Home / Recipes / Delicious tiramisu with strawberries. Strawberry tiramisu: recipe, ingredients

Delicious tiramisu with strawberries. Strawberry tiramisu: recipe, ingredients

Strawberry tiramisu is another exquisite Italian dessert. Such a delicacy is ideal to cook in the summer. During this period, it will not be difficult to purchase fresh strawberries. When the berry season is over, you can use frozen berries to make the dessert. Since tiramisu is not a cake, it is worth preparing it in portioned tins. In this case, the cookies can be cut into equal parts.

What is Tiramisu

Before you start cooking strawberry tiramisu, you should clarify what kind of dessert it is. It should be noted that the delicacy is Italian. Preparing such a dessert is very easy. Translated from Italian means "lift me up." The dessert actually turns out to be very tender, tasty and airy.

At the moment, there is a dispute in which part of Italy the tiramisu was first made. Many historians claim that this delicacy was known in France a century ago. The main ingredient of this dessert is savoyardi cookies. You can buy it at any supermarket or bake it yourself.

Savoyardi cookie recipe

To make strawberry tiramisu, you need to prepare cookies in advance. Only one variety is suitable for creating a dessert. flour products- savoyards. To prepare such cookies you will need:

How to bake cookies

The first step in making strawberry tiramisu is baking savoyardi cookies. First you need to knead the dough. However, you should first turn on the oven so that it has time to heat up to 200 ˚С.

To knead the dough, separate the whites from the yolks. This can be done using an empty plastic bottle... It is recommended to beat the whites in a separate container with 30 grams of sugar and a few drops of lemon juice. At this stage, the main thing is not to interrupt the components. The result should be a stable mass with soft peaks.

Beat the yolks separately with the remaining sugar. As a result, you should get a creamy mass. It takes about 10 minutes to cook. The whites must be added to the whipped yolks in small portions. Stir everything with gentle twisting movements. The mass should become homogeneous.

It is worth adding flour, sifted beforehand, to the egg mixture. Stir everything better with a spatula. In this case, the mixture should not settle. Therefore, adding the next portion of flour, you should beat everything thoroughly.

How to bake

Every housewife can master the recipe for strawberry tiramisu. The most important thing is to bake savoyardi correctly. For this ready dough need to be transferred to a pastry bag. With its help, the mass must be squeezed out in small strips onto a baking sheet, previously covered with parchment. Sprinkle the blanks with powdered sugar through a strainer.

Savoyards should be baked for 10 minutes, until the products acquire a pleasant golden hue. Even if the biscuits have risen well, they will settle slightly after cooling. Savoyardi for classic strawberry tiramisu is ready.

Classic recipe

So how to cook classic tiramisu? The process of its creation consists of several stages. In the summer, it is better to move away from classic recipe with coffee cream and make the dessert lighter and fresher. To make tiramisu with strawberries, you will need:

  • 200 g savoyardi cookies;
  • 100 ml of orange juice;
  • 50 g of regular white sugar;
  • 5 g of lemon juice;
  • 250 g mascarpone;
  • 400 g fresh strawberries;
  • 60 ml of orange liqueur;
  • 2 yolks;
  • 2 squirrels.

Many people cook tiramisu with cottage cheese. However, it is better to use mascarpone to prepare such a dessert. If this component is replaced, then the taste of the finished delicacy will change slightly. It is not necessary to use orange liqueur. Anyone will do alcoholic beverage which you think is perfectly acceptable.

Making the sauce

The Italian tiramisu recipe excludes the addition of fresh berries to the dessert. However, you can add them if you wish. To make a strawberry dessert, start by making a sauce. To do this, mix orange juice, chopped strawberries and liqueur in a blender bowl. After beating, you should get a liquid puree.

Orange juice should be added without fail. This component will slightly set off the flavor of the strawberry. If you don't add it, the dessert can end up being too cloying. Indeed, a tiramisu cake should have a contrast of tastes.

How to make cream

In a container, it is worth mixing 45 grams of regular sugar and proteins. Add lemon juice to this. This component will allow you to beat the mass faster. Mix everything thoroughly. As a result of whipping, a creamy mass with stable peaks should form. In this case, the proteins must be absolutely pure. If fat or yolk gets into them, they will not beat up.

In a separate bowl, mix the yolks with the sugar. Beat the mass, and then add the mascarpone mashed with a spatula into it. This component should be added in small portions. However, you should not be zealous when whipping. As a result, you should get a mass with a uniform consistency. Now it's worth introducing proteins. You need to add them in small portions, gradually whisking everything. The mixture should be smooth and fluffy. with cottage cheese is prepared in the same way.

