Home / Pies / All about yoghurt at home. How to make yogurt from milk at home - recipe

All about yoghurt at home. How to make yogurt from milk at home - recipe

In this article, we'll show you how to cook healthy and delicious yoghurts at home.

Today, you can find a lot of variations of yoghurts on store shelves. But, as we remember from the already established expression, "not all yoghurts are equally useful." Cooked with your own hand will definitely not do harm. But how do you make them?

  • If a person passes antibiotic treatment, he will be very useful starter cultures with resistant bacteria. They will protect the good bacteria in the body from the harm of antibiotics and harmful microorganisms.
  • People with high acidity worth paying attention to not very acidic leavens.
  • You should definitely pay attention to CFU coefficient. They denote the number of living bacteria per gram of starter culture. The higher this indicator, the more useful the sourdough is.
It is recommended to look for the CFU factor of the yoghurt starter culture
  • Should you choose dry or live starter culture? Dry useful for those who want to improve digestion, strengthen the immune system. It is stored for a long time and has good taste. Live it tastes less attractive and is preserved for a maximum of 20 days, but contains a maximum of beneficial bacteria.

Where to get, buy the best live yoghurt starter?

Sourdough itself is not a deficiency, because you can buy it:

  • In pharmacies
  • In shops, regular supermarkets
  • In online stores
  • On the official sites owned by the product manufacturers

However, with the so-called live leaven everything is somewhat more complicated due to its short shelf life. Often used as such a leaven yoghurt but natural no additives or even sugar. Therefore, all the same options remain, with the exception of the first.

Which milk is right for yogurt?

We figured out the sourdough, but the choice of milk is also of no small importance. Here are some things to consider:

  • Additives and preservatives are highly undesirable. Homemade milk immediately comes to mind, but in this case there is a risk of getting the product from a sick or malnourished animal. But if there is confidence that the cow is producing quality milk, it is worth taking it. The alternative is high-quality store-bought.

Homemade milk- ideal for making yoghurt

IMPORTANT: It is imperative that you familiarize yourself with the shelf life of such milk - it should be no more than a week.

  • If you want to make yogurt thick you should opt for milk with a high percentage of fat... But, of course, this option will not suit those striving for an ideal figure. In this case, it is recommended to purchase the product with 2.5% fat or completely fat-free.
  • When choosing a store product, you need to pay attention and on the amount of protein. It should be maximum - such milk is considered the most useful.
  • Should milk be sterilized or not? If it super pasteurized store, then no. If the product turned out to be purchased another, it is necessary to begin with boil for 5 minutes and then cool to a temperature of 39-40 degrees... Otherwise, bacteria will remain in the milk and fermentation will not take place properly.

How to make delicious natural homemade yogurt in a yogurt maker: composition, recipe in milk with live sourdough

With live starter in a yogurt maker, you can prepare the product as follows:

  • First of all, you need prepare milk... The temperature of the usual was written above, and homemade or super pasteurized needs to be brought to temperature 37 degrees.

IMPORTANT: You must also prepare containers for yoghurt. Jars can be sterilized in a double boiler, microwave. Even a spoon should be doused with boiling water.

  • Further milk in small quantities should mix with live leaven. All this is mixed until a homogeneous consistency.
  • The resulting workpiece needs add to the main amount of milk and again thoroughly mix.
  • Now all the dairy-leavening mass poured into jars. By the way, they should not be covered with lids.

  • Jars are placed in a yogurt maker... The following parameters are set - 37 degrees.
    Tentatively, the preparation procedure in a yogurt maker may take 6-8 hours... But the exact time can only be determined experimentally, since it is influenced by both the quality of milk with sourdough and the model of the yogurt maker.

IMPORTANT: While the product is being cooked, it must not be stirred or moved.

  • After cooking jars can be closed... They have to cool off.
  • Only then can you add to the yogurt Ingredients, as the acidity of fresh fruit leads to curdling of the product. But if the treat is with dried apricots, then you can add it right away. But beforehand dried apricots should be washed and dried on paper towels... Of course, it must be pitted.

