Home / Bakery / A simple recipe for fish soup at home. Secrets of cooking real fish soup

A simple recipe for fish soup at home. Secrets of cooking real fish soup

Fish - very useful product, which is simply necessary in the diet of every person. There are a lot of fish species, as well as fish dishes, one of these useful and very delicious dishes is the ear.

In ancient times, the very word "ear" meant - soup, liquid dish... It has long been considered the ear national dish Russian traditional cuisine... It is very healthy, aromatic, and is a kind of soup. The number of recipes for this dish is very large. Each recipe has its own flavor and peculiarity of preparation. Most real cooks believe that there should be several types of fish in a real ear. This is due to the fact that each fish has its own taste, its own characteristics, one fish gives tenderness, the other pungency of taste.

Each fish soup recipe has its own subtleties and characteristics, but in general, all recipes are common. Tourists cook fish soup according to their own recipe, fishermen cook fish soup, housewives cook according to the cookbook. Ukha is a rather old dish, and most housewives often cook it at home. But there is one "but": in order for the soup to have an excellent unique taste, it is not easy to cook it. There are many secrets, and we will share some of them.
Knowing the intricacies of cooking the most famous fish soup, you can easily cook it both at home and on a campfire trip. Traditionally, it is prepared, of course, while fishing.

The variety of fish is quite rich in our country, so the first question arises: what kind of fish to cook fish soup from? Depending on the territorial characteristics and wealth of each region in certain types of fish, the answer to the question about fish preferences is different for everyone. Someone thinks that the richer the fish platter, the tastier the fish soup, someone thinks that the fish soup is tasty only from perch or salmon, someone prefers to cook the fish soup from the head of a large fish.

Consider some of the features and varieties of fish soup.

Fish soup recipes by type

Pike perch, perch, ruff - as a rule, white fish soup is prepared from this fish. Sometimes a part of burbot, catfish, tench or ide is added.

Crucian carp, carp, carp, rudd are fish that are suitable for black fish soup.

Red fish soup is made from sturgeon, beluga, salmon, stellate sturgeon. You can also tint the red ear with saffron and its name will change to amber.

If the fish soup is called triple, it means that three different types of fish were used.

Varieties of fish soup by cooking method

If there are several types of fish in the ear, then this ear is called mixed.

Protected by the ear, its main difference is the presence of eggs in the ear. There are two ways to prepare such fish soup. In the first version, during cooking, the incompletely finished fish is taken out, rolled in flour with a beaten egg, fried in a pan and sent back to the broth until full readiness... The second cooking option: fish, vegetables and herbs are boiled in clay pot, after which add the beaten egg, without stirring, leave until fully cooked.

Flaccid Ear - Prepared from dried fish and with the addition of dry mushrooms.

If you increase the amount of carrots in the ear, you can get a sweet ear.

There are also lovers of crayfish fish soup, fish is cooked together with crayfish.

A filler fish soup is a fish soup that is prepared from fish that is still alive. Ungutted, live fish is poured with boiling water. Fish offal can give a specific taste to a dish, so this option for cooking fish soup is not for everyone.

How to cook fish soup properly?

The first secret: choose the right fish.

Choose only fresh fish for your fish soup. Here are the types of fish that work best for this soup: perch, carp, pike perch, crucian carp, carp, pike. From marine fish for fish broth cod will come in handy, sea ​​bass, halibut and music.

Experienced fishermen advise: cook fish soup from different types of fish. In addition, for a rich and tasty broth, put more fish in less water.

Second secret: a set of ingredients.

For a good fish soup, you need to use a minimum of ingredients and spices, otherwise you will overwhelm the main taste and aroma. As a rule, vegetables should be chopped coarsely, except for the onion: it is placed whole or in two halves.

Secret three: cooking.

Boil the ear without a lid over low heat, and be sure to remove the foam that has appeared at the time of boiling - then you will have a clean and transparent broth with a unique aroma, but without a characteristic smell.

