Home / Recipes / How to cut chicken for Caesar salad. Caesar salad

How to cut chicken for Caesar salad. Caesar salad

Caesar salad is perhaps one of the most delusional dishes. But this does not prevent him from having his fans all over the world. Still, because it is delicious, satisfying, original and easy to prepare.

A bit of history

Contrary to popular belief, he has nothing to do with the Roman emperor. And to the dishes Italian cuisine it cannot be attributed. In fact, everything is quite confusing with his homeland. It was created by an Italian chef, Caesar Cardini. At one time, he moved to the USA with the aim of opening his own establishment. Catering... But he opened it in Mexico - a country not burdened with dry law at that time. Therefore, these three countries can claim to be involved in the creation of an innovative salad at once.

According to the most common version, the dish was born on Independence Day. There were a lot of guests at Caesar's establishment, snacks flew away at an incredible speed, and the guests demanded more and more. At one point, the cook found only a few bunches of lettuce, crackers, eggs, and Worcestershire sauce in the kitchen. The talented chef did not panic, but simply on hastily created from available products. The dish was to the taste of all the guests. Since that day, the salad named after its creator has firmly established itself in the assortment of his institution, and then spread throughout the world.

What you need to make Caesar salad

For almost a hundred years of its existence, this dish has been repeatedly modified. As a result, hundreds of different variations appeared. But the classic composition of Caesar is as follows: romaine, croutons (also called croutons) and a special Worcester sauce. This is the foundation upon which the variations are built.

Cooking Caesar: culinary subtleties


Choose the freshest greens. V traditional version it should be a romaine - it was from which the first Cesar was prepared. But in modern variations, it is permissible to use some other varieties: iceberg or lettuce.

If, nevertheless, the leaves had time to wilt a little, and you definitely need to cook Caesar salad today, use the proven method. Soak it for half an hour in cool water (you can even add ice). So they will become stronger again and the dish will not be spoiled.


For the preparation of Cesar salad, they are usually made from white bread by cutting it into squares. The most interesting taste is obtained if the croutons are not just baked, but lightly fried in olive oil flavored with herbs and garlic. In some cases, whole toast is used. Modern cuisine is moving away from traditional white bread, using rye, whole grain and even buckwheat varieties.

A little secret on how to make Caesar tastier: use both olive and butter for frying croutons. Melt the buttercream in olive until it sizzles, then add the sliced ​​bread. Fry with constant stirring until the crust is golden on all sides. Remove from heat, transfer to paper napkins - this will remove excess oil.

It is possible, and even necessary, to use a little stale bread for croutons. This will make them crispier and you will cook real salad Cesar. But be careful when baking or roasting, don't overexpose! You want crunchy, but soft in the middle croutons.


The classic composition of Caesar salad involves the use of real Worcester sauce. Additional ingredients may vary, but this one should remain the same. Don't try to make Worcestershire sauce yourself. It contains too many complex ingredients: malt vinegar, anchovies, sugar lemon balm and two dozen different spices. It is extremely difficult to achieve the right balance of taste at home. Therefore, if you want to cook Cesar correctly, do not skimp on this component.

But don't think that the dressing in this case is just Worcester sauce. No, it needs to be diluted with lemon juice, beaten raw egg, olive oil and grated Parmesan.

Perhaps, it was thanks to such a multi-component dressing that Caesar eventually received the famous culinary award - the title of the most significant culinary dish in the United States for the last half century from the Epicurean Society in Paris.


It is not enough to know how to cook Caesar deliciously. It is also important to be able to present it correctly. In the post-Soviet space, there is a strange understanding of the word salad, where all the ingredients are invariably put in a bowl, filled with dressing, mixed almost to a mushy state, and after that this mash is laid out on plates and served to guests. In the case of our dish, this approach is fundamentally wrong.

When we prepare a salad, we first need to pick some of the lettuce leaves with our hands and put them in portions in a bowl for serving. Then fill with part of the dressing. The remaining leaves, sauce, parmesan and part of the croutons are mixed together, put on a plate. Next, sprinkle everything with the remaining croutons and the remaining portion of Parmesan. This is the only way we get a real Caesar salad, the recipe for which was created by Cardini.

Caesar recipes

Having figured out how to properly prepare Cesar, let's move on to its specific variations. For starters, the most common.

How to make chicken Caesar salad at home

Grocery list:

  • Fresh chicken fillet - 350g
  • Lettuce - 3 bunches
  • Croutons - 20 g
  • Hard parmesan - 50 g
  • Wustres sauce
  • Lemon juice
  • Vegetable oil (preferably olive oil)

Beat off the meat, fry. Ideally, use a grill or grill pan for this task. Dry the croutons, put them in a deep container, season with olive oil. Fresh and crispy lettuce leaves are traditionally torn by hand rather than cut with a knife. Parmesan is used grated or in very thin slices. Therefore, use either a fine grater or a knife for peeling vegetables. Cut the chicken into slices after frying. Vegetable oil is whipped by hand or in a blender with Worcester sauce and freshly squeezed lemon juice to the consistency of liquid mayonnaise, seasoned with spices.

Arrange appropriately prepared lettuce leaves on plates. Sprinkle with the resulting dressing, but leave some. Put half of the croutons and parmesan in it. On the spread lettuce, lay out the slices of chicken beautifully, then the leaves soaked in the sauce with croutons. Finally, add the remaining crackers on top. Treat your guests!

