Home / Khachapuri / Salt the cabbage in a 3 liter jar. Sauerkraut for the winter - classic recipes for pickling delicious homemade sauerkraut

Salt the cabbage in a 3 liter jar. Sauerkraut for the winter - classic recipes for pickling delicious homemade sauerkraut

Cabbage in fresh, sauerkraut or canned form - main component many recipes for dishes hastily» in the diet of the autumn-winter table. We offer a simple recipe for sauerkraut for the winter in jars, which will help out at any time. The method of preparing such a blank is unpretentious, does not require significant time or financial investments, but the result is beyond praise.

The easiest way to serve sauerkraut is to add thinly sliced onion and refuel sunflower oil, it is better if it is unrefined, with the smell of seeds. And the rest, it all depends on your imagination - green pea, fresh tomatoes, boiled potatoes, apples, give an excellent flavor combination with sauerkraut.

What do you need to harvest sauerkraut?

The set of products and improvised means is elementary. Based on the volume of one 3-liter jar, you will need:

  • fresh white cabbage;
  • 1 large carrot;
  • salt - 150 gr.;
  • sugar - 100 gr.;
  • large basin (plastic or enamel),
  • sharp knife for shredding,
  • long wooden stick
  • cutting board;
  • three liter jars.

How much cabbage is needed for canning? A large head of cabbage or several small ones - it doesn’t matter at all, in total they should be at least 3.5-4 kg. Choose cabbage with dense and juicy leaves, they will give the juice required for preservation.

Do I need to sterilize sauerkraut jars? Yes, it is better to sterilize, after washing them thoroughly.

How easy it is to cook sauerkraut for the winter in 3-liter jars

  1. Chop the cabbage into strips 4-5 mm wide. If cut thinner, the cabbage will lose its crunch and become soft.
  2. Grate carrots on a coarse grater.
  3. Place the vegetable mixture in a basin, add salt and sugar. Then, with clean hands, mash the cabbage while stirring it with the salt. Do not overdo it, in this process the task is to evenly distribute the salt.
  4. Place the cabbage portionwise in a clean, dry jar, crushing it well with your hand. Once the jar is full, place it in a bowl and cover with a lid. Attention! The key word is cover without closing, so that the juice can freely exit and flow down the jar. Wash it off daily. In this position at room temperature, the jar should be at least 2-3 days, until all the excess liquid comes out.
  5. 2-3 times a day, pierce the cabbage with a clean long wooden stick to the very bottom of the jar. Taste the juice that stands out, its taste should be salty-sweet, with a distinct advantage of saltiness. This means that you did everything right.

Cabbage juice no longer stands out? Means, sauerkraut ready. Close the 3-liter jars with a regular nylon lid and send to a cool place. A cellar is perfect for this purpose. The cooked product will be stored for a very long time.

Recipe for classic sauerkraut in 3 liter jar is the most typical and most popular among a large family of sauerkraut recipes. After all, this amount is just enough to eat for several weeks for small family. And if you need blanks in large volumes, you can ferment several cans at once, even if a suitable large container is not available.

Health benefits of sauerkraut

No one will doubt that cabbage is very useful for the human body. And the pickling process not only protects it from spoilage and allows you to use it throughout the year, but also preserves and even increases the content of many useful substances in her. It is fermentation, in contrast to pickling with vinegar, that makes it possible to obtain a truly living product in which everything is useful for consumption, from the cabbage itself to the brine in which it was made.

Sauerkraut contains vitamins B, K and C, numerous minerals such as iron, calcium, zinc, sulfur, phosphorus, potassium, sodium and rare trace elements such as silver, molybdenum, silicon, nickel and others. And it is also rich in organic substances, without which the normal functioning of the human body is very problematic - proteins, fiber, fructose, glucose, starch, maltose, pectin.

At the same time, low calorie content - 25 kcal per 100 g - allows you to use it with a variety of diets.

Eating sauerkraut can bring real benefits for various digestive disorders, with diabetes, with problems with vision, nervous system, musculoskeletal system.

How to choose the right cabbage

More than half of the result depends on the choice of cabbage suitable for sauerkraut - taste, crunchiness ready meal, as well as its storage capacity. The most common recommendations for right choice cabbage for sauerkraut are as follows:

  1. Do not use early varieties for sourdough. But in the autumn, when all housewives start fermenting, usually mid-ripening and late varieties of cabbage are usually found on sale, ideally suited for fermentation.
  2. Heads of cabbage should not have dry or spoiled leaves, as well as damage in the form of brown or black dots.

