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What kind of tangerine is the sweetest. Modern varieties of tangerines

How to choose tangerines so that they are safe for your health and at the same time tasty and healthy?

If you asked yourself such a question, then be sure to read this article and learn about all the secrets of how to choose tangerines.

I really love tangerines, especially before the New Year holidays. And it is with the choice of fragrant, tasty and beautiful tangerines that preparations for the New Year begin.

But many of you do not even suspect what dangers these beloved fruits carry for your health if you do not follow a number of rules when choosing and eating them.

The biggest danger in the tangerine lies precisely in its peel, as it is in direct contact with the environment.

Whatever is on your hands and on the skin of the tangerine is transferred to the flesh of the tangerine when you peel it.

So the most important rule is:

All tangerines must be washed before you start eating them!

And in no case do not let your children clean tangerines with their teeth, because. at the same time, a lot of bacteria enters the mouth, which in turn is very dangerous for health.

The use of unwashed tangerines can provoke the appearance of food poisoning, acute intestinal infections in both young and older children.

And sadly, but according to statistics, it was at the time new year holidays the largest number of poisonings occurs with tangerines.

Diarrhea and abdominal pain are the first signs of poisoning.


Very often, when our stomach starts to hurt, we don’t really pay attention to it, in the hope that everything will pass. But, often, it can be a symptom of quite dangerous diseases, with serious consequences. And, in which I describe how to behave if your stomach hurts.

Most experts are sure that the reason for poisoning with tangerines is that they are not washed before use.

And do not forget that when transporting tangerines, the rules of sanitary hygiene are not always observed. Plus, tangerines are treated with certain chemicals to extend their shelf life.

Therefore, remember the most important rule and always wash tangerines before serving!

Now consider the main dangers that await you if you do not wash tangerines before eating.

Nutritional value of tangerine

The table above, and all subsequent tables, describes the amount (proteins, fats, carbohydrates, ...) per 100 grams of an edible product.


Name Quantity/mg.
B1 0.06 mg.
B2 0.03 mg.
B4 10.2 mg.
B5 0.216 mg.
B6 0.07 mg.
B9 16 mg.
C 38 mg.
E 0.2 mg.
PP 0.3 mg
A 10 mcg.
Niacin 0.2 mg
Beta Carotene 0.06 mg.


trace elements

How to choose tangerines? 3 basic rules!

Let's find out soon how to choose a safe tangerine and not harm yourself and your loved ones!


It is with this gas that unscrupulous carriers process green fruits that have not yet ripened so that they last longer, do not deteriorate and ripen during transportation, as well as during sales.

Why is ethylene dangerous for your health?

Ethylene is toxic. It is a phytohormone and is used to speed up the ripening of fruits. It affects the liver, kidneys, can accumulate in the liver, cause toxic hepatitis, and can even cause convulsions.

So, how to choose tangerines without ethylene. The main signs that the fruit has been processed:

And even if you wash it well, it is still an unhealthy fruit, since it is unripe and will not bring any health benefits.

Also, tangerines should have a pronounced citrus smell, and this is one of the main criteria for choosing fresh and healthy tangerine. Therefore, if this smell is absent, then it is obvious that the manufacturer or carrier has taken tangerines that are not yet ripe.

It is thanks to the aroma of tangerines that we feel the approach of the New Year and this is exactly what will help you do right choice quality product!


* (chemicals that tangerines are treated to protect them from fungi).

If you use such tangerines, then health problems will not keep you waiting.


Also, I want to draw your attention to the fact that if you have not previously followed the rules for choosing a tangerine, and in principle were not interested in the topic of health, it is important for you to understand where serious illnesses come from. , where she told how to never get sick with terrible diseases again and look great!

In high doses, fungicides cause toxic hepatitis, kidney failure, and in humans, kidneys can be affected. Also, fungicides are very poorly combined with alcohol, because. their action is amplified hundreds of times!

How to choose tangerines without fungicides?

The main sign that fungicides are present in the peel of tangerines is a waxy sheen. Tangerines are as if covered with a film and unnaturally shine. Although by nature the peel of tangerines should be a little rough.

Remember that not all that glitters is gold!

And another danger that may await you These are frozen tangerines. That is, when you pick up tangerines in your hands, they are wet and soft. Or when you lightly press them, they leave small dents that do not disappear. I also do not advise you to buy such tangerines, because. they are already corrupted.

And the last danger...


The Mediterranean fruit fly is one of the most dangerous insects on earth.

Unlike other pests, whose diet is limited to certain plants, this fly feeds on about 200 species of different plants, including citrus fruits, bananas, figs, pomegranates, peaches, plums, apricots, grapes, tomatoes, eggplants and even peppers.

