Home / Chebureki / How to cook langoustine recipes. How to cook langoustines: delicious recipes

How to cook langoustine recipes. How to cook langoustines: delicious recipes

How do you feel about langoustines? I have a lot of respect for them. For me, they are a great alternative to shrimp. Plus, it is more tender, softer, with a more delicate aroma, larger, without hints of cultivation, you won’t understand where, with a slightly sweet taste and, in general, seafood is pleasant in every way.

Langoustines - pieces 12.
Garlic - to taste.
Small chili pepper.
Vegetable oil.
Juice of half a lemon.


Ideally, the langoustines would have to remove the casing from the tail, and leave the head. Like this. There is no functional load in this, it's just prettier. But since the meat is so tender that the head falls off by itself, I spat on this idea and ripped off the heads of the beasts to hell.

But here the gut must be taken out. To do this, we easily and shallowly cut the tail of the langoustine and extract all the muck out of harm's way.

This is already washed and prepared goodness.

Mix with lemon juice vegetable oil, salt.

Mix the sauce with langoustines and leave to marinate for half an hour.

In the meantime, you can prepare a salad for them.
Peel and chop the avocado into cubes, pour over lemon juice, peel the tomato, cut it into cubes, salt, pepper, sprinkle with vegetable oil, mix.

Ready langoustines fry in a very hot dry frying pan. A couple of minutes on one side, a couple on the other. It is not necessary to overdo it on fire, otherwise a hundred

How are langoustines different from the usual shrimp? Firstly, their meat is much more tender. Secondly, these seafood have a refined pleasant aroma. But for this, of course, they need to be properly prepared. So, the topic of our conversation today is "Langoustines: cooking recipes."

Fried langoustines with savory notes

Very tasty are langoustines fried with garlic and chili peppers. And to give seafood delicate fragrance and exquisite taste, we will add fresh parsley to the dish and lemon juice.


  • langoustines - 12 pcs.;
  • garlic cloves to taste;
  • half a chili pepper;
  • vegetable oil;
  • half a lemon;
  • fresh parsley;
  • salt.


  • As a rule, we get langoustines in a frozen form, so first of all you need to defrost seafood in natural conditions.

  • We remove the casing from the tails of langoustines and tear off the heads. By the way, to make the dish look prettier, you can leave the heads.

  • Now we need to clean out the gut. Make a shallow incision on the tail and remove it.

  • Then we wash the seafood and dry it. This is what properly prepared langoustines look like.

  • Grind chili pepper and garlic cloves.
  • In a deep bowl, mix greens with garlic cloves and pepper. Let's add 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil and the juice of half a lemon. Salt and mix.

  • Put the langoustines in the sauce, mix and leave the seafood to marinate for an hour.

  • Fry the langoustines in a dry frying pan for literally 2 minutes on each side. Attention: do not overexpose seafood on fire, otherwise the meat will be tough. Preheat the pan well.

  • We serve langoustines to the table with assorted vegetables and fruits.

Smoked seafood at home

You can cook langoustines on the grill, or rather, on a bucket. Interested? We offer you a recipe with a photo of smoking seafood at home. We will build our own smokehouse from a bucket and get tasty and fragrant langoustines for beer.


  • langoustines - 1 kg;
  • seasoning of white horseradish to taste;
  • to taste classic yogurt;
  • salt;
  • ground black pepper;
  • lemon juice to taste.


  • For smoking langoustines, we need large wooden skewers. Soak them in beer or wine.
  • Now let's assemble the smokehouse. We take an old bucket, which is not a pity, and make 12-15 holes on the bottom.

  • We clean the langoustines from the shell, leave the head and tips of the tails.

  • Holding the langoustines by the tails, we string them on skewers at a small distance from each other.

  • We fill the bottom of the bucket with hot coals and lay out a layer of wood chips. After a few seconds, the chips will smoke. We carefully place the skewers with langoustines on the bucket, resting them on the edges as shown in the photo.

  • Cover the bucket with a damp cloth to keep the smoke inside. We smoke langoustines for 7-10 minutes.

