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Does kvass quench thirst? Kvass from rye bread

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How to quench your thirst properly?

Added: 2010-07-27

How to quench your thirst properly?

This summer, residents of many cities are exhausted by the heat, stores of kvass and mineral water are disappearing in stores, and people are tormented by thirst. How to properly quench your thirst without harming your health, told the specialists of the TU Rospotrebnadzor in the Bryansk region.

As it turned out, the main reason for thirst is a change in the water-salt balance in the blood.

Usually this balance is observed with amazing accuracy: one liter of blood always contains 9.45 grams of table salt, minor fluctuations are possible only in hundredths of a gram. If the salt concentration is changed more, the normal functioning of the cells supplied with blood will be disrupted.

When a person sweats in heat, he loses a significant amount of fluid. Sweat evaporation is one of the ways of thermoregulation that nature has provided us with. In order to maintain a stable body temperature in conditions when it is over + 30 ° C outside, the evaporation mechanism is triggered: the sweat glands are capable of releasing 1-1.5 liters of moisture per hour.

Accordingly, the concentration of salt in the body increases. Then the sensitive cells of the central nervous system begin to send “distress signals”. It is at this moment that true thirst arises. It is nothing more than a protective reaction of the body, warning about dehydration of cells.

But then it turns out that the more water you drink in the heat, the better? It turns out not. Because, the more we drink, the more we sweat... According to research data, lovers of soft drinks in the heat lose up to 12 liters (!) Of liquid per day. And together with it, up to 30 grams of sodium chloride leaves the body, which just keeps fluid in the tissues. So it turns out a vicious circle: the more you drink, the more you want it.

Is it possible to "break" this vicious circle? Quite. Experts recommend the following drinking regimen to combat thirst in intense heat:

1. In the morning, before and after breakfast, you can drink tea, coffee, water or juice as much as you want. but do not get carried away with drinks containing caffeine- it, like alcohol, accelerates dehydration. In the future, over the next two hours, you will have to declare "dry law" or, in extreme cases, eliminate dry mouth with a small sip of water. By the way, if you endure the first acute desire to drink, then later on the thirst is more easily tolerated.

2. During the third and fourth hours, one glass of cool water is drunk in small sips. During the lunch break, before eating, you can afford another glass of soft drink, but after an hour after dinner it is not forbidden to drink as much as your heart desires however, one should not abuse its breadth.

3. A similar order of the drinking regime should be observed in the afternoon, that is in the next two hours after quenching your thirst, do not drink any more, and over the next two hours, drink a glass of cool water. Before dinner, you will have to limit yourself to one glass of liquid. It is better not to drink at night.

In total, you need to drink a day not less than 3-3.5 liters.

It is best to drink warm water when thirsty - it will quench thirst much better and will not cause throat problems.

It is advisable to drink before you feel thirsty, so doctors recommend that you carry a bottle of water with you or keep it in a visible place so as not to forget to replenish water supplies in time.

Some drinks are known to quench thirst better than water. So, in Russia for a long time in the heat they drink cold kvass, In Central Asia - a cold decoction of dry fruits or green tea, in Kazakhstan - kumis. Contained, for example, in tea, tannin enhances the activity of the salivary glands, increases salivation. This helps to moisturize and cool the oral mucosa and thus reduce the feeling of thirst.

Carbonated (not sweet) waters also have this property: by "burning" the oral mucosa, they make it less sensitive, which reduces the feeling of dry mouth. When working in extreme heat, in the sun, it is recommended drink carbonated water containing 0.3-0.5% table salt. Such a solution not only replenishes the loss of salt, but also contributes to the establishment of an optimal ratio between water and salt in the body.

Well relieves the feeling of thirst and a refreshing cool shower. Pure water can perfectly replace hydrous vegetables and fruits, for example cucumbers, watermelon. At the same time, you will receive an additional portion of vitamins and minerals. Helps to quench thirst and all kinds fruit and berry juices, sour in taste. All of them contain vitamins and minerals, salts.

