Home / Khachapuri / Cook apricot jam with seeds. Apricot jam Apricot jam with seeds

Cook apricot jam with seeds. Apricot jam Apricot jam with seeds

The jam recipe is very simple. So, all you need directly for dessert is 2 kilograms of selected apricots and 1 kilo of sugar. But the additional ingredients are very diverse: 500 grams of oranges, 200 - nucleoli walnuts or almonds and 50 grams of ginger. Divide the apricot fruits in half, simultaneously laying aside the seeds, they can be chopped for another cooking. Cut the oranges together with the peel (after washing with all care) into thin semicircular slices, and grind them into thin shavings on a grater. It is advisable to divide the walnut kernels in half so that the partitions do not get into the conservation, but the almonds can be put whole.

Apricot jam with walnuts

Now we go directly to cooking. Divide the apricots and granulated sugar into 4 parts and arrange them in the appropriate number of containers. If the stove has 4 burners, we prepare all the options at once. We begin to cook one of the portions immediately, for small fire, removing the resulting foam and stirring gently so as not to damage the halves of the fruit. Dessert is ready when it is completely thickened and the flesh becomes translucent. Add orange slices to the second portion and also put on a little gas, you will know about readiness by the absence of foam on the surface during boiling.

The ginger jam is prepared like the first portion, that is, until the pulp is translucent. And finally, the last option - cook until it begins to thicken, it will take about half an hour, then add either almonds and boil for another 20-30 minutes. We sterilize glass containers in advance for a couple, it is desirable that these are jars of 0.5 and 1 liter. Pour the contents of each portion into separate containers. If you want to store it in the cellar, we lay it out hot and immediately roll it up, then turn it upside down and cool it under the covers. If the amount of conservation is small, you can first cool it, then pour it into a container and put it in the refrigerator.

The following recipe is very interesting in that each fruit will contain a bone, but without a shell, that is, everything is almost natural and, most importantly, edible. You will need 1 kilo of sugar for every kilogram of apricots. From carefully washed fruits, through small incisions (along the lateral groove), we extract the seeds and prick them very carefully so that the kernels, if possible, remain intact. Further, having freed the contents of the shells and from the rind, we put the white kernels back through the cuts into the fruits.

Harvesting apricot jam

We make a syrup in advance by boiling 400 grams of water for each kilogram of apricots and dissolving a proportional (according to the recipe) amount of sugar in it. Placed in a deep container, the fruits stuffed with nucleoli are filled with syrup and infused for 24 hours so that the juice that comes out is mixed with the sugar solution. Next, the liquid is poured into a saucepan and boiled for at least 5 minutes, we again fill the container with fruits with it, for another day. After this time, it remains only to bring to a boil and boil for about half an hour, after which we pour the apricot jam with nucleoli into pre-sterilized jars and seal tightly.

The second filled recipe uses walnuts or almonds. We cut the washed fruits a little more than in the previous version, so that after removing the stone, you can push through a half of a walnut or a large core of almonds. Next, we prepare the syrup, for which you will need 1 kilo of sugar and a glass of water for each kilogram of fruit. Pour the apricots and cook for 5 minutes, then cool. Then we repeat a similar procedure 2 more times. Pour the finished dessert into sterile dry jars under the neck and roll it up, then be sure to turn it over and leave to cool.

The following recipe allows you to make preservation pretty quickly, but preliminary preparation will take some time, which can be given to other jams. So, we take a kilogram of apricots and 750 grams of granulated sugar. The fruits should be washed and, preferably, not too soft, so as not to deform when you cut into halves and remove the seeds, which in turn should be split in order to obtain nucleoli. We peel them with boiling water and set them aside for a while, and place the apricot halves in a deep enamel saucepan and sprinkle with sugar on top so that it completely covers the pulp.

After 5-6 hours, when a certain amount of juice accumulates at the bottom of the container, and the sugar gets soaked and partially melts, we put the workpiece on a small gas. When the sugar has completely melted and the resulting syrup boils, turn off the burner and cool the jam. Then we bring to a boil again, without stirring, but shake the liquid with the halves of the fruit in a circular motion, taking the pan by the handles. Cook for another 20 minutes, remove from the gas and cool. Now you can add the nucleoli, shake again (it is better not to use a spoon if you want all the halves to be whole). Cook for another 20 minutes, the apricot pulp should become translucent, and a drop of syrup on a saucer should not spread. Pour into sterile jars and twist.