The cooking time for fish is also important: overcooked fish loses all value and taste. For freshwater species - 7-20 minutes ( more pieces- cook longer); even less for marine varieties, 7–12 minutes; large Siberian fish is cooked for about half an hour.

In addition, put the carcasses in a slightly boiled vegetable broth, and not easy in water - more flavor will be preserved.

The fourth secret: do not stir.

The fifth secret: salt.

It is best to salt the fish soup in a saucepan just before putting the plates on the table, otherwise you can nullify all your cooking efforts. The best salt is sea salt.

This is where the secrets end. Now, having learned the intricacies of its preparation, you can easily cook an excellent soup!

how to cook ear step by step photo recipe


  • river fish 1-1.5 kg,
  • potatoes 5-6 medium tubers,
  • onions 1-2 heads,
  • carrots - 1 large or 2 small,
  • parsley root - optional
  • millet 2-3 tbsp. spoons (optional),
  • vodka - 1 glass of 50 ml (optional),
  • Bay leaf or dry dill with twigs,
  • pepper.

Cooking process:

Gut fresh fish. In the photo recipe, we prepare carp fish soup.

Giblets (caviar, liver, bladder, fat) are also used for making soup.

Remove the gills from the head.

A fragrant and rich broth is obtained when used in preparation small fish... Our fish is large, we cut it into pieces.

Let's prepare all the vegetables. Let's put water on fire. Put chopped carrots and parsley root (if we use it) into boiling water. And put the onions whole (or cut them into halves). In addition to fish, potatoes are added to the fish soup, and there should not be potatoes in the fishing version. Cook for about 10 minutes.

If we have ear with millet, we add cereals at the same stage.

We lower the bay leaf, fish pieces and pepper. Cook everything for about 10 minutes.

Add fish roe... Now you can add salt to the soup, but not before. Boil for another 5 minutes from the moment of boiling.

To get rid of the characteristic smell, pour in vodka.

When the soup is cooked, take out the bay leaf and onion.

Remove large pieces of fish from the broth.

And add it.

Add onion, dill or parsley greens at the very end, when serving.

The next day is saturated classic ear freezes.

And many people eat it like fish jelly.

Bon appetit, everyone!

You still do not know how to cook fish soup properly, tasty and, moreover, at home? Then we read carefully and write out recipes for delicious fish soup. Avid fishermen do not allow their wives to cook fish soup at home. They make it their own special recipes delicious fish soup. And since it is right to cook delicious fish soup at home or on a fishing trip, it does not matter!


Let's get down to the recipe for making the correct so-called fish soup. The entire catch is divided into two parts: we distribute large fish into one, and into the other - small. Ruffs, perches and similar trifles must be gutted before cooking. Cook unpeeled for about an hour over low heat. The scales give the ear taste and fat. Then filter the broth through cheesecloth and lighten by putting protein in it chicken eggs... After the broth has settled, you need to drain it and dip in it pieces of washed and peeled large fish, chopped onion, one slice of chopped garlic, some potatoes, chopped in large pieces, pepper and salt to taste. Add boiling water and cook for small fire about 25 minutes. Put two bay leaves at the end. Cook the ear with the lid closed and do not let it run over the edge of the pan. After removing, put the dill or lemon slice. This fish soup tastes good and is cooled down and it is called a fishing fish soup. Here is such an uncomplicated fish soup recipe.

Simple ear

Delicious fish soup can be cooked from different fish... Here's the easiest fish soup recipe for you . Immediately you need to boil water in a saucepan, boil potatoes and a small amount of millet or rice; put potatoes, cut into pieces, at the rate of 50-100 grams, and cereals of the order of a teaspoon per one liter of water, or the ear will turn out to be thick and very tasteless.

The fish on the ear must be peeled off, cut off the fins, cut out its gills and gutted. Large fish should be cut into pieces and thrown in portions without overfilling the pan. Then the tasty fish soup is salted, bay leaves, onions and other spices are thrown into it. Finished fish can be recognized by its outward appearance: her meat is swollen, milky white; the eyes turn white, hard and fall out. When the fish is cooked, you can take it out.

