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Cook delicious pike perch fish soup. Pike perch fish soup - recipes with photos

Homemade pike perch soup is an incredibly tasty, nutritious, light and unpretentious dish that even a novice cook can handle. The classic version of any fish soup assumes a minimum composition of components: water, fish and some spices. Today I propose to cook a slightly less ascetic version of the fish soup. We will prepare delicious pike perch fish soup at home, with the addition of vegetables, roots, spices and fresh herbs, based on a rich, aromatic broth. Let's start ?!

Prepare the ingredients according to the list.

Wash the fish and remove the fins, slightly stepping back from the base of the fins so as not to compromise the integrity of the skin. Remove scales, guts, eyes, and gills. Cut the fish into portions.

Place the fish heads and tails in a saucepan and cover with cold water.

Bring water to a boil over medium heat, skimming off the foam.

When the water boils, reduce heat to low. Add the onion, carrots, parsley root, the bottom of a bunch of parsley, 2-3 bay leaves and 10 allspice peas to the broth.

Bring the broth to a boil again, and then, reducing the heat, cook for another 25-30 minutes without covering and, if necessary, skimming off the resulting foam.

Then remove the roots, tails and heads of the fish - we will no longer need them.

Strain the broth and bring to a boil. Add small pieces of potatoes and a few pinches of salt.

When the potato broth boils, add the chopped carrots.

When the broth boils again, add the fish pieces. Bring the broth to a boil again and cook the fish soup for another 10-15 minutes over low heat, until the fish is cooked.

Turn off the heat, taste the broth, and add more salt or your favorite spices to taste if necessary. Add 1 tablespoon if desired. butter and a few pinches of fresh herbs. Then cover the pot with a lid and let the ear steep for another 10-15 minutes before serving.

Homemade pike perch soup is ready. Bon Appetit!

Pike perch, as you know, is a dietary fish - low-fat, one might say, lean. But it has beautiful white meat and very few bones, for which it is valued.

I have two fish, the second will go to another dish.

However, peeling pike perch is a continuous flour, if you do not know one trick. And all the trick is in boiling water! Before cleaning the fish, wash it, including the gills. Put it in the sink and sprinkle it with boiling water from the kettle, literally 2-3 seconds, no more. Now the scales will be quickly removed, even in the absence of a special knife. Then gut the fish in the usual way, remove the gills, rinse again and cut into pieces. Place the caviar in a separate bowl, cover it from airing.
There are two options for cooking fish soup, in one of them vegetables are first boiled, and then the fish is laid, in the second the fish is cooked until cooked and removed from the broth, then vegetables are added. We use the last option.
Fill the fish with water and cook over medium heat until boiling. Here you have to be ready, not to miss the very moment of boiling, the whole result of our fish soup depends on this. As soon as you see that a white foam starts to form on the surface and the first "gurgles" appear, reduce the heating and carefully remove the foam. We salt our ear, put allspice, ground black and bay leaves, as well as one whole onion. Pre-peels the husk from the bulb.
While our fish is boiling at a barely perceptible boil (15 minutes), in a separate saucepan we cook crumbly wheat porridge, in a proportion of 1 part of cereal and 2 parts of water. Pour the washed cereal into boiling water and cook until tender, about 15 minutes. By the way, you can take millet groats, it's a matter of taste.
Gently put the cooked fish in a bowl, cover and set aside. We remove the bay leaf, it has done its job. To be sure that there are no bones, pour the broth without sediment into another pan or filter through a sieve. Put it back on the stove until it boils.
Dip chopped onion and potatoes into the boiling broth. Here the caviar goes into cooking, we lower it in large pieces so that it does not dissolve in the ear.

I draw your attention to the fact that we do not take carrots. We say that if the recipe is with carrots, then this is not an ear at all, but a banal fish soup. In no case do we allow violent boiling, the ear should be transparent, like a baby's tear! Actually, therefore, we cook the porridge separately, so that it does not muddy our ears.
As soon as the potatoes are cooked, we return the fish to the fish soup (removing the ridges and rib bones), add chopped green onions, greens, coarsely chopped tomatoes, wheat porridge.