How to make delicious natural homemade yoghurt in a yogurt maker: recipe in milk with dry sourdough from a pharmacy

To prepare the following treats, you need to prepare:

  • A liter of milk - 1% fat is suitable
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Dry starter culture - 1 g
  • Blueberries - about 200 g

The manufacturing scheme is almost identical to that described above:

  • Milk boils and cools.
  • Jars sterilized.
  • Now added to milk dry sourdough. Everything carefully is mixed.
  • Blank poured into jars and fits in the yogurt maker.

IMPORTANT: As in the previous case, approximately for 6-8 hours, but this data can be edited.

  • While the yogurt is cooking, you can get busy blueberries. It is preferable to grind it in a blender until you get a sauce.
  • After preparing the dessert, he garnished with sauce... Sugar is added if desired. You can mix a little. A treat decorated with blueberries and mint leaves will look beautiful.

Yogurt with blueberries - delicious and beautiful

How to make delicious natural homemade yogurt in a yogurt maker: a recipe from sour cream and milk with yogurt for sourdough

Yogurt cooked with sour cream turns out to be quite tasty. In order for the dessert to not end up being sour, it is recommended to opt for sour cream 15-20% fat.
The cooking process is as follows:

  • Milk, as in the previous recipes, is boiled if necessary, and then brought to the required temperature indicators.
  • Then milk spills by capacities.
  • Each of them adds a tablespoon of sour cream and natural yogurt for sourdough.
  • All this carefully is mixed.
  • Jars placed in a yogurt maker, the required period of time is set.

IMPORTANT: It is advisable to start making the filler about an hour or two before the yogurt itself is ready.

  • With prunes you can make a dessert if the gourmet person follows the figure. Moreover, sour cream and prunes go well with each other. This dried fruit is needed if necessary rinse, dry and cut into cubes.

  • Further the prunes are put in a saucepan, mixes with a little sugar, water.
  • All this carefully mixed and boiled until the consistency of jam.
  • Prune jam is placed to the bottom of other jars, and from above yogurt is laid out.
  • It is advisable to remove these jars again. in a yogurt maker for 10 hours.
  • Then the jars are placed for 2-4 hours in the refrigerator.
  • The yogurt is ready! Can you mix.

How to cook homemade yogurt in a multicooker with the "Yogurt" function: features, recommendations

With the yogurt maker sorted out, it's time to figure out how to make yogurt in such a popular kitchen appliance as a multicooker. After all, some models of multicooker are equipped with a special function. So:

  • Yogurt blanks need pour into a container pre-treated with boiling water multicooker.
  • Preferred cooking time - 2 or 3 hours.

IMPORTANT: However, it all depends on the multicooker model. It may take 6 or 8 hours.

  • Also, a lot depends on the consistency that you want to get. Drinking yoghurt should take less time to cook.
  • After the product is cooked, do not rush to get it out. Under a closed lid, you need let the yogurt stand for at least a few hours.
  • Next, you need yogurt cool and refrigerate.

How to cook homemade yogurt in a slow cooker without the "Yogurt" function: features, recommendations

However, the lack of the "Yogurt" function is not an obstacle to the manufacture of this healthy dessert. Here's what you need to know:

  • You can make yogurt on a water bath... Modes are set "Heating", "Steam cooking". The temperature can be set within 40-45 degrees.
  • Can pour water so that it reaches approximately 2/3 the height of the cans.

IMPORTANT: If there is a fear of damaging the surface of the multicooker, you can lay a cloth on the bottom.

  • As for the cooking time, it coincides with the time for making yoghurt, if the appropriate mode is available.

How to cook homemade yogurt without a yogurt maker in a thermos: features, recommendations

What to do if there is neither a yogurt maker nor a multicooker at hand, but there is a thermos?

  • You need to be as careful as possible in advance mix milk with sourdough.
  • When you close the thermos with a lid you need to make sure that she fit tightly.
  • The thermos needs to be tight wrap up with a blanket or blanket. You can put a pillow on top.
  • Cooking time - from 7 to 12 hours.

