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Bachelor food. Bachelor's kitchen - fast and satisfying

If dumplings and Chinese noodles you are tired, it's time to put on an apron and get up to the kitchen table. Moreover, we have collected for you dishes that are as simple as possible to prepare. And at the same time they are very tasty.

Vegetable stew from handy products

Any vegetables will go to the stew. Photo: pixabay.com

This dish is not only tasty, but also healthy. The good news is that you can put almost any vegetables in it.

What you need:

You can put anything in the fridge in the stew.

It is better that these were:

  • Large onion - 1 pc.
  • medium carrots - 1 pc.
  • beets - 1 pc.
  • potatoes - 7 pcs.
  • small zucchini - 1 pc.
  • tomatoes - 3 pcs.
  • bell pepper- 1 PC.

How to cook:

All vegetables must be washed, peeled and cut: onions - in half rings, carrots and beets - into strips, tomatoes - into slices, and the rest - into cubes.

Heat a large skillet, pour sunflower oil on the bottom, toss onions and carrots. Saute until the onions are translucent and the carrots are soft.

Then gradually add beets, tomatoes, peppers, zucchini, potatoes to the pan. Let each new ingredient sweat for a few minutes before adding the next. Remember to add salt and pepper to the dish, stir it and add a little water to the vegetables to prevent them from burning.

When the potatoes are soft, remove the pan from heat. Stew can be eaten as an independent dish or used as a side dish to a piece of meat, for example.

First and second chicken

You can make two dishes at once from one chicken. Photo: pixabay.com

By buying a whole chicken in the store, you can kill two birds with one stone and forget about cooking for several days. Because we will teach you how to cook both soup and main course from it at once.

What you need:

  • Whole gutted chicken - 1 pc.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • potatoes - 2 pcs.
  • milk - glass
  • eggs - a dozen
  • pasta - half a pack

How to cook:

Wash the chicken and cook in a large saucepan (it will take about 30 minutes after the water boils). Place the finished carcass on a plate and let cool. Never pour out the broth! This is the basis for our soup.

While the chicken is cooling, cut the peeled carrots into strips, the potatoes into cubes, and finely chop the onion. Fry onions with carrots in a small amount vegetable oil.

Now cut the chicken into small pieces. Put about a third of the meat back into the broth, add the potatoes there and put the pan on the stove. After boiling, let it simmer for 5 minutes, salt to taste, throw half a pack of pasta into the boiling soup, as well as fry carrots with onions. Cook for another 8-10 minutes, until the pasta is tender. Pepper. You can throw finely chopped greens - dill, parsley. The soup is ready.

Now it's time to tackle the leftover chicken. Place the meat in a baking dish or in a frying pan without a handle. Using a fork, beat the eggs with milk (add a pinch of salt) and pour over the chicken pieces with the resulting mixture. Sprinkle with chopped onions on top, season with salt and pepper and bake in the oven. Once egg mixture hardens, the dish can be served.

Spaghetti carbonara

Just 20 minutes - and a popular Italian dish on your table. Photo: pixabay.com

Despite the complicated name, this delicious Italian dish is prepared very quickly and easily.

What you need:

  • Spaghetti - pack of 500 g.
  • cream from the store - pack of 250 g.
  • bacon, brisket, loin or any other meat of your choice - 300 g.
  • hard cheese- 100 g.
  • eggs - 2 pcs.

How to cook:

Cut the meat into small slices, fry them in a pan in vegetable oil. Ideally, olive, but the usual sunflower is also fine. We set the pan aside. We put water in a saucepan on the stove and, when it boils, add spaghetti. The cooking time for spaghetti should be indicated on the package itself.

While they are boiling, prepare the sauce. To do this, rub the cheese on a fine grater and mix it with eggs and cream.

Drain the spaghetti, put them in the pan on the bacon, pour the sauce on top and put everything on the stove for just a couple of minutes, stirring.

The dish is ready.

