Home / Khachapuri / Wine made from apples and red mountain ash. How to make red rowan wine? Two DIY recipes

Wine made from apples and red mountain ash. How to make red rowan wine? Two DIY recipes

If you want to try Home wine with a pleasant sweet and sour taste, slight bitterness and light astringency, the best raw material for such a drink will be red mountain ash. This berry is widespread in Russia and in addition to cultivated varieties, there is a large number of wild trees, the berries of which are not inferior to cultivated ones and are perfect for making a light alcoholic drink. Let's analyze a simple recipe for red rowan wine at home and recommendations for preparation.

Preparation of ingredients

When can you start picking berries? As a rule, rowan reaches full ripeness in late autumn, and it is best to start harvesting after the first frost. By this time, the berries reach maximum ripeness and juiciness, and the sugar content is at the very high level... A similar effect can be achieved by placing the berries in the freezer for 3-5 hours, and then defrosting them naturally. Still, natural maturation is preferable. Wine is a drink with which you should not rush, therefore, to get a wine of unrivaled taste, you should be patient and wait for the berries to ripen and fill with juice and sugar in natural conditions.

Rowan is characterized by its astringent, bitter taste. To get rid of the astringency of the future wine, it is necessary to remove tannins from the berries, with which it is saturated in large quantities. There is nothing difficult in this, just soak the berries in hot water.

The soaking process takes place in two stages. Berries must be put in a spacious container and poured hot water... It is not worth using steep boiling water, since the goal is not to cook the raw materials, but to get rid of astringency. The water temperature should be in the range of 90–95 degrees, that is, quite hot, but not boiling water. After 4 hours, the first batch of water is drained, since it has already cooled down and the berry is poured with a new portion of hot water. After the second water has cooled down, you can drain it completely.

This completes the preparation of raw materials. You can go to the analysissimple recipes for red rowan wine at home.

Red rowan wine: cooking

Homemade red rowan wine is prepared according to classic recipe homemade wine drinks... That is, pressing is being prepared, primary fermentation takes place, then the drink goes into the stage of active fermentation, is drained from the sediment, goes to quiet fermentation and clarification is then bottled. The difference in the process can only be due to the presence of ingredients that complement the drink. Here are some popular recipes that are in demand among winemakers, and based on them, the most delicious wine is obtained.

Homemade rowan wine composition

This is the simplest recipe possible. For cooking, you need a minimum of ingredients, but you do not need to expect that you will be able to quickly enjoy it. delicious drink, wine cannot be rushed.


  • red mountain ash - 5 kg;
  • water 2 liters;
  • sugar - 1-1.5 kg;
  • raisins or grapes - 100 gr.

The composition is proportional, therefore, when the amount of the main ingredient changes, the quantitative composition of the entire recipe also changes.

Cooking steps

Cooking processred rowan wines at home according to a simple recipe... All actions must be performed in stages in accordance with the recommendations. When we start cooking, we mean that the berries have already been prepared in the way described above.

  1. Rowan berries must be chopped in any way possible. It is advisable that the juice does not touch the surface capable of oxidizing it, therefore it is better to choose the appropriate tools and containers. You can grind the berries with a special mortar, meat grinder, in a blender, and so on. The process is not very important, it is important to get the result.
  2. We squeeze the resulting puree through cheesecloth or in another convenient way to separate the juice and pulp from each other.
  3. The pulp remaining after pressing must be diluted with hot water (70-80 degrees, not boiling water) and left to cool.
  4. As soon as the wort has reached room temperature, pour in the previously squeezed juice and half of the sugar norm. Mix thoroughly until the sugar is completely dissolved. You can pre-melt it by adding a little water and heating.
  5. Add raisins or fresh grapes, which should be pre-crushed. There is no need to wash the grapes, since natural yeast is needed for fermentation, which is contained on the surface of the skin.
  6. Stir the resulting mixture and remove to a dark, warm place for primary fermentation. It is better to close the neck of the container with gauze to exclude the ingress of debris and insects.

