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Pie ruins. Earl ruins cake

Air meringue, delicious biscuit, protein cream, chocolate icing in combination with an appetizing kind of delicacy - this is all a classic recipe for the Earl ruins cake. Once sweetness was in short supply, it was not so easy to get it. But if she appeared on the table, then a real holiday would come. Today, you can buy pastries in almost every pastry shop. However, to get truly refined taste, it is better to make the cake at home. Moreover, there are enough variations! Take your pick!

With homemade meringue

This recipe of the Earl ruins is one of the simplest, because it consists only of meringues and cream. So making a treat for your family will not be difficult.


8 eggs;
2 tbsp. Sahara;
200 g butter;
200 g of condensed milk;
1 st. prunes and walnuts.


Eggs should be chilled. Separate the whites and yolks. Beat the first ones well with a mixer to get peaks. Add sugar little by little, while increasing the speed of the beater. The whole process will take about 7-10 minutes until the mass acquires a thick, homogeneous consistency.
Put baking paper on a baking sheet, saturate with oil. Place the meringue on it using a regular bag or spoon if you don't have a pastry syringe.

Bake the future meringue at 100 degrees for about 1.5 hours. Do not open the oven before the end of the allotted time. Cool the workpieces.

Grind the prunes with nuts using a blender.

Also beat the butter separately until airy, add to the prunes, add the condensed milk and mix again.

At the bottom of the dish, apply 1 tbsp. l. butter cream, then lay out the meringue, generously grease with cream. In the process of assembling the cake, lay out the meringues in the form of a slide, grease each layer generously.

Set the sweetness in the cold for at least 2 hours to solidify completely.

With sour cream

The classic and very simple recipe for the Earl Ruins cake consists of the available ingredients that every housewife will find in the refrigerator. Follow our tips to create a delicious treat.


1 cup of sugar;
2 eggs;
1 glass of sour cream (at least 20% fat);
1 tsp soda quenched with vinegar;
3 cups flour.

2 tbsp. l. cocoa;
2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
100 ml of milk;
100 g butter.

400 g sour cream (no more than 20% fat);
1 tbsp. Sahara.


In a blender bowl, beat the sugar and eggs until the first ingredient is completely dissolved. Add sour cream, soda, stir.

From the resulting dough, you will have 2 biscuits. In a preheated oven (180-200 degrees), set the mold with one portion of the dough, having previously greased the sheet with oil. Baking time 20-25 minutes. Likewise with the second portion. After this, cool the bases well. Next, cut each into 2 pieces lengthwise. 4 cakes will come out.

To prepare sour cream, whisk the sour cream and sugar with a blender (5-10 minutes).

Advice: it is better to use not too fatty sour cream for the cream, since sugar will dissolve in it faster due to its less density.

Make the frosting before assembling the cake. The process is quite simple: pour sugar into a saucepan, add cocoa, pour milk. Set on fire, stirring occasionally until smooth. Boil for 3 minutes over low heat, do not stop stirring. After removing from the stove, add oil, mix it well and start building a slide of cakes.

First, put the first cake on the dish, grease it with cream, cover with the second, do the same. Break the two cakes that you have left into pieces of arbitrary size and shape. Dip each slice in cream, place on the cake. Put more first large pieces, use small ones at the top. Make the cake tapered and then gently coat with icing. Put the treat in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours.

Ingredients for the cream:
250 g sour cream;
250 g of condensed milk;
250 g cherries (canned).

Bake the biscuits, cut them in half lengthwise. You will have 2 white and 2 chocolate bases.

Make a cream by whisking sour cream and condensed milk. Cherries, if canned, discard in a colander, getting rid of the juice. If the berry is fresh, then remove the seeds from it.

First, put a light base on a plate, apply a creamy mass. Next, cut the remaining biscuits into cubes, alternating, dip in the cream and lay out in the form of a slide. Place cherries between each layer.

Pour the glaze on the top, preparing it using the technology of the previous recipe.

Soak the treat in the refrigerator for several hours. Decorate with hazelnuts.

1. If you need a larger cake, then you should increase it not only in height, but also in diameter. When the slide is too high, it becomes heavy, the biscuit is compressed and as a result, the dessert becomes less tasty.

2. As a decoration for treats, you can use nuts, coconut shavings, colored dragees, puffed rice, grated chocolate.

3. To fill the cake, take fruits and berries that are not too juicy so that they do not flow, or combine them with thick cream.

4. You can prepare a biscuit base even 2-3 days before assembling baked goods. Store it in the refrigerator wrapped in a paper bag.

5. Now about how to serve correctly.

Having prepared a classic recipe for the Earl Ruins cake at home, you can delight your family delicious dessert... Before serving, remove the pastries from the refrigerator, let them stand for a while. So everyone will be revealed taste qualities and a unique aroma. It is worth drinking coffee or tea without sugar, since unsweetened drink favorably emphasizes the taste of the dessert. Also ideal for a cake is milk, compote, classic yoghurt... Bon Appetit!