    Attention! In no case should cabbage be frozen - nothing good will come of it in this case.

  3. Heads of cabbage should be dense, elastic and heavy. To check, the head of cabbage can be squeezed with your hands - there should be no feeling of airiness.
  4. Many do not like heads of cabbage with a large and long stalk - there is more waste. Here you can focus on its width - heads of cabbage with a wide stalk at the base are distinguished by its small size. It is good if the stump is cracked - this indicates the juiciness and crunchiness of the vegetable.
  5. It is necessary to choose vegetables with white leaves. A greenish tint can be present only in the uppermost 1-2 leaves, no more.
  6. In extreme cases, cabbage is simply tasted. The best for fermentation is the one that is still in fresh has a sweet, crunchy taste.

In addition, it has been noticed that the most delicious cabbage is obtained from slightly flattened vertically, as if flat heads of cabbage.

You should not get carried away for fermentation and the latest varieties - after all, they are intended, first of all, for long-term storage. Therefore, immediately after collection, some bitterness may be present in them, which indicates an insufficient set of sugar. Still, the best for pickling are mid-season varieties. And if you grow cabbage yourself, then the Slava variety remains the unsurpassed leader in this regard.

Step-by-step recipes for classic sauerkraut

Even the classic sauerkraut recipe provides several ways to make it. Moreover, the choice of this or that recipe depends not only on the taste preferences of the hostess, and not even on the variety of cabbage, but also on the conditions in which this vegetable was grown.

Sauerkraut recipe for 3 liter jar

The classic recipe does not provide for the use of any other components for fermentation, except for cabbage itself, salt and carrots. The latter is mainly used to create an attractive color composition. Therefore, for a 3-liter jar according to the classic recipe for making sauerkraut, you will need:

  • head of cabbage, weighing about 3 kg;
  • one medium sized carrot;
  • 2 tablespoons preferably coarse salt with a slide.

Comment! Although the classic recipe does not require any more additives, some housewives supplement the dish with 2 tablespoons of sugar according to their taste.

This technique somewhat speeds up the fermentation process and improves the taste of the finished dish if a not very sweet vegetable is caught.

The process of pickling cabbage in a 3-liter jar consists of the following steps.

There is a slightly different version of the classic way of making sauerkraut. It can be used if there is doubt about the juiciness and crunchiness of the harvested vegetable.

  1. At the 4th stage of cooking, cabbage is simply evenly mixed with carrots without salt, especially without pressing it down.
  2. Then in large saucepan pour 5 liters of water and dissolve 500 g of salt in it. If the salt does not dissolve well in cold water, then it must be heated and then cool the prepared brine.
  3. After placing small portions of the mixture of vegetables in a colander, put it in brine for 20-30 seconds. Vegetables are held on top so that they do not float.
  4. After that, each portion, slightly squeezing, is tightly stacked in jars.
  5. After filling the jars, all other operations are repeated until the fermentation process is completed.

Classic recipe for sauerkraut per liter jar

In liter jars, sauerkraut according to the classic recipe is not often harvested. If there is no room in the refrigerator to store large jars, then it is easier to make immediately large quantity, and then decompose the already prepared snack into liter jars.

But there are all sorts of situations in life, so here is a recipe for classic sauerkraut immediately based on a liter jar.


  • a small head of cabbage, weighing 1-1.2 kg;
  • a small carrot or half a medium one;
  • 2 teaspoons of salt with top.

According to the manufacturing method, the recipe is fully consistent with sauerkraut, sauerkraut in a 3-liter jar.

Classic sauerkraut recipe with brine

This recipe is convenient to use if for some reason you can’t make delicious sauerkraut. the classic way without water. This usually happens if the cabbage was grown in the southern regions, with an abundance of sun and a simultaneous lack of water. By its nature, it is not able to give such an amount of juice that would be enough for fermentation.

You should prepare:

  • 2.2 - 2.5 kg of cabbage;
  • 1 large carrot;
  • 1.5 liters of water;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of salt and sugar.

Advice! Many housewives improve the taste of the finished snack by adding allspice and cumin when fermenting to taste.