The main work on the preparation of a fragrant drink has been completed. In the future, yeast, sugar and time will do their job. Stir the wort once a day to prevent mold from forming on the surface. After 3 days, when signs of incipient fermentation are obvious, it is necessary to strain the wort, separate it from the extra pieces of berries and pulp and transfer it to the active fermentation phase.

At this stage, it is important to exclude the ingress of air into the container with future wine, but at the same time to ensure the release of carbon dioxide. To do this, you need a water seal, it can be replaced with a punctured medical glove, worn on the neck of a bottle or can. It is necessary to fill the container in which the wine will ferment no more than three quarters so that there is room for foam. We send the prepared container to a warm, dark place again. You must wait until the end of the process. If the wine has brightened, the odor trap has stopped bubbling, and the glove has deflated, it means that active fermentation is complete. This usually happens after 4-6 weeks.

We remove the wine from the sediment, so as not to disturb the drink, it is better to do this with a rubber hose. Add the remaining sugar and mix. If there is a need for this, you can fix the drink with alcohol, adding it in a ratio of 3-15% of the available volume of liquid. Reinstall the water seal and remove the wine in a cool, dark place. The final formation of the drink takes 3-4 months. After that, you need to remove the drink from the sediment again and pour the finished rowan wine into bottles for storage.

From the specified amount of ingredients, approximately 2 liters of homemade wine is obtained. The strength of the drink is 10-12 degrees, taking into account the added alcohol.

Homemade apple-mountain ash wine

One more at leasta simple recipe for red rowan wine at home... Thanks to apple juice, the wine loses the bitterness characteristic of pure rowan wine, it becomes sweeter and less tart.


  • red mountain ash - 3 kg;
  • water 5 l;
  • freshly squeezed Apple juice- 3 l;
  • sugar 2.5 kg;
  • raisins - 100 gr.

We mix chopped mountain ash, warm water (no more than 30 degrees), half the sugar, raisins and apple juice. Send for primary fermentation within 2-3 days. As soon as the process has begun, filter the wort and add the rest of the sugar, install a water seal and send it out to wait out the active fermentation phase.

The complete process of forming the drink and the stages of its processing fully correspond to the algorithm described in the previous recipe. After about 4 months, the winemaker will receive a light pleasant drink, practically without bitterness, with a strength of 11-14 degrees.

There are others simple recipes homemade red rowan wine, as well. You can add honey instead of sugar or pear juice instead of apple juice. This produces a variety of flavor variations. You can store such a drink for several years without losing taste and quality. It is best to place bottles with ready-made wine in a cellar, the temperature of which does not exceed 10-16 degrees. Rowan wine will be an excellent treat and decoration of the festive table.

Rowan is an amazing berry that is almost impossible to eat in its pure form due to its bitter astringent taste, but it turns out incredibly from it. delicious jams, jam. And you can also make an amazing red rowan wine at home, which has not only an original tart aroma, but also healing properties. This drink improves blood circulation, stimulates immunity, accelerates metabolic processes in the body and helps hypotonic patients to normalize blood pressure.

Collection and preparation of berries for homemade wine

So that the red rowan wine does not have a characteristic bitterness, the berry must be picked after the frost has come. At sub-zero temperatures, the maximum sugar content is concentrated in mountain ash. If for some reason you did not manage to collect the mountain ash after the first frost, you can keep the berries in the freezer, for this it is enough to place them in the cold for a day.

Any mountain ash, wild or cultivated, can be used for wine. The sweeter the berry variety, the tastier the intoxicating drink will be. Keep in mind that mountain ash is not a very fleshy and juicy berry. To make 1 liter of wine, you need 4-4.5 kg of product.

Before harvesting the wort, peel the berries from the branches, it is not necessary to wash them.

Due to the weather conditions in which mountain ash ripens, the yeast that is required for the fermentation of the wort does not multiply on it. Therefore, you will have to use raisins or ammonium chloride as a starter culture. Also, sugar is necessarily added to the drink.

We'll take a look at the classic red rowan wine recipe and another additional one if you want to diversify your homemade spirits.

How to make mountain ash wine: a traditional recipe

For 10 kg of fresh berries you will need

  • Boiled water - 4 liters.
  • Sugar - 3 kg (if the mountain ash is sweet, then you can do with 2 kg).
  • Raisins (150 gr.) Or ammonium chloride (0.3 g per 1 liter of wort).