Potatoes with bacon

Potatoes and meat are the perfect combination for real men. Photo: pixabay.com

The most simple and very satisfying male dish.

What you need:

  • Young potatoes - 1 kg.
  • bacon - 300 gr.
  • onions - 2 pcs.
  • dill - 1 bunch

How to cook:

My potatoes, peel, cut into large slices. We put it in a saucepan, fill it with water and put it on fire. Meanwhile, finely chop the onion and fry it on another stove in a frying pan in a little vegetable oil. When it becomes transparent, add the bacon cut into slices to it, now fry everything together.

Checking the potatoes, they should have been boiled by now. Drain the water from the pan, put our roast on the potatoes and mix. Sprinkle with finely chopped dill on top. The potatoes with bacon are ready.

Dessert croutons

The base of a delicious dessert is ordinary White bread... Photo: pixabay.com

“Necessity for inventions is cunning,” says a well-known proverb. Even if there is practically nothing in the fridge, you can make a delicious and satisfying dessert. There would be butter, tea, sugar and bread.

What you need:

  • Butter or vegetable oil
  • loaf or white bread
  • a cup of strongly brewed tea
  • sugar

How to cook:

Gradually add sugar to the cup of tea. Poured - stirred, added more - stirred again. You should have a fairly thick sugar syrup.

Now preheat the skillet. You can use whatever oil you want. We're not seeing a dietitian. Slice the bread. Dip slices of bread in tea syrup and saute until golden brown. Simple and surprising delicious dessert ready.

Who is a bachelor? Some ... living alone, alien to the PERMANENT female company ... washing their socks once in a full moon (and shaving at the same time) male? Yes, it may be so. However, he is also a person for whom regular cooking in the style of "Smak" by Andrey Makarevich or Boris Burda is something fabulously unreal. Singles generally don't like to bother with food. The main thing is to get enough, while spending a minimum of energy, effort and time. And that's what our next bachelor recipes are about!

Hairy sausages

The recipe for this truly bachelor dish is extremely simple, but the result looks awesome. Yes, and it all turns out satisfying.

What to take

Spaghetti - a 900 g package is better, so that there is still "for later"

Sausages - quantity at discretion (possible with cheese)

What to do

We cut our sausages into "circles" 3, 5 cm thick, or even in half. Next, we take "spaghettiki" and pierce each part of the sausage with so much of this pasta, how much the volume of sausages allows. You can even "poke around" up to 40 pieces. Next, we lower these "products" into water and cook until tender. Add salt to taste. If you are not impressed by the picture of your future opus, then what impresses you?

Puree with fileshka

He would be asking for "more with pivasik" ... but not yet about that. So, at full speed you are rushing home with the knowledge that the last piece of sausage as compensation for moral damage yesterday was carried away by cockroaches. There is nothing to satisfy hunger ... Just for such a case, a simple recipe for a bachelor dinner!

What to take

Potatoes - you can 1 kg or just to have enough at a time

Chicken breast - not to be confused with breast

Salt and spices should be at home by default.

What to do

First, we “score” on everything, setting aside 40 minutes for cooking. We turn on the music, under which we peel the potatoes, abandoning it to boil after that. Now we "communicate" with the breast: first, rinse, dry and cut into small slices. Salt and pepper, add your favorite (maybe even the last in stock) spices. We send the filechka to the pan with sunflower oil and, stirring, fry. Shred the onion. Letting go of a stingy man's tear, put the peeled onion in a saucepan, add the fillet there and simmer for 5-7 minutes. "Having received" mashed potatoes from the finished potatoes (for sure, everyone knows how to drain the water and crush), we can already feed ourselves to our beloved: potatoes - 70% of the space on the plate, filech - 25%, the rest of the space can be filled with a cucumber or something else edible ...

Spaghetti carbonara

And now there are some "Apennines" on our bachelor menu. Let's try to join some traditional dish Italian cuisine... Of course, everything is simple to prepare. Italian men sometimes don't like complexity either.