How to make shrimp Caesar salad

Total Time 1 hour

Servings 4


  • 1 inflorescence Lettuce (Romaine is better)
  • 1 branch Cherry Tomatoes
  • 10 pieces Large shrimps (Royal or Tiger)
  • 200 gr White loaf (French baguette)
  • 1 wedge Garlic
  • 1 pc Egg 1 pc
  • ½ pcs Lemon
  • Olive oil
  • Worcester sauce
  • Salt
  • Pepper


    Pass the garlic through a press. Mix half of this amount with a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil. Add your favorite spices. Pour the peeled shrimp with the resulting marinade. Leave to marinate.

    Cut the baguette into cubes. Dry in the oven. In a frying pan, mix the garlic with olive oil, heat the mixture well and add the dried crackers to it, fry until an appetizing crust appears.

    Separately mix the egg yolk with olive oil, beat until mayonnaise, add lemon juice and Worcestershire sauce, salt and pepper. You should have a spicy and slightly sour dressing.

    Put the shrimps in the pan along with the oil. Fry until golden brown.

    The salad is put on the plates first. Pour the cooked sauce over it. Place the fried prawns beautifully on top. Cut cherry tomatoes in half, add to the dish. Add croutons, season with parmesan. Pour over the remaining sauce.

How to make a delicious Caesar salad with chicken and oranges

Grocery list:

  • Chicken fillet - 2pcs
  • Orange - 1pc
  • Ginger - 20g
  • ½ loaf or baguette
  • Romaine - 100g
  • Iceberg - 100g
  • Arugula - 100g
  • Cherry tomatoes - 200g
  • Parmesan - 100g
  • Eggs - 4 pieces
  • Capers - 1 tablespoon
  • Lemon - 1 piece
  • Anchovies - 5 pieces
  • Mustard
  • Olive oil
  • Vinegar
  • Pepper

Juice oranges. Divide the chicken into small slices. Make a marinade with orange juice and ginger. Dip the meat slices into the resulting marinade. Let it marinate and then sauté.

Cut the baguette (already slightly dried up) into small squares. Send the resulting slices to dry in the oven. Transfer to a convenient container, add crushed garlic, a little olive oil, spices. Shake the mixture.

Romaine, iceberg and my Arugula, dry, tear. Separate the yolks from two eggs, mix them with mustard, freshly washed lemon juice and fish filleted, rub thoroughly. Season with olive oil. Finally, add crushed garlic, finely chopped capers, spices.

Cooking poached eggs. In a separate saucepan, bring the water to a boil, drip a little vinegar and stir until a strong whirlpool appears. Carefully break the egg into the resulting funnel. We take out after a minute of cooking, carry out the same procedure with the second egg.

Chop the tomatoes. Rub the cheese or cut it into thin slices with a vegetable cutter.

We serve the dish: we send appropriately processed lettuce leaves to a plate, fill it with a part of the sauce. On top, we nicely place chicken slices, tomatoes and poached poached. Pour the remaining sauce over. Sprinkle with grated parmesan and a handful of toasted croutons. You can serve!

The most popular Caesar salad, invented by the Italian American Caesar Cardini, has long been known all over the world. The classic salad recipe is quite minimalistic, so many restaurants take it as a basis and supplement it with different ingredients.

We will introduce you to several Caesar salad recipes of your choice. But before experimenting, try making a real Caesar salad at home, and then you will already understand if you want something for it. So, write it down!


  • Romaine lettuce - one head;
  • white bread (baguette) - 200 g;
  • chicken breast- 1 PC.;
  • parmesan - 150 g;
  • egg yolk - 2 pcs.;
  • juice of half a lemon;
  • mustard - 3 tsp;
  • olive oil - 100 ml;
  • white wine vinegar - 1 tsp;
  • oregano - 1 tsp;
  • garlic - 3 cloves.

Rub chicken breast salt and pepper. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees, put the meat on a baking sheet, sprinkle with oil and bake for 20 minutes. Cut the cooled meat into narrow slices.

While the chicken is cooking, turn to the bread. Cut it into small squares and place in a preheated pan with garlic oil, fry until crisp.

To make garlic oil, add a few cloves of minced garlic to olive oil. Heat it in a frying pan, remove the garlic. Sprinkle the finished croutons with oregano.

To prepare the dressing, take raw egg yolks, pour boiling water over them for a minute. Then whisk together with mustard. Add vinegar olive oil, garlic and whisk it all. Gradually add the pre-grated Parmesan.

Romaine lettuce large pieces hands, put them on a plate. Place the prepared breast next to it, pour the dressing over everything, and sprinkle with croutons on top. Slice the Parmesan into thin slices and garnish the salad.

Caesar salad with bacon and egg


  • egg - 4 pieces;
  • bacon - 6 strips;
  • white bread - 1 piece;
  • mayonnaise - 6 tbsp. spoons;
  • olive oil - 4 tablespoons spoons;
  • lemon juice - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Worcestershire sauce (Worcester);
  • green salad- 1 head of cabbage;
  • Parmesan cheese (grated) - 50 g.

Cook eggs and bacon. Boil the eggs in a saucepan of boiling water for 5 minutes. Grill bacon slices for 4 minutes on each side. Dry the bread in the oven and cut into cubes.

Drain the eggs and hold under cold running water. Peel and cut into quarters. Cut the bacon into small pieces.

Make a refueling. Whisk in mayonnaise, olive oil, lemon juice and Worcestershire sauce and season. Tear lettuce leaves and put in a salad bowl, sprinkle with half of the Parmesan. Add egg, bacon and croutons (toasted bread) and stir. Sprinkle with the dressing and sprinkle with the rest of the Parmesan.

