Home / Cakes / Recipe for tiger prawns in garlic sauce. Shrimps baked in the oven in a creamy garlic sauce

Recipe for tiger prawns in garlic sauce. Shrimps baked in the oven in a creamy garlic sauce

They can be prepared without difficulty, even when guests are on the doorstep. Not many ingredients are required for the sauce, they are all available. This dish can also be called low-calorie if you do not use heavy cream. You can serve such a snack as to family dinner and to festive feast... Garlic gives the shrimp a light piquancy and flavor. In combination with various ingredients, it turns out to be a simply amazing dish.

Light simple snack

Let's start with simple recipe... The calorie content of such a dish is 73 kilocalories. This is for those who follow their figure. Well, those who want to cook fragrant shrimp in garlic sauce will need 700 grams of seafood, three tablespoons of chopped garlic (tablespoons), two tablespoons of olive oil, two tablespoons of lemon juice, two tablespoons of fresh, chopped parsley, half a small spoonful of salt and the same pepper.

Peel the shrimps, rinse and boil for a few minutes in slightly salted water. Do not overcook them, otherwise they will be tasteless. For the sauce, take a saucepan or frying pan. First, fry chopped garlic in olive oil, but not for long. It will be very bad if it burns. Then remove the garlic and add lemon juice, pepper, parsley and salt to taste. The dish can be served at the table. As you can see, cook shrimp in garlic sauce not that difficult.

Shrimps in garlic-cream sauce

This dish will take longer to cook, but it will be worth it. Take 12 cloves of garlic, 1/4 teaspoon olive oil, 50 grams of Parmesan cheese, a small spoonful of dried basil, spices, 400 grams of shrimp, 200 milliliters of non-heavy cream, and a small spoonful of butter. We will serve funchose (500 grams) as a side dish.

We warm up the oven to 180 degrees. On a baking sheet covered with foil, lay out the unpeeled garlic cloves (leave a few). Then sprinkle them with oil a little and wrap them up. We put the baking sheet in the oven for 20 minutes. After that, peel the husk and crush the garlic with a fork. Heat a frying pan with oil and put the remaining chopped garlic into it. Fry it and discard it. So we get the Prepared shrimp in a frying pan and fry them for 30-40 seconds. We put them aside in a separate plate. In another frying pan or in a saucepan, melt the butter, add cream to it (you can replace it with sour cream), salt, tabasco, pepper and salt. You can add a little broth. Simmer the sauce for about a minute to melt the cheese. Then pour basil into it, lay out the shrimp and baked garlic. Simmer shrimps in garlic sauce for about a minute and turn off the heat. Soak the funchoza for 5 minutes, then cook for 4 minutes and rinse. Serve hot shrimps with garnish.

Shrimp in the oven

For shrimp cooked over following recipe, you can serve two sauces. To prepare this dish, you need to take 800 grams of shrimp (preferably royal), one lemon, 4 large tablespoons of olive oil (you can take any), two tablespoons of dry oregano, 4 peeled cloves of garlic. For the first sauce, you will need a large red pepper, a spoonful of olive oil, salt, cayenne pepper.

For the second sauce, you need to take a head of garlic, a spoonful of olive oil, two tablespoons of white wine (dry), salt, lemon zest and pepper. Mix lemon juice, oregano, oil and chopped garlic in a separate bowl. This will be the marinade. We put the shrimps in it, mix and leave for three hours. Then we preheat the oven and put a baking sheet in it, covered with parchment paper, on which we spread the shrimp in one layer. We bake for exactly 8 minutes.

Two sauces

While the shrimps are cooking, make two sauces. Wrap the pepper and garlic in foil and put in the oven. We bake for 40 minutes. After that, make the first sauce from the pepper. Grind the vegetable with a blender and combine with the rest of the ingredients. Add spices to taste. For the second sauce, grind the baked garlic, add the rest of the ingredients and use a blender to puree. Serve the prawns in garlic sauce or with pepper dressing. Both options are very good!

