Home / Khachapuri / Puff pastry without yeast dough with jam. Puff pastry jam tart

Puff pastry without yeast dough with jam. Puff pastry jam tart

The procedure for preparing puff pastry means a certain number of technological stages, one of which includes proving the dough, which takes a long time.

Moreover, not every experienced hostess will be able to prepare such a cake base flawlessly and patiently. What can we say about young chefs who have just decided to learn the culinary secrets of the kitchen? To help women, food production has come up with ready-made puff pastry, which after purchase only needs to be defrosted. Such an invention became a real godsend for the housewives, since the finished semi-finished product managed to minimize the cooking time. puff pies and buns.

This culinary article provides five recipes for puff jam pies and a method for making puff pastry. yeast dough, which is the most lightweight, unproblematic.

Puff yeast dough pie with apricot jam


  • Flour - 0.6 kg.
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Milk - 0.2 l.
  • Dry yeast - 1.5 tsp.
  • Margarine - 150 grams.
  • Apricot jam - 300 grams.
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp.
  • Vanillin - ¼ tsp

In the preparation of puff yeast cake, it is important to cook the dough correctly, namely to maintain the correct time for proving. This is where we start.
For baking, you need to purchase bakery or ordinary margarine. Butter is also suitable in this case, but such a cake will cost a lot.
We pass the flour through a sieve. In a deep plate, three grated margarine and combine with flour until fine crumbs are formed. We also pour 3 tbsp. l sugar and vanillin.

Dissolve yeast with 20 grams of sugar in warm milk and put in a secluded place, covering with a lid. From the union of yeast with sugar, we need a fluffy cap as a result of fermentation. It is by her that you can determine the suitability of bacteria. If the sourdough has not fermented, you need to change the yeast to new ones, otherwise the cake will fail.

Into flour with margarine we introduce yeast culture and knead the dough by adding warm milk or water. It should be elastic and pliable.

The resulting workpiece is immersed in the film, and then in the refrigerator for 2 hours.
After a while, when you take the dough out of the refrigerator, you will notice how it has increased in size.
Using a rolling pin, roll out a layer of dough, from which we form a base in the shape of a baking sheet. We put it neatly, organizing the sides.
Put the jam inside. The cake is baked in a miracle oven for 20 minutes at 200 degrees.

Puff Pie with Dried Fruit and Jam


  • Puff pastry - 0.4 kg.
  • Granulated sugar - 20 grams.
  • Drying apricot - 0.1 kg.
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Almonds - 2 tbsp l
  • Apricot jam - 0.3 kg.

Finely chop the dried apricots. Small nuts with a rolling pin or a combine. Roasted peanuts, almonds, or regular forest kernels work well. We connect the components.

It is better to buy the dough in the store, so as not to mess with self-cooking... Roll out its defrosted half and put it in a container for a brazier with a greased bottom. Also sprinkle the form with a little flour.

Cover the dough with 1 cm jam. Cut thin strips from the second bite of the dough. For this, among the culinary tools, there is a special device in the form of a roller, which, by rolling out the layer, forms all kinds of patterns.

We cover the jam with the resulting coating - this will be the third, final layer.
In a bowl, mix the yolk from one egg and a tablespoon of warm milk. Using a culinary brush, cover the entire cake with this mixture so that it acquires golden crust... We immerse the form with the product in the miracle oven for half an hour. Temperature - 190 degrees.

Raspberry curd


  • Puff pastry - 0.5 kg.
  • Egg - 3 pcs.
  • Homemade cottage cheese - 0.5-0.8 kg.
  • Raspberry jam - 100-200 ml.
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp.
  • Butter - 1 tbsp. l.

Beat the curd mass with the indicated amount of sugar and two eggs.
Defrost the dough and roll out a flat cake from ½ part, repeating the contours of the container in which you plan to bake. Place the layer on a baking sheet, bending the edges up a couple of centimeters.

Lubricate the surface of the dough butter, and then distribute curd mass with sugar. Open the jar with raspberry jam and select whole berries from it - this will be an addition to the curd layer, which should be thickly spread over the filling. Of course you can take raspberry jam and make a "blanket" out of it for cottage cheese, but then the cake will turn out to be too sweet. Control this parameter yourself, to taste.

So, having laid the jam cover, roll out a cake from the second part of the dough, similarly to the first, and hide the delicious insides of the baking with it. Cut the pie on top, in the middle, cut it crosswise and process with whipped yolk for a golden color. We set to bake for half an hour at 190 degrees.

