Home / Cupcakes / Homemade shrimp sushi recipe. Rolls with shrimps and cheese

Homemade shrimp sushi recipe. Rolls with shrimps and cheese

Shrimp and cheese - in my opinion, this is the best combination of filling in rolls! Personally, I really love these rolls! And you? So let's make rolls with shrimp and cheese. Here you will see my step by step photo recipe for shrimp and cheese rolls. And I called them "Ebi Cheese Maki")

Step-by-step photo recipe for making rolls with shrimps and cheese "Ebi Cheese Maki"

We need:

  • sushi rice (Japanese, round grain) - 350 gr
  • water - 360 ml
  • ready-made sushi seasoning (or rice vinegar, sugar and salt) -80-100 ml
  • dried seaweed nori
  • shrimps
  • Philadelphia cheese (Buco, Natura or Almette)
  • bamboo mat for making rolls (Makisu)
  • cling film

Cooking rolls with shrimps and cheese

First, we need to cook rice. ( Detailed description: How to cook sushi rice. Now you need to prepare all the ingredients for the sushi.

Tip: Since the rice should be warm during sushi cooking and so that it does not cool while you cook all the ingredients, I advise you to go through all the ingredients while the rice is being cooked.

Prepare Nori sheets. Futomaki rolls (with several fillings) require 2/3 of a sheet of nori, but this time I decided to take half a sheet to make them thin. But I will say right away that it is easier to wrap several fillings in 2/3 of a Nori sheet than in half)

Take the whole Nori sheet. And cut it in half. From one of these halves of a Nori leaf, we will cook rolls with shrimps and Ebi Cheese Maki.

Wrap the Makisu bamboo mat in plastic wrap. You can buy yourself one single bamboo mat for making rolls "Makisu" and just wrap it in regular plastic wrap before each use and use it as much as you like and it will always be clean. And after using it you don't even need to wash it, but just remove the film and that's it !!! I wrap the mat in foil 5 times so that it does not unfold for sure)) I did not know this before and used a mat without a foil, after using it I thoroughly washed it, but still there were particles of rice, caviar, sesame seeds and I had to buy a new one. But now I always use cling film and I advise you too !!!

Boil the shrimps for 1-2 minutes (no more, otherwise they will become rubbery) and peel them.

So, we have all the ingredients prepared and this is how they should look like with us) (Excuse me for the photo Bad quality, I will definitely replace it soon!)

Let's start making a roll with shrimps and cheese "Ebi Cheese Maki"

To prepare the simplest thin rolls, half a standard Nori sheet is enough. But if it seems to you that half is missing, it is better to thin the layer of sushi rice a little thinner or reduce the amount of filling, and it is best to take 2/3 of the nori sheet.

Take a bamboo mat "Makisu", on it place half a sheet of Nori, smooth side down (rough side up), on the part of the mat closest to you. Now we need rice for sushi and cold water, it is advisable to put a few slices of lemon in it.

We spread the rice on a Nori sheet in an even thin layer (be sure to moisten your fingers in water each time before taking a part of the rice, otherwise the rice will stick to your fingers), leaving an empty strip of nori at the far end of 1-1.5 cm. empty edge so that the rice does not stick out of the rolls at the gluing site. We just spread the rice without crushing it with our fingers.

Then put the filling, that is, shrimp and cheese, in the middle of the rice. You don't need to put cheese on the edges of the nori, otherwise when you roll up the roll, it will come out of the roll. The amount of filling on your roll should be such that the edge of the nori without rice is completely covered by the protruding rice on the other edge of the nori, and the place of gluing remains invisible.

Now we need to twist the roll, tight enough so that it does not lose its shape when cutting. To do this, lift the near edge of the mat, and gently holding the filling with your other hand, connect the upper edge of the nori with the lower one in the place where the empty strip begins. You should have a "tail" of nori, it is he who glues the roll.

Then you need to cut our roll into 6-8 pieces. To do this, our KNIFE MUST BE VERY SHARP, otherwise, when cutting, the roll will fall apart and lose its beautiful appearance. It is advisable to sharpen the knife before cutting! And so that the roll does not fall apart, be sure to wet the knife in cold water and remove particles of rice and cheese from the knife !!! For convenience, you can wrap the roll in cling film and cut with it, or you can without it, this is more convenient for you) To do this, first cut the roll exactly in half. Then place both halves next to each other. And cut the roll into 6 or 8 pieces, that is, each half into 3-4 pieces. That's it, our roll with shrimps and cheese "Ebi Cheese Maki" is ready !!! Put it on a beautiful Japanese plate and you can eat it with pleasure !!!