According to this classic recipe, sauerkraut is cooked in a jar quite quickly, due to the fact that the brine immediately penetrates the vegetables and begins to interact with them.

  1. First, a brine is prepared: water is boiled with the dissolution of sugar and salt and allowed to cool to room temperature.
  2. Cabbage is chopped in any convenient way. One can only take into account that it will not have to be crushed, which means that the beauty of the cutting method will matter.
  3. Carrots are also grated so that it has the most attractive appearance.
  4. Lightly mix the chopped vegetables with each other and put them in a jar, without tamping them much.
  5. Pour vegetables with cooled brine, add spices if desired.
  6. Further, the contents of the jar are left to ferment at room conditions for at least three days.
  7. According to this recipe, it is imperative to provide an additional larger container in which a jar of vegetables is placed, since excess juice will be released during fermentation. And the cabbage itself, as a result of fermentation, will float to the top of the jar.

Comment! From one three-liter jar, up to 0.5 liters of juice can stand out during the fermentation process.

Quick classic sauerkraut recipe

According to this recipe, you can get classic sauerkraut very quickly - literally in a day. And the whole secret lies only in the fact that the cabbage, made according to the previous recipe, must be poured not with cold, but with hot brine. True, in this case, some vitamins and useful elements will be partially lost, but the dish will be ready to eat for a short time. It should also be noted that when filling hot water many beneficial microorganisms that are responsible for the fermentation process may also die. Therefore, for reinsurance in the manufacture of sauerkraut in a jar according to this recipe, acid is added: acetic 9% (2 tablespoons) or lemon (1 teaspoon with a slide) per 3 liters.

Terms and conditions of storage

To store sauerkraut, you need cold - the temperature should not rise above + 3 ° + 5 ° С. In such conditions, the workpiece can be stored for several months. The main thing is to make sure that the vegetables are always covered with brine, otherwise they will darken and deteriorate in a few days.


The recipe for classic sauerkraut in a 3-liter jar can be used by any housewife in any conditions. Indeed, in order to obtain this tasty preparation only the most simple and inexpensive ingredients are required, which can be found literally everywhere.

Is sauerkraut. Recipes for a 3-liter jar are quite simple, and cooking does not take a little time. But as a result of efforts, it turns out not only tasty, but also very healthy dish that anyone can cook. The main thing is to observe proportions and basic rules. At the moment, there is a recipe for sauerkraut in a 3-liter jar with beets, carrots, onions and, of course, in cold brine. All these dishes are incredibly tasty and look very appetizing.

Recipe for sauerkraut in a 3-liter jar for the winter

Almost every housewife knows the recipe for this snack. In addition to the traditional method, there are many others, such as beets or apples. So, how is classic sauerkraut prepared. The recipe for a 3-liter jar requires the following ingredients to prepare:

  1. White cabbage - 3 kilograms.
  2. Carrots - 3 pieces.
  3. Sugar - 2.5 teaspoons.
  4. Salt - a few tablespoons.
  5. Water - 1 liter.

How to cook

First you need to clean the cabbage from bad leaves, and then chop finely, preferably into thin straws. Carrots should also be chopped. This is best done with a large grater. Mix vegetables well and then transfer to a container. For pickling, you can use not only three-liter jars, but also barrels, buckets and tubs. The main thing is that the container is not made of metal.

When the vegetables are prepared, you can start preparing the brine. To do this, pour all the water into a deep container, and then add granulated sugar and salt. The saucepan with the solution must be put on fire and boil. Ready brine should be removed from the fire. The marinade must be completely cool.

When the liquid has cooled, it is necessary to pour it into a container with vegetables. Dishes with cabbage should be closed with a lid, preferably very tightly, and left for three days in a warm room. Stir during the process. This is how it's prepared classic cabbage pickled. Recipes for a 3-liter jar may differ in several components. However, the result is a very tasty and original snack.

Recipe for sourdough cabbage with beets

The recipe for sauerkraut in a 3-liter jar with brine and beets is very good, and the dish will appeal to everyone who prefers unusual, but easy-to-prepare snacks. In this case, you will need:

Basic cooking steps

In this case, shredding the cabbage is not necessary. It is better to divide it into squares. To do this, the head of cabbage must be cut into two equal parts. Each of the halves must be divided into 4 more pieces. Each part should be cut in half, and across. The result should be squares.