Shrimp Caesar Salad Recipe


  • shrimp - 0.5 kg;
  • leaf salad;
  • arugula - 4 handfuls;
  • loaf - 5 pieces;
  • homemade mayonnaise - 100 ml.;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • Worcester sauce (soy) - 2 tsp;
  • olive oil - 0.3-0.5 tbsp.;
  • lemon juice - 1.5 tbsp. l .;
  • parmesan - 100 g;
  • salt to taste.

Take shrimps, peel them gently. Preheat a skillet and sauté the shrimp in oil and garlic.
Cut the loaf into medium-sized cubes, dry them over low heat in a frying pan.

In this case, you can use the oil on which the shrimps were cooked - it will be very fragrant. Mix mayonnaise with olive oil, add a clove of garlic, lemon juice, sauce and salt to taste. Stir the sauce.

Tear the salad with your hands and place in a bowl. Place the shrimp on top. Almost ready salad pour over the sauce and sprinkle with parmesan. Add crackers when serving!

Unusual Caesar salad with anchovies

Ingredients for 6 servings:

  • 1 head of watercress or romaine lettuce
  • 2 large egg yolks at room temperature;
  • 2 tsp dijon mustard;
  • 1 large garlic clove, crushed
  • Worcestershire sauce to taste
  • 1 tbsp. l. red wine vinegar;
  • 175 ml olive oil;
  • juice of 1 lemon;
  • 50 g grated parmesan;
  • 2 canned anchovies, rinsed and finely chopped;
  • croutons croutons.

Tear the lettuce into 1-inch pieces and place in a wooden bowl. Add croutons and set aside for a while.

Whisk the yolks, mustard, garlic, sauce and vinegar in a food processor or in a small bowl. Without turning off the engine (or without stopping whipping), slowly pour in the oil in a thin stream (as when making mayonnaise). Until the dressing thickens to a delicate jelly-like state.

Add lemon juice and parmesan, then taste.
Pour the dressing over the salad and croutons, spread the anchovies and 1/2 tsp. black pepper and mix everything.

How to cook croutons.

To make croutons, cut 200 g of fresh brown bread, baguette or other quality bread into 1 cm cubes, stir with 4 tbsp. l. olive oil, 1 tsp. salt and 1 / 2-1 tsp. ground pepper. Spread out on a baking sheet and bake at 200 C for 8-10 minutes until golden brown.

How and how much to store cooked croutons.

Croutons can be made in 2 days and stored in a resealable box.
Salad and dressing can be prepared separately in 6 hours, then combined with croutons and anchovies before serving.

For filing on festive table you can experiment with decorating the dish.
Top with a slice of grilled chicken, shrimp, crab, lobster, or smoked salmon.

Salad "a la Caesar"

Simplified version delicious salad... Fast and easy cooking, great variety daily menu.


  • baked chicken;
  • rocked salad;
  • tomatoes;
  • Sweet pepper;
  • cheese hard varieties;
  • white croutons;
  • mayonnaise;
  • you can add olives.

Chop chicken, pepper, salad finely. Grate the cheese. Mix all.
Before serving, add finely chopped tomatoes and croutons, season with mayonnaise.

Caesar salad with chicken and shrimps


  • chicken fillet - 400 g;
  • boiled peeled shrimps - 200 g;
  • Romaine lettuce - 1 bunch;
  • parmesan - 100 g;
  • white bread - 200 g;
  • chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil - 150 g;
  • mustard - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • balsamic vinegar - 3 tsp;
  • sugar - 2 tsp;
  • oregano - a pinch;
  • dried thyme - a pinch;
  • salt to taste;
  • ground black pepper to taste.

Take chicken fillet, cut it against the fibers and rub with salt, pepper, ginger and oil. Then place in an oven preheated to 200 degrees.

Bake the chicken fillet until half cooked for 20 minutes. Then take out, sprinkle with basil, oregano, thyme on top and again send to the oven for 20 minutes.

While the chicken is cooking in the oven, start making croutons. Heat a skillet with oil, grate the garlic cloves and place to fry. When the smell of garlic begins, remove the garlic.

Place the diced bread in a skillet and cook until golden brown and crispy.

Dip 2 chicken eggs in boiling water for just a couple of minutes. Then take out the yolks, place them in a bowl. Add mustard to the yolks, as well as vinegar, sugar and, already stirring, add oil.

Romaine lettuce should be torn into medium pieces, put in a deep bowl and drizzle with sauce.
Add ready-made chicken fillet and shrimp to the salad. Fill everything with sauce, put croutons, parmesan on top. Mix gently. Done, you can serve and treat your guests!

Caesar's recipe with walnuts


  • chicken - 400 g;
  • hard cheese - 300 g;
  • walnuts- 200 g;
  • white bread croutons - 200 g;
  • mayonnaise;
  • salt;
  • spices.

Cut small cubes(0.5x0.5 cm) cheese, coarsely chop the walnuts. Chop the boiled chicken meat.

Mix everything, season with mayonnaise, add salt and spices.
Put the croutons in the salad just before serving, otherwise they may get wet.

Delicious Caesar salad with feta cheese


  • chicken breast - 500 g;
  • Feta cheese - 200 g;
  • iceberg - 1 pc .;
  • cherry tomatoes - 150 g;
  • black bread - 200 g;
  • grated parmesan cheese - 3 tbsp. l .;
  • salt / pepper to taste.

Take black bread, carefully cut it into small 3 cm cubes. Preheat a frying pan and fry the bread cubes over low heat until they become breadcrumbs.

Season the chicken breast fillet with salt and pepper to taste, cut into small cubes and boil. If desired, you can fry the breast.