What to take

Spaghetti - 500 g is enough

Cream 10-20% fat - glass

Bacon - 250 g (brisket or loin will do)

Hard cheese - 100 g

Eggs and yolks - 2 pcs.

What to do

The first step is to "chick" the bacon in small and thin slices. On a drop of olive (!) Oil, fry it in a frying pan. Only without fanaticism: do not fry until crisp - you just need to melt the fat. Made? Then put the bacon and fat on a dish. Until the desire to cook is gone, quickly set the pasta to cook and prepare the sauce. Three cheese on a fine grater, add cream, mix until smooth. Then "whip in" the yolks, shake. Next - whole eggs, mix thoroughly. Pour the sauce over the bacon. The last chord: so that the sauce "reaches" from above on all this beauty, spread freshly boiled spaghetti with two spoons straight from the pan. No rinsing or colander. Let the sauce thicken, leave the dish for 10 minutes. After stirring, you will get what the Italians call “Belissimo!”

Beef liver in sour cream

If we could not get along with our liver, then we will learn how to handle beef. Just an hour, and the dish is ready!

What do you need

Beef liver- 1 kg

Sour cream 20% fat - 250 g

Bulbs - 1-2 pieces

Garlic - a few cloves

Greens - a small bunch

Vegetable oil (for frying).

What are we doing

Cut the cookie into small cubes. Peel the onion and cut it into half rings. Grind the greens. Put the onion in a hot skillet with vegetable oil. Fry it until golden brown and add the pieces of liver. Cover with a lid, reduce the gas to a minimum and leave for 20 minutes. Stir and leave to simmer for another 20 minutes. During this time, the liver will give juice. Pour sour cream into the pan, add herbs, pass peeled garlic through the garlic press, salt and pepper to taste. Then mix everything and leave to simmer under the lid for about 10 minutes. Use it hot as an independent dish, or as a sauce for boiled potatoes or pasta. Eat, do not crap!

What is the life of a bachelor? Spending time in splendid isolation, and only sometimes in a female company; washing socks only on the full moon (just like shaving) ... Yes, such cases are not uncommon. But regular culinary feats are still completely alien to a normal single man. Few bachelor will "bother" with cooking, because just to get enough, it is foolish to spend a lot of precious time, effort and energy. For such men, our selection of truly bachelor recipes!


The recipe for this dish is ideal for a bachelor, because it is as easy to prepare as possible, and the result is usually wildly delightful. And his satiety is excellent.

What do you need:

Spaghetti - preferably a pack of 900 g, so that it lasts longer;

Wieners or sausages - as much as you like (they are also suitable with cheese);

How to cook. Cut the sausages or sausages into 4 cm thick circles or in half. Now we take out the "spaghetins" and pierce the pieces of sausage or sausage with them until we fill their entire volume. Then we put these "hedgehogs" in boiling salted water and cook for 15 minutes. The "hairy sausages" look like a masterpiece, don't they?

Fileh with mashed potatoes garnish

In my head flashed "also with pivasik" ... But not this time. So, you are wandering from work with the dull thought that the last cockroach has already escaped from your apartment, because even he did not find what to eat in the kitchen. My stomach rumbled treacherously ... To save the situation, we suggest you treat yourself to a delicious bachelor dinner!

What do you need:

Potatoes - about 1 kg;

Chicken fillet or breast - half a kilo;

Onion - a couple of pieces;

Salt and spices for meat.

How to cook. To begin with, we put aside all matters, completely devoting ourselves to cooking for 40 minutes. We turn on our favorite music, and, singing along, peel the potatoes. Wash it, fill it with water and put it on fire. Now let's get down to the meat. We wash it and cut it into small pieces. We mix it with salt, pepper and your favorite spices. Fragrant with seasonings, put juicy meat in a preheated pan with sunflower oil and fry, stirring occasionally.

