Home / Bakery / How to make sun-dried tomatoes for the winter. How to dry tomatoes at home? Sun-dried tomato recipe

How to make sun-dried tomatoes for the winter. How to dry tomatoes at home? Sun-dried tomato recipe

Helena 03.09.2019 21 861

Pomodori confit - this is how tomatoes are called in Italy, which are dried and caramelized in the sun or in the oven. In our supermarkets, this delicacy is sold in small jars and is quite expensive. Therefore, I propose to cook sun-dried tomatoes at home using an electric dryer, oven and even a microwave.

Where does this name come from - confit? The term “confit” comes from the French verb “confire”, which means “to keep”, and it, in turn, comes from the Latin “conficere” - to cook.

So this is not the name of the dish, but the term used to refer to the method of cooking at low temperatures and for a long time. This technique was invented in southwestern France and has long been used to cook duck or goose meat.

They cooked them in fat at temperatures below 100 degrees, laid them in glass jars, filled with fat and hermetically sealed. Such culinary processing allows the meat to be stored for a long time. Now this technique is used not only for poultry, but also for vegetables, fruits and even flowers.

But back to sun-dried tomatoes, we will apply this method to them. Tomatoes prepared in this way have a sweetish taste and are ideally combined with pasta, with cheese, they are served with red meat dishes or baked fish, put on pizza, and make sandwiches.

In Italy, where pomodori confit is especially popular, it is recommended to make them with datterini or cherry tomatoes. But cherry can be left for another use, for example, twist them into jars and I suggest looking at the link for recipes: https://naschaeda.ru/pomidory-cherri-na-zimu.html. We will dry from more familiar varieties, for example "cream", they are perfect for this.

Sun-dried tomatoes at home - recipe for cooking in a vegetable dryer, lick your fingers

If you have such a household appliance at home as an electric dryer for vegetables and fruits, then do sun-dried tomatoes will not be difficult. You just need to prepare them, put them in the dryer and you can do other things.

Required products:

For the marinade:

How to cook:

For drying, you need to take dense tomatoes, in which there is a lot of pulp and little liquid. They should be ripe, but not soft or overripe. It is advisable to take medium-sized tomatoes. Large ones dry for a long time, and small ones dry out strongly.

  1. I am not giving the exact amount of ingredients as it depends on the size of your dryer. Wash the vegetables, put on a cotton napkin, dry on top with a paper towel to remove excess moisture.
  2. Cut the tomatoes in half lengthwise, removing the stem. I have tomatoes from my dacha, so they are different. Larger ones had to be cut into more parts, so that in the end the vegetables turned out to be approximately the same size and thickness. If you buy, then choose that they are about the same size.
  3. It is often advised to remove the pulp with seeds in order to dry it faster, but I did not do this. After all, the goal is not to dry quickly, but to get tasty product, and with pulp, tomatoes are tastier. But if you think differently, then feel free to take out the pulp.
  4. Arrange the chopped tomatoes on trays, top with coarse salt and sugar. Salt and sugar in this case add more than taste. Thanks to them, the tomatoes will exude juice and the drying process will be faster. Heat without salt and sugar will quickly form a crust and prevent moisture from escaping.
  5. Put the prepared tomatoes in the dryer. Dry at 70 degrees. Hold for 10-12 hours and carry out the first diagnosis. The tomatoes should dry out but remain flexible and not sap when pressed. If, when pressed with a finger, liquid is released, then you need to dry them still. If some tomatoes are ready, then they need to be removed from the dryer, and the rest are cooked further.
  6. Check periodically and remove vegetables that have dried until tender. When everyone is ready, let them cool completely.
  7. Pour water and bite into a saucepan, bring to a boil. Put sun-dried tomatoes in the marinade. Keep the heat on high to simmer the vegetable marinade quickly. Keep the tomatoes in the boiling marinade for no more than 2 minutes.
  8. Quickly drain the hot marinade, and put the tomatoes on a wire rack so that there is excess moisture in the glass. Cover the top with a paper or cotton towel and leave for several hours so that the tomatoes dry well. If you want to speed up the process, then you can put it in the dryer for 30-40 minutes.
  9. Pour dry seasonings into dry sterile jars. I put in one jar fresh garlic, and in the other dry, the rest of the seasonings are the same.
  10. Start laying out the sun-dried tomatoes, crushing slightly so that there are as few voids as possible. When the jar is half full, add more seasonings. You also need to finish filling the jars with seasonings, sprinkling tomatoes with them.
  11. Banks were poured in different ways. I had sunflower oil with the addition of olive (as the manufacturer claims). I poured one jar with cold oil, and the one with fresh garlic I poured hot, heating it almost to a boil. Tomatoes should be completely covered in oil.
  12. Close the jars with a lid and send for storage. After a couple of days, look into the jars, the tomatoes will absorb the oil and you may need to top up. Before trying this delicacy, let it stand for 5 days, during which time the vegetables will absorb the oil and all the aromas of the seasonings. The longer they are infused, the more delicious they will become.