In the photo, the ear is barely noticeable boiling.
Out of season there are no delicious tomatoes, of all available, cherry is the most natural, so I took them by cutting them in half. Otherwise, take ground tomatoes and cut them into quarters before laying.
We leave to boil and cook for another 3 minutes, add ghee and turn off the stove. Ghee will not change the color and transparency of the broth, so I do not recommend changing it to regular butter.
The fish soup is ready, let it brew for 10-15 minutes and pour into plates. Help yourself!

This recipe is a participant of the "Cooking Together - Culinary Week" campaign. Cooking discussion on the forum -

Pike perch fish soup is a delicious dietary dish that is very easy to prepare in just one hour. Fish soup is prepared not only from pike perch fillets, chefs use whole carcasses or tails and heads left over from a whole fish. Delicious and aromatic, low-fat broth is especially suitable for a summer lunch on the river bank after fishing. But do not be upset if there is no way to catch fish on your own. You can make delicious pike perch fish soup at home by purchasing all the necessary ingredients from the market.

About the dish

The classic pike perch fish soup is a truly royal dish that arose around the 12th century. Then the fish soup was called a concentrated, rich broth made from various types of meat or even unsweetened fruit compote. Later, the name was assigned only to fish soup. The traditional concept of the ear is associated with fishing. Soup is often made from freshly caught fish over a fire in a cauldron or pot.

Ukha has several features and cooking secrets. The broth is boiled only from fresh fish, while it should turn out transparent and clean. Some chefs add vodka to the fish soup in the last stages of cooking to remove the turbidity.

To prepare fish soup, use only earthenware or enamel dishes. Among the variety of herbs and spices, it is best to choose bay leaves, parsley and its root, black pepper - ground or peas.

Below is a simple and delicious recipe for making a delicious soup from fresh pike perch with step-by-step photo instructions.


Servings: - +

  • zander 1 kg
  • onion 1 PC
  • carrot 2 pcs
  • parsley root 1 PC
  • fresh parsley 1 bundle
  • Bay leaf 2 pcs
  • allspice peas10 pieces
  • salt to taste
  • potato 3 pcs
  • butter 20 g

Calories: 29.43 kcal

Proteins: 4.71 g

Fats: 0.55 g

Carbohydrates: 1.38 g

60 minutes Video Recipe Print

    Prepare and measure all the necessary ingredients, peel vegetables, wash herbs.

    Clean the pike perch, remove the gills and fins, remove the insides and rinse the fish thoroughly under running water.

    Cut the walleye into small pieces. Separate the head and tail, rinse the rest of the parts and remove for a while, they will be needed at the end of cooking. Put tails and heads in a saucepan with water, put on fire and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to low. Remove the foam formed during the cooking process.

    When the broth boils, reduce the heat to low, add the onion head to the pan, which cut in two or four places. Also in a saucepan, put parsley root, one whole peeled carrot, bay leaf, allspice peas and half a bunch of greens. Bring the fish soup to a boil again and cook for 25 minutes over medium heat.

    Catch vegetables, roots, fish heads and tails from the pan. Cut the potatoes and the remaining raw carrots into small pieces. Strain the broth, bring to a boil and add chopped vegetables to it, salt. When the water boils again, dip the pieces of pike perch in it and cook the fish soup over low heat for about 15 minutes. At this stage, the broth does not need to be stirred any more so that the pike perch does not fall apart. At the very end, add butter, fresh herbs, salt the ear if necessary. Cover, let it brew a little.

Zander fish soup is served hot in separate portions. When serving, the fish can be caught from the pan and placed in a separate plate, and the broth can be poured into deep cups. It is quite easy to properly cook pike-perch fish soup and to please loved ones and guests with a fragrant low-calorie lunch.

A fish soup cooked in nature on a fire smells like smoke and cannot be compared with the one that is prepared in the home kitchen. And it is cooked from what we managed to catch.