However, do not forget that it is not recommended to use juices for some diseases of the digestive system. I would like to warn against the excessive use of medicinal mineral waters - such waters should be used as prescribed by a doctor. However, sometimes in not a large number you can drink "Narzan" and "Essentuki No. 20".

In extreme heat, it is also very important to eat right: during the day, dairy-plant food should prevail, and in the evening, when the coolness comes, acceptable and meat dishes... If you have to sweat a lot during the day, then you need to add five grams of salt to your regular diet, which will also help overcome your thirst.

Doctors advise to refuse strong alcoholic beverages, because alcohol increases the heat transfer from the body and provokes overheating. In addition, in the heat, a person gets drunk faster and stronger than in cool weather. Even beer is desirable to drink only light - not stronger than 3.5-4.5 degrees.

There are many opinions on this matter: some say that only water will help here, others trust tea more, and still others shout about the unsurpassed effect of fermented milk products. In search of the “perfect summer drink”, we turned to specialists and asked them to tell them where the truth is, and where, excuse the expression, the myth.

Alexander Kolesnov Leading Researcher, Moscow State University of Food Production

Mineral water

We deliberately abandoned the presence of water on our list, because in the heat there can hardly be anything better than pure water without impurities and dyes. However, what about the mineral water? It would seem that everything is simple here. But no. The water can be natural or artificially mineralized. Natural is divided into a dining room, a medical dining room and a medical one (it depends on the concentration of salts in it). And here experts warn: with a therapeutic mineral water should be handled very carefully. As for artificial mineral water, of course, it will not bring any benefit, but it will also harm plain water only filtered.

Ramaz Chanturia Director of the Russian Association of Tea and Coffee Producers

Alexander Kolesnov: From the point of view of composition, natural mineral water is more enriched with physiologically active compounds. Differences between natural and artificially mineralized water can be established by comparing the information on the package (for example, indicating the number of the well). However, an objective conclusion can only be drawn after physical and chemical research composition carried out in a scientific laboratory. If we talk about medicinal water, then you really should be more careful with it. Daily use of medicinal table mineral waters can be recommended only with appropriate medical indications and as directed by a doctor.


It's no secret that lemonade is children's favorite drink in the heat. Especially considering the variety of flavors that manufacturers now offer. However, most adults still rightly believe that if you drink lemonade in the heat, then only natural. And it consists of two simple ingredients: water and lemon juice (fruit pieces are optional). However, some are sure that sugar or honey must be added even to natural lemonade.

Alexander Kolesnov: Indeed, the original recipe for lemonade still looked like this - lemon juice, water and sugar. Without sugar, this drink will be perceived as sour and expressionless. Over time, the recipe has undergone a number of changes. It uses less and less natural lemon juice. It was replaced by flavors or the so-called flavoring additives. Modern industrial lemonade is almost always produced carbonated. Natural lemonade can be found, although not easy. Before purchasing, consumers are advised to carefully read the information about the composition of the drink - the ingredients that were used to make the product.


Fruit juice is good for elevated temperature air, because it not only quenches thirst "with taste", but also contains many vitamins. To achieve the best effect, it is recommended to use freshly squeezed juices - however, not more often than once a day, because such a drink can irritate the stomach lining up to gastritis. Besides, natural juices always oversaturated with sugars. There is a simple way out of this difficult situation: any juice, whether fresh or purchased, can be diluted with water.

Alexander Kolesnov: Freshly squeezed (correctly - freshly squeezed) juices are more useful and in their composition are more comparable to the fruits from which they are obtained than reconstituted juices. Freshly squeezed juices are recommended for breakfast. But when using any juice, one should not forget about the individual characteristics of the body - for example, people with high acidity of the stomach are not recommended to drink juices from sour fruits. However, this does not mean that gastritis will certainly threaten all juice lovers. Of course, juices, like fruits, contain sugar. You can dilute the juice with water (if it tastes better) and get a drink that, however, will not be free of sugar. A sensitive point in juices is the presence of free sugars, which are absorbed faster by the body: juices without pulp (as they say in the industry, clarified) would take the first place in terms of the "rate of assimilation of sugars", and juices with pulp - respectively second.