Why do you need to boil sun-dried tomatoes? This is necessary so that the tomatoes become slightly softer after drying and better absorb oil. And also additional heat treatment and a vinegar preservative will provide longer storage and they will stay with you all winter.

How to cook sun-dried tomatoes for the winter in the oven

If you do not have a dryer for vegetables and fruits, then this is not a reason to refuse such a preparation. At home, you can dry it naturally by placing the tomatoes in the sun. But we are not in Italy and not all regions of our large country have enough sun to dry such juicy vegetables. Therefore, an oven will help you, almost everyone has it.


  • fresh tomatoes
  • olive and sunflower oil
  • dry garlic
  • thyme sprigs
  • blend of italian herbs
  • dry rosemary
  • fresh garlic

Recipe description:

Vegetable oil is not only a preservative. It turns out fragrant and is perfect for dressing salads or for baking.

Recipe for cooking sun-dried tomatoes in the microwave

Of course, this is no longer the "confit" method, but there is such a method and I also want to talk about it. This recipe is suitable for the case when "well, I really want to", but it is expensive to buy, but there is no time or desire to do it for a long time.

Products for 2 servings:

  • fresh tomatoes - 5 pieces
  • vegetable oil
  • oregano
  • garlic

How to cook:

Video recipe from Julia Vysotskaya on how to make sun-dried tomatoes in oil

Julia Vysotskaya offers her own recipe for sun-dried tomatoes at home. She fills them with oil and bakes them in the oven. You will learn all the details in the video.

How to store homemade sun-dried tomatoes

As you have already seen, it is not difficult to prepare a delicious Italian appetizer, although you have to spend quite a lot of fresh tomatoes.

Tomatoes lose a lot of weight when dried. Out of 2.5 kilograms fresh vegetables it turns out about 250-300 gr. dried product.

It is not surprising that housewives want to know how to store this blank correctly so that it does not deteriorate and stand all winter. If not properly prepared and stored, mold may develop and the product will have to be thrown away.

By the way, for storage in the refrigerator, it is not recommended to fill it completely with olive oil, since at low temperatures it begins to grow cloudy and thicken. It is better to mix it with sunflower in a 1: 1 ratio. And if you store at room temperature, then you can not mix, but use it in pure form.

  • What's the best storage capacity? You can use a plastic container with a lid, provided that you plan on using the snack within 2-3 weeks. For more long-term storage you need to use glass jars, which must be sterilized before you lay out the snack. Don't forget to handle the lids too.
  • In conclusion, one more tip - direct sunlight should not fall on jars of sun-dried tomatoes.

Observing these simple rules, you will be sure that nothing will happen to your preparation and it will delight you and your loved ones with its original taste all winter long. And if you have never made such an appetizer, then be sure to try making sun-dried tomatoes at home.

Good luck with your blanks!

Few people harvest such fruits during the winter. The problem is, people just don't know how to eat these tomatoes. It's that simple! You can grease a slice of baguette with oil, put on top soft cheese and a few tomatoes. Can be added to salads or pizza with them. They are crumbled into salty baked goods, baked with fish or meat. Worth trying.

Try at least one of the options to determine if you like this transformation of tomatoes. If you like it, then you will certainly find more than one application for them.

General cooking principles

Many people advise to get rid of seeds and juice so that the fruits dry out more quickly. But in the event that you like tomatoes with seeds, of course, you should not get rid of them. If you nevertheless removed the juice with a spoon, then you can use it for some other purpose.

In the original Italian recipes(this is where sun-dried tomatoes came to us) olive oil is used. But to diversify the taste, you can use the most different types oils. For example, you can take mustard, corn or poppy seeds. This will change both taste and aroma.

Sun-dried tomatoes on traditional recipe in the oven

Cooking time

calorie content per 100 grams

This is the most classic recipe of all that we will offer you today. Therefore, everyone should definitely try to know the original taste.

How to cook:

Tip: you can use others instead of rosemary spices for taste and aroma.

Sun-dried tomatoes in an electric fruit and vegetable dryer

If you have a fruit and vegetable dryer, then you will need it now. Of course, everything will take much longer to prepare with it, but the recipe is good because you need a minimum of effort.

