Home / Pies / How to cook fried pork ribs in a skillet. How to cook pork ribs in a pan? Frying ribs in a pan: gourmet secrets

How to cook fried pork ribs in a skillet. How to cook pork ribs in a pan? Frying ribs in a pan: gourmet secrets

EdaBlog.ru Culinary recipes

The most delicious food obtained from the ribs of a young pig, lamb and calf. The meat on the rib bones is not dry, as it is covered with a thin layer of fat. During the frying process, part of it melts, giving a pleasant aroma and juiciness to the pulp. If you use a barbecue instead of a stove, then fried ribs in the pan will also get a pleasant aftertaste from the smoke.

Ribs with potatoes

Lamb ribs (1 kg) - when choosing meat, you need to take not small pieces, since during the manufacturing process they will become very dry and tasteless.

  • You will also need 1 coffee cup of olive oil.
  • 10 g (1 teaspoon) black and the same amount of red sweet pepper.
  • 10 g ground coriander seeds. Salt to taste - about one tablespoon.

For festive events, you can cook fried ribs in a pan with potatoes, using tender lamb meat. It needs to be divided into small pieces and washed thoroughly. cold water... Then put on the table and salt one side, then the other, mix well with your hands and taste after 5 minutes. If there is little salt, add a little more.

Put the meat on the table again, add ground coriander seeds, black and red pepper, mix well so that the spices are evenly distributed. In order for all the seasonings to be absorbed into the meat, you need to leave the pieces in a bowl for 30 minutes. Put the pan on high heat to heat it, add olive oil and lay the pieces in rows. Reduce the fire and brown the meat on both sides.

As soon as the lamb ribs are slightly fried on all sides, put chopped potatoes (up to 1.5 kg) between the pieces. The pan should be deep so that the potatoes do not spill out onto the stove. You do not need to add vegetable or olive oil, the melted lard of the ribs will be enough. Reduce heat after adding potatoes. Stir occasionally to fry the potatoes evenly.

It will turn out to be very tasty and hearty dish for 4 people.

Ribs with onions

We use pork to cook delicious festive dish... To do this, you will need 1 kg of pig ribs, covered with a thin layer of bacon, onions, spices. Wash the pieces of meat, add salt, add barbecue spices and mix well. Cut a large head of onion into round pieces and add to the meat. Leave for 1 hour in a cool place to marinate.

Fry meat in a pan should be olive oil without onion. As soon as it acquires golden brown on all sides, add the onion and simmer for another fifteen minutes. You can serve it with any side dish. Decorate the dish with finely chopped herbs and fresh onions.

If the pieces of meat are large, they may remain moist inside. To do this, putting them in a pan, add 100 g of water and close the lid tightly. In this way, the meat will be boiled before it is browned. Ten minutes will be enough for this. Then open the lid so that the water evaporates quickly.

The calf meat is a little dry, to get soft and juicy fried ribs in a pan, you need to marinate them in advance. To do this, for 1 kg of meat you will need:

  • 1 coffee cup of balsamic vinegar
  • 5 large cloves of garlic
  • Mediterranean herbs - 10 g
  • 1.5 coffee cups olive oil
  • salt, red and black pepper to taste

Wash the pieces of meat with cold water, add spices, chopped garlic, vinegar and mix well by hand. Leave the meat in a bowl for 2 hours, stirring occasionally. Fry in a pan in olive oil on all sides.

Fat and spices remain at the bottom of the dishes, which will make delicious sauce... To do this, put the ready-made ribs on a dish and pour a little boiled water into the pan, mix quickly. Add 1 coffee cup tomato paste and mix again. You should get a thick mass of pieces of meat, spices, garlic and tomato paste. The resulting sauce must be carefully spread on the pieces of meat.

Marinated ribs will turn out to be very juicy and tasty. Can be served with French fries or pasta.

Instead of balsamic vinegar, use plain wine or Apple vinegar, there won't be much difference.