This name appeared due to external similarities. There are several options for making it: "Count Ruins" cake with biscuit and meringue. And in fact, and in another case, the dessert is given the appropriate shape, laying the pieces in an artistic mess. The whole structure is soaked in syrup, covered with cream, and then poured over with chocolate.

A pile of ruins is constructed from small bezeshek or pieces of biscuit. Everything is glued together and soaked in cream. Then generously covered with icing, this is an integral part of the dessert. The preparation is simple, although very long, and everyone likes the result. Unlike some dishes, this cake turns out better at home than in a restaurant or cafe due to proven and high-quality products.

Cake "Earl ruins"

The ruins of the count are one of the interpretations of the famous Kiev cake, which the workers confectionery factory them. Karl Marx was once presented to General Secretary Brezhnev. The cake consisted of meringue cakes, cream and hazelnuts. When it went on sale, queues were lined up to sample a gourmet dessert that combines a crispy base and delicate cream... Many came to Kiev to try it or bring it home as a valuable souvenir.

There are several versions of creating such an unusual combination. One by one, 60 years ago, the boss confectionery shop decided to hide the oversight of the workers, and as a result created a masterpiece. According to the other, the recipe was created for many years by trial and error. And then it was patented in 1973 under the name "Kievsky".

Its recipe is still kept secret. And housewives, striving to please their family, picked up recipes to replicate the taste of the famous brand. It was this popular dessert that became the basis for the "Earl Ruins". Most likely, the form was created for convenience, since in Soviet times few people had the opportunity to decorate confectionery like in a factory.

Was not on sale and high quality baking paper, silicone mats and cakes often broke or burned a little. Also, not everyone had the opportunity to purchase a pastry syringe. And the unusual democratic form was convenient because it made it possible to hide minor errors.

Until now, neat and even meringues are chosen only for the visible part. Cream for "Count ruins" is prepared depending on the type of cake or base. This can be charlotte, custard, sour cream, whipped cream, and creamy. Below are some of the best recipes.

Classic cake count ruins - general principles of preparation

Cake "Earl ruins"

"Count ruins" cannot be confused with any dessert. Most often it has the shape of a slide, where a biscuit and a meringue are "sketched". Sometimes the role of "ruins" is played by a creamy design. For aesthetics, in a conspicuous place, from above, more flavorful meringues or slices of biscuit dough are used.

To bake the classic version of the “Count ruins” cake, firstly, you need to set aside enough time, especially if you do not bake so often sponge cake... It is on the basis of biscuit cakes that this dish is prepared. To get the "Earl Ruins", sometimes you just need to "fill" your hand.

Secondly, in order for the first test to be successful, several rules must be followed:

  1. For biscuit and cream, you need to take only quality products... The eggs must be fresh, the flour must be checked, and the sour cream must be natural and thick.
  2. A lot of dough depends on flour. Its quality depends on gluten, the percentage of which is indicated on the pack. To make an excellent dough, you need at least 28% gluten. This is usually referred to as " top grade"Or" 1st grade ".
  3. Be sure to sift the flour. So not only can you get rid of debris and small particles, but also saturate it with oxygen during the sifting process. Baking made from such flour turns out to be more magnificent.
  4. Flour is never added to the dough as much as indicated in the recipe. Experienced pastry chefs know that flour can vary in quality, which affects the dough. Also, the amount of liquid (eggs) varies. The fat content of products such as sour cream, milk, kefir also affects the consumption of flour. You need to focus on consistency.
  5. The thickness of the biscuit dough can be described as very thick sour cream. It does not pour, but slowly slides out of the bowl into the mold.
  6. You can improve the structure of the dough by adding half a spoon (tablespoon) of starch to the flour. It is best to use cornstarch. But, if it is not there, then add potato. The dough with starch does not settle so much, it becomes more durable. But you should not abuse starch either, otherwise the biscuit will become tough.
  7. Eggs for biscuit are not divided into white and yolk, but beaten together. The main thing is to be patient and achieve a good result. This is a rather long and laborious process, so an ordinary mixer comes to the rescue, which is set at medium speed. The whipping time depends on the quality of the eggs and their quantity, but usually it does not exceed 10 minutes.
  8. Beginners need to remember one of the rules for whipping whites and eggs: sugar begins to be put only after the eggs have already been beaten into a strong foam.
  9. Sugar for biscuit does not have to be ground in a coffee grinder, the result will be the same in both cases.
  10. In order to make the biscuit lush, only 3 components are used: flour, sugar, eggs. But for the "Earl Ruins" it will not be tasty enough. The dough on kefir, cream, sour cream will turn out not so fluffy, but more tender and soft. The same happens when fats are added: vegetable or butter.
  11. Sour cream is whipped like a protein cream - until a stable foam. To do this, you need to take only high-quality natural sour cream with a fat content of at least 20%. The higher the fat content of the sour cream, the better it turns out. sweet sauce... Sour cream with a fat content of 15% is not suitable for "Count ruins". The resulting cream will flow down and not stick evenly throughout the dessert from top to bottom.
  12. The cake decorated with chocolate is a visiting card of the "ruins". To prepare the icing, you need chocolate or a mixture of cocoa powder and butter, sour cream, cream.
  13. Cocoa powder for glaze is used only of good quality, with a high cocoa content. There is no need to take ready-made mixtures for preparing drinks - in addition to sugar and milk powder, they often contain flavorings and dyes.
  14. If only eggs, sand and flour are used in the biscuit, then there is no need to add baking powder. If the composition includes such "heavyweights" as butter or sour cream, be sure to use soda (alone or with vinegar) or baking powder. It is best mixed with flour, then it is better distributed.