  • And while we do delicious sauce to seafood. In yogurt (you can replace it with sour cream), add white horseradish seasoning, salt, ground black pepper and lemon juice. We mix everything.

  • Sprinkle the finished langoustines with lemon juice and serve with sauce.

By the way, if in the process of smoking the heads of langoustines fell on the coals, do not worry, because they will become an excellent natural flavor for seafood.

Caponata with langoustines for gourmets

And this dish is the dream of any gourmet. To prepare a real caponata, you need not only langoustines, but also octopus meat. It is clear that it is not so easy to acquire. It doesn’t matter, just exclude octopus meat from the recipe and still get a tasty and unusual dish.


  • 6-7 pcs. langoustines;
  • 2 eggplants;
  • 5-6 tomatoes;
  • bulb;
  • 10 pieces. olives
  • 2 celery stalks;
  • 100 g of cedar nuts;
  • capers - 3 tsp;
  • 1 st. l. orange peel;
  • 3 tsp granulated sugar;
  • 150 ml olive oil;
  • 2 tbsp. l. honey;
  • a couple of thyme stalks;
  • sea ​​salt - 0.2 kg;
  • salt.


  • Scald the tomatoes with hot water and remove the skin from them. Cut the vegetables into six slices. Now we need to remove the cores from the tomatoes.
  • Put the tomatoes on a baking sheet, season with salt and pepper, sprinkle with 1 tsp. granulated sugar and orange zest.
  • Crush the tomatoes with two sprigs of thyme and pour olive oil.
  • We send a baking sheet with tomatoes to the oven and simmer at a temperature threshold of 90 degrees for an hour and a half. We will prepare the so-called confit tomatoes.
  • Pour sea salt into a small baking dish. Dip an unpeeled onion into it so that the vegetable sinks 1 cm.
  • Let's send the onion to the oven, heated to 140 °. We bake it in the oven for about an hour. The finished vegetable will be fragrant and quite soft.
  • Peel the celery stalks and chop diagonally. The thickness of the pieces should be about 1 cm.
  • We lower the celery in boiling water and boil for three minutes, and then put it in an ice liquid. If done right, our celery will be bright green and crispy.
  • Cut the eggplant into thick circles, and then chop into slices. Fry them in olive oil until golden brown.
  • Prepare the sauce: fry the capers and the pulp cut from the olives in olive oil for just a minute.
  • Add nuts and 2 tsp to the pan. granulated sugar. Cook until the nuts are covered with gooey caramel.
  • Now put honey in the pan and boil the sauce for a few minutes.
  • We'll boil the seafood. How to cook frozen langoustines? Very simple: throw them in boiling salted water and boil for a few minutes.
  • We lay out vegetables on portioned plates: eggplants, tomatoes on top, and then onions.
  • We lay out celery stalks around the vegetables, and put seafood in the center.
  • Watering the dish honey sauce and serve to the table.

Anyone who loves seafood, probably managed to try a lot of dishes from them. And if you want to cook something new, then use langoustines as the main ingredient.

What is it, what is useful?

Langoustines are representatives of crustaceans and relatives of lobsters, having an outward resemblance to lobsters and very similar to shrimp, only with claws, like crayfish. The size can vary from 10-15 centimeters to 20-25. Langoustines live in the salt water of the oceans and seas and are considered an exquisite delicacy, therefore they are very much appreciated all over the world. The taste is pleasant, slightly sweet, the meat is very tender.

The composition of langoustines includes a lot useful substances, such as protein, phosphorus, zinc, potassium, selenium, sodium, magnesium, iron, manganese, iodine, calcium, copper, vitamins PP, A and group B. The calorie content of 100 grams of such seafood is only about 90-110 kilocalories.

Consider the main useful properties:

  • It is an excellent source of iodine, which is essential for the thyroid gland.
  • The product helps to normalize metabolic processes.
  • Regular use improves the functioning of the nervous system.
  • The protein included in the composition is the basis of new cells and the key to healthy and strong muscles.
  • Langoustines are useful for blood vessels and the heart, as they help strengthen them.
  • The calcium contained here will help maintain bone density.
  • Phosphorus is essential for the smooth functioning of the brain.
  • With regular use, the endocrine system improves.
  • The product provides immunity strengthening.
  • Langoustines slow down the processes of aging and tissue oxidation.
  • Zinc has anti-inflammatory properties.