It is also very tasty burlatskaya fish soup with its unique aroma. And so is the recipe for burlak fish soup that you can cook at home. Boil the broth from small fish, heads and bones, then strain, put peeled coarsely chopped potatoes and onions. 15 minutes until fully ready, toss pieces of large fish, a couple of peppercorns, bay leaves and butter into the pan. Consumable products: small fish - 300 grams, large fish - 250 grams, butter - 20 grams, potatoes - 500 grams, onion- 1 head, pepper.

From river fish

Recipe for delicious fish soup river fish very simple, toss coarsely chopped potatoes, tails and heads of river fish, finely chopped onions, carrots and parsley into salted boiling water. Cook at a boil for about 20 minutes. Remove the foam (you can strain the broth), add one bay leaf and pepper, boil for 5 minutes, add coarsely chopped fish and cook for 20 minutes. To the end add salt, add greens and leave to brew for 10 minutes. For 1.5 kg of fresh fish: 1.6 liters of water, 2 whole onions, carrots, parsley with herbs, 3 bay leaves, 2 potatoes, one tablespoon of dill, 8 peppercorns, 2 teaspoons of salt. Here is the finished delicious fish soup their river fish and the recipe is simple.


The recipe for such fish soup is also not complicated, live ruffs are taken in such quantities that they occupy a third of the volume of the pot. The fish is washed, removed from the water and left in the fresh air until it falls asleep. Then they put it back in the pot, add onion, pepper and one bay leaf. An almost full pot of water is poured and hung over a large fire. When the water boils, you need to salt it and put a large fish with a few sorrel leaves or a lemon wedge. Let the ear boil. The ruffs will boil up, but the fish soup will be tasty.

And so how to cook a transparent ear so that a transparent liquid would flow from it? Recipe for transparent fish soup: Pour fish heads, ruffs, perches with water and boil for 30 minutes, then cool and strain. In the cooled ear, lower a few egg whites... The cloudiness will settle, the liquid will become transparent. Then the broth is poured into a pot, salted, put the bay leaf and put on the fire again. When the broth boils, they put prepared coarsely chopped large fish into it and cook for 10-15 minutes, then add dill. The ear turns out to be fragrant, tasty and transparent.

These are such simple and correct recipes we know delicious fish soup that can be cooked at home, we try and share our impressions. Thank you for being with our people site. Good luck to you!

The famous fishing soup - ukha, is best cooked in nature, over a fire, in a black charred pot, then it will turn out rich, hearty, with an appetizing unforgettable aroma. It differs from other soups minimal set vegetables and spices, but the secrets of cooking and recipes are no less, and each housewife and each fisherman have their own.

Fish ear

Photo by Shutterstock

Fish for fish soup

Another secret of real fish soup - a minute before readiness or into a ready-made dish, a firebrand is dipped from a fire. This is an old fishing tradition that can be scientifically explained: coal removes organic pollution and chlorine from water.

It is important not to overcook the fish during cooking, otherwise it will become tough and tasteless. River fish should be cooked for about 20 minutes, sea fish - 10-15 minutes. You can determine readiness by the type of meat: it swells, becomes milky white. The eyes turn white, harden and fall out of the sockets.

The best recipes for making fish soup

Wash and gut the small fish, put in cold water and simmer for 1 hour. Then strain the broth through cheesecloth, clarify with chicken protein... Then let the broth stand and dip into it large pieces peeled fish, chopped onion, coarsely chopped potatoes, salt and pepper, at the end of cooking add bay leaf, lemon wedge.

For a simple hearty fish soup, you need to boil water, boil chopped potatoes and a little cereal (millet or rice) in it until half cooked. For a liter of water you need 50-100 g of potatoes and a teaspoon of cereals. Wash the fish, gut, remove scales, remove fins and gills. Place in soup and wait until it is ready.

