Home / Cookies / Recipe for salted tomatoes with horseradish for the winter. How to salt tomatoes in jars - simple recipes for the winter

Recipe for salted tomatoes with horseradish for the winter. How to salt tomatoes in jars - simple recipes for the winter

Every year every housewife spends more time in the kitchen. A day off or an evening after work is scheduled for her by the minute. The thing is that the harvest ripens every day more and more. Therefore, it must be processed very quickly. First, a berry that you can't eat all of. From it we made and. Then the vegetables came up: cucumbers, zucchini, eggplant. Tomatoes - that's what we'll talk about today.

This vegetable is very fond of my family, especially the female half. Every day, or even several times a day, they make a salad. Put it in dressing dishes. They even make them. But now it's time to save some for the winter. Of course, they cannot be kept fresh, if only frozen? Just don't eat them like that. So let's salt!

We conserve very much in large numbers. Because they eat very well. Can be served with or without any second course. I don’t know about you, but we only have to open a jar, so tomorrow it will be empty. Even the brine is drunk! It is necessary to love corned beef so much!

salted tomatoes They are also good as an appetizer for any occasion. You can also get them when guests suddenly come to you. You can endlessly enumerate their pluses, but the matter does not move from this. In general, we will salt them. But as?

Today there are so many ways that the eyes run wide. But I do only for those that have been tested over the years by me and my family. The process algorithm is almost the same for all recipes. The only difference is what you add to the jar. You can put any leaves or spices. All this will give the tomatoes a unique taste. Just do not overdo it, otherwise the contents will simply deteriorate, or even fly into the air!

So, first of all, we take our good mood, great desire and proceed!

I just love this method. I even call him lazy. Since the number of products here is very small. And this method will spend a minimum of your time. And this is always very important for all housewives, since during the harvesting period it is sorely lacking!

  • Tomatoes;
  • Salt - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • Water.


1. Thoroughly wash containers and vegetables. and dry.

2. Put the tomatoes in a jar. They must be tight and whole. Wrinkled and rotten can not be used. put them under the neck.

3. Pour salt on top and fill everything with clean water. Can be used from a well or spring. But in any case not from the tap (chlorinated)! I buy from the store without additives.

4. We close the nylon lid and put it in the cold for storage.

These can last for a very long time. The brine will be cloudy, with a visible fermentation process. Do not be afraid, but rather try with potatoes!

How to salt green tomatoes?

Many people like them green. And it happens that it is already cold outside and gardeners are harvesting, not even ripe. He cannot lie at home for a long time, as he begins to rot. Throwing away a huge amount is also not an option. Therefore, I bring to your attention such an option for salting. Tomatoes will be delicious!

Ingredients for a 3 liter jar:

  • Tomatoes;
  • Hot pepper - 3 pcs.;
  • Garlic - 4 teeth;
  • Bay leaf - 3 pcs.;
  • Black peppercorns - 1 pinch;
  • Dill umbrellas -3 pcs.;
  • Horseradish leaves - 1 pc.;
  • Cherry and currant leaves - 5 pcs.;
  • Salt - 5 tbsp. l.;
  • Sugar - 4 tbsp. l;
  • Water.


1. Wash the jars well with soda or detergent. I also wash greens and vegetables.

2. We put all our spices and herbs at the bottom of the container.

3. Next, put the tomatoes mixed with pepper. Take its amount according to your taste.

Take hot peppers in red. So our blanks will be more colorful.

4. Top with salt and sugar. We fill everything clean drinking water. By no means boiled!

5. Close with nylon lids and immediately put away for storage in the cold: cellar, basement or refrigerator.

It will be possible to eat such a yummy only in a month, not earlier!

Salted tomatoes in jars, like barrel

This is perhaps the most fast way pickling vegetables. Previously, our grandmothers always salted this way. Many have lost the recipe, and someone simply stopped using it. After all, sometimes you want to do something new. And some remember the old and they like it much more. So let's remember the option forgotten by many!


