Home / Dumplings / Readymade in art. Readymade: the unusual life of ordinary things

Readymade in art. Readymade: the unusual life of ordinary things

from /eng./ ready - ready and /eng./ made - made. "Ready to use". (since 1913)

The term ready-made in the context of fine arts was first used by the French artist Marcel Duchamp in 1913 to refer to his works, which are utilitarian items removed from their normal functioning environment and exhibited without any changes at an art exhibition as works of art, t .e. moving an object from a non-artistic space to an artistic one. At the 1912 aviation exhibition, Marcel Duchamp, struck by the beauty of her exhibit - the propeller - said to his friend Constantin Brancusi: "Painting has come to an end. What could be more perfect than this propeller?"

With the first ready-made "Bicycle wheel" in 1913, Duchamp identified a conflict: a consumer item or an object of aesthetic pleasure. This caused an avalanche of questions about the status of the work of art. Answers to the questions posed - in the form of the works themselves or theories - were given throughout the 20th century. Bicycle wheel attached to a stool. The presence of the creator and the perfection of his hand skills are nullified. Duchamp found a term for such an action: ready-made, in other words, confection, something that is already ready for use. The bicycle wheel was followed by: a dryer, a hanger and a urinal. Through these items, Duchamp explained that he was not looking for "any aesthetic satisfaction", was "visually uninterested" and "virtually completely indifferent".

Destroying the man-made object and the connection between the creator and the created work, the artist also transferred perception from the visual sphere to the conceptual one. Showing the subject of serial production, Duchamp made it clear that its presence and content is determined solely by the "choice" and intentions of the artist. Thus, the idea became obvious that the status of a work of art depends only on the regularity of its presence at the exhibition.

Artist: Marcel Duchamp.

Magazine:"The Bind Man". (Alfred Stieglitz photographed The Fountain for Duchamp, and Duchamp published the image in The Bind Man, a magazine created specifically for the occasion.)

Texts: Concise Dictionary of Surrealism, 1938; M. Duchamp. "To the question of ready-made", 1961.

Description of some works:

Marcel Duchamp "Fountain", 1917. Faience urinal. Stockholm, Museum of Modern Art. With "Fountain", the readymade acquires a conceptual function. The upside-down urinal, signed with the pseudonym "R. Mutt" ("fool"), was rejected in the selection of exhibits for the exhibition of the Association of Independent Artists of New York (which Duchamp himself was on the jury). In an article signed by Beatrice Wood in the magazine, we read: "Whether Mr. Mutt made the fountain with his own hands or not, it does not matter. He made a CHOICE. He took a household standard product, placed it in an unusual environment, so much so that its usual meaning disappeared in the new setting. Thanks to a new look and a new name, he created new idea of ​​the subject.

"Radimade" is a Moscow cafe-cooking, that is, this is an institution where you can not only have breakfast or lunch, but also buy various culinary products. It's a one-stop destination for delicious food that's perfect for a morning or evening meal and always smells like fresh baked goods.

"Radimade": where it's good

When meeting with friends, talking about our everyday life, we often start talking about food, about a cafe that we liked, because there you can eat deliciously and have a good time. And those who have visited the cafe "Radimade" are sure to praise this place to their friends. Because it is cozy and comfortable here. Talking about their impressions of this cafe, visitors note the courtesy and responsiveness of the staff, low prices, a huge selection of culinary products, the cleanliness of the hall, home-made food, wonderful and inexpensive salads.

Prices here please with their democratic nature, products - with quality and freshness. The pastries here are amazing, that's why they buy them instantly. For example, freshly made buns are very popular with customers and cafe visitors.

A great start to the day - a delicious breakfast in the cafe-cooking "Ready Made"

Leninsky Prospekt, 57 - his address. Many of those who live near this place prefer this institution. A visit to a cafe can be called the launching pad of the weekend. This is a great alternative to spending time at home watching TV series while lying on the couch.

After tasting an invigorating breakfast in the cafe "Radimade", from here you can go for a walk in the park, visit the museum, being in a great mood. In general, the day starts in the morning, and a delicious breakfast in such a wonderful place will make it bright and rich. Having received the necessary calories during breakfast at the Ready Made cafe, you can think about your health, the key to which is an active life position, and spend a day off in the fresh air, while receiving a lot of positive emotions and unforgettable impressions.

The river of tastes and divine smells

"Ready Made" - a cafe (Leninsky Prospekt, 57), which can be called a culinary river, unable to be at rest due to its nature. Why is such a somewhat poetic comparison appropriate in this case? Because in this institution the menu, like a river flow, is updated all the time. On Thursdays, the old menu is said "Goodbye" and "Hello" to the new menu. As you know, the essence of human life is in motion, and this also directly applies to what it eats. This cafe is a full-flowing river of dishes, not a trickle at all.