In Central Asia, China and Japan, hot tea is believed to stimulate perspiration and thus remove heat from the body, cooling it down. It is also believed that tea contains trace elements that can reduce body temperature, and they are activated only when the drink is hot. In addition, tea is rich in vitamin P, which has a good effect on blood vessels, as well as vitamins C and B.

Ramaz Chanturia: People have been drinking tea for several thousand years. It is one of the most popular drinks in the world, also because it has many useful qualities... One of them is thermoregulation. In the heat, a person experiences discomfort (including psychological) and in every possible way seeks to overcome it. If you lose fluid, you need to drink water - we know that. But it is better to drink tea, because besides the fact that it replenishes the balance of fluid in the body, it also tones up, strengthens blood vessels, and helps us with vitamins. By the way, about vitamins. In Soviet times, even a specialized vitamin complex was produced from tea at the Shchelkovo Vitamin Plant. Thus, in my opinion, it is not so important in what form you drink your tea - hot or cold. For example, when you drink cold tea, then it creates a feeling of coolness. In turn, hot tea stimulates perspiration, and this leads to cooling of the body (water evaporates and takes away some of the excess heat). This method is not psychologically very familiar for us, but, believe me, in Central Asia, they have been saving themselves from the heat for hundreds of years, which means that even if we do not really understand what the essence of this method is, it works, and we can safely resort to it. ...


It is generally accepted that dairy products contain organic acids that quench thirst well. In addition, all of them are quickly absorbed: for an hour, kefir, for example, is absorbed almost completely, while milk is only by a third. And bifidokefir, enriched with special beneficial bacteria, will not only save you from thirst, but also help restore the intestinal microflora.

Alexander Kolesnov: Real classic kefir- a fermented milk drink obtained from whole milk during a complex process of combined double fermentation (fermentation) - the so-called fermented milk and alcohol. The process requires a mixture of microorganisms, which is called "kefir fungus". The mixture consists of lactic acid bacteria and yeast. Kefir owes its thirst-quenching properties to lactic acid, which gives the drink the necessary acidity. However, it should be taken into account that lactic acid exists in the form of two different chemical compounds - D-lactic acid and L-lactic acid. The latter is more useful for the body, therefore high-quality kefir does not contain D-lactic acid. And bifidokefir differs from the classic one by the presence of bifidobacteria (Bifidobacterium bifidum) in the drink. These bacteria have nothing to do with thirst quenching, and their usefulness is not indisputable and is often questioned by experts.


According to the chronicles, the first mention of kvass dates back to approximately the end of the 10th century. Traditionally in Russia, kvass was perceived not only as a drink, but was used as a dressing for cold soups (for example, everyone's favorite okroshka). It is believed that kvass, prepared according to the classic recipe, quenches thirst due to the amino acids and carbon dioxide it contains. In addition, this soft drink has bactericidal properties and kills "pests" in the body.

Alexander Kolesnov: Like kefir, real classic kvass is a product of double fermentation (lactic acid and alcoholic), only prepared from other raw materials. The thirst-quenching properties in kvass are also determined by lactic acid. Its action is enhanced by the presence of carbon dioxide (carbon dioxide). Unfortunately, counterfeits are widespread on the market, which are drinks made on the basis of artificial ingredients without using the double fermentation technology. As a rule, for the manufacture of such kvass, the usual ingredients are used: sugar, dye, and artificial lactic acid is used for acidification. The smell of kvass in such drinks is imitated by adding flavorings. Sometimes for kvass they give out a drink prepared using only alcoholic fermentation, which also does not correspond to the classical recipe. Kvass is recommended to be consumed chilled, in this state it tastes especially good and quenches thirst very well.