Marinated ribs

Adjika can be bought in stores or prepared on your own. The process is simple, but time consuming. Alternative option is tomato paste sauce. For 2 tablespoons of pasta, add 1 coffee cup of water, salt and stir to make homogeneous mass... Add three cloves of chopped garlic, 50 g of sweet onions and 50 g of herbs (parsley and coriander). The resulting sauce goes well with any meat dishes.

Garlic is added to almost all fried ribs. But its aroma does not always make the dish tasty. It is very important to know exactly when to use garlic.

If you fry with meat for a long time, it changes its taste. Therefore, add the garlic at the end of cooking, or fry the cloves and remove from the pan quickly, adding to the dish at the end.

In the marinade, it can only be used with chicken that cooks almost instantaneously or with the meat of a young animal. Garlic powder can be used. The scent is almost the same, but the scent does not last long.


  • Red bell pepper- 5 kg
  • Coriander - 300 g
  • Tomato paste - 1 liter jar
  • Onion- 5 items
  • Garlic - 2 pieces
  • Cumin - 2.5 tablespoons
  • Hmeli-suneli - a teaspoon

All ingredients must be passed through a meat grinder and put on low heat. The mixture should gradually thicken. It needs to be mixed all the time. Finally, add salt to taste. So that adjika does not deteriorate and can be stored for a long time, you need to sterilize 1 hour in glass jars and close the lid tightly.

All three types of meat are cooked in almost the same way, only different spices are used. Lamb does not need to be marinated in advance, and garlic should not be used. The dish will turn out delicious and without unnecessary spices, it goes well with adjika. Before serving, you need to spread Georgian adjika on the edge of a plate or on pieces.

It goes well not only with meat, but also with dishes made from rice, beans or vegetables. Adjika is different: red Georgian is good for baked chicken and meat, for making sauces and for rice - green adjika... The Korean version of the tomato seasoning can be used as ketchup.

How to quickly cook adjika can be seen in the video:

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For me, ribs are the most tender meat, in all variants it always turns out to be soft and juicy. I also tried to fry it in a frying pan, I must try. I usually bake it, it cooks quickly!

“I really love to cook, sometimes inspiration comes and the recipes come up by themselves. "

Fried pork ribs in a pan are not only tasty, but also versatile. Since they can be served for lunch or dinner with a side dish, they also make a great snack with a glass of frothy beer.

Today we will master the preparation of delicious and tender pork ribs. They turn out to be very fragrant, they are prepared quite simply, and most importantly, quickly. They can be served with sauce or vegetables and herbs. If desired, they can be pre-pickled in a mixture of garlic, olive oil, balsamic vinegar and herbs.

Secrets of Cooking Delicious Ribs

Ribs - The upper part of the brisket, which contains the muscle layer, the middle part of the ribs, and fat. The most delicious part of them is the intercostal meat. It is slightly sweet, juicy and melts in the mouth.

To save time on preparing the ribs, ask the vendor to cut them straight into pieces 10–20 cm long. If the ribs are fleshy, use them for hot, with a thin layer - cook the soup.

A wide variety of spices and herbs can be used to prepare ribs. In addition, they can be pickled in different sauces... Soy sauce, honey, wine vinegar are great. If they are baked in the oven, then it is better to pour them over with the marinade in which they were marinated, or prepare some kind of sauce separately for this purpose. You can also grill or grill the ribs. And they also showed excellent taste when fried in a pan. That's right, we will prepare them today.

  • Caloric content per 100 g - 321 kcal.
  • Servings - 1 kg
  • Cooking time - 45 minutes


  • Pork ribs - 1 kg
  • Onions - 1 head
  • Garlic - 2 cloves
  • Refined vegetable oil - for frying
  • Salt - 0.5 tsp or to taste
  • Ground black pepper - 0.5 tsp taste

Cooking fried pork ribs

1. Pork ribs wash under running water, dry with a paper towel and cut into slices so that each has a bone. Put the pan on the stove, pour in vegetable oil and heat well on high fire... When the oil begins to smoke, it means that it is well heated and you can send meat to fry.