Making a cake "Earl ruins"

To make the "Count Ruins" cake at home, first you need to bake biscuits, then cream. A separate story is the assembly of this structure. Each piece (or meringue) is dipped in cream and a tall "pie" is collected. It consists of pieces of dough soaked in sweet sauce.

Usually the bottom of the dessert consists of whole cakes, which are reduced in diameter. Spread pieces of biscuit on top. There is another option: from the bottom to the top, "Count Ruins" consists of broken cakes. At the bottom, the pieces can be anything you like. On the outside, for decoration, they need to be made smaller and more accurate.

How to make a cake earl ruins at home

The classic recipe for the "Count ruins" cake is prepared practically without baking, so the first stage (making a biscuit) can be planned in advance. For example, cakes can be baked 1-2 days before the preparation of the dessert. During this time, their taste will only improve. For example, the intense smell of omelet, typical for egg baked goods, disappears only after a few hours.

And you can collect the dish on the day when you plan to receive guests or a home holiday. This is very convenient, given the busyness at work and the extended preparation time for the "Earl Ruins". The assembly itself does not take much time.

You just need to take into account that you can store biscuits by wrapping them in linen or cotton cloth. If the cakes dry out a little, then they need to be soaked a little. Any option is suitable that will be combined with a base and cream. It can be compote syrup mixed with liqueur or honey with coffee and cognac.

The dough recipe does not need to be changed at first. It is best to gain experience and master basic recipe, and only then make adjustments. The presented recipe contains sour cream, which significantly changes the structure of the dough. Of course for air biscuit is a whole test. But the result is worth it: the cakes are very tasty even without the cream. And together with it, it will be a delicacy that no one can refuse.

Components (dough):

  • flour - 1.5 cups;
  • sour cream - 150 ml;
  • sugar - 150 g;
  • eggs - 4 pieces;
  • cocoa powder - 3 tablespoons;
  • 1 tsp soda;
  • vinegar 9% - half a tsp

Components (cream):

  • sour cream - 2 glasses;
  • sugar - 1 glass.

Components (glaze):

  • butter - 2 tablespoons;
  • cocoa - 2 tablespoons;
  • sugar - 3 tablespoons;
  • sour cream (at least 20% fat) - half a glass.

Ingredients for the "Earl Ruins" cake

You can do a little work on the composition. For example, for dough, instead of sour cream, take kefir or fermented baked milk. But it should be borne in mind that low fat content in comparison with sour cream will affect the remaining proportions. Flour in this case will require a little more.

Cocoa can be replaced with a melted and then chilled chocolate bar. You can choose it based on your own taste: bitter, milky. Soda and vinegar are allowed to be replaced with baking powder. This amount of products will take half a pack. But to refuse it is completely undesirable, otherwise the biscuit will not rise and come out too dense, like rubber. Neither impregnation nor cream will fix this quality.

Cooking a biscuit

How to prepare the classic recipe for the "Earl Ruins" cake:

  1. To make the cake intensely chocolate-colored, the fatty sour cream must be mixed with cocoa in advance.
  2. Beat eggs until stiff foam.
  3. Introduce sugar little by little.
  4. Add cocoa with sour cream to the resulting mass, and then the rest of the components.
  5. Next, you need to lay out the mass in a round shape.
  6. Set the temperature in the oven to 180 ° C in advance. Bake for 50 minutes.

Such a dough will always turn out even for beginners. It is moderately lush, gentle, does not break. The cut shows many small bubbles, which, like a sponge, absorb the cream. You can determine the readiness of the cakes for "Count Ruins" using an ordinary toothpick, which you need to stick (and immediately pull out) into the biscuit. If the toothpick remains clean and dry, then the baked goods are ready.

Sour cream preparation

The sweet sauce is prepared simply: beat the sour cream with a mixer, add sugar crushed in a coffee grinder. To thicken, put in its refrigerator for half an hour. As you can see, the preparation of such a sour cream will not take much time.

You can just beat the sour cream with sugar, but adding powdered sugar will save a lot of time, and vanillin will add sweet notes. "Count Ruins" with sour cream is the basis, a classic of the genre. Diversify traditional taste you can use various additives: cocoa, orange or lemon peel, vanillin, balsamic vinegar.

If you could not buy high-quality thick sour cream, you can add any kind for the "count's" cake butter cream... It is prepared as simply as sour cream. It also consists of only two components: fresh sweet butter and sugar. The proportions are as follows: for 1 pack of butter, you need to take 1 glass of sugar. The mixture is whipped until fluffy. Beforehand, the oil must be softened.