How to collect dessert

Having picked up the necessary shape for the tiramisu, you can start assembling it. The bottom of the container should be smeared with cream. Savoyardi cookies must be dipped in the sauce for a few seconds and put in an even layer in a mold. The tenderness of the dessert depends on how the baked goods are soaked. If you like the light crunch of cookies, then a few seconds should be enough. You need to dip it on both sides. If you want to get a delicate and soft dessert, then you should dip the Savoyardi in the sauce for 8 seconds.

Put a layer of cream on top of the cookie layer. It also needs to be evenly distributed. The thickness of the layers of such a dessert should be the same. After that, you should dip the cookies in the sauce and put them in the mold. So you need to make two more layers of cream and one layer of Savoyardi. The number of layers depends on the height of the container. However, there is a tradition. Tiramisu is prepared with two layers of cookies.

Now you need to soak

For the cookies to soak well, you need to place them in the cold for about 4 hours. During this time, the cream will harden. To prevent the top layer from drying out, it is worth covering the form with plastic wrap. You can also garnish the tiramisu with a layer of neatly chopped strawberries. After the specified time, the dessert will be ready.

Serve tiramisu with strawberries in portions with tea or coffee. If desired, the dessert can be prepared immediately in small tins.

Egg-free dessert recipe

For those who do not love raw eggs, tiramisu with strawberries and cream is ideal. To prepare such a delicacy, you will need:

  • Mascarpone - 500 g.
  • Whipping cream - 250 g.
  • Savoyardi biscuit biscuits - 200 g.
  • Fresh or frozen strawberries - 300 g.
  • Plain white sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Strawberry liqueur - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Fresh strawberries for decoration.

For the preparation of dessert, you can not use strawberry liqueur... However, the taste of the finished treat will change significantly. For dessert, it is best to use fresh strawberries. Frozen can affect the taste of tiramisu.

How to make homemade tiramisu without eggs

According to this recipe, you can cook not only strawberry, but also mango, lemon and cherry tiramisu. There are plenty of options. It is enough to replace some of the components. If you wish, you can make tiramisu with cottage cheese rather than mascarpone. First you need to prepare the sauce and cream. In the blender bowl, you need to put liquor and 1 tablespoon of sugar. All this should be whipped until a homogeneous liquid puree is obtained. The sauce is ready.

Now you need to make a cream. In this case, it will be quite simple for tiramisu. The main thing is to choose the right components. Mascarpone must be gently grinded and mixed with 1 tablespoon of sugar.

Whipping cream should be poured into a deep container and beat until thick foam. It is recommended to do this at medium speed. Be careful when whipping cream, as butter can be prepared if not handled correctly.

The resulting mass should be added to the mascarpone. This must be done carefully so that the cream does not lose its splendor. When everything is ready, you can start assembling the dessert.

The final stage

For a start it is worth picking up suitable shape... Tiramisu can be cooked in one large container or used in portions. The latter option is preferable. Put a layer of cream on the bottom of each mold. After that, the cookies must be dipped for 5 seconds in It should be dipped on both sides so that the biscuit is not completely saturated. Otherwise, the cookies will fall apart. Savoyardi can be purchased in the store or you can cook it yourself. Homemade cookies it turns out much tastier.

On top of the cream layer, lay out a layer of soaked cookies and cover it with a layer of cream. The amount of products in the dessert depends on and also on the height of the molds. There can be 2 or more layers of cookies and cream. Their thickness must be the same. For a more berry flavor, you can use fresh strawberries. To do this, put neat slices of berries between the layer of cookies and cream.

To finish off, the cake can be garnished with fresh strawberries. The berries can be simply cut into plates. But if you wish, you can make small roses out of them.

How much to wait

It is recommended to cover the finished dessert with a film so that the top layer of the cream does not dry out. After that, the molds should be placed in the cold. After 4 hours, the strawberry tiramisu will be ready and ready to be served. It is recommended to use this delicacy with tea or coffee. Do not serve strawberry tiramisu with fruit juices, as they will overwhelm the taste of the dessert.

They say you haven't visited Italy if you don't know what tiramisu is. This is the most popular delicacy in the world, the name literally translates as - "Lift me up". This is not a cake or cake, but rather a cross between both delicacies. To prepare the most famous dessert, Italians use Savoyardi - oblong biscuit biscuits and Mascarpone - young soft cheese... A homemade tiramisu with strawberry recipe cannot do without these products. But unfortunately, they are not always available and not everywhere. Such original cookies are difficult to find, and the cheese is quite expensive. Fortunately, there are no irreplaceable ingredients. For example, owls can be replaced regular biscuit... As for cheese, fatty cottage cheese with cream is an excellent alternative. Or, you can also make it at home with your own hands from cream, see the link for a mascarpone recipe at home.

