Home / Cakes / Lean rice casserole. Rice casserole with mushrooms

Lean rice casserole. Rice casserole with mushrooms

by The Wild Mistress's Notes

Rice is not accidentally recommended for diet food, because it has cleansing properties from toxins and excess liquid. Rice dishes are prepared for health food, a lot of dishes with rice and children's menu... And on fast days, delicious rice dishes on your table will come in handy.

Useful properties of rice

The composition of rice includes vitamins of group B, as well as vitamins ЗЗ, Е and carotene. Many people know that these substances are needed for healthy skin, nails and hair, as well as for the normal functioning of the nervous system.

Rice is rich in trace elements that ensure the performance of our body - these are selenium and iodine, phosphorus and potassium, iron and zinc, and, of course, calcium, which is necessary for joints.

Almost half of rice consists of starch, which is easily absorbed by the body and stimulates the digestive tract, and the presence of complex carbohydrates in the composition makes rice dishes very nutritious and easy to digest.

Lean rice recipes

Among lean dishes there are a lot of recipes from rice delicious casseroles and porridge. And this is no coincidence, because casseroles and porridges are known to us from old Russian cuisine. True, before they were called krupeniks, Greek people, noodles, etc.

Delicious casseroles and porridge can be made with rice. The proposed lean recipes suitable for those who are fasting. Yes, and in the usual daily menu these dishes will also come in handy.

Rice casserole with mushrooms

Lenten dish with butter

Products: 300g rice, 200g boiled mushrooms, 100g onions, 100g carrots, 50g vegetable oil, herbs, salt to taste.

Peel and chop the onion, wash, peel and grate the carrots. Saute prepared onions and carrots in vegetable oil for 3-5 minutes.

Pass the boiled mushrooms through a meat grinder. Boil the rice until cooked in salted water, then drain and rinse.

Mix rice, mushrooms and sautéed vegetables, season with salt and pepper, stir, sprinkle with herbs and place in a baking dish.

Bake in the oven until browned.

Rice porridge with pumpkin

Lenten dish without oil

Products: 500g pumpkin, 200g rice, 400g soy milk, 400g water, 2 tablespoons of sugar, salt to taste.

Sort the rice, rinse and pour boiling water so that the water covers the cereal by 2 cm, and close the lid tightly. When the rice swells, add soy milk, put it on low heat and cook the rice until tender.

Wash the pumpkin, peel, cut into small cubes and sprinkle with sugar. When the pumpkin yields juice, put it on low heat and cook until soft. Then the pumpkin should be mixed with boiled rice and brought to a boil.

Rice Soup with Cherry

Lenten dish without oil

Products: 500g cherries (you can take frozen), 4-5 tablespoons of rice, 5-6 glasses hot water, 0.5 cups of sugar.

Sort the cherries, remove the seeds and transfer to a separate bowl so that the cherries give juice. Cherry pits pour hot water, bring to a boil, boil for 2-3 minutes, then strain.

Put rice in the strained broth of cherry pits, add sugar and simmer over low heat for about 30 minutes, then add cherries to the soup along with juice, bring to a boil and cook for another 5-7 minutes.

Bon Appetit!

Hello dear readers! Today I sat down at the computer to write an article on rice casserole and for the first time I have no plan of what this article will be about. Well, of course, it's clear what about the rice casserole. What else is it about? Dry and not interesting to outline the recipe for a rice casserole and that's it?

It is not so easy to dismiss my readers with my hand, I cannot and do not want to. Why then was it necessary to create this culinary blog at all. To turn it into just another dump culinary recipes... There are enough of them on our limitless Internet space, and there are many hundreds, if not thousands, of such rice casseroles.

At the very beginning, when I just started blogging, it was not long ago, I thought I would start churning out recipes in batches. I will publish a lot of them and I will be happy and traffic. Here is an example of such an article "" But then I realized. There are a dime a dozen of such stampers of rice casseroles and now you will not surprise anyone with this. People reading my blog should learn not only about how to make a casserole from rice, for example, but also get some other useful information.

There should be a club of like-minded people in which I am the chairman, and it will only depend on me how interesting it will be in my culinary club. It should be a kind of mini social. a network where everyone can express their opinion, communicate with each other, leave their comments, ask questions to the blog author, take part in contests, etc.

This is what I strive for, not everything is working out yet, just not enough time, but I hope with your help I will succeed. Anyone who wishes can start right now. In the article "" you will find the first crossword puzzle for the solution of which there are monetary rewards. Details in the article.