How much time - 10 hours.

What is the calorie content - 64 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Wash the tomatoes, pluck the tails and cut the fruits into halves. The stalks do not need to be cut.
  2. Using a spoon, remove the seeds from all halves along with the juice.
  3. Put the halves on dry napkins, cut down for about twenty minutes.
  4. Put the drying in the heating mode for five minutes, cover with a lid.
  5. Arrange the halves on trays, but this time with the cut upwards so that the remaining juice drips onto the engine.
  6. Salt the halves of vegetables, sprinkle with dry herbs.
  7. Place the trays in the dryer, set the temperature to 70 degrees.
  8. Set the time to nine o'clock.
  9. The pallets must be swapped every two hours to ensure that all tomatoes dry equally.
  10. Peel the garlic, cut off dry tails and cut into slices.
  11. Pour oil into a frying pan and put garlic, heat together, not forgetting to stir.
  12. Pour a little oil with garlic into pre-prepared jars.
  13. Then lay a layer of tomato, then butter and again tomatoes.
  14. So to the very top. But this should be done quickly, while the oil is hot.
  15. Close the lids and put in a warm place until it cools completely.

Tip: you can leave the juice from the vegetables, but then it will take a few more hours to dry the fruits well.

Drying method at home in the microwave

This drying method can be called the fastest. Just thirty minutes - and the divine delicacy is already on your table. Try it!

How much time is 30 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 61 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Wash the fruits thoroughly, cut into slices of the desired size, or halves.
  2. Be sure to remove the juice and seeds with a spoon.
  3. Sprinkle with salt, herbs and place on a suitable plate.
  4. Microwave for five minutes at maximum power.
  5. After that, take out the fruits, drain the released juice and cool the vegetable slices.
  6. When cooled down, return for another five minutes at the same power.
  7. Remove again, drain and repeat the process one more time.
  8. Peel the garlic, chop with a crush.
  9. Put the finished tomatoes in a jar, sprinkle with garlic, cover with oil.
  10. Repeat layers as long as there are ingredients.
  11. Close the finished jars and store in the refrigerator.

Tip: To get the original taste, add washed and dried fresh mint leaves to the jars.

How to cook dried cherry

If you like sun-dried tomatoes, try drying cherry tomatoes. It is a little sweeter and more flavorful as it is smaller in size. Let's get started together.

How much time - 15 minutes + night.

What is the calorie content - 57 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Wash the tomatoes, cut them into halves without touching the stalks; they do not need to be removed.
  2. Cover the baking dish with a sheet of parchment paper.
  3. Put the tomatoes on top, cut up.
  4. Salt them, sprinkle with thyme and oregano, sugar.
  5. Sprinkle the fruits with oil, and heat the oven to 200 degrees Celsius.
  6. Put the tomatoes inside, turn off the oven.
  7. Leave them in the oven until morning.

Tip: If you want to close the cherry for the winter, heat the oil and pour it into the tomato-filled jars to the very top.

The recipe for sun-dried tomatoes in oil for the winter

It's really simple and pretty quick recipe cooking sun-dried tomatoes in oil. We will lay it in for the winter, so that it will be delicious even in the cold!

How much time - 3 hours and 20 minutes + night.

What is the calorie content - 125 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Wash the tomatoes and cut into halves.
  2. Large fruits can be cut into four or more pieces.
  3. Place the slices on a baking sheet and season with salt to taste.
  4. Preheat the oven to 150 degrees Celsius.
  5. Remove the baking sheet for three hours, then turn off the oven, but leave the tomatoes inside until morning.
  6. Peel the garlic, cut into slices.
  7. Put ready-made tomatoes in jars, alternating with garlic, rosemary, laurel leaves and other herbs.
  8. Heat the oil, but do not bring it to a boil.
  9. Pour into jars, roll them up and put them upside down in heat until they cool completely.

Tip: After opening, it can be stored in the refrigerator for about a month.

Spicy garlic recipe

The recipe was created for lovers of aromatic spices. We cook delicious sun-dried tomatoes like you've never eaten before. The aroma will be created not only by herbs and spices, but also by garlic.

How much time - 7 hours and 25 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 70 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Wash the tomatoes thoroughly, then dry them.
  2. Cut into halves and use a spoon to take out the middle along with the stalks.
  3. Cover the baking sheet with baking paper and place the tomatoes on top in one layer.
  4. Mix salt, sugar and paprika.
  5. Peel the garlic and cut into slices.
  6. Rinse the basil, chop finely with a sharp knife.
  7. Warm up the oven to 100 degrees.
  8. First, sprinkle the tomatoes with basil and a mixture of sugar.
  9. Place them in the oven, but do not close the door completely.
  10. Dry the fruits for seven hours.
  11. Pour oil into a jar, add herbs and add garlic.
  12. Arrange the tomatoes and repeat the layer with herbs and garlic.
  13. Fill the jars to the very top, fill with oil.
  14. Roll up the lids and store the tomatoes in the refrigerator.

