Home / Cookies / White bread with milk. Original croutons with sardine and garlic

White bread with milk. Original croutons with sardine and garlic

Among the people there is such interesting recipe, which somewhere is called "croutons", somewhere - "fried". They have one thing in common: everywhere they are based on ordinary fried bread, most often a loaf.

The essence of the recipe: loaf (or in extreme cases - White bread) is cut into thin slices and fried in a pan with a little oil. From this point on, the recipes differ dramatically.

We have found the best and very tasty option, which is called "fried". It is very tender, even suitable for a first breakfast. It is also suitable for any snack. Additionally, you can take fried fries with you to a picnic or fishing, mushroom hunting instead of sandwiches and pies.

So, the recipe: as already mentioned, the basis here is classic. The loaf is cut into thin pieces, about 7mm thick and fried until light brown on both sides. At this time, two eggs are stirred in a deep plate. You don't need to beat them, just stir.

For fans of super-delicate milks, you can add a little milk. We do not recommend adding it. If you want to compare, then make half without milk and half with milk.

When all the bread is fried, you need to dip it for a few seconds in a plate with stirred eggs. Then the slices of bread must be moved to a frying pan and fried on both sides. You should not be too zealous - it is enough for the egg to just fried. This should be done with all pieces of loaf, then putting them on a plate.

The last stage is the most important, it is he who makes fried fries. You need to cut the cheese into slices about 2-3mm thick, slightly smaller than slices of bread. Then you need to act quickly. Do not be alarmed: it is enough to do it once and in the future it will be obtained automatically, you don't even need to train.

A slice of cheese is placed on a piece of bread with a fried egg. This "sandwich" is put cheese down in the pan! It is fundamentally important point... When the cheese has melted - and this will happen in about 20 seconds - the "sandwich" must be pried with a spatula and removed from the pan by turning it over. This is also a fundamentally important point. This will place the melted cheese on top. Note that the cheese must be completely melted. This must be done for all pieces of the loaf.

It is better to eat fried foods hot, or at least warm. It is ideal to eat them with tea with honey, in this case, their taste is revealed most fully.

In the case of a picnic, hiking or fishing, they are used as it is. Their safety in this case is about half a day.

Be sure to repeat this delicious recipe, it deserves full distribution!

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And we cook differently)) We cut white bread and immediately dip it into the prepared mixture (egg, milk and sugar) and fry. It turns out very tender and tasty

Croutons, croutons - memories from childhood ... Now I cook my mother's goodies for my tomboy. Classic croutons are prepared in 5 minutes. Simple, fast and delicious!

White bread croutons with egg - Preparation:

1. Drive 2 eggs into a plate, add salt and sugar.

2. Beat lightly with a fork or a kitchen whisk.

3. Add milk in a thin stream and stir all ingredients together.

4. Cut a long loaf or white bread across into 1 cm thick slices (it is convenient to use a ready-made chopped loaf).

5. Dip each piece on both sides.

6. Pour a few tablespoons of vegetable oil into a hot pancake pan and put a loaf.

7. Turn over and fry on the other side.

8. Serve for breakfast with aromatic tea or with.

Secrets of making classic white bread croutons with egg:

- a loaf for toasts can be taken both fresh and already slightly dried. Soaked in milk and egg mass, it will be the desired softness,

- sugar can be replaced with vanilla sugar - many children really like the aroma of vanillin,

- you can also fry classic croutons in butter, however, the heat must be reduced and the cooking time must be slightly increased,

- jam is perfect with croutons or homemade jam from berries,

- Besides classic version very tasty very delicious croutons with herbs.

Bon Appetit!

What could be easier than bread with garlic? But even here there are many options and cooking secrets. After all, it is necessary not to overdry the bread, not to saturate it too much with oil. You can cook in the oven, but today we have plans for fried bread with garlic. Such bread is very good to serve with borscht or broth. Beer lovers will gladly treat themselves to such a snack. If you cut the bread into cubes, these croutons go well with salads.