You can cook such fish soup from river fish: put ruffs or perches into a pot by a third of the volume of dishes, pour water, add chopped onions, peppers, bay leaves and wait for a boil. Then salt the broth and put the pieces of large fish, sorrel leaves, lemon, cook for 20 minutes. The ruffs are boiled, and the meat is easily separated from the bones.

The ear is rightfully considered a masterpiece culinary arts. Rich soup received recognition in many countries around the world, and this is not surprising. The components included in the composition fully reveal the taste of the main ingredient - fish. Cooking fish soup at home includes a number of features that must be taken into account. Experienced chefs revealed the most delicious recipes, consider them in more detail. We will highlight the main aspects, reveal the secrets of cooking, consider delicious recipes.

Choosing the right fish

  1. Of course, the correct selection of the main ingredients is in the first place. According to numerous reviews, it can be concluded that the most delicious fish soup is obtained from crucian carp, perch, pike perch, carp, pike, carp and salmon. In addition, ear based on halibut, notothenia and cod is gaining wide popularity.
  2. Professional chefs categorically do not recommend preparing the first dish from roach, gudgeon, bream, herring and its subspecies, ram and roach. The listed species have a pronounced aroma, which spoils the whole impression of consumption.

Additional ingredients

  1. To fully unleash the taste ready meal, it must be supplemented with the appropriate ingredients. Among them are peas, parsley or dill, carrots, laurel leaves, onions (both green and onions), salt and potatoes.
  2. When preparing fish soup, it is important to always remember that the main ingredient is fish. In order not to spoil the taste and aroma, do not put too many additional ingredients in the soup.
  3. To give the onion juice to the broth, do not cut it into thin slices. It is enough to chop the onion into 2-4 pieces, then place in the soup. For the rest of the vegetables, don't chop them too hard.
  4. Depending on individual preferences, spices and spices of absolutely any orientation can be added to the ear. Anything will do: lemon, nutmeg, saffron, anise, dill, fennel, ginger, etc.

Cooking process

  1. If you want to get fish soup without a pronounced fish aroma, do not boil the composition. Cook the soup over low heat, do not cover. Ultimately, the broth will turn out to be rich, transparent, aromatic and concentrated.
  2. In order for the fish to retain its consistency and open up, put it not in water, but in vegetable broth. In no case should you digest seafood, otherwise the soup will look like porridge.
  3. If you boil your fish soup out freshwater fish, simmer it over low heat for no longer than 8 minutes (in the case of small pieces). If we are talking about marine life, the duration heat treatment must be increased to 10-15 minutes. Large Siberian fish is cooked for about 25 minutes.
  1. You can use whole fish to cook fish soup. If it has a lot of bones, strain the broth before drinking.
  2. Sturgeon fish has a specific flavor if you prepare a soup based on it without removing the skin.
  3. To make the ear look like "in nature", do not throw away the fins and heads. Send them to the soup, it will turn out to be more rich.
  4. If you feel that the fish has a specific smell, spray it lemon juice a lot.
  5. To make a golden broth, add the onions along with the husks. After cooking, it can be removed.
  6. It is not recommended to stir the soup with a spoon or spatula, otherwise it will turn into porridge. Shake the saucepan lightly to prevent the ingredients from sticking to the bottom and sides.
  7. If you are preparing an ear based sea ​​fish, salt the dish just before serving. Otherwise, the salt will absorb the taste and aroma.
  8. To make the ear nourishing and soft, add a slice to the plate butter, then sprinkle the soup with fresh herbs (parsley, dill).

