Home / Dough / Wine yeast made from strawberries. Homemade strawberry wine making technology

Wine yeast made from strawberries. Homemade strawberry wine making technology

Strawberries are widely used in cooking. Compotes, preserves and jams are made from this berry, and baked goods are decorated with it. Strawberries have not only excellent taste and pleasant smell, but also useful properties. It contains vitamins C, A, B, H and E, and of the minerals necessary for the body - copper, iron, iodine, zinc, magnesium, sodium, calcium and phosphorus. This berry is also rich in oxalic, salicylic acids. If you want to get rid of anemia, arthritis and viral diseases, you need to eat strawberries as often as possible. This berry has another useful property. This is a low calorie content - only 37 units per hundred grams of product. In this article, we will show you how to make strawberry wine at home. It has a light taste and a sweet berry aroma. The process of its production is somewhat different from the standard one, where grapes are used as raw materials. Read about all the intricacies of production below.

Classic recipe

Strawberries can be used to make both table and dessert wines, as well as liqueurs and liqueurs. Let's first consider classic recipe... For wine, you need to select the most ripe berries without any flaws. Separating the tails, rinse the strawberries. The difficulty of making berry alcoholic beverages lies in the fact that, unlike grapes, there are no fermentation bacteria on them, but as many putrid ones as you like. Therefore, the strawberries need to be rinsed thoroughly. Next, we need to start the fermentation process. This activator is yeast and ... raisins. Mash a kilogram of strawberries into gruel. Pour in boiling syrup made from water with the addition of a kilogram of sugar. When the mixture has cooled to a temperature of +32 or slightly less, you can put the yeast (4 g). But first they must be mixed with a small amount of water at room temperature and allowed to swell for twenty minutes. Pour in berry mash and raisins. We place the container under the water seal and store it, shaking it daily, in a warm place for about a week.

Strawberry wine: homemade recipe

Adding yeast to a drink can negatively affect the bouquet of aromas. Therefore, many winemakers do without them. A handful (100 g) of raisins acts as an activator of the fermentation process in this recipe. We wash three kilograms of ripe selected strawberries and knead with a wooden mortar. We make a syrup from three liters of water and 2 kg of granulated sugar. We place the strawberry gruel in jars, filling them by two-thirds of the volume. When the syrup becomes just warm (35-40 degrees), pour in the berries. The liquid level should be five centimeters below the neck of the jar so that the wort does not spill out during fermentation. We cover the containers with gauze and put them in a cool, dark place for a week. Mix the contents of the cans with a wooden spoon several times a day. When active fermentation starts, we separate the wort from the pulp. Pour the juice into another container, which we cover with a water seal. The quiet fermentation phase will end in forty days. In order for the mash to stop playing, some people use alcohol or strong alcohol. But this recipe invites you to make strawberry wine without vodka. Just remove the liquid from the sediment and bottle it. In the cellar or refrigerator door, the wine must mature for at least two months.

Something about how to adjust the strength of the drink

If you follow the recipe above, you will end up with a wine with 16-18 alcohol degrees. To reduce the amount of alcohol, you need to change the proportions. For a light table wine, double the amount of water. That is, take not three liters, but six. Then the strength of the drink will vary within 10-12 percent. But it is not recommended to keep such strawberry wine at home for a long time. You need to drink it within six months. But fortified wines can last for a year and a half.

Traditional recipe

It differs in that we do not cook syrup. We just fill the cans by two-thirds with strawberry gruel from 3-4 kilograms of berries, add 2 kg of sugar and pour in about four to five liters of water. We leave about five centimeters of free space between the liquid level and the neck. We cover the jar with a water seal and put it in the sun. In three weeks we will have a young strawberry wine. The recipe prescribes to strain the drink, and squeeze the pulp. Add another glass of sugar and set the water seal again. The wine will enter a quiet fermentation phase. After ten days, it will completely stop playing and brighten a little. Let's remove it from the sediment. To completely stop fermentation, add two tablespoons of vodka for every half liter of wine. Pour the drink into bottles and seal tightly with corks.

Fortified strawberry wine

The drink receives an increased degree not as a result of fermentation, but due to the addition of vodka. Wash a kilogram of berries and put them in one layer on paper towels to dry completely. Only after that we wipe the strawberries through a sieve or chop with a blender. Pour the gruel with a kilogram of granulated sugar. Pour in half a liter of hot water (but not boiling water). Mix and place in a large high-necked bottle, which is removed for five days in a warm place. After the expiration date, remove the foam, and filter the contents through several layers of gauze. Add half a liter of good vodka to the pure wort. Mix, bottle fortified strawberry wine. The recipe prescribes keeping the drink for a week in a dark place with a low temperature before serving it. It is also recommended to store bottles in the refrigerator.