So let's get down to cooking. For fried bread with garlic, obviously, these products are enough. But if we want to cook more and delicious sauce- take sour cream and dill. It is better to take black or gray bread, although with white, I think it will be good. I already sliced ​​black bread, and I cut the gray one thicker.

Today we will prepare two options garlic croutons... The first is the simplest. Cut the bread and fry in vegetable oil on both sides. To ensure that the bread quickly becomes crusty and does not absorb a lot of oil, it must be hot. Fry for about a minute on each side.

Put the bread on a board or plate and rub on both sides with half a clove of garlic.

This fried garlic bread is great for making sprat sandwiches, with fresh vegetables or with cheese.

Now let's prepare the second version of toasted bread with garlic. Take 5-6 cloves of garlic, passed through a press, add half a teaspoon of vegetable oil and a pinch of salt.

Stir in the garlic paste and spread it over the slices of bread. We put the bread in a pile, press it a little with your hand. Let the bread soak for 10 minutes. After five minutes, swap the top and bottom slices so that they are all evenly soaked in the garlic paste.

After 10 minutes, peel off the garlic paste with a knife, otherwise it will burn in oil when frying. Cut bread slices across, about 1.5-2 cm each.

Heat the vegetable oil and lay out the bread cubes. After a minute, turn over and fry on the other side.

While the breadsticks are fried on both sides, quickly prepare a delicious sauce. Mix sour cream with finely chopped dill and two cloves of garlic, add a pinch of salt.

That's all, two options for toasted bread with garlic are ready. The aromas are wonderful! I invite everyone to the table: some with beer, and some with broth, and some just like that, with sauce - everyone will be happy!

With sauce - just delicious! Inside, the croutons remained soft, outside - a wonderful fragrant crust.

Help yourself!

Few people thought that fresh or fried bread is just ordinary bread. But fresh bread, fresh from the oven, is most likely not very healthy. Even my grandmother, when she baked homebaked bread or pies, always vigilantly watched so that the grandchildren did not gorge themselves on hot, frightening us with horror stories.

In the world, it is often customary to dry or toast bread before serving. Toasted bread in the form of croutons, croutons, toasts is a frequent product in the culture of feasts and ordinary food in many countries. I remember that the fashion for imported toasters broke out many years ago. Everyone was preparing toast in large quantities - fried bread. However, the fashion quickly passed, there were only enthusiasts. And more and more often you can hear a request to buy. Oh yes! Bread makers, the new and trendy wave of kitchen gadgets, you must try everything in life.

Favorite sandwich from childhood, almost a sign of home comfort and even luxury - a little stale fried in vegetable oil sliced ​​loaf... Then it was rubbed with a clove of garlic. On a piece of loaf, it was necessary, two sprats were laid out, a piece of very thinly cut lemon and a sprig of parsley. It was a "light" option like. A more serious option - with the addition of mayonnaise, gherkin and a slice of tomato. That was all, since there was no longer enough space on the bread.

A special dessert option is fried bread in a mixture of milk and eggs with sugar - in various combinations, the so-called sweet croutons. Exceptionally delicious fried bread with fresh milk or cold milk. Surprisingly, in Spain, the local torrija croutons are prepared and served with honey.

The industry produces specialty toast bread, toast. It is quite airy, and even porous. Sold in packs. You just need to fry a slice of already sliced ​​bread. Standard shape, standard size, standard toaster - just press a button and the timer will count down.

Making fried bread is a matter of a few minutes. This requires bread or a loaf, and not necessarily the freshest. All that remains is to cut the bread and fry it for a few minutes in a lightly oiled frying pan on both sides. And then, if you turn on your imagination, you can spread fillings and all sorts of goodies on toasted bread. However, a pinch of spices is already enough and tasty.