The tiramisu recipe, which is given here, will come in handy in the summer. Despite the fact that the dessert is quite high in calories, it goes well with aromatic summer berries, which neutralize its fat content and add summer lightness and airiness. And strawberries, as we know, go well with various kinds of creamy desserts. Therefore, it will be very useful in tiramisu.

Tiarmisu with strawberries is prepared on the basis of a classic recipe, how to make homemade classic tiramisu, see the link. And this time I propose to cook butter cream based on yolks. There will also be a little less sugar in the recipe, because it's summer outside and you want something lighter and cooler.

Servings Per Container: 4.

To prepare tiramisu with strawberries you will need:

  • 100 g young mascarpone cheese;
  • 15 pcs. savoyardi cookies;
  • 2 tbsp. l. strawberry jam;
  • 150 g fresh strawberries;
  • 75 gr. cocoa powder;
  • 20 gr. powdered sugar;
  • 1 egg;
  • 100 g cream (33-35%);
  • 60 ml of brewed strong coffee;
  • mint leaves for decoration.

Step-by-step recipe for tiramisu with strawberries

1. Making coffee. If there is no ground, it can be replaced with a soluble one. 1 tbsp. l. diluted in 50-70 ml hot water... Pour the finished drink into a wide deep bowl, let it cool.

2. Separate the egg yolk from the protein. Mix the yolk with powder and send it to water bath... Whisk gently until the mixture thickens. When the water boils, keep the mixture in the bath for no longer than 7 minutes.

3. Remove the yellow-sugar mixture, pour into a deep dry dish and let cool completely.

4. Stir in mascarpone cream cheese to the yolks.

5. Beat with a whisk or mixer until smooth. The finished mixture should slightly increase in volume. It is best to turn on the mixer at low speed, this will prevent the cheese from turning into butter.

6. Pour the cream into a separate deep beating container. Most of the fat required for whipping is collected on the sides of the packaging. Therefore, before pouring the cream into a bowl, shake it thoroughly and wrinkle the packaging with our hands.

7. Beat the cream with a mixer at high speed until stable peaks. The main rule of successful whipping cream is that it must be very cold. Do not over-whip the cream or it may turn into butter.

8. Mix the whipped cream with the cheese mixture with a spatula. Classic cream it should turn out to be very delicate, so we intervene quickly and carefully with the scapula movements from the bottom up and in a circle.

9. Mint and my berries. We prepare jam, cocoa powder.

10. Put some of the cream and chopped fresh strawberries in the bowls.

11. Cut the cookies into 2-3 pieces, depending on their size. Ugly cookie leftovers can be used in this recipe.

12. Dip the savoyardi (ladies' fingers) in cold coffee and then put it in the bowls, in which the dessert will be served. This must be done quickly so that the cookies do not sour. Try not to overexpose the cookies in the coffee, or the dessert will be too wet.

13. Top with a couple of tablespoons of strawberry jam.

14. Add the remaining cream, sprinkle the dessert with cocoa powder through a fine sieve. Decorate with strawberries and mint sprigs.

15. We put the finished tiramisu dessert in the refrigerator for a couple of hours, it should cool well.
Delicious classic tiramisu with strawberries is ready. Garnish with fresh mint and berries before serving. Bon Appetit!

We are glad to welcome our readers! Today we will tell you about an incredibly tasty italian dessert Tiramisu. Translated from Italian "tiramisu" means "lift me up."

Indeed, this dessert turns out to be unusually airy and tender, like a cloud. It is impossible to find its original recipe. Some even believe that it was invented in France over a century ago. Nowadays, there are many options for cooking Tiramisu.

Today I want to move away from the classic recipe with coffee and offer you a summer version of this dessert and will help it - the recipe homemade tiramisu from strawberries with cheese. Fresh strawberries give this delicacy a delicate and fresh taste with a slight sourness.

To prepare this strawberry dessert we need the following.


1. Sweet strawberries - 0.5 kg. (it is advisable to leave a few berries for decoration);

2. Powdered sugar - 1 glass

3. Cream with a fat content of 33% - 0.5 grams

4. Cream cheese "Mascarpone" - 0.5 kg

5. Rum, cognac or liqueur - 50 grams

6. Juice of 1/3 lemon;

7. Cookies "Savoyardi" -1 large package

Cooking step by step:

1. Thoroughly washed strawberries. Add half a glass of powdered sugar.

2. Beat with a blender.

3. Strain the resulting strawberry mixture through a sieve. Thus, you get rid of small bones and achieve a homogeneous mass.

