Home / Bakery / How long to cook pork liver until tender? Recipes for cooking delicious offal dishes. Why is he stealing? Understand and react correctly

How long to cook pork liver until tender? Recipes for cooking delicious offal dishes. Why is he stealing? Understand and react correctly

Today we will tell you how to properly cook pork liver and how long it will take. It should be noted that most housewives determine the degree of readiness of the mentioned product, as they say, "by eye". But if this is your first time dealing with such an ingredient, then such an approach can negatively affect taste the final dish. This is due to the fact that with improper heat treatment of the offal, it can remain raw or, conversely, boil over, making the dinner not the way we would like it. That is why it is very important to know how much to cook pork liver at home.

General product information

How much to cook pork liver? Before we answer the question posed, we want to tell you what this product is.

Liver is the most delicate ingredient that is most often consumed fried. Although at correct preparation and boiled offal is quite tasty. However, it should be noted that for heat treatment in boiling water, it is best suited beef liver or poultry liver. As for pork, cooks recommend using it only for frying or stewing. Although some housewives enjoy using it boiled.

Ingredient selection

Many housewives know how much to cook pork liver. As for her choice, many questions often arise here. To get rid of doubts, we recommend that you adhere to certain rules.

  • It is better to buy the liver fresh rather than frozen.
  • When choosing such a by-product, you should pay attention to its aroma. If an ingredient has an unpleasant and repulsive odor, then it is better to refuse it. The most delicious liver smells fresh meat and fresh milk.
  • When purchasing pork offal, pay special attention to its color. Fresh liver should be bright and reddish. Too dark (almost black) shade is an indication that the product is already stale on the counter.

Product pretreatment

To do Tasty dinner, it is not enough just to know how much to cook pork liver. After all, it is very important to process it correctly. This fact is due to the fact that such a by-product contains a lot of bitterness. You can get rid of it by soaking the ingredient in milk. But before that, the liver should be thoroughly washed in warm water. Also, all ducts must be cut off from the product. This process should be carried out very carefully. After all, if bile gets on a meat product, then it will no longer be suitable for consumption.

As a result of the described actions, you should get a clean liver without various streaks, ducts, etc.

How to soak properly?

Having bought a fresh offal for the first time, housewives ask only one question: how much to cook pork liver? But before answering it in detail, you should tell how exactly it is necessary to get rid of the bitterness that is inherent in the liver. To do this, clean and processed offal must be placed in a deep bowl, and then immediately pour it with fresh and not very fatty milk. In this case, the drink must completely cover meat ingredient... In this state, it is advisable to keep the whole liver for about an hour. If you do not have time for this, then the product can be cut into smaller pieces. This will cut the soaking time by exactly half.

Thus, it is possible to subject the liver to heat treatment after half an hour.

How much do you need to cook pork liver?

After the offal is soaked in milk, it should be heat treated. To do this, put the whole liver in a saucepan (preferably deep) and fill it with cold clean water. In this form, the ingredient is required to be placed on the stove and bring the contents to a boil. If a lot of foam forms on the surface of the broth, then you need to get rid of it using a slotted spoon.

So how long does it take to cook pork liver? After the water boils, add a little salt to it and cook the product under a covered lid for about 45 minutes. This time should be enough for the offal to become soft and tender. If you cannot wait too long, then it is recommended to cook the liver not as a whole, but after cutting it into medium pieces. In this case, for complete cooking you only need 20-24 minutes.

Other cooking methods

Now you know how many minutes to cook pork liver. But what to do if you need to stew or fry such a product. To do this, you must also process the ingredient, soak it in milk, and then cut into medium pieces (you can use strips or cubes).

If you need to get fried liver, then in a saucepan you should reheat sunflower oil and then lay out the entire sliced ​​product. It is recommended to cook it over medium heat without a lid for ¼ hour. During this time, the pieces of the liver should become soft and tender, and also lose all the blood.

If a stew is needed to prepare a dish, then it should first be fried in oil for 7 minutes, and then pour in a little water, close the lid and cook for about 13 minutes.

Such heat treatment good for those who want to get stewed liver with tasty and fragrant gravy... Flavoring it with spices, as well as adding sour cream or tomato sauce, you will get a hearty and tasty goulash.

Prepare the pork liver before cooking: sprinkle with salt, grind and leave for 10 minutes to easily remove the film and cut out the veins. After that, soak the pork liver in cold water or milk for 2-3 hours. Then squeeze lightly and rinse, cook -.