Toasted bread. Step by step recipe

Ingredients (Serves 4)

  • Bread or loaf 8 pieces
  • Vegetable oil 1 tbsp. l.
  • Salt, pod hot pepper ground taste
  1. Fried bread for lunch, instead of fresh bread, it is very tasty and healthy. Additional heat treatment removes traces of baker's yeast from fresh bread, and the toasted bread itself becomes much more aromatic and crunchy.
  2. I remember that in Bulgaria I always like it when the menu in the restaurant has bread on the grill - “pre-baked loaf”. Our local breads are best served with a sliced ​​loaf or wheat bread rectangular shape, the so-called "brick". However, not so long ago appeared on sale corn bread... It is delicious on its own, and fried bread from corn flour turned out to be much tastier.
  3. The bread should be cut with a very sharp knife, taking care not to damage the crust and crumb thickness - the bread slices should be even and of the same thickness over the entire area. Slicing thickness - 12-15 mm. So bread is often cut at the factory and sold already packaged.

    Cut bread into thin slices

  4. There is no need to salt the bread before frying. The dough usually already contains salt. But if, for some reason, you decide to add salt to the bread, you must do this immediately after slicing.
  5. Bread can be cooked on the grill or in a regular skillet without oil. But it is better to grease a large skillet with a little vegetable oil. Moreover, you can not pour oil from the bottle, but moisten a silicone brush in oil and spread a thin layer on the bottom of the pan. Bread absorbs butter very well, so all the butter that was in the pan will end up in the bread.

    Brush a large skillet with a little vegetable oil

  6. Heat the pan very well on high fire... Put prepared slices of bread and fry for 2-3 minutes, controlling the degree of roasting. To do this, it is enough to lift the edge of a slice of bread and look at the underside, assessing the degree of ruddy to your liking.

    Place prepared slices of bread and fry for 2-3 minutes

  7. When the underside is browned, grease the skillet again and turn the bread over to the other side. Fry until tender. So, one at a time, cook all the bread that you have planned.

    Turn the bread over to the other side. Fry until tender

  8. If the surface of toasted bread seems too greasy, you can spread the pieces of bread on a paper napkin, it absorbs fat well.
  9. Delicious bread ready for dinner. Usually there is a desire to spread all sorts of tasty things on top of the bread - sausage, herring or sprats, cold cuts, etc. Nobody forbids. I like toasted bread, sprinkled with a pinch of coarsely ground dry hot pepper pod, and with borscht or.

    I like toasted bread sprinkled with a pinch of coarsely ground dry hot pepper pod

The tradition of toasting bread is as old as this wonderful product itself.

On a fire, over coals, in a frying pan - as soon as they do not try to do it.

And today we will dip it in milk before frying.

Why - you will find out a little below, there will be a minimum of products, and they are listed in the recipes, so for now, think better: how many kids your kitchen can hold, and make a list of lovers of ruddy croutons.

Bread in a pan in milk - general cooking principles

1. It is best to use lightly brown white bread or baked goods. Fresh crumb absorbs milk quickly and may not be cooked enough after cooking. Bakery products cut into medium-sized slices with a thickness of 0.6 cm to one centimeter or take already cut pieces.

2. Milk is used to moisten bread before frying and significantly affects the taste ready meal... Usually milk is mixed with raw eggs and salt. To prepare a sweet dessert dish, granulated sugar is added to it. To diversify the taste, milk mixture is mixed with fruits, cheese or herbs. Often, fruits stewed with sugar are put on bread soaked in ordinary milk during frying and brought to readiness, languishing under the lid.

3. For frying bread in a pan in milk, it is best to take a thick-walled "grandmother's" pan or a modern one with non-stick coating... It is important to warm up the container and butter well so that the milk mixture does not spread, but immediately fixes itself on the pieces.

4. Butter can be used as butter or vegetable, but it is best to use a mixture of fats. Be sure to keep track of the amount of oil in the pan. With a lack of fat, the bread can burn, and with a large amount of it, it can turn out to be excessively greasy. The fire should be moderate, otherwise the oil and crumbs in it will scorch, and the toasted bread will have an unpleasant rancid aftertaste.