I just can’t and I don’t have the right to gather people under the roof of my house to feed them one casserole of rice. Imagine you came to visit a person, he silently fed you and sent you home. Would you like to return to him later? I think not. Although for the sake of freebies, some can endure everything and the next time they are called again, they will also take a few pieces with them.

In my articles, I really wanted not only delicious dishes to be at the forefront, but also simple human communication, and everything that stands behind it. That is why I am trying to acquaint you with myself, with my way of life, with my worldview and build trusting relationships with you, my readers. And the rice casserole is essentially just an excuse. And a favorite and delicious pretext.

When I say rice casserole, you certainly understand that I mean my passion for cooking. Someone can say that he is flooding, he wanted to communicate. He wants to earn money from God on his own. To which I will answer everyone judges by himself and his judgments depend largely on upbringing.

Money is not the most important thing in life, although there is nothing good without it either. All our life from time immemorial has been associated with this despicable metal and crunchy pieces of paper. Many people judge how successful a person's life is by the amount of this waste paper in his bank account. Forgetting about such criteria for assessing human happiness as faith gained in suffering and without faith, hope, love, a strong family, loyal friends. Friends not only in words, but also in deeds.

And in the end, even daily food, when it is cooked with great love, when the cooking process itself gives you great pleasure, when your relatives and friends will thank you with warm words and give you their smile as a sign of gratitude for your work - this is HAPPINESS!

You do not need to see in people only objects on which and with the help of which you should earn your capital. First of all, these are living beings who, just like you, want to eat, sleep, laugh, cry, love, believe, hate - in general, live in one word.

That is why I do not want and do not have the moral right to stupidly dismiss my readers by telling only about casseroles and the like on my culinary blog. To do this, there are collections of recipes in bookstores. I want to believe that you agree with me. Is not it? Maybe you have a different opinion on these issues? I am waiting for your comments, and I also propose to subscribe to my news.

Well, now, an hour ago I was thinking. What to write about in the article? As soon as I wrote down my thoughts on paper, at the very least, a small article was formed. Let's go further.

So, now about her darling, casserole. To begin with, it is fast and all those who are fasting will not be a bad help during the days of strict fasting. I recommend to taste it. Having tried the casserole, you can't tell right away that this dish is lean. Although there is nothing intricate about it. Everything is very simple.

Lean casserole

Take for the rice casserole following products:

  • two glasses of rice
  • vegetable oil 7 tablespoons
  • one carrot
  • a tablespoon of capers
  • pitted olives 100-150 grams
  • two onions
  • parsley
  • one stalk of leek

I start cooking a treat by preparing vegetables. I clean onion and finely ruble it.

The same fate awaits carrots. I just cut it into such circles.

I add 5 tablespoons of vegetable oil to the pan.

I put the onion and begin to fry it.

The rice is not mine. I add it to the bow.

I pass until it becomes transparent.

I fry the carrot circles in vegetable oil.

Finely chop the leek.

I put it on a plate and salt.

I cut olives into two halves and ...

I add them to the bow.

I put a spoonful of capers in the filling for the rice casserole.

I stir it.

I put half of the rice in a mold. I put a layer of carrots on it.

Cooked filling on carrots.

Cooking time: 1 hour

Servings: 5

Cuisines: European

Type of dish: second courses

The recipe is suitable for:

Ingredients for the recipe " Rice casserole with mushrooms":

Bulb onion 1 pc Unrefined sunflower oil 3 tbsp. l Butter 2 tbsp. l Milk 125 ml Ground black pepper 1 g Long grain rice 0.5 tbsp Sour cream 1 tbsp l Salt 0.5 tsp Hard cheese 75 g Fresh champignons 200 g Chicken eggs 3 pcs.

How to cook mushroom rice casserole

I bring to your attention a hearty and tasty dish- rice casserole with mushrooms. Preparing such a casserole is quite simple, and products are almost always in our refrigerator. It's also nice that the mushroom rice casserole is prepared quickly.

You can use for such a casserole and Forest mushrooms, but mushrooms are always more readily available. The casserole is best served hot with homemade pickles.

Cooking a dish according to the recipe "Rice casserole with mushrooms":

Step 1

For work we need rice, mushrooms, onions, hard cheese, eggs, milk, sour cream, salt, black pepper.

Step 2

Peel 1 onion, cut into cubes and fry on sunflower oil(3 tbsp. L.) Until light golden.

