. Use a slotted spoon to transfer the blanched melon to a sieve to drain off the liquid.

Melon jam

For the jam, use the water in which the melon pieces have been blanched. Take it exactly one and a half glasses. Next, the exact cooking technology will be described:

  • Boil the syrup from water and sugar.
  • While still hot, place the prepared melon pieces into the syrup.
  • Soak the melon in the syrup for 8 hours.
  • Put the jam on very little fire and after boiling, cook it for 5 minutes.
  • Set aside the jam from the heat and let it sit in the cold for 8 hours.
  • Repeat paragraphs 4 and 5 two more times, keeping the boil and infusion time.
  • For the last, fourth time, bring the jam to a boil and at this moment put citric acid and vanillin in it. Cook for another 3 minutes.
  • Pour hot jam into hot jars and seal them with hot lids.

If you follow the cooking technology exactly, you will end up with rather dense transparent pieces of melon in syrup. The melon will resemble candied fruit, so it can be used to decorate cakes and pastries.

Melon jam has an unusual bright color and aroma. If you don't really like vanillin, then you can use lemon as a flavoring. Take a quarter of a lemon and cut it into thin half rings. Add it to future jam at the first boil. Lemon wedges from ready-made jam do not take out. They will look very beautiful in a transparent rosette when you serve this dessert for tea.