Jars of apricot jam

To prevent the apricot halves from boiling, before washing, the fruits need to be held for a couple of hours in a weak aqueous solution of soda (a teaspoon per liter jar), and only then doused big amount cold running water.

The next option, how to make apricot jam with almond kernels, is quite simple and at the same time original recipe... You will need 3 kilos of apricots and 2 kilograms of granulated sugar, as well as 2 sachets vanilla sugar, water and almonds, 400 grams each. We put the washed apricots with the seeds already removed (for this it is enough to break the fruit slightly) in an enamel container together with vanilla sugar and almonds and start making the syrup.

Fill ordinary granulated sugar with water, mix and put on gas. When you get a sweet syrup (after boiling), fill it with fruits with kernels and cool. Then we put on gas again and bring to a boil, remove, cool. We repeat the procedure 4 more times, when it boils for the last time, remove the container from the heat and pour the resulting apricot jam with seeds into liter cans... Then we seal it tightly and, turning it upside down, cool it under a warm blanket. You can store it in the cellar or even just in the pantry.

What could be better than taking out a jar of golden thick jam, open the lid and inhale the sweet honey aroma of your favorite apricots? Perhaps, only a hint of bitter almonds can be better, ideally accompanied by a fragrant sweetness. How do you prepare this royally exquisite winter delicacy?

Surprisingly, making such a jam is quite easy, you only need two ingredients - apricots and sugar. Yes, it's that simple. Of course, such a wonderful dessert can be supplemented with various spices, fruits or herbs, but the base remains simple and invariably tasty.
The richest taste and aroma helps to achieve the apricot kernel, which is left during cooking. But spitting out the bones is not aesthetically pleasing and it spoils the effect of the dessert, so you have to be patient and remove all the bones. There are already three options left - you can boil and insist the jam together with the seed and remove them when rolling, you can roll them up with the seeds on the surface and just leave them in a jar, or you can peel them from the shell and stuff the kernels back into the apricots. The latter option is rather dreary, but, believe me, it's worth it, because it is the nucleoli that give the taste such a resemblance to almonds.
Another reason to serve such jam to the table and surprise guests is its unusually beautiful appearance... If you know some secrets that we will certainly tell you, you can cook it exactly so that the berries retain their neat, spherical shape and rich, sunny-bright color. Well, let's get started?

Royal apricot jam with pits - a classic recipe

3 kilograms of sweets, fresh apricots;
1.7 - 2 kilograms of sugar.

How to cook?
Step 1. You need to prepare the apricots.
Please note that the fruit should be ripe but firm. Otherwise, when you remove the bones, there is a risk of damaging the shape of the fetus and the appearance will be lost.
The sweeter the fruit, the less sugar you need to use and, accordingly, vice versa.
The fruits must be thoroughly rinsed and lightly dried with a towel or simply in the air.
Now, use a pencil, pen barrel, or similar long hard object to squeeze out the bones. Be careful. Now, pierce each apricot with a needle in several places, this will allow it to maintain its shape while cooking.

Step 2. Put a large enough saucepan, pour sugar into it and add literally a few tablespoons of water. Boil the syrup.
Step 3. While the syrup is boiling, gently dip the fruits and seeds into it, reduce the heat and cook for about five minutes. Do not stir the jam, if foam forms, remove it with a spoon, but very carefully - the fruits can be damaged at the slightest touch at this stage.
Step 4. Remove the jam from heat, close the lid tightly and leave for about 8 to 12 hours. If after this period the jam seems to you not thick enough or the berries have not acquired transparency, repeat the 5-minute cooking and standing as many times as necessary.

Step 5. Roll up into pre-sterilized jars ready-made jam and store in a cool and dark place. We recommend that you first catch the bones and put them on the surface of the jar with jam. In the process of storage, the taste will only become richer and richer, and at the same time, putting the jam in a vase, you will not have to fiddle with unwanted removal of seeds for a long time - you just need to collect them with a spoon from the surface.
Now you're done. Now you have a great ready-made treat for any occasion that instantly transports you into the colorful summer with its incredible scent.
Bon Appetit!

Royal apricot jam with kernels and cinnamon

In this recipe, we will remove the shells from the apricot kernels and stuff the fruits with the kernels. In this version of the jam, you will have to tinker for a long time, so call your husband with pliers or a locksmith's vice and connect to help.