Cooking rules

1. Choose a good liver - whole and evenly dark in color. If the product is frozen, then it is better to defrost it on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.
2. For softness, to remove odor and possible bitterness, pour water or even better with milk, as it softens offal; soak the liver for 1.5-2 hours to remove the bitterness and make the liver softer.
3. Remove the film - the problem is that it is thin and cannot be grasped properly, it constantly breaks. To make it easier, after soaking, rub the offal with salt and leave it there for 10 minutes. Then, prying the edge of the film with a knife, effortlessly pull off the film from the entire liver.
3. Pour water into a saucepan, place over medium heat, let it boil.
5. Salt boiling water - a teaspoon of salt is enough, a larger amount of salt can "harden" the offal - in other words, make it harder.
6. Put in the liver, cook for 40-50 minutes. If in a hurry, cut the liver into crosswise pieces and cook for 30 minutes. During this time, the liver will be completely cooked.
7. Check the readiness of the liver by piercing it with a fork - the by-product should react pliantly to piercing.

Pressure cooker method
Boil the pork liver for 7 minutes after the pressure builds up, then wait for the pressure to drop for another 20 minutes. There is no tangible speed when cooking pork liver in a pressure cooker, but this method is good when all the pots are busy - and you still need to cook the offal. The only nuance of the method is that the foam cannot be removed and the bitterness characteristic of pork liver can turn into ready meal... To avoid this, soak the offal in milk and add more spices while cooking.

Boiled pork liver pate

pork liver - 200 grams
onions - 1 small head
parsley root - 1 piece
bacon - 50 grams
lemon juice- 1 teaspoon
sugar - 1 teaspoon
butter - 150 grams
nutmeg - 10 grams
salt, pepper - to taste

Cooking in a saucepan
Soak the pork liver, cut into pieces with a side of 3 centimeters, boil in a little water with the addition of spices and finely chopped bacon. Pass through a meat grinder 2-3 times (and it is better to strengthen the result with a blender). Salt the paste, add butter, lemon juice mixed with sugar and mix well. Roll the warm pâté mixture into a thick sausage, wrap in foil. Store fresh pork pate in the refrigerator (pallet) for a maximum of 5 days.
Serve on sandwiches with cucumber, red fish, herbs.


Usually pork liver is boiled for salad, pate, pies, or pre-boiled before frying cutlets. As a separate dish, pork liver is not cooked due to its bitter taste. But pork liver useful- the content of B vitamins (the work of the nervous system and mental activity), besides, its calorie content in boiled form is only 110 kcal / 100 grams, therefore pork liver regularly appears in the kitchens of Russian families. It is not recommended to offer a dish to children under one year old, after all, pork offal is too heavy food for an immature organism. Our smaller brothers (cats and dogs) are very fond of pork liver - for them it is enough to pour boiling water over the offal.

Price offal - from 150 rubles / 1 kilogram (on average in Moscow as of May 2018). When choosing tasty, pay attention to appearance and the color of the pork liver - the film is not cut anywhere, the color is uniform without spots.

Storage period boiled pork liver - 2 days, chilled - up to 5 days, vacuum packed - up to 1 week.

Boiled pork liver salad

Pork liver - 250 grams
Chicken fillet - 100 grams
Eggs - 2 pieces
Mayonnaise / sour cream - 1 tablespoon
Salt, pepper, herbs - to taste

Boil the pork liver. Boil chicken and eggs. Rub the liver on a coarse grater or chop finely, finely chop the eggs and chicken. Put all the ingredients in a bowl, add salt, herbs and seasonings, season with sour cream, stir and serve immediately. With pleasure. :)

Reading time - 4 minutes.

What are we cooking?

  • Pork

Our today's conversation will focus on her. This product is a little peculiar and not everyone likes it. Cook from it various dishes not every housewife loves. Some even believe that by-products are not at all worthy of attention, while saying that their use - the lot of the plebeians. But, saying this, they forget that the liver was previously considered a delicacy. It was often served at the table of kings. Of course, in order for a dish made from it to be tasty, it must be properly prepared. And for this you need to know how much to cook the liver.

The liver is a very useful product. It contains many essential amino acids, trace elements and vitamins, is very rich in proteins and collagen. It contains copper and potassium, magnesium and zinc in large quantities. There is enough calcium and, of course, iron, and that is why the liver is prescribed as almost the main product in people suffering from anemia. But before you think about how much to cook the liver, you should pay attention to one important point.