Important: langoustines are considered an allergenic product, so you should be careful. They also contain cholesterol, so you should not use them in large quantities the elderly and people suffering from atherosclerosis.

How to choose?

Unfortunately, in most regions, langoustines get frozen, because without water they quickly die and begin to deteriorate. And after freezing, the structure of the meat is broken, it becomes less tender, so the best option is fresh seafood.

Pay attention to the sizes. Medium individuals have a size of about 12-15 centimeters, large - about 20-25, and, accordingly, they are more expensive. An unpleasant odor emanating from the area between the shell and the fold of the tail should alert. If the langoustine smells strongly of fish, it is probably stale.

What to cook?

How to cook delicious langoustines? Below are some interesting dishes.


Langoustines can be fried in a pan, and they will turn out very tasty. Here's what you'll need:

  • 500 g of langoustines;
  • half a lemon;
  • bunch of parsley;
  • two cloves of garlic;
  • salt;
  • olive or butter.


  1. Take care of the langoustines. For each marine life, separate the shell with the head so that only the tail remains. Slightly incise it from the inside to remove the inedible part of the digestive tract. Also clean all seafood.
  2. Prepare the marinade: after cleaning, chop the garlic in any way, mix with the juice squeezed from half a lemon, finely chopped herbs and salt. Put the tails of langoustines into this mixture, mix, leave to marinate for an hour.
  3. In a frying pan, heat the oil well and fry the langoustines over medium heat for just a couple of minutes until golden. You can serve them with rice or salad.


If you like delicious and fine dining try making risotto. To do this, prepare:

  • 200 g of rice (preferably arborio);
  • 10-15 langoustines;
  • leek head;
  • stalk of celery;
  • a glass of white wine;
  • three st. l. olive oil;
  • a bunch of dill;
  • half tsp turmeric;
  • 10 g butter;
  • tsp salt (preferably sea).


  1. In langoustines, you need to cut off the tails, clean them from the shells, taking out only the meat (the intestines are removed using a longitudinal incision).
  2. Rinse all the remaining parts (heads, claws, shells), put in a saucepan or thick-bottomed saucepan, add butter, knead everything with a spoon or spatula. Pour half a glass of wine, add turmeric and simmer the broth for twenty minutes over low heat. When it cools down, strain it.
  3. Cut the onion into thin half rings, or rub the celery on a medium grater, or cut into thin strips. In the same saucepan, heat the olive oil, fry the celery and onion until soft, and then spread the rice.
  4. When the rice absorbs the oil and swells a little, add the remaining half glass of wine, wait for it to evaporate. Then start gradually pouring in the broth.
  5. Boil the rice for about twenty minutes, and a couple of minutes before cooking, add the langoustine tails and finely chopped dill.

Skewer of langoustines

On a picnic or outdoor recreation, you can cook langoustines on the grill. For this you need:

  • 1 kg of langoustines;
  • half a lemon;
  • a little dill and parsley;
  • ground pepper;
  • three cloves of garlic;
  • three st. l. olive oil;
  • salt.


  1. First you need to prepare the langoustines by separating the tails, as well as freeing them from the intestines. The shells are removed.
  2. Make a seafood marinade. Squeeze the juice from the lemon, chop the greens after washing, peel the garlic and pass through a press or rub. Mix all these ingredients, add salt, oil and pepper.
  3. Pour the marinade over the peeled langoustines and leave in it for an hour to soak.
  4. String langoustines on thin wooden skewers pre-moistened with water.
  5. Hot coals should remain in the grill, and seafood should be cooked on them for literally two to three minutes so that the meat remains tender.