  • discretionary fish (head and tail)
  • potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • seasoning for fish soup
  • greens for decoration
  1. Peel the potatoes, wash and soak for half an hour, then chop the tubers into medium-sized cubes. Peel the onion and cut into 4 pieces. Prepare a thick-walled saucepan or cauldron, pour in filtered water and place on the stove.
  2. Bring the liquid to a boil, turn the power down to the minimum mark. Send chopped potatoes and onions into a container, cook for 10 minutes. After this period, add spices to taste.
  3. Rinse fish tails and heads and leave to dry. At this time, peel and cut the carrots into half rings, send to the pan and simmer for 10 minutes. Then add the fish, cook the soup until tender. Sprinkle chopped dill and parsley on top of the dish before serving.

Ear with celery

  • any fish (tail and head)
  • potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • celery (root) - 1 pc.
  • garlic - 3 prongs
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • seasoning for fish soup
  • dill for decoration
  1. Prepare a cauldron or saucepan with a thick bottom, pour in drinking water, bring to the first bubbles. After that, reduce the power, add the seasoning for the fish soup and other ingredients as desired (pepper, etc.).
  2. Wash the carrots, peel them, chop into half rings about 3-5 mm wide. If you are using a large celery root, cut off 5 cm of the rhizomes. Peel the onion and cut it into 2 pieces. Send the listed vegetables to the pan, wait until it boils.
  3. Cook the soup for about 10 minutes after the first bubbles appear, then remove the bay leaves and celery from the pan. Pass the garlic through a press, add to the soup. Chop the potato tubers into cubes and cook as well.
  4. When the potatoes are half cooked, remove the onions, add the pre-washed and dried fish. Cook the fish soup for another 10-15 minutes, do not let it boil. Salt before serving, garnish with herbs.

  • fish at discretion - 550 gr.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • potatoes - 4 pcs.
  • fresh parsley
  • condiments
  1. Gut the fish, remove the dark film, entrails and gills. Wash the carcass, place on a paper towel to let the glass excess moisture. Cut the fish into pieces about 4-5 cm thick.
  2. Start cooking vegetables. Peel the carrots, cut them into rings. Remove the husks from the onions and chop them into 4 pieces. Peel the potatoes, chop the tubers into cubes.
  3. Prepare a multi-bowl. Send fish together with vegetables into it, fill it with drinking water so that it covers the ingredients by 7-10 cm. Add salt as you wish, add other ingredients as desired. Set the "Stew" function on the appliance, the dish will be ready in about 1 hour 25 minutes, it all depends on the technical characteristics of the multicooker.
  4. After turning off the timer, do not rush to open the lid, let the soup brew for about half an hour. Pour into serving bowls, sprinkle with herbs (preferably fresh).

Perch fish soup

  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • potatoes - 4 pcs.
  • parsley (preferably root) - 1 pc.
  • perch - 1.2 kg.
  • vodka - 45 ml.
  • butter (fat content from 65%) - 65 gr.
  1. Remove the husk from the onion, cut into 2 parts. Peel the potato tubers, chop them into cubes. Prepare a thick-bottomed saucepan, pour water and send vegetables inside.
  2. Bring broth until first bubbles appear, then reduce power to minimum. Cut the parsley root into small squares, peel the carrots and chop them into half rings. Place vegetables in a saucepan, cook for 15 minutes.
  3. Wash, gut and cut into perch chunks. Pour fish soup spices into a saucepan. After a quarter of an hour, salt the soup to taste, pour in vodka, it will eliminate the unpleasant odor.
  4. When the first course is ready, remove the onions from it. Add oil, stir, cover, leave for 10 minutes. Serve with fresh herbs.

A delicious fish soup is obtained if it is prepared from different types of fish. Experienced housewives brought out one important feature: when choosing the number of components, make sure that there is not too much water, fill most of the tank space with fish. Consider a slow cooker or stovetop soup recipe.

Video: classic Astrakhan fish soup from carp

Fishing fish soup is different in that it is cooked in nature, from freshly caught fish. The dish turns out to be rich, aromatic, and its preparation and consumption in nature makes it especially tasty. How to cook fish soup properly, tasty, how do real fishermen cook it?