How to make rowan wine

  1. Prepare containers in advance in which you will grind the berries and infuse the wort. All dishes should be clean, and the cans in which the drink will ferment should be sterilized. The entire process at home should be carried out as clean and sterile as possible.
  2. To expel tannins from the berry, which give an astringent taste, it must be scalded with boiling water. To do this, put the rowan in a saucepan or bowl and fill it with boiling water, leave the berries in boiling water for 25 minutes. Then drain the water and repeat the action. Then drain the water again and move on to the next step.
  3. Grind the berry into homogeneous mass in any convenient way: with your hands, with a blender, a wooden crush, or you can turn them through a meat grinder.
  4. Take a clean gauze and squeeze the juice out of the resulting "porridge" through it. Do not remove the juice in any way, it will be needed soon.
  5. Transfer the cake to another container with a wide mouth: a bucket, a saucepan or a deep bowl. Pour boiled water into the berries, it should be at a temperature of 60-80 ° C. Mix everything thoroughly and leave the wort for several hours at room temperature.
  6. After this time, add the previously squeezed juice to the wort, half of the above volume of sugar, raisins or ammonium and stir everything well. The sugar should be completely dissolved. Then close the container with gauze folded in 2-3 layers and remove the liquid to a warm place for fermentation. It needs to be stirred every day in the morning and in the evening.
  7. After 3-4 days, you should see that foam has formed on top of the liquid and the wort gives off a sour smell. At this stage, filtration should be carried out: pass the wort through cheesecloth, pouring the liquid into another container. The cake can be removed, it is no longer needed.
  8. Mix the filtered wort with the remaining part of the sugar, dissolve it and pour everything into glass bottles. You need to fill the jars by 2/3 of the volume so that there is room for the foam that will form in further fermentation.
  9. Put water locks on the necks of the cans, ordinary medical gloves can serve as them, which should be pierced in 2-3 places to release carbon dioxide.
  10. Put the jars in a warm, calm place for 5-6 weeks. The end of the fermentation process can be seen by the deflated glove and the separated sediment.
  11. Strain the wine again from the sediment through a thick layer of cheesecloth.
  12. Taste the wine, if it seems sour to you, then at this stage you can add a little more sugar and, if desired, fix it with alcohol.
  13. Pour the drink into clean cans or bottles (you cannot use plastic containers), seal with lids and remove it to ripen. The wine should be infused for another 1.5-2 months at a temperature of + 12-16 ° C and only after that is it ready for use.

Homemade red rowan wine turns out to be a delicate pink color and has unusual taste... It is best to make medium-strength dessert wines from this berry.

Apple-mountain ash wine

Above, it was described in detail how to make homemade red rowan wine according to the classic recipe. But you can make a more original drink by adding apple juice to mountain ash.

The whole process of making wine is exactly the same as described in traditional recipe... Only at the 5th step is not water used, but freshly squeezed apple juice in the same amount (4-4.5 liters per 10 kg of rowan berries). It is advisable to take sweet apples so that they kill the bitterness of mountain ash fruits.

The drink will turn out to be straw yellow with an interesting fruity aroma.

Secrets of delicious rowan wine

  • If you want to get excellent quality red rowan wine, then use the varieties "Pomegranate", "Liqueur" or "Burka". These are the sweetest types of berries.
  • The longer rowan wine is aged, the less bitter it is.
  • You can add currants, cranberries or apples to mountain ash. It is better not to interfere with other fruits and berries. The recipe for such "mixes" is the same, just add others to the rowan berries, and use apple juice instead of water.
  • Do not forget that late autumn berries and fruits contain too little yeast on their surface, so ammonium or raisins must be added to the wort for fermentation, otherwise the liquid will turn sour and turn into vinegar.

There is nothing difficult in making red rowan wine at home, no. In any winemaking process, you just need to observe simple rules, sterility and patience. But all your efforts will be rewarded with a wonderful aromatic drink with which you can surprise guests and pamper yourself from time to time.