Tip: Add a chili pod to make it spicy.

Simple multicooker cooking

Let all those who have a slow cooker save it. This is a quick recipe in which you will have to wait for the result most of the time. Suitable for those who are short on time!

How much time - 1 hour and 30 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 35 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Rinse the tomatoes, cut into halves, quarters or wedges.
  2. Cover the bottom of the multicooker bowl with baking paper, put the tomatoes on top.
  3. They need to be folded tightly, but only in one layer and with a cut at the top.
  4. Mix salt, black pepper and sugar.
  5. Sprinkle the resulting mixture with tomatoes, add herbs.
  6. Peel the garlic, place the slices between the tomatoes.
  7. Sprinkle the fruit with oil, cook in the baking mode for one hour.
  8. Then transfer the contents of the bowl (without paper, of course) into jars, pour oil.
  9. Close with lids and put in the refrigerator for storage.

Tip: To store at room temperature, add vinegar to the jars.

It is best to use small fruits of approximately the same size. Then they do not have to be cut into slices and even quarters. They can be easily folded into a mold, on a baking sheet, in a multicooker or microwave.

To get the true Italian flavor, be sure to use fresh basil and rosemary like this. These herbs are the most important in Italy, and therefore are included in such preparations as sun-dried tomatoes.

Use not only these herbs, select the most different according to your preferences to make the tomatoes as tasty as possible for yourself. After all, only you know what exactly you like.

Sun-dried tomatoes are the taste of many future dishes. It's just that little is known about them so far and few people prepare them. Start with yourself, set an example to friends and family, so that they too quickly learn and discover something new.

Few housewives prepare sun-dried tomatoes for the winter at home. But if you have ever tried sun-dried tomatoes, you will certainly want to enjoy them again. Prepare such tasty preparation from a tomato you can different ways: in the oven, microwave, electric dryer.

But in cases, the cooking technology will be the same. Cut the tomatoes into pieces or wedges, spread out, sprinkle with your favorite spices and dry. Everything is simple and easy. Ready-made homemade sun-dried tomatoes are laid out in small jars and poured vegetable oil... It is recommended to store in the refrigerator.

Tomatoes are dried in many countries of the world. This type of tomato preparation is especially typical for countries with hot climates. Sun-dried tomatoes are prepared both in Australia and in Asia, but Italy is the homeland of this recipe. This is famous italian appetizer with aromatic herbs. Therefore, these vegetables will perfectly complement Mediterranean cuisine.

Meanwhile, in the store, the price of a small jar of such dry fragrant tomatoes is not cheap at all. At the same time, the recipe for sun-dried tomatoes for the winter at home is quite simple. The only thing that can cause difficulties is the preparation time for the tomato harvest for the winter.

In winter, by opening a jar of sun-dried tomatoes, you can cook delicious salad or add aromatic tomatoes to the soup, to meat dish.

Sun-dried tomatoes at home in the oven: a recipe for the winter

It will take you 4-6 hours to cook delicious long-term storage sun-dried tomatoes at home. However, it is not necessary to stand over the stove all this time, you can calmly do other things while the tomatoes are being cooked in the oven.

Very little of your active participation in cooking is required.

Cooking time: 5 hours.


  • Tomatoes (fleshy) - 2 kg.
  • Vegetable oil (odorless) - 1 cup (200 ml).
  • Salt - 1 tsp
  • Granulated sugar - 0.5 tsp
  • Spices.
  • Basil.
  • Garlic.

How to cook sun-dried tomatoes in the oven for the winter - step by step recipe with photo:

1. For this recipe you need strong fresh tomatoes with big amount pulp.

The variety "Cream" or "Fingers" is well suited. It is advisable to use these varieties for drying.

Wash the fruit under cold running water. If these are not homemade tomatoes, then it is better to wash them with a special product. Then cut the small tomatoes in half and the large ones into quarters.

Use a teaspoon to scoop out the seeds from each piece. If there are few seeds, then you can leave them.

2. Place baking paper on a baking sheet. Foil can be used instead of paper. Arrange the tomato slices in tight rows.

When dried, the tomatoes will decrease in size, and a free space will form between them. Using a cooking brush, brush the surface of the sliced ​​tomatoes with vegetable oil.