Tasty fish soup made from pike perch

To make the ear with a rich taste, first boil fish fines. And then the main large fish is put in. For fish soup, there are several different techniques that are not always justified. The addition of vodka does not add anything special. It does not sterilize, as they say, our ear, since everything has already been cooked. There is no particular aroma either, since alcohol evaporates at high temperatures. Perhaps a light spicy aftertaste remains. Another option is more justified, but not necessary: ​​a burning firebrand stuck in the ear supposedly disinfects it, which is also little justified.

By that time, the ear is already on the fire, at least 40 minutes. The fact that it acts as an adsorbent or to cleanse the broth is a fishing ear, not a consommé. Put a log in your ear for the scent of smoke the only excuse, but it does not stand up to criticism, since the ear on the fire has already absorbed this smell. There is one more rule that fish trifles for broth do not need to be gutted, supposedly gives a special rich taste. If the first two rules for fishermen are almost inviolable, then not all adhere to the third.


  • pike perch - 1500 g,
  • small fish - 800 g,
  • onions - 2 pcs.,
  • potatoes - 8-10 pcs.,
  • pepper - 5 peas.,
  • bay leaf - 1 pc.,
  • salt.

Gut the change and remove the gills. Scales do not need to be removed, it adds gelling properties to the broth. For evisceration, you can choose a method when the abdomen remains intact, that is, the head is cut off, all the insides are taken out with it. Fish with a whole belly is less boiled, which means there is less chance that small bones will fall into the ear. Another way to keep the bones out of the broth is to grab a piece of gauze or cotton when fishing.

Fold small fish into it, tie in a knot and dip in cold water. And only now the pot can be hung over the fire. So the fish broth will slowly pass into the broth. The longer the fish fines are cooked, the more rich the ear will be (30-60 minutes). With this method, you do not need to catch fish and bones from the pot or filter into other dishes that may not be at hand.

Note: the water in the kettle should not boil too much when cooking fish soup.

In a cleaned and gutted pike perch, the fins, tail and head must be cut off. Cut the carcass into pieces 5 centimeters wide. Remove the fish bundle from the pot and put the fish out of the gauze. Put the head, tail, fins, liver, heart, pike perch bubble there. Tie up again and simmer for 15 minutes.

At the same time, dip whole unpeeled onions into the kettle. Peel the potatoes and cut them in half; if the tubers are medium in size, then you do not need to cut them. After the head with fins has been taken out, you need to throw the potatoes into your ear. And cook for about 15 minutes so that it remains slightly undercooked. Dip pieces of pike perch into a pot, add spices. Cook for 5 minutes. Put the bay leaf. Remove the ear from the heat. Let it brew for another ten minutes.

Some fishermen do not recognize potatoes in the ear, but with it the ear is more satisfying. Often the fish from the broth is taken out in one plate, the potatoes in another, and the yushka is poured into mugs or bowls and eaten separately.

Classic pike perch ear

The ear does not have to be cooked by the fire. There is no need to add seasoning spices to the pike perch ear, since the taste of the fish is delicate and you do not need to clog it with other flavors.

  • pike perch - 1200 g,
  • potatoes - 600 g,
  • carrots - 200g,
  • onions - 150g,
  • butter - 60 g,
  • dill - 1 bunch,
  • bay leaf - 1 pc.,
  • pepper - 5 peas.,
  • salt.

Pike perch must be washed, cleaned and gutted. Rinse the fish and remove the head, tail, fins. Trebuha: fish bladder, heart, liver, milk, put into water, put on the stove. The foam must be removed and the fire reduced.

Wash the onion, but do not peel. Cut the carrots into quarters lengthwise. Dip the vegetables in the ear.

Peel the potatoes, wash, cut into large pieces.

After the head and entrails are boiled for half an hour, strain the broth, dip the potatoes into it and cook for 7 minutes. Cut the pike perch into 4-5 cm pieces and add to the potatoes. Remove foam. Salt, put pepper, lower the herbs, tied in a bunch. If someone does not know how long it takes to cook pike perch for fish soup, then it all depends on the size of the pieces. One minute is given for every centimeter of a piece of fish. Pieces 5 cm thick will cook in five minutes. Put the bay leaf and take out the herbs.

Let the ear infuse for another five minutes, add butter. Put chopped greens in a plate.