Pork liver has a peculiar taste and is bitter, so first you should spend some preparatory work... To remove the bitterness, the liver should be soaked before cooking. This is best done in milk for at least two hours. You can also soak in water slightly acidified with vinegar, also for about two, but better than three hours, while changing the water every hour. After that, the liver must be removed, washed, dried, and only then put into boiling water. A properly prepared pork liver will be more tender and the bitter taste will disappear. So how long is the liver cooked? According to the standard cooking recipe, reflected in any technological map, the cooking time is 40 to 50 minutes, depending on the size of the liver.

We figured out how much to cook pork liver, it remains to find out how to determine its readiness. If the indicated cooking time has passed, and you have doubts about the readiness of the product, then just take a wooden stick or a regular match. Pierce a piece of liver with it, if clear juice flows out of the resulting hole, then it is ready.

Most housewives are interested in the question of how much to cook the liver when making salads from it. After all, it must be especially tender for the salad to be delicious. The overcooked liver becomes tough, and in this case, the product itself will certainly not merit the approval of your loved ones. Some housewives, when preparing the liver for salad, use milk instead of water when cooking. In this case, the cooked liver not only becomes incredibly tender, but also acquires creamy taste, which gives some salads a special charm.

Of course buy fresh product not frozen is not always possible in our stores. Therefore, we usually buy frozen pork liver. Before cooking, it must be properly defrosted, otherwise you can simply ruin the whole dish. The liver should not be thawed in microwave oven because the rays can cause the pieces to steam inside or around the edges, and these spots will become very hard when cooking. The best way to defrost is to simply leave the liver at room temperature for a couple of hours, placing it in a regular plastic bag to avoid drying out.

So, we figured out how much to cook the liver. How to do it right, too. Now let's talk about one of the most delicious dishes from pork liver - about pate. perhaps one of the most popular dishes from this product. Many people think that it is extremely difficult to cook it at home, but this opinion is wrong. It's actually pretty simple. You need to cut the liver (500 grams) into small pieces. Then take about 80 grams of bacon, chop it as small as possible and put it in a well-heated deep frying pan. After the fat begins to melt from the bacon, you need to add chopped onions and grated carrots (the amount is taken to taste, that is, as much as you like), this mixture should be fried and brought to half-readiness.

Then put the chopped liver into the pan, add spices, salt, pepper, various spices (optional), nutmeg. After the liver is fried until golden brown, cover the pan with a lid and simmer until tender. Cool, then mince 3-4 times (through a fine wire rack) or grind in a blender. After that, add 100-150 ml of milk to the mixture, instead of milk you can add the same amount meat broth, mix well. Put on fire and bring to a boil very quickly, then refrigerate and mix with 100 grams of butter (soft but not melted). Beat the resulting mixture in a blender or using a mixer.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in the process of making liver pate. Moreover, each housewife can show a little imagination and add something of her own, for example, champignons. Enjoy your meal!

How to cook pork liver

An important point - before preparing the liver, first, you need to remove the film from it and remove any possible streaks. Sprinkle pork liver with salt, grind and leave for 10 minutes. Then, soak the liver in cold water for 2-3 hours, changing the water to a new one every next hour.

How much to cook pork liver

After you have soaked the liver, it must be dried and cooked for 40-50 minutes.

1. The average weight of a pork liver is 2 kilograms.

2. The liver of a young pig is much tastier, softer and more tender than that of an old pig.

3. Pork liver can be boiled, baked and fried.

4. If you are going to fry the liver, remember that you do not need to add salt to it. It is necessary to salt it only when the liver is almost ready, or add salt to an already cooked dish.

How to choose a pork liver

To choose the right pork liver, first of all, pay attention to its color. Fresh liver should be solid, not bright, red-brown in color. The surface of the liver should be firm and even, there should be no dried spots on it. Second important point Is the smell. If the liver smells like something sour, then most likely it is not completely fresh or completely gone. It is better not to buy such a liver, as you run the risk of poisoning it. Fresh liver has a pleasant smell, giving off a sweetish aroma.

Pork liver with onions

Before preparing this recipe, the liver must be soaked for several hours, and it is best to leave it overnight, and start cooking in the morning. Ingredients for cooking:

1. Pork liver - 500 grams

2. Onions - 1 piece

3. Milk

4. Flour

5. Vegetable oil

6. Butter

7. Black pepper - 1/4 teaspoon

9. Nutmeg- 1/4 teaspoon

10. Baking soda

The day before cooking, at night, we soak a whole piece of liver in milk. After that, the next day, cut the pork liver into medium-sized pieces, then sprinkle with baking soda and let it brew (about 50 minutes).