Step 3

Add mushrooms, peeled and cut into slices (200 g). Cook for 5 minutes. Add 1 tbsp. l. sour cream and cook for another 3 minutes.

Step 4

Combine 125 ml of milk with 3 eggs and beat with a whisk.

Step 5

Boil 0.5 cups of rice until tender.

Step 6

In a bowl, combine mushrooms with onions, rice, egg-milk mixture, salt (0.5 tsp), pepper (1 g). Mix.

Calorie content: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

Say what you like, but not everyone loves rice for a side dish, even if it is the most delicious basmati or some other elite variety of rice. Another thing is a rice casserole with mushrooms, a recipe with a photo of which I propose, even from regular rice and the most everyday products - here you can confidently guarantee that everyone will be full and satisfied. When baked, the rice becomes tastier, saturated with oil, aromas of spices and herbs, and mushrooms and fried vegetables turn the side dish into a full-fledged second dish. In this recipe, sour cream and eggs are added to the casserole, but during fasting, these products can be eliminated by replacing them with flour diluted with cold vegetable broth.
I also recommend cooking.
Rice casseroles are also good because you can cook them from regular rice, round or with long grains - the result will be excellent. Boil the cereals until half cooked so that when baked in the oven, the rice does not dry out, but, on the contrary, absorbs the filling and softens. Be sure to fry mushrooms, onions and carrots so that the casserole has a bright color and rich taste.
How to make mushroom rice casserole

- rice (dry cereal) - 1 glass;
- carrots - 1 large (200-250 grams);
- fresh champignons - 200 gr;
- onions - 2 pcs;
- garlic - 3 small cloves;
- water - 2 glasses;
- vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. spoons;
- green onions or young wild garlic, any greens - a small bunch;
- turmeric, cumin, coriander - a third of a teaspoon;
- ground paprika - half a teaspoon;
- salt - to taste;
- egg - 1 piece;
- thick sour cream - 2-3 tbsp. spoons;
- sour cream or tomato sauce- for serving.

How to cook from a photo step by step

We wash the rice groats, three or four times will be enough. Pour into a cauldron, pour in one and a half glasses of water, add a little salt. We wait until the water begins to boil, we make the fire minimal. Cook the rice under the lid until it absorbs all the liquid. Turn off without opening the lid and leave it on a warm stove to steam.

Three carrots on a coarse grater or rub on a Korean one and cut the strips into two or three parts, make them shorter.

My champignons, we update the cut on the legs. Cut the mushrooms into small pieces. Small cube cut the onion.

The rice is still steaming, and in the meantime we turn on the oven so that it slowly warms up to +200 degrees, and we fry vegetables and mushrooms. Heat oil in a frying pan, add onion and add finely chopped garlic. Stir, fry until the onion is lightly browned.

Pour in the carrots, mix with onions and garlic. We continue to fry until the carrots are soft.

Then add the mushrooms, while the fire must be increased in order to quickly evaporate the mushroom juice. After a couple of minutes, turn the flame down again, simmer the mushrooms and vegetables until the mushrooms are ready.

Finely chop a bunch of any greens, choosing according to the season or to taste. The recipe uses young wild garlic - it tastes great for both mushrooms and rice. Add greens to fried vegetables and mushrooms, mix.

Salt, add all the spices (pick them to taste) and turn off the heat.

Transfer the rice to a deep bowl. Put the contents of the pan together with the oil there. We mix.

Preparing a filling for a rice casserole with mushrooms. Beat the egg and sour cream with a fork in homogeneous mass with a foam cap. Pour in half a glass cold water or vegetable, mushroom broth... Since our rice is not cooked before full readiness, liquid when baking is necessary.

Pour the filling into the rice, mix. We taste for salt and spices, we correct the taste.

We take a deep baking dish, coat the walls and bottom vegetable oil... We spread the rice with mushrooms and vegetables in an even layer, level it.

We put in a hot oven on the middle tier. We bake for 20 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees. Then we increase the temperature to 220 degrees, move the mold to the upper level and cook for another five minutes until it forms golden brown... As soon as the casserole began to turn golden around the edges, we take it out of the oven.

Cut a casserole of rice and mushrooms and serve either hot, straight out of the oven, or warm or completely cooled down. To prevent the casserole from looking dry, you can serve tomato sauce with it, and if you are not fasting, then finely chop the herbs, mix with sour cream or yogurt and add this sauce to the rice casserole with mushrooms. Bon Appetit!

By Elena Litvinenko (Sangina)
It turns out just as tasty and satisfying