How to make homemade sweet fruit, berry yogurt: recipe

And here is the yogurt recipe for hastily when there are no auxiliary devices nearby, but are available fresh berries or fruit and the desire to pamper yourself with something healthy. So, for a hearty yogurt you just need:

  • Kefir
  • Sugar
  • Fruits or berries - this recipe, for example, talks about yogurt with strawberries
  • Colander or plastic bag
  • Fork

Getting started:

  • First of all, you need peel and rinse the strawberries. This is where a colander comes in handy. Or, if the kitchen conditions are very close to field conditions, and not only a multicooker or thermos, but also a colander is not available, a bag will come in handy. Berries are placed in it.

IMPORTANT: Pre-holes are made in the bag.

  • Next, glasses or mugs are taken, filled to the brim with berries.
  • Put sugar on top... The quantity is not limited, but the sweetness of the strawberry itself should be taken into account.
  • With a fork strawberries with sugar are mashed.
  • Further, this sweet mass filled with kefir- excellent homemade yoghurt turns out!

Kefir yogurt with strawberries

How to make chocolate yogurt: recipe

First you need boil milk and let it cool, remove the foam if necessary.

  • As for chocolate, you can melt it in a water bath... Alternatively well suitable cocoa. For a liter of milk, it is enough to take 5 tbsp. l. powder. You can also add some sugar.
  • Pour chocolate or cocoa with a little water, is stirred.
  • Meanwhile in a container with sourdough need to add a little warm boiled water shake up all this.

IMPORTANT: The leaven must dissolve.

  • The sourdough blank is added to the dairy blank. Everything is mixed.
  • Mixture poured into a jar m and placed in a yogurt maker.
  • After a few hours, the yogurt is ready!

Chocolate yogurt - beautiful and tasty

How to make protein yogurt: recipe

Sports fans will surely appreciate the protein yogurt for which you will need:

  • Kefir or milk - 250 ml
  • Some natural yogurt
  • Oatmeal - 2 or 3 tablespoons l.
  • Banana - half
  • Cinnamon

The manufacturing process is simple - you need grind all ingredients with a blender. Or you can make a live sourdough from natural yogurt and make a dessert in one of the ways described above.

What can be added to homemade yogurt: a list of berries, fruits, dried fruits

So what's the best thing to add to yogurt?

  • Blueberry- can supply the body with vitamin E, ascorbic acid. To a lesser extent, but still you can get potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, calcium.
  • Mulberry- a source of potassium, magnesium, ascorbic and nicotinic acids. It has been proven to be excellent for depression and joint problems.

IMPORTANT: Regular consumption of mulberries is believed to reduce the risk of diabetes.

  • Blackberry- strengthens tendons, bones, strengthens the heart and has a great effect on the functioning of the kidneys and intestines.
  • Currant- only 100 g of these berries contains more vitamin C than a person needs per day. It strengthens the immune system and blood vessels, promotes more efficient absorption of iron.
  • Strawberry- slows down aging, improves hair condition, is the prevention of tumors. Useful for people with diabetes.

  • As for fruits, one cannot but recall one of the most popular with us - apples. In addition, they are quite useful, as they contain manganese, potassium and a large number of vitamins.

IMPORTANT: Excellent energetic! Yogurt with a similar filler will be better than any energy drink.

Dried dates are a great energy yogurt filler idea

How to make delicious natural yogurt at home: tips for housewives

  • The temperature at which yoghurt is cooked is should not exceed 50 degrees. The fact is that otherwise the beneficial bacteria will die. But bacteria are needed to ferment milk sugar, otherwise yogurt simply won't work.
  • When it comes to cooking utensils, it is preferable to choose a pan with a thick bottom made of stainless material. Glass or ceramic may work too.
  • Cool ready-made yogurt immediately after its preparation is a must. So its shelf life is extended, and the consistency becomes presentable - as delicate as a cream.
  • Thoroughly mix the sourdough with milk - an important task. In order for this to work out for sure, it is worth mixing the starter culture with a small portion of warm milk, and then this workpiece must be mixed with the bulk of the milk.

  • Sugar and sweet fruits preferably add last but not least. Otherwise, fruits will begin to ferment, not milk.

IMPORTANT: Sugar is best mixed with water or made into a syrup. Powdered sugar is also suitable as an alternative. The usual unprocessed sweetness will be unpleasant to grind on your teeth.

As you can see, making your own yogurt is not that difficult. But it is worth at least once to try to make this wonderful product on your own - and it will certainly become a habit!

