Home / Khachapuri / Apricot jelly for the winter is simple. How to cook apricots in gelatin for the winter

Apricot jelly for the winter is simple. How to cook apricots in gelatin for the winter

Who doesn't love jam? There are probably very few such people. How nice it is to open a jar in winter delicious treats, yes for bread, yes with a seagull ...

Today I am sharing a recipe for preparing apricot jam with gelatin for the winter. It is prepared very simply, and its zest is a jelly-like consistency.

You can serve this jam as a dessert or as an addition to pancakes or pancakes.

From this amount of ingredients, two jars of jam with a volume of 550 and 500 ml are obtained, as well as a whole bowl for testing.

To prepare apricot jam with gelatin, prepare necessary products by the list.

Sort apricots (it is better not to use soft and spoiled fruits), pour cold water and wash well.

Remove the pits from the apricots and cut them into two halves.

Combine sugar with gelatin and mix.

In a saucepan in which we will cook jam, lay out slices of apricots in layers, sprinkling each new layer with sugar.

Cover the pan with gauze and leave for 5-6 hours at room temperature. During this time, the apricots will release juice, and the sugar will almost completely dissolve.

Bring the contents of the saucepan to a boil over medium heat.

Boil for 5-6 minutes over very low heat, gently tilting the pan first to one side, then the other, so as not to damage the fruit. Pour the finished jam into clean, pre-sterilized jars.

Cover jars with treated lids and roll up immediately.

Turn the jars upside down, wrap them in a warm blanket and let them cool completely.

After cooling, transfer the jam to a cool, dry place. Apricot jam with gelatin for the winter is ready.

May the winter tea parties be delicious. Bon Appetit!

Servings: Cooking time:

Apricot jelly - cooking method

Apricot jelly is one of the few sweet dishes that is liked not only by children, but also by adults. Thanks to him palatability and useful properties it is in great demand.

Apricots are one of the few fruits that are not only endowed with excellent taste and aroma, but also very useful for the body. Apricot jelly for the winter is one of the easiest and easiest ways to quickly and deliciously prepare a dessert. But, unfortunately, the season of these amazing fruits is short-lived, so many modern housewives try to make preparations for the winter as much as possible, so that later they can enjoy their wonderful taste.

Apricot jelly or jam can be prepared from both fresh and frozen fruits - in any case, the recipe will turn out to be healthy and rich.

Many photos show that apricot jam for the winter turns out not only beautiful, but also appetizing - you can safely serve it on the table without fear that you won’t like the dish. The preparation recipe is prepared quickly: it will take you only an hour to prepare several kilograms of fruit.

The benefits of apricot blanks

These fruits, especially in winter, are necessary for immunity (especially for children). Apricots are great for anemia, as they contain a lot of iron. Potassium, which is part of the fruit, strengthens the bones and heart muscle, and also has a beneficial effect on the state of the body.

It cannot be overlooked that in apricot blanks there is a considerable amount of phosphorus, which properly affects the memory and the state of internal organs.

Apricot jam and jelly in our time is famous for its prevalence: many people buy this delicacy not only to present it to tea, but also to saturate the body useful substances and microelements, which are many in natural jelly. But, unfortunately, dyes and flavor enhancers are often added to store products, saving on fruits.

So it's better to cook your own homemade jam, which will be endowed with a huge amount of vitamins, and will also turn out fragrant, rich and very tasty.

What foods can be added to the recipe

In addition to apricots and sugar, many modern housewives add many ingredients to the recipe in order to slightly diversify it (many photos of the dessert can tell us about this). The most relevant and popular products are:

  • gelatin
  • berries (currants, gooseberries, strawberries, cherries, raspberries)
  • fruits (apples, bananas, pears)
  • freshly squeezed juices

Each ingredient will complement the recipe in its own way and make it very healthy, tasty and nutritious.

To prepare it you will need:

  • kilogram of apricots (you can take overripe ones)
  • glass of water
  • 500 grams of sugar (per liter of puree)

Cooking method:

Jelly for the winter from apricots is quite simple.

Since apricots contain pectin, thick jelly can be prepared from overripe fruits, without adding any foreign products, such as gelatin. Apricots in jam or jelly, as seen in the photo, should be ripe, juicy and with a bright skin. A great option is freshly harvested fruits that did not have time to slightly wilt and lose most of the juice.

The fruits in this jelly recipe must be taken whole: damaged or rumpled will not work.

First of all, for harvesting for the winter, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse the fruits and remove the seeds from them. It is quite simple to do this - cut the fruit along the dimple and carefully remove the bone.