Sprinkle the tomato slices with your favorite spices (such as black pepper, Provencal herbs, or dried garlic), salt, and a little sugar.

Place the baking sheet in an oven preheated to 100 degrees. Select the fan on mode. If your oven does not provide such a mode, then you can simply open the door slightly.

It is not necessary to dry the tomatoes in one go, you can take breaks by leaving them in the oven with the door ajar.

Finished sun-dried tomatoes are reduced in size, when squeezed, juice will not come out of them. Some pieces may have a light brown crust due to the sugar you sprinkled on the tomatoes.

3. Ready homemade sun-dried tomatoes should be cooled. Jars and lids must be pre-pasteurized. In prepared jars, put slices of sun-dried tomatoes.

Place basil leaflets, a clove of garlic on top. Cover a layer of chopped and dried tomatoes with unscented vegetable oil. Then repeat the layer of tomatoes with garlic and basil, cover again with oil.

It will be tasty with both ordinary sunflower and olive oil.

Repeat layers of tomato, garlic and basil until the jar is full.

In the same way, you can prepare sweet for the winter bell pepper... It will be a real storehouse of vitamins.

4. Screw the jar tightly with a sterile metal cap. You need to store sun-dried tomatoes in the refrigerator. Tight plastic covers can be used instead of metal covers.

From two kilograms raw tomatoes, it turns out about 400 g of jerky.

After a few days, sun-dried tomatoes in a jar will be saturated with herbs, garlic and can be tasted. The spice oil left in the jar turns out to be incredibly fragrant and perfect for dressing salads.

Sun-dried tomato slices can be added to risotto, pizza, pasta and other dishes Italian cuisine... And just with black bread, these tomatoes are very tasty. Bon Appetit!

Video: Sun-dried tomatoes for long-term storage in the oven, a recipe for the winter for twisting

Oven sun-dried tomatoes - the easiest recipe

Cooking sun-dried tomatoes in the oven is not difficult at all. Even if you are unsure of your culinary skills, this recipe will definitely work for you. We will cook with butter.


  • one and a half kilograms of tomatoes;
  • a couple of cloves of garlic;
  • olive or refined sunflower oil as needed;
  • dry aromatic herbs to taste;
  • coarse salt and ground pepper to taste.

How to make delicious sun-dried tomatoes:

  1. Rinse and dry the tomatoes. Cut into two equal parts, remove the stem and seeds.
  2. Line a baking sheet with parchment and place the vegetables in it. Stack them as tightly as possible. Season with salt and pepper. Spray with oil.
  3. Preheat the oven to 100 degrees and place the baking sheet in it. Leave the tomatoes on for about a few hours. Small varieties, on average, are cooked in 4-5 hours on average. The main thing is not to overdry them, all the liquid does not need to be evaporated.
  4. Remove the finished product from the oven and let cool.
  5. Pour a little oil on the bottom of a sterile jar. Place a sprig of rosemary or other fragrant herb, minced garlic clove in it.
  6. Fill the container with tomatoes by a third, add more oil, add the spices again. Continue alternating layers until the jar is full. Then tamp the workpiece lightly.
  7. Pour the oil over the vegetables until they are completely coated. Close the jars with clean lids and refrigerate.

Note: many housewives are interested in: how to determine the readiness of sun-dried tomatoes? There is nothing complicated: just press the half of the tomato. If no juice comes out, then you're done.

How to make basil sun-dried tomatoes in an electric convection oven

I want to offer you a recipe for sun-dried tomatoes in a convection oven. I note that during drying, tomatoes will lose most of their mass, so out of 5 kilograms of fresh tomatoes, you will get a maximum of one and a half dried ones.


  • one and a half kilograms of tomato;
  • to taste: salt, sugar, basil, other spices;
  • vegetable oil - as needed.

How to cook basil sun-dried tomatoes in an electric convection oven:

  1. Wash tomatoes, cut into halves. Remove the seeds.
  2. Sprinkle the slices with salt and sugar, basil and spices, chopped garlic. Stir gently and let stand for 20 minutes - the tomatoes should release their juice.
  3. Stir again and discard the tomatoes in a colander. Wait for the juice to drain.
  4. Line a baking sheet with foil, shiny side up. Lay the tomatoes cut up.
  5. Preheat the oven to 80 degrees by turning on the convection. Place a baking sheet in it. The door should be slightly ajar during the entire cooking process.
  6. Drying takes from two to four hours. Tomatoes decrease in volume, dry out - the main thing is not to dry them out.
  7. Transfer the vegetables to sterile containers and cover with calcined vegetable oil so that it covers the tomatoes. Roll up and shake the canning. Cover the jars with a towel and let cool.