Puff loaf with custard and jam


  • Puff pastry - 0.8 grams.
  • Eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Sugar - 1.5 tbsp.
  • Milk - 0.8 l.
  • Flour - 3 tbsp. l
  • Seedless fruit jam - 5 tbsp l.
  • Vanilla - ¼ tsp

For this cake, it is important to properly prepare a thick custard... Let's start with this. Into an enamel pot. Pour in milk, sweeten with half a glass of sand, set to boil. Meanwhile, grind 2 eggs with sugar, vanilla. Add beaten eggs into slightly hot milk, mix. In 100 ml. We dilute three tablespoons of flour with warm water and add a thin stream to the boiling contents of the pan. So that there are no clots in the cream, it must be kneaded well. As soon as the mass begins to acquire the consistency of sour cream, remove it from the stove and set it to cool.

Puff pastry defrost, divide into two parts. We roll out the first one, put it in a cake pan, making sure to create high sides. Pour in on top cold cream, adjusting its volume (the mass should evenly cover the cake and not spill over the edges of the product). On top of the creamy coating, lay out a small amount of any jam without nucleoli, but preferably jam.

Roll out the second piece of dough - this will be the cover for the cake. At this stage, it is important to turn on imagination and make the top of the cake patterned, with neat slits. Believe me, it will be very beautiful due to the custard white cream with colored jam peeking out baking through the "snowflake" of the top layer. Spread the puff yummy on top with yolk and send it to the oven for 30-40 minutes.

Quick Puff Pie


  • Puff pastry - 0.5 kg.
  • Fruit jam - 5 tbsp l.
  • Starch flour - 40 grams.
  • Mint syrup - 20 ml.
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. l.

Fruit jam, jam, preserves (optional) and starch are combined, stir. We prepare the dough: soften it at room temperature and spread it on a table powdered with flour. Roll out to the size of 50 cm in length, 30 in width. The layer should be thin enough, about 3-5 mm.

We visually divide the dough into two lobes (it can be divided by marks made with a knife). On one half, we make oblique through strips, on the second, we distribute the jam. We cover the second part of the layer with slots, like a blanket and pinch all the open edges.

Grease the cake with fat butter and place in the oven for 20 minutes. We prepare baked goods by heating the oven to 200 degrees. We remove the product 3 minutes before readiness, coat it with syrupy mint sweetness. We send the pie back to reach. In the final, we refine the baked goods icing sugar.

It is easy to pamper loved ones with homemade sweet pastries at any time if you know a few quick recipes... For example, a puff pastry pie with jam. Even an inexperienced housewife can cook it. Especially when ready-made ingredients can be bought at the store. But even if it was not at hand purchased test, it is not difficult to prepare it yourself using the method below. It should be noted that in this baking you can use both yeast puff and yeast-free dough... The first significantly increases in volume during baking, is less fatty and less nutritious. The second is crisper and crumbly.


  • flour - 400 gr.;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • margarine - 400 gr.;
  • water (ice) - 1 tbsp.;
  • strawberry jam or jam - 200 gr.;
  • icing sugar - 1 tbsp. l.

A little about the choice of jam

Traditionally, apple, strawberry, raspberry or apricot filling is chosen for the filling of a pie with puff pastry. They are ideal for baking.

If you want variety, you can mix several berry or fruit flavors. A perfect combination of currant, cherry and blueberry.

Advice! Too sweet jam can be diluted with lemon or orange. The filling will taste lighter and fresher.

Step by step cooking

Let's start cooking dessert:

If you have store frozen dough, remove it from the freezer 30 to 40 minutes before cooking.

Bon Appetit!

  1. If you don't have jam or jam on hand, you can use any jam. And so that it does not flow out, add 2 tbsp. spoons of starch.
  2. Also liquid jam can be mixed with curd and baked open pie- a cake.
  3. In summer, fresh berries, grated with sugar, will serve as an excellent filling.
  4. Chopped nuts and dried apricots perfectly diversify the taste. Just sprinkle them on top of the jam, or mix with it.
  5. To prevent the baked goods from swelling, pierce them in several places with a fork.
  6. When buying a dough in a store, you must check the expiration date and the absence of ice inside the package. An expired and repeatedly frozen product is unlikely to please you with good results.
  7. It is easy and simple to make such a cake in a slow cooker. To do this, grease the bowl with oil, if you are not sure about it. non-stick coating; Cut two circles out of the dough, put the first on the bottom, the second on top of the filling. Pinch the edges and bake for 40 minutes.