Its larvae feed on the skin of the fruit and literally a few days after infection, the fruits fall off and mold develops in the place where the fly damaged the fruit and the fruit begins to rot.

If the eggs got into the middle of the fetus and a person ate such tangerines, then these eggs are absorbed into the bloodstream, spread throughout the body, to different organs, and this can cause irritation of the mucous membranes of the intestines, stomach, pain in the anus, in the abdomen, and ultimately problems you are provided with health.

So, if you see traces of decay, black dots, mold on tangerines, in no case do not buy them!

Friends, I hope that you have already learned the tips on how to choose tangerines that are safe and healthy for your health, and now, consider how to choose delicious tangerines.

How to choose a delicious tangerine?

To begin with, you must determine for yourself which tangerines you like the most: sweet, sweet and sour, pitted or pitted.

Since in different countries are growing different varieties tangerines, and each of these varieties has its own unique taste.

Consider the most popular varieties of tangerines from different countries.

Spanish tangerines

Variety Clementine.

They are a pronounced orange color, very sweet and almost pitted.

Turkish tangerines

Tangerines from this country are distinguished by their sourness, they are yellow in color and completely pitted.

Tangerines from Morocco

These tangerines are considered royal, because. they are very sweet, bright orange in color, pitted and similar to an orange inside.

Abkhazia or else as they are called: “Georgian tangerines”

The most popular tangerine variety in Soviet time, because they ripen in December, just before the New Year.

They are large enough, easy to clean, very juicy, sweet and sour, and they have few seeds.

Israeli tangerines

Now also a very popular tangerine variety. They are distinguished by a very thin and naturally shiny skin. Israeli tangerines are easy to peel and very sweet.

How to choose tangerines, the last rule:

Buy exactly those tangerines that you like the most to taste and then they will really create a festive mood for you!

I am sure that these tips on how to choose tangerines that are safe and healthy for your health will come in handy.

I like it I don't like it

A popular seedless tangerine variety is Pixie. The fruits are orange in color, with large porous skin that can be easily removed. The pulp is honey-sweet and juicy, without seeds. The fruits ripen at the end of winter, but remain on the tree until summer.

In Japan and China, the Satsuma tangerine variety is grown. They have a sweet and sour taste, and the peel is larger than the flesh, so it separates easily and has a loose texture. Slices of different sizes. This is an early ripening variety - tangerines ripen in December.

Tangelo is a hybrid variety created by crossing a mandarin and a grapefruit. The orange-red fruits have several seeds and a sour taste.

Varieties of sweet tangerines

The sweetest tangerines are the fruits of the Clementine variety. They are popular in the market due to their sweet juicy taste. Fruits have a bright orange color and small size, pulp with many seeds. The peel is finely porous, easily removed from the pulp. Grow in Spain, Turkey, North Africa and America.

Another sweet variety is Dancy. They have a dark orange thin skin. The flesh is juicy and sweet, with a strong aroma. Tangerines are small in size, with irregularities. Grown in North America.

Encore are very sweet tangerines that, due to their appearance, rarely find their way to the market. The peel has dark spots and errors that are mistaken for rot or damage. The variety is found in private gardens on plots. The fruits ripen in spring and early summer.

Honey tangerines are a variety of sweet fruits, with juicy pulp and large quantity bones. They have a flattened fruit shape, yellow-orange in color. The skin doesn't clean well. Grown in Israel and Abkhazia.

Tangor is a hybrid variety of tangerines obtained by crossing a tangerine and an orange. The fruits are larger than those of ordinary tangerines, but smaller than those of an orange. They are orange-red in color. The peel is easily removed from the juicy sweet pulp. Grown in Morocco and Turkey.

Peel - an indicator of danger

The biggest danger in mandarin is the peel. The reasons are:

How to choose tangerines

To choose good harmless tangerines, study the criteria:

  1. Variety. Focus on the country from which they are brought. The largest suppliers are Turkey, Spain, Morocco and Israel. Turkish are the most common, but Abkhazian and Spanish are considered the best.
  2. Purity. Don't buy tangerines with green spots or veins. Avoid tangerines with brown spots - they are infested with fruit fly.
  3. stickiness. Pass by tangerines, which have a sticky peel.
  4. Color. Choose fruits of a uniform color. The darker the color, the sweeter the flesh. When opened, the color of the slice should be identical to the color of the peel.
  5. Aroma. A good ripe tangerine should have a bright citrus scent.
  6. Shine. Do not take fruits with an unnatural sheen - they are treated with a fungicide.
  7. Form. Ripe mandarin has a flattened shape.