Semi-dry wine

Chop two kilos of strawberries as described above. Sprinkle with 400 grams of sugar. We move the puree into a jar, the neck of which is closed with gauze. We put the dishes in a warm and sunny place (on the windowsill, balcony). After three days, the pulp will float. If you see that the top is covered with a crust, and there is ruby ​​liquid under it, then it's time to start filtering. Separate the juice from the pulp, pour it into another jar, which we already install under the water seal. We leave to wander for three weeks. After that, we wait another 25 days, but set the bottle in a cool place. During this time, the liquid should become transparent. Using a rubber tube or filters, remove the strawberry juice wine from the sediment. You can immediately pour it into tight-fitting bottles. We leave it for another two weeks, after which we taste and enjoy.

Pulp wine

The extracts that remain after we extract the juice from the berries should never be thrown away. After all, they can also be used to make strawberry wine. Reviews assure that it is taste is in no way inferior to the one made from wort. We start by boiling the syrup. To do this, heat three liters of water and dissolve 1.6 kilograms of granulated sugar in it. Bring the syrup to a boil and cool.

We place four and a half kilograms of strawberry pulp in a glass bottle with a capacity of ten liters. Fill the extracts with warm syrup. Protect the neck of the bottle from midges with gauze. We put the dishes in a warm place. Somewhere on the fifth day, when the contents of the bottle stratify into pulp and juice, remove the gauze and install a water seal. After another twenty days, carefully pour the liquid into a new dish, squeeze the pulp and return to the total mass. The wine should stand under a water seal for another month. After that, we filter the liquid immediately into the bottles. The drink is ready to drink immediately.

Strawberry jam wine

Sometimes there are situations when too many berry preparations have been made for the winter. A new crop is coming soon, and the shelves are still lined with cans. Well, do not throw them away? The jam can be used to make excellent strawberry wine. The recipe warns: the raw material for the drink should have been exactly the surplus of homemade preparations, and not the sour product. Mold and alcoholic yeast are not friends with each other. Wine jam should be of high quality. Soak 130 grams of raisins in warm water. It is needed to start the fermentation process. In a glass container, dilute the jam with pre-boiled water (at the rate of two and a half liters per 1 liter jar). Let's add raisins. Stir well. The container should be filled to no more than two-thirds of its volume. Put a sterile rubber glove on the neck. We will seal the edges of the can so that air does not penetrate there. After a few days, the glove will fill with carbon dioxide and then fall on its side. When this happens, pour the wine into another container, carefully removing it from the sediment. Three more days - and the drink can be bottled.

Home liqueur

This drink prepares faster and does not require special tools such as a water seal. The strength of the liqueur can be adjusted with vodka ( High Quality). Cover two kilograms of selected and washed strawberries with sugar (800 g). Shake the jar, bandage its neck with gauze, leave it for three days at room temperature. When signs of fermentation appear (foam and sour smell), put on a medical glove. After about three weeks, the wine will enter the "quiet phase". The glove will deflate slightly. If we filter the liquid and bottle it, we get homemade strawberry wine with a strength of 10-12 degrees. To increase the speed, add half a liter of vodka and 500 grams of sugar to the drink. Mix well and leave cool for another fifteen days. Only then will we filter the liqueur.

A lot of preparations and drinks are prepared from delicious strawberries: compotes, preserves, jams, marshmallows, fruit drinks and so on.

No less tasty and self-made wine from Victoria at home, the recipe for which is simple to execute. We will learn how to prepare this drink yourself from natural ingredients using a simple technology in order to diversify the feast with aromatic sweet alcohol!

Victoria wine at home: the secrets of making

Victoria is used to make excellent rosé dessert and fortified wines with a characteristic strawberry flavor and aroma. To get high-quality strawberry wine at home, we take into account several points:

  • To make up for the lack of tannins, which Victoria is poor in, we use raisins: there are plenty of them in it.
  • For wine, we select only ripe berries without damage and traces of decay, cleaned of stalks and impurities.

Thoroughly rinse the berries in several waters so that no dirt remains. For better washing, soak the berries in water for half an hour: the earth will lag behind faster. After rinsing the Victoria, we put it in a colander: the water should drain completely.

Any containers in which strawberry wine is prepared and stored must be clean - sterile or scalded with boiling water and dried.

It is better to use glass or enameled steel dishes, but not the one where dairy products were stored.

  • We knead the berries with our hands so as not to damage the achenes: they will give the drink a bitter taste and a cloudy look. The use of a meat grinder or blender is not permitted!
  • When pouring wine into bottles, we drain it from the sediment several times. If the wine becomes bitter and stronger during storage, we repeat the procedure again.

Homemade Victoria wine, the recipe for which is given below, is used not only for its intended purpose. It is added to cocktails or syrups for impregnating pastries.