The almond bitterness of the nucleoli and the honey sweetness of the pulp will perfectly combine in a passionate dance spicy cinnamon... It is better to use sticks - they look nice in jars and give a stronger flavor. If you use jars up to a liter, put 1 stick of cinnamon per jar, if the volume is larger, add two.

3 kilograms of fresh, sweet apricots;
1.7 - 2 kilograms of sugar;
cinnamon sticks.

How to cook?
Step 1. Wash and dry the fruit, squeeze out the seeds and set the fruit aside. All the bones must be carefully peeled from the shell - we need whole nucleoli - and the film must be removed from the nucleoli. Let's move on to the fruits. They need to be pierced with a toothpick or a thick needle in at least three to six places in order to maintain the spherical shape of the fruit. Now, insert the kernels back into the apricots. Ready.

Step 2. Boil the syrup by adding a couple tablespoons of water to the sugar. You can use a few crystals of citric acid or a couple of drops of lemon juice to smooth the future jam and prevent sugaring.
Step 3. Gently dip the fruits into the boiling syrup. You need to be very careful in the first place so that the nucleoli do not fall out and remain in place when immersed in the pan. Then the fruits will shrink and there will be no such risk. Cook for 7-8 minutes over low heat. It is strictly forbidden to stir, remove the foam very carefully with a tablespoon.
Step 4. Remove the pan from the heat, dip the cinnamon sticks in the syrup so that they are completely covered. Cover tightly and let stand for 12 hours. Re-cooking is not necessary, pour the finished jam into a sterilized container, distribute the cinnamon sticks so that at least one can fall on each jar, 2-3 pieces for a large one.

Store in a cool, unlit place until winter. Bon Appetit!

Chopped apricot jam with kernels and orange for the royal table

Whole fruit in jam is very nice, but sometimes large balls are not very convenient. For example, they are inconvenient to lay on bread or a piece. finished cake... Therefore, in this recipe, we will cut the fruits into small appetizing cubes, and leave the nucleoli "in free float."

But we do not want to limit ourselves to this either! Once we decided to experiment and added another sunny-bright gift of the south to this jam - a juicy orange. But we will not use the zest, there is enough bitterness from the nucleoli. Only pulp

2.5 kilograms of fresh, sweet apricots;
2 kilograms of sugar;
3 peeled oranges.

How to cook?
Step 1. Wash apricots and oranges, dry slightly. The apriskos should be chopped into small cubes and set aside, after having covered cling film... Peel the oranges and chop finely. It is advisable to remove the bones. Pour the oranges into the bowl with the other fruits.
Step 2. Split the apricot kernels and carefully remove the kernels. You do not need to cut them, but you need to remove the protective film.

Step 3. As with the previous recipes, prepare the syrup in a large saucepan. You don't need to add a lot of water to sugar, just a tablespoon is enough. Do not add also citric acid or juice, orange acid will suffice.
Step 4. Pour the pieces of fruit into the hot syrup, cook for no more than 7 minutes, during which time the fruit will have time to cook completely. Do not stir so as not to turn the vane into jam, although if you like this option even more, you can. Remove the foam with a spoon. Remove the pan from the heat, place the kernels on top, cover and leave overnight. In the morning, roll up the jam in sterilized jars and put it in the pantry or refrigerator until winter.

Enjoy your summer memories!

A little about the benefits of apricots ...

As you probably know, these wonderful gifts of the south are good not only for their sunny color and brightness, amazing taste, but also very useful. Most of all they contain vitamin A - carotene, which is known for its invaluable benefits for eyesight. Moreover, the condition of hair and skin is greatly improved thanks to it.

But don't forget one helpful advice- fats contribute to the best absorption of carotene, which is why the use of fruit pulp is much more effective with its own nucleoli, nuts or butter- for example on a piece of fresh bread.

And also a lot of potassium is hidden in the fruits of apricot, which is indispensable for maintaining excellent kidney condition and preventing cardiovascular diseases. But even this is not all, the bright and juicy native of the sun contains reserves of iodine, magnesium, iron and phosphorus.

That's why baby food it is often prepared with its addition. But, alas, apricots are not suitable for everyone. For example, diabetics need to be extremely careful with it, as it contains a lot of fructose.
... and their nucleoli.