It's time to chop the onion. After a short sob, put the onion half rings in a shallow saucepan, pour the fillets there and let them stew for 6-8 minutes. Having made mashed potatoes from boiled potatoes, we can proceed with the long-awaited dinner with a pure heart: mashed potatoes - 3/4 of the space on the plate, filech - 1/4, and the remaining space is ideal for a tomato or cucumber.

Spaghetti carbonara

Any bachelor will need a couple of recipes with a pretty fanciful name. For these purposes, a delicious and easy-to-cook dish from traditional cuisine Italy. It's good that Italians are as much against complexity as we are!

What do you need:

Spaghetti - a pack of 500 g is enough;

Cream, maximum 20% fat content - 300 ml;

Bacon - 300 grams (can be replaced with loin or brisket);

Hard cheese - 100 grams;

Eggs - 2 pieces and 2 more yolks;

How to cook. First, cut the bacon into small and thin slices. Fry them in a skillet with a little olive oil. Just don't miss it, because our goal is to melt a little fat. Ready? Now we lay out the bacon mixed with fat on a platter. While the desire to cook has not evaporated yet, quickly cook the spaghetti and prepare the sauce. To prepare the sauce, grate the cheese on a fine grater and carefully mix with cream, eggs and yolks until a homogeneous light mass.

Pour the resulting sauce over the bacon. The final accord: put the spaghetti in a colander so that there is no excess water left, and put the ready-made pasta on top of the meat with sauce, so that the dish acquires a complete taste. We leave our masterpiece for 10 minutes to thicken the sauce. Stir all layers of the dish before tasting. Now you can confidently exclaim “Belissimo!”

Beef liver in sour cream

If finding a common language with your liver is not an easy task, then learning how to use beef will not be difficult. A maximum of an hour of effort, and the yummy is ready!

What do you need:

Beef liver - 1 kg;

Onion - a couple of things;

Sour cream 15-20% fat - 300 grams;

Garlic - 2 cloves;

Greens - a small bunch;

Green onions - a couple of branches;

Vegetable oil;

Salt pepper.

How to cook. We wash the liver and cut into small cubes. Peel the onion and cut into half rings. Finely chop the greens. Now fry the onion in a skillet with vegetable oil until golden brown. We spread the chopped liver on it. Cover with a lid, set on minimum heat and simmer for 20 minutes. Then mix and leave for another 15 minutes, so that the liver gives juice.

Naturally, not a single bachelor will enthusiastically accept the idea of ​​spending every evening in the kitchen, preparing a long-awaited dinner. It is much more pleasant to just relax in your favorite chair, stroking a bored dog. But this is quite real! You will need a large piece of beef that will need to be cooked on Sunday using special instructions. All that is left for you is to cut off the required amount of meat from it for the next week, mix it with various ingredients and gobble it up on both cheeks.

Weekly stocks
Beef brisket - 3 kg
Carrots, onions - 1 each
Celery - 1 stalk
Beef broth (a cube is also suitable) - 1 l
Vinegar (balsamic or red wine) - 3 tbsp l.
Worcester sauce - 1 tbsp l.
Ground smoked chili - 1 tbsp l.
Olive oil - 2 tablespoons
Tabasco sauce, salt - to taste
Thyme - a couple of twigs
Laying the foundation
Cut the carrots, celery and onions into cubes, then sauté in a skillet over low heat and place the prepared vegetables in a large deep baking tray. Grate the beef well with a mixture of salt and chili, sprinkle with thyme branches and put the meat on the fried vegetables in a bowl. Then you need to pour the brisket with vinegar, sauces and broth. Cover the dish tightly with foil, put it in an oven preheated to 130ºC and leave to bake for 4–5 hours.
Checking the meat
Once the time is up, peel off the foil very carefully. The beef should look dark brown. Prick the brisket with two forks to make sure it breaks down easily. If the meat is tight, cover it again with foil and put it in the oven for half an hour. When it's ready, take it out and leave it to cool.
Remove fat
If there is fat on the cooled meat, it must be removed and discarded. It is advisable to keep the beef in the liquid in which it was baked so that the meat does not dry out. Now you can safely clean main ingredient of your diet in the refrigerator for the next 5 days and take out the meat in those cases when you are hungry and decide to eat normally, and not be interrupted by sandwiches.