Step-by-step recipe for pike perch fish soup

In some recipes, tomato is present among the components. It gives a slight sourness to the fish broth. I must say that the calorie content of pike perch fish soup is low, since this fish is low-fat and can be used in dietary nutrition. 100 grams of fish soup with a piece of fish contains 104 kcal, even if it is seasoned with butter.
Fish soup with tomatoes is called Rostov.


  • pike perch - 1000 g,
  • potatoes - 500 g,
  • parsley - 1 root
  • onions - 250 g,
  • fresh tomatoes - 500 g,
  • butter - 100g,
  • pepper - 6 peas.,
  • bay leaf - 1 pc.,
  • dill -1 bunch,
  • salt.

1. Boil the head, fins and tail of the fish, drain.


Pike perch soup is a thick and rich soup with lots of vegetables. Traditionally, the real first course is made from fresh fish that has just been caught. It is believed that fish soup cooked in a cauldron over a fire immediately after fishing is the most delicious. But we offer you a home cooking option according to a step-by-step photo recipe, according to which the food will turn out to be no less appetizing and satisfying.
Pike perch is considered a delicious and delicious fish. There are practically no small bones in it, so it is convenient for the ear to eat. It is supplemented with vegetables and spices to make it aromatic and satisfying.
Advice! It is advisable to take a small pike perch - up to 1-1.5 kilograms. The meat of such a fish will be very tender. If you use a larger pike-perch, its flesh will be denser, and it will turn out to be mouth-watering main dishes.

To prepare the classic pike perch fish soup at home, it is best to follow our simple step-by-step photo recipe. The result is the right mouth-watering meal that suits your daily diet. They can even decorate a festive table.
The calorie content of pike perch fish soup is 23 kilocalories per 100 grams. The food can definitely be included in the daily dietary menu of each person, because the dish is tasty and healthy.
Good luck with your culinary experiments at home!


Pike perch ear - recipe

We will start cooking pike-perch fish soup in accordance with the step-by-step photorecept by preparing vegetables for the broth. Place potatoes, garlic, onions, carrots and selected roots (parsley, parsnip, celery) on a work surface. When everything is available, you can start cooking at home.

We need to prepare the fish. Wash the pike perch, remove the scales, trim off the fins, remove the gills and entrails. After that, cut off the tail and head - they will be needed for the broth. Cut the fillets from the fish carcass (including the skin) and remove the large bones. It is also necessary to get rid of the remnants of the dorsal fin, in which there are many small bones. On the sirloin, you need to carefully make cuts on the skin to maintain its shape during cooking. Next, cut the fillet into portions, each of which should weigh about 70-80 grams, and the width should be up to five centimeters. Next, send the bones, fin, tail and zander head into a saucepan, fill with water and boil the broth. It will need about three to four glasses. Send the rest of the fish to another pan, cover with water and cook over low heat for twenty minutes. When ready, strain the broth through cheesecloth.

Onions should be peeled, washed and cut crosswise on the vegetable (approximately to the middle). Carrots are peeled, washed and cut in a convenient way, but coarsely. Next, peel the garlic cloves. The roots also need to be peeled and washed. They are needed for flavor. Peel the potatoes, wash and cut into large pieces. All prepared vegetables must be put in strained broth. Next, take a bag or a piece of nylon fabric and put allspice peas, bay leaves, black peppercorns into it. Tie a bag or cloth and send to soup. Season to taste.

Bring broth to a boil. Set the heat to low and continue cooking for about half an hour. It is necessary to achieve boiling potatoes. Keep in mind that the broth should boil slightly, not boil. When the vegetables are ready (they should be boiled), remove the spice bag and roots. Get rid of them, you won't need them. Remove the sample and add salt to the soup if necessary.

Put the pieces of fish in the boiling soup, wait for the second boil over medium heat. Then set the heat to minimum and continue cooking for another twelve to fifteen minutes.

When pike perch fish soup is ready, made according to a simple recipe with step-by-step photos at home, pour it into plates. It is advisable to discard the onion, it is not very tasty when cooked, so many do not like it. Sprinkle the soup with chopped herbs and add black pepper if desired. Always serve hot food. Bon Appetit!