  • Tomatoes;
  • Dill - 2 umbrellas;
  • Horseradish leaf - 1 pc.;
  • Parsley - 5 branches;
  • Garlic - 3 cloves;
  • Salt - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • Water - 1.5 liters.


1. First, prepare the container. Previously, they always salted in barrels. But times are different now. Therefore, I wash the jar with soda or detergent. It doesn't need to be sterilized.

2. Now we put all the greens in it, as well as peeled garlic.

Dill can be taken with umbrellas or the greens themselves. Also good dried.

3. Pour clean cold water into any other container. If it's from a faucet, run it through a filter. Suitable even from a well or bottled.

Boiled water must not be used!

Pour salt there and stir so that it begins to dissolve. It is clear that in the cold it will be difficult. Let's leave it for a while.

4. Now rinse the tomatoes and also put them in a container. Try to keep them tight.

5. Pour the solution into a jar. It should be covered. If there is not enough fluid, add more. Close the top with a nylon lid and put it in the cold.

Such tomatoes will stand for a very long time, but they can be eaten in five days. Now let's move on to the next method.

Well, after watching the video, it became even clearer how to cook barrel tomatoes. And most importantly, what happens good snack to the holiday table.

Hot way to pickle tomatoes with carrot tops

Have you ever tried this option? We used to always throw out those greens. I did not even know that it can also be used in the kitchen. But two years ago I tried these with friends and took note of the recipe. I did it myself last year. They turn out to be cloudy and there is a fermentation process in them. But delicious, mmm!

Ingredients for a 3 liter jar:

  • Tomatoes;
  • Dill umbrellas - 2 pcs.;
  • Horseradish leaf - 2 pcs.;
  • Carrot tops - 1 bunch;
  • Cherry leaves - 5 pcs.;
  • Garlic - 3 teeth;
  • Black peppercorns - 1 pinch;
  • Salt - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Water.


1. Thoroughly wash and sterilize the jar. We also prepare herbs and vegetables. We clean them and wash them too.

2. Put dill, cherry and horseradish leaves, carrot tops, garlic, peppercorns on the bottom. We take a little with our hands.

3. Now we put in the tomatoes. You can make punctures near the stem with a toothpick. So they are better salted in this place and do not burst. If they are thin-skinned, then you can not do this action.

4. Pour salt and sugar into the jar from above. Pour boiling water over everything and close the capron lid. Metal twist lids can also be used. Let it cool down and refrigerate.

Such tomatoes are not kept warm, so be sure to remove them in the cellar, basement or refrigerator.

So tasty and interesting recipes we got it. These tomatoes are prepared without vinegar, aspirin and citric acid. And so they will be more useful. They can serve and surprise guests. So cook with pleasure! On this note, I say goodbye to you, until we meet again!

Salted tomatoes are one of the most famous dishes Russian cuisine. There is hardly a person who has never tried salted tomatoes with fried potatoes. Traditionally, we use tomatoes as a snack, and use pickle the next morning after a good feast. Everyone knows the expression “I was drawn to salty things”, and if you are one of the happy lovers of pickles, then stock up on our recipes and enjoy the results of salting in the winter.

salted tomatoes

10 kg of tomatoes,
100-200 gr dill greens,
50 gr horseradish root,
100 gr horseradish leaves,
20-30 gr garlic,
10-15 gr red hot pepper,
10 liters of water
500-700 gr of salt.

Rinse all greens and tomatoes thoroughly in running water. At the bottom of the jars, lay half the dill, pepper, garlic, currant leaves, leaves and horseradish root. Fill jars with tomatoes and top with remaining greens. Prepare a brine from 10 liters of water and 500-700 grams of salt. Fill the jars with cold brine so that the tomatoes are completely covered with it. Cover the jars with lids and leave at room temperature for 2-3 days, then put them in a cool place.

Salted tomatoes in their own juice

10 kg of tomatoes,
150-200 gr dill greens,
50 gr horseradish root,
100 gr blackcurrant leaves,
100 gr horseradish leaves,
10-15 gr dried red pepper pods,
20-30 gr garlic,
10 liters of crushed tomatoes,
500-700 gr of salt.