A few tips about proper cooking and the use of langoustines:

  • Do not cook langoustines for more than 30 seconds, as with prolonged heat treatment, the meat loses its tenderness and becomes dense, “rubber”.
  • It is best to start cooking immediately after purchasing seafood.
  • The edible part is the tail, and that is what should be eaten. The shell contains the digestive tract, in which the food consumed by the marine life remains, so this part should not be eaten. It makes no sense to cut the claws either: they have negligible pulp.
  • Inedible claws and heads can be used to make broths, sauces, and soups, so don't rush to throw them away.

Take on board the recipes suggested above and be sure to treat yourself, family or guests with langoustine dishes!

Sea delicacies are very useful and have exquisite taste. One of the most delicious langoustines are rightfully considered - the closest relatives of lobsters, crustaceans, which differ from them in more compact sizes. We will tell you in this article how to choose the right and deliciously cook langoustines.

How to choose?

Important condition for cooking delicious dish- the presence of fresh and high-quality langoustines. Their delicacy taste will be delicate, delicate and will pleasantly surprise relatives and guests, but on one condition - the product must be fresh. Langoustines that have been improperly stored or transported, as well as marine life with an expired shelf life, are characterized by heterogeneous meat, exfoliating and falling apart when cooked. Ready-made dishes from it are bitter and have an unpleasant odor.

If you live in regions where lobsters are harvested, there will be no problems with buying fresh marine life. They are sold from large aquariums.

When choosing a live langoustine, remember that the crustacean must be quite active. If the individual almost does not move, then it is on the verge of death and it is not worth buying.

But most Russians do not have the opportunity to buy fresh, recently caught langoustines. Therefore, you will have to be content with frozen foods. They are of two types - frozen boiled and frozen raw.

Freezing does not count the best option conservation of langoustines. Culinary experts say that when meat is frozen, it loses the lion's share of tenderness and sophistication, and along with this, some nutrients and vitamins are lost.

But the inhabitants of the central regions of Russia have no choice.

When choosing langoustines, pay attention to the following points.

  • Shell. In fresh langoustine, it is rich pink, without spots, moderately shiny. Even if the product is frozen, the shell should not be coated or stained.
  • Smell. Take the langoustine in your hands and smell it. This crustacean, when fresh, has a subtle, salty smell of the sea inherent in seafood. He is pleasant. Stale spiny lobster has a pronounced smell of "mud". Between the fold of the tail and the lower border of the shell there is a zone in which the smell of fish and the sea should not be. But only in fresh langoustine. An expired or poor-quality product will exude a not very pleasant “aroma” over the entire area.
  • Eyes quality and fresh langoustines are black and shiny. They are never coated and give off a blue color.
  • Pose. The langoustines, frozen in an extended position, died before they were put on the counter. You can't buy or eat them. In a fresh crustacean, the tail is always tucked inward.
  • The size. In Russia, you can buy two types of product - large and medium langoustines. Large ones reach 25 centimeters in length. Medium - 12 centimeters. Take any. Do not assume that size affects taste qualities meat. Both large and medium-sized individuals have equally tender meat.
  • Package. The packaging of frozen langoustines should not be damaged, wrinkled, deformed, or opened. The expiration date must not be expired.
  • Quality. Ask the seller to show the quality certificate for the product. If langoustines were caught in ecologically clean areas of the sea, not poisoned by oil products and radioactive substances, such a certificate must be. This is your safety. You shouldn't neglect it.

Seafood preparation

Before cooking langoustines, carcasses should be properly processed. If live crustaceans are bought, they are washed and thrown into boiling salted water for literally 5-7 minutes. This time will be quite enough for the shell to be easily removed from the crustaceans. Only the tail part is used for food, as with shrimp, and therefore the extracted meat can be baked, stewed, fried, grilled, whatever your heart desires.

Frozen langoustine requires more careful preparation. To begin with, the product should be removed from the freezer and left in the refrigerator for several hours. Sharp extreme defrosting in a microwave or warm water, and even at normal room temperature, can destroy delicate texture meat. Therefore, it is customary to defrost langoustines smoothly, gradually. After 4-5 hours, crustaceans are transferred from the refrigerator to the kitchen table, where they are thawed already at room temperature for another 2-3 hours.