Since ancient times, amber has been famous for its useful properties. Earlier, amulets from evil spirits were made from this stone, used for severe toothache or headache, prepared wonderful drinks that allowed them to preserve health and youth for a long time. Today, everyone has the opportunity to use a natural healing stone, making an amazing vodka tincture from it.

Seafood, or the unusual composition of amber

In medicine, amber began to be used in the days of Hippocrates and Aristotle. The mineral was credited with almost mythical properties, calling it "the stone of health and life." Healers used amber tincture to get rid of patients with tuberculosis, asthma, gastrointestinal diseases, nervous and mental disorders. The stone also helped young mothers, who could not calm down a child suffering from teething in any way - the babies were allowed to gnaw a piece of the raw mineral, and the pain subsided.

Unfortunately, to date, the composition of amber is not fully understood. Researchers
came to the conclusion that the mineral is composed of carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, succinic acid and sulfur. In addition, it contains magnesium, silicon, iron, calcium and other trace elements. Organic volatile compounds found in amber have a beneficial effect on the respiratory system. Wearing jewelry made from this mineral helps to reduce body weight, helps with diabetes, and also allows you to cure thyroid diseases.

Martin Luther, who is known to have suffered from urolithiasis, relieved pain and other unpleasant symptoms with amber.

Amber drinks recipes

Despite the preconceived opinion, amber can be used not only externally, but also internally. An alcoholic tincture of this mineral has proven itself well. At the moment, there are several varieties of a healing drink that can be used as an adjunct to the main treatment of diseases. Check them out and find your medicine.

Read also: Healing cedar liqueur with vodka

Recipe number 1. Universal amber tincture

To prepare this medicine, you will need a small piece of untreated amber and 250-300 ml of vodka or diluted rubbing alcohol. The mineral must be crushed into small crumbs, and everything must be poured into a glass resealable container. Pour alcohol or vodka there and let it brew for 3-4 weeks.

After this time, the drink is filtered and treatment is started. To get rid of chronic fatigue, strengthen immunity, reduce nervous tension, it is enough to drink 5-6 drops of tincture, dissolving it in a glass of tea or mineral water... For various chronic diseases, the dose is increased to ½ teaspoon per 1 dose of the medicine. Literally after a month of such treatment, you will definitely feel the beneficial properties of the drink.

The same tincture can be used for various skin diseases, as a disinfectant. Wounds and abrasions are simply treated with a cotton swab dipped in amber tincture. Bandaging sore spots is optional.

Recipe number 2. Remedy for joint diseases and rheumatism

A similar amber tincture will help with rheumatism and joint diseases. For her

manufacturing take a few small stones of amber (about 30 grams) and fill them with half a glass of alcohol. The drug will be ready in 1.5-2 weeks. Tincture can lubricate skin damage, make compresses, applying them to sore joints.

In addition to this version of the amber healing agent, other methods of treatment can be used. For example, self-massage with amber stones has proven itself well. Exposure to the affected joints with the mineral for 30–40 minutes will accelerate healing.

As you can see for yourself, the beneficial properties of amber are simply endless. With complex treatment, you can even get rid of chronic diseases that prevent you from leading an active lifestyle, doing your favorite things, and giving love to loved ones. However, before consuming drinks made from this mineral, you should still consult with your doctor.

Rowan is delicious and useful berry... Its fruits contain many vitamins, sugars and acids. For example, mountain ash contains a lot of vitamin C and P. But because of its strong bitterness and astringency, it is impossible to eat it in its pure form. At the same time, berries are 80% water. Therefore, they are excellent for making a variety of drinks. Rowan wine is the best option.

Rowan wine has a bright taste and amazing aroma. It retains all the most useful from fresh berries.

Features of the collection and preparation of berries

There are several points to consider when picking and preparing berries for homemade rowan wine.

  • Wine can be made both from homemade mountain ash and wild.
  • In order to get the most saturated drink in winemaking, the varieties Pomegranate, Liqueur or Burka are used.
  • It is better to pick berries in the fall after the first frost. Frozen mountain ash is more sugary. But if there is no time to wait, the raw material can be frozen in the freezer (3–7 hours) and then thawed at room temperature.
  • When making homemade wine, you should use clean utensils and utensils.
  • Do not wash the rowan before placing it in the wort. The white coating on the surface contains yeast that causes the fermentation process. The dust will settle to the bottom when settling and it will be easy to filter it out.
  • In late autumn, the fruits contain little natural yeast. For this reason, raisins or special wine yeast must be added to the wort.