Pass thoroughly washed tomatoes through a meat grinder and season the resulting mass with salt. Place half of the greens in jars, then lay the tomatoes and the remaining greens on top. Pour the tomatoes with the resulting tomato mass, cover the jars with lids and leave at room temperature for several days, then put them in a cool place.

Georgian salted tomatoes

10 kg green tomatoes,
1-1.5 kg of celery greens,
0.5-1 kg of garlic,
50-100 gr fresh red hot pepper pods,
0.5-1 kg of parsley,
5-6 bay leaves,
10 liters of water
600-700 gr of salt,
mustard powder.

Finely chop the greens, red pepper and garlic, mix them. Wash medium-sized green tomatoes and cut sideways to the middle. Stuff the tomatoes with chopped herbs and place tightly in a wide-mouthed dish. Shift each layer of tomatoes with greens with seasonings and bay leaf. Pour tomatoes with cold brine prepared from 10 liters of water and 600-700 grams of salt, cover with a flat plate and set the weight. To prevent mold, sprinkle the surface of the brine with mustard powder.

Salted Siberian Tomatoes with Horseradish

8-10 kg of tomatoes,
3 heads of garlic
3-4 horseradish roots,
blackcurrant leaves,
dill sprigs,
allspice peas,
10 liters of water
600-800 gr of salt.

Wash and dry tomatoes. Separate the garlic into cloves and peel it. Peel the horseradish root and cut it into pieces. Wash the currant leaves and dill sprigs and let the water drain. Sterilize jars. At the bottom of each jar, place blackcurrant leaves, dill sprigs, allspice peas, a few cloves of garlic and 3 pieces of horseradish. Fill the jars with tomatoes and put the greens on top, just like on the bottom. Prepare a brine from 10 liters of boiling water and 600-800 grams of salt. Let the brine cool slightly and pour over the tomatoes. Close the jars with tight lids, refrigerate in a cool place and put away for storage after a couple of days.

Bulgarian salted tomatoes with vegetables

2 kg green tomatoes
2 kg of white cabbage,
3 kg of sweet pepper,
2 kg carrots
500 gr parsley, celery and dill,
10 liters of water
600 gr salt.

Wash green tomatoes and pat dry. Wash the fruits of sweet pepper and prick them several times with a fork at the base. Wash and thoroughly clean the carrots. Peel the head of cabbage from the top leaves and cut into 4-8 parts. Wash the greens and let the water drain. Lay the greens on the bottom of the dishes with a wide neck, lay the prepared vegetables in layers on top. Prepare a brine from 10 liters of water and 600 grams of salt. Pour the cold brine over the tomatoes, cover with a plate and set the weight. Leave the tomatoes at room temperature for 2-3 days, then transfer to a cold place to store. Vegetables will be ready to eat in 20 days.

Salted tomatoes with mustard

8-10 kg of tomatoes,
10 liters of water
300 gr salt
50 gr mustard,
30 gr garlic
200 gr dill,
30 gr horseradish,
25 gr tarragon,
100 gr cherry leaves,
100 gr blackcurrant leaves,
20 black peppercorns.

Wash the tomatoes thoroughly. Place the spices in an enamel bowl and sprinkle with dry mustard powder. Pack tomatoes tightly, shifting with dill, garlic, horseradish, pepper, blackcurrant leaves, cherries and tarragon. Cover the tomatoes with cherry and blackcurrant leaves from above, cover with a linen napkin. Fill with brine prepared from 10 liters of water and 300 grams of salt. Put a wooden circle on top and place a weight on it. Leave the tomatoes at room temperature for 6-7 days, then refrigerate. It will be possible to try tomatoes in 30-40 days.

Salted tomatoes with squash

2 kg of tomatoes,
1 kg patissons,
3 bay leaves,
bunch of green celery
cilantro bunch,
5 garlic cloves,
10 black peppercorns,
3 peas of allspice,
100 g coarse salt.