We shift the prepared fruits into a saucepan, fill with water (a glass) and cook for about 10 minutes after boiling.

As a result, the apricot should become soft.

Then we shift the fruits into a colander and let them drain well. After that, carefully grind the apricots to a state homogeneous mass as shown in the photo. If after grinding the skin remains, we take it out of the puree.

You can also grind the fruits with a blender or meat grinder (this method is good if you do a large number of jelly).

The amount of fruit puree after mashing must be at least a liter. We shift the mass into a saucepan, add sugar and cook over low heat until the jelly is reduced by half in volume. If the fruits are sweet, you can put less sugar.

The readiness of the dish can be checked with a saucer, on which you need to drop a drop of the mixture: if it does not spread, you can remove the jam from the heat and put it in pre-sterilized jars.

That's all - apricot jelly for the winter is ready. You just have to take the jars to the basement as they cool. This recipe is good because the dish turns out to be very juicy and bright, which many photos can confirm.

Apricots in jelly can be prepared in the form of whole fruits, slices and grated mashed potatoes. If you prefer the latter method, then do not throw away the rest of the fruit mass. They are perfect as an additional ingredient to sweet pastries. In this recipe, we will cook apricot jam in slices, thanks to gelatin it turns out thick, we will use instant gelatin.


  • peeled apricots - 800 g;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp.;
  • instant gelatin - 15 g;
  • pinch citric acid;
  • water (if necessary) - 100 ml.


Sort out the apricots first. Use dense fruits, remove the seeds.

Place the apricot halves in a bowl. Sprinkle the apricot layers with sugar. For extra flavor, you can toss in a vanilla pod or a pinch. vanilla sugar.

Sprinkle dry instant gelatin over fruit along with sugar. cover cling film a bowl of apricots and leave it to infuse for 5-6 hours.

Apricots with sugar stood and allocated juice. If your fruits are not moist enough and gave little juice, then add water (100 ml).

Pour the fruit with all the liquid into the saucepan, add a pinch of citric acid. Bring them to a boil over moderate heat, heat the mass well, boil for 2-3 minutes. During this time, the sugar should be completely dissolved.

In clean, pre-treated jars, spread the apricot slices and pour the resulting syrup.

Cover jars with lids and place in a pot of water. apricot jam sterilize with gelatin slices (for 500 ml jars) 7 minutes from the moment the water boils. Thanks to sterilization, the jam will last a long time.

Then roll up the jam with lids and put them away in a wrapped kitchen. Leave them there until completely cool.

Store this jelly apricot jam in your pantry. If jars with such jam will be stored in a warm room, then 1-2 hours before serving, cool them to freeze the jelly.

Nuances and tricks of cooking

For spice lovers, jelly dessert you can add cloves, cinnamon, anise, vanilla, orange zest. Only spices are added during the heating of the mass, and removed before pouring into jars. Although a little cinnamon and one clove bud can be left. This will make the preparation more fragrant.

To treat yourself to a jar of apricots with gelatin, you must comply with all the rules for the conditions long-term storage and carefully sterilize the jars. Most fast way processing - glass containers are placed in boiling water and kept there for 15 minutes, then removed and cooled.

Due to the high content of pectin, ripe apricots can be made into natural jelly without adding anything other than sugar and water.

Apricots should be ripe and juicy, ideally freshly picked from the tree.

Apricots need to be taken ripe, but not damaged. Fruits need to be washed, sorted and separated from the bones.

Put prepared apricots in a saucepan and pour a small amount of water. Cook for about 10 minutes to soften the fruit well.

Transfer the soft apricots to a colander or sieve and rub well to make a puree. You can grind apricots with a blender and even a meat grinder if you are making a large amount.

If you take frozen fruits, they must be poured immediately hot water, bring to a boil and remove from heat.

The amount of puree from one kilogram of fruit should be about a liter. We use sugar in a ratio of 1: 2 - we take a pound of sugar per kilogram of mashed potatoes.

Pour the puree into an enamel pan and cook over low heat. Apricot jelly should decrease in volume by about half, only after that it will be possible to add sugar. If the apricots are very sweet, you can reduce the amount of sugar - do it to your taste.

The readiness of the jelly will need to be checked by dropping it on a saucer or a piece of newspaper. If the drop does not spread, then you can remove the jelly from the fire and immediately transfer it to clean jars. For storage, you will need to turn the jars upside down and leave to cool completely. If you want to try this amazing dessert right away, put it in a saucer and let it cool. Bon Appetit!

