Home / Patties / Vareniki with potatoes and lard. With grated potatoes

Vareniki with potatoes and lard. With grated potatoes

Have you ever eaten dumplings with raw potatoes? I'll show you the recipe with a photo. I highly recommend trying it. What I like about this dish is that the potatoes do not need to be boiled, and therefore dumplings can be stuck pretty quickly.

Their taste is completely unusual and differs from dumplings with crushed meat, it is so rich - potato and bright. Many people, having once tasted dumplings with raw potatoes, refused others altogether.

When I heard about them for the first time, I immediately fell in love.

Step by step recipe with photo dumplings with raw potatoes

I cook dumplings with raw potatoes by myself simple recipe, i.e. mostly stuffed only with potatoes and onions. With this example, I will tell you how to cook dumplings with raw potatoes. I made the recipe step by step with photos.

Of course, here you can improvise and come up with something of your own, add different products I will write about them below.

  • potatoes - about 4 pieces of medium size

  • onion - 1 piece
  • salt, pepper to taste
  • dough for dumplings
  • sour cream for serving.

It is preferable to take a young potato, it is easier to grate it, and there are no poisons in it, and it is undoubtedly tastier. Although I also use old potatoes in winter.

I will not stop at the preparation of the test. I do as usual dumpling dough on water with an egg. I already wrote about him in an article about dumplings with cherries. You can cook in any usual way.

I make dumplings with raw potatoes without bacon. And often it is added. If you knead the dough without eggs (in vegetable oil), then the dumplings will be completely lean.

While the dough is resting, prepare the filling.

Step 1. First of all, let's deal with onions. We clean the onion, cut it finely, you can lightly fry it in oil. But I usually put it in raw to speed things up.

Step 2 I wash the potatoes, peel them, dry them with a towel and rub them on a coarse grater.

Step 4. Salt potatoes, pepper, put onions. Mix and start making dumplings.

Step 5 Everyone probably knows how to sculpt dumplings. I first roll the dough with a sausage, cut into pieces, and then roll each into a circle. I have already shown this process in the photo both in dumplings with cherries and in manti.

I put the filling with a teaspoon and pinch the edges.

Step 6 We are waiting for the water to boil in the pan, add salt to it and lower our dumplings. I carefully pass under them with a slotted spoon so that they do not stick to the bottom.

How long to cook dumplings with raw potatoes? Usually I never keep track of time, whether they are with raw or boiled potatoes, with cottage cheese or something else. My mother also taught me: as dumplings float, they are practically ready. If overcooked, the dough will overcook.

Yesterday I did them again and specifically drew attention to the time. From the moment the dumplings were lowered into the pan, the water, although it did not boil immediately, the cooking process was still going on, and as soon as the water boiled and the dumplings surfaced, appearance test it was clear that it was cooked. In total it is 10 minutes.

Step 7. We spread the dumplings with a slotted spoon on a plate, serve with sour cream or whoever likes what. I sometimes pour onion frying in vegetable oil.

Here they are in the photo. The steam from the hot dumplings blurred the background a little.

Fillings for dumplings with raw potatoes

Potato with onion

The same filling that I just wrote about, but I will repeat it again, because there is another way to prepare potatoes.

You can not rub it on a grater, but cut it with a knife small cubes. I often put this one in the filling for meat pies, and always in manti.

Sliced ​​potatoes should be put in a colander to drain the juice.

I can't say which option I like best. Perhaps a lot of grated potatoes it will be denser, it is more convenient to wrap it in dough, but cutting potatoes is faster and you don’t need to squeeze it. And the taste is not particularly different. In general, try to cook dumplings this way and that.

Potatoes with lard

Dumplings with raw potatoes and lard are popular in Ukraine, Belarus and the Urals. Potatoes, fresh pork or salted lard, onion most often scroll through a meat grinder. But it seems to me that it is better to grate both potatoes and lard. When adding salt to the filling, do not overdo it, keep in mind that there is already salt in the salted fat.