Fresh beets should be thoroughly cleaned, washed, and then cut into thin slices. All vegetables must be mixed. Now you can prepare the brine. To do this, pour water into a deep refractory container, and then bring it to a boil. After you can add salt, spices and sugar. The brine must be boiled for another 10 minutes. At the end of cooking, table vinegar must be added. Boil the brine for another 1 minute.

Vegetables must be laid out in jars and pour the finished marinade. In order for the pickling process to be successful, cabbage with beets should be left in a warm room for about 4 days.

That's all. Ready for a 3-liter jar can be completely different. But the taste of the snack is simply unique. Sauerkraut cooked with beets can be served neat or seasoned vegetable oil.

Sauerkraut with apples

This recipe is almost no different from the classic. The composition of such an appetizer includes a sour apple, which gives the dish a little piquancy. To prepare sauerkraut in this way you will need:

  1. White cabbage - 2 and a half kilograms.
  2. Carrots - 100 grams.
  3. Sour apples - 150 grams.
  4. Salts - 65 grams.

Cooking steps

Recipe for sauerkraut in a 3-liter jar with sour apples differs from the classic in just a few components. First you need to prepare the vegetables. Cabbage and carrots need to be peeled and washed if necessary. After that, all the vegetables should be finely chopped. It is better to chop cabbage into thin strips, and fresh carrots - on a coarse grater.

Apples also need to be peeled. First of all, you need to remove the core with bones from them. After that, the apples should be cut into slices. All chopped vegetables must be mixed in a deep container. Salt must also be added here. All components should be thoroughly rubbed so that juice appears. It is best to do this by hand.

After that, you need to add apples to the snack and mix again. The resulting mixture should be laid out tightly in jars. If the cabbage is sour in a bucket or barrel, then it is worth pressing down everything from above with a load.

Cabbage should be left in the room for a day, and then rearranged to a cooler place. After 6 days, the snack will be ready. From it you can make a good salad with herbs and vegetable oil. This dish is perfect for boiled potatoes.

crispy sauerkraut recipe

To prepare this appetizer you will need:

  1. White cabbage - 2 kilograms.
  2. Carrots - 1 piece.
  3. Salt - one tablespoon.
  4. Bay leaf - 4 pieces.
  5. Black pepper - 10 peas.

Cooking method

First you need to prepare the vegetables. It is better to chop cabbage into very thin strips, and grate fresh carrots on a coarse grater. Prepared vegetables should be mixed in a deep container.

At the bottom of each jar it is worth laying out as well Bay leaf. It can also be done after the first layer of vegetables. Containers need to be filled with cabbage. In addition, each layer must be carefully compacted.

Now you can prepare the brine. To do this, pour water into the container and bring it to a boil. Salt must also be added here. Ready brine can be removed from heat and cool. Marinade should be poured into jars with vegetables. At the same time, you need to make sure that all the air comes out of the cabbage.

Now the jars can be put in a warm place. A day later, the fermentation process will begin. From now on, the cabbage must be stirred regularly. After a few days, a delicious snack will be ready. If the room temperature is not high, it may take longer. But in the end it turns out sour and there are completely different ones for a 3-liter jar. However, real sauerkraut is prepared without the addition of water and vinegar.

In winter and early spring, we experience vitamin deficiencies caused by lack of sun, fresh vegetables, berries and fruits. Sauerkraut can easily replace most of these foods, providing our body with tremendous benefits. Since it contains not only very useful vitamins (C, P, B, A, H, E, K), but also important trace elements (iron, magnesium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, sulfur, zinc, chromium, iodine, copper, molybdenum, etc.).

Not so long ago, this product was harvested for the winter only in the fall, and the whole family usually took part in the procurement of winter stocks. It was fermented with the addition of carrots, beets, various berries and fruits, for which it was chopped, chopped into pieces, quarters (pelyus) or whole heads of cabbage were used. Ready cabbage can not only be served with butter and onions, but also cooked from it, main dishes, used as a filling for dumplings, pies and pies, and even boiled or cabbage soup.

Today I will introduce you to different ways cooking this very tasty snack for the winter.

For your information, the recipes below will remain relevant in the winter, as cabbage and carrots are now sold in stores all year round.

The first recipe I want to introduce you to is classical technology fermentation of white cabbage, used in canning industries.