Tip: Store curls at room temperature. It is better to put an open jar in the refrigerator.

Winter spin recipe

Canned sun-dried tomatoes, closed for the winter, are very tasty. They are added to salads, eaten with bread, some even cook pizza using sun-dried tomatoes.


  • one and a half kilograms of tomatoes;
  • half a teaspoon of dry basil;
  • 50 milliliters of refined sunflower oil;
  • half a teaspoon of the pepper mixture;
  • 12 garlic cloves;
  • half a teaspoon of dry marjoram, oregano, rosemary;
  • a tablespoon of coarse salt.

How to cook sun-dried tomatoes for curling:

  1. Mix dry herbs.
  2. Wash the tomatoes and cut them into halves or quarters. Remove seeds.
  3. Line a baking sheet with parchment and place the vegetables on it. Sprinkle them with salt, spices. Sprinkle with oil.
  4. Preheat the oven to 100 degrees and place the baking sheet there for 6 hours, there is no need to close the door. If there is a convector, use it.
  5. Readiness is checked visually. Tomatoes should not be burnt or brittle.
  6. Chop the garlic. The oil must be ignited and allowed to cool.
  7. Drop oil on the bottom of a sterile container, put tomatoes, sprinkle with garlic. After filling the jar, fill the product with oil, close the lid. Store in the refrigerator.

Note: the shelf life of seaming is approximately 6 months.

Peeled tomatoes, dried in a gas oven

You can also cook sun-dried tomatoes in a gas oven, without the peel. By the way, for short storage - about half a month - a simple plastic bag is also suitable. But I prefer to put the finished product in a jar.

You will need:

  • one and a half kilograms of tomato;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 150 grams of vegetable oil;
  • a few sprigs of parsley;
  • spices to taste;
  • ground black pepper, salt and sugar.

How to cook sun-dried tomatoes in a gas oven:

  1. Place a pot of water on the stove and wait for it to boil. At this time, wash the tomatoes, make a cross cut on each fruit.
  2. Dip the tomatoes in boiling water. Wait 30 seconds, then remove and place in cold water... Peel off the skin.
  3. Cut the tomatoes into quarters or halves. Remove seeds.
  4. Lay parchment on a baking sheet, put tomato slices on it. Sprinkle with spices, pepper, add sugar and salt. Season each tomato with a drop of oil.
  5. Preheat the oven to 100-130 degrees and place the baking sheet there. It takes about two hours to cook.
  6. Prepare the filling: To do this, chop the parsley and garlic. Place them in one bowl and pour in vegetable oil. Add some rosemary if you like. Stir.
  7. Remove the tomatoes from the oven and transfer to a sterile container. Fill with oil up to the neck. Roll up and refrigerate.

Note: the twist is ready for use in a week. But it will stay the whole winter.

How to cook whole dried tomatoes in the oven

Tomatoes do not need to be cut to wilt. You can cook them whole, only it will take more time. I will share the recipe with you.

You will need:

  • 3 kilograms of tomatoes;
  • seasonings to taste;
  • sugar and salt to taste;
  • head of garlic;

Step by step recipe:

  1. Wash the tomatoes. Pour water into a saucepan and bring to a boil. Prepare the dishes with cold water in advance.
  2. Make a cross cut into the tomatoes. Dip the tomatoes in boiling water for about 30 seconds. Then transfer them to cold water. Remove the skin.
  3. Combine sugar, salt and spices. Do not feel sorry for sugar, there should be a lot of it. Roll each tomato in the mixture.
  4. Place the tomatoes on a wire shelf with a pallet underneath. Leave the vegetables for an hour.
  5. Set the oven to low heat. Place the grates with tomatoes inside. Place a baking sheet under the bottom for about half an hour so that the juice that stands out flows down there. Do not close the door completely. Leave it overnight.
  6. Place the tomatoes in sterile jars, stirring in chopped garlic and spices to taste. Cover with vegetable oil and roll up.

Note: the shelf life of canned food in the refrigerator is one year.

Sun-dried tomatoes in the oven for 3 hours

If you need to make sun-dried tomatoes very quickly, it is best to use small tomatoes. They will reach the desired condition in just 3-4 hours.


  • a pound of cherry tomatoes;
  • olive oil as needed;
  • a tablespoon of sugar;
  • 4 sprigs of thyme;
  • salt and pepper to taste.