Potato and cabbage

For stuffing from raw potatoes You can also add sauerkraut. fresh cabbage it’s not very suitable here, since it will need to be stewed first, and this is a different recipe, then the potatoes will need to be boiled.

Potatoes with mushrooms

Highly delicious dumplings from raw potatoes with mushrooms! The latter can be taken either raw or pickled.

Fresh mushrooms need to be cut and fried in a pan with onions.

Potato with cheese

It’s also delicious if you mix raw potatoes with grated hard cheese.

That's all about dumplings with raw potatoes, the recipe of which I told you. I hope you enjoy this dish.

Bon appetit and sunny days to you!

Dumplings are different, but they are all very satisfying and beneficial, as half of them consist of dough, and are filled mainly with vegetables, berries or cottage cheese.

All these products are inexpensive and can be found in every home.

And if sweet dumplings are not to everyone's taste, then from flour products with potatoes and bacon, certainly no one will refuse.

This Ukrainian dish is loved by many.

But how to do it?

Vareniki with potatoes and lard - general principles of cooking

The simplest version of the test is unleavened (dumplings) made from water, salt and flour. You can add an egg or a little oil. But sometimes dumplings are kneaded with milk, kefir, sour cream is added or brewed with hot water. The dough after kneading should stand for 20-30 minutes. It will become softer, more elastic, it will be easier to work with it.

For the filling, you can use raw potatoes or boiled in the form of mashed potatoes. Fat is used mostly fresh, but you can take salted. It is simply twisted in a meat grinder or cut, you can lightly fry it. Onions, garlic, mushrooms and other vegetables can also be added to the filling.

How to make dumplings

1. Special shape. Roll out two layers of dough. The first is placed on a mold with holes. The filling is placed in the recesses, covered with a second cake and rolled with a rolling pin.

2. Manually with a glass. A layer is rolled out, mugs are squeezed out with a glass, a filling is put in each, the edges are pinched.

3. Manually from the tourniquet. The dough is rolled out into a long sausage, cut into pucks, each one is dipped in flour, the cake is rolled out, the filling is put in and the edges are connected.

Recipe 1: Vareniki with raw potatoes and lard

To prepare such dumplings with potatoes and lard, you do not need to boil mashed potatoes. Minced meat is made on the basis of a raw root crop.

300 grams of fresh fat.

1. Knead the usual dumpling dough. To do this, mix the egg with salt, dilute with water, pour out the sifted flour and make a cool lump. Cover with an inverted bowl and let it lie down for half an hour. During this time, you can prepare the filling.

2. Peel the potatoes, three on a fine grater or pass through a meat grinder. Put in a colander to drain the juice.

3. We also chop the lard. You can use a meat grinder or blender.

4. Combine with potatoes, add salt and pepper. You can add chopped greens or some dried leaves to the minced meat.

5. Cut the dough, make dumplings. The methods of modeling are described above, we choose any.

6. Boil in salted water for 5-6 minutes after boiling.

7. Cut the onion into cubes, fry until golden brown with the addition of oil.

8. Take out, pour oil with fried onions, mix gently.

Recipe 2: Vareniki with boiled potatoes and lard

Highly interesting option dishes. To prepare these dumplings with potatoes and bacon, you need to make a puree. It is advisable to cook in advance so that the filling has time to cool.

800 grams of flour;

200 grams of water.

600 grams of potatoes;

200 grams of fat;

1. Peel the potatoes, cut into pieces, set to boil, salt at the end. Drain the water and make a puree.

2. Cut the fat into small pieces, fry for a minute. Add chopped onion, cook together until well browned.

3. Divide the lard with onions into 2 parts, send one to the puree, mix and cool the filling. The second part is left for submission.

4. Knead the dough from water with egg and salt, let it lie down.

5. We make dumplings, boil.

6. Put it in a cup, add the previously fried bacon with onions, eat dumplings while they are hot.

Recipe 3: Vareniki with potatoes, lard and mushrooms

Another option is puree. A feature of this recipe for dumplings with bacon and potatoes is the dough, which is kneaded in hot water. And also very aromatic filling with mushrooms.