2. Peel the onion, wash and cut into half rings. When the meat turns a little golden, add the onions to it to fry.

3. Reduce the heat to medium and grill the ribs without a lid, stirring occasionally.

4. Meanwhile, peel and cut the cloves.

5. Bring the ribs until half cooked and send the garlic to them. Mix everything and continue to fry the meat.

6. Season the ribs with ground black pepper, salt, reduce heat to low and simmer gently under a lid for about 5 minutes. own juice and fat, then they will become even softer and more tender. Serve ready ribs with any side dish. They are especially delicious with mashed potatoes.

Pork ribs is a fairly well-known product, which is in deserved demand in restaurants among gourmets and ordinary lovers of tasty meat dish... Due to such great popularity, today there are a lot of cooking recipes, but fried pork ribs in a pan were and remain the dish that is most often cooked.

Cooking features

Fried pork is not a variety dietary meals, and the ribs are no exception. Taste, aroma and satiety determine their presence in the diet of almost every modern family at least occasionally. Large selection of pulp recipes, maintains the popularity of fried pork ribs fried in a pan at home.

The process of such a heat treatment does not take much time, and as a result, a juicy and tasty meat dish appears on the table. Regardless of the ingredients used in the culinary work, it will be delicious. It is necessary to observe the basic nuances of the rib preparation process.

  • The first moment, on which the final result largely depends, is the selection of high-quality and fresh product... In the process of choosing a suitable meat product, preference should be given to the brisket. It is most correct to buy a plate with ribs from a young pig. Such meat will be quite light with a layer of white fat. The purchase of a piece containing yellow fat should be discarded as there are obvious doubts about its freshness.

  • The ribs will be as tasty as possible if they are cooked shortly after purchase in order to avoid additional freezing of the pulp and subsequent defrosting, which will negatively affect taste fried product. If it becomes necessary to use such meat nevertheless, defrosting should be gradual. Seek help microwave oven for these purposes it is not recommended, since such meat after heat treatment will lose its juiciness.
  • In a simple way to strengthen organoleptic qualities pork ribs will use the marinade before cooking. Professional chefs recommend taking dairy products, mayonnaise, beer or mineral water... There are many different ready-made marinades and pork dressings that can be used for frying.

  • When starting to heat treatment, the meat must be placed in an initially hot frying pan, fry at high temperature without using a lid. Already after the formation of a crust on the product, you can reduce the heat and extinguish it in your own juice, with a small addition of water, so that the meat becomes as soft and juicy as possible. This technique will eliminate the loss of meat juice. In addition, you need to immediately add vegetables to the ribs or cook pork with gravy.
  • It is preferable to use a cast iron pan for the process of processing the product or fry it in a grill pan. When cooking pork, it is very important that the sides and bottom of the container used are thick. This will enable the product to cook in its own juice.

In addition to the above features, you can take on board several recommendations for preparing a product for frying.

  • The ribs must be washed and dried before processing.
  • You can fry in a pan as a whole plate with meat, as well as portioned pieces of ribs, it all depends on the chosen recipe and personal preferences.
  • When the selected recipe involves the use of natural flavor enhancers such as garlic or onions, then the first product is best chopped, and the onion is cut into rings.
  • During frying, it must be remembered that the ribs are fried not from two, but from four sides, at first always at a high temperature. Such a moment will exclude the presence of not fried parts with blood.
  • Since pork is a fairly high-calorie product, it is more correct to serve fried ribs with a low-fat side dish, such as vegetables or rice.

Having an idea of ​​the fundamental nuances of preparing a product, it is possible to carry out such a procedure at home without difficulty, to make any dish according to the recipe you like.

- How to fry with onions?

Pork is often cooked with onions. The option of processing ribs in a pan with onions is very popular and simple recipe for home culinary process. For the dish you need the following ingredients:

  • butter, Bay leaf;
  • meat;
  • onion and garlic.