Cooking method

  1. Wash and dry the tomatoes. Cut into halves. Place on a baking sheet lined with oiled parchment.
  2. Preheat the oven to 120 degrees. Sprinkle vegetables with salt, pepper, sugar. Add thyme and sprinkle with oil over the tomatoes.
  3. Leave the tomatoes in the oven for a couple of hours. Wait for it to cool, then transfer the finished product to a sterile jar and fill with oil. Close the lid and store.

Tip: Don't be afraid to experiment with herbs.

As you can see, my recipes for sun-dried tomatoes at home in the oven for the winter are very simple. However, if you want to understand in more detail how to prepare this product, watch the video I prepared especially for you. Bon Appetit!

Making sun-dried tomatoes at home is not so difficult. And this snack has a lot of fans. Of course, sun-dried tomatoes can be bought in the store, now everything can be bought. But it is more pleasant and more economical to cook them yourself, in the kitchen, using one of the proposed recipes. So how to make a tasty preparation for the winter, and what is required for this?

The appetizer is different minimum amount ingredients, but, strictly speaking, this is not the whole "salt", but that the classic recipe involves the participation of the sun's rays in this procedure. In our climatic conditions, wilting tomatoes using ultraviolet light is not an option. The sun is not right. This means that you will have to cook a snack using dryers, ovens and microwaves.

Cooking features:

  1. You can use any oil in the cooking process, but Italians prefer olive oil, considering it ideal. If you get such oil and you can't use it, take refined sunflower oil.
  2. Seasonings are selected individually. Basil, pepper, cumin are classics, but Provencal herbs are also used.
  3. You can independently supplement the recipe by adding garlic to it, this will improve the taste characteristics of the snack, add piquancy.

How to choose and prepare a vegetable before starting the process

What other characteristics should the fetus meet:

  • be fleshy, not watery, otherwise the dish will consist of one rind;
  • ripe, medium-sized - give preference to cream tomatoes, cherries loved by everyone will do;
  • the tomato should be clean, preferably fresh, but not overripe, without signs of rot, visible damage, mold.

How to cook sun-dried tomatoes at home

Making your own snack is not that difficult, but it will take time. In order not to face setbacks and not be disappointed in cooking, it is advised to follow the recipe.

A simple step-by-step recipe for the winter

We will describe in detail classic recipe cooking snacks, you can make it in the following way:

  1. It is worth cutting the tomatoes into slices (into halves or quarters).
  2. Cover the dish with parchment and place the tomatoes.
  3. Tomatoes are positioned so that they "look" with the cut up.
  4. Then they are sent to the oven for a certain time.

How much the appetizer will be prepared depends on the selected recipe option. If the tomatoes are to be baked, then they will stay in the oven for at least 4 hours. If dried, then more - from 4 to 6 hours.

After the tomatoes reach their indicators (become sun-dried or baked), they are removed from oven and sent to the bank.

The canning process takes place according to the following scheme:

  • jars are pre-sterilized, along with lids;
  • then put tomatoes in them, covering with a mixture of salt, pepper and herbs;
  • laid in layers, and then poured with olive oil.

Attention! The mixture can be prepared in advance by mixing salt, pepper and herbs. For those who like it sharper, ground paprika or red, hot peppers are suitable.

Use fresh or dried herbs. V classic version basil, pepper, thyme should be present. Olive oil is present in the classic version of the recipe, but it is replaced with sunflower oil or balsamic vinegar is preferred.

The jar should be completely filled, with the remaining space taken up by oil or vinegar. The workpiece is sent to a cool place; it is recommended to store it in the refrigerator.

Recipe from Julia Vysotskaya

According to Yulia Vysotskaya, tomatoes should be prepared adhering to the following recipe:

  1. Choose cherry tomatoes (300-350 grams). Pre-wash them under running water and remove the "tails".
  2. Mix salt and pepper, choose the proportions individually, following your taste preferences.
  3. Peel the garlic and place the cloves over the chopped tomatoes.

Chop the herbs and the remaining garlic and mix them together. Put the mixture on the tomatoes and send the workpiece to the oven, preheated to 90 degrees. After 6-7 hours, the snack will be ready; to make it tasty, it is worth bringing the "case" to the end.

Attention! Julia proposes to act alternatively: sprinkle tomatoes with herbs and spices before sending them to the oven, and not to the jar. Use extra virgin olive oil.

The finished tomatoes are removed from the oven, left on parchment, take a glass jar and place them there. No need to lay in layers; the remains of salt, pepper and chopped herbs are placed on top, and everything is poured with olive oil. The workpiece is sent to the refrigerator.