It is good to drink it with light desserts or simply without appetizers.

Homemade Victoria Wine: Recipe


  • - 3 kg + -
  • - 2 kg + -
  • - 3 l + -
  • Raisins - 100 g + -

How to make sweet dessert wine from Victoria

  1. We clean the berries from leaves and stalks, rinse and knead with our hands to a state of puree, without missing a single berry.
  2. We heat the container with water to 30 degrees and mix with a kilogram of sugar.
  3. Transfer the victoria puree to an enamel pan, mix with sugar syrup and raisins. Raisins are a storehouse of wine yeast necessary for high-quality fermentation.
  4. We fill the pot three-quarters so that the wort does not "overflow the banks" during fermentation. We close the pan with a piece of gauze and put it in a warm (from 18 to 28 degrees) dark place for 5-7 days - for fermentation. It will start in 2-24 hours.
  5. To prevent mold from appearing, stir the wort three times a day with a spoon or wooden spatula to sink the pulp in the juice.
  6. We filter the juice, squeeze the cake and throw it away.
  7. Juice poured into a large bottle (it should be no more than three-quarters full), season with 0.5 kilos of sugar and stir.
  8. We put on a glove with a leaky finger or another water seal on the neck and place in heat for 5 days. Pour a glass of wort and mix with 250 grams of granulated sugar until completely dissolved.
  9. Pour the syrup into a bottle, put on a water seal and wait another 5 days. Then we repeat the procedure with the addition of sugar.

When the fermentation process is over (the bubbles disappear, the sediment falls out, the wort becomes light), which takes from 1 to 2 months, we drain the wine from the sediment using a thin hose or tube.

We try the drink: if it is not sweet enough, add sugar, if it is too weak, fix it with vodka - from 2 to 15% of the total.

If the wine has been fermenting for more than 50 days, in order to avoid a bitter aftertaste, carefully drain the wine from the sediment, put on a water seal and set it to ferment further. Pour the finished wine into bottles, filling to the top, and carefully close it so that no air gets in. With the additional addition of sugar, we put on a water seal and let the wine stand for another 10 days.

We remove bottles of wine from Victoria at home in a cellar or refrigerator, providing a temperature regime of 5 to 16 degrees so that it matures.

It takes 3 months to ripen, during which we regularly drain the wine from the lees, when its thickness is 2-5 cm.

When the sediment ceases to form, we pour the drink into sterile bottles and cork it with corks.

The strength of homemade Victoria wine, the recipe for which we have considered, is 10-12%. It can be safely stored in a cellar or refrigerator for about two years.

How to make victoria fortified wine


  • Water - 0.5 l;
  • Vodka - 0.5 l;
  • Victoria - 1 kg;
  • Sugar - 1 kg.

How to make a strong Victoria strawberry wine

  1. If you like fortified wines, let's make fortified strawberry wine. For greater strength, vodka is added in this recipe. We prepare strawberry wine as follows: knead ripe well-washed berries with our hands in mashed potatoes.
  2. Add up berry puree into an enamel pan, fill it with water heated to 30-40 degrees, cover with gauze and put it in heat for five days.
  3. We remove the foam and filter through the smallest strainer or gauze in several layers three times. Pour in half a liter of vodka, mix, pour into bottles, cork and put in the cellar (refrigerator). After three days we taste fortified wine from Victoria.

Taste aromatic drink evokes memories of a gentle sunny summer.

Now you know how to prepare dessert and fortified Victoria wine at home, the recipe for which is easy to prepare.

Try both: the first is good for women, the second is more appealing to men, so you won't have any problems with what to serve!

A great alternative shop wine will be homemade alcoholic beverage from strawberry berries... Shop drinks made from natural materials have a high price. Inexpensive wines contain a lot of colors, artificial flavors and sweeteners. They also differ from natural drinks in taste.

From fragrant berries you can make different varieties wines including strawberry-flavored sparkling wine. This drink will appeal to fans of Italian sparkling wines with berry aromas. Strawberry wine "Fragolino" is made from a special kind of grapevine. With a strawberry flavor, it will successfully replace its homemade counterpart. Sparkling wine "Fragolino" is made from grapes, we will get acquainted with different options preparation of wine drinks from natural strawberry fruits.

Useful features of the berry

Delicious strawberry fruits have a lot of useful properties, features of influence on the human body. These red berries, hidden under the foliage, contain a vitamin-mineral complex that is in an easily digestible form that does not require additional food intake. Vitamins of group B, ascorbic, niacin, vitamins A, E, H, K, have a beneficial effect on all organs and systems of human life.

Micro, macronutrients, which are contained in strawberry fruits, are able to compensate for the lack of substances necessary for the body, these include:

  • salts of manganese, calcium and calcium, copper, zinc;
  • iron, phosphorus, iodine, silicon;
  • folic acid.