Rowan can be mixed with currants, apples or cranberries. It is not recommended to add other berries and fruits.
The taste of the finished drink largely depends on the process of preparing raw materials for wine. Observing these recommendations, you can be sure of the quality of the future drink.

Classic recipe

To make rowan wine at home, you need simple ingredients... Composition and correct proportions:

  • mountain ash - 10 kg;
  • water - 4 liters;
  • granulated sugar - 3 kg;
  • raisins - 150 grams.

Step-by-step sequence of actions

The wine making process consists of stages following each other.

1. Wipe the rowan with a clean cloth or gauze from strong dirt, if any. Place the berries in a saucepan and cover with boiling water. After 20 minutes, drain the water and re-pour boiling water over the raw materials. After half an hour, drain the liquid again. It will not be useful in the future.

2. Mash the steamed berries with a meat grinder or rolling pin. You can act with your hands.

3.Using cheesecloth, squeeze out the juice from the mashed mountain ash.

4. Put the resulting pulp in an enamel saucepan. Pour hot water (70–80 ° C) into the raw material. Mix all components thoroughly and leave to cool to room temperature for 5 hours.

5. Pour the mountain ash juice prepared a little earlier into the cooled wort. Pour 2 kg of sugar and two handfuls of unwashed raisins there.

6. Mix the ingredients thoroughly. Tie the container on top with gauze and place for 2-3 days in a dark room with a temperature of 18 to 25 ° C. Stir the mixture well once every day.

7. When the fermentation process has begun, the contents of the container should be filtered through cheesecloth. Fermentation is indicated by hissing, foam formation and sour odor.

8. Pour the rest of the sugar into the fermented liquid and stir well. Pour the wort into a fermentation vessel. It should be filled to 75% of the total volume. A free 25% is required for foam and carbon dioxide. Install a water seal or a medical glove on top with one small hole in either finger.

9. Place the fermentation tank in a dark place with a temperature between 18 and 28 ° C for several weeks.

10. After the completion of the fermentation process, drain the wine from the lees into another container using a thin tube. This moment comes when bubbles stop forming, the glove has deflated, a sediment has formed at the bottom, and the liquid itself has brightened.

11. Then you need to evaluate the taste of the wine. Sugar can be added if desired. Also at this stage, you can make fortified wine. To do this, add vodka or alcohol to the drink - 3-15% of the total volume of young wine.

12. If sugar has been added, the water seal is reinstalled on the container.

13. Pour the fermented wine into the bottle to the top and cork tightly. Move the container to a cool place with temperatures between 5 and 16 ° C for 3-4 months.

14. Drain the finished wine from the sediment, pour into bottles and close tightly with corks.

The result is about 5 liters of delicious homemade drink. A simple recipe for mountain ash wine will appeal to many winemakers. Sweet and sour taste of the drink will not leave anyone indifferent. For medicinal purposes, it is recommended to use it in small doses.

Red rowan wine is stored in a basement or refrigerator. It is better to place bottles in a horizontal position.

Benefit and harm

The medicinal properties of the plant have long been known. Rowan wine is useful for:

  • improving metabolic processes;
  • increasing immunity;
  • normalization of blood microcirculation;
  • stimulating the work of the heart;
  • fight against vitamin deficiency;
  • recovery from physical and mental stress;
  • treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Also, red rowan wine has choleretic, diaphoretic and diuretic properties. Useful material found in fruits have a beneficial effect on the reproductive system. Wine is often used in cooking and is added to various cocktails. Dishes containing mountain ash contribute to the elimination of toxins and reduce cholesterol.

The use of mountain ash increases the body's endurance when there is a lack of oxygen. Therefore, drinks from it are recommended to people living in the mountains, climbers and divers.

But it should be borne in mind that mountain ash wine is contraindicated in hemophilia, increased blood clotting, high acidity, as well as problems with the heart and blood vessels.