The cooking technology is simple.

  • Pork must be peeled and dried.
  • Chop the garlic, pour into a small container, add a little vegetable fat, salt and your favorite seasonings for meat. Mix the composition thoroughly.
  • Grate the pork with the resulting mixture on all sides and leave to soak for one hour.
  • Cut the onion into thin rings, cover with salt and mash a little. Add to the meat along with bay leaves and leave in the refrigerator for another 30 minutes.
  • Heat a frying pan and fry the ribs until a crust appears, slightly reduce the heat, add a little water, leave the dish to simmer for half an hour.

- How to cook with vegetables?

Cooking pork with vegetables will be a good combination. To fry meat with a side dish, you need to purchase the following products:

  • fresh ribs;
  • eggplant;
  • zucchini;
  • pepper, cabbage;
  • onions, carrots;
  • spices, salt;
  • soy sauce.

A step-by-step cooking recipe is described below.

  • Prepare pork for frying, cut into small pieces.
  • Rub the meat with seasonings and salt.
  • Heat a cast-iron pan, pour vegetable oil into it. Place the ribs and fry each side for 10-15 minutes. Then, reduce the temperature and simmer the product with the lid closed.
  • Wash all vegetables used and cut into cubes, circles, rings or slices. When the meat is almost cooked, add the vegetable mix, spices and soy sauce to it. Stir and simmer until vegetables are tender.

Another a good recipe fried pork ribs with vegetables is considered the option described below.

To prepare the dish, you need the following ingredients:

  • ribs;
  • tomatoes, carrots, onions;
  • Bell pepper;
  • potato;
  • spices, bay leaves, dried basil;
  • salt, black peppercorns, water.

To prepare this dish, you need to cut a plate with ribs into equal parts, put them in any convenient dish, add spices and salt. Stir and leave to marinate for 10 minutes.

Heat a skillet with olive or corn oil, quickly transfer the meat to it and fry until half cooked. Add a third of a glass of water to the browned ribs and simmer the contents under the lid for about 15 minutes.

Peel vegetables, remove cores from peppers. Grind all ingredients so that the products are approximately the same thickness. The option for cutting vegetables can be selected according to personal preference.

After all the moisture has evaporated from the ribs, add the onion to the meat, then add vegetables one by one, stirring the dish regularly. The potatoes are laid out last, after which, a little more water must be added to the dish and left to simmer over low heat. When the vegetables are almost ready, season the ribs with spices, salt again, remove from the stove and leave to simmer under a closed lid for about 15 minutes.

The second recipe for frying ribs with soy sauce requires:

  • fresh ribs;
  • soy sauce;
  • honey and garlic;
  • water;
  • olive oil, salt, spices.

You can make a dish in several stages.

  1. Chop the meat, skip the garlic under the press. Prepare the sauce for the ribs from the dissolved honey in a little water. Add soy sauce, garlic and pepper. Dip the pork in the marinade, leaving to soak for 2 hours.
  2. After that, you need to fry the ribs on hot skillet, add a little marinade and simmer until cooked through.

- Recipe with soy sauce

An interesting solution for frying pork is the recipe for sweet ribs. To make a dish, you need products:

  • soy sauce, water;
  • ribs;
  • sugar, wine vinegar;
  • flour, oil;
  • spices and salt.

The dish is prepared in a certain way.

  • The meat must be washed and dried.
  • After that, it must be fried until a blush appears, salt and pepper.
  • In any dish, mix vinegar, sugar and soy sauce, put on the stove.
  • Combine flour with water and add to sauce.
  • Stir the resulting composition and simmer until thickened.
  • Then put the meat into it, cook for about an hour over low heat.

The result is pork ribs covered with juicy and appetizing caramel. It is recommended to serve the dish with fresh lettuce or boiled rice.