Shrimp rolls are a traditional Japanese dish. It is often mistakenly called sushi, although this is not entirely true. Sushi is a broad term that includes makizushi rolls, nigirizushi rice balls, and temakizushi bags. This dish can be enjoyed in a Japanese restaurant or ordered at home. There are so many recipes that they are easy to prepare at home.

Shrimp is a delicacy product. The larger the shellfish, the tastier and more valuable it is. Large seafood is easy to peel, boil, or fry. The other main component is rice. Try to choose special rice for Japanese dishes... But in its absence, you can take an ordinary long-grain one.

To prepare the dish you will need:

  • king prawns - 500 g;
  • rice - 500 g;
  • avocado - 1 pc.;
  • fresh cucumber - 1 pc.;
  • bucket elevators for wrapping rolls;
  • rice vinegar - to taste;
  • Philadelphia cheese - 300 g.

How to cook

  1. First of all, you need to cook the rice.
  2. Other ingredients can be stuffed with seafood.
  3. The avocado is peeled and cut into longitudinal strips, the cucumber is peeled and cut into cubes.
  4. The shrimps are cleaned of their shell and entrails, and then fried or boiled.
  5. Cheese is rubbed on a coarse grater.
  6. Add vinegar to the cooled rice, mix and spread small portions on the nori sheet.
  7. The filling is placed on top, after which the roll is wrapped with a bamboo mat.
  8. The finished rolls are cut with a sharp knife and served with ginger, soy sauce and wasabi.

How to cook shrimp uramaki

If in futomaki the nori sheets are above the rice, in uramaki they are hidden along with the filling.

  1. Spread the nori sheet on a bamboo mat.
  2. Place the rice on top of it, paying special attention to the edges. Gently turn the structure over so that the rice is on the bottom of the rug.
  3. Arrange the peeled shrimp in the center of the kelp sheet.
  4. Roll up the roll, helping yourself with a bamboo rug. Try to apply pressure over the entire surface of the roll.
  5. Roll the rice roll in sesame seeds or caviar.
  6. After that, you can cut the rolls and serve them like futomaki.

Spring rolls with shrimps

This type of snack can be served with both raw and fried filling on rice pancakes. A similar dish is found in both Japanese and thai cuisine... All ingredients for the filling should be thinly sliced ​​and fried in a special frying pan.

For this you need to take:

  • chicken fillet - 100 g;
  • shrimp (maybe not the largest) - 150 g;
  • white cabbage - 100 g;
  • small carrots - 1 pc .;
  • bean sprouts - 100 g;
  • rice noodles - 50 g;
  • garlic - 2 teeth;
  • rice paper - 6 sheets;
  • soy sauce - 30 g;
  • vegetable oil - 30 g.


  1. The chicken is cut into small pieces.
  2. The shrimp is peeled from the shell and also chopped.
  3. Carrots and cabbage are finely chopped on a special grater.
  4. The noodles are boiled in water.
  5. Oil is poured into a well-heated frying pan and finely chopped garlic is poured.
  6. There it should be fried for about 30 seconds, after which cabbage, carrots and bean sprouts are poured into the pan.
  7. Everything is fried for 2 minutes.
  8. Add meat and shrimps to the same frying pan and fry again for 1 minute, after which noodles and soy sauce are poured.
  9. To place the filling in rice paper, soak it in cold water.
  10. After that, the rolls are wrapped in an envelope and fried again on both sides.

Low-calorie and refined Japanese cuisine is very popular in our country. Rolls are one of the most demanded dishes. And if earlier we were content with them only in sushi bars, today we cook at home on our own.
Recipe content:

Rolls - a visiting card Japanese food... The dish is recognized by lovers of oriental culinary and exotic. This savory treat is prepared in Japanese restaurants, served on a buffet, ordered in offices and of course prepared at home on its own. Such food is always a holiday and decoration of any feast. The dish is elegant and beautiful in design. It stimulates appetite and interest, and the taste never disappoints.

Prepare rolls with the most different fillings, it is red and other types of fish, seafood, crab sticks and, of course, shrimp. When preparing the filling yourself, you can be guided by your own taste and use those products that you like the most. Today we'll talk about shrimp rolls. This is a truly festive meal, at the same time easy to prepare and quite tasty. They are rice rolls with various fillings, which are rolled into a roll of algae leaves. It's never too late to learn how to cook this dish. It is easy to repeat it yourself at home. Which is what I propose to do now.