Use fresh berries improves metabolic processes, acts as a carminative, diuretic. Appetite increases after eating strawberries.

Berries and leaves are used for:

  • relief of bleeding;
  • fight against influenza strains;
  • increase in hemoglobin and blood color index.

Useful strawberry berry for thyroid dysfunction, atherosclerosis and excess weight. Small strawberry seeds gently cleanse the intestines of excess mucus. Not all beneficial features strawberries disappear after heat treatment. Jam made from these fruits, jam have most of the beneficial properties of fresh berries. In case of anemia, it is useful to use strawberry jam with red wine.

A bit of history of making strawberry wine

The first mention of wine from these berries dates back to the 15th century. The production of a strawberry alcoholic drink was born on the territory of medieval Europe. The first surviving recipe dates back to 18th century England. From the berries imported into the territory of foggy Albion, a fortified drink was prepared with the addition of sugar and rum to the berries. End consumers did not like the taste of such alcohol. Appreciated strawberry wine in Germany, where it is still produced industrially wine drink from an incomparable, fragrant berry.

Strawberry wine production technology

Making an unusual wine from delicious fruits differs from the standard scheme by technological features, the way of processing the fruits.

The technological process involves several stages:

  1. Sort the collected berries, remove rot, overripe fruits affected by mold. Wash, using unwashed fruit gives the wine an unpleasant earthy flavor.
  2. Turn the washed fruits into porridge - shaped, soft mass. To do this, you can use a meat grinder, blender, knead by hand. Transfer the berry porridge to the bottom of a large vessel, pour two-thirds of it with sugar syrup so that the liquid does not pour out of the vessel during fermentation. Cover the neck with a thin natural fabric. Leave the vessel in a warm room.
  3. After 8 days of fermentation with daily stirring, the resulting sweet Strawberry juice drain, drain the pulp. The resulting fruit liquid is poured into bottles.
  4. The bottle is closed using a non-return valve. Leave to slowly ferment for 1.5-2 months.
  5. At the end of gas evolution and precipitation to the bottom of the stone, the wine drink must be poured into sterile vessels and tightly corked. The last stage of maturation lasts 6-7 weeks without access to light and heat. At the end of the ripening period, the wine can be tasted.

Strawberry champagne is prepared in a similar manner up to the fourth point. After the end of the rapid release of carbon dioxide, the wine material is poured into bottles, at the bottom of which are placed 15 g of sugar, 3-4 berries of dried grapes. Cork tightly, followed by wire or strong rope fixation. Stopped vessels are placed horizontally in a warm place. The final product can be tasted after 90 days. Such champagne will bypass Italian strawberry wine in taste and aroma.

Making strawberry wine at home

Strawberry fruits are not juicy. It is difficult to achieve the formation of juice, it is not easy and to squeeze out the pulp. Such wine is poorly stored, often turns sour and turns into vinegar. Dry wine cannot be made from these berries, the best option Is fortified, semi-sweet. Unripe berries are not suitable for making high-quality wine material. Unlike other fruits, strawberries must be washed to remove dirt and dust. You can replace the washed-out wild yeast by adding a pre-prepared sourdough, dried grape fruit cake to the resulting wort.

The amount of alcoholic degrees of the final product depends on the ratio of fruit mass and sweet sand. The increased content of natural sugars must be taken into account in the production of the drink.

For starter culture you will need:

  • garden or wild strawberry- 0.5 kg;
  • key water - 200 ml;
  • sweet sand - 120 gr.

You can prepare dry strawberry berries that are not in contact with the ground as follows: manually crush the fruits until a thick gruel is obtained, pour into a plastic container, add sugar, pour in water. Close the gauze swabs, actively loosen them up. Leave for 4-5 days at room temperature. On the 5th day, the resulting liquid starter culture is drained, added to the main wort, at the rate of 250-350 ml of starter culture per bucket of wort.

An easy way to make homemade strawberry wine:

  • crush the half of a bucket of cleaned, clean strawberries, place them on the bottom of a container that has been disinfected;
  • add syrup from 1000 ml of water with 500 g of sweet sand;
  • pour into a sterile fermentation vessel, add a handful of dried grape fruits or pre-prepared sourdough, observing the above ratio;
  • it is necessary to leave a free volume in the vessel for the release of carbon dioxide, foaming;
  • install a cover with a back pressure valve, leave in a warm room for 4-6 days;
  • on the 6th day, drain the fermented juice through a filter cloth, squeeze the pulp thoroughly;
  • fill a sterile container with fermented juice, put a water lock on the neck;
  • carry to a cold room for 25-35 days;
  • after the wine acquires transparency, the wine sediment has precipitated, the alcoholic product is ready for tasting.