Bread is the head of everything

"Radimade" - a cafe with an abundance of bakery products. There is absolutely everything here: various buns, cookies (Berlin cookies, monge, etc.), bread (Borodinsky, ciabatta, baguette with garlic, white bread, etc.), bagels (with raisins, poppy seeds, rich, etc.), croissants, rolls, pancakes, brioches, traditional and favorite pies (with meat, potatoes, chicken, cabbage, eggs and onions, cherries, apples, etc.), cheesecakes, cottage cheese rings, curls (with walnut walnut, with black currant, with lemon cream, with apple). Any of these delicious products are great for breakfast. Everything is fresh, flavorful and appetizing.

Salads: delicious vitamins and more

Salads from Ready Made are something that a gourmet simply cannot pass by. There are more than a dozen of them here, each of which has its own indescribable taste. Here is a list that is far from complete.

Salads offered:

  • With eggplant and cheese.
  • Greek.
  • Lebanese with chicken.
  • Vinaigrette with sauerkraut.
  • Funchoza with beef.
  • Salad with tomatoes and mozzarella.


Once, a chef in faraway Italy in the city of Naples, who loves experiments, prepared a dish that today we all know as "pizza". Did he guess that after centuries pizza would be eaten all over the world, put up monuments to it, write poems about it? We assume that it is unlikely, but we thank him from the bottom of our hearts for such a gift to all mankind.

The Ready Made cafe (Leninsky, 57) has a huge selection of pizzas. It seems that if an Italian, a real connoisseur of this dish, looks here, he, having looked around the counter, will nod approvingly and express his admiration. And then stay to taste each of them. And here is the list (again, not all products are included in it).

  • With ham "Prague".
  • "Pepperoni".
  • "Rustic".
  • With duck.
  • "Four cheeses".
  • With white mushrooms.
  • With salmon and capers.


With hot dishes in "Ready Maid" full order. There are also cutlets familiar to us, mashed potatoes, meatballs, pastas, turkey with vegetables. And much, much more, just as appetizing and nutritious.

Other dishes

There are wonderful yoghurts here, the usefulness of which is famous all over the world. Yogurts of your choice:

  • strawberry;
  • with raspberries.

Regular visitors of the institution praise drinks, they especially like fruit drinks, of which there are also many varieties. Here are some of them:

  • cranberry;
  • black currant;
  • sea ​​​​buckthorn.

And what are the desserts! Truly, the Ready Made cafe is a notable manufacturer of desserts.

  • classical;
  • with hazelnuts;
  • walnut.

But there are still cheesecakes, sour cream, cakes (millefeuille with cherries, "potato", "Napoleon").

Separately, I want to say about pasta. These Ready Made sweets are amazingly delicious!


  • raspberry;
  • lemon;
  • with cherry;
  • coffee.

In general, this institution is a real Mecca of gourmets. By the way, the policy of the restaurant implies huge discounts. After 21:00, the time of low prices comes, because of these same discounts, confectionery products become cheaper by 2 times, which cannot but please the sweet tooth.

Address "Ready Made" - Leninsky Prospekt, 57. Located on the second floor. In this room is always good, cozy, comfortable. Great service, reasonable prices, delicious food. Come and see for yourself.

At the beginning of the 20th century, it turned out that Paris was overflowing with talented artists. It was not at all easy for a young man from the provinces to get critics talking about him, to get his name on the front pages of newspapers. It does not matter at all whether they praise or scold. Let them just talk!

Mastery of the brush was not enough for sure success. It was necessary to turn the head of the public with some idea. Again, it doesn't matter if the idea is stupid or smart. Critics themselves will explain everything to the public. Which is known to be stupid.

As a matter of fact, the artists “befriended” real life, which at that time also proceeded under the sign of the search for lofty ideas that could unite humanity under one flag or another. And then lead in orderly columns into a life that is correct and pleasant. The only thing left was to find the right idea.

Marcel Duchamp (1887 -1968) figured out how to surprise the audience. At his exhibitions, he began to exhibit ordinary objects as works of art. Placed in exhibition halls, in the air of which the enthusiasm for great art seems to be dissolved, these objects became the object of non-utilitarian contemplation. The new position revealed new associations in the familiar object, additional meanings that neither traditional objects of art nor the everyday-utilitarian sphere could give rise to. Everyone - to the exhibition, everyone - to see the creations of Marcel Duchamp!