Be sure to wash the product before cooking. This must be done under running water.

Further preparation will depend on how you plan to cook the delicacy: if you cook, then feel free to throw it into boiling salted water for 10-12 minutes; if frying or grilling - throw in boiling water for 3-4 minutes. After that, the langoustines need to be cleaned.

Proper cleaning involves removing the head (be sure to hold the tail with one hand), opening and removing the shell, removing the legs and intestines. Cleaning this crustacean is no more difficult than cleaning shrimp. Cut meat without a head and shell can be used for further culinary research.

Stage Preliminary heat treatment can be avoided if you bought langoustines that were frozen already being boiled. Such a product is thawed according to the rules of gradual and gentle defrosting described above, and then immediately cleaned and prepared according to the selected recipe.

To remove the shell or not is a moot point. Some chefs recommend cooking langoustines in shell, believing that this way they retain more juices and flavor, others strongly advise removing the shell. Both methods are perfectly acceptable. But in any case, you need to remove the head, because it contains a large number of cholesterol.

Give to langoustines special taste and aroma, it is advantageous to emphasize the delicate texture of the meat with a specially prepared marinade, which can also be used to process crustaceans before cooking, in which, in fact, you can cook them.

How to marinate?

If a decision is made to pickle langoustines before cooking, you will have to prepare especially for this process. With a sharp knife, the head and claws are removed. The shell is opened with a knife along the length to a shallow depth. Then, with your fingers, you should carefully remove the esophagus of the marine life with its contents. It is imperative to clean the crustacean: firstly, you don’t need the esophagus with the waste products of the marine life, it will add bitterness, and, secondly, the opened shell ensures that the product is well marinated.

Marinade can be prepared by anyone, to which the soul lies more. Most often for the preparation of langoustines use lemon or wine marinades and also garlic.

  • Garlic marinade. Finely chop a few cloves of garlic with a sharp knife (the amount depends on how much the eaters like garlic and garlic flavor in ready dish). Put the garlic in a bowl, add a little olive oil, salt and pepper. In this mixture, you need to withstand the crustaceans for 30-40 minutes (an hour can be). Then they can be taken out and fried or grilled.
  • Lemon marinade. You will need a third of a medium-sized lemon, a few peas of allspice, Bay leaf in the amount of one thing, salt and cloves. All of the above is put in a small saucepan with 2-3 glasses of water and put on the stove. As soon as the fragrant liquid boils, crustaceans are placed in it and boiled for about a quarter of an hour. You can remove the marinade from the heat and cool, and then put peeled or unpeeled marine life into it and leave to marinate for 1-2 hours.
  • Wine marinade. For this marinade you will need a glass of dry white wine, cloves, salt, allspice. Mix everything with enameled dishes and put langoustines with opened shells in the marinade. For 1.5-2 hours spent in such a marinade, crustaceans will acquire a wonderful aroma.

When might you need a marinade? The situations may be different. Some people like to cook langoustines in the marinade, others use the marinade only at the preparatory stage. But before frying or baking, as well as before grilling, it is still advisable to marinate marine life, even if a “minimum set” is chosen for this - pepper and salt.

cooking recipes

There are many ways to cook and serve langoustines deliciously and beautifully. For most recipes, it doesn't matter if you purchased fresh or frozen crustacean. Most of the recipes are “quick”, because langoustines do not require long-term heat treatment. Langoustines can be cooked on the grill, you can cook on fire, fry in a pan, on coals and on a grill. Very good at home langoustines baked in the oven. Both shrimps and langoustines are good in batter. Some even adapted to cook a delicacy in a slow cooker. Let's take a step-by-step look at some of the most interesting ways to cook these crustaceans.

With the secrets of preparing and cooking delicious langoustines in garlic sauce you can see in the next video.


Grilled langoustines will great dish weekend, they can be prepared in a friendly atmosphere, together with the guests who came "with a glass of tea" and an entertaining conversation. special efforts this will not be required, especially if the hostess prepared the crustaceans for grilling in advance.