Recently, smoothies (smoothie - homogeneous, soft) have gained immense popularity in Moscow cafes and restaurants. These are cocktails made from fermented milk products and fresh fruits, which you can drink and eat at the same time. Often, smoothies are positioned as a full-fledged snack, and people on diets are even advised to replace one of their meals with this healthy drink.

Alexander Kolesnov: In order to give the product a liquid (drinking) state, i.e. the state of the drink, fruit puree is diluted with freshly squeezed juice. Smoothies are made from fresh fruits only. They must not contain any added ingredients such as sugar, citric acid, flavors, preservatives and the like, which are used for the preparation of conventional non-alcoholic or juice drinks or industrial fruit drinks. In some countries classic recipe the smoothies have been modified by using milk, natural drinking yoghurt, or even ice cream instead of juice. Smoothies are called liquid fruits, since the composition of the drink is almost equivalent to that of fruits. The high popularity of smoothies is associated with the possibility of using completely natural products, the range of which can only be limited by imagination. Smoothies have the same health benefits as fruits, and when used in a mixture of sour fruits, they can have thirst-quenching properties.


It's no secret that our body is mostly water. Lungs - by 83%, brain and heart - by 73% and even bones - by 31%. Water delivers to all tissues of our body useful material and removes toxins, without it thermoregulation is impossible. Even a slight dehydration deprives us of energy and strength, and a lack of only 5% of water in the body turns off the brain by 20%.

This is why it is important to replenish the body's water reserves regularly. Especially in the heat and during physical activity, when we lose a lot of fluids in sweat. However, simply drinking coffee, soda or juice will not solve this problem. This requires the right strategy. The following five rules will help you build it.

1. Quench your thirst with water


Remember: it is she who best saturates the body with moisture. Kvass, soda, kefir, smoothies - all this is already food. And extra calories. Sugary drinks are generally bad at quenching thirst, but they are good at provoking "jumps" in blood sugar. Coffee and milk tea are diuretic. Fermented milk products, like fruit drinks without sugar, are not bad in the heat, but still they cannot fully quench their thirst, since they have little free liquid. In addition, you need to remember that in the sun, drinking yogurt or fermented baked milk can quickly deteriorate. You shouldn't take them with you to the beach or for a long walk.

2. Drink without waiting for thirst


Firstly, it is the first sign of the onset of dehydration, and it is better not to bring it to this. “And secondly, a modern person is often deaf to the needs of his own body, - says Ekaterina Belova, nutritionist, chief physician of the Center for Personal Dietetics "Nutrition Palette". - He can miss this signal. Therefore, the most reasonable thing is to calculate how much water you are entitled to per day (normally - at the rate of 30 ml per 1 kg of body weight, in the heat - 40 ml per 1 kg of body weight), divide the resulting amount into portions and drink them at approximately regular intervals ... Let's say you weigh 60 kg, then on a hot summer day you need 2.4 liters (40 ml x 60 kg). " You can start your morning with one or two glasses of water, and then add half a glass every half hour throughout the day.

The expert advises overweight people and those who suffer from diabetes and kidney disease to closely monitor the full thirst quenching in the heat.

3. Drink regularly and in small portions, not infrequently in large portions.


Even after taking a walk in the heat or working in the garden on a summer afternoon, sometimes you want to drink so much that you just took and "blew out" two liter bottles of liquid at once! However, this should not be done. “It is difficult for the body to pass such a volume of fluid through itself, this is a great load on the heart and blood vessels, on the kidneys, which will need to be removed,” says Ekaterina Belova. In addition, with sweat, we lose not only water, but also sodium. If the incoming water does not contain this element, the potassium-sodium balance is disturbed - the balance of water in cells and intercellular space. And dangerous swelling can occur.