Apricots are valuable fruits for health, because they promote hematopoiesis, improve memory, prevent certain diseases of the endocrine system, and increase the body's resistance to viral attacks. Harvesting for the winter from them is a sure way to preserve valuable substances in order to provide the body with useful nourishment in the cold season. Among the many ways to preserve these fruits, jelly is popular. Let's talk about cooking jelly for the winter. The recipe with gelatin, which we will look at today, allows you to achieve a pleasant consistency of the product.

Choosing fruits for jelly

If you opted for apricot jelly, then take the choice of fruits seriously. If slightly wrinkled, overripe fruits could fit for jam, then they are not suitable for jelly. For this preparation, you need to choose slightly unripe fruits, dense, elastic, not too juicy. It is in these fruits that contains the most pectin fibers, and pectin, as you know, has gelling properties. Well, now "Popular about health" offers to go directly to a selection of recipes.

Jelly recipes

Apricot jelly for the winter

Ingredients we need a little: apricots - 1 kg; sugar - 1 kg.

Fruits should be washed well, laid out on the table, laying a clean towel. This will collect excess moisture from them. Then you need to pull out the bones. We put the halves of the fruit in a bowl (enamelled), sprinkle with sugar in layers. After three hours, you will see that the apricots have released juice. Place a bowl on the stove, preferably large in diameter, so that the moisture evaporates faster. Turn on the fire. Stir the contents, otherwise the product may burn, which will give an unpleasant odor to the finished product. When our jelly begins to boil, it is necessary to remove the foam. If this is not done, transparency will not be achieved.

Take a blender and gently smash the apricots, turning them into a homogeneous sweet mass. Skim off the foam again. After boiling, cook the jelly for 40-50 minutes. Its readiness will be indicated by a decrease in the volume of the mass by about a third (excess moisture will evaporate, the product will become thicker). Don't be put off by its consistency - when hot, the jelly is quite liquid, but when cooled, it will become much denser. Distribute the treat into jars (sterilized), roll up. We send jelly for storage after a day of infusion in the room. Be sure to wrap the blanks so that they cool slowly.

Delicate jelly with apricot gelatin

This apricot recipe gives a very tasty and beautiful jelly - a homogeneous orange mass without lumps, keeps its shape perfectly, you can spread it on bread and not be afraid that it will flow. Plus, 30% less sugar is used here, which means that the delicacy is less high-calorie.

Ingredients: 40 g instant gelatin; apricots - 1 kg; sugar - 700 g.

Wash the apricots well, remove the seeds, dividing the fruit into two parts. Place the fruit halves in a saucepan, pour 50 ml of water into it, cover with a lid and turn on the burner. Boil fruit for a couple of minutes. During this time, they will become soft. Now the pulp must be well rubbed through a sieve in order to achieve the most delicate consistency. We put it on fire, add all the sugar. The cooking process according to this recipe will not take much time. It is enough to boil the mass for 5 minutes. The main thing is that the sugar has time to completely dissolve.

In the meantime, we will dissolve the gelatin. Fill it with warm water, so that the granules are covered with it. Stir the gelatin until it dissolves. Pour it in a thin stream into the jelly, cook for another minute, stirring constantly. When you pour apricot jelly into jars, it will seem liquid to you, but after cooling, the product keeps its shape perfectly. Seal the jars with lids.

Apricots with gelatin for the winter

Another great recipe that will be highly appreciated by the hostesses. At the output you will get fragrant jelly in which halves of the fruit are preserved. They can be used to decorate cakes, add to wind pies and other baked goods.

Ingredients all the same - apricots - 1 kg; sugar - 800 g; gelatin (instant) - 40 g.

Wash the fruits, remove the seeds. Place fruit halves in a large bowl. Mix sugar with gelatin granules. Pour the apricots with this mixture, mix with your hands. After 10 hours, the bowl can be sent to the fire and pour about 50 ml of water into it, if the fruits have not allocated too much own juice. Now it is important to ensure that the fruit does not burn to the bottom of the dish. It is better to adjust the fire to a medium level, and periodically stir the contents with a wooden spatula from the bottom up. Boil the jelly for no more than 6 minutes (after the start of boiling). We seal in banks. We turn the containers over, put them in a warm place or wrap them with a blanket. After a day or so, we remove the jars in the cellar.

Apricot jelly - favorite treat many, be sure to prepare a couple of varieties of blanks for the winter - with and without gelatin. In the cold season, apricots will remind you of a hot summer, cheer you up and keep you healthy, which is very important. Just do not get carried away with this delicacy excessively, because it has so much sugar. Even such delicious preparation good in moderation, like everything else.