2 spoons of sour cream;

30 grams of oil;

500 grams of potatoes;

300 grams of fat;

100 grams of onion;

200 grams of mushrooms.

1. Sift the flour, add salt, sour cream, butter and pour in a glass hot water. Mix and leave for 20 minutes.

2. Peel potatoes, boil, mash.

3. Cut the lard into several pieces, lightly fry in a pan to melt a little fat. We take out the pieces.

4. Fry mushrooms in a pan, add onions and cook together.

5. Twist the previously fried lard through a meat grinder, combine with mashed potatoes and mushroom mass. Mince salt, pepper, cool.

6. We take out our dough, cut it, make dumplings.

7. Boil in salted boiling water for 3 minutes. Serve with sour cream, herbs.

Recipe 4: Vareniki with potatoes, lard and garlic

A variant of very fragrant dumplings with bacon, raw potatoes and chopped garlic. Also the recipe delicious sauce based on sour cream, which also goes well with dumplings. We prepare any dough, you can use one of the above recipes.

500 grams of dough;

700 grams of potatoes;

4 cloves of garlic;

250 grams of raw fat;

200 grams of sour cream;

4 cloves of garlic;

5 sprigs of parsley;

2 spoons of ketchup;

1. Rub the potatoes, squeeze the juice slightly, add the twisted lard and chopped garlic. Minced meat is seasoned with spices.

2. We take the previously prepared dough and sculpt dumplings with potato filling.

3. Boil the formed products for 5-7 minutes. Take out, grease with butter.

4. For the sauce, chop parsley with garlic, add salt and grind the fragrant mass well with a pestle so that the juice stands out. Mix with sour cream, ketchup and the sauce is ready!

Recipe 5: Baked dumplings with potatoes and lard

The recipe is very delicious dish from dumplings with bacon and potatoes. We cook them according to any of the above recipes, but you can also take purchased ones.

500 grams of dumplings;

150 grams of bacon;

150 grams of cheese;

120 grams of sour cream;

1. Boil dumplings for a minute, take out, put in a bowl and cool.

2. Fry onion with oil, cut into small pieces.

3. Cut the bacon into cubes, also send to the onion, lightly fry.

4. Lubricate the form, spread the dumplings.

5. We fill the voids with fried onions and bacon, simply spread the rest in a layer on top.

6. Lubricate with sour cream, you can add a little salt and season it with black pepper.

7. Three cheese, sprinkle the cooked dish and bake for 10 minutes until golden brown. If dumplings are made from raw potatoes, you can keep them in the oven a little longer.

8. Serve the dish hot, it goes well with fresh tomatoes, cucumbers, coleslaw.

Recipe 6: Vareniki with potatoes and bacon in a pan

It turns out that dumplings can not only be boiled! They turn out very tasty if they are fried with lard. For this dish you can use raw dumplings, but it is better to boil them a little. Previously cooked and half-eaten dumplings are also suitable.

300 grams of dumplings;

50 grams of fat;

40 grams of milk;

1. Boil dumplings for 1-2 minutes. Take out of the broth.

2. Cut the fat into cubes, fry until lightly browned. Add onion, fry together.

3. Put dumplings in the pan, cover with a lid and cook for 2-3 minutes. Turn over periodically. You can fry longer, until a bright crust.

4. Beat eggs with milk, salt, pepper, put any seasonings at your discretion, you can add chopped herbs.

5. Pour the fried dumplings with bacon over the omelette, cover, reduce the heat to a minimum and cook for 2-3 minutes until the egg is completely set. You don't need to mix.

Recipe 7: Vareniki with potatoes, lard and cabbage

For the filling, it is better to use sauerkraut, with it the taste of dumplings is more interesting. But if it is not there, then you can fry it fresh.

120 grams of water;

380 grams of flour;

400 grams of potatoes;

200 grams of fat;

300 grams of cabbage;

1. Immediately knead the dough of their water with egg and flour, do not forget to salt. We put it in a bag and leave it for the preparation of the filling.