Approximately so wrote art critics in 1913 - 1917. There was no end to the excitement. In art history, a new term has appeared, ready-made from the English "ready-made" ("ready"). This term was coined by Marcel Duchamp. So he called his works. Duchamp exhibited as objects of art ordinary objects that we have to deal with daily. In 1913, "The Bicycle Wheel" was exhibited in New York. At the following exhibitions, viewers saw the Bottle Dryer (1914). In 1917, Marcel Duchamp exhibited The Fountain. This time, the work of art turned out to be an ordinary urinal signed by the artist. At this point, everyone choked with delight. A new art form was born. From now on, Marcel Duchamp will be remembered as the eccentric who put up a latrine at the exhibition!

But the main artist achieved with his eccentricities. Everyone knew about him. Duchamp was known as the king of shocking. Of course (critics thought) he mocked the regulars of art salons, these snobs! He replaced the traditional principle of depicting objects of the real world on canvas with the principle of exceptional truthfulness. After all, no picture will show the subject better than it is in reality. Well, then, go and see! The ingenious Duchamp plucked up the courage / impudence to expose the actual object as it is, in the original, and not its image. It can't be more precise!

Critics told the audience: finally destroyed the boundary between reality and art! "Artistic" is gone, its place was taken by the "rules of the game". Now we decide what is beautiful and what is not.

It seems that the critics (and the gallery owners who paid for their creations) themselves cut the branch on which they sat not without comfort. The principle of "ready-made" nullified the traditional aesthetics of art. Meanwhile, teaching the "broad masses" the aesthetic, "correct" perception of those works that have accumulated in museums was one of the sources of income for critics. And these same aesthetic principles, which were introduced into the minds of the rich "profane", forced them to visit art galleries and, most importantly, to buy the works of art exhibited there. If the aesthetics are over, why pay a lot of money for pictures that I don’t like, which I consider ugly, that is, unaesthetic?

Op-pa! On Michel Duchamp, the period of culture ended, which should have been spoken of with aspiration and enthusiasm. There was a post-culture, a mass culture that everyone liked in one way or another (hello kitties from the coming Internet!). Now it was no longer the public, embarrassed, that entered the temple of art. Now the temple itself became mobile and began to travel to those places where there was (or was expected) a large congestion of the public, to whom something new could be sold.

Art critics are resourceful people. They figured out how to get their penny under these conditions. New concepts of new art were invented: installations, performances, happenings, objects, actions, assemblages. All of this could be recounted with a clever air before an audience wondering why painting a mustache on the Monna Lisa is a bold artistic act. Art has moved to a new level. To see it, you could not go to the museum. There was no need to strive to see the canvas, which was touched by the brush of the master of ancient times. Moreover, a work of art has become possible to retell. A man nailed his testicles to the paving stones on Red Square. All words in this retelling are significant, and one phrase retells the whole performance. One phrase is easier to remember than the dates of the life of, say, the same Marcel Duchamp. Well, without glancing up the text, tell me, when did this brilliant artist live?

Readymade(English ready-made - ready) The term was first introduced into the art history lexicon by the artist Marcel Duchamp to designate their works, which are objects of utilitarian use, removed from the environment of their normal functioning and exhibited without any changes at an art exhibition as works of art. Ready-Made claimed a new look at the thing and thingness. An object that ceased to fulfill its utilitarian functions and was included in the context of the space of art, that is, became an object of non-utilitarian contemplation, began to reveal some new meanings and associative moves, unknown either to traditional art or to the everyday-utilitarian sphere of being. The problem of the relativity of the aesthetic and the utilitarian emerged sharply. First Ready-Made Duchamp exhibited in New York in 1913. The most infamous of his Ready-Made. became "Wheel from a bicycle" (1913), "Bottle dryer" (1914), "Fountain" (1917) - this is how an ordinary urinal was designated. With his Ready-Made Duchamp achieved (consciously or not) a number of goals. As a true Dadaist, he shocked the snobbish habitues of art salons of the beginning of the century. He brought to its logical end (or absurdity) the mimetic principle, traditional for the art of past centuries. No pictorial copy can show an object better than it itself by its appearance. Therefore, it is easier to expose the object itself in the original than to strive By this, the boundary between art and visible reality was completely destroyed, all the aesthetic principles of traditional classical art were nullified in the Ready-Made. arbitrariness of their choice, it was argued that aesthetic laws are relative and conventional. form or object now depended not on their immanent characteristics, but solely on the external "rules of the game", set almost arbitrarily either by the artist himself (as was the case with Duchamp), or by art critics and gallery owners, or by the leaders of the art market. Ready-Made marked the onset of a radical upheaval in art. It was with them that the clearly marked watershed between Culture and POST-culture began (. It is no coincidence that Ready-Maid entered as the main and full members and elements in the works of almost all areas of visual arts of the second half of our century; they became an integral and integral part of assemblages, installations , objects, actions, environments, performances, happenings and many other diverse art practices.