Video: Fruit Yogurt Recipe:

Supporters healthy way life and proper nutrition becomes more and more. It's no secret that fermented milk products are very useful for the human body. Homemade yogurt is one such product. Its main difference from the purchased one is that cooking is made from natural ingredients without the inclusion of extraneous components. This milk miracle will help to improve the functioning of the digestive system, cope with getting rid of excess weight, and normalize metabolism. It is also great for a light breakfast.

Many modern housewives produce homemade products. But what if the kitchen does not have this appliance? There is no need to despair. There are many ways to make your own yoghurt at home without the help of any gadgets. Let's analyze them step by step and with a photo.

A few important rules before cooking

To make the dish not only tasty, but also preserve beneficial features, be sure to use these tips:

  • Be sure to boil the milk, even if it's pasteurized. This will help get rid of pathogenic bacteria in its composition. Then it must be cooled to about 40 degrees, otherwise too high a temperature will kill the beneficial microorganisms in the leaven;
  • Before you start making yogurt homemade, be sure to sterilize all kitchen utensils by pouring boiling water over it;
  • The consistency of the product is directly affected by the fat content of the milk. The optimal percentage is 3.2%;
  • As a starter, you can use either store-bought bioyogurt without additives, or a special dry powder, which is used exactly according to the instructions that come with it;
  • During cooking, try not to "disturb" the dessert, that is, do not interfere and shake it, otherwise it will not ferment and ripen.

Yoghurt homemade recipes

Now let's look at how to make yogurt at home. It's very simple, you just need time and the "right" products.

In a thermos

  1. Cool a liter of pre-boiled milk to about 40 degrees;
  2. It is good to sterilize the thermos from the inside with boiling water, wait a few minutes until the steam stops coming out, and cover with a lid;
  3. Pour 100 ml of milk, combine with 200 g of fresh natural yogurt and stir to form a lump-free mixture. Then add it to the remaining milk and stir thoroughly;
  4. Fill a thermos with the resulting mixture, tighten the cap and stand for about 7 hours;
  5. Distribute ready-made homemade yogurt from milk into jars and transfer to the cold for another 8 hours.

Greek recipe

This recipe for homemade yoghurt has a consistency where the dessert resembles a soft cheese, like a cream. Also, this product has a different cooking scheme.

  1. Boil the milk in a saucepan and cool it to the already known 40 degrees;
  2. Combine 200 g of the freshest yogurt without additives and stir with a small amount of milk, then add to the common saucepan;
  3. Close the container tightly with a lid and wrap it with a warm blanket or terry towel;
  4. We leave the saucepan motionless for 6-7 hours in the warmth, then move it to the refrigerator;
  5. We cover the colander with gauze in several layers or paper filter and slowly pour out the resulting product;
  6. Cover the top of the colander and let the excess whey come out. The end result is about 400 g of the finished “Greek product”.

With sourdough

In this manual, yoghurt starter is sold in almost any pharmacy. Fermented milk dessert based on it will have a pleasant texture and delicate taste cream.

  1. The first step is similar to the previous recipes;
  2. Knead one bottle of dry starter culture with a few tablespoons of milk and pour it into a container with the rest of the milk;
  3. We pour the resulting liquid into jars, close them with lids or cling film, then wrap them in a terry cloth or blanket;
  4. We soak for 12 hours, then refrigerate for another 4 hours in the refrigerator.

Cooking in the oven

You can cook at home, but if you don't have a smart device, you can make favorite treat and in the oven. Dessert will turn out amazing in either of these two options.

  1. This step is the same as in the previous recipes;
  2. Dissolve 200 g of sour cream (20%) or natural fresh yoghurt product in half a glass of milk, then pour into a common container and stir gently;
  3. Pour the mixture into jars, tightly covering each with foil, and place them on a baking sheet;
  4. Warm up the oven to 50 degrees, then turn it off. Place a baking sheet in it and close the door;
  5. Then preheat the oven to 50 degrees every hour. The cooking process itself takes about 7 hours;
  6. Put the prepared food in the cold overnight.

On sour cream

The yogurt recipe at home can be without sourdough. One of the options is to cook with sour cream. Of course, the cooking process will take a little longer, but the result is worth it.