Monday: fast dinner
Beef with curry sauce and fresh vegetable salad
Main ingredients:
Finished brisket - 200 g (cut into large pieces)
Onions - 1 piece of white and 0.5 pieces of red (finely chopped)
Potatoes - 3-4 jokes (cut into cubes)
Tomato, cucumber - 1 pc each (cut into small cubes)
Chili - 1 pc, small (cut into thin strips)
Curry sauce - 2 tbsp l.
Olive oil - 2 tablespoons l.
Lime - 1 pc (squeeze juice)
Cilantro - slightly (finely chopped)
Pepper, salt - to taste
How to cook:
1. Heat a frying pan over low heat, add oil, fry the onion, add potatoes and curry sauce to it. Fry this mixture over low heat for 10 minutes. Finally add the beef, stir and simmer for another 5 minutes.
2. Put chopped vegetables into a deep bowl, pour lime juice on them, add salt, pepper and mix everything. At the end, put the salad on a plate next to the meat mixture, top it with cilantro and you can start dinner.
Tuesday: a mine of squirrels
Beef with cabbage in pita bread
Main ingredients:
Finished brisket - 400 g (cut into small cubes)
Lavash - 4 pcs (preferably corn)
Red cabbage - a quarter of a medium head of cabbage (chopped)
White cabbage - a quarter of a medium head of cabbage (chopped)
Carrots - 1 pc (grate)
Gherkins - 4 pcs (cut into small cubes)
Celery - 4 tbsp. l. stems (cut into thin strips)
Olive oil - 2 tablespoons
Wine vinegar - 2 tbsp l. (better white)
Parsley, pepper and salt to taste
How to cook:
1. Pour all vegetables, parsley into a deep bowl, pour over them with oil and vinegar, sprinkle with pepper and salt, mix.
2. Pack the beef, the resulting salad and lavash cakes in different lunchboxes, and you can safely take them to work. As soon as you get hungry, put the meat and vegetables in pita bread, wrap it up and have lunch. And don't forget about your colleagues!
Wednesday: energetic day
Beef with spicy tomato sauce
Main ingredients:
Finished brisket - 400 g (cut into large pieces)

Natural low-fat yogurt - 2 tbsp l.
Ginger root - 2 tsp (grate on a fine grater)
Wine vinegar - 2 tbsp l. (Red)
Sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
Garlic - 1 clove (crush)
Tabasco sauce - 1 tsp
Parsley - handful (chopped)
How to cook:
1. Put the frying pan on a quiet fire, add sugar and heat it until it acquires a golden hue. Add the grated ginger. After half a minute, add tomatoes, tabasco, garlic and meat, simmer for 15 minutes. Then pour over the vinegar. This dish goes well with any side dish.
2. Leftover meat with sauce can be put into the refrigerator and reheated in the morning using the microwave. If you add a little yogurt to it, it comes out unusual, but healthy breakfast energizing for the whole day.
Thursday: pre-workout reinforcement
Mexican sweet potatoes
Main ingredients:
Finished brisket - 200 g (cut into small cubes)
Gherkins - 4 pcs (finely chopped)
Potatoes - 6-8 pieces
Yogurt - 2 tbsp. l. (natural and non-greasy)
Chili or pickled jalapenos - 4 pcs (finely chopped)
Parmesan or other cheese - half a glass (rub)
Cilantro or watercress - small handful
How to cook:
1. Potatoes must be baked in an oven preheated to 200ºC for 25 minutes, then cut each tuber lengthwise and cool.
2. Add the brisket to the potatoes, pour the Parmesan on top and wrap in plastic wrap.
3. Before you go to the gym, heat the potatoes in the microwave, stuff them with all the other ingredients, and you can start your meal - your stamina during training will increase significantly.
Friday: feeding the muscles
Chili con carne
Main ingredients:
The recipe shows the proportions for three. So:
Finished brisket - 800 g (cut into small cubes)
Tomatoes in own juice- 1 bank
Beans - 1 can
Beef broth - 1 l
Onion - 1 pc (finely chopped)
Sweet peppers - 2 pcs (finely chopped)
Olive oil - 2 tablespoons l.
Tomato puree - 2 tbsp l.
Dark dark chocolate - 5 cubes
Garlic - 4 cloves (crush)
Ground chili - a pinch
How to cook:
1. Heat a skillet over medium heat, add oil and fry the onion in it for 5 minutes. Then add pepper, ground chili and garlic, mix well and leave for another 3 minutes.
2. Now add the meat to the pan. Pour it with broth mixed with tomatoes and tomato puree... Boil this whole mixture, pour beans and chocolate into it, stir. Done, you can serve it to your guests!