Real fishing fish soup is prepared in spring water, in a pot over a fire. Fish soup is brewed in three stages, in contrast to the usual homemade one. You can, of course, use the fish soup recipe to cook your own dish at home, but using frozen fish, running water and a stove will not make it a true fish soup.

The classic fish soup recipe

The classic recipe for fish soup is to use 3 stages of cooking different sorts fishes. Due to the variety of "meat" used, the dish will be fabulously aromatic and have a rich taste.

Fishing simple ear is prepared from the following products:

  • small fish (perch, rudd, gudgeon, ruff, tench and the like) - 400 grams;
  • large fish (pike perch, pike, crucian carp, you can even roach) - 800 grams;
  • salt - a tablespoon;
  • onion head - 1 piece;
  • a bunch of greens - 30-50 grams;
  • peppercorns - 20 pieces;
  • medium carrots -1 piece;
  • large tomatoes - 4-5 pieces;
  • celery stalk -1 piece;
  • water - 5 liters.

Note! The amount of fish is given for home cooking. On vacation, of course, there is no need to weigh - the fish used is the one caught by the fishermen.

The scheme for making such a soup is interesting in its phasing, the recipe is simple and straightforward, and no special skills are required. The cooking process will be explained step by step by the instructions below:

  1. Gut small fish, rinse thoroughly and collect in a gauze bag. The bag is needed so that there are as few small scales as possible in the broth. Small fish are used to prepare the broth.
  2. Put the water to warm up, put the bag with the "change" there, add salt, the head of onion. When it boils, cook for 20-30 minutes. After- pull out the bag. The cooked fish can be eaten, thrown away or given to pets - you will no longer need it for cooking. Throw the onion as well, it was needed for the juice and transparency of the broth.
  3. While the first fish was cooking, prepare the larger fish - peel it off, gut, cut off the heads, remove the gills so that they do not give bitterness to the broth.
    Clean heads and several pieces of fish are placed in the broth. Cook for half an hour to 45 minutes. Get all the fish. You can just eat it.
  4. Add a little water to the pan, preferably boiled, since by this moment the liquid has partially evaporated. Prepare the third portion of fish, this time the last: peel the fish carcass, gut, cut into portions and put in a cauldron. Add peppercorns.
  5. While the fish pieces are boiling, peel and wash the carrots, rinse the tomatoes, herbs, celery. Cut the vegetables into small cubes, finely chop the greens. After 10-15 minutes of boiling the fish, add vegetables and mix. Cook for another 30-40 minutes, but do not stir any more, so that the fish "meat" does not fall apart into pieces. Add the herbs 5 minutes before removing the dish from the heat.
  6. After the pot is removed, it is covered with a lid and wrapped in warm clothes or a blanket so that the "brew" is infused.

Real fishing fish soup is ready! If you want a more satisfying dish, it is not forbidden to add potatoes to it. Traditionally, fishermen eat the dish with wooden spoons or drink broth in mugs, eating fish pieces. This delicious fish soup, cooked with your own hands in nature, is unique in its taste. After all, a fisherman's dish, cooked with a soul, saturated with natural aromas, cannot be compared with the one that was cooked at home.

There are several rules for making fish soup, which are adhered to by long-time experienced fishermen. Below we will tell you about them:

  • You cannot use catfish to prepare this dish.
  • It is believed that from river fish the broth turns out to be more transparent.
  • To make the fish soup rich, fatty layers of fish, abdomens, bubbles are added during cooking.
  • An unspoken rule - the more fish and less herbs and spices, the tastier the "sweeter" the broth will be. Therefore, it is not recommended to use too much parsley and dill, and if you add it, then at the very end of cooking. Spices, spices should not be added at all, otherwise they will kill the real smell and taste of fish. Maximum - a little salt and pepper (peas or ground - for an amateur).
  • The main secret of real fishing fish soup is when the preparation of the dish is finished, a small smoldering log is taken from the fire and stewed in a pot, and then vodka is added in approximately 50 ml of alcohol per 1 liter of water.

Video: Real fishing fish soup in nature