Thoroughly wash the tomatoes, squash and herbs. Cut the patissons into circles, and finely chop the greens. Bring 1 liter of water to a boil, add salt and peas of black and allspice. At the bottom of a sterilized jar, place garlic cloves, 3 bay leaves and herbs. Then lay out the tomatoes and squash. Pour everything ready brine. Put a load on top and leave at room temperature for 6-7 days. After this period, transfer the squash and tomatoes to smaller sterilized jars and close them with sterilized lids.

Various salted tomatoes

6 kg tomatoes,
1-2 heads of garlic,
2-3 pods of hot pepper,
4-5 dill umbels with stalks,
4-5 horseradish leaves
3-4 bay leaves,
8-10 currant leaves,
8-10 cherry leaves
8-10 oak leaves,
2 tbsp dry mustard,
1/2 glass of vodka,
sweet peppercorns,
black peppercorns,
5 liters of water
1.5 tbsp coarse salt,
1 tbsp sugar.

Wash the tomatoes thoroughly and sort them according to their degree of maturity. Garlic can not be peeled, just disassemble the head into cloves. At the bottom of a 10-liter saucepan, put half the spices, garlic and oak, cherry and currant leaves. Place the tomatoes firmly with the stalk down. First lay out the green ones, then the pink ones, and then the red ones on top. Red tomatoes should be firm. Lay the rest of the herbs, spices and garlic on top. Bring 5 liters of water to a boil, add sugar and salt, then cool to 55-60°C. Pour the brine over the tomatoes so that it lightly covers the top layer. Place a large plate and a 1 kg weight on top. Cover the pan with plastic wrap and leave at room temperature for 3 days. So that the tomatoes do not turn sour and do not become moldy, dilute the mustard powder in vodka and pour into the brine. After 3 days, the tomatoes can be transferred to jars, poured with brine and stored in a cool place.

Salted tomatoes with carrots

10 kg of tomatoes,
1 kg of grated carrots,
4 pods of hot pepper,
3 heads of garlic
5-6 bay leaves,
10 liters of water
500 gr salt.

Wash ripe tomatoes and herbs well. Peel the garlic and disassemble it into cloves. Without tearing off the stalks, arrange the tomatoes in jars, layering with grated carrots, peppers, dill, garlic and bay leaves. Prepare a brine from 10 liters of water and 500 grams of salt. Pour the tomatoes with brine and leave in a cold place. Tomatoes will be ready in 12-15 days.

Tomatoes, spicy, dry pickled

10 kg of tomatoes,
1 kg of spicy fresh herbs (tarragon, parsley, celery, basil, dill),
200 gr black currant leaves,
200 gr cherry leaves,
300 gr salt.

Red hard tomatoes wash and prick each fruit with a fork from the side of the stalk. Wash the herbs thoroughly and let the water drain. At the bottom of pre-sterilized jars, lay a layer of washed blackcurrant and cherry leaves, then tightly lay out the tomatoes, sprinkling with salt and spices. Cover the filled jars with a clean cloth, place blackcurrant and cherry leaves on top, set the weight and place the jars in a cold place.

Of course, you can buy pickled tomatoes at any time of the year, and you don’t have to spend time pickling them, but the pleasure derived from eating tomatoes own cooking, does not go to any comparison with the use of store-bought. Cook according to our recipes, enjoy the pleasant sour-salty taste of tomatoes, and let each dish you cook become a table decoration. Good appetite!


At the bottom of the jar, put garlic, horseradish leaf, dill umbrella. Next, fill it with tomatoes interspersed with garlic cloves. Top with a few cloves of garlic and a bunch of dill.

Filling preparation: dip into boiling saline solution Bay leaf and a stalk of umbrella dill, divided into equal parts about three centimeters in size. Boil the solution for 5 minutes, then pour over the prepared tomatoes. At the same time, the dill stalk and bay leaf are not put in a jar, but thrown into the waste. Cover the jar with a sterilized lid, heat according to the known scheme and roll up.

You will need (calculation per liter jar):

tomatoes - 550 g,

garlic - 1 head of medium size,

horseradish leaf - 1 pc.,

bay leaf - 1 pc.,

umbrella dill - 2 pcs.,

salt - 15 g.