Tiger chrimp

To prepare this dish, you need to take 12 tiger prawns, 100 milliliters of white wine, 1.5 tablespoons of chopped garlic, two tablespoons of butter, 3 tomatoes, parsley, basil and thyme. Grill shrimps. Remove the skin from the tomatoes, cut the pulp into cubes and fry with garlic.

Then add wine to the pan and evaporate the liquid a little. Now you need to add chopped herbs to the sauce and put butter. Mix everything well and put the shrimp in a frying pan. We warm them well and turn off the fire. in garlic sauce, serve with herbs and lemon wedges.

Creamy garlic sauce

Take 500 grams of any shrimp, a few cloves of garlic, 10 tablespoons each of soy sauce, cream, butter and olive oil, flour and 100 grams of water. Prepare shrimps in garlic sauce as follows. Grind the garlic in any way and fry it with the addition of oil.

Then remove the vegetable and put butter and sauces in a frying pan. Next, add the shrimp. Mix water with flour and pour it over the rest of the ingredients. Simmer for a few minutes. Sprinkle with lemon and serve shrimps in garlic sauce. The photos of the dishes presented in the article should cause the hostesses to have a burning desire to pamper their relatives with such an exquisite treat. Bon Appetit!

Shrimps are in perfect harmony with creamy garlic sauce. Tender meat goes well with no less delicate sauce, and garlic gives a special piquancy and pungency. So seafood lovers will definitely like the dish. The shrimp appetizer cooks very quickly, and is eaten even faster, so you can safely cook several servings at once!

It is advisable to take boiled frozen shrimp, already peeled. They are almost ready for use, you just need to defrost them and stew them in sauce for 3-5 minutes. But if there were none, it doesn't matter - previously unprocessed seafood will do. True, it will take a little more time to cook. Raw frozen shrimps are boiled for up to 10 minutes, plus another half hour will have to be spent peeling them.


  • shrimp 300 g
  • garlic 2 tooth.
  • butter 20 g
  • 10% cream 100 ml
  • salt 2 chips.
  • parsley 5 g

How to cook shrimp in a creamy garlic sauce

  1. First, defrost the shrimp. This can be done in one of two ways. If you have time, simply pour them into a colander and defrost at room temperature. The second way is to simply rinse them under cold running water.

  2. We clean the shrimp from the shell and head, remove the intestinal vein. The carapace can be easily removed if you first make an incision along the back with scissors, and then remove the chitinous plates from the head to the tail. The intestinal vein runs along the back and can be easily removed by prying it with a toothpick.

  3. Peel one or two cloves of garlic and crush slightly with the flat side of a knife to make it easier to chop. Chop it as small as possible (you can use a press, but chopping it with a knife will make the dish tastier). Heat a small piece of butter in a frying pan and put the garlic in it.

  4. Fry for 20-25 seconds over medium heat without a lid, stirring with a spatula so that the garlic does not burn. We bring it to transparency, but in no case to a golden color, otherwise it will taste bitter

  5. Pour 10 or 15 percent cream into the pan, add a little salt to taste (no more than 0.5 tsp). Bring the creamy garlic mixture to a boil.

  6. As soon as the sauce boils, dip the peeled shrimp into it. Simmer over low heat, without a lid, so that the sauce thickens slightly - about 3-4 minutes for boiled-frozen shrimps or 8-10 minutes for raw ones. If desired, you can add a couple of pinches of the ground pepper mixture.

  7. Sprinkle shrimp in creamy garlic sauce finely chopped parsley, stir and immediately remove the pan from heat. Cover with a lid and let the dish brew for a couple of minutes.

Serve the appetizer warm. You can complement the dish with a glass of white wine and crispy baguette slices, lightly dried in a dry skillet. It will be delicious!

Fried shrimp are among the most popular dishes from seafood. They are served separately, used for making salads, pasta and other dishes. They look delicious and can be used to decorate various seafood dishes. In many cafes and restaurants fried shrimps or dishes from them occupy the first lines of the menu. If you know how to fry shrimp in a pan, this delicacy can be enjoyed at home and treated to guests at home. With knowledge of some of the subtleties, even inexperienced chefs can successfully cope with the preparation of such dishes.