Sugar can be replaced with condensed milk. You can add the same additives to creamy as to sour cream. And if we replace sugar with custard, then we get the second most popular sweet sauce in the "Earl Ruins" - Charlotte. It is combined with both a biscuit base and a meringue.

Making chocolate glaze

We prepare the icing for the Count Ruins cake according to one of the recipes. There are many of them, which one to choose is a matter of experience and personal preference. Someone simply melts a bar of chocolate and pours it over the dessert with this mass. Someone adds a couple of tablespoons of cream or milk to the chocolate.

We are going to prepare the glaze, which consists of 4 ingredients. All ingredients for the glaze must be boiled in a ladle for at least 2 minutes. After the mixture has cooled, it is watered ready cake... The main indicator of the quality of the icing for the cake is its appearance... It should be dark, shiny, without lumps.

Collecting the cake count ruins

Step by step recipe:

  1. Cut the finished biscuit into 4 cakes (the top one is the thinnest, since it usually deforms a little during baking).
  2. Cut circles out of 3 cakes according to the pattern or, using an inverted plate, along it. All 3 cakes must be of different sizes. The difference should be subtle. You need to cut it with a sharp knife, gradually reducing the diameter. The thin top cake, as well as trimming from the sides, need to be broken into pieces.
  3. Three cakes are combined with cream. On the smallest in diameter, the top layer, put pieces of biscuits dipped in cream. This can be done with a spoon. Sponge cake on a spoon is dipped in cream, then placed on the cake. Form "ruins" in the form of a slide. The worst parts are put in first. The most even ones are left for decoration.
  4. To make the cake tastier, it is left to soak for at least 3 hours in the refrigerator or any other cool place.

Cake "Earl ruins" classic recipe ready. To improve the taste, you can pre-moisten the biscuit with syrup, honey with milk, a mixture of alcohol (cognac, rum) and water.

You can serve such a dessert with almost any drink. "Count ruins" are harmoniously combined with strong black coffee and tea, hot cocoa with cream and chilled champagne. It will be appropriate for any holiday and celebration, eventually becoming a good reason for everyone to gather at one table.

Video of making a cake "Count ruins"

httpss: //youtu.be/_V7z057-ZEY

Earl ruins cake with meringue

The Earl Ruins cake with meringue is easy to make at home. A set of products for meringues (whipped protein biscuits with sugar) is notable for its availability. There are squirrels and sand in every home. This is the simplest, but at the same time the most delicate dessert in structure and taste, especially when it is overnight.

First, the protein base is prepared in the oven. It can be small bezeshki or a solid protein crust, the size of a baking sheet, which is then broken into pieces. This is not difficult, but quite a responsible procedure. The meringue should not be roasted, but dry, so the process takes a long time.

Let's prepare a meringue for the Earl ruins cake

There are 2 in the confectionery world simple recipes cake "Count ruins": biscuit and meringue. The meringue version is distinguished by its simplicity. Its obvious plus: product availability and budget. Proteins are used to make meringues, yolks are used for cooking custard.

Most likely, this economical technique was also invented by housewives, choosing a recipe similar to the Kiev cake. Experimenting with the proportions of the base: eggs, sugar, milk, they finally picked up their wonderful combination in the "ruins", which has been pleasing us for more than a dozen years.

The main difficulty lies in the preparation of the meringue. Each stage of this process is extremely responsible. For example, you can beat the whites correctly and add as much sugar as you need, but spoil everything when drying. Therefore, follow the recommendations exactly. There are several unshakable rules for making meringues:

  1. In order for the whites to whisk and not settle prematurely, the dishes and whisk must be thoroughly washed. Proteins do not tolerate the presence of a single drop of fat on their territory. A bowl intended for beating can be checked for fat by running a thin paper towel over the inside of the bowl. It is good to boil the whisk from time to time with soda or mustard to completely degrease it. It is not recommended to use dishwashing detergents in this case.
  2. Water is also unacceptable when whipping whites, so you need to make sure that its drops do not fall into the mass. To do this, thoroughly wipe all dishes with a towel, and even better - dry them after washing.
  3. Do not whisk the whites in an aluminum bowl. A special one made of durable food-grade plastic is best suited.
  4. Before whipping, you can put the whites in the refrigerator, so it will be more convenient to work with them. While there are alternative methods of whipping, beginners can take advantage of this initially. The cold is additionally created using a container with ice, where a bowl for whipping proteins is placed.
  5. The whites will whisk better if you add a few drops of diluted citric acid or lemon juice to the mass before the process. Salt is added for the same purpose. A little, literally a few crystals, which are removed between the clamped fingers (pinch).
  6. Paradoxically, whites for whipping into a fluffy foam should not be freshest. Recall that when the first batch of Kiev dessert was created, the squirrels that were not chilled in time for other baked goods also deteriorated a little. Without excessive fanaticism, but it is not necessary to choose the most in the store fresh eggs... Homemade ones are definitely not suitable for a good meringue.
  7. For better start the whipping process, several crystals of citric acid or half a pinch of salt are put into the whites.
  8. It is more convenient to beat the whites with a mixer. If you use a whisk, it is recommended to use a larger whisk, which will speed up the process a little.
  9. Mixer attachments should not have the shape of a spiral (these are intended for dough), with their help it is impossible to beat the whites.
  10. Sugar should be added, starting in small portions - first half a teaspoon. Gradually, the volume is brought to a few tablespoons.
  11. To get strong meringues, you need to add corn or potato starch: 1 tablespoon for 7 proteins. Not only does the starch give the necessary rigidity, the hardened whites will become glossy and shiny.
  12. A meringue is considered ready if it is firm, not only on the outside, but also on the inside. Sometimes, for some dishes, incomplete drying of the meringue (meringue) is allowed. But in the case of "Count Ruins" everything is strict: it is better to make small-sized cookies, but dry them completely.
  13. You need to dry the meringue in the oven at a temperature of 100 degrees. If there is a convection mode, then you need to use it, or - open the oven door. Drying time depends on the functionality of the oven and the size of the airy cookies. Lasts an average of 2.5 to 4 hours. Unfortunately, it is impossible to speed it up. If you turn on the gas at high power, then the meringues will burn.
  14. It is convenient to dry the whipped egg whites in several stages in advance. For example, a day or two before you plan to serve dessert to the table. So air cookies for "Count Ruins" it will be tender, crunchy, without a raw center inside. First, the meringues are dried in an oven at a temperature of 80-100 degrees for 30-60 minutes.
    The door is kept open at the same time. It is convenient to use some small object so that the door does not slam shut (for example, a matchbox will do). Then the gas is turned off and the door is closed until it cools. The cooled meringue is finally dried at room temperature. At a convenient time, the operation is repeated. Here you need to follow the basic rule: it is better to make the temperature a little lower than to throw out the spoiled cookies later.
  15. For drying, it is better to use a silicone mat or a special parchment paper coated for baking.
  16. There are 2 opinions on whether to oil the paper before baking. Those who do not do this, note that meringues do not stick even without oil, which can provoke them to settle.
  17. There are a few subtleties about proportions. The following is considered classic when preparing meringue: 50 g of granulated sugar is taken for 1 protein. You can use powder or brown sugar, but the proportions are determined by weight.
  18. Various colors and flavors can be added to the whipped proteins. But it must be remembered that only a small amount will not affect the quality: a few drops or vanilla on the tip of a knife. For example, if you add a few spoons of cocoa to the meringue, this will change their appearance: the cookies will not hold their shape and will settle. All additives used in a large number, it is better to apply in a cream.
  19. Nuts can be chopped and put in protein dough... But we take into account 2 points. Nuts ground in a coffee grinder are put into proteins after they have been whipped together with sugar, that is, after full readiness... Second: the meringue strongly settles from the nuts and becomes not very aesthetic, although tasty. Therefore, such cookies can be cooked inside the "Earl Ruins", and without fillers - for decoration.

Be sure to measure the capabilities of the oven, the size of the cake and the amount of whipped proteins. Since the proteins take a long time to dry, you only need to beat the amount that will be removed on the baking sheet. You can dry it in 2-3 "floors", if the number of trays allows, changing their places during drying.

This is the advantage of the "Earl Ruins". While the whipped egg whites are drying, you can do whatever you want. The main thing is that the base does not become baked. Then the cake will acquire an unpleasant burnt aftertaste mixed with the smell of an omelet.

So, in order to prepare a sufficient amount of the base, you need to take:

  • 10 proteins;
  • 500 g sugar;
  • a teaspoon of vanilla sugar.
  1. You do not need to whip all the whites at once. It is enough to take half or a third, which then dry in the oven and start a new batch.
  2. The proteins are placed in a clean, dry bowl and whipped with a mixer on medium speed until soft peaks. What does it mean? Try scooping up a small amount of protein with a whisk or attachment and turning it upside down. The adhered proteins will stand, will not change their shape, despite the fact that they have a soft structure. The whipping process until this state lasts about 10 minutes (with interruptions).
  3. Now add a little sugar to the whites (half a spoon each), continuing to beat the whites. As soon as you have reached steady peaks, the beating should be stopped.
  4. Put the oven on preheat (80-100 degrees) in advance.
  5. Using a pastry bag with a suitable nozzle, place small-sized (5-6 cm) cookies on a baking sheet.
  6. Put in the oven, open the lid and wait for about an hour.
  7. Turn off and leave to dry for 3-4 hours. Then repeat the operation.
  8. Between oven bakes, whipped egg whites are dried in the room.

Finished items can be folded onto a plate and covered with a cloth while the next batch is being prepared.

Preparing a cream for the ruins of the count

Charlotte cream

Suitable for "ruins" different creams... Whipped cream (Chantilly) goes well with hardened whites. But they have one significant drawback - they do not keep their shape well and can fall off during the time allotted for impregnation. Some people add a special thickener to the whipped mass, which fixes the cream.

For whipping, take cream with a fat content of at least 35%. If it was not possible to find a thickener, then a teaspoon of starch or protein is added to the mass before whipping. It is a natural "fixer". If desired, you can use a cream with sour cream, a relative of Chantilly. But, as practice has shown, it goes better with biscuit than with proteins.