We wash under cold water liver, rub with spices and salt. It is necessary to let the liver brew in this form for about 25 minutes. After that, pour a small amount of flour on a plate, and envelop each piece of the liver in it.
Put the pan on medium heat, add vegetable oil and put the pieces in flour, fry the pork liver until completely cooked. In another skillet, fry on butter thin rings onions until golden brown. Combine the fried onions with the liver. Add spices and herbs if necessary. Now you don't have to ask yourself the question “how to cook pork liver deliciously”.

Bon Appetit!

Pork liver is very tasty, healthy and, importantly, economical and available product nutrition. It is not difficult to cook it, even a beginner in cooking can easily please himself and his family with a nutritious lunch or dinner with this meat product. For some dishes, for example, pies or salads, it is precisely the boiled liver that is required, so many housewives have a natural question

: How long does it take to cook pork liver, so that it does not become "rubbery", but turns out to be really tasty, tender and juicy?

1. Benefits of pork liver and calories

Pork liver is a by-product that pleases us both with its cost and the fact that you can almost always buy it in any grocery store. But that's not all! Boiled liver is wonderful dietary product, since 100 grams contains no more than 130 Kcal: of which 18.8 g are proteins, while fats - only 4.7 g, and carbohydrates - 3.8 g. But this is not only a source of protein but also minerals, vitamins and amino acids. Therefore, the liver is perfect for pregnant women, young children and the elderly.

Fried pork liver has a calorie content of about 210 Kcal; liver paste- about 250 Kcal; liver baked with mayonnaise - about 350 Kcal.

2. How to choose the right liver

To make the dinner great, it is not enough to know how long it takes to cook pork liver. The taste of the prepared dish will also depend on the quality of the selected offal, so take note of a few useful and important tips.

  • Try to buy fresh rather than frozen food.
  • When buying a liver, pay attention to its smell. A good product should smell like fresh milk and smell like fresh meat.
  • The color of the liver is an important indicator of its quality. Discard a piece of a dark shade, most likely it has been on the counter for too long. Fresh liver will have a bright reddish color.

A high-quality liver should have a film of uniform color, without spots and cuts.

3. Pork liver pretreatment

Pork liver contains a lot of bitterness, but you shouldn't be afraid of it. It's just that its preparation requires an uncomplicated preprocessing... Before you start cooking, it must be rinsed in running warm water and carefully cut off all the veins and ducts so that bile does not get on the meat product, cleaned from the film.

If you rub the raw liver with salt before processing and let it stand for 10 minutes, then the film can be easily removed by prying its edge with a sharp knife.

4. Before cooking, the liver must be soaked

So that the finished dish from the boiled liver does not taste bitter and turn out to be very tasty, you need to cook it after soaking it in milk. To do this, the prepared meat product must be placed in a deep saucepan or other container and poured big amount fresh low-fat milk. The milk must completely cover the product. Let the workpiece brew for 1 - 2 hours.

If there is no milk in the house, that's okay. It can be replaced with water. But remember that the water needs to be changed frequently while the liver is soaking.

When there is not enough time to soak, you can speed up the process by cutting the whole piece into 3-4 pieces. This will cut the soaking time in half.

5. How long does it take to cook pork liver

For cooking boiled pork liver you need a deep saucepan, salt, Bay leaf.

  • Put the soaked offal in a deep saucepan. Fill with cold water.
  • We put the pot with the liver on the stove over low heat and start cooking. Bring to a boil, promptly removing the resulting foam with a spoon or slotted spoon.
  • Salt to taste, add bay leaves and continue cooking over low heat, covered with a lid, for about 40-50 minutes. If the liver has been cut into pieces, the cooking time will also be reduced to 20 minutes.
  • Test the liver for readiness by piercing it with a fork or knife. The secreted juice should be light. If you see blood, the product is not ready yet. Continue cooking until cooked through.

Remember that it is better to cook the liver whole, it will turn out to be more juicy and appetizing. And the appearance of the product will be much more attractive. The less time the heat treatment takes, the more nutrients can be saved in the finished dish.

6. How to store the finished product

The finished liver dries quickly and becomes covered with a windy crust, so do not forget to cover it with a plate, or better, wrap it in plastic wrap.

In a vacuum, chilled liver can be stored for up to one week, but the finished product must be eaten within two days.

A variety of dishes can be prepared from the boiled pork product, which will certainly delight you with its refined specific taste and aroma.
Bon Appetit!