- Ribs in honey marinade

To make delicious fried ribs, you can use a marinade of beer and honey. The dish needs the following components:

  • pork;
  • dried ginger;
  • dry mustard;
  • lemon juice, beer;
  • salt, spices, nutmeg;
  • frying oil.

The cooking technology is described below.

  • The meat must be cut into small pieces so that one or two bones remain in each.

  • The marinade is prepared by mixing citrus juice, ginger, nutmeg and honey melted in a water bath. All components must be thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous slurry is formed.
  • You need to generously coat the pork with such a marinade, after which, pour the meat with beer and send it to soak in the refrigerator for two hours.
  • Over time, the ribs are fried in a pan on four sides without a lid. The heating temperature of the plate should be above average.
  • After that, a little more beer is added to the meat. In this state, they should languish under a closed lid for about 40 minutes.

Cooked ribs using this technology can become a full-fledged meat dish, which should be served with any low-calorie side dish or used as a snack with sweet and sour sauce and bread.

There is such a recipe for preparing a product with honey. The composition of the dish will be as follows:

  • brisket;
  • soy sauce;
  • vinegar;
  • spices, salt;
  • honey and soy sauce.

Ribs in honey sauce are prepared according to their own technology.

  • First of all, you need to make a marinade for the dish. To do this, mix honey, vinegar and sauce, dip a meat plate into such a composition and marinate the product for 5 hours.
  • Heat a frying pan with vegetable oil, put everything in it and fry until golden brown.
  • After completing the main heat treatment, add a small amount of water to the meat dish and honey sauce... In this state, the ribs should languish for about 15 minutes. Then the dish can be served to the table; it is recommended to pour each portion of ribs on plates with marinade from a frying pan.

For information on how to cook pork ribs in a pan, see the next video.

We will stew the meat with the addition of water and seasonings. You can also add a tablespoon of tomato paste when stewing if desired.


  • Pork ribs - 500-600 g;
  • Onions - 1 pc.;
  • Soy sauce - 30-40 g;
  • Vegetable oil for frying;
  • Salt, pepper, aromatic herbs, bay leaves.

How to cook braised pork ribs with onions in a skillet

First things first, let's tackle the star of the dish - pork ribs. We wash the meat, dry it with a paper towel and cut it into pieces in portions, cut the meat by the bone. Salt and pepper the ribs on all sides a little. The preparation phase is over.

It should be recalled that 80% of the success of a dish depends on the quality of the raw materials, therefore, choosing pork ribs make sure they are fresh and have not been frozen before.

The meat should be fried in a pan. This will require a small amount vegetable oil and a frying pan with a thick bottom, preferably cast iron. Choose sunflower oil or corn oil for frying. Olive should not be exposed to thermal stress - this oil will better reveal the taste. fresh vegetables in salads. We spread the ribs on a well-heated surface, on high fire fry for 10-12 minutes on all sides. We need a golden, appetizing crust on meat.

Now we need to reveal the taste of pork. Add the onion, cut into thin half rings, to the meat. When the strips of the aromatic spicy vegetable become transparent, pour the soy sauce into the pan. It will give the braised pork ribs a special flavor.

Optionally, you can also add now chopped bell peppers and carrots.

Very often, when stewing pork or beef, tomato is added, if you want you can add tomato juice or tomato paste.

We reduce the heat and simmer the ribs under the lid for 15-20 minutes, adding aromatic herbs, bay leaves and pouring in a little water. As soon as the water evaporates and the ribs start to sizzle again in the pan, turn off the heat.

Checking the doneness: pork that has passed the correct heat treatment, acquires a white-pink color when cut. To check, we also cut the meat by the bone, it should come off well, if necessary, add another 100 ml of water or any broth and simmer over low heat for 15 minutes. We set the table and serve stewed ribs pork with large quantity greens and fresh vegetables.

The fragrances spreading through the rooms will lead all household members straight to the kitchen, where they will be richly rewarded for their patience. All to the table enjoy the stewed pork ribs. Enjoy it!

Previously, we cooked in a marinade of soy sauce, honey and mustard.