2. We make mashed potatoes from peeled and boiled potatoes, salt a little, as sauerkraut usually salty.

3. We twist the fat, send it to the puree.

4. Squeeze the cabbage from the brine and fry in a pan with two tablespoons of oil, you can take melted fat.

5. Mix mashed potatoes with cabbage, mix, add a little pepper.

6. We take out our dough from the bag, we make dumplings.

7. Boil the classic way in salt water for 3-4 minutes. Then you can fry with butter. Serve with sour cream.

Recipe 8: Steamed dumplings with potatoes and bacon

Steam cooking saves nice shape dumplings with potatoes and lard. And it also retains the taste of the dough, which for this recipe we will prepare on kefir. It will be very soft and airy.

200 grams of kefir;

For the filling you will need 600 grams of potatoes and 250 grams of bacon, spices.

1. Beat the egg with salt with a fork, add kefir, butter and flour. Knead the dough, let it rest for 30 minutes.

2. We clean the potatoes, pass through a meat grinder with a large mesh. We squeeze.

3. Fat is also passed through a meat grinder, added to the potatoes. Minced meat, salt, pepper, you can add a little garlic or chopped onion.

4. We make dumplings. The size can be any, nothing will boil for a couple and even large products can be made.

5. We spread it on the steamer tray, but not close to each other. You can use a pressure cooker, multicooker.

6. Cook for 10-15 minutes after boiling water. If you decide to steam products with mashed potatoes, then 5 minutes is enough.

You can add any greens to the potato filling. Vareniki will be not only tastier, but also much more aromatic.

The remaining dumplings can be frozen, not only raw, but also ready-made. Then they are simply boiled or fried in a pan. You can bake in the oven with various additives, as in one of the recipes above.

Potato dumplings are often served with fried onions. It is better to use butter or overcooked pieces of lard for it, it will turn out much more aromatic.

The dough will be softer and more convenient to work with if you add a little vegetable oil. You can put a spoonful of fat sour cream.

The thinner the dough is rolled out, the tastier the dumplings will be. From thick cakes, they turn out sticky, the junctions are poorly boiled and remain raw.

How more pan for cooking, the less likely the products are to stick together or become sour from prolonged boiling. Never save on the amount of water, but take more containers.

A real Ukrainian dish is dumplings with lard and raw potatoes. Pelmeni and sorcerers are cooked in Russia, ravioli in Italy, and dumplings in Ukraine. These boiled products differ in external form and preparation of fillings.

The dough for dumplings is most often prepared on water, but sometimes kefir is used as a liquid base and even yeast is added. Then they roll it out in a thin layer, and cut out round small cakes, in which the filling is wrapped. It can be very different, most often it is boiled potatoes, braised cabbage, meat, cottage cheese, fresh berries. The filling with raw potatoes and bacon is a little unusual, but the dish will turn out delicious if you cook it according to the recipe.

In fact, there is nothing strange in putting in dumplings raw vegetables, No. For example, we can recall manti, they often put in their filling raw pumpkin by mixing it with raw potatoes and onions. In order for the raw potatoes inside the dumplings to boil, they are taken out not immediately, as they float to the surface of boiling water, but after 10 minutes. Boiling in the pan should not be intense.


  • Wheat flour - 2.5 cups;
  • Water - 180 ml;
  • Chicken egg - 1 piece;
  • Potatoes - 3 pieces;
  • Salo - 100 g;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Black ground pepper - to taste.


Sift into a bowl wheat flour. Add a teaspoon of salt to the flour. We mix the ingredients.

We beat the egg into the flour.

Pour warm water into the flour in small portions, stirring the dough with a spoon. We do the main batch with our hands, adding flour to the board as needed.

Knead the dough, knead it well. It should be elastic, rather tight and not stick to your hands. We cover it with a clean towel, and leave it on the table to infuse. At this time, we begin to prepare the filling.