Few people know that apricot kernels, which usually fly so easily into the trash can, contain a lot of benefits. His gifts are actively used by cosmetologists and even doctors. The fact is that the oil is very nourishing for the skin and therefore is used for the preparation of lotions and cosmetic creams. The moisturizing properties of apricot kernels are amazing! Moreover, the oil gives the skin elasticity, smoothes wrinkles, evens out complexion and nourishes it.

Apricot pits are so desperate to help people that they even fight cancer, as they contain a considerable supply of vitamin B17. Eastern sages noticed this before us, and therefore now in Chinese medicine bones are used to treat ailments of the respiratory tract.

However, a coin always has two sides and abuse, even in this case, can lead to disastrous consequences. Despite the fact that so far no cases of poisoning have been recorded, the danger of an overdose of hydrocyanic acid - the source of this mind-blowing almond aroma - has been proven. The maximum dose is quite high, but it is worth pointing out. No more than 15-20 nucleoli per day can be eaten by an adult. Although let's be honest, their butteriness and satiety are unlikely to give you the opportunity to eat more than 5-10 pieces.

Apricot kernels are not necessary at all, and for medicinal purposes it is even undesirable, to expose heat treatment... Raw kernels are excellent at fighting worms - try this remedy as a natural remedy. You can use kernels as a snack along with nuts, and add to confectionery, and even use as an additive in tea or coffee. As you can see, these precious kernels are not only not inferior to, but also surpass almonds in almost all qualities - and gustatory, and healing, and cosmetology.
Eat apricots and be healthy!

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Jam is the sweetest and most varied way to provide yourself with berries and fruits for the winter. The cooking process is meditation in Russian: it will not work to rush and do several things at the same time with jam. Some recipes require one but long approach, others require short but daily practice. The latter includes the recipe for apricot jam, which was shared by Olga Tsygankova, mother of our producer Marya Ziganini. Apricots remain intact in it, and sweet peeled bones are hidden inside them. “This is my mom's recipe. I was born in Grozny, in Chechnya, that's how everyone used to do that. We had a tree from which we removed 20 buckets of apricots over the summer. From one tree! And our dried apricots were not at all the same as now everyone buys. We divided overripe fruits in half, took out the seeds, and laid the fruits on huge sheets of plywood and covered with gauze. They were dried to such a state that through them one could look at the sun. It was very tasty! In winter, dried apricots were poured with boiling water for a couple of minutes and rolled along with walnuts: it was the filling for pies and pies. My parents had melons in the mountains, and we even boiled watermelon honey: maple syrup no comparison. Mom also cooked "rubbish" - as she called something like jam from overripe apricots that fell from a tree. It turned out a honey-yellow spread, which was eaten anyway, and spread on bread, and put in the filling in pies. When she cooked it for the first time, I asked, "What is this?" - “I don’t know, some kind of rubbish.” And so it stuck. In general, a lot different recipes we had. Imagine my youth: summer was God's punishment, solid work. Holidays are going on, mom goes to work, there is a note on the table: "Olya, pick three buckets of cherries." Three buckets! And the trees were tall, up to the wires. I asked my dad: "Are these electric wires or radio?" He said: "Radio, radio, just don't touch it with both hands." That's how high we climbed, and we were still scolded for why the crown of the head was badly cut off. If you pick up three buckets, my mother swears why without a slide. And then you sit down to sort it all out. That's how summer came. 1. This is my mother Valentina Semyonovna Ivanovskaya, she is 80 years old in the central photo, on the right she is very young, and in the photo on the left she is 60 years old.

2. Apricots should be thoroughly washed and dried. There are apricots, let's say, cultivated, they have sweet kernels in the pits. We need just such. And there are small apricots, we call them wild, they have unsweetened kernels, such are not suitable for jam. What bones, you need to ask the seller, it's hard to check.

The larger the apricots, the more cultured they are, therefore, the sweeter their pit. Better to take mid-season apricots, even slightly greenish. Not ripe "into meat", nothing will come of them. They will fall apart, not whole.

3. Now you need to pull the bones out of the bones. We used to grind chopsticks (they were very neat so as not to plant splinters), now I use oriental chopsticks. I push the thick end of the stick into the place with which the apricot was attached to the stalk, and push it deeper, holding the apricot tightly with my fingers. It sounds complicated, but it's actually very simple.