Currently, the most common way to prepare this snack is the shredding method. Vegetables are fermented usually in barrels, vats, plastic or enameled dishes.

For fermentation for the winter, you need to choose the right vegetables. Not all varieties are suitable for this purpose. Usually, mid-ripening and late-ripening varieties are used (for example, Slava, Belorusskaya, Moscow late and others).

Early maturing varieties are undesirable for use, as they usually have a loose, loose structure and a low sugar content necessary for fermentation.

I choose white heads with a dense juicy structure for fermentation, since vegetables that are not very juicy will give little juice, and the fermentation process will be complicated.

To prepare this appetizer according to the classic recipe, we need carrots, salt and spices as additional ingredients. I usually take 1 medium-sized carrot for 1 large head of cabbage, but since such concepts as large, medium are different for everyone, for convenience, I will indicate all proportions per 1 kilogram.


  • Cabbage - 1 kg
  • Carrot - 30 g
  • Salt - 20 g (per 1 kg of vegetables)
  • Dill seeds - 0.5 tsp
  • Bay leaf

First, we clean the heads of cabbage from the outer green leaves and from all visible damage and wash well. Then carefully cut out the stalk with a knife and chop. When chopping, if possible, straws of uniform size should be obtained.

My carrots, peel from the top layer and grate or cut into thin strips. The color of the finished product depends on the amount of carrots. The more it is, the brighter the shade. However, there should not be too much carrots, otherwise it will give the finished dish extra softness.

Mix all vegetables and rub with salt. Salt is added in the amount of 20 g per 1 kg vegetable mix.

When pickling cabbage, salt is added at the rate of 2-2.5% by weight of vegetables.

If you add more salt, then the finished dish will be oversalted. Also, an excessive amount of salt will inhibit the activity of lactic acid bacteria, and then other microorganisms that are undesirable for us may develop in the product.

However, if the amount of salt is less, then the finished product, due to the action of foreign microorganisms, may be too softened and may become covered with mucus.

Cannot be used for fermentation iodized salt otherwise the cabbage will be soft.

Now we transfer the vegetable mixture to a large container, and tamp it well with a wooden pestle or rolling pin. In the middle of the vegetable mass we place several bay leaves and dill seeds wrapped in gauze or a bandage. Dill will give the finished dish a piquant flavor, in addition, it has antibacterial properties, which will prevent the growth of putrefactive bacteria.

If desired, you can put whole leaves on top, which must be prepared in advance by removing them from the washed heads.

I don't use whole leaves because it's not convenient to pierce the vegetable mixture afterwards to remove any accumulated gas.

Finally, we put a wooden circle or a flat plate on top, the diameter of which should be slightly smaller than the diameter of the container itself, and put a load (for example, a jar of water or a clean calcined stone). The oppression should be heavy enough that the mixture settles and becomes covered with brine.

We simmer the cabbage for several days at room temperature. The fermentation process starts almost immediately. After a few hours, juice appears on the surface.

We pierce the fermented vegetable mixture in several places daily (morning and evening) with a wooden stick, knife or fork. It does this in order to release the accumulated gas released during the fermentation process. If this is not done, the finished product will acquire an unpleasant odor and bitterness.

On the second day, foam appears above the surface of the brine, which must also be removed as it forms.

Favorable temperature for fermentation is in the range of 15-22°C. If the temperature is below 15 ° C, then the fermentation process will be greatly delayed. At temperatures above 25°C, along with lactic acid bacteria microorganisms harmful to the fermentation process will also develop, under the influence of which the finished product will acquire an unpleasant taste and smell.

At a temperature of 20-22 ° C, vegetables are fermented already on the fifth day, acquiring a pleasant sour taste. The brine will become clear by this time. At lower temperatures, the fermentation process can last up to 10 days.

Considering that everyone has their own taste preferences, you can control the sour taste of the finished dish by taking a sample, starting from the 3rd day.

As soon as the appetizer acquires a pleasant taste and sufficient sourness, the containers are removed to a cool place (cellar or basement). I transfer the finished snack into three-liter jars and put it in the refrigerator.

Sauerkraut with beets (in a 3 liter jar)

From incredible amount recipes for making sauerkraut, fermentation with beets is perhaps considered the best of them. That is why it is very popular, because of the amazing taste of the finished product and the ease of preparation.

We will prepare an appetizer according to this recipe in a 3-liter jar. The dish turns out moderately spicy and beautiful in appearance.