In order not to languish with thirst during physical exertion and not to pounce on the water after them, make it a rule: drink one or two glasses 15 minutes before the "start" and take a little sip during training.

4. Add some salt to the water


All for the same reason: with sweat, the body loses sodium. You can add about a quarter teaspoon of salt to a liter bottle. Or just drink a table mineral water containing sodium. It is the dining room. Medicinal can be taken only in limited quantities and on the recommendation of a doctor. After a really hot workout, you can quench your thirst with sports drinks containing electrolytes - they will help normalize water-salt metabolism.

5. Add liquid meals, fresh vegetables and fruits to your menu


While this does not eliminate the need to drink water, the body can "pull" moisture out of them as well. “From this point of view, juicy fruits, berries, herbs, fleshy vegetables are very good,” says Marina Studenikina, Nutritionist, Deputy Chief Physician of the Factor Weight Clinic. - Many of them - cucumbers, watermelons, melons, celery, strawberries, raspberries, radishes - are more than 80% water - and due to their high fiber content, they are slowly digested. The liquid from them will be released gradually, feeding you with moisture over time. "

Observing these simple rules, you will properly saturate the body with moisture and avoid dehydration in the heat. Especially if you take on a few more tips.

* Drink water at room temperature. After scalding tea, you "get wet", immediately losing precious moisture. Cold water refreshes. However, when it touches the palate, it can cause spasm of blood vessels in the brain and headache.

* In hot weather, always take a bottle of drinking water with you.

* Drink a glass of water before every meal: this way you will not only avoid dehydration, but also overeating.

* Increase your fluid intake not only on training days, but also during illness. A cold or flu with a high fever will again make you sweat. The body becomes dehydrated even faster with vomiting and diarrhea.

* Do not drink at night. In the evening, metabolic processes slow down, the kidneys are not working as actively. After drinking water at night, you risk waking up with swelling.


In the heat, a person loses about 2-3 liters of fluid. Because of this, mental state worsens, dizziness, weakness begins, and there is a risk of dehydration and fainting.

It is necessary to constantly maintain the body's water balance, but with what? We offer 7 drinks that will best help you to cope with the heat and quench your thirst.

The best thirst quencher

1. Plain water

The best way to saturate the body with moisture is ordinary water. Clean, cool water is the easiest and most affordable way to quench your thirst. In addition, for those who follow the figure, this is the most demanded drink.

If plain water seems too boring to you - add a little lemon juice.

2. Kvass

Kvass is a traditional drink in the heat. It perfectly quenches thirst due to the amino acids and carbon dioxide it contains. In addition, this soft drink has bactericidal properties and kills harmful microorganisms.

Only natural kvass has beneficial properties. If the composition contains food colorings, sweeteners, preservatives, then this drink is very far from kvass.

3. Berry fruit drinks

Berry drinks are especially rich in vitamins and mineral salts, they contain large amounts of pectin, vitamins of groups A, B and C, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, etc.

All kinds of fruit drinks made from sour berries (especially without sugar and sweeteners) perfectly refresh and prevent dehydration. Not recommended for use on an empty stomach.

4. Fermented milk drinks

In the heat, fermented milk products perfectly quench their thirst: kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk, ayran, tan, etc. In addition, they restore the normal composition of the intestinal microflora and are absorbed very quickly.

For the hottest day, drinks like ayran or tan are best suited - they have a slightly salty taste and not only quench thirst for a long time, but also can relieve intoxication and headaches.

Green tea quenches thirst

5. Green tea

Yes, it is hot, not cold green tea that will help you get drunk in the heat. The secret of hot tea is simple: it dilates blood vessels, increases sweating, and with it the excess heat goes away. Due to this, the body is cooled.

Green tea also reduces the body's need for fluids, has a tonic effect and stimulates the nervous system. Not recommended for use on an empty stomach.

6. Mineral water

Slightly carbonated mineral water is an excellent thirst quencher. Contains pure water, dissolved salts, important for metabolism, and carbon dioxide. It is subdivided into a dining room, a medical dining room and a medical one (depending on the concentration of salts in it).