Peel a tangerine after you wash it or pour boiling water over it. Do not allow children to clean tangerines with their teeth.

Mandarin is an evergreen plant that belongs to the genus Citrus of the Rut family. Differs in bright and juicy fruits with strongly expressed aroma. The homeland of mandarin is called the southern regions of China, northern India and the southeastern part of Indochina. However, today this citrus tree is cultivated in many countries of the world: Turkey, Egypt, Morocco, Japan, Iran, USA, South Korea, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Brazil, Italy, Spain and others. Of course, in Russia there are also regions whose climate is suitable for growing delicious and rich in vitamin C citrus fruits. This is the south of the Krasnodar Territory and the North Caucasus.

Exists a large number of varieties of tangerines. Among themselves, varieties of tangerines may differ in the external dimensions of the trees, the color and shape of the fruit, as well as their palatability(sour, sweet, sour-sweet, tart). Pitted tangerines are in great demand among consumers. And lovers of indoor plants, in turn, show a high interest in citrus trees that can be grown at home.

The tangerine tree is famous for its unique appearance and fruits with an unusual aroma. Let's look at the most popular varieties.

Types of tangerines in accordance with the "color" classification:

  • red (Clementine, Tangor, Minneola, Robinson, Fallglo, Temple, Ellendale and others);
  • yellow (Chinese, Turkish, Moroccan and Israeli, as well as Dansi and Batangas breeds);
  • green (Filipino).

One of the most popular among compatriots is the Abkhaz variety. Differs in high productivity, early onset of fruiting and good frost resistance. In mid-November, you can see the first fruits on the trees in the form of small suns of rich yellow and orange colors. They are distinguished by a sweet and sour taste characteristic of citrus fruits, a persistent smell and juicy pulp with a large number of small seeds. The following varieties are massively grown on the Black Sea coast: Pioneer-80, Sochi-23, Ovari and Michurinets Sukhumsky.

hybrid tangerines

With what kind of citrus fruits did they try to cross a tangerine! As a result of such experiments, a large number of hybrid varieties of mandarin were bred.

The species recognized among gardeners include:

  • Tangor is a fruit that combines the taste of mandarin and orange. In appearance, it looks more like an orange, but has a rich orange peel, which is easily separated from the pulp.
  • Calamondin or Citrofortunella is a citrus fruit that resulted from crossing with. The fruits are characterized by a pleasant rich aroma, sour taste, with stones.
  • Rangpur or Limandarin - crossing with lemon (according to agro-specialists, with lime). The fruits are small in size - no more than 5 cm in diameter. The pulp has a sour taste characteristic of lemon.
  • Clementine is a citrus variety, resulting from crossing with bitter orange (orange). It has a rich aroma and sweet taste. there are Corsican (pitted), Algerian, Spanish and Montreal. The last three species do not contain seeds.

Decorative tangerines

Indoor or home tangerine - this is what decorative tangerine trees are called among florists. It is enough to observe simple and content in order to grow a decorative citrus tree at home, which will look original against the background of other indoor flowers.

The most suitable for growing at home include the following varieties of tangerines:

  • Shiva Mikan is a fast growing citrus tree. Differs in early abundant flowering. The weight of one fruit is approximately 30 grams. The fruits have a pronounced sweet and sour taste.
  • Moorcott is a type of hybrid mandarin tangor. Popularly called Murcott Honey. Based on this name, it becomes clear that the plant bears fruit with juicy and fragrant fruits. Differs in the compact sizes. The fruiting season falls on the summer period.

Moroccan tangerines are an essential attribute of the New Year and holiday table. These fruits are easily recognizable among all others by their characteristic black diamond-shaped sticker. Meanwhile, there are several varieties of these fruits, each of which has its own taste and characteristics.

How to choose tangerines

Of course, the fruit must first be inspected for the absence of foreign spots or other unpresentable marks. So, on high-quality tangerines there should not be any marks, specks or dents, places of decay, and even more so there should not be mold or outright rot. The fruits themselves should be elastic, not too soft, more or less regular in shape. You should not buy dry or generally hard Moroccan tangerines - it is better to give preference to dense and weighty fruits that will have a sweet taste.

The peel should be porous with a uniform color. About the latter - the color of the fruit varies from light yellow to rich orange.