To give the dessert a piquant aftertaste, you can add alcohol to it in the volumes indicated above.

4. In a separate bowl, using a mixer, beat the cream with the second half glass of powdered sugar.

5. For the cream to whip well, it is better to keep it in the refrigerator for 24 hours.

6. Take Mascarpone cheese and knead it so that there are no lumps. Then spoon the cheese into a bowl of whipped cream.

7. Continue stirring with a mixer at low speed.

8. You can add lemon juice to the creamy mixture.

9. Then take a large package biscuit cookies each of which should be soaked in the strawberry puree for a few seconds. Thus, it can absorb the strawberry flavor.

Put the soaked cookies in a mold in one continuous layer.

11. Spread the remaining cream on top.

12. After the base layers are applied, the cream should be smoothed.

13. Then the whole form is covered cling film and put in the cold for several hours, or better for the whole night.

14. Here's a cake we get after we cut the resulting blank.

15. Before serving, the dessert should be garnished with berries and enjoy not only gustatory pleasure, but also aesthetic pleasure.

How can you replace Mascarpone cheese?

Cheese "Mascarpone" has a creamy consistency, it tastes slightly sweet with a subtle sourness. This cheese is ideal for making delicious desserts, of which Tiramisu is the most popular.

"Mascarpone" is not the cheapest cheese, so not every housewife can afford to buy it, but I really want to enjoy the light taste of Tiramisu. At home, the simplest, most affordable and the best option the substitute for Mascarpone cheese is cream mixed with cottage cheese.

Why strawberries?

First, this berry goes well with cream cheese. Secondly, strawberries appear on personal plots and on the shelves of the very first. Strawberries are rich useful substances... It is high in vitamin C, which protects our body from colds. This berry is also rich in zinc, iodine, folic acid, potassium and magnesium, vitamin B and phytonutrients.

Have you decided to surprise and delight your family and friends with your culinary skills? This recipe will come in handy. Cooking Strawberry Tiramisu is easy, but the most delicate taste will make everyone fall in love with this dessert.

Do not be afraid to experiment and enjoy new tastes of the dishes you are already used to!

Let's collect all the ingredients: Savoyardi biscuit cookies, Mascarpone cream cheese, sugar or powdered sugar, cream, chicken eggs, coffee and cocoa powder for decoration.

To prepare this dessert, we need chicken eggs of the first freshness. Separate the yolks from the proteins (about all methods and methods of this process). V original recipe the yolks are not thermally processed in any way. I think this is dangerous, so I rubbed them with sugar in a water bath until a homogeneous lush foam was formed. It took me about 10 minutes. If you are confident in the quality chicken eggs, then you should wash them with a brush and baking soda and beat the raw yolks with powdered sugar until a lush foam is formed. The mass should increase by about 1.5 times.

Next, you need to whip the cream. Ideally, of course, you need to use natural chilled cream with a fat content of 33% - this is how you get the most delicious dessert. Beat until a thick, fluffy foam is obtained. I used vegetable cream, which I dilute with milk.

Into a completely chilled egg mixture add cream cheese and beat until smooth.

Add cream. Then mix with a spatula very gently from top to bottom. Literally 15-18 movements will be enough. The less you stir at this stage, the thicker the cream will be. It should also be noted that the ingredients for the cream should be cooled as much as possible.

Let's make coffee. It needs to be cooked in advance so that it has time to cool down. Ideally, cool the coffee in the refrigerator. Pour it into a cup to make it easier to dip the cookies.

Adopting a recipe is not enough, the food must also be served correctly. And for this, you should initially choose the right dishes and assemble the dessert itself exactly with the recommendations. A square container works well. Smear a few tablespoons of cream on the bottom of the container. Next, we dip the ladies' fingers cookies in coffee for literally one second on each side.

We put them in rows in a prepared container. Lubricate the top with cream.

We fill the container in layers to the brim.

V classic version- this is no more than 4 and no less than 2 layers.

On top of the dessert, sprinkle cocoa powder evenly with a strainer.

We send everything to the refrigerator for at least 15 minutes. Ideally, you can eat it a few hours after cooking.

Serve it in portioned plates, garnished with cocoa and mint sprigs. Criterion correct preparation this dessert is moderately sweetish tender creamy taste cream in combination with slightly crispy biscuit biscuits with a coffee flavor. It literally melts in your mouth.

One of the presentation variations is serving in bowls. Then the cake is collected directly in large glasses or other dessert cups. In this case, the savoyardi cookies need to be broken during cooking.