Bread in milk in a pan - "Sweet toast"


Half a loaf;

Half a glass of pasteurized milk;

50 gr. granulated sugar;

A quarter glass of drinking water.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the loaf into 1/2-inch slices.

2.In hot water dissolve granulated sugar until it is completely dissolved and pour milk into the syrup, stir.

3. Pour good quality into a skillet with thick walls. vegetable oil so that it completely covers the bottom, and warm it up well.

4. Dip a piece of loaf with one side in the milk, then quickly turn it over to wet the other side and immediately put it in the pan. Everything must be done very quickly so that the bread crumb does not have time to get wet.

5. When the underside of the milk-soaked piece turns golden, turn the piece over and fry the other side.

Bread in milk in a pan with egg


Two eggs;

Pasteurized 3.2% milk 100 ml;

Two tablespoons of sugar, sand;

Refined oil, best of all sunflower oil;

Creamy "Peasant" oil for frying.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the loaf into thin slices.

2. In a small bowl, lightly loosen the eggs, add granulated sugar, pour in the milk and, stirring well, bring the mixture to a homogeneous consistency.

3. Put some butter in a frying pan, add some refined vegetable oil to it and heat the fat mixture well over low heat.

4. Dip slices of bread in sweet milk mixture and fry on both sides until light blush.

Bread in milk in a pan - "Dessert croutons with honey"


Four eggs;

120 ml cow's milk;

Stale loaf - 8 pieces;

Two teaspoons of crushed cinnamon;

Small orange;

Liquid honey;

Natural butter for frying;

Fresh berries of raspberries, currants, pieces of fruit can be.

Cooking method:

1. Scald an orange with boiling water and scrape off the zest with a fine grater.

2. In a cup, loosen the eggs until smooth.

3. Mix warm, not hot, milk with cinnamon and orange peel... When the mixture has cooled, gently, stirring constantly, add the eggs into it.

4. Dip a piece of loaf lightly on both sides in the milk mixture and let it soak slightly on a plate or cutting board. You can prepare 2-3 slices at a time, it all depends on the size of the pan.

5. While the bread is soaking, melt and heat the butter in a skillet. Then pour the bread soaked in cinnamon milk into the hot fat and fry on each side until golden brown.

6. When serving, pour over the croutons with honey and serve with fresh berries or sliced ​​fruit for a cup of tea or coffee.

Bread in milk in a pan - "Apple croutons with sour cream"


White wheat bread or loaf - 200 gr.;

70 gr. butter;

Half a glass of 20% sour cream;

Two small apples;

A spoonful of sugar;

100 ml of milk of any fat content;

A small pinch of cinnamon.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the bread into thin slices. Peel and slice apples small cubes.

2. Melt a spoonful of butter in a skillet over medium heat and dip the apple slices into it. Add a spoonful of granulated sugar, sprinkle with cinnamon. Mix well, simmer under the lid until the pieces are completely softened, cool.

3. Put some butter and vegetable oil in a clean frying pan, heat it up. Put the pieces of bread soaked in milk into the hot mixture of fat.

4. When the underside is well browned, turn over, brush with sour cream and put on it a little stewed apples... Put a little more sour cream on top and close the pan with a lid.

5. Reduce flame to low and simmer croutons for five minutes. Then put out the heat and keep it covered for three minutes.

Bread in milk in a pan - "Cheese toasts"


16 slices of white, slightly dried bread;

100 g mild hard cheese;

Two eggs;

Two tablespoons of sour cream;

120 ml of pasteurized milk.

Cooking method:

1. Grate the cheese with the finest grater. Press the garlic or grate it, like cheese, into a fine grater.

2. Pour the eggs into a separate bowl, add a little salt and beat, but not hard enough so that the yolks are evenly mixed with the whites.