Cooking features

When cooking seafood at home, you need to know a few points, otherwise the result may not meet expectations. This rule concerns shrimp first of all, since they are easy to spoil.

  • The main task of the hostess is to choose high-quality shrimps, as they turn out to be the most delicious and healthy. On sale you can find fresh, fresh-frozen and boiled-frozen seafood. If they are spoiled, dark spots can be found on their shells, it is better to leave such crustaceans in the store. When choosing an ice cream product, you should pay attention to the amount of ice - the ice glaze should be thin and even. Lumps of ice or snow in the bag are signs that the product has defrosted. The size of the shrimp and their shelf life can be judged by the inscriptions on the package. The fractional number, which can often be seen on shrimp packaging, indicates how many clams are there per kilogram - the lower the number, the larger the shrimp.
  • You can fry shrimp both in the shell and without it. In the shell, they turn out to be more juicy and tender. Usually, in the shell of crustaceans, molluscs are cooked if desired, serve them as a main dish. If the shrimp will be used for a salad or other dish, then it is more convenient to cook them peeled. Tiger and king prawns are almost always fried in shells, peeled if necessary after.
  • You don't need to defrost the shrimp before frying in a pan. They are laid out in a hot frying pan and fried without a lid over medium heat until the liquid formed during heating evaporates from the pan. After that, oil, spices and other ingredients are added to the pan, and the seafood is brought to readiness. If you decide to defrost the shrimp before cooking, it is best to allow them to thaw at room temperature or under running cool water. You cannot speed up the process with a microwave.
  • Warm up the shrimp before placing it in the pan.
  • The time to fry the shrimp depends on its size and initial condition. Fresh and frozen small shrimps are cooked for 8 minutes, large ones - 10 minutes, king and tiger shrimps - 12 minutes. Boiled frozen shrimp cook 2-3 minutes faster. Whether they are in the shell or not, it doesn't matter. The readiness of the shrimp can be judged by their color and shape. Finished shrimp lose their transparency and curl.
  • If you fry the shrimp in butter or its mixture with olive oil, they will turn out to be more tender and refined.

The taste of fried shrimp largely depends on what spices, spices and other ingredients were used in their preparation, so there are many recipes for this dish.

Fried shrimps with lemon juice and garlic

  • frozen shrimp in shell - 0.5 kg;
  • salt - 20 g;
  • garlic - 2-3 cloves;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • refined vegetable oil - how much will it take.

Cooking method:

  • Squeeze the juice out of the lemon.
  • Pass the garlic cloves through a press.
  • Preheat a skillet. Without defrosting, put the shrimp on it. Heat them over medium heat, without covering the pan with a lid, until the liquid released from the shrimp evaporates from the pan.
  • Add oil. Fry the shrimp on both sides for 2-4 minutes on each side, depending on the size of the crustaceans.
  • Season with salt, pour with lemon juice, leave in the pan for another 1-2 minutes.
  • Transfer to a bowl, add chopped garlic, stir.

When serving, the dish can be decorated with sprigs of fresh herbs, lemon or lime wedges.

Shrimps fried with pepper and garlic

  • shrimp in shell (preferably large) - 0.5 kg;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • chili pepper (chilli) - 10 g;
  • lime or lemon - 0.5 pcs.;
  • soy sauce to taste;
  • butter - how much will it take.

Cooking method:

  • Defrost shrimp, peel.
  • Cut the garlic into small slices, the pepper into rings. Remove the seeds from the pepper rings.
  • Melt the butter in a frying pan, put the garlic and pepper in it. Fry them over medium heat until the garlic is browned.
  • Remove the pepper and garlic from the pan and place the shrimp on top.
  • Fry them for 4-5 minutes on each side, covering the pan with a lid.
  • Place the fried shrimp on a platter and drizzle with lemon juice. Serve the soy sauce separately.

This appetizer has a spicy taste, it will appeal to lovers of spicy dishes. Similarly, you can prepare shrimp with ginger - it is cut into slices, which replace the rings of chilean pepper. If you use olive oil instead of butter, there will be no big trouble either.

Shrimp fried in soy sauce

  • boiled frozen shrimp (peeled) - 0.5 kg;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • olive oil - 50 ml;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • soy sauce - 60-80 ml;
  • onions - 100 g.