In the summer, I want so much simple, refreshing, fresh berries and fruit desserts. So why not make tiramisu with strawberries.

I present three options for this delicious dessert in different variations. Plus, the strawberry season has just begun. Therefore, we choose a recipe and prepare a very tasty, easy to prepare summer dessert tiramisu.


  • 250 g mascarpone cheese
  • 200 ml heavy cream (35%)
  • 400 g fresh strawberries
  • 150 g sugar
  • 20 pcs. savoyardi biscuit (ladies' fingers)


  1. Mix the cheese with a blender with 100 g of sugar, add the whipped cream and whisk everything together again.
  2. Chop 200 g of strawberries with a blender with the remaining sugar in the puree.
  3. Put a layer of biscuit cookies in a rectangular shape and pour half of the strawberries rubbed with sugar.
  4. Spread ½ part of the cream cheese mass evenly on top.
  5. Lay out the second layer of cookies and pour over the remaining mashed strawberries. Spread the creamy mass on top and smooth with a spatula.
  6. Refrigerate for 1 hour.

Cut the remaining strawberries lengthwise into 3-4 plates and put them on the surface of the dessert or decorate to your liking.

Put in the refrigerator for impregnation and hardening for several hours.


  • 250 g strawberries
  • 50 g ladies fingers biscuits
  • 2 tsp cocoa powder
  • 2 tbsp cognac (optional)
  • 8 tbsp icing sugar
  • 250 g mascarpone cheese
  • 6 quail eggs or 2 chicken
  • 20 g white chocolate

Cooking Strawberry Tiramisu:

  1. In this recipe, replace the coffee soak with strawberry puree and cognac if desired. Since the eggs will be used raw, it is better to take quail.
  2. Separate the yolks from the whites. Combine the yolks with 6 tablespoons of powdered sugar. Whisk lightly.
  3. Combine the yolks with the mascarpone cheese.
  4. Whisk the whites separately into a fluffy mass and gently add in the mascarpone, mix thoroughly again with a whisk.
  5. Add finely chopped chocolate to the cream.
  6. Strawberries - 2/3 parts combine with 2 tablespoons of powdered sugar. Use a blender to puree.
  7. Put 2 tablespoons in prepared glasses or bowls. cheese mass,
  8. then chopped strawberries.
  9. Break the cookies and put them on top. Drizzle with strawberry puree.
  10. Then put 1 tbsp. cream and repeat everything. We finish with a cream.
  11. We put our dessert in the refrigerator for half an hour.

Before serving, decorate with strawberry tiramisu if desired. You can sprinkle with sifted cocoa powder, garnish with chopped strawberries and mint leaves.

Ingredients for biscuit cookies:

  • 3 eggs
  • 60 g sugar
  • 50 g flour
  • A couple of drops of lemon juice

Store-bought cookies can be used.

Ingredients for the cream:

  • 250 g cream cheese mascarpone
  • 250 g cream 35% fat
  • 100 g icing sugar
  • 5 yolks
  • Vanilla sugar optional

Ingredients for Strawberry Puree:

  • 200 g strawberries
  • 2-3 tbsp Sahara
  • 100g strawberries for layering and garnishing.

Cooking tiramisu with strawberries:

  1. First, let's make some cookies. Separate the yolks from the proteins. Beat the whites with ½ part sugar and lemon juice to steady peaks.
  2. Beat the yolks separately with the remaining sugar.
  3. Add proteins to the yolks and mix gently.
  4. Gradually add the sifted flour and stir with a spatula.
  5. Put the mixture in a pastry bag.
  6. Squeeze the strips out of a pastry bag onto a parchment-lined baking sheet. Sprinkle generously with powdered sugar (through a strainer).
  7. Bake in the oven (180 degrees) for 10-12 minutes until golden brown.
  8. Cool down.
  9. Preparing the cream. Add to the yolks icing sugar and put on a water bath. We constantly stir, the mass should thicken slightly. Let's cool it down.
  10. Then mix it with the mascarpone and beat with a blender.
  11. Whisk the cream separately, mix with the cheese and stir gently.
  12. Chop the strawberries with sugar until puree.
  13. Put 1/3 of the cream into a form with sides. Dip the cookies in mashed potatoes and place them tightly on top of the cream.
  14. Top with a layer of chopped strawberries.
  15. Then a layer of cream, cookies and strawberries again.
  16. On top, again a layer of cream, cover with cling film and put in the refrigerator overnight.

Garnish with strawberries when serving, you can sprinkle with almond petals.

Bon Appetit!