4. A bone jumps out from the opposite side of the fruit. I remember that all our children and nephews were harnessed to pull these bones out.

5. The bones must be broken with a hammer and the kernels must be removed. My grandfather made a special brick: he hollowed out a recess in it, where part of the bone would fit perfectly, they hit a hard surface with a brick, and the bone split into two parts.

6. The most dreary thing is to clean the bones. Although, when they are fresh, this is easy to do, you do not need to pour over any boiling water. So, the bones must be peeled and the part where the main bitterness is concentrated must be removed. To remove it, you need to slightly pry the thick edge of the bone with a knife, remove the peel with a dark speck, as in the photo. Then you can clean the bone to the end.

7. This is what a completely refined kernel looks like, it tastes very delicate and sweet. As children, we loved these bones very much, ate them in tons. It's practically almonds.

8. Then the apricots must be pierced so that they better absorb the syrup. I came up with such a device: I took an eraser, cut it lengthwise and pierced it with pins with hats, it turned out such a hedgehog.

9. With this device, I prick apricots, trying to pierce the flesh deeper. If you pierce the peel with something large, it will break and fall apart, and the apricots will lose their presentation. And so they will be saturated with syrup, while maintaining integrity.

10. Then I put the kernels back into the apricots - with a stick.

11. I put apricots in a saucepan - tightly, upside down, on which flowers were previously attached. If you have a bucket of apricots, you can lay them flat.

12. Then you need to cook the syrup. For 1 kg of fruit, 1 kg of sugar is needed. But there is a trick. First, I take 600 g of sugar, add a glass of water (that's 250 ml), bring it to a boil, stirring constantly. When the sugar dissolves, the syrup is ready.

13. I pour apricots with syrup, so that each fruit is poured on top. I leave everything for 12 hours, in no case covering anything, otherwise the apricots will become ugly. During this time, they will cool down, give juice and slightly decrease in size.

For the winter, we cook a variety of jams, but even with this choice, it is not always possible to please everyone. The exception is apricot jam with seeds, the recipe with the photo will confirm this better than any words: slices of apricots in amber syrup they look so delicious that there is no doubt that it is very tasty! I just want to scoop up with a spoon and try! The seeds, or rather the kernels of the seeds, give their own, special taste and light nutty aroma. Cooking jam with apricot pits is not as laborious as for some reason they think: cooking in three doses for five minutes, everything is as usual.

Apricot Pitted Jam Recipe


  • Ripe dense apricots - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 700-800 g.

How to make pitted apricot jam

When buying fruit for this recipe, choose firm, ripe, and intact skins. Even slightly unripe apricots will do, but be sure to check if the seed separates well from the pulp. Break the apricot in half along the embossed strip - if it separates easily and the stone is clean, without adhering pulp, it is good. If it crumples, separates with difficulty - such fruits will not work, you will not be able to neatly divide them into halves, when cooking, the slices will lose their shape. Rinse the selected fruits thoroughly, cut the apricots in half with a knife. Remove the seeds, but do not throw them away - they will still be useful to us.

Place the apricot halves in one layer in a cauldron or jam bowl. Try to spread the soft side up to cover the flesh with sugar.

Cover the apricots with sugar, using about half or a third, leaving for the next layers.

Spread out the next layer of apricot wedges, sprinkle with sugar again. So alternate until you run out of apricots. Sugar top layer. Cover the dishes, leave until morning (10-12 hours).

In no case should you stir. The apricot pulp is very tender and easily damaged. This is how the apricots will look the next day: almost all the sugar will melt, the slices will be freely arranged in a large amount of sweet transparent syrup.

Before putting the jam on the stove, gently break the bones with a hammer so that the nucleoli remain intact. Take them out, peel off a thin brownish film with your hands.

Place the jam over medium heat. As soon as it begins to boil, the volume of the jam will increase, it will begin to foam, and will rise a lot. Use a spoon or slotted spoon to scoop up the foam, being careful not to damage the apricots.

After removing the foam, pour the kernels into the jam. Wait until it starts to boil, turn it off after a minute. Cover, clean overnight or until the next day.