In the oven

There are some tricks to help you delicious appetizer in the oven:

  • preheat the oven to 80-90 degrees;
  • cook at a temperature of 100 or 120 degrees, no higher;
  • monitor the condition of the tomatoes, ensuring sufficient circulation of air masses.

Cooking in the oven is easier, but if this is not possible, you can use a microwave oven or an electric vegetable dryer. Without olive oil the appetizer will not be so tasty - some housewives say so, but this is a matter of taste. Try capping several jars using olive oil or vinegar.

In an electric dryer

Making a snack with special equipment is easier. It will take at least 9 hours to dry tomatoes in an electric dryer. The larger the pieces and juicier tomatoes- the longer it will take. Otherwise, the recipe does not differ from the classic one.

In the microwave

  1. Chop the tomatoes, then put on a dish.
  2. Turn on the microwave at full power, set the time to 5 minutes.
  3. When the time is up, hold it for another 5 minutes without opening the doors.
  4. If this is not enough, then repeat the procedure, setting the time to 3 minutes.

Italian recipe

Dried or sun-dried tomatoes are prepared according to a specific recipe, and it differs from the classic one:

  • a variety of herbs used for harvesting. You will need: rosemary, thyme, oregano, garlic, parsley and dill;
  • and the finished tomatoes are poured not with olive oil, but with warm sunflower oil;
  • it is recommended to use tomatoes, variety Cream.

Convection oven

The best option for preparing a snack, but if there is no such option, then you can ensure the circulation of air masses using a wooden stick. It is located between the oven door and the cabinet itself.

With balsamic vinegar

This recipe is similar, except that balsamic vinegar is used instead of olive or sunflower oil. It is poured into a glass container after it is filled with tomatoes.

With garlic

Garlic is used in crushed and regular form, it is treated as follows:

  1. Cut and add to salt and pepper, combining with herbs.
  2. They put them on parchment, send the tomatoes to the oven.

If garlic is unpleasant, its taste and aroma is disgusting, you can replace this ingredient or refuse to use it altogether.

With basil and garlic

If we are talking about dried basil, then it can be soaked in garlic juice, and then put the mixture of these seasonings on the tomatoes and send them to the oven or electric dryer.

Put the rest of the mixture in a jar to give the snack an unforgettable aroma.

Sun-drying tomatoes

We cook using the following technology:

  • place the fruits cut into slices on a paper towel or gauze;
  • cover with a thin layer of material if there are flies or other insects in the room;
  • turn over at least 1 time in 4 hours;
  • when the sun goes away, we take the workpiece and put it in the banks.

In olive oil

Extra-pressed oil is used to ennoble tomatoes, to make the appetizer tasty. It is recommended to pour tomatoes with warm oil at room temperature.

In sunflower oil

It is heated, but not brought to a boil. Pour into a glass jar after adding other components (salt, pepper, spices). At the final stage.

With balsamic vinegar

Alternative option. Such a recipe will help to get new taste sensations, but they are not for everybody's taste, since the ingredient will give the preparation a pleasant sourness.

Recipe from Alla Kovalchuk

Has its own characteristics. We'll have to heat the water and lower the previously cut cross-to-cross, the fruits in boiling water. Then immerse them in cold water, peel them and remove the seeds and liquid pulp.

Recipe from Vincenzo Barba

It differs in that the chef suggests using a mixture of olive oil and sunflower oil. And also add 1 teaspoon of sugar to salt and pepper.

In the Isidri dryer

The process takes place gradually and carefully, which does not spoil the taste characteristics of the product. A gas oven is not suitable for such procedures. But the use of the Isidri dryer allows you to avoid darkening of tomatoes - such a product is considered spoiled and unsuitable for further use.

Sun-dried cherry tomatoes

We act in the same way - chop the tomatoes. But we avoid too small parts, cut the fruits into 2 halves and heat them.

Cherries are not much different from other varieties, but they are ideal for preparing an appetizer, since they have all the necessary characteristics. If you are preparing sun-dried tomatoes for the first time, then take cherry tomatoes.

How much and how the workpieces are stored

If you store the snack correctly, then nothing will happen to it for 2-3 weeks. But for this, it must be in a cool and, preferably, dark place.

Storage rules:

  1. An open jar is kept in the refrigerator, its shelf life does not exceed a couple of days.
  2. Take tomatoes with a clean fork or spoon, the dishes must be dry.

What not to do:

  • expose tomatoes to high temperatures;
  • heat or cool jars, freeze;
  • keep in direct sunlight, near heat sources.

If you follow all the storage rules, then the snack will preserve its characteristics for a long period of time. It can be enjoyed during a modest dinner or a noisy family celebration with a large number of guests.