From the book All About the Ordinary Tomato author Ivan Dubrovin

CANNED SALTED TOMATOES To begin with, it is worth clarifying that salted tomatoes are called tomatoes, the filling of which contains a large percentage of salt, and pickled - those whose filling includes vinegar or acetic

From the book Raw Food author Irina Anatolyevna Mikhailova

NATURAL SALTED TOMATOES, WITHOUT SPICES This recipe is suitable for those people who, due to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, are forced to give up excessive use of spices and hot peppers. Place washed tomatoes of the same color in jars and pour

From the book Sugar-Reducing Plants. No to diabetes and overweight author Sergey Pavlovich Kashin

SALTED TOMATOES WITH GARLIC Put peeled garlic cloves on the bottom of the jar, tomatoes on top, which should also be evenly sprinkled with garlic cloves. Put a few cloves on the top layer of tomatoes as well. Then pour boiling brine

From the author's book

SALTED TOMATOES WITH TARRAGON, BLACKCURRANT AND CHERRY LEAVES At the bottom of the jar, place washed and scalded with boiling water blackcurrant and cherry leaves, on top - an even layer of tomatoes. Preparation of the filling: put tarragon leaves in boiling salted water, boil for

From the author's book

SHARP SALTED TOMATOES At the bottom of the jar, lower the dill umbrella, garlic cloves and the lower half of the hot pepper pod cut in half. Next, lay the tomatoes, alternating them with garlic cloves. Top - dill umbrella, chopped garlic and top

From the author's book

PEELED SALTED TOMATOES IN TOMATO PUT For this recipe, the tomatoes must be blanched and skinned. First, dip them in boiling water for 3 minutes, and then in cold water. After that, having cleaned, place them in a jar, being careful not to disturb the external

From the author's book

SALTED TOMATOES IN TOMATO PEPPER PUTTING Tomatoes do not need to be peeled. To prevent cracking, they should be pricked in the places of the stalks with a wooden needle, and then blanched for 2-3 minutes in boiling water and put in a prepared jar. For

From the author's book

SALTED TOMATOES IN A JAR It is best to salt the tomatoes on the same day they were picked from the garden. A barrel or tub should be well steamed with hot water with the addition of spices - dill, tarragon, thyme. Then put dill, tarragon, horseradish, siliculose on the bottom hot pepper,

From the author's book

SALTED TOMATOES WITH MUSTARD This requires firm, slightly unripe tomatoes. Lay currant and horseradish leaves in the prepared barrel. Carefully lay the tomatoes, and on top - a layer of spices. To prepare the filling in hot water add salt, sugar, bay

From the author's book

SALTED TOMATOES "ASSORTED" This section will include canned tomatoes with the addition of other vegetables and fruits. Such homework is called

From the author's book

SALTED TOMATOES WITH CUCUMBERS These preserves are best made in large - two or three liter jars. At the bottom of a properly prepared jar, place horseradish leaves, garlic cloves. Prepare tomatoes and cucumbers. Prick the tomatoes with a wooden needle in the places of the stalks and

From the author's book

PICKED TOMATOES WITH CUCUMBERS Prepare cucumbers and tomatoes in the same way as in the previous case. At the bottom of the jar, put horseradish leaves, garlic, dill umbrella, the lower half of hot capsicum. Then lay cucumbers with tomatoes in the same way, evenly

From the author's book

SALTED TOMATOES WITH BULGARIAN PEPPER IN TOMATO Prepare the vegetables - cut the pepper in half, peel, blanch. Blanch the tomatoes too. Put everything in a jar so that the pepper is located vertically along its walls. Sprinkle vegetables with garlic cloves.