  1. This step is exactly the same as in the instructions described above;
  2. Warm the sour cream a little (up to 38 degrees), add to the milk and slowly mix with a whisk;
  3. We put the container with the resulting mass in a warm place, wrap it with a rug or blanket and leave it to ferment for 12 hours;
  4. On the final stage we send the fermented milk dish to the refrigerator for 4 hours. Then you can try it.

The taste and color of the finished treat can be varied by adding various fillers, for example, jam, chocolate chips, jam, fresh fruit or dried fruit. But you need to add all this splendor only after the end of the fermentation process. This is due to the fact that beneficial bacteria can switch to the introduced additives instead of lactose, and the food can turn out to be of poor quality or even deteriorate.

It is also better not to add kiwi or citrus slices, because they are not compatible with milk, so the finished product may curdle.

Video: Recipe for homemade yogurt in a thermos

Yoghurt is a fermented milk product that is obtained due to the fact that lactic acid bacteria included in the composition of yoghurt ferment (ferment) milk (milk sugar lactose), giving the product its characteristic taste, color and texture.

Yogurt is considered useful product, since lactic acid bacteria friendly to human microflora help to establish and maintain the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, normalize the intestines, and stimulate metabolic processes.

Due to the fact that yoghurt bacteria ferment lactose, yoghurt, like most fermented milk products, is digested and absorbed better and easier than milk. Quite often, people who are lactose intolerant or allergic to milk protein can consume yoghurts (but if you have a similar problem, it is still better to consult a doctor first).

So, the essence of yoghurt production is that live yoghurt fermented milk cultures are introduced into milk (usually this is, more about yoghurt cultures will be discussed below). A suitable constant temperature is created (optimally - 42-45 ° C, this is important to take into account, since at t above 50 ° C bacteria die), which lasts for 8-12 hours. During this time, bacteria ferment the milk sugar to produce yogurt. To complete the fermentation process, get the best consistency and keep the bacteria alive after the required time has elapsed, the yoghurt is cooled to ~ 5 ° C. As you can see, the process is quite simple and quite feasible at home.

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Homemade yogurt (how to make yogurt at home with and without a yogurt maker).

Now let's look at the process of making yogurt at home in more detail. For the preparation of yoghurt, we also need a ferment made from lactic acid bacteria. (About some reasons for failure, for example: yogurt curdled, too much, very sour taste,)


If you have the opportunity to use fresh country milk, in the quality and safety of which you are sure, it is great, only it must be boiled for a few minutes. If you are using industrial milk, then I prefer pasteurized or UHT. It is also recommended to preheat pasteurized milk to 90 ° C, ultra-pasteurized milk is safe and completely ready to use, it does not require boiling, it is enough to warm it up to the required temperature. The froth formed when heating the milk must be carefully removed. Then the milk must be cooled to a temperature of ~ 38-45 o C. This is the optimal temperature, but if you do not use a thermometer, then to determine the temperature "by eye", drop a few drops of milk on your wrist. The milk should be hot, but not scalding. In this case, subcooling is better than overheating, because at t more than 50 ° C, as I mentioned earlier, lactic acid bacteria begin to die. For product safety, all yogurt maker manufacturers and most recipes recommend heating milk for making yoghurt. In practice, if you take pasteurized or ultra-pasteurized milk at room temperature (I would recommend boiling fresh milk anyway, especially if you give yoghurts to children), ferment it with industrial yoghurt and place it in a yoghurt maker, then you will still get yoghurts (without a yoghurt maker I have not tested this option, and if I use dry starter, then I heat the milk).

To boil or heat milk, use a thick-bottomed stainless saucepan or, if the stove permits, a ceramic or glass pan. It is better not to use enameled dishes, as milk burns very quickly in such dishes.

By the way, you don't have to use cow's milk... You can also ferment goat, sheep, soy, and possibly any other milk.


You can use it as a starter, you can find it in pharmacies or buy it in stores that sell food for healthy eating, including in online stores. The composition of such a starter culture usually includes the classic yoghurt bacteria Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Bulgarian bacillus, and Streptococcus thermophilus, a thermophilic streptococcus. It is prepared according to the instructions. In this