The next cooking lasts five minutes from the moment of boiling. Cook the apricots over low heat so that they barely boil. The foam does not rise, but if it appears, collect it. Remove the dishes from the heat, leave the jam for 8-10 hours. The third cooking is the final one. By this time, prepare the jars (0.5 or 0.7 liters), sterilize them and boil the lids. As soon as the apricot jam with pits and wedges begins to boil, shake the dishes, put them on the fire again, cook for 5-10 minutes, depending on the desired syrup thickness.

Collect the syrup and halves of the apricots with a large spoon, gently prying them together with the kernels from below, while the jam should simmer quietly. Roll up jars filled to the brim with hermetically threaded lids or ordinary lids under a typewriter.

It is not necessary to wrap apricot jam. Boiling three times softened the fruit enough, and a large number of Sweet and sour syrup will be a natural preservative. After a day or two, when the jam has cooled, transfer it to the pantry or lower it to the basement, basement.

Well, that wonderful apricot jam with seeds is ready. What color and what flavor! In winter there will be something to feast on. If there are no suitable apricots or the recipe seemed time-consuming to you, look at the recipe for a very simple one. home preparation-. Everything is quite simple and fast there. Good luck with your blanks!

How long do you think to cook it? No longer or harder than classic jam from apricots. As usual, we cook in three steps, waiting for the fruit to cool completely, and in addition to sugar, add carefully removed kernels from the seeds and lemon juice for the scent. The active cooking period is only 15 minutes. The rest of the time will be occupied by passive waiting.

You will succeed very tasty preparation from apricots, which will retain its beautiful color and wonderful aroma. Therefore, be sure to prepare apricot jam with seeds for the winter, roll up at least a couple of small jars to treat your dearest guests. I'm sure they'll ask you for a recipe!

Total time: 15 hours / Cooking time: 15 minutes / Yield: 500 ml


  • pitted apricots - 500 g
  • sugar - 500 g
  • seed kernels - 30 g
  • lemon juice - 3 tbsp. l.


Big photos Small photos

    For harvesting, dense apricots are suitable, necessarily unripe, you can even slightly greenish (but not green!), Juicy, with fleshy pulp. I sort them out, reject the crumpled and spoiled ones.

    I wash the apricots in cold water and dry it on a towel. I divide each fruit in half, cutting with a knife so that the edges of the cut are even and neat. I take out the seeds, but do not throw them away, it is in them that the secret of our delicious jam lies.

    I cover the apricot wedges with granulated sugar. I shake off so that the sugar is evenly distributed. I cover the pan with gauze or a towel, leave it for 3-4 hours at room temperature so that the fruits let the juice out. If you cook in the evening and want to leave it overnight, then be sure to put the pan in the refrigerator, otherwise the apricots may ferment!

    When the apricots start juice, I bring to a boil over low heat and boil for exactly 5 minutes, removing the foam. Important! You cannot stir the jam, it is allowed to shake the pan in the air so that the fruits retain their integrity. After the first cooking, I remove the pan from the heat, cover it with a lid and leave it for 6 hours, until it cools completely. During this time, the slices will absorb the syrup and become transparent.

    For the second brewing, you need to prepare our secret ingredient - apricot kernels... Everything is extremely simple here. We arm ourselves with a hammer and split the seeds from apricots, inside which are hidden pretty almond-shaped nucleoli. It is they who will give a special spicy taste jam. The following point is important here. Depending on the variety of apricot, their kernels can be both very bitter and sweetish in taste (usually in large fruits). If they are very bitter, then scald with boiling water and remove the upper skin with a knife, exposing the white core. I got caught sweet variety, so I canned the kernels with the skin.

    The second brewing is carried out in the same way. I wash the kernels and send them to a saucepan with jam. I boil for 5 minutes from the moment of boiling and again leave it to "rest" for 6 hours.

    In the last, third stage of cooking, you need to add lemon juice. It will add a fascinating aroma to our preparation, and it will extend the shelf life, acting as a preservative. I squeeze lemon juice directly into a saucepan, bring to a boil and boil for 5 minutes. If there is foam, then do not forget to remove it with a wooden spoon, otherwise the jam may turn sour or moldy.

    I pour apricot jam into sterilized hot (!) Jars, and I seal them. I turn it over, wrap it in a warm blanket and leave it to cool completely. Then it can be stored in a cellar, closet or other dark and cool place.

Here is such a wonderful workpiece. Apricot jam is very tasty, beautiful, aromatic, whole halves, with kernels, and the syrup is fragrant and light. Agree, it's worth the effort!