Place the salad in a deep bowl. Cut the feta cheese into cubes. Cut the tomatoes into two or four pieces. Grate the Parmesan cheese.

Add feta cheese to the iceberg leaves, then add the breast cubes, cherry tomatoes, toasted bread. Sprinkle with Parmesan on top. Add salt and pepper to taste.

Video: The most delicious Caesar salad with chicken and croutons


Lettuce, grated Parmesan cheese, croutons, egg, and Worcestershire sauce. Here is a simple recipe for a dish that is to Americans and Europeans what the Olivier salad is to us. We are talking about the national American Caesar salad, which is more than 80 years old.

A salad with a "historical" name has nothing to do with the Roman emperors, as one might think. It was invented and christened so during the American "Prohibition" period by a certain Caesar Cardini (1896-1956), an American of Italian descent.

Caesar Cardini had no choice but to rely on his soldier's ingenuity and quickly build something from those few products that were in the pantry.

The American Caesar Cardini made the salad very "unpretentious":

  1. generously rubbed the salad bowl with garlic,
  2. put chopped romaine lettuce into it,
  3. poured in the best extra virgin olive oil,
  4. smashed eggs there, boiled in boiling water for exactly 1 minute without boiling (see below!),
  5. added freshly grated real parmesan cheese,
  6. freshly squeezed lemon juice,
  7. at hand spices(each time you can choose them according to taste and availability, using both fresh and ground dried, tarragon and basil are desirable),
  8. diced and lightly fried in olive oil until lightly dry and browned fresh white bread croutons,
  9. a few drops of Worcester sauce;
  10. quickly and vigorously mixed until the olive oil and eggs were combined and the ingredients were coated,
  11. arranged in portions and immediately served on the table.

That's what it is classic recipe Caesar salad.

Important!. Caesar salad dressing is not prepared separately, but is obtained by stirring all the ingredients of the salad in a bowl.

Subsequently, Caesar Cardini began to mix the ingredients of the salad without croutons and add croutons to the already well-mixed salad, after adding the croutons, stirring only a little more. But then he mixed everything together at once in one bowl.

Cardini used culinary secret received by him from his mother: fresh eggs for refueling, boiled for exactly 1 minute in a large number boiling water, then extracted from the boiling water and cooled for 10-15 minutes at room temperature (while we are preparing everything else for the salad), acquire special properties. This provides the main "secret" of the taste of the Caesar salad.

(If the eggs were stored in the refrigerator, then before such boiling, they must be kept for warming to room temperature for about 2-3 hours.

To speed up the prewarming of such eggs, you can also use their 30-minute exposure in a large amount of slightly lukewarm (30 ° C) well salted water, always under a lid so that the water does not cool down due to evaporation.)

Later, Caesar's brother Alex introduced his innovations into the salad recipe, in particular, he added anchovies to the dressing, and called this variation "Aviator's Salad". He treated his friends with this salad, with whom he served as a military pilot at an airfield in San Diego.

Caesar was against such "salad" innovations, believing that Worcester sauce (see below) already gives enough piquancy.

Caesar salad today

Today, under the well-known and publicized name "Caesar Salad" is not necessarily the same "Caesar" that was created in Tijuana in 1924. There are as many variations of its preparation as there are different restaurants in the world, and maybe more.

Chefs all over the world tirelessly "fantasize" on the theme of "Caesar" (in reality - they just commercially exploit the famous name), adding more and more new ingredients to the classic recipe.

The composition of such a local restaurant "Caesar" may include bacon, ham, turkey, shrimp, tuna, pike perch fillet, cut herring fillets, crayfish necks, and even Kamchatka crab claws.

As additives to the salad, you may be offered cheese, walnuts, tomatoes, Bell pepper, cucumbers, corn, raisins, pineapples, olives, potatoes, onions and even oranges.

In other places, "Caesar" is seasoned with sour cream, mayonnaise, cream with mustard, and even soy sauce.

What they just don't come up with:

  • the most radical version of "Caesar" does not contain any salad greens at all,
  • the most budgetary one is made from canned herring or sprat,
  • and the most "new Russian" and sophisticated consists of tiger prawns, squid, mussels, crab and avocado bavarois, and served with red caviar and greens sauce!

You can't forbid anyone to fantasize, however, this creativity has nothing to do with the salad, invented almost 100 years ago by Caesar Cardini.

While many of these salads are more culinary than the original Caesar salad that Cardini once whipped up, these are other salads called Caesar on the menu solely for added customer appeal.

Many of us, thinking about the questions of how to make a caesar salad, how to make a caesar salad, how to make a caesar salad, how to make a caesar salad, etc., rarely wonder who came up with a recipe for a caesar salad. At the word "Caesar" most of us first of all remember about Gaius Julius Caesar, but by no means he came up with the Caesar salad. The recipe for Caesar salad was invented by the Italian American Caesar Cardini. It was he who, in 1924, mixing eggs, olive oil, lettuce, bread, Parmesan cheese, garlic and Worcestershire sauce, created the world's first Caesar salad. Just according to legend, he had no other products for the salad and the cook had to get out. This is the classic Caesar salad. All other ingredients familiar to us were added to the Caesar salad later. For example, they began to cook Caesar salad with chicken, Caesar salad with salmon, Caesar salad with shrimps. Today, many people mistakenly believe that Caesar salad with chicken is a classic, but this is not so. It should be noted that the classic Caesar salad is made with special sauce, the recipe for caesar salad is known to few today. If you are interested in the classic Caesar salad recipe, you should definitely know how to make Caesar salad sauce. Caesar salad dressing contains raw eggs, olive oil, Worcestershire sauce, garlic, and lemon juice. So a caesar dressing is actually homemade mayonnaise. That is why Caesar salad with mayonnaise is so often prepared, as in the recipe for Caesar salad with chicken and mayonnaise.