Self-made strawberry wine at home is not inferior to store counterparts.

Various recipes for making strawberry wine

It is not difficult to choose a recipe for strawberry wine in winemakers' guides, on the Internet. Introducing simple, interesting ways to make homemade alcoholic elixir from strawberries.

Classic recipe for making strawberry wine

To make homemade strawberry wine, a simple recipe is perfect for beginners.


  • sweet sand - 3000 gr;
  • strawberry berries - 4500 gr;
  • key water - 4500 ml;
  • dark raisins with a whitish bloom - 150 gr.


  1. Sort out the fruit mass, remove plant debris, rot. Wash off dirt deposits. By hand, using pressing movements, turn the fruits into a puree.
  2. Cooking water syrup and 1500 g of sweetener.
  3. Place the berry puree in a wide container. Add dried grapes, prepared syrup. The container must be filled so that 1/3 remains free.
  4. Cover the container with natural linen, put it in a warm place for a week. Every day you need to stir the mass several times a day.
  5. At the end of the initial stage of the fermentation process, drain the resulting juice, drain the pulp.
  6. Fill a glass bottle with wort, leaving 25% of the volume free. Pour in 750 g of sweetener, stir, close with a water lock. Do not disturb the wort left in a dark, warm place for 31-45 days.
  7. On the 6th day, add another 375 g of sweetener, stirring it with pre-poured juice. After dissolving the sweetener crystals in 300 ml of juice, it is poured back into the bottle. We put the castle water. Repeat the procedure after 6 days.
  8. The cessation of the release of carbon dioxide, the settling of tartar indicates the end of fermentation. The wine must be drained into a sterile container.
  9. Tasting can be done to match the expected sweetness of the drink. If necessary, you can sweeten or add strength, completing the fermentation with alcohol or vodka.
  10. Adding sweetness requires the establishment of a water lock, aging for 10-12 days.
  11. The final filling is carried out with the elimination of free space in the vessel. Cork tightly, keep cool.

Wine is stored in a cold room tightly sealed

Recipe for making strawberry jam wine

By the time the new harvest ripens, many housewives have unused last year's, older, strawberry jam. A bad year for strawberries will not interfere with a good owner. You can get great wine from strawberry jam.

How to make strawberry jam wine:

  • strawberry jam - 1 liter jar;
  • pure water - 1 liter can;
  • dried grapes - 120 gr.


  1. Pour the treat into a clean container. Pour in grape berries, prepared water. Stir in the sweet mass.
  2. Cover the container with a lid, put it in a warm room to wander. After 10-12 days, the berry mass will rise to the surface. Then drain the fermented liquid through a filter cloth.
  3. Pour the filtered juice into a clean vessel under a water lock. Place the vessel for 1.5 months, out of the reach of light.
  4. The completion of fermentation can be determined by the clarification of the liquid, the settling of the stone on the walls, the bottom of the vessel, and the cessation of gas formation. Filter the young wine and pour it into final storage containers. The wine will mature for 1.5-2 months.

The strength of the finished product will be 9-12 turns. Homemade wine made with strawberry jam has an amazing berry aroma, sweetish aftertaste. Such an alcoholic product quickly oxidizes; it is advisable to empty an uncorked bottle to the bottom. A light alcoholic drink in moderation carries all the beneficial properties of fresh strawberry berries.

Strawberry wine is a fabulous alcoholic scarlet nectar with a bright summer berry taste, a rich strawberry aroma and a sweet, delicate aftertaste.

Story... Europeans appreciated the taste of strawberries in the 15th century. A little later, an incomparable strawberry wine appeared. His first recipe dates back to 1745. But the British, who created such a wonderful drink, did not appreciate its taste at all. It then consisted of berry juice (5 parts), brown sugar (1 part) and white rum (2 parts). In general - a tasty treat, but undeservedly offended by the inhabitants of foggy Albion.

With every century, the popularity of strawberry alcohol only grows. But meeting him at the store is a rare success. In the best case, you will find liquor, and this is a slightly different drink. And homemade wines are not comparable to shop wines.


There are some points in the preparation of strawberry wine that must be taken into account.