Mandarin varieties by country of origin

The appearance and taste of tangerines depend on the territory and in what climatic conditions they were grown. To date, there are several varieties that are classified, depending on the countries of origin. So, there are the following types of tangerines:

  • Tangerines from Abkhazia. These are quite small fruits with a yellow skin. Sometimes they may have small green spots or veins. It has a sweet and sour taste with few seeds.
  • Tangerines from Spain are quite expensive. Fruits with a thick and soft skin, which very easily comes off directly from the fruit itself.
  • Moroccan tangerines can boast of a relatively low price and delicious taste. The shape of the fruit is slightly flattened, the peel is distinguished by a bright and rich golden-orange color. Tangerines are juicy and sweet with a small amount of seeds.

It is worth noting that several fruits can be grown in the same country. That is why Moroccan tangerines are often found on sale, which, in their characteristics, correspond to the same Spanish ones, for example.

What is this fruit?

Mandarin is a small tree or with rather hard leaves of rich green color, which contain a large amount of essential oils. The flowering of the shrub begins around the beginning of May. The inflorescences of a tree or shrub exude a pleasant sweetish aroma. If the insects managed to process tangerine flowers before the start of the rainy season, you can expect a rich harvest of citrus fruits.

Traditionally, Moroccan tangerines are the symbol of the upcoming New Year and Christmas. Where do these fruits come from on store shelves? As a rule, the most common supplier countries are Spain, Abkhazia, Morocco, Egypt, etc. The bright color of the fruit, the unique aroma and unsurpassed taste - all this gives the atmosphere of a holiday and enhances the feeling of approaching magic.

To whom are tangerines contraindicated?

Unfortunately, not everyone can afford to enjoy juicy citrus fruits. We are talking about those who are allergic to everything juicy, bright, yellow-orange and sweet and sour. Even small tangerines are a fairly strong allergen that can provoke very undesirable consequences.

In addition, those people who suffer from chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract need to enjoy ripe fruits with extreme caution. So, for example, ulcers should refrain from eating tangerines, even on New Year's Eve. The same warning applies to young children who have not yet fully identified allergic reactions. Excessive consumption of tangerines and other citrus fruits can cause severe allergies. In addition, even healthy people should not abuse the pre-holiday mood and lean on tangerines - after all, this is a strong allergen.

Taste qualities of Moroccan tangerines

Moroccan tangerines, as we have already noted, are distinguished by an oblate shape. The peel of the fruit is dense with uniform pores. The presence of small greenish spots or veins on the peel is allowed, but the main color of the mandarin is orange.

The pulp of Moroccan tangerines is juicy, with a moderate content of seeds in it. The taste is sweet and sour, but the sweetness still prevails over the acidity of the taste. The cost of Moroccan tangerines is moderate. In the pre-holiday bustle, you can easily buy a few kilograms of ripe fruit for yourself and your loved ones. Such tangerines are well stored, unlike the same Spanish ones, for example.

The benefits of Moroccan tangerines

It has already become clear how to choose tangerines and what you should pay attention to first. Now it is worth deciding on the main advantages of these fruits. First of all, it is necessary to note the obvious fact - Moroccan tangerines, like all citrus fruits, are an excellent source of vitamins and minerals. In addition, orange fruits contain a fairly large amount of flavonoids and organic acids. Tangerines from Morocco are characterized by a high content of vitamin C, which means that on the eve of the New Year there is a great opportunity to strengthen immunity and significantly cheer yourself up and everyone around you by treating them to a tangerine.

Storage of tangerines

Existing types of tangerines determine the features and terms of their storage. So, for example, Moroccan fruits are unpretentious and differ in that they can wait for their finest hour for a long time. As a rule, fruits are stored at a temperature of about +4 - +8 degrees. For better preservation, it is recommended to put fresh fruit in a plastic bag - this is necessary in order to reduce the influx of fresh air, which can cause the fruit to dry out.

In any case, it should be understood that tangerines at home are difficult to preserve in their original form for a long time. As a rule, these fruits are stored for about 4 - 6 days, after which the process of decay or drying begins. It is worth noting that Moroccan tangerines are easier to save without special tricks. It is enough just to put them on a vegetable shelf in the refrigerator and cover with a sheet of clean and thick paper (for example, parchment).

If we talk about our gastronomic traditions, then the top 3, of course, will include Olivier salad, champagne and tangerines. On the eve of the New Year, we are tormented by the question of how to choose the right tangerines. After all, these citrus fruits are a mandatory attribute of the New Year holidays.

If you know how to choose tangerines, then fruits will not only support old holiday traditions, but also improve health. They increase appetite (which is important to try every New Year's dish), activate metabolic processes. Vitamins also give the body many vitamins that are so necessary in the winter.