To prepare this dish, I took a large Slava fork, one medium maroon beetroot, which turned out to be very sweet in taste. I indicate the amount of ingredients for one 3-liter jar.


  • Cabbage - 2.5 kg
  • Beets - 1 pc. (medium)
  • Sugar - 1 heaped tablespoon
  • Spicy pepper- 1 PC.
  • Garlic - 5 cloves

I washed the fork, removed the upper leaves, cut it into two parts and removed the stalk. Then she chopped it with a knife into medium-sized straws. The beets were washed well with a hard grater, cleaned and chopped on a coarse grater.

The garlic was peeled and finely chopped with a knife. Washed hot pepper, removed seeds and partitions and finely chopped.

In a large container, I combined all the vegetables with salt, sugar, spices and mixed well.

I prepared a 3-liter jar in advance and washed it thoroughly. She laid out the vegetable mixture in a well-washed jar, tamping it tightly with a wooden rolling pin. I put the jar in a deep plate, because during the fermentation process, the juice flows out of the jar.

I’ll make a reservation right away that I put the chopped vegetables in a jar in two stages. First, I filled the jar and waited 20-30 minutes for the vegetables to release their juice and the mixture to settle a little. Then I added the rest of the vegetables.

Since the beets were sweet enough, the fermentation process was stronger. Foam appeared on the surface of the brine by the next morning.

I pierced the contents of the jar daily (morning and evening) with a large knife. Also in the morning and in the evening I removed the emerging foam.

Fermentation took place at a temperature of 20-22°C. On the fourth day, the fermentation process slowed down, and the appetizer was almost ready. I covered the jar with a nylon lid and put it in the fridge for storage.

The appetizer according to this recipe is a little spicy and can be stored in the cold all winter. It can be served on the table with vegetable oil and herbs.

Crispy sauerkraut for the winter (instant recipe in jars)

And here is another recipe for this wonderful dish. We will also ferment vegetables according to this recipe in jars.

We take ripe forks of late varieties, mid- or late-ripening carrots (it has a richer color and sweetness), salt, sugar and bay leaf.


  • Cabbage - 5 kg
  • Carrots - 150 g
  • Salt - 100 g
  • Sugar - 100 g
  • Bay leaf - 5 pcs.
  • boiled water

We clean the heads of cabbage, wash them, remove the stumps. Next, chop or chop them. Wash the carrots under running water, peel the skin and rub on a coarse grater.

We mix the prepared vegetables in a large container, grind with salt and fill the prepared jars with the resulting mixture, adding one bay leaf to each. No need to tamp. The vegetable mixture should lie loose.

Pour the vegetable mixture in jars with cold boiled water, cover with clean gauze and leave in a warm room.

Banks must be placed in a deep container (a plate or a basin), since as the fermentation progresses, the brine will flow out of the cans.

Fermentation time is approximately three days. Every day (morning and evening) we pierce the contents of the cans in several places, and also remove the emerging foam. Drain the resulting brine back into the jars.

After three days, drain the brine from the jars through cheesecloth into a saucepan, dissolve sugar in it, pour it into jars again, close them with plastic lids and put them in a cold place.

When adding sugar to the brine, you need to taste it. I like sweet and sour, so I add sugar to the brine until it tastes sweet.

After 8-10 hours, the snack is ready. It turns out crispy, slightly sweet, and you can serve it on the table without dressing it with anything.

How to quickly and tasty ferment cabbage in brine

Another option for preparing this wonderful snack is fermentation in brine.

I took a large fork, which was of the late Slava variety, which turned out to be strong and juicy, and one carrot of the Karotel variety, which has sweet pulp delicate taste, juicy and crispy.


  • Cabbage - 2.5 kg
  • Carrot - 1 pc. (medium)
  • Salt - 2 tablespoons with a hillock
  • Sugar - 2 tablespoons with a hillock
  • Bay leaf - 2 pcs.
  • Allspice peas - 6 pcs.
  • Water - 1 l

I chopped the washed prepared vegetables and mixed them thoroughly in a large bowl.

Try to chop with thin straws. Finely chopped cabbage will ferment faster.

I laid out the vegetables in a pre-prepared 3-liter jar, tightly tamping each layer with a wooden rolling pin. Already during this action, juice began to stand out from the vegetables.