There are a lot of arguments in favor of cooking for yourself. First of all, this is your Declaration of Independence. You can cook whatever you want and the way only you like it, and no one (no one!) Dares to demand immediate cleaning of the traces of your crushing stay.

The second argument is the healthy way, you always know what exactly and how much you ate. And try to guess what those gray sausages that you ate for dinner yesterday were made of. And where did they go before they fell into your unhappy stomach.

Finally, having learned to delight yourself with refined calories, you will eventually be at your best when the moment comes. And so on and so forth. Well, there are few arguments against cooking for yourself, only one - laziness. Are you too lazy?

There is nothing difficult about soloing in the kitchen. A cast iron skillet and a good chef's knife are all your equipment. Choose a high-quality frying pan, because it will become your companion for a long time, becoming only better over time. As, however, and the knife.

Get yourself a bottle of good olive oil, buy a large box of quality coarse salt, pasta top grade and use all this wealth sparingly. Look for really great meat and cook it over a hot fire, regardless of the smell and splashes of fat. Love and pamper yourself, until another claimant for your tenderness appears in the house.

How to choose meat for a steak

Forget about Tibones and Ribeyes. Here are three cuts of beef suitable for homemade steak experiments. You will not get them constipated when frying, even without a lot of experience, and they are the right size - for exactly one of your dinners.

Or, more simply, a steak from the shoulder of an animal. Dense in texture, with thin streaks of fat.

“They give the meat its tenderness and rich taste,” says Gabrielle Denton. "It's usually a fairly thin piece of meat, so it's easier to keep it at the same temperature when frying."

The chicest part of the mascara, the center of the tenderloin. And at the same time, the leanest of all steaks. There are almost no marble veins in it, but this is the most tender meat that will melt in your mouth.

And the size is excellent - filet mignon, as a rule, is sold in portions of 170-300 g. Season it more generously - and you will increase the "meatiness" of the taste.

He's a "butcher's steak" or "machete". A thin and delicate piece cut from the inside of the ribs. Costs less than filet mignon, and leftovers make a great filling for salad or tacos.

During frying, watch the "skirt" very closely so as not to end up with a wooden sole.

Chef's advice

“When I cook for myself and I don't feel like inventing something, I just fry whatever vegetables I have and then put the eggs on them. Simple and healthy. ”- Matthew Accarino, head chef at SPQR in San Francisco.

Master the high art of transforming a slice of beef into a delicacy with the help of Greg and Gabrielle Denton, chefs of the Ox meat restaurant in Portland, USA.

1. Warm up the frying pan
“Most home cooks don't let the pan get too hot,” condemns Greg. Do not repeat their mistakes: hold your utensils on high fire for at least 2 minutes, then touch the bottom with your finger (no, better -) - if it hisses like hell, the pan is ready. You can fry.