3. Pour eggs over chopped cheese, add sour cream, garlic and stir thoroughly.

4. Quickly dip the slices of bread in the milk, remove and leave for a minute to absorb well. Do not soak all the bread at once, it is enough to first prepare only three slices or be guided by the size of the pan and do not prepare more bread than can be fried in one go.

5. Dip the pieces soaked in milk in the cheese mixture and fry in vegetable oil until light blush.

6. If the mixture is too thick and you cannot roll it over the bread, apply a thin layer of cheese to one side and fry it first. Then brush the other side of the slice with cheese, turn over and fry.

Bread in milk in a pan - "French banana toast"


Four thin large loaves of bread (white);

One banana;

A teaspoon of sugar;

Half a teaspoon of vanillin;

One egg;

Half a glass of milk;

Powdered sugar - 1/2 tbsp. l .;

Homemade butter, butter - 60 gr.

Cooking method:

1. On a fine grater, grate a banana, pour the egg into the resulting puree, add vanilla sugar, sweeten with plain and stir well.

2. Pour milk into a wide, deep bowl.

3. Melt the butter in a skillet over medium heat.

4. Quickly dip each slice of bread on both sides in milk, then in the banana mixture and immediately place in the skillet.

5. First fry one side for two minutes, then turn over and fry the other.

6. Do not use intense fire, otherwise the butter will burn and the toast will become unpleasant and rancid.

7. Sprinkle the finished toast icing sugar and serve with honey or sour cream.

Bread in milk in a pan - "Spicy croutons with herbs and suluguni"


200 gr. stale loaf;

Half a glass of milk;

Eggs - 3 pcs.;

White flour - 60 gr.;

150 g unsmoked suluguni;

Fresh parsley - a few sprigs;

Spices to taste.

Cooking method:

1. Suluguni grate on a medium grater, chop the parsley with a knife. Cut the loaf into slices no more than 0.6 cm thick.

2. Add flour, eggs to milk and beat well.

3. Add the spices to taste, a little salt, chopped parsley, cheese and stir well.

4. Soak the sliced ​​loaf in batter on both sides and fry in vegetable oil until golden brown.

Bread in milk in a pan - cooking tricks and tips

Using only milk to moisten the bread, you need to quickly dip pieces of bread into it so that the crumb does not have time to absorb too much. Soggy bread will stick to the pan and burn.

You can take any oil for frying, and if there is no oil, butter margarine will do.

Vegetable oil always leaves less than creamy, but when fried in creamy, crispy crust turns out to be more tender.

Milk, if desired or necessary, can be replaced with other dairy products. For example, sour cream will give croutons prepared from bread in a pan more splendor, kefir - a more tart taste, and cream will saturate the pieces with a more sophisticated aroma.

The first bites are always a little more oily. To remove excess fat, place the first fried slices on a disposable towel.

If you want bread fried in milk, but there is no blackened one, dry the freshly cut into pieces in the oven and use after cooling.

It would be unfair to ignore another recipe. Perhaps he will like him more than the ones described above, since it was with him that, most likely, the tradition of frying bread in milk in a pan began. You need a rough "gray" loaf of second grade flour. Cut into centimeter-thick pieces, cover with a sheet of paper and leave overnight. In a mortar, crush and grind a couple of garlic cloves, add salt, add two pinches of black and one red pepper, stir and apply quite a bit to the bread slices on one side. The second side will be dipped in milk. Soften a tablespoon heavy cream or homemade butter, rub 70 grams of dried cheese there. In a frying pan, melt the fat out of the bacon, set aside the cracklings, drain the lard. You will have to fry everything very quickly, so prepare the sharp slices in advance. Pour 1-2 large tablespoons of lard into a preheated pan, dip a suitable number of garlic slices into the milk with the uncoated side and put it down in the pan. As soon as they are browned, turn over and put in half a teaspoon of the cheese-oil mixture, flatten. Let the other side brown too.