Home / Dough / Apricot jam with cocoa recipe. Chocolate variations on the theme of blanks for the winter

Apricot jam with cocoa recipe. Chocolate variations on the theme of blanks for the winter

For many, a hot season begins in summer - almost every family preserves fruits, berries, and vegetables for the winter. Exclusive Recipes jams from the Stavropol mistress - in the selection of "AiF-SK".

Beauty without sacrifice

“I don’t make jam so that I don’t starve in winter, this is my hobby,” says resident of Stavropol Lilia Grigorova.- I like the cooking process itself. In short, I love cooking more than eating. I cook and imagine how I will treat guests on dark winter evenings. And I love to surprise. Therefore, I am not afraid of complex, time-consuming recipes, despite the fact that sometimes there is a catastrophic lack of time.

Lilia advises: if you are making quince jam, be sure to add walnuts.


  • fresh quince - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • walnuts - 200 g.

Preparation: a cut yva into small slices or grate. Sprinkle with sugar, leave for an hour and a half. The released juice will turn the added sugar into syrup. If the quince is not very juicy, you need to add a little water to the basin (0.5 cup). Then put on minimum heat, bring the syrup to a boil, boil for five minutes and turn off the heat, let it brew for three to eight hours in hot syrup. The duration of the second cooking is 10 minutes. Boil the quince again and leave it in hot syrup for 3-8 hours. Then again put the jam on the fire, and as soon as it boils, add the peeled walnuts, cook for 15 minutes. Arrange hot jam in dry sterilized heated jars, close with clean lids. For sterilization, wrap jars in a warm cloth until cool.

"But blackcurrant and feijoa simply twist with sugar from a one-to-one ratio (1 kg of sugar X 1 kg of berries) and leave in a cool place. This is more of a medicine than a delicacy, so it’s better not to boil it so that the healing berries do not lose their benefits, Lilia advises. But I have a favorite recipe. It's a plum with rum, ginger and chocolate."


  • plums - 1 kg;
  • pectin - 10 g;
  • sugar - 0.5 kg;
  • rum - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • ginger - 20 g;
  • 1 bar of dark chocolate;
  • water - 50 ml.

Cooking: We take out the seeds from the plums, add pectin, half a kilogram of sugar to them and simmer over low heat. As soon as everything boils, add two tablespoons of rum and a little fresh ginger to the jam. Melt dark chocolate and pour into jam. Simmer everything over low heat until thickened.

Lilia believes that such an original jam deserves an exclusive package.

“Therefore, decorate your blanks with a beautiful fabric with original inscriptions, you can also add bows under the covers. Feel free to give such a jar of jam to relatives and friends,” Lilia advises.

cherry paradise


  • yellow cherry - 2 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 1.8-2 kg;
  • water - 200 ml;
  • lemon - 1/2 pcs. or lemon acid- 3-4 g;
  • vanilla or vanillin - on the tip of a knife or for every kilogram of cherries.

Cooking: separate the cherries from the tails, rinse in cold water when the berries are a little dry, remove the seeds from them. This can be done with a special tool, a machine or a regular pin. Pour one glass of water into an enameled basin, add all the sugar. Put the basin on a slow fire and bring to a boil. Pour cherries into boiling syrup, boil for five minutes. Then remove the basin from the fire and leave for eight hours. The second time, the cherries again need to be boiled for five minutes and cooled. The third brew lasts longer. As soon as the syrup boils, you need to add vanillin and a lemon with a peel cut into small pieces. Boil for 15 minutes until the syrup thickens.

Apricots with a surprise


  • apricots - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 1.5 - 2 kg.

Cooking: apricots should be ripe, but firm. Wash and dry fruits. Then use a pencil to squeeze the bones out of them. Be careful, it is important that the fruit retains its shape. Then we prepare the bones. The easiest way to break them is with a bench vise, this will preserve the shape of the core. Then the nucleoli must be cleaned of the film and put back into the apricots. Let's start cooking: prepare syrup from sugar and a small amount of water. Pierce each apricot in several places with a toothpick and dip into boiling syrup. Cook for five minutes at a slow boil. It is not necessary to interfere with the jam, and the foam must be removed very carefully. After that, let it cool and stand for about seven hours. Like any other jam, repeat the process of boiling and cooling several times until it becomes thick and the fruit is translucent.

Good things come in small packages

However, jam contains a lot of sugar, so nutritionists advise eating this delicacy in moderation.

"Fruits and vegetables all year round we do not grow, so even in the south of Russia people do not eat enough vitamins, - says endocrinologist-diabetologist Elena Krasilnikova.- So they prepare them for the winter. It is best to eat fruits and vegetables in season. But the measure must also be observed. From the fact that a person simultaneously eats a kilogram of apples or peaches, the benefits will be very doubtful. A day you can eat 1 apple and 1 pear, for example, or 1 peach and 170 grams of cherries or strawberries. And this is how it should be done every day. To preserve all the vitamins in berries, it is better to freeze them for the winter. Jams and compotes are a concentrated solution of sugar. During the cooking process, all vitamins die. So really jam nutritional value does not carry.