Rowan (Latin Sórbus) is credited with many useful properties... In traditional medicine, it is used as a diuretic, multivitamin and hemostatic agent; in the folk - to lower blood pressure, as a choleretic agent, a medicine for scurvy and an antiseptic. But not many people know that the almost ubiquitous mountain ash is an excellent raw material for making homemade wines. So, in this article you will learn how to make homemade red rowan wine without special technical devices and other industrial pieces.

In its pure form, mountain ash is rarely used for making wines, since the berries contain a lot of tannins (0.4% or more). Because of this, the wine turns out to be very tart and with tangible bitterness. However, long-term aging does its own thing - the bitterness goes away, and the tannins, on the contrary, improve the quality of the wine and make it very resistant to various diseases.

The wine itself is yellow-orange in color, easy to clarify and easy to drink. The fruits of the plant are more suitable for making dessert wines (including liqueur) and fortified ones - for table wines it is better to use special varieties of mountain ash, which have a lot of sugar and less tannins. However, for beginners, we advise you to make any wines dessert or liqueur - so the likelihood of spoiling the drink is minimal.

The mountain ash, which grows almost everywhere, even in the Far North, is less suitable for winemaking than varieties specially grown for home use (it contains 0.5% tannins, only 5% sugar, and this is the maximum). If you decide to make wine from such mountain ash, then the berries should be soaked in boiling water a couple of times in order to partially remove the tannins. To improve the extraction of juice, the mountain ash should be frozen (put in the freezer for 2-3 hours), and ideally, harvest the fruits in the first frost.

Still, it is better to use mountain ash with large fruits, for example, yellow-fruited or Crimean (Sorbus domestica), the fruits of which reach 3.5 cm in diameter, and their sugar content sometimes reaches 14%.

Red rowan wine recipe

Important! To get started, read the recipes for cooking and wines - they describe the fundamental canons for making fruit and berry wines. Let us recall the main stages of making fruit and berry wines:

  1. Preparation of fruits and berries.
  2. Juicing.
  3. Juice research.
  4. Flavoring, juicing and wort preparation.
  5. Arrangement for fermentation.
  6. Infection of wort with yeast fungi.
  7. Vigorous fermentation.
  8. First filtration and overflow.
  9. Quiet fermentation and wort care.
  10. Second and subsequent pouring of wine.
  11. Maturation and aging of the drink.
  12. Cleaning, clarification and preparation for bottling.
  13. Filling.
  14. Storage.
  15. Treatment of vices and diseases of wine.

Again, as in the case of apple wine, due to the peculiarities of mountain ash as a raw material, we will cover only a few of these stages. So let's go!

Preparing rowan and extracting juice from it

If you use ordinary mountain ash and did not collect it in the first frosts, put it in the freezer for 2-3 hours. Then transfer it from the freezer to a regular refrigerator. Then it needs to be thermally processed. Of course, first you need to clear the mountain ash from ridges, rotten and dry berries. After that, pour boiling water over the fruits and leave it all for 20 minutes, then drain the water and pour boiling water over again - after 30 minutes, drain again. That's it, the berries are ready to extract juice from them.

So, to get wine from red mountain ash, first you need to extract juice from the fruit. To do this, berries scalded with boiling water or ordinary fruits of home varieties need to be kneaded with your hands, a wooden rolling pin (it is undesirable to use metal) or any other device, for example, you can pass the berries through a meat grinder. Then squeeze the juice out of the pulp using cheesecloth or a fine sieve, whichever is more convenient for you.

In principle, the pulp can be poured with hot water (70-80 o C) and after a few hours mixed with the extracted juice, but we do not recommend doing this - there are a lot of polyphenolic substances and pectins in the pulp, so nothing good will come of it. However, if this does not scare you, and you use, for example, Crimean mountain ash, you can try to dilute the pulp with water (you can find its amount in the tables below), and then add juice to it (just let the water cool to 30 degrees), half of the required amount of sugar and yeast base(more on this in the next chapter.)

In this case, we use fermentation to more efficiently separate the juice from the mash and completely contaminate the wort with yeast. Place the prepared wort under cheesecloth for 2-4 days in a dark, warm place (18-25 ° C) and after signs of fermentation appear (hissing, sour smell, the formation of a dense cap of the pulp). After that, squeeze out the fermented juice and put it on a quiet fermentation.