We clean potatoes. We scroll it through a meat grinder. Be sure to squeeze the potato mass. For this, it is most convenient to use gauze.

We scroll the fat, cutting off the skin beforehand. It should not be salty or smoked, but ordinary - fresh. We transfer it to potato mass. Salt and pepper the ingredients to taste.

We mix the filling. It will be delicious if you add 1 finely chopped onion to it. Do not fry the onion in a pan, add it raw. The stuffing for dumplings is ready.

The dough is infused, you can sculpt dumplings out of it. Roll it out into a thin layer. Using a culinary ring or a glass, cut out circles for the base.

We spread the filling of raw potatoes and bacon on the round cakes of the blank. We pinch the edges of the dough. It is advisable to do this twice so that the contents do not leak out in the water.

Dip dumplings into boiling water. Immediately pry them with a slotted spoon or a spoon from the bottom so that they do not stick. Boil until ready. This will take about 10 minutes.

Ready appetizing dumplings with bacon and potatoes are served hot, with sour cream, mayonnaise, ketchup or other favorite sauce. You can put a small piece in dumplings butter and sprinkle with chopped dill.

I suggest you cook Ukrainian cuisine- dumplings with potatoes and lard. Of course, this dish is far from dietary, but sometimes you can pamper your relatives with such hearty yummy. Dumplings are very tasty, and with a fried crispy onion - just delicious.

So, let's prepare the dough for dumplings according to your favorite recipe (I cooked it). Now let's get to the stuffing. Potatoes, bacon, onions, salt and pepper - that's all we need.

I decided to try a new way of making the filling - from raw potatoes. Peel the potatoes, grate on a fine grater or twist through a meat grinder. Twist half of the fat too.

Mix, add salt and pepper.

Let's start making dumplings. I make medium ones, with a beautiful wavy comb, as my grandmother taught.

Cut the other half of the fat into small cubes.

Put the pan on the fire, send the fat into it. Let's wait until the fat starts to melt and becomes transparent.

We send finely chopped onion to the fat, fry until golden.

Boil water in a saucepan, do not forget to salt. We lower the dumplings, stir gently and cook for 8-10 minutes. We serve dumplings with potatoes and bacon, watering them with fried onions and cracklings. Sour cream can be served separately. Bon appetit!

To be honest, dumplings stuffed with mashed potatoes and I liked the sala more. Although stuffed with raw potatoes and lard are also very tasty! Help yourself!

I have never had to cook dumplings with raw potatoes and lard, but then I got caught step by step recipe with a photo and I decided. I cooked very quickly, and the filling too, because none of the vegetables needed to be boiled, I mean potatoes. I only fried the onion, and then added it to the grated potatoes and finely chopped lard. It was this kind of filling that I laid out on the dough, and then I made dumplings out of it and began to cook them. Throwing the first batch into boiling, lightly salted water, I began to wait. Tiring minutes ran for a long time, but finally I took out the first dumpling and, having cooled it a little, I tried it. The taste was amazing! That hour I boiled the rest of the dumplings and served them to the male half with sour cream. The dumplings were eaten to the last, so I can safely conclude that the dish is worthy of high praise.
- 0.5 cups of water,
- ½ teaspoon of salt,
- 2 cups of flour,
- 1 potato,
- 3 small onions,
- 50 grams of salted bacon (I also have boiled).

How to cook with a photo step by step

Pour water into a bowl. It can be cold or warm, this is an unimportant moment in this particular recipe.
Add flour and knead the dough well. Cover the dough with a waffle towel, and in the meantime, prepare an unusual raw filling.

So, spend potatoes after peeling them.
Finely chop the onion and fry it in a pan, adding 1 tablespoon of any oil.

Put the onion to the grated potatoes, and then the lard, which is finely chopped. Add some salt and mix everything.

Roll out the dough and make circles with a glass.

Place potato filling on each circle. Put on dumplings.

After that, boil dumplings with raw potatoes in lightly salted water for 7-8 minutes, after the water has completely boiled.

And I also recommend that you cook