2. Rash salt
Use coarse salt and coarsely ground pepper - large grains will allow you to see how much seasoning you have already put on the meat and control the process. Sprinkle the meat generously with salt and pepper on both sides just before placing in the pan.

3. Check readiness
then turn it over. If you are going to pour juice on the meat (how - see further) - now is the time. To assess the final readiness, test the steak for firmness. Poke your finger into it: the sensation of contact with a finished piece of medium rare is the same as if you crush the fleshy part of your palm with your finger, under your thumb.

4. Patience, only patience!
Resist the urge to stick a fork into the fleshy flesh as soon as you turn off the stove. “Always let the meat rest for a few minutes after cooking, so it will be more tender,” advises Gabriel. Trust her.

Self-dressing salad

"Cut into a bowl ripe tomatoes and sprinkle them olive oil. Tomato juice mixes with the butter, and the end result is a great sour dressing out of almost nothing, ”Gabrielle Denton teaches us.

  • Embellish
    Add a handful of fresh chopped herbs such as parsley, basil, or oregano to the tomatoes. The taste and color, as they say.
  • Reinforce
    Start a glass in the company canned beans(no juice) - White, thin-skinned cannellini beans work best.
  • Support
    Toss in a bowl of your favorite mustard, chopped shallots or chopped anchovies to taste.

Pour the juice that accumulates in the pan during frying on your meat - you will get a steak with a richer taste, with a beautiful and even crust.

1. Prepare the mixture - crushed garlic, thyme / rosemary sprigs, peppercorns. Turned over the steak? Move it to the farthest side of the pan.

2. Tilt the pan towards you so that all the juice collects on one side. Put some butter and your flavorful mixture into the liquid.

3. When the oil is completely dispersed, quickly pour the steak with this juice with a large spoon. Repeat the ritual several times to soak the meat.

Spinach couldn't be easier

There is no need to cook the spinach garnish in a separate bowl. While your steak is resting before serving, drain some of the liquid from the pan (in particular, try to get rid of the fat), and pour 100–150 g of washed and dried spinach leaves into the rest (if you bought too large and tough ones, add your hands). Simmer over medium heat until the leaves soften and darken, soaked in meat juice. Serve on a plate with a steak.

Refuel well

Do you want to build the right sandwich station with your own hands? There are three great options... Experiment with the proportions, this is a dressing for you personally (but remember that mayonnaise is the basis, take more of it). Cooking is simple: chop everything as much as possible, mix, cool.

"Russian gas station":

  • mayonnaise
  • ketchup
  • red cherry pepper
  • green onions
  • spices to taste

Special Big Mac Sauce (from McDonald's Chef):

  • mayonnaise
  • pickles
  • yellow mustard
  • onion powder
  • garlic powder
  • white wine vinegar
  • paprika

Caesar sauce:

  • mayonnaise
  • Parmesan
  • Worcestershire sauce
  • Tabasco
  • garlic
  • anchovies
  • lemon juice

Make the world's best sandwich

Upgrade anyone with these fundamental techniques.

1. Do not rash salt
“Any sandwich will decorate something salty,” Carolyn Fidanza, co-owner of the Brooklyn sandwich Saltie, shocks with the revelation. - Finely chop olives, capers and, why be shy, anchovies, mix them in olive oil and spread on the bread.

2. Strengthen the taste
Keep your secret trick - the spicy pickled carrots and the hot sriracha sauce contrast perfectly with the more delicate details of your butter. Or learn from the Italians - mix red wine vinegar with olive oil and oregano to spice up your sandwich.

3. Add some crunch
A sandwich with nothing to crunch is no nicer baby food... If your base is large, crustless, soft breads, add iceberg lettuce leaves or even a sprinkle of some crumbled potato chips.