Cooking method:

  • Defrost the shrimps. Add garlic passed through a press to them, pour soy sauce... You can pepper. Leave to marinate for 20 minutes.
  • Peel the onion, cut into half rings. Fry until golden brown in a little vegetable oil, remove from the pan.
  • Melt the butter in a clean skillet, add the remaining olive oil to it.
  • Squeeze the shrimps from the sauce, put in the pan.
  • Fry them for 3-5 minutes, stirring occasionally. Cooking time depends on the size of the crustacean shellfish.
  • Transfer the shrimp to a serving platter. Spread the onion on top.

Soy sauce imparts to seafood unique taste... Additionally, the dish can be served with slices of lime, sprigs of parsley or dill.

Batter-fried shrimps

  • king prawns (boiled and frozen) - 0.5 kg;
  • lemon - 0.5 pcs.;
  • soy sauce - 60 ml;
  • chicken egg - 2 pcs.;
  • flour - 50 g;
  • salt, black pepper - to taste;
  • vegetable oil - 100-150 ml.

Cooking method:

  • After thawing, remove the shrimps from the shell, remove the intestines (dark stripes running along the bodies of crustaceans). Place the shrimp in a bowl.
  • Combine soy sauce with lemon juice squeezed from half of the fruit. Pour the resulting marinade over the shrimp. Put them in the refrigerator for half an hour.
  • Break the eggs into a clean bowl. Add a pinch of salt and pepper. Beat with a whisk or fork. Add flour. Stir to avoid lumps.
  • Heat oil in a skillet. There should be a lot of it.
  • Taking out the shrimps from the marinade, dip them in batter and put them in a pan in one layer. Cook for 2 minutes on each side - thanks to the marinated shrimp, they cook quickly.

The first step is to defrost the main product. To do this, place the shrimps on a plate in advance and leave at room temperature for 20 minutes. To avoid wasting time, simply transfer the shrimp from the freezer to the refrigerator the day before cooking.

My shrimps are pink, they are already boiled, so you don't need to cook them for a long time. To give spicy taste and the aroma must be marinated seafood. To do this, simply place the future delicacy on a plate, and pour it on top with a mixture of soy sauce, honey and olive oil... If the shell is thick, you can use a pinch of sea salt for the marinade so that the tender meat does not turn out bland. Then sprinkle everything with finely chopped garlic and ginger, herbs. Finally, squeeze out the lemon juice (1-2 tsp) and turn the shrimp several times so that the marinade soaks them well. We marinate for 10-15 minutes. Spicy lovers can add finely chopped chili peppers.

Preheat the grill pan very much and send the shrimps to it. Fry each for 2-3 minutes on both sides, greasing with marinade on top.

Place the cooked prawns with garlic and soy sauce immediately on a serving plate. Ready dish can be supplemented with fresh herbs and a lemon wedge.

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Shrimp is one of the most popular seafood today. Their gentle, refined taste in combination with low calorie content and unlimited benefits for the body have long been a guarantee of demand in the market.

Many people indulge in shrimps: from those who need iodine to those who want to find an ideal figure, not to mention amateurs great dishes... In addition to the fact that shrimp contains a lot of iodine and other beneficial trace elements, they are also fortified with twelve essential vitamins necessary for the well-functioning of the brain and metabolism.

Fashion treat yourself to shrimp like an exquisite dish came from the Roman Empire. Nowadays there are many variations on the theme of shrimp dishes. Different cuisines speak of a whole cycle of cooking technologies for this seafood and its combination with vegetables and the most sophisticated sauces.

How to properly peel shrimp

Whichever recipe you choose, the shrimp should be peeled anyway. To do this, prepare a container of cool water and a kitchen knife.

When peeling shrimp, remove the head, legs and shell. You can also get rid of the tip of the tail, but in some restaurants it is left to make the dish presentable.

After you have cleansed the delicacy externally, you need to remove the intestinal vein:

  1. To do this, straighten the shrimp and slide the tip of a kitchen knife over its belly.
  2. You will see a thin dark thread: remove it with a knife or with your fingers.