Useful advice

To find out if the jam is ready, you need to drop the syrup on a clean, dry plate, the drops should not spread, but retain a spherical shape.

The same story with vegetables - they are also better to freeze. Because vitamins are lost by 60% from high temperatures. Salt is added to the same canned food and vegetable oil, and fatty and salty is not good for health. But housewives, of course, want to make vegetable and fruit preparations in the winter according to their favorite recipes. After all, it's delicious too! Therefore, the use of such "winter" delicacies must be approached wisely. And they need to be eaten in limited quantities. 2 teaspoons of jam a day for unsweetened tea will not bring trouble, but no more. Of course, this does not apply to people with diabetes - jam is completely contraindicated for them.

Apricots, like any other fruit, should be eaten raw, in their natural form, especially since their season is short. However, it is highly desirable to harvest apricots for the winter. It is not only tasty, but also very useful. A real delicacy in winter and decoration of any sweet table - apricot compote for the winter, apricot jam for the winter, apricot jam for the winter. original dishes can be obtained by experimenting with this fruit, trying different combinations of products. For example, apricots with orange for the winter can be harvested according to different recipes and in different proportions, it turns out very tasty. But all the useful substances and properties of the fruit are best preserved if you cook apricots in own juice for the winter. A minimum of preservatives and heat treatments provide maximum benefits. However, children who want to give more vitamins in winter still prefer sweet versions of fruit dishes. Here, apricot jam for the winter, pitted apricot jam for the winter, or apricots in syrup will come to the rescue. For the winter, such product options from these fruits are very popular with children and sweet teeth.

Always prepare apricots for the winter, the recipes for these "twists" are on our website, they will satisfy the needs of any dessert lover.

The easiest and most reliable way to preserve flavor and beneficial features apricots - dry them, and this can be done with or without pits. To do this, you just need to wash the apricots with high quality, and then spread them out in the sun in a well-ventilated place. You can also dry the apricots in the oven.

Want to enrich your body with vitamins - pay attention to the apricot. Kit useful substances it actively fights cancer cells, iron helps to increase hemoglobin, potassium strengthens the heart. And if the easiest way to harvest apricots for the winter is drying, then the most useful is freezing. This type of blank ensures the preservation of an attractive appearance fruits. Take a look at apricots, recipes for the winter with photos are an excellent confirmation of this fact.

If you have not made such preparations before, prepare a compote of apricots for the winter, its recipe is extremely simple, you will definitely like it.

In addition, our tips will come in handy:

For compote, use ripe, but still firm fruits;

Slightly unripe apricots can be used for marinades, jams;

Overripe apricots are good for drying, making dried apricots;

Try to properly equip your workplace during conservation, any little things are important here, everything should be at hand;

Be sure to sterilize jars and lids;

For freezing, fruits must be washed well and dried thoroughly so that they do not stick together.

Apricots are frozen on trays, and then transferred to bags or containers;

Be sure to sign containers with a frozen product for convenience;

Apricots prepared without sugar are not subject to defrosting, they are used immediately;

Don't pack the fruit too hard;

Apricots are also not subject to repeated defrosting and freezing;

When drying in the oven, apricots are placed on a baking sheet covered with paper. You need to dry them with periodic stirring in a warm oven with breaks of several hours. The temperature in the oven should be around 65 degrees.

A very simple recipe for chocolate apricot jam with kernels and butter home cooking step by step with photo. Easy to cook at home in over 2 hours. Contains only 229 kilocalories. Author's recipe for home cooking.

  • Preparation time: 17 minutes
  • Cooking time: over 2 hours
  • Amount of calories: 229 kilocalories
  • Servings: 16 servings
  • Complexity: Very simple recipe
  • National cuisine: home kitchen
  • Dish type: canning
  • Features: Recipe for lacto vegetarian diet

Ingredients for sixteen servings

  • Apricot 2 kg.
  • Sugar 1.5 kg.
  • Cocoa - powder 5 tbsp. spoon
  • Butter 200 g.
  • Vanilla sugar 10 g.