Wort preparation, infecting it with yeast

In the resulting rowan juice (this option is for those who decided not to use the pulp), you need to add water and sugar in the amount indicated in this table:

For making up 100 liters of wort for making 80 liters(120 bottles) red rowan wine

As you can see, the table shows the calculations for a large number wine, as well as the calculation goes exclusively to the separated rowan juice. This is very convenient - collect any amount of mountain ash, squeeze juice from it and then simply count the amount of the remaining ingredients according to the table.

The resulting wort must be infected with yeast. You can use any yeast starter for this. The easiest way to make it is from raisins or fresh crushed grapes (just not washed). Of course, you can make sourdough from raspberries, for example, but in the fall, as you know, it's almost impossible to get it.

To make a sourdough from raisins, you need to take a handful of it and rinse it with warm (not hot!) Water, pour it into any container, add 1 tablespoon of sugar, ½ teaspoon of ammonia and pour everything with warm boiled water. Leave the leaven in a warm place for 3-4 days and then, if fermentation has begun, add it to the prepared wort.

We also want to remind you that the sugar content of the original wort should not exceed 10-14%, so it is better to add sugar in portions, for example, 50 g for each liter of wort in several steps. After our wort has fermented vigorously for 3-4 days, it must be filtered and poured into bottles for quiet fermentation, filling them by ¾ of the total volume.

Quiet fermentation of red rowan wort

After pouring, a water seal should be installed on the bottle (there is a description of it and a small manual on the topic of self-production), you can use rubber gloves with a hole in one finger (pierce with a needle). Bottles should be placed in a dark, warm place (18-28 ° C) and left alone until fermentation stops - the water seal does not let bubbles for 1-2 days or the glove deflates, the wine has brightened and a precipitate has formed.

At the same time, if the fermentation is greatly weakened, which can be monitored by the intensity of the release of the bubbles of the water seal, and you decide to add sugar in portions, drain a small amount of wort from the fermentation tank, dissolve the next portion of sugar in it and pour the syrup back. Do not forget to reinstall the odor trap.

Pouring and ripening of mountain ash wine, storage

After the end of fermentation, drain the red rowan wine from the lees into a clean glass container using a rubber tube. The container must be tightly closed (and it is better to install a water seal) or send the wine to mature in a cool place (10-16 ° C) for 3-4 months. After the expiration of the period, the drink is again drained from the sediment and bottled, which in the future must be stored in the refrigerator or basement. As practice shows, rowan wine is completely clarified after a year of storage, then the bitterness disappears.

More importantly, rowan is very often used in tandem with other fruits to increase their strength and astringency. The most popular tandem is rowan + apples.

Red rowan and apple wine recipe

In principle, the process of making apple-mountain ash wine is no different from classical winemaking. First, we compose the wort using the following tables:

For making 100 liters of must from a mixture of red rowan and apples for the preparation of 80 liters (120 bottles) of rose apple-mountain ash wine

Where, 1 - light table, 2 - strong table, 3 - strong wine, 4 - dessert, 5 - liqueur.

For making up 100 liters of must from a mixture of red rowan and apples for the preparation of 80 liters (120 bottles) of light apple-rowan wine

Where, 1 - light table, 2 - strong table, 3 - strong wine, 4 - dessert, 5 - liqueur.

Where to get grape and tannic acid is written in the recipe for making plum wine.

To compose the wort: prepare, as described in the first chapters of this article, rowan berries, squeeze juice from them and add juice from sweet and sour apples to it. Then add half of the sugar, the right amount of water and other ingredients, and then everything is according to the classics: vigorous fermentation for 3-4 days, overflow, quiet fermentation for about a month under a water seal with the addition of the rest of the sugar, overflow, settling in the cold, storage ...

So, now you know how to make homemade red rowan and apple wine, and now you can surprise your guests unusual drink that they will definitely like. Recall that with the help of wild yeast, the wine will turn out to be no higher than 11-14%, but even this is enough to break away. Drink in moderation and wisely!