When the seafood is cleaned, put it in clean ice water and proceed with further cooking.

Never leave shrimp just lying around in the kitchen.

Remember, this is a perishable product, moreover, with wrong technology defrosting shrimp lose the lion's share nutrients, therefore, it is necessary to defrost them exclusively in cool water.

Classic shrimps in garlic sauce

  • King prawns 20-25 pcs.
  • Garlic 4-5 cloves
  • Vegetable oil 2 tbsp
  • Creamy unsalted butter 3 tbsp
  • White dry wine 100 g
  • Ground red pepper 1 tsp
  • Ground black pepper 0.5 tsp
  • Fresh herbs parsley 2 tbsp
  • Lemon juice 1 tablespoon
  • Salt to taste

This simple garlic shrimp recipe is perfect for spicy food aficionados.

Serve with croutons, rice or pasta.

  1. Following it, put a saucepan on low heat, pour olive oil into it and add a lump of butter.
  2. When it boils, add finely chopped garlic and sprinkle with red pepper, then stir well. Garlic cooks quickly, so as soon as you see a blush on it, put the shrimp in the mixture, and again, stir.
  3. After that, immediately enrich the dish with white wine so that the taste and smell of the spices becomes more harmonious. Stir again, watch the shrimp: they should lie evenly in the saucepan.
  4. Then it is worth adding the heat, and stirring constantly so that the wine is absorbed by the seafood.
  5. After three minutes, turn off the heat, and season the dish in a saucepan with black pepper, salt, grind with chopped parsley and sprinkle with lemon juice. Your masterpiece is ready!

Pasta with shrimps in garlic sauce

  • Large shrimp 30 pcs.
  • Pasta (linguine) 700 g
  • Olive oil 5 tablespoons
  • Butter 5 tbsp
  • Garlic 6-7 cloves
  • Parmesan 50 g.
  • Ground red pepper 0.25 tsp
  • Ground black pepper 0.25 tsp
  • Fresh chopped parsley 3 tbsp
  • Lemon 1 pc.
  • Salt to taste
  1. We pre-clean the seafood.
  2. To prepare the linguine pasta, place a large container of water to the boil.
  3. Simultaneously place a saucepan over low heat and add butter. When it boils, add red and black pepper, finely chopped garlic and their gruel lemon peel... Add salt there, depending on your own taste, stirring, cook the sauce for about 3 minutes.
  4. When the garlic is slightly browned, add to the saucepan lemon juice in the amount of 50 ml.
  5. When the water has boiled, feel free to put the pasta in it and cook for about 10 minutes, or follow the instructions on the pasta package.
  6. After half of the cooking time has passed, gently place the shrimp in a saucepan. When they are cooked on one side, use a spatula to turn each shrimp separately, let it brown on the back.
  7. Then turn off the heat and cut a few thin slices of lemon into a saucepan.
  8. When the linguine is cooked, remove the water by leaving a few spoonfuls of liquid at the bottom.
  9. Move all the shrimp sauce there and mix. Place the treat on a platter and sprinkle with grated cheese and herbs on top!

Bon Appetit!

Shrimps in a spicy garlic sauce

  • Large shrimp 15-20 pcs.
  • Garlic cloves 4 pcs.
  • Olive oil 100 ml
  • Tomatoes 3 pcs.
  • Lemon 1 pc.
  • Chili pepper 1 pc.
  • Fresh cilantro, parsley, salt, pepper taste
  1. First, peel the shrimp.
  2. Then put a saucepan with the required amount of olive oil on medium heat. When it boils, you should place finely chopped tomatoes, chopped garlic cloves and finely chopped chili in a saucepan.
  3. Stir the sauce until the garlic is golden brown, then place the shrimp on top of the vegetables, but do not stir.
  4. Once they are browned on one side, gently flip them over and let cook for about 1 minute.
  5. Then remove the shrimp in the garlic sauce from the heat and top with chopped cilantro, parsley, salt and pepper.
  6. Pour lemon juice liberally over the cooked dish.

Spicy shrimps are ready: you can pamper your loved ones!