Step by step cooking

  1. Apricot chocolate jam with kernels and butter is a real treat, with a light stone fruit aroma and the taste of natural marmalade in chocolate. To prepare this unusual jam, you need to take two kilograms of apricots with seeds, one and a half kilograms of granulated sugar, a pack of butter, five tablespoons of cocoa powder and one bag of vanilla sugar.
  2. Apricots for jam are selected whole, sweet, without damage, wash them well.
  3. Cut the apricots into halves, remove the pits from them.
  4. We put the prepared halves of apricots in a bowl for cooking jam and pour them with sugar - sand. We pour two - three tablespoons of sugar to prepare the chocolate mass. We cover the bowl with apricots in sugar with a towel and leave for eight to ten hours so that the apricots release their juice.
  5. Mix cocoa powder with two tablespoons of sugar.
  6. Remove the kernels from the apricot kernels and peel them. Fresh apricot kernels peel well.
  7. When the apricots start to juice and the sugar melts, put the bowl on the stove and start heating it over high heat.
  8. While the apricots are warming up, add a few tablespoons of apricots to the mixture of cocoa powder and sugar.
  9. Mix the chocolate mass well so that there are no lumps of cocoa left, add vanilla sugar and set aside.
  10. We return to the apricots, bring them to a boil and remove the foam, after which we leave the jam to cool completely.
  11. When the jam has completely cooled, return it to the stove and bring to a boil again.
  12. When the jam starts to boil, add the peeled apricot kernels to it.
  13. Cook apricot jam with kernels, stirring, over low heat, ten minutes.
  14. Meanwhile, in the chocolate mass, kneaded in advance, spread butter and heat it up until the oil melts.
  15. The resulting chocolate is poured into boiling apricot jam with kernels and mix well.
  16. Cooking apricot chocolate jam small fire for half an hour, stirring occasionally.
  17. After half an hour, pour the finished hot chocolate jam from apricots with kernels and oil into sterile jars and immediately roll them up with sterile metal lids.
  18. From the indicated amount of ingredients, I got five jars of 480 ml.
  19. When the jam rolled up in jars has cooled completely, put the jars in the pantry and store at room temperature until consumed.

On winter days, sometimes there is not enough summer, not enough sunny colors. But there is an opportunity to please yourself and your family with sweet fruit preparations. Of course, this will require one of the sunniest fruits - apricot. Apricots can be rolled up delicious compotes(you can add some more fruits and berries to them and make a platter), you can stock up on jam or jam for the winter, and if you really want to, you can make apricot jelly, dried apricots and even delicious marshmallows. Most preparations for the winter from apricots are very easy to do. This is probably why this fruit is so loved by those who like to prepare something sweet for the future. If you doubt your abilities or just look for original recipes apricot blanks, then you are here. Hurry up to save the vitamins of summer gifts, and step by step recipes with photos will help you make blanks quickly and correctly.

Featured Recipes

The best recipes with photos for harvesting apricots

The last notes

Apricot marshmallow - incredible delicious treat. In addition, the main advantages of preparing this blank include the use of a very small amount of sugar and the speed of preparation. You can cook pastille from apricots different ways. In this article, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the most popular recipes for making this dessert.

Oh, what a wonderful recipe I have in store for you! You can't even imagine! Apricot jam, but ... with chocolate flavor. It turns out a magical apricot jam with cocoa - moderately sweet, with a slight bitterness (as befits chocolate), but also with apricot notes. The jam comes out quite thick, although I would not say that it needs to be boiled for a long time, apparently, this cocoa gives such an effect.


  • 1 kg of apricots;
  • 800 g of sugar;
  • 3 tablespoons of cocoa (with a small slide).

The weight of apricots after pitting is indicated.

How to make apricot jam with cocoa:

Sorting apricots. For jam, we select only ripe fruits, with soft juicy pulp. Unripe apricots are not suitable for jam. Wash the selected apricots thoroughly. Breaking into 2 halves with your hands, remove the bones.

Cooking jam is best in a wide saucepan with a thick bottom. Before the apricots, pour a little water into the pan (about 3-4 tablespoons for each kilogram of apricot), and then lay out the fruit and put it on the fire. We need the apricots to boil - become soft, mushy. It is better to cover the pan with a lid - so the process will go faster. After the contents of the pan boil, mix the apricots and cook them over low heat, stirring occasionally. In 10-15 minutes the desired result will be achieved.

Then we cool the apricots a little and pass them through a colander with small holes (you can use a sieve). It turns out apricot puree - very appetizing, but sour in taste.

Pour apricot puree into a saucepan, add sugar and put on fire, bring to a boil. On low heat, stirring occasionally, cook for 20 minutes.

Pour a little, 200 grams, apricot mass into a small bowl, add cocoa.

Thoroughly mix the jam and cocoa so that there are no lumps.

Add cocoa to apricot jam, immediately mix thoroughly until a homogeneous chocolate color is obtained.

Cook over low heat for another 5-10 minutes, until the jam reaches the desired density.

After sterilization (while they are still hot), we fill the jars with hot jam.

And immediately close the lids - roll up or screw. As in others and jam, we turn the jars upside down and wait until it has completely cooled down. After that, we can begin to be proud of ourselves - we have closed the incredibly delicious apricot jam with cocoa, and in winter it will be possible to pamper your family with such a wonderful dessert. You can store such jars in the apartment, but away from sunlight.