Readymade - In 1902, the New Realists exhibition was held at the Sidney Jams in New York. Simple things, elements of the environment were shown here, their copies were shown as independent objects of art. After the First World War, a group of artists called "Dada" was organized in Europe. One of the representatives of the Ready-made direction was M. Duchamp. This artist raised real, banal things to the level of art: a bicycle wheel on a stool, a toilet sink.

Duchamp's innovations turned the Cubists' ideas about the true purpose of objects and gave impetus to the rapid development of a new artistic direction. 50 years later, a similar situation led to the birth of pop art. Dadaism became popular very quickly (especially in New York, where it was headed by Marcel Duchamp), but as an established trend, it did not last long. The founders of a new trend in American art were Robert Rauschenberg and Jasper Johns. Rauschenberg creates so-called "combined paintings", combining material inserts with painting in the manner of abstract expressionism. Dadaism had a significant influence on other movements, in particular on surrealism (primarily in its commitment to the absurd and fantasy), abstract expressionism and conceptual art.

READYMADE- one of the most common techniques of contemporary art, which consists in exposing objects of industrial production.

The meaning of the readymade is that due to a change in context (an exhibition hall instead of a familiar everyday environment), the perception of an object changes: the viewer sees in it not a utilitarian thing, but an abstract form.

Art has many faces, it is able to take unprecedented forms and focus on everyday things. Some artists can search for a long time and try to create something new, unusual, something that was not within the framework of classical art.

Others just need to look around and look at the familiar world from a different angle. That's what he did at the time Marcel Duchamp a true Dadaist and one of the founders readymade.

Readymade(English) ready made- ready) - a technique of modern avant-garde art, when an ordinary thing of utilitarian use, an object of production is considered separately from the usual household environment without making changes, as an exhibition item and an object of art.

readymade idea

First time term readymade was applied by Marcel Duchamp in 1913. With this concept, he characterized his works of "ready-made objects" - a comb, a bottle dryer, a bicycle wheel mounted on a stool.

Idea readymade is to change the perception of the object and attitude towards it when changing the environment. An ordinary thing, torn from everyday reality and placed in unusual conditions, for example, on a podium, turns into an art object.

Its contemplation evokes new associations, thoughts, ideas unusual for either traditional art or life, a utilitarian object opens up from a new and unexpected side. Not only the creative work of creation is recognized as authorial, but also the ability to select things that carry a deep semantic load.

Defending his work "Fountain" (1917) - a simple urinal, purchased the day before in the store and exhibited under the pseudonym "R. Mutt" ("fool") from the attacks of criticism, Duchamp stated, that “it doesn’t matter whether Mr. Mutt himself made it or not ... He took a household standard product, placed it in an unusual environment, so much so that its usual meaning disappeared in the new environment.”

Goal of the readymade

By exposing their scandalous works to the general public, Duchamp- Dadaist shocks the public.

“I threw a shelf of urinals in their faces, and now they admire their aesthetic perfection,” Duchamp wrote in 1962, of his readymade"Fountain".

The mimetic principle characteristic of the art of the last century was brought to the point of absurdity by him. Duchamp tries to show that no work of art, be it a painting depicting an apple or its sculpture, can show and reveal the essence of the object better than the object itself, exhibited in the original.

This approach leads to the destruction of the boundaries between art and reality, Duchamp in practice embodies the idea of ​​Dadaism - art can be everything.

The traditional principles of classical art are being revised. object readymade any thing that does not have any outstanding characteristics and aesthetic qualities and is arbitrarily chosen at the discretion of the artist, who sees a certain meaning in the subject, can become.

According to Duchamp, "a work of art appears due to the gaze of the viewer."

Readymade Meaning

Readymade became a turning point in the history of art. With its appearance, a clear line was drawn between the concept of culture and post-culture. And although the works Duchamp, often questioned the existence of such a thing as "artistic taste", readymade became widespread in Dadaism and became the starting point for the development of many artistic movements.

Elements readymade became an integral part of almost all areas of visual avant-garde art of the 20th century.

Readymade today

In 2002 in New York at the Phillips auction were sold the last Duchamp's readymades remained in private hands. The outrageous artist's works were valued at: "Fountain" - $1,185,000, "Bicycle Wheel" - $1,762,500, "Air of Paris" - $167,500, "Comb" - $123,500.


Source: http://anysite.ru

Member of the Union of Designers of Ukraine Maksimenko Olga Andreevna(26/03/2007) Readymade(26/03/2007) “Don't think about seconds down”, 1999. Stopwatch, washcloth, burlap. Readymade (26/03/2007)

Source: http://www.familyface.net/

"Attack on the Augean Stables", 2007. Shower head, metal, synthetic film. Readymade(26/03/2007) "Financial issue", 2006 Metal wallet, coins, synthetic film. Readymade (26/03/2007)