For daily use, choose only table water with a salt content of no more than 2-3 grams. for 1 liter. If you suffer from urolithiasis, have kidney problems or are pregnant, consult your doctor before use.

7. Sour fruit smoothies

Cocktails made from fermented milk products and fresh fruits, which you can drink and eat at the same time. Should not contain added ingredients - sugar, citric acid, flavorings, preservatives, etc.

Smoothies have the same health benefits as fruits - when used in a sour fruit shake, they have excellent thirst-quenching properties.

8. Helpful hints

Refrain from alcohol and beer in hot weather. Any alcohol increases heat transfer, promotes dehydration of the body and puts a huge load on the heart and blood vessels.

Avoid coffee and strong black tea. These drinks, like alcohol, have a strong diuretic effect. For the same reason, various energetics cannot be consumed in the heat.

Avoid soda and non-natural juices. The sugars, sweeteners, dyes and preservatives in these drinks inflame rather than quench your thirst.

Don't drink a lot at once. The liquid you drink does not quench your thirst immediately, but after 10-15 minutes.

Choose only the right and healthy drinks, carefully read the composition on the label, and then you will not be afraid of any thirst in the summer! Be healthy.

As you know, on a hot day, you are always very thirsty. Typically, the human body needs 2-2.5 liters of fluid per day, and during physical exertion and in the heat, about 4 liters. The loss of moisture must be replenished, but not with anything, but with drinks that are useful for our body. "So how will you get rid of and quench your thirst?" - you ask. Here is a ranking of the most healthy drinks which quench your thirst best.

Kvass. Besides the fact that natural kvass quenches thirst well, it is also satisfying, since it contains amino acids and carbon dioxide. Just read the composition of the product carefully. Bottled carbonated kvass, which contains flavors and preservatives, will not bring any benefit to your body.

Mineral water. Due to the salts and biologically active substances contained in mineral water, it takes the second place in its ability to quench thirst. In addition, it relieves fatigue and refreshes. And to quickly get rid of thirst, throw in mineral water some sour berries or a slice of lemon.

Tea. This drink is the leader in the ability to quench thirst (by the way, it takes a third less to drink than water). The temperature of the tea does not matter, it can be drunk both cold and hot. Tea also contains vitamin P, which helps to strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

Compotes, juices, fruit drinks. Fruit drinks from fresh berries... There are many minerals and vitamins in the fruit drink, it refreshes and improves the digestion process. Only it is better to cook it not concentrated. As for juices, it is better to drink them freshly squeezed and diluted with water. They are healthier than store-bought ones and, moreover, are absorbed faster. Compotes quench thirst worse, as they contain a lot of sugar. The exception is compotes cooked with minimum amount sugar or no sugar at all. It is better to drink compote cold and slightly diluted.

Fermented milk drinks. All fermented milk products (fermented baked milk, kefir, yogurt) perfectly quench thirst. And unlike milk, they are absorbed faster. In addition, all types of fermented milk products can be consumed along with vegetables, fruits and berries. However, in extreme heat it is better to refuse to use them. Since both milk and fermented milk products are perishable and can cause various intestinal disorders.

Here is a list of the least healthy drinks for quenching your thirst on hot days.

Coffee gives a load on blood vessels and heart. And an excess of this drink can even cause dehydration of the body.

Various sweet soda. It is enough to read the composition of this cocktail of dyes, flavors, preservatives and sweeteners to understand that this drink will not bring any benefit to the body, especially in the heat.

Beer will also provide your heart and blood vessels with additional stress. Therefore, it is also better to abstain from it, or, in extreme cases, drink no more than a glass a day.

About strong alcohol, as you understand, it is unnecessary to mention. Everyone already understands that it gives a colossal load on the blood vessels and the heart, especially in hot weather, and can pose a serious threat to the health of even a very strong person.