  • Berries, unlike other fruits and berries wine recipes you need to wash, and cleanly, otherwise you will be guaranteed an earthy taste. Wild yeast from berries will completely replace unwashed (but clean) raisins or all kinds of sourdoughs (for example, on rice or the same raisins).
  • When kneading berries, do not use a blender or meat grinder - crushing the seeds will add bitterness and turbidity to the alcohol. Therefore, it is best to knead the berries with your hands, or, in extreme cases, with a silicone crush.
  • All utensils used in the preparation and storage of the drink must be sterilized, or at least scalded with boiling water and dried. It is good if these are glass or enameled containers.
  • If mold begins to form on the wort during fermentation, try pasteurizing it (processing at 65 ° C for 10-15 minutes). In order for fermentation to continue after this, you will need to additionally add wine yeast to the wort (according to the instructions).
  • Wine is not prepared quickly, so if you are in a hurry, then it is better to prepare liqueur or liqueur from berries.
  • Completely dry (no sugar at all) Home wine it is better not to make strawberries - it will most likely just get moldy with you, but with a small amount of sugar it is quite possible.
  • Ready wine is served by pouring it from a bottle into a decanter, but then it is not stored in the decanter - you need to drink everything. They drink it from glasses or shot glasses, snacks are either not served at all, or light, including desserts.
  • Made at home, this wine can be used in the preparation of desserts or cocktails.
  • If you wish, you can combine strawberries with other berries and make "Assorted" wine. In this case, the first recipe is used as a sample of the cooking technology.

Home-style strawberry wine

According to this recipe, you can make wine from strawberries and without water, but in this case, increase the number of berries used by 3 times (to get more juice).

In addition, adjusting the taste of the wine at the last stage, along with additional sugar, you can add vanillin (from 1 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon) and lemon zest (30-50 grams, followed by filtration after 5-7 days). The addition of other spices is not particularly recommended, so as not to drown out the pristine strawberry taste and aroma.


  • strawberries - 3 kilos
  • granulated sugar - 2 kilos
  • water (bottled) - 3 liters

You need to cook like this:

  1. Heat the water to 30 ° C (or cool if you took boiling water), dissolve half of the sugar (1 kilogram) in it.
  2. Transfer the strawberry puree to a bowl where the wine will ferment. It can be a 10 liter bottle or can. Pour sweet water here and add raisins. Make sure that the volume of strawberry mass in the bottle does not exceed ¾.
  3. Tie the neck of the bottle with a piece of gauze and leave the wort in a dark and warm room for about a week (maybe five days). The wort needs to be stirred several times a day. The first signs of fermentation should appear at the latest - in a day.
  4. After the allotted time, we filter the liquid, squeeze the pulp.
  5. We pour the future wine into a new bottle and dissolve another 0.5 kg of granulated sugar in it. Next, a water seal is installed on the neck of the bottle or a pharmacy glove is put on with a puncture in one of its fingers. Send the bottle to the same place where the previous one was.
  6. After 5 days, pour a glass of wort from the bottle, dissolve 250 g in it. granulated sugar and pour back into the bottle. Return the odor trap to its original place. After another 5 days, repeat the action with adding sugar again.
  7. Now you need to wait for the end of fermentation. This usually happens after 1 to 2 months. If after two months the wine ferments, pour it into a clean bottle, leaving the sediment at the bottom of the former fermentation tank intact, and let the fermentation complete.
  8. Pour the finished strawberry wine into a new bowl, adjust the sweetness, adding more sugar if desired. To prevent new fermentation and extend the shelf life of the drink, pasteurization of the wine at 65 ° C for 20 minutes will help (usually bottles with a drink are kept in hot water, without heating it above the specified temperature), or strong alcohol - vodka, rum or diluted alcohol. Its percentage in wine should not exceed 2-15% (not to be confused with the strength of the wine). If you do not want to add alcohol, but you did add sugar, then you will have to hold the drink for another 10 days under a water seal.
  9. Pour the "corrected" wine into sterile large jars to the very top, seal and keep cool. Further, strawberry wine should ripen for 2-3 months, this will improve its taste. Moreover, every month it must be filtered with sterile gauze, separating it from the sediment.
  10. You can try the drink when there is no more sediment at all. Now it can be poured into wine bottles and corked. It is stored for about 2 years.

Strawberry wine "Semi-sweet"

This is a very risky recipe due to the likelihood of poor fermentation (in the absence of sugar) and microbial contamination (in the case of using non-sterile items and dishes), but its result is usually striking in its taste, freshness and lightness.


  • strawberries - 6 kilos
  • granulated sugar - 100 grams (for each liter of juice)
  • raisins (not washed, dark) - 100 grams

You need to cook like this:

  1. Sort out the berries, sort the bad ones (even partially) separately, wash and turn into a puree mass.
  2. Transfer the strawberry puree to a bowl where the wine will ferment. Pour raisins here. Make sure that the volume of strawberry mass in the bottle does not exceed ¾.
  3. Tie the neck of the bottle with a piece of gauze and leave the wort in a dark and warm room for about 2 weeks. Stir the wort no more than 1-2 times.
  4. After 14 days, drain the juice, collect the pulp and squeeze, mix the resulting juices and pour them into a container with a water seal.
  5. After 10 days, we filter the juice again, and put the wort under a water seal for quiet fermentation. This period takes from a month to three, and every 10 days we repeat the wort filtration procedure. We now add a sweetening procedure to the “stripping” procedure. That is, every 10 days, in addition to pouring wine into new dishes, we add granulated sugar to it. You need to add all the sugar in 3 doses.
  6. After a month, the wine will slightly change color, acquiring first red, and later - the color of cognac. Removing it from the sediment in the second month, you can pour it in a trickle from a certain height. This will "ventilate" the drink.
  7. After 2-3 months, the wine will be completely clear and ready. If you wish, you can slightly sweeten it or “fix” it with strong alcohol (2-15% of the volume of the entire drink).