Various pastries are a regular guest at our tables. On holidays and weekends, for any reason, the house is filled with amazing smells coming from the kitchen: some kind of sweet yummy is baked there. And all household members are impatiently awaiting the end of the "sacred rite". What prevents us from compiling a hit parade of puff pastry with jam? Let's start with our unchanging motto: easy and simple!

Puff pastry pies with jam

What you need:

  • ready-made yeast puff pastry (available in any store);
  • large egg for smearing;
  • thick jam, jam (whichever you like best);
  • wheat flour for sprinkling.

What to do:

  1. Pour some flour on the kitchen table and start rolling out the dough.
  2. Roll out strictly in one direction so that the layers do not stick together as a result of incorrect rolling.
  3. We rolled out a layer of dough - carefully cut it, defining the shape of an equilateral rectangle. A pizza knife is perfect for this.
  4. Then cut the prepared layer into equilateral rectangles.
  5. Take the jam and spread over a tablespoon in the middle of the cut rectangles.
  6. Gently fold the squares in half, tightly pressing the edges smeared with the yolk of a large egg with a brush.
  7. Press more tightly so that the jam does not creep out of the seams during the baking process.
  8. Make oblique cuts on top; four will be enough to release steam.
  9. Spread yolk on the pies and transfer to parchment paper for baking.
  10. Preheat the oven to 180 ° C, place the pies in it for half an hour.
  11. We take out from oven, put on a big kettle, and arrange an unplanned holiday for ourselves and our loved ones.

Puff pastry croissants with jam

What you need:

  • yeast puff pastry - half a pack.
  • sugar - a glass.
  • any jam.
  • large chicken egg.

What to do:

  1. Roll out the dough.
  2. Ideal if you roll it in a circle.
  3. Cut the dough into small triangles.
  4. On the wide side, closer to the middle, put a teaspoon of jam each and fold from the wide edge to the narrow one in the form of a croissant.
  5. Beat a large egg with a mixer, coat the resulting croissants, sprinkle with granulated sugar on top.
  6. Line a baking dish with parchment, move the prepared croissants into it.
  7. Cooking: in an oven preheated to 180 ° C for fifteen minutes.

Raspberry Etude: Recipe for Puff Pastry Cookies with Raspberry Jam

What you need:

  • margarine - 300 g;
  • still mineral water - 170 ml;
  • granulated sugar - tsp;
  • salt - quite a bit;
  • flour top grade wheat - 4 tbsp.;
  • raspberry or Strawberry jam.

What to do:

  1. Chilled margarine cut into small cubes.
  2. Pass the flour through a sieve.
  3. Chop the margarine with flour with a knife.
  4. Pour chilled water into the resulting mass.
  5. Knead the dough with quick movements.
  6. Add another glass of flour to the resulting dough.
  7. The prepared dough should be firm, firm and sticky to your hands.
  8. Transfer ready dough in a cellophane bag sprinkled with flour.
  9. Put it in the refrigerator for two to three hours (it is better to leave it overnight at all).
  10. Take it out of the refrigerator, roll it out thinly.
  11. Fold in four, roll out again, fold again. Repeat this operation three times, roll it out for the fourth time for the last time - into the final layer of half a centimeter or a little more.
  12. Take a glass with thin edges and cut circles out of the dough.
  13. In half of the resulting circles, cut out a circle smaller than the first.
  14. Mix refined oil and cold water.
  15. Spread over a baking sheet to keep the cookies dry.
  16. Place whole mugs on a baking sheet.
  17. Put mugs on top with circles already cut out of them.
  18. Cook at 200 ° C until browned. On average, this is 20 minutes.
  19. Pour raspberry jam, strawberry jam, or whatever filling you like best on the notches in the finished cookies.
  20. From what remains (the remaining dough taken out) it is easy to bake plain cookies sprinkled with, for example, sugar or poppy seeds.
  21. Or connect together, roll out again, and repeat the above operation.

The dough recipe is universal - it is also suitable for sweet pastries and not sweet.

"Apple": recipe for puff pastry pie

What you need:

  • a pack of yeast puff pastry;
  • apple - large - 5 pcs.;
  • jam / jam is very thick - Art .;
  • granulated sugar - to your taste;
  • cinnamon - powder - tsp;
  • potato or corn starch - tsp;
  • the yolk of a large egg - pcs.;
  • refined oil - 2 tbsp. l.