From the author's book

TOMATOES WITH HORSERADISH IN SPICY FILLING For this recipe, the filling must be prepared a day before canning. Put salt, sugar, thyme leaves, basil, tarragon, a few black peppercorns into boiling water and cook over low heat for 5-10 minutes. Give the solution

From the author's book

Pickles with dill? Ingredients 300 g cucumbers, 1/2 large bunch of dill with seeds, 4 leaves of horseradish, 1 head of garlic, 1 l of water, 200 g of sea salt.? preparation method 1. Put the cucumbers in a jar along with garlic, dill and fresh horseradish leaves.2. Mix salt with water and

Spicy spicy seasoning of tomatoes with horseradish and garlic is very popular and is known for its beneficial properties. Adjika is traditionally prepared in autumn and eaten in winter. Regular use of even a small amount of a vigorous mixture perfectly increases the protective functions of the body and protects against colds.

To prepare the sauce, use fleshy, possibly slightly spoiled tomatoes. True, places with flaws are carefully cut out. Horseradish roots need thick and elastic. To clean the upper peel well, you can pre-soak the roots in cold water. The spiciness of the dish can be adjusted by the number of tomatoes used. The more tomatoes you put in, the softer the sauce will be.

Spicy adjika with horseradish is suitable for any main dishes of meat, fish or vegetables. It is prepared in two ways. The first is when the products undergo heat treatment, while the seasoning is well stored.

The second, the raw method, does without cooking, which allows you to preserve the maximum benefit of the original ingredients. But it is unlikely that it will be possible to store such a seasoning in a warm apartment for a long time. Although in a cool pantry or basement, adjika will last all winter if the household and guests do not eat it earlier.

Recipe tomato with horseradish and garlic for the winter without cooking - photo recipe

The first recipe suggests making a simple spicy sauce according to the second method, without cooking. Ready seasoning keeps everything beneficial features, and with regular inclusion in the diet, it has an anti-inflammatory effect, helps cleanse the blood, lower sugar levels. An explosive mixture of spicy and healthy vegetables kills germs and fights infection in the body.

For cooking you will need:

  • A kilogram of tomatoes.
  • 100 grams of horseradish roots.
  • 100 grams of peeled garlic.


  • 30 grams of salt.
  • 8 grams of citric acid.
  • 10 grams of granulated sugar.

Let's start cooking:

1. Peel the garlic.

2. Peel the horseradish roots from the top peel. Then pour boiling water over it, and this will soften its sharpness. Grind garlic and horseradish in a mixer.

3. Grate the washed tomatoes. So we will not have tomato skins in the seasoning, only one pulp. This will give the sauce an attractive look.

4. Add chopped garlic, horseradish to the grated tomatoes. We introduce spices, mix everything thoroughly. Let's stand for about an hour. Add citric acid so that the seasoning does not ferment.

5. Wash and sterilize glass jars. Boil the iron lids.

6. Finished homogeneous mass we put it in jars, tighten the lids and put them in the refrigerator or cold cellar.

7. This hot sauce can be served at the table not only on weekdays, but also on a holiday.

Appetizer of tomato, horseradish and garlic

V next recipe in the raw type, three ingredients also play the main roles: tomatoes, horseradish root and fresh chives. It is this trio that makes the whole “gastronomic performance”. The role of an extra in this enchanting show goes to lemon juice. Sugar and salt add their pleasant note.

And together you get an amazing appetizer that is good to serve with hot or cold meat, chicken. It is no less tasty with ordinary black bread.


  • Fresh, juicy, fleshy tomatoes - 3 kg.
  • Horseradish root - total weight 250-300 gr.
  • Garlic - 2-3 heads.
  • Salt - 5 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar - 4 tbsp. l.
  • Lemon juice (or diluted lemon acid) - 1 tbsp. l.

Action algorithm:

  1. Start cooking - preparatory work, understandable to everyone, known to everyone - washing tomatoes, cleaning teeth and horseradish roots. Washing again so that later fine sand is not felt in the snack.
  2. Next, all the vegetables must be chopped in a meat grinder. Moreover, for a tomato it is better to use large holes, for cloves of garlic and horseradish root - small ones.
  3. Stir in the aromatic mixture. Fill with salt lemon juice, sugar.
  4. Leave in a cool place. Stir again after a quarter of an hour.

It is clear that such an amount at one time is impossible to eat. Even if going big company. Therefore, the workpiece can be packaged in sterilized and dry containers, sealed tightly enough. Store in a cool place - basement or refrigerator. Some of the fragrant, tasty and healthy products are immediately sent for tasting to relatives and friends.