  1. Preparation will consist in preparing a marinade, without which the grilled marine life will not be as tender and tasty as both the hosts and guests would like. Choose from any of the marinades listed above, or make your favorite Italian marinade for grilled seafood - olive oil, pepper, cloves, a grated piece of ginger root.
  2. Put the unpeeled langoustines in the shell into the marinade, having previously opened the shells with a knife to remove the esophagus. Heads can be left.
  3. After the marine life has spent an hour and a half in the marinade, carefully place them on a grill pan or wire rack along with lemon halves and garlic cloves.
  4. Cook for 3-4 minutes on each side. If the langoustines are large, then the cooking time should be increased by about 2 minutes for each side.

Serve hot, with sauce (any to your taste).

in a frying pan

Sautéed langoustines are a great way to make this gourmet delicacy at home. It's done quickly and looks amazing. Fried langoustines are served with any side dish, but the combination of rice and vegetables seems to be the most beneficial.

Step-by-step instruction.

  • Thawed or fresh langoustines need to be cleaned: remove the legs, head, and it is better to leave the shell.
  • For half an hour, you need to put the carcasses in olive oil with the rest of the ingredients added.
  • Then you can start frying.

Try doing this in a large cast iron skillet, Teflon coatings are not exactly what you need for cooking seafood.

  • Toss a few garlic cloves into the hot oil in a frying pan. Put the carcasses, and fry over medium heat for 2-3 minutes on each side. Ideally, a nice crispy crust should appear during this time.
  • Throw a few thin slices of lime or lemon into the pan, add 50 ml of water.
  • As soon as the water boils, the pan is turned off, but do not rush to remove the crustaceans from it - let it brew a little so that the meat inside is completely cooked and also saturated with aromas.

After five minutes, you can put the delicacy on a large dish and serve with a portioned side dish.

It is very tasty to serve seaweed with fried langoustines.

In the oven

Langoustines in the oven can be cooked with or without sauce. It all depends on what dish and for what occasion you want to get the output.

To make langoustines baked under cheese sauce , need to:

  1. Lightly boil raw carcasses, free them from the shell.
  2. Fold the crustacean meat into a container, pour a small amount of cream, salt and add finely chopped greens. Top with grated hard cheese.
  3. Bake the dish for about 20-25 minutes.

Look very elegant marinated langoustines on skewers.

  1. To do this, put the marinated marine life on wooden skewers, grease generously with olive oil or sunflower oil without smell.
  2. Line a baking sheet with foil and arrange the skewers so that the crustaceans are roasted by weight.
  3. The temperature in the oven is 220 degrees.
  4. After 10 minutes of normal roasting, switch to grill mode and hold the langoustines for about 10 more minutes.

The dish should be served hot, with sauces and a vegetable side dish.

If the ready-made baked or boiled langoustines have already cooled down, leave them for making salads and cold appetizers.

Langoustines are essentially the same shrimp, only larger and meatier. We sometimes call langoustines " king prawns"However, ordinary large shrimp also carry the title of" royal ", so you can easily confuse. Only shrimps can be boiled, and it is better to fry langoustines in a pan with olive oil, garlic and spices - you get "langoustines a la plancha" ( Langustinos a la plancha).
In Spain, langoustines cost 8-10 euros per kilogram, at about the same price I once met them on a regular market in Moscow, however, unlike chilled Spanish ones, Moscow ones were frozen in such an amount of ice that half of the amount paid for kilogram of langoustines, was paid simply for water (((
And, of course, chilled fresh langoustines are several times tastier than frozen ones, therefore, I offer a recipe for those who have access to the freshest seafood.

langoustines are fried olive oil Therefore, we heat a wide frying pan well on the stove and pour about one tablespoon of oil into it.

Cut the garlic into thin slices, and lightly fry it until golden brown.

We put langoustines in a pan and fry them for strong fire, stirring, five minutes.

Salt langoustines and add spices for fish dishes. These spices may include rosemary, basil, thyme, and parsley.

Simmer the langoustines, stirring, over medium heat for another five minutes and remove from the stove.