This is a good signal, which means that during fermentation, the contents of the jar will be completely covered with brine.

Adding sugar to the brine speeds up the fermentation process.

As soon as the brine cooled down, I filled them with vegetables in a jar. I put the jar in a deep plate, because during the fermentation process, the juice flows out of the jar.

In the morning and in the evening, the contents of the jar were pierced with a knife to release the bubbles of the gas released during fermentation to the outside, and the resulting foam was removed.

After two days, my snack had enough acidity for my taste and was completely ready to eat.

I want to note that this recipe is suitable for those who live in a city apartment, and they do not have the opportunity to store blanks in the basement or cellar. According to this recipe, you can ferment vegetables all winter and spring as they are eaten.

Recipe for homemade sauerkraut in a pot, like my grandmother

There are many recipes for making this wonderful appetizer, but the cabbage fermented by my grandmother in the old Russian way was especially good. Do you want to cook the same?


  • Cabbage - 10 kg
  • Carrot - 200 g
  • Salt - 200 g
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Dill seeds - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Bay leaf - 3-5 pcs.

If your total fork weight is more or less than 10kg, calculate how much salt you need for your quantity.

We wash the heads of cabbage well, remove the stalks and, setting aside a couple of small heads of cabbage to the side, cut into strips using a shredder or knife. Wash the carrots thoroughly, peel and rub on a coarse grater or cut into thin strips. The remaining heads of cabbage are cut into 8 pieces each.

Add grated carrots, salt, sugar to the chopped mass and mix, rubbing lightly with your hands.

Now we transfer half of the vegetable mixture to a large enameled pan without chips and tamp well. Next, spread the heads of cabbage cut into pieces, 3-5 bay leaves, dill seeds wrapped in gauze or bandage and the remaining half of the chopped vegetables in an even layer.

We tamp everything tightly, cover with a wooden circle or a flat plate and press down with a load.

We cover the pan with a towel or napkin, as the vegetable mixture needs to breathe, and leave it for fermentation at room temperature (20-22 ° C).

In the morning and in the evening we pierce the contents of the pan in several places. We also remove the emerging foam daily.

After 5-7 days, as soon as the brine becomes transparent, and the product acquires a pleasant taste and sufficient acidity, we remove the pan in a cool place (cellar or cellar).

If you want the vegetables to be slightly acidic, then start sampling from the third day of fermentation.

My cabbage acquired the desired taste on the fourth day of cooking.

By the way, ready-made sauerkraut can be stored in the cold until spring, preventing it from defrosting.

We used to, in the absence of a cellar, kept it on the balcony. If it thaws, then it is necessary to use it in the near future, because in this case the finished product changes its structure and becomes soft, not crispy and quickly deteriorates.

Video on how to ferment cabbage without salt and sugar

Now that we have learned how to cook this appetizer without salt and sugar, I will tell you how you can diversify its taste by adding fruits and berries.

Delicious cabbage pickled for the winter with apples, cranberries and rowan

Now that we have prepared with you enough of an easy-to-make, but nevertheless wonderful snack, let's try another wonderful recipe.

We will make sauerkraut with apples, cranberries and mountain ash.


  • Cabbage - 3 kg
  • Carrots - 3 pcs. (large)
  • Salt - 70 g (20 g per 1 kg of vegetable mixture)
  • Cranberries - 200 g
  • Rowan - 200 g
  • Apples - 2 pcs.
  • Allspice peas - 0.5 tsp.
  • Black pepper - 0.5 tsp.

For this recipe we will use white cabbage winter varieties (I have one large fork weighing 3 kg), carrots, cranberries, mountain ash and sweet and sour apples. I used the Semerenko apple variety.

I removed a few top leaves from the prepared fork, cut the rest into several large pieces, cut out the stalk and chopped it with a knife into thin strips. Grated carrots on a coarse grater.

Then she began to lay out the vegetable mixture in layers in the pan, tamping it tightly and shifting it with apples and berries.

With the last layer, I laid out the rest of the vegetable mixture, tamped everything tightly again, covered it with a flat plate, pressed it down with a load and left it to ferment at room temperature.

Every day (morning and evening) I pierced the contents of the pan with a knife in several places in order to release the accumulated gas.

After three days, the snack acquired the desired taste, I laid it out in glass jars and put it in the fridge for storage.