A delicious dessert is made with butter cream based on butter. In this case, the product must be taken only of high quality, in no case a spread. Have butter sauce there are a lot of advantages: it keeps its shape well and does not settle, it is not spoiled by the addition of cocoa and it makes a wonderful chocolate cake.

But the most delicate taste and perfect combination with meringue comes from using Charlotte (a combination of custard and butter). It has a delicate delicate taste and delicate structure, typical of sweet custard sauce. At the same time, it perfectly keeps its shape, thanks to the oil, so with it you can come up with various designs and decorations for the finished cake.

Ingredients for Charlotte Cream (based on the amount of protein base above):

Ingredients for Charlotte Cream

  • butter - 1.5-2 packs;
  • milk - 2 glasses;
  • yolks - 10 pieces;
  • granulated sugar - 1.5 cups;
  • flour or starch - 2 tablespoons without top.


  1. Grind the yolks with sugar and flour in homogeneous mass, add 0.5 cups of milk. If there are lumps, strain.
  2. Heat the remaining milk in a thick-walled container to almost boil.
  3. Add to hot milk egg mixture and beat everything well. Once the sauce has thickened, remove it from heat.
  4. After cooking and cooling, butter is added to the cream. Everything is whipped again.

Oil cream with condensed milk is suitable for "Count Ruins":

  • oil - 2 packs;
  • condensed milk - 1 can.

It is very simple and delicious cream, which is obtained by whipping the main ingredients: butter and condensed milk. It is delicate, but at the same time keeps its shape well, especially when chilled. It will not change its properties if you add cocoa to it. It will be even tastier with chopped walnuts.

We collect the cake

"Earl Ruins" cake with meringue, decorated with nuts

The protein cookie dessert can be shaped like a sweet slide or molded on the basis of pieces of protein cake in a traditional shape, heart, and so on. Decorate the top with neat meringues, walnuts and prunes. In the first case, the cake really looks like ruins.

Decoration can serve coconut flakes, chocolate accessories for decorating baked goods. For this cake, various frozen chocolate figures made by yourself are suitable. They are decorated with them only after the cake has stood in the refrigerator.

Earl's ruins cake with meringue and biscuit

If you want to make a cake "Count Ruins" for some celebration, then better option than a combination of meringue and biscuit is not to be found. The biscuit base is at the bottom. It is soaked in syrup or honey and sandwiched with any cream. Merengi in the form of ruins are stacked at the top and also sandwiched with cream.

There is another option when biscuit cakes are baked and dried. protein mass... Everything breaks down into small pieces, which are then dipped in cream and laid out in any convenient way.

The whole structure is generously sprinkled with walnuts, cashews or hazelnuts, and then watered with a dark chocolate icing... Especially good ruins of the count with sour cream. Powdered sugar and sour cream sauce gently permeates the biscuit base.

Let's make a cake crust

For the combined "Count Ruins" we will prepare a classic chocolate biscuit... It will require:

  • flour - 200 g;
  • sugar - 200 g;
  • eggs - 6 pieces;
  • cocoa - 1 tablespoon;
  • starch - 1 tablespoon

Cooking takes a long time:

  1. Mix flour and starch in a bowl.
  2. Mix sugar and cocoa in a separate container.
  3. Separate the whites from the yolks.
  4. Beat the whites with a mixer until peaks.
  5. As soon as this has happened, you need to gradually pour the mixture of sugar and cocoa into the mixer bowl, continuing to beat.
  6. Once the mixture is beaten to firm peaks, add the yolks and beat as well. The resulting mass should not be poured out if the bowl is turned over.
  7. Now you need to mix the flour and egg foam with a spatula, trying to do this carefully so that the mass does not fall off.
  8. The resulting mixture is cooked in a baking dish for about an hour at a temperature of 180 degrees. You can find out the exact cooking time by checking the biscuit with a match or a toothpick.
  9. The baked crust for the "Grafski ruin" is cooled and cut lengthwise into several parts.

Let's make meringues and cream

A delicious biscuit base will be decorated with meringues on top. In order to prepare them, you need to take:

  • 6 proteins;
  • 300 g of sugar.

The meringue is done like this:

  1. The whites are whipped into a thick foam. It should retain its shape well if taken out with a spoon.
  2. Then sugar is gradually added to the proteins. This needs to be done little by little so that the squirrels do not fall off. Start with half a spoon and adjust the amount to a few spoons.
  3. As soon as the sugar dissolves and the mixture turns boiling white, it is placed in a jigging pastry bag.
  4. Spread small meringues on a baking sheet.
  5. The oven is turned on at a temperature of 80-100 degrees. If there is no convection mode, then you need to open the door. This will dry the puffed cookies rather than brown them.
  6. In order for it to dry not only outside, but also inside, it will take 1-1.5 hours of time. If the meringues are large, then it will take correspondingly more time.

While the protein mass dries up, you can make a sweet sauce, which will not only soak the biscuits, but also mix with the meringues. For this purpose, nothing is as good as Charlotte.