After bottling, try to age the wine for another six months or at least a quarter, then it will become simply luxurious.

Strawberries are the main ingredient in romantic desserts. The evening can be supplemented with a fragrant alcoholic drink. It will take some experience and time to cook. But the article contains simple recipes making wine from strawberries at home.

The biochemical composition of the berry is ideal for winemaking. When adding certain ingredients, you can get low alcohol drink with a pleasant and mild taste.

It is better to store wine in bottles with a cork made from natural materials. Plugs can be reused. Fill the hole from the corkscrew with melted wax. Be sure to label the container with the drink in order to know the date of manufacture and composition.

Let's take a look at a few options. You can choose the most suitable method for yourself.

A simple recipe for strawberry wine with the addition of vodka

First, let's try to make a fortified drink from berries. For long-term storage, put it away in a cool place. It will be possible to taste the wine in a month.


  • 1 kg fresh strawberries;
  • 1 kg of white sugar;
  • 500 ml of water;
  • 500 ml of vodka.

Ripe and clean berries without stalks are kneaded by hand until a puree-like mass is obtained. Dissolve granulated sugar in hot water and pour the syrup into a container with grated strawberries. Pour the mixture into glass jar, cover with gauze and leave for a week in a room with a temperature of 18-25 degrees. Stir the wort daily.

After 7 days, filter the contents of the jar through a sieve, pour into a clean container and add high-quality vodka or homemade moonshine... We close the lid with a straw and put it in a warm place for one week.

After a few days, fermentation will stop, a sediment will form at the bottom, and the wort will become lighter. Now the drink needs to be drained from the sediment using a straw.

We distribute the wine in bottles, close it with corks and put it in a cool place. Take your first sample after a week.

How to make an alcoholic drink with berries and raisins

Do you want to make a 10-degree strawberry wine at home? It couldn't be easier. Prepare sugar, berries, raisins and start the process. The wine turns out to be very tasty and aromatic. To make it clearer how to make such a drink, watch the video instruction:

This wine can be stored for two years in a cool place. It will take about three months for the wine to fully mature.

Recipe for cooking with sugar and wine yeast

Here we will use special winemaking additives. If you add ordinary yeast, you can spoil the pleasant bouquet of the drink's aromas.


  • 11 kg of strawberries;
  • ¼ tsp sodium bisulfate;
  • 5 tsp yeast feed;
  • 1 pack of wine yeast;
  • 5.5 kg of granulated sugar;
  • Pectin.

Step by step cooking

  1. Cut the washed berries into several pieces and send them to a clean container;
  2. Fill the berries completely with water;
  3. Now add the pectin enzyme and sodium bisulfate;

Use pectin according to package directions.

  1. We cover the dishes with a cloth so that insects and dust do not get into it. We leave in a warm place for 24 hours;
  2. After the specified time, pour water into the container. The total volume should be about 18 liters.
  3. Pour in white sugar and stir thoroughly;
  4. At the next stage, we add yeast and special feeding;
  5. Cover the bowl or pot with a cloth;
  6. Leave it for a week and periodically remove the foam;
  7. Filter the drink through a sieve, pour out the wort and put a water seal; Fermentation may take 0.5 - 1 month;
  8. During this time, constantly pour the wine until sediment stops appearing;
  9. After a couple of weeks, the drink will be ready.

Make wine only with fresh and ripe strawberries. Leave for 2-3 months before use.

Strawberry wine with lemon at home

To add a pleasant flavor to the drink, add citrus fruits to it. In small quantities, such alcohol is beneficial to health.


  • 3 kg of berries;
  • 100 g lemons;
  • 20 g yeast;
  • 2 kg of granulated sugar;
  • 4 liters of water.


  1. First of all, we wash the strawberries several times in cold water... Remove the stalks, dry them and pour them into a glass bottle;
  2. Fill the contents with water, pour in the sugar (1 kg), add the yeast and seal with a lid with a water seal;
  3. We remove for 5 days in a warm place;
  4. At the next stage, pour out the rest of the granulated sugar, add the sliced ​​lemon.

Cut the citrus fruit into washers or half rings, whichever is more convenient.