  • Calorie content per 100 g - 109 4 kcal rolls.
  • Servings -
  • Cooking time - 20 minutes


  • Nori leaves - 1 pc.
  • Cheese - 30 g
  • Rice - 50 g
  • Wasabi sauce - 1 tsp
  • Shrimps - 50 g
  • Salt - a pinch
  • Soy sauce - 2-3 tablespoons to serve

Step-by-step preparation of a home-style roll with shrimps:

1. Prepare rice first. To do this, wash it, put it in a saucepan, fill it with water in a 1: 2 ratio and put it on the stove to cook. Season with salt and cook for about 10 minutes until tender. It should completely absorb all the liquid. But see the manufacturer's packaging for the specific cooking time.

2. Shrimp (usually boiled-frozen) pour boiling water over and leave to thaw.

3. When the shrimps are melted, peel them off.

4. Take a bamboo mat (mat) and wrap it cling film... Place a sheet of bucket elevator on top.

5. Apply boiled rice on it in an even layer. Tamp it down so the rice holds well. To do this, apply it warm, when cooled, it is no longer so sticky. Toss the rice with rice vinegar, if available, before applying it to the bucket elevator. I didn’t do it because of absence. On one side of the nori (top side), leave 1.5 cm of an empty sheet (i.e. do not put rice).

6. On one edge (closer to the bottom), spread the rice with wasabi sauce and lay the cheese slices in an even strip, as shown in the photo.

7. Put peeled shrimps tightly together on top.

8. 1.5 cm of empty space on a leaf of bucket elevator, moisten with water. Using a rug, roll the rolls into a roll, starting to twist it towards you. Fold back the free edge of the rug! Do not press down too hard so that the rice does not fall out on the sides. Secure the roll in the place where the bucket elevator is moistened with water (no rice). Roll the roll so that it does not turn around and crumble. Cut the roll into 4-6 pieces and serve with soy sauce.

Sushi and rolls are traditional Japanese cuisine dishes that have firmly taken their place in our lives. And although this dish is quite exotic, and at first glance, requires a certain skill and sleight of hand, it is not. Rolls can be made with your own hands at home. Rolls with shrimp and cucumber, in my opinion, are a classic, and I recommend to the amateur sushi to start with them.

We prepare all the components so as not to lose sight of anything. In the main roles we have: round rice, fresh cucumber, shrimp, sesame seeds, nori seaweed, salt, sugar, Apple vinegar, soy sauce. First of all, we cook rice, there is nothing cosmic here, as usual, we cook in a ratio with water 1: 2, the water needs to be salted with 0.5 tsp. salt. It is very convenient for me to cook rice for rolls in a slow cooker, it turns out exactly what you need.

Now let's make a dressing like rice vinegar. You may be lucky to have a rice bite on sale in your stores. It is difficult to find it in our area, so we go for a trick that does not spoil the result in the least. We take 30 ml of apple bite (natural!), Pour 0.5 tsp. salt, and 0.5 tsp. sugar, mix everything - the rice dressing is ready. Pour a little vinegar into a saucepan with rice, turn it over with a spatula.

Preparing the filling for the rolls. Fresh cucumber wash and cut into strips. If the skin is tough, you can peel it. Don't forget to test the cucumber for bitterness.

It is advisable to defrost frozen shrimp in natural conditions. If you defrost them in boiling water, then no more than 2 minutes, otherwise they will become "rubbery". This applies to boiled frozen shrimp. We cook raw as indicated on the package for the time indicated.

We remove the shell, legs, rinse the shrimp under running water.

If the shrimp are large (for example, king), then it is better to cut them into 2 parts. If they are small, then we leave it as it is.

Now the most important part. Take a standard nori sheet and cut it off with 1/3 scissors. It can then be used for any rolls, rice outside. Take a ball of rice with wet hands and spread it over the surface of the algae. At the top, we leave a gap of 1-1.5 cm. The thickness of the rice should not exceed 3-4 mm, i.e. nori should show through it.

Sprinkle the rice with sesame seeds, and spread the filling in the center - cucumber and shrimp.

Now, with both hands, holding the filling with your fingers so that it does not roll away, and using a bamboo mat, we roll up a tight roll. The free edge of the nori must be moistened with water, then it becomes sticky, and the roll will be securely fixed. In this case, the proverb is appropriate "The eyes are afraid - but the hands are doing!"

That's all! This was the most crucial part of the preparation. We "spin" the rolls from the remaining ingredients, put the whole "sausages" in the refrigerator for 20-30 minutes to take their shape. Then, with a sharp knife, cut each long roll into short ones, no thicker than 2 centimeters. The knife must be constantly moistened with water, otherwise rice will stick.

The last, most enjoyable step is to lay out our shrimp and cucumber rolls on a flat dish. Serve with soy sauce, optionally with pickled ginger and Japanese wasabi mustard.

Bon Appetit!