It is interesting! Tangerines, along with many other beneficial elements, contain choline. It is necessary for pregnant women because it reduces the risk of birth defects and malformations.

How to choose tangerines New Year's table so they don't have nitrates? In fact, tangerines contain lemon acid, thanks to which the content of nitrates in these fruits is completely excluded. It is recommended to eat orange fruits along with a white mesh, because it contains substances that strengthen blood vessels.

In how to choose tangerines for the New Year's table, so that the fruits are ripe and tasty, a visual inspection will help. The peel of a ripe tangerine is a rich orange color, which is evenly distributed over the entire citrus area. In this case, the color of the pulp and peel should not differ. If the tangerine is ripe, then at the slightest pressure on its skin, juice should splash.

Also, during a visual inspection, pay attention to the fact that the peel of the fruit is whole, without dents or spots. If soft spots are observed during palpation, this indicates that the tangerines have already begun to rot.

What are the tastiest tangerines? Manufacturer Features:

Abkhaz. They have a small size and a thin peel with a yellow tint. They will taste slightly sour. Not suitable for those who are looking for seedless tangerines, because they often have small seeds in the pulp;

Moroccan. Small in size and have a slightly flattened shape. The color is bright orange, the peel is well peeled. These are pitted tangerines and are very sweet in taste;

Turkish. Quite small in size, have an orange peel or with shades of yellow. The skin is a little hard to peel off. The taste is both sweet and sour at the same time, many seeds are found in the pulp. More than in other varieties;

Spanish. Larger than regular tangerines and usually cost a little more. They have a bright orange thick rind that is very porous and easily peels off. The taste is sweet and juicy, occasionally bones are found in the pulp;

In addition to ordinary tangerines, today hybrids of these citrus fruits with other fruits are often sold on sale:

Clementine. Tangerines paired with oranges. Very sweet and juicy fruits of small size with bright orange peel and pulp;

Tangelo (natsumikan) is a hybrid of mandarin and grapefruit. To taste, the fruits are more like an orange;

Mineola is also a hybrid of mandarin and grapefruit, the skin is orange with a red tint. The taste is sweet, but the shape is more like a pear.

How tangerines became a symbol of the New Year's table

In the USSR, find fruits on New Year it was very difficult. But by December, tangerines were ripening in Abkhazia, which could be freely sold in all stores of a large country by the new year. So they began to buy the only fruits available to the majority of the population for the New Year's table. Gradually, the pleasant taste of tangerines and its bright appearance began to be associated with the New Year and create a special festive atmosphere. Despite the abundance of fruits in modern stores, many still take a kilogram of tangerines to the table as well.

How to choose tangerines. General rules:

1. Ripe tangerines will be uniform in color, you will be able to distinguish the pores on their skin
2. When squeezed lightly, juice should squirt out of the skin of the tangerines;

3. There should be no soft spots on the fruit. They say that the fetus began to rot or was frozen;

4. If the peel lags behind the fruit and there is space between them, ripe and sweet fruits are in front of you;

5. Sweet tangerines seem heavier in weight, and sour ones seem lighter;

6. Regardless of the country of growth, sour varieties are usually flattened. And sweet tangerines are medium in size and have a bright orange peel;

7. Very large fruits look beautiful and appetizing, but most often they taste sour.

If you bought these fruits a week before the holiday, in order to preserve them, you must store them at high humidity and an air temperature of +6.

By the way, tangerines are not only delicious fruits on their own, but can also give unusual taste familiar dishes. You know how to choose sweet tangerines, we offer you to learn a couple more recipes on how to serve these fruits unconventionally on the New Year's table in 2014.

To prepare the dish, a head of cabbage is taken (chopped), one carrot (grated on a coarse grater). Mix vegetables, salt and add half a teaspoon of vinegar, then rub with your hands and put in a cold place. Grind three tangerines, one hundred grams of prunes and walnuts. Just before serving the salad, combine tangerines, nuts and prunes with cabbage and carrots. Dress the salad with mayonnaise.

For this unusual new year dish you will need any fish fillet, lemon juice, 75 grams of margarine, half a glass of sour cream, two tangerines, two tablespoons grated cheese and greens to taste. Sprinkle the fillet with lemon juice. Finely chop the greens and stew in margarine in a hot frying pan. Salt the fish, add pepper and put in a saucepan with stewed vegetables (choose vegetables to your taste), add sour cream and slices of peeled tangerine. Sprinkle everything with grated cheese and bake in the oven for twenty minutes.

Now you know not only how to choose tangerines for the festive New Year's table, but also how to surprise with the help of these traditional and familiar fruits. Well, before you forget all useful information go shopping!