Horseradish with tomatoes, garlic and horseradish

The name “Tomato Appetizer with Horseradish” sounds trite and ordinary, it’s a completely different matter when the hostess asks the guests: “Would you like to serve horseradish with meat?”. The main thing is not to be instantly offended by the hostess for the proposed dish, but to wait for the tasting.

This is where the true character of a person is manifested, because lovers hot spices you can’t drag your ears away from such an appetizer. Experienced wife-hostess, seeing with what pleasure the beloved clicks on "Kharenovina", they immediately begin to demand a recipe. By the way, it is quite simple, so anyone who does not even have gastronomic talent and experience can master it.


  • Tomatoes are beautiful, juicy, ripe - 2 kg.
  • Horseradish in the form of a root - 100 gr. in total weight.
  • Garlic - 100 gr.
  • Salt - 2 tbsp. l. (It is advised to take coarse grinding).

The weight of the ingredients in the snack can be reduced or increased proportionally. Recommended to cook first a small portion for a tasting test, and then increase the volumes as the household requires.

Action algorithm:

  1. Tomatoes need very ripe, juicy. Rinse the fruits and dry with a towel or just leave in the air.
  2. Dig (buy on the market) horseradish roots, clean them from sand and dirt. Rinse thoroughly. Cut into small pieces.
  3. Peel and wash the garlic cloves.
  4. Next, the ingredients need to be chopped. Previously, mechanical meat grinders were used for this, then their “descendants”, electric meat grinders. Today, food processors do just fine.
  5. First you need to chop horseradish and garlic cloves, transfer the fragrant spicy mass into a deep container.
  6. Then, cutting the tomatoes into slices, also pass them through the combine. Naturally, all 2 kilograms will not fit right away, so grinding should be done in separate portions.
  7. Connect everything together.
  8. Salt also needs to be ground using a coffee grinder. Then it will dissolve very quickly.

This appetizer can be served almost immediately after preparation, but can be corked, stored in the cold, and served on holidays in winter.

Hello everybody!

What a busy time right now! Harvesting is already in full swing, and most housewives are beginning to prepare for winter. , having prepared, it's time to start pickling tomatoes.

This wonderful preparation will help you out more than once cold winter. It can be an appetizer on the table, and one of the ingredients in many salads. If you are still considering whether to close the tomatoes or not, then my answer is definitely close! Moreover, this process is not at all troublesome and will not take you much time.

Well, if you have had a fruitful year, then I advise you to do more. All recipes are very simple, well, the result is just awesome.

Green tomatoes in jars for storage in the apartment - "lick your fingers"

Be sure that by salting green tomatoes in the hot way described in this recipe, your tomatoes will stand quietly until spring. The only "but", most likely they will be eaten much earlier!

Quick, easy and delicious - just what we need!

We will need:

  • green tomatoes;
  • water - 1 l;
  • sugar - 4 tablespoons;
  • salt - 3 teaspoons;
  • vinegar 6% - 100 g;
  • bell pepper.


For 1 liter of water, add 3 tablespoons of sugar and 3 teaspoons of salt, as well as 100 g of 6% vinegar.

How to make sweet-salty tomatoes for the winter without sterilization?

A lot of people like tomatoes not to be too salty. That's what this simple recipe is for. Do not be afraid of the amount of sugar in the ingredients, because in combination with spices and salt you will get the very sweet-salty taste we need.

  • tomatoes;
  • celery greens;
  • Bay leaf;
  • Carnation;
  • black peppercorns;
  • allspice;
  • salt - 2 tablespoons;
  • sugar - 7 tablespoons;
  • citric acid - 1 tsp.


Cold process tomatoes with mustard that can be stored until spring

Love spicy? Then these tomatoes will definitely appeal to you! This easy mustard recipe is going to be one of your favorites because it's easier than putting everything you need in a jar, filling it with water and shaking it.

Such a blank will stand until spring, but only if it is stored in a refrigerator or cellar.