To cook Charlotte with condensed milk you will need:

  • butter - 1.5 packs;
  • milk - 1.5 cups;
  • yolks - 6 pieces (they will remain after whipping the whites);
  • condensed milk - 5-7 tablespoons;
  • flour - 1 tablespoon
  1. Beat the yolks a little, add the ingredients: condensed milk and flour.
  2. Mix everything until the lumps disappear. If it did not work out, strain through a sieve.
  3. Boil the milk and pour the mixture, whisking.
  4. Transfer again to a dish where the milk was warmed up and cook until thickened. This usually takes 1 to 3 minutes.
  5. The mixture must be cooled, and the oil, on the contrary, must be left to soften.
  6. Combine butter and custard sauce.

We collect and decorate the cake count ruins

Cake "Earl Ruins" with meringue and biscuit

We collect cake "Count Ruins" with sour cream step by step:

  1. We soak the biscuit with any favorite mixture: honey, juice, coffee, milk, alcohol.
  2. Each needs to be spread with cream and the cakes should be fastened together.
  3. Lay the meringue on the cake in a slide as follows: take a cookie, spread it with cream on the bottom and "stick" it onto the previous layer.
  4. From above, this piece can be decorated with nuts. To do this, chop 50 g of nuts by hand with a knife and sprinkle on the meringue. The remaining cookies are used to decorate the sides of the cake with cream.
  5. Registration classic version"The Earl's Ruins" includes glaze decoration. A bar of chocolate is melted with 2-3 tablespoons of milk or cream and poured over the cooled mass on top.

It is not at all difficult to prepare real "Count Ruins". The difficulty lies only in finding free time. But the result is fully justified. Let's look at several possible mistakes that inexperienced beginners make:

Cake "Earl Ruins" with meringue and nuts

  1. Often they do not know which version of the dessert to choose. Cooking a meringue, like a biscuit, requires extra care. Therefore, it is necessary to decide on the basis of the availability of free time. Baking the biscuit will take less time.
  2. Dessert "Earl ruins" homemade is only truly miraculous when quality products are selected and the process is followed. For example, a cream from sour cream will not work if you take a liquid store analogue.
  3. Inexperienced chefs often face the question: should or not put nuts in the meringue? The whipped egg whites are lowered if they are heavier with any extraneous ingredients. Merengi won't turn out so pretty. Therefore, there are 2 ways out: sprinkle each layer of the cake with chopped nuts or be content with nondescript meringues.
  4. One of the success secrets that anyone who has tried Earl's Ruins will tell you is the aging of the cake for several hours. How much should it brew? The best time to soak is 3 to 8 hours. Some leave it overnight.

The cream is also prepared in different ways. It depends on both the base and the taste of the pastry chef. For example, the Count Ruins cake without sour cream is most often prepared for a biscuit. The universal cream for all types of bases is Charlotte and Butter.

Step 1: Prepare the dough.

Whisk together eggs and granulated sugar in a deep bowl. Add sour cream and mix well again. Then quench the soda with vinegar and place in a plate with the rest of the ingredients. Stir.
Now start pouring in small portions wheat flour kneading the dough thoroughly. You should get a pretty thick mass.

Divide the resulting dough into two equal portions. Leave one as it is, and add cocoa to the second and mix thoroughly.

Step 2: Bake the biscuit cakes.

Preheat oven to 180-200 degrees... Prepare baking dishes by spreading baking parchment inside them. Pour the white dough into one, and the cocoa dough into the second. Bake together if the size of the oven allows, or separately on 20 minutes each cake.
Check the readiness of the dough with a toothpick, just pierce the cake with it and remove it, if there are no pieces of dough left on the toothpick and it is dry itself, then the dough is baked and you can take it out of the oven, otherwise you should continue cooking.
Carefully remove the finished biscuits from the mold and cut each lengthwise into halves using a strong thread. Or you can leave them to cool at room temperature and only then separate them with a long knife.

Step 3: Prepare the sour cream.

Using a mixer, beat the sour cream, and then gradually add sugar to it, without ceasing to stir everything. When you add all the sugar and it is completely dissolved in the sour cream, the cream is ready.

Step 4: Prepare the icing.

Put a saucepan over low heat and pour milk into it, add cocoa and sugar. Cook all the while stirring for 7-10 minutes... Remove the saucepan from heat. Add butter to the glaze and stir until it is completely dissolved.
Allow the contents of the saucepan to cool slightly for easier icing on the cake.

Step 5: shape the cake.

Take a flat plate and place in it one of the halves of the cakes, cut up (chocolate or not, it doesn't matter), coat with sour cream and cover with a half of the cake of a different color on top.
Break the remaining parts of the cakes, cut into pieces of various sizes. It is better to make them smaller, then the cake will look more appetizing.
Now dip pieces of biscuits in sour cream and fold over the base of the cake.

First, choose the larger pieces, then the smaller ones and leave the smallest ones on top. The cake should be tapered in shape.
At the very end, when the biscuit pieces run out, carefully pour the rest of the sour cream on top of the cake.

At the end, pour the "Earl Ruins" cake with chocolate icing sour cream. I usually spoon the icing and pour it gently over the top to distribute it evenly.
That's all, the cake is ready, put it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours so that it soaks a little better, and the icing hardens.