What to do:

  1. If the dough is frozen, defrost it naturally.
  2. After the dough has thawed, separate 20% from it and set aside.
  3. Roll out the rest to a thickness of 1 cm, with the approximate size of your baking container.
  4. Put the dough into a container immediately.
  5. Mix jam with starch.
  6. For jam, it is important that it be pitted and thick. Jam / jam is a great option.
  7. Peel the apples, remove the seeds, cut into slices.
  8. Sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon powder.
  9. Add sugar, making reference to the sweetness of apples and jam, so as not to overdo it.
  10. Place the jam on the prepared dough, leaving five centimeters in height.
  11. Place apples on top, as fast as possible until the jam / jam has flowed through the cake. We twist the sides, forming a high edge.
  12. From the dough that we set aside at the very beginning of the process, we make round strips and from them we construct a grid, which we place on top of the cake.
  13. Mix the yolk of a large egg with melted butter and coat the top.
  14. Preparation: oven at 180 ° C for 30 min.

Recipe for puff pastry buns with jam

Pies are pies, but sometimes you just want buns with jam. Without any quirks - buns on the table, and that's it! And here's the recipe, please.

What you need:

  • yeast puff pastry - kilogram
  • apple jam - glass
  • raisins - glass
  • granulated sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
  • refined oil - 3 tbsp. l.
  • powdered sugar for sprinkling.

What to do:

  1. Dough: frozen - defrost in a natural way, roll out with a rolling pin into a large layer.
  2. We coat the surface with refined oil and sprinkle with granulated sugar.
  3. Then distribute the filling evenly over the dough.
  4. Then we roll it all up.
  5. With a sharp knife, without breaking the shape, cut the roll across to five centimeters.
  6. We put each piece on a baking sheet (the more accurately the roll is cut, the more beautiful your buns will be in the final).
  7. Preheat the oven to 180 ° C, keep the buns until full readiness, looking after them, so as not to burn out.
  8. After the buns have received the long-awaited freedom and are placed on a platter, sprinkle with powdered sugar and take them out to our households, who are already tired of waiting at the table for them.

Puff pastry roses (video)

It so happens that by the middle of the cooking process, there is no longer any energy left. Did you manage to roll up the roll? Well, good. No need to cut it - send it whole to the oven. Only reduce the temperature by 150-160 ° C. Otherwise, it will burn or not bake.

Puff pastry jam recipe


  • apples - 180 g;
  • berry jam - 1 tbsp.;
  • ground cinnamon - 10 g;
  • sugar to taste;
  • potato starch - 10 g;
  • yolk - 10 g;
  • vegetable oil - 25 ml.


To make a pie with jam, defrost the puff yeast-free dough, remove it from the package and pinch off a small part. The rest is rolled out with a rolling pin into a thin circle and carefully put into a mold covered with a special parchment paper... Mix the jam with starch, and wash the apples, peel them, take out the seeds and cut them into slices. Sprinkle the fruit with sugar and ground cinnamon. We spread the rolled dough evenly with jam, lay the apples on top and seal the edges, forming the sides. Roll out the deferred dough into flagella and put them on top of the pie with a mesh. Beat the egg yolk with butter and coat the cake. We send it to the oven for 40 minutes, and then we give it ready-made pie cool a little from ready-made puff pastry with jam, and taste the delicacy.

Sweet puff pastry pie with jam


  • puff yeast-free dough - 440 g;
  • - 160 g;
  • homemade butter - 35 g;
  • yolk - 10 g.


Coat the baking dish with butter. Take out the puff pastry in advance from the freezer, and then we release it from the packaging and roll it into a layer. We cut off a small piece of dough, and distribute the rest with our hands in a mold, creating small sides along the edges. We spread it to the bottom plum jam, and roll out the remaining dough with a rolling pin on the table, cut out the stripes and braid them into a pigtail. Form a flower and place it in the middle of the pie. We coat the top with whipped yolk, leave for 15 minutes, and then bake it for 35 minutes in the oven at a temperature of 186 degrees. After that, cool the delicacy, cut it into small portioned pieces with a knife and serve a delicious open puff pastry pie with jam for tea.

Recipe puff pastry with jam:

Defrost the puff pastry. Sprinkle flour on a dry and clean work surface. Roll out the dough with a rolling pin. Cut the dough into rectangles with a knife.

Place the jam berries on one end of the dough rectangles. We recommend using cherry or strawberry jam for these puff pastries, as large berries will be most convenient here. If you use liquid jam, then during the baking process it will most likely flow out and "stick" to the baking sheet.

Cover the jam filling with the second half of the dough. Fasten the edges of the patties with the cloves of a fork. Form the desired number of pies in this way.

Place items on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Brush the top of the patties with a beaten egg.

Bake puff pastries in a preheated oven at 180-200 degrees for about 20 minutes until golden brown. After that, cool the baked goods a little before serving, because the jam filling is very hot. Puff pastry with jam are ready!