We will need (for a 3 liter jar):


If you do not have any of the listed spices, then you can not use them.

A simple video recipe on how to salt tomatoes in 3-liter jars in a cold way without vinegar

Vinegar is very often used in twists, but many try to avoid it. For those who do not like the presence of this ingredient in recipes, I am attaching a video that quickly and easily explains how to salt tomatoes without vinegar.

We will need:

  • tomatoes - 1.5 kg;
  • bell pepper - 1-2 pcs.;
  • garlic - 4 cloves;
  • parsley - a small bunch;
  • dill umbrellas - 3 pcs.;
  • horseradish leaf 10 cm long;
  • water - 1.5 l;
  • salt - 60 g (or 2 tablespoons with a large slide).


Salted tomatoes with vinegar and onions for the winter (recipe for a liter jar)

Opening a jar of tomatoes, pickled with vinegar and onions, you will undoubtedly be pleasantly surprised, because everything will be delicious: tomatoes, onions, and peppers. The fragrant combination of vegetables and spices will whet the appetite of everyone who tastes this dish!

We will need (per liter jar):

  • tomatoes;
  • sweet pepper - 0.5 pcs.;
  • onions - 1 pc.;
  • garlic - 2 large cloves;
  • sugar - 0.5 tablespoon;
  • salt - 1/4 tablespoon;;
  • vinegar 9% - 25 ml;
  • bay leaf - 1 pc.;
  • mustard seeds, black peppercorns, allspice, dill (or ready-made pickling mixture - 1 teaspoon).


  1. We clean the onion and cut it into half rings. We put some in the bank.

Don't cut too thin.

  1. Peel the garlic and cut in half lengthwise. We also send it to the bank.
  2. We clean the sweet pepper from seeds and stalk, cut it into 4 parts, two of which are laid out on top of the onion.
  3. Fill the jar halfway with prepared tomatoes.

They should be small, since we salt them in liter jars.

If you roll more jars, then increase the ingredients as necessary.

Salting tomatoes in a cold way with vinegar according to a recipe from grandmothers

In the past, when pickling vegetables, everyone used aspirin. Jars with pickles are stored for a very long time, do not explode. A method proven over the years. And despite the fact that in our time this is not a very popular salting method, it has a place to be.

We will need (for 5 three-liter jars):

  • tomatoes;
  • horseradish leaves;
  • umbrellas and dill seeds;
  • peppercorns - 8 pcs. to the bank;
  • bay leaf - 3-6 pcs. to the bank;
  • rock salt - 100 g;
  • sugar - 200 g;
  • vinegar 9% - 250 ml;
  • raw cold water- 5 l;
  • aspirin - 2 tablets.


How delicious to salt green tomatoes for the winter in jars so that they are like barrel ones?

Barrel tomatoes have special taste, which is difficult to achieve by salting them in jars. But, if you follow the recipe below exactly, your tomatoes will taste very similar to those that are salted in barrels.

We will need (for a 3 liter jar):

  • green tomatoes;
  • garlic - 10 cloves;
  • horseradish leaves - 3 pcs.;
  • cherry leaves - 2 pcs.;
  • currant leaves - 2 pcs.;
  • dill - 2-3 umbrellas;
  • peppercorns - 10-15 pcs.;
  • water - 1.5 l;
  • sugar - 1.5 tablespoons;
  • salt - 1.5 tablespoons;
  • mustard - 1.5 tablespoons ready-made or 1.5 teaspoons dry.


Such cuts are necessary for better pickling of tomatoes.

Hot tomatoes with citric acid per 3 liter jar

hot way salting is more troublesome, but no less tasty. Here, instead of vinegar, citric acid is used. Tomatoes will be stored for a long time and delight you and your guests throughout all the cold weather.

We will need (for a 3 liter jar):


OK it's all over Now! I tried to combine in this article the most popular and proven methods of pickling tomatoes. I hope you choose the one that suits you and you will be satisfied with the result.

And don't forget to spin! This storehouse of vitamins will support the immune system and help you avoid illness this winter.

Bon Appetit!