4. Think about bread
Buy good bread, cut into pieces and put in a toaster. And so that then during the cooking process the loaf does not get soaked, spread some mayonnaise on the slice (its fat will block the penetration of liquid into the bread) and only then put the juicy details of the filling in the center of the piece.

Meet this "Ruben"

Ruben is a classic American sandwich with corned beef or basturma, cheese and sauerkraut. Get an economical recipe for hastily from MH.

1. Do without basturma
Grate a piece of regular store-bought ham, turkey, or baked meat large quantity ground black pepper and coriander seeds. These condiments will imitate traditional taste real basturma.

2. Svargan seasoning
Ruben is supposed to be filled with a "Russian gas station" (see details below), but you can easily make its super-fast analogue. Just stir in a little mayonnaise fruit jelly or jam (whatever) to get the desired salty-sweet taste.

3. Fake cabbage
No at hand sauerkraut? And God bless her, take an iceberg salad or romaine, chop finely, mix with a teaspoon lemon juice, salt. Let this composition sit for a couple of minutes so that it looks like fermented cabbage.

4. Brown
Reuben cheese is usually grilled, but again, we'll take the shortcut. Place a nonstick skillet over medium heat and quickly fry the sandwich on both sides. butter to brown the loaf and melt the cheese.

Home eatery

A cardboard box of noodles or one brought by a delivery service for hellish money is your the best way supper? Don't be ridiculous, you can do that yourself. Simple, fast, and almost everything edible that is at hand is used. " Fried rice- a fertile haven for a wide variety of foods that live in your kitchen, ”says Dale Taldy, head chef at Brooklyn's Talde and Porc Slope restaurants.

1. Start with eggs

  • 2 eggs, beaten with a pinch of salt and pepper
  • 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil

Mold the butter onto a well-heated one, pour the eggs and swirl the pan, spreading them all over the bottom. Let them grab. Transfer egg pancake on a board, roll into a roll and cut into thin strips.

2. Release the flavors

  • 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil
  • 1-2 tsp chili flakes
  • 1 clove garlic, finely chopped
  • 2 tsp fresh ginger, finely chopped

Return the pan to big fire, fields with oil, let it warm up slightly. Splash pepper, garlic and ginger into a skillet. Fry for 45 seconds, until the mixture starts to exude flavor.

3. Roast the vegetables

Take only 1½ cups, in any combination:

  • inflorescences of broccoli
  • cauliflower inflorescences
  • thinly sliced ​​kale
  • frozen peas
  • shredded White cabbage
  • frozen corn kernels
  • thinly sliced ​​carrots
  • chopped green bean pods

Stir the vegetables, transfer to the flavored skillet and fry until crispy on the outside and soft on the inside.

4. Add protein

Just 1 glass each, choose what you want or find.

  • leftover chicken or turkey breasts
  • sliced ​​homemade sausages for frying pork or chicken
  • peeled shrimp
  • ready-made roast beef from the store, tear into pieces

If you cook raw shrimp or ready-made sausages, fry both for about 3-4 minutes. During this time, the shrimps are cooked, and the sausages are sufficiently browned. If you are making dinner from other proteins, quickly fry them, stirring occasionally - no more than 30-60 seconds.

5. Let the rice interfere

  • boiled brown or white rice, ideally chilled and crumbly

Add the rice to the egg whites, stirring occasionally to break up any lumps. Fry until completely hot.

6. Final chord

  • ¼ Art. + 2 tbsp. l. lightly salted soy sauce
  • juice of 1 lemon or 1 tbsp. l. wine rice vinegar
  • Little hot sauce like sriracha or cholula
  • 1 tsp dark sesame oil

Return the egg slices to the rice pan and stir. Mix in all the new liquid ingredients gently. Put everything in a bowl.

7. Decorate the dish

  • toasted chopped peanuts
  • chopped green onions
  • bean sprouts
  • chopped cilantro
  • some more hot sauce

Put some of this (or even all at once) on top of your rice and eat it already!