You can use the cabbage prepared by us according to these recipes in different ways: as a snack, simply season with onion and butter; as a filling for dumplings, pies and pies; cook cabbage soup and; fry, stew and bake, serving as a side dish for meat and fish dishes.

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The question is relevant for a city dweller, because not everyone has the opportunity to salt it in a barrel, and everyone needs vitamins in winter!

IN sauerkraut a lot of vitamin C, and it is not only in the cabbage itself, but also in brine, as well as many trace elements, including potassium, which is so necessary for our heart. Cabbage vitamin C, being the strongest antioxidant, can inhibit the growth of cancer cells. And what pleases, it can be preserved in cabbage for a long time up to 7-8 months.

I know thanks to my mother, since childhood I helped her in the kitchen: in the fall, huge heads of cabbage were bought, all this was chopped into two knives and fermented in a large enameled bucket. The cabbage turned out wonderful - tasty, beautiful and crispy. All the women at the holidays found out the recipe for a wonderful cabbage from my mother. The recipe is simple and flawless. We have long salt the cabbage not in a bucket, but in three-liter jars - it is convenient and not stressful, and the cabbage is always freshly prepared.

Well, let's get started

We will need:

1 large head of cabbage

1 medium carrot

1 st. a spoonful of sugar

salt to taste

3 liter jar


Cabbage, wash and remove outer leaves. Cut in half and finely chop.

We put it all in an enameled cup or basin - it all depends on the volume cabbage that you have decided salt for the winter

Then we knead it with our hands (like dough) so that the cabbage juice stands out,

and the cabbage will become translucent. At the same time, you need to salt the cabbage a little - so it will be more convenient and faster to knead it.

Taste the cabbage all the time, I salt to taste - as a result, the cabbage should be a few saltier than necessary - the salt will then go away when the cabbage turns sour.

And in order for the fermentation process to begin, add sugar, a little about a tablespoon for the whole head of cabbage.

Carrots should be peeled and grated on a coarse grater.

Attention! Put carrots in cabbage only when you are ready to put it in a jar - you don’t need to crush carrots with cabbage - it will not taste good:

Mix gently

And we put it in a jar, periodically tamping it there:

When all the cabbage is laid, it is necessary to put oppression.

I use an ordinary nylon cover as oppression - it is quite enough for such a volume:

Press the lid firmly in, compacting the cabbage, you will have to do this more than once, because during fermentation gases are formed that strive to lift it up. Without oppression, cabbage will turn out loose and soft, but we need dense and crispy.

So we finished salting cabbage for the winter, we got a full 3-liter jar:

But there was a lot of cabbage juice. Do not spill it under any circumstances!

Labor intensive process pickled cabbage for the winter is over, but that's not all!

It will be ready in three days.

Our next steps are:

Jar with salted cabbage put in a plate or in a cup - otherwise all the juice that will rise during fermentation will be on the table. By the way, we put that small jar of juice next to it on the table (everything will wander there too).

The cabbage will ferment at room temperature for 3 days.

All this time, you will need to free it from the formed gas - hydrogen sulfide - in the morning and in the evening - the smell is certainly not pleasant ... but tolerable, the main thing is not to leave it in the cabbage. To do this, you will need to pierce it to the bottom with a thick knife - you will see and feel how the gas comes out. On the first day it will be a little, on the second more, and by the evening of the third day the active fermentation process usually ends, you need to pierce the cabbage 2-3 times a day - the first day just press the lid and the gas will come out by itself. When you pierce the cabbage, you need to remove the lid, then put it back in the jar, because it will play the role of oppression.

If there is a lot of juice, pour it into a jar.

By the evening of the third day, sour juice is formed in this jar, and some kind of viscous and slimy one - do not be afraid, it should be so.

We pierce the cabbage for the last time, “squeeze out” all the hydrogen sulfide from it, take out the “oppression”, pour the juice from a half-liter jar, close it with a nylon lid and send it to the refrigerator for storage.

That's all! Now you know how to salt cabbage for the winter in a jar !

By the way, in a day you will notice that the juice is well absorbed into the cabbage, so you should not pour the juice out of the jar if it does not fit all, just let it stand in the refrigerator next to the 3-liter jar and in a day or two you will send it there , otherwise the cabbage will not be so juicy and crispy.

Well, enjoy the great taste sauerkraut, personally cooked and be healthy!