  1. Shake the bottle, close the cork and leave for several days;
  2. When the fermentation process is over, drain the wine from the sediment, filter and pour it into containers.

The wine should be infused for several months. For long-term storage, we put the bottles in the cellar or put them in the refrigerator.

Strawberry and red currant drink

If you are just a budding winemaker and are not confident in your abilities, do not worry. After all, wine has always been prepared at home. Therefore, everything will definitely work out.

  • 1.5 kg of strawberries;
  • 0.5 kg of currants;
  • 1.5 kg brown sugar;
  • A handful of raisins;
  • 1 lemon.

Step-by-step cooking

  1. Pour granulated sugar into a saucepan with 2 liters of water, mix and cook the syrup over low heat;
  2. When the liquid starts to boil, pour a few slices of lemon into it;
  3. After a couple of minutes, remove the pan from the burner and leave to cool;
  4. We eat the berries, sort through and remove the stalks, then knead in any convenient way;
  5. Put the berry puree in a sterilized container with a narrow neck, add raisins and sugar syrup with lemon wedges. The container must be filled up to ¾.
  6. Cover with a rag and send to a dark place for a week.

In the morning and in the evening, stir the mass with a wooden stick.

  1. After 6-8 days, carefully drain the berry juice. We close the bottle with a stopper with a straw, which must be lowered into a small jar of water.
  2. After 7 days, drain the wine from the lees.

We bottle the drink and send it to a cool place for a couple of months. If you want to make fortified wine, then at the finishing stage add 0.5 liters of 40% vodka to it.

A simple recipe without water

Before preparing the wine, we lightly rinse the berries so as not to wash off the wild yeast that is on the skin. They are essential for the normal fermentation process.


  • 8 kg of strawberries;
  • 1 kg of white sugar.

Step by step cooking at home

  1. We sort out the berries, pour them into a bowl and knead them by hand until a puree-like mass is obtained;
  2. Pour out granulated sugar and transfer to a 10 liter jar.
  3. Cover the neck with gauze and leave in a warm place for 3 days.

Shake the bottle periodically so that the sugar is completely dissolved.

  1. At the next stage, we filter the wort through several layers of gauze and squeeze the cake.
  2. We cover with a lid and a water seal and put away in a cool place.
  3. After a couple of months, fermentation will stop. Using a tube, drain the wine from the sediment. We leave it for one more week.

After the specified time, pour the drink into clean bottles and put it in the cellar for storage. The maximum strength of the wine is 18 degrees.

Homemade strawberry jam wine in a 3-liter jar

If you did it yourself, and it fermented for some reason, then do not throw it away. It is great for preparing a fragrant and delicate drink.


  • 1.5 liters of jam;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 1.5 liters of clean water;
  • 1 tbsp raisins

For long-term storage, only sterilized containers should be used.


  1. We heat the water to 20-25 degrees and mix it with jam in any convenient container.

Jam with mold cannot be used. Such a product will spoil the taste and may harm your health.

  1. Add raisins and taste. If required, pour 50 g of granulated sugar.
  2. Mix the ingredients in the jar. We pull a rubber glove over the neck and make several holes on it through which gases will escape. We remove the container in a warm place.
  3. After 3-4 days, use a tube to drain a little juice, dilute it with 50 g of sugar and pour it back into the container. We put on a glove and leave it for 5 days.
  4. You can repeat the procedure if necessary.
  5. We leave to wander for two months.
  6. When the glove is down, you can drain the wine from the lees. We filter it and pour it into jars.

The drink will take 2-3 months to fully ripen.

Alcoholic drink made from strawberry compote

In one of the previous articles, I described how to do . If you have it for some reason sour or deteriorated, then you can use it to make delicious wine.


  • 3 liters of compote;
  • 50 g raisins;
  • 100 g of sugar.

Cooking technology

  1. Strain the strawberry compote. We do not throw out the berry mass, they will still be useful to us.
  2. Heat 1 glass of juice to 30 ° C and dissolve granulated sugar in it. Add raisins to speed up fermentation.
  3. Pour the starter culture into a small container, cover with gauze and remove for 4 days.
  4. After the start of fermentation, pour the starter culture into a container with strained compote. We cover with a lid with a water seal and put away in a dark place.
  5. We grind the berries, filter through a sieve and cover with a small amount of sugar. We put the mass on the stove and cook over low heat.
  6. When the mixture cools down, pour it into a separate container, fill it with water and put it in a warm place.

On cold days, cover the container with the ingredients with a blanket or towel.

  1. When the fermentation process is completed in both jars, we drain the juice from them, mix, filter and pour into the jars.

The strength of this wine does not exceed 15 degrees. The drink will be ready to drink in 3 months.

There are more complex cooking methods. We have considered the most simple strawberry wine recipes. Be sure to make a few blanks for the winter.