Step 6: Serve the cake.

Cake "Count's Ruins" with sour cream should be served, of course, as a dessert, otherwise it cannot be. Brew hot tea or strong coffee with it, but only without sugar, as the cake itself is very sweet. Cut it into pieces and put it in portioned plates, and after that all you have to do is enjoy a delicate sour cream dessert.
Bon Appetit!

For icing, you can use dark chocolate mixed with butter and melted in a water bath.

Top of the cake "Count Ruins" can be decorated with crushed nuts, grated chocolate and even fruit, several times I met the option of making this cake with bananas.

To make sour cream faster, add to it instead of granulated sugar icing sugar, it will dissolve and mix more easily.

Many of you have definitely tried this wonderful dessert, and if you have not, then you have definitely heard about it and more than once. This dessert has become so popular that there are more than a dozen options for its recipes at the moment. All are very similar to each other in terms of cooking technology, but the ingredients that make up the composition differ, and this is what affects the taste of the dessert. Today you will learn how to make a biscuit cake "Count Ruins" with condensed milk. The dessert has a calorie content of 374, 86 kcal.

  • Chicken egg - 4 pcs.
  • Granulated sugar - 150 g
  • Sour cream - 250 ml
  • Cocoa - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Condensed milk - 200 g
  • Slaked soda vinegar or citric acid- 1 tsp
  • Wheat flour - 3 cups
  • Sour cream - 500 g
  • Condensed milk - 200 g
  • Sugar - 150 g
  • Sour cream - 300 g
  • Sugar - 4 tbsp. l.
  • Margarine or butter - 20 g
  • Cocoa - 3 tbsp. l.


We will prepare everything you need for the recipe. We had such products.

The first step is to knead the dough. Beat eggs and sugar with a mixer until smooth.

Add sour cream, slaked soda there, and mix everything well.

Then pour condensed milk into the mixture and stir again.

Now gradually add flour, beat everything thoroughly so that there are no lumps.

The resulting dough must be divided equally. Leave one part as it is, and add cocoa to the second part, stir.

We heat the oven to 170˚C, start baking the "Earl Ruins" cake. Bake white first biscuit cake... To do this, pour the light dough into a round silicone mold for baking, place in the oven for about 17-20 minutes. Check the doneness with a wooden skewer or toothpick. If it is dry, then the biscuit is well baked and you can take it out of the oven.

Put the finished biscuit on a dish where you will collect the dessert. We bake a dark cake using the same principle.

While the chocolate sponge cake is baking, we will make a cream for the cake as well. For the cream, mix the sugar with sour cream and condensed milk and beat with a mixer. You can add some vanilla to the cream.

To prepare the icing, put sour cream, butter, granulated sugar and cocoa in a small saucepan. We put on medium heat and simmer until the sugar is completely dissolved. When it dissolves, cook for another 3-4 minutes and turn off the gas.

For a white crust, thinly cut the top to level the surface, cut into small cubes.

The whole chocolate cake cut in the same way.

There are many different variations of the preparation of such a cake, we will prepare it today. The cake turns out to be very tasty, that we usually eat it in 2 pieces at once. For cooking you will need:

For the test:

- Flour - 1, 5 glasses

- Sour cream - 1 glass

- Eggs - 3 pcs.

- Sugar - 1/2 cup

- Baking dough - 1 teaspoon

- Cocoa - 5 teaspoons

For the cream:

- Sour cream - 1.5 cups

- Sugar - 1 glass

For glaze:

- Butter - 50 grams

- Sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons

- Sour cream - 2 tbsp. spoons

- Cocoa - 3 teaspoons

Put a glass of sour cream, flour, eggs, baking powder in a deep plate.

We knead the dough.

Divide the dough into 2 equal parts, add cocoa to the second part.

Knead the brown dough.

First put the light dough into the mold and put in the oven. Since our Teflon coating is peeled off in the mold, we lay it out inside the mold with food foil.

As soon as the dough is browned, we take it out of the oven.

Cut the resulting cake into 2 parts and leave to cool.

Put the brown dough in a mold and place in the oven.

The dough should rise and brown.

We also cut the brown cake carefully into 2 parts and leave to cool.

Put sour cream and sugar in a deep plate.

Beat thoroughly with a mixer until sugar dissolves, sour cream is obtained. You can cook delicious with such a cream.

In a flat plate, lay out the lower part, a smoother, light crust.

Lubricate it with the resulting sour cream.

We put the brown cake on top, also the lower part.

Lubricate with sour cream.

Cut the second upper crust halves into pieces.

Dip the pieces into the cream.

We spread the pieces on top of the cakes in the form of ruins.

To prepare the glaze, put sour cream, butter, sugar, cocoa in a metal plate or bowl.

We put on the stove, stir constantly until the sugar dissolves.

Pour icing on top of the cake and put ruins cake with sour cream in the refrigerator for a couple of hours to soak the cake. I also recommend trying to cook.

Chop ruins cake into pieces and serve the table with tea.

Enjoy your tea!

Look at what beautiful cakes presented in this video.


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