The most popular Caesar salad at home, it is also the simplest, this is Caesar salad with chicken, with croutons, leaves fresh salad and mayonnaise. But if you are a true gourmet and you are interested in Caesar salad, a simple recipe is unlikely to suit you. Try making a classic Caesar salad and you won't regret it. If you don't have the time or desire to make a real Caesar salad, the recipe can be simplified. Two essential ingredients are lettuce and croutons. Although Peking is sometimes used instead of salad, this is a Caesar salad with Chinese cabbage. In addition to salad, other vegetables are sometimes added, for example, Caesar salad with tomatoes is prepared. Caesar salad with tomatoes is juicier. Probably the only invariable ingredient in any Caesar salad is croutons. The recipe for Caesar salad with croutons uses both ready-made croutons and fried bread or croutons. Caesar salad with croutons can be prepared in an original way. If you fry the croutons a little until they are dark in color, you get a black caesar salad. For many, cooking Caesar salad is unthinkable without chicken, so Caesar salad it turns out much more satisfying. Chicken meat can be cooked in a variety of ways, including Caesar salad with smoked chicken and caesar salad recipe with grilled chicken. In addition, it happens that they generally forget about chicken when preparing Caesar salad with ham. Thus, not only with chicken can you make Caesar salad, the ingredients can be very diverse. You can find a recipe for Caesar salad with salmon, a recipe for Caesar salad with shrimp. So the choice of the recipe is yours. Look for, and if you want to do everything accurately, choose a Caesar salad recipe with a photo, Caesar salad photo, Caesar salad with chicken photo.

Good afternoon dear friends. Our vacation is over, we came home with a bunch of positive emotions and new emotions. There are also a lot of ideas about new dishes that have not been mentioned yet. First of all, I really want to talk about such a treat as Caesar salad with chicken and croutons. We loved him very much at home before. But for the first time they ordered it at a roadside cafe.

And we didn't even think about such a delicious dish that was served to us on the table. As in a restaurant, honestly. The salad was just huge, on a large plate in the form of a large slide with cherry tomatoes on the sides. And when they tried it, they fell in love with it again.

Of course, the first thing when we arrived home and put ourselves in order, we tried to repeat this salad. And it turned out that this is not at all difficult. You can easily prepare it at home.

Caesar salad with chicken and croutons is becoming more and more popular not only in cafes and restaurants, but also on the home table. It is prepared both on holidays and on weekdays, a simpler option. This salad is very nutritious. But you can also cook a simple classic, it is more dietary and very healthy.

In any case, the main ingredients of Caesar will be sauce, Parmesan cheese and lettuce. The rest of the ingredients to taste and need. There are many ways to prepare this salad. We will not torment you for a long time and let's get down to it. Let's start with one of the simplest options.

The simplest of all salads, we cook according to the classic recipe. In the most original version, the salad consisted of lettuce leaves, cheese, eggs and olive oil. All other ingredients came later. The classic recipe uses Romaine lettuce leaves. But to be honest, this is not necessary, especially since they did not find it at all in our small town.


  • Romaine lettuce - 1 bunch;
  • Chicken breast - 2 pcs;
  • White bread - 100 gr;
  • Parmesan cheese - 50 gr;
  • Garlic - 2 cloves;
  • Dijon mustard - 2 tsp;
  • Egg - 1 pc;
  • Worcester sauce - 1 tsp;
  • Lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l;
  • Salt to taste;
  • Olive oil - 130 ml.

Cut the white bread into cubes. There are no rules here, sometimes you want bigger, and sometimes smaller. Cut as your hand takes.

We must lightly fry the bread. Pour olive oil into the pan and first fry the garlic, cut into slices, quite a bit.

Sometimes it is done differently: garlic is squeezed into olive oil and mixed, then poured into a preheated pan.

Then put slices of bread into a frying pan and fry on all sides until golden brown. Pour the finished croutons into a bowl and let cool.

Add a little salt to the chicken breasts and fry in olive oil on each side for about 7 minutes. The pieces should be lightly browned. The breasts can be slightly peppery if desired.

Step 4.

The finished breast should cool slightly. Cut it into small pieces.

It's the turn to prepare the sauce, this is the highlight of the Caesar salad with chicken.

Break 1 egg into a blender, peel 1 clove of garlic, pour in Worcestershire sauce, lemon juice and add mustard. I certainly buy mustard for salads from Dijon, with grains. Pour in about 100 ml of olive oil and beat all the ingredients with a blender. It turns out similar to white mayonnaise delicious dressing for salad.

We wash and rub the lettuce leaves with a paper towel. Put the leaves on the bottom of the salad bowl.

Instead of a salad bowl, you can safely take a large plate and lay it out in a heap.

Sprinkle with grated Parmesan cheese on top and sprinkle with croutons. Pour the prepared salad dressing.

We spread the finished salad on beautiful dish... Optionally, you can use a vegetable peeler to cut the cheese into thin slices on top and decorate the salad. Bon Appetit.

Classic Caesar by video recipe.

Here's another classic recipe, but in video format. Someone is more comfortable, like me. At the same time, you can clearly see how you can decorate, or rather serve this salad to the table, so we are looking at how to prepare Caesar salad with chicken according to the classic version.

Delicious Caesar salad with chicken and quail eggs.

This recipe also contains croutons and tomatoes. Tomatoes to Caesar salad give juiciness and a special delicate taste, which also complements a very delicious sauce for a salad with mustard and parmesan cheese.


  • Romaine or Iceberg salad - 450 gr;
  • Chicken fillet - 400 gr;
  • Cherry tomatoes - 200 gr;
  • White bread or loaf - 1/4 loaf;
  • Parmesan cheese - 50 gr;
  • Quail eggs - 5-6 pcs;
  • Garlic - 2 cloves.

For the sauce:

  • Chicken eggs - 2 pcs;
  • Garlic - 2 cloves;
  • Parmesan cheese - 50 gr;
  • Olive oil - 60 ml;
  • Lemon juice - 3 tablespoons;
  • Mustard - 1 tsp;
  • Salt and pepper to taste.

First, prepare the garlic oil. To do this, crush 2 cloves of garlic with a knife and fill with olive oil. The oil should be infused for several minutes.

Cut the loaf or white bread into cubes, put in the oven and grease with garlic oil on top. Brown in the oven at 180 degrees for 10 minutes.

At the same time, the croutons acquire a wonderful aroma thanks to the garlic oil.

Fry the chicken breast on both sides in a pan until golden brown. After the breast has cooled down a little, cut it into smaller pieces.

Boil the quail eggs for 5 minutes. Fill in cold water and then we clean from the shell.

Step 5.

Parmesan cheese for salad is cut into thin plates using a vegetable peeler. And if you prefer grated cheese, then you can easily just grate it on a coarse grater.

Cooking salad dressing. We send chicken eggs to boiling water for 1 minute, and then we send them to the blender bowl. We squeeze the lemon juice, we need 3 tablespoons of juice and also send it to the blender. Add garlic and grated parmesan cheese there. Add mustard and olive oil. We mix all the ingredients with a blender.

Let's collect the salad on a large plate. Put lettuce leaves down. Put the chicken breast on top of the salad. Then we lay out the slices of cheese.

Sprinkle with croutons and fill with delicious mustard sauce... Place cherry tomatoes and quail eggs on the sides of the plate.

The last stage of the salad assembly - fantasizing

That's all, our Caesar salad with chicken is ready, bon appetit.

The easiest Caesar salad with mayonnaise.

This recipe is for those who need to quickly prepare a salad, while it will look pretty and have an amazing taste.

We need:

  • Leaves Chinese cabbage- 5 pieces;
  • Chicken fillet - 400 gr;
  • Parmesan - 150 gr;
  • White croutons - 150 gr;
  • Lemon - 1/2 pc;
  • Mayonnaise - 3 tbsp. l;
  • Salt and pepper to taste.

First, we need to marinate the chicken fillet, so rinse it in running water, put it in a bowl, sprinkle it with a little vinegar, vegetable oil, add salt and pepper. Then fry in a pan until pleasantly golden brown.

Cut the white bread or loaf into small cubes, put about 1 by 1 cm on a baking sheet and dry in the oven.

For dressing, combine mayonnaise, lemon juice, salt and black pepper.

Now in a salad bowl or a deep bowl we put the chopped lettuce leaves in strips, then the parmesan cheese grated on a coarse grater, on which we spread the chopped, fried chicken meat in small pieces on top and pour the sauce prepared by us on top.

That's all, we serve to the table, bon appetit.

Caesar salad with smoked chicken.

I really love this option, the Caesar salad with chicken then acquires a subtle note of smoked meats. Very interesting, I advise everyone to cook and try it at least once.

We need:

  • Smoked legs - 2 pcs;
  • Tomato - 1 pc;
  • Lettuce leaves - 200 gr;
  • Baguette - 4 slices;
  • egg - 1 pc;
  • 1/2 lemon juice;
  • Garlic - 1 clove;
  • Olive oil - 15 ml;
  • Mustard - 5 gr;
  • Salt to taste;
  • A pinch of black pepper.

We make crackers: cut the crusts from the baguette slices, cut the pulp into small squares and brown in the oven.

We tear the washed lettuce leaves into pieces with our hands.

Chop the ham into small cubes.

We carry the cheese through a fine grater.

Cut the washed tomato into slices.

Grind in a blender for refueling boiled egg, combine with mustard, juice, oil, seasonings with salt and chopped garlic in a separate bowl.

Combine all components in a deep salad bowl and season with the resulting sauce. Can be served on the table.

Caesar salad with Chinese cabbage in a hurry (video).

Another option quick salad using Chinese cabbage, watch and repeat.

Diet version of Caesar salad.

It's not a secret for anyone that chicken meat is dietary, which means that Caesar salad with chicken can be prepared dietary, so we try and are not afraid for extra calories.


  • Garlic - 1 clove;
  • Bread - 2 pcs;
  • Salad - 1/2 bunch;
  • Dijon mustard - 4 gr;
  • Low-fat yogurt - 100 gr;
  • Chicken breast - 0.2 kg;
  • Parmesan - 40 gr;
  • Pepper and other spices to taste.

For the sauce, combine mustard, salt, yogurt, pepper and spices.

Leave the gas station for 15 minutes.

Dip the chicken breast in a mixture of pepper and salt and bake.

Cut the cooked meat into cubes.

Peel the garlic and grate them into crispbreads, which are then broken into pieces.

Tear the lettuce leaves with your hands, put a little sauce on them and line the bottom of the plate with them.

Top with chicken, bread, pour over the sauce and chop with grated Parmesan.

When serving, the salad is decorated with herbs.

Delicious homemade Caesar salad with chicken and sour cream.

You can make a simple and delicious Caesar salad using this recipe at home. We will prepare the dressing sauce ourselves from standard products with the addition of Worcester sauce. By the way, Worcester sauce is now available in many supermarkets. If you don't find it, you can exclude it from the recipe.

We need:

  • Chicken fillet - 300 g;
  • Leaf lettuce (Romaine, Iceberg) - 1 bunch;
  • Cheese (Parmesan) - 100 g;
  • Cherry tomatoes - 10 pcs;
  • White bread (loaf) - 200 g;
  • Sour cream - 200 g;
  • Chicken eggs (for sauce) - 2 pcs;
  • Mustard - 0.5 tsp;
  • Olive oil - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • Butter - 50 g;
  • Lemon juice - 2 tbsp spoons;
  • Garlic - 3 - 4 cloves;
  • Worcester sauce - to taste;
  • Salt, ground pepper - to taste;
  • Greens (parsley) - 4 - 6 branches.

The main ingredient in our dish is chicken fillet. To make the chicken more tasty and appetizing, marinate it in sour cream with salt, pepper and 1 tablespoon of lemon juice. You can add other spices as desired, such as ground wig, coriander, or pickled chicken spices.

Fillets should be marinated for at least 30 minutes. After that, it should be fried in a pan in an olive or butter... You can also squeeze a clove of garlic to give our chicken a pleasant aroma and new flavor notes.

When the fillet is fried, it must be cut into pieces.

Step 5.

We transfer our croutons to a paper towel to remove excess oil.

Next, let's start making the sauce. To do this, boil chicken eggs in boiling water for about 2 minutes so that the yolk remains liquid. We take out the yolks and mix them with lemon juice, olive oil and mustard. Add a few drops of Worcester sauce. Salt, pepper and add garlic if desired.

Put lettuce leaves torn by hands on a serving plate and pour over half of the sauce.

Place the sliced ​​chicken fillet in the center.

Wash the cherry tomatoes and cut them in half. Add along with the croutons, pour over the rest of the sauce.

Sprinkle with grated cheese and chopped herbs.

Here is our home-style Caesar salad with chicken, you can serve it on the table, bon appetit.

That's all for us, be sure to try these salads, very tasty and incomparable, especially since recently it has been gaining more and more popularity among housewives.

Likewise, join us in Odnoklassniki.

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Caesar salad with chicken at home, a few simple recipes. updated: November 13, 2019 by the author: Pavel Subbotin

Cold appetizer belongs to the generally recognized masterpieces of South American cuisine. Original salad classic chicken caesar was first prepared by the Italian chef Caesar Cardini, the owner of a chain of Mexican and American restaurants. According to the story, the chef in a hurry collected a cold appetizer from the ingredients that were left in the kitchen. So he was able to surprise the visitors demanding a new dish and invent his own salad. At the meeting of the Epicurean Society of Paris in 1953, the appetizer was recognized the best recipe century.

What is Chicken Caesar Salad

According to the rules of restaurant etiquette, this dish is served on flat salad plates, freshly cooked, completely assembled. The optimum temperature is 15-17 ° C - the chilled components of the snack reveal their taste well under these conditions. The original Caesar salad with chicken and croutons is collected from the following components:

  1. Salad. Iceberg salad is better. Its leaves are very crispy, juicy, but not as tough as Chinese cabbage.
  2. Toast. Crispy but not hard croutons made from soft French baguette or plain bread oven dried at high temperature.
  3. Chicken fillet. Lean chicken breast boiled or fried without sauce, in refined oil.
  4. Refueling. It is mixed with thick Worcestershire sauce, which gives the Caesar the aroma of anchovies, mustard, cloves of garlic, olive oil, freshly squeezed lime juice. Only lettuce leaves fall in the dressing.
  5. Parmesan. This is very hard cheese with a tart aroma. It is easily cut into very thin large plates with a special knife or is simply rubbed finely.
  6. Quail eggs, small cherry tomatoes, canned olives, olives. Serve to decorate snacks.

How to make chicken Caesar salad at home

To follow classic recipe the original tasty salad is not always successful. Thus, the "decorative" ingredients for the chicken caesar are often subject to replacement. Instead of cherry tomatoes, white bread croutons, homemade sauce, quail eggs and Parmesan cheese, use regular tomatoes cut into large pieces, spiced mayonnaise, grated egg yolks, unsweetened cornflakes... Remember that you should not use leaves in the Caesar recipe. white cabbage: it is too tough for such a delicate dish.

How to cook chicken

The classic recipe uses skinless chicken fillet fried in refined olive oil. It can be prepared differently to change the overall flavor of the cold appetizer. Coarsely diced smoked chicken or boiled breast is often used. Fried chicken for caesar salad is pre-marinated in a mixture of honey, lemon juice, soy sauce and teriyaki. This marinade is great for skinless fillets.


Recipe classic caesar with chicken would be incomplete without a spicy, pungent, thick sauce that has a pleasant aroma of anchovies. This is the first time such a dressing has been made from mashed garlic cloves, aromatic mustard, Worcester sauce, and unrefined olive oil. Caesar Cardini mixed these ingredients and beat with a whisk until smooth. Some of the components can be replaced for your own convenience: for example, instead of the rare Worcester sauce, you can add finely chopped anchovy fillets. Often the dressing is completely replaced with mustard mayonnaise.

How to collect

The assembly and decoration of the salad is an important stage at which the appetizer takes on an appetizing appearance, the tastes of the components are mixed. First, lettuce leaves are torn by hand into uneven, medium-sized pieces, which are coated with prepared sauce - it should not get to the rest of the components ahead of time. In between the salad, put large slices of fried chicken fillet. Top with a salad sprinkled with croutons, parmesan; Caesar cheese with chicken is cut into thin large slices or chopped with a grater.

Homemade Caesar Chicken Recipe

The preparation methods for this cold appetizer differ depending on the recipe used. Remember that such a simple dish contains ingredients that can be easily replaced with cheaper, common counterparts. Caesar salad with chicken at home is made from simple products together forming delicate taste, pleasant aroma.


  • Time: 60-70 minutes.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 167 kcal / 100 grams.
  • Cuisine: North American.
  • Difficulty: easy.

Cook Caesar by original recipe with fillet of aromatic anchovies. The classic salad dressing adds spice to the dish, making it more juicy. To make the appetizer tasty, observe the temperature regime for serving cold dishes: it is 15-17 ° C. Serve the croutons separately in small saucers or saucers. So they will not have time to get wet from the sauce, they will retain their structure.


  • Iceberg salad - 100 g;
  • chicken fillet - 150 g;
  • Parmesan cheese - 50 g;
  • baguette - 50 g;
  • garlic - 1 tooth;
  • mustard - 1 tsp;
  • fillet of anchovies - 30 g;
  • olive oil - 2 tablespoons l .;
  • chicken egg - 1 pc.;
  • cherry tomatoes - 4 pcs.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the chicken fillet into slices, fry on high fire until golden brown, refrigerate.
  2. Cut off the crust of the baguette, cut the crumb into small cubes. Bake in the oven for 20 minutes at 200 ° C, dripping olive oil on each cube.
  3. Peel anchovies from bones and skin. Grind.
  4. Peel the garlic clove.
  5. Egg break, separate the yolk from the protein.
  6. Sprinkle cherry tomatoes with cold water, dry. Cut in half.
  7. Finely grate the cheese.
  8. Put anchovy fillet, garlic, mustard, olive oil, egg yolk in a blender bowl. Whisk and chop until smooth, thick sauce.
  9. Rinse the iceberg lettuce leaves, tear with your hands into uneven medium-sized pieces. Spread the prepared sauce over them and place on a plate.
  10. Place the slices of fried chicken fillet evenly in the gaps between the leaves.
  11. Sprinkle grated cheese on top of the appetizer. Place the halves of the cherry tomatoes on it.

With smoked chicken

  • Time: 30-40 minutes.
  • Servings Per Container: 2-3 Persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 175 kcal / 100 grams.
  • Purpose: cold appetizer.
  • Cuisine: North American.
  • Difficulty: easy.

Fast option famous salad Caesar, who prepares for a simplified, albeit completely delicious recipe... The sauce used is similar in taste to the classic one, has a thick consistency, and binds the components of a cold snack well. In order not to serve croutons separately, put them on top grated cheese- so they do not have time to be saturated with moisture, remain crispy, fresh.


  • smoked chicken leg - 2 pcs.;
  • cherry tomatoes - 8 pcs.;
  • iceberg salad - 150 g;
  • mayonnaise - 3 tbsp. l .;
  • white bread crackers - 20 g;
  • mustard - 1 tsp;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • soy sauce- 1 tsp;
  • Parmesan cheese - 50 g;
  • quail eggs - 10 pcs.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour boiling water over the lemon, wipe off. Cut in half and squeeze the juice out of one half.
  2. Combine mayonnaise, mustard, lemon juice, soy sauce. Whisk until smooth.
  3. Finely grate the cheese.
  4. Boil quail eggs, cool, peel, cut in half.
  5. Sprinkle cherry tomatoes with cold water, cut into thick rings.
  6. Remove the meat from the smoked chicken leg, cool to 5-7 ° C, cut into medium cubes.
  7. Rinse the lettuce leaves thoroughly and dry. Spread in prepared sauce, mix with quail eggs, cherry tomatoes.
  8. Top with slices of smoked chicken ham, croutons, sprinkle with grated cheese.

With tomatoes, cucumbers and bell pepper

  • Time: 50 minutes.
  • Servings Per Container: 5-6 Persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 181 kcal / 100 grams.
  • Purpose: cold appetizer.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty: easy.

Collect delicious homemade salad Caesar made from simple products that are always at hand. The cold appetizer will be juicy, healthy, rich in nutrients and vitamins. Remember that chopped vegetables gradually release all of their juice, which, when mixed with the sauce, settles on the bottom of the plate. Serve the salad immediately after cooking.


  • tomatoes - 150 g;
  • chicken egg - 2 pcs.;
  • Parmesan cheese - 70 g;
  • fresh cucumbers - 100 g;
  • red bell pepper - 1 pc.;
  • mayonnaise - 4 tbsp. l .;
  • mustard - 2 tsp;
  • garlic - 1 tooth;
  • chicken fillet - 300 g;
  • Chinese cabbage - 300 g;
  • crackers - 50 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil the chicken fillet in salted water, cut into medium cubes.
  2. Rinse the tomatoes, remove the stalk, cut into small slices.
  3. Pour cucumbers with water, cut off the ends, chop into half rings 1-2 mm thick.
  4. Boil the eggs, cool under running cold water, peel them.
  5. Peel the garlic, push through a press.
  6. Bell pepper rinse, remove seeds, stalk. Chop the pulp into thin strips.
  7. Leaves Chinese cabbage rinse, dry, cut into checkers.
  8. Finely grate the cheese.
  9. Mix mayonnaise, mustard, garlic. Stir with a fork until smooth.
  10. Collect the prepared ingredients, mix, season with sauce.
  11. Grate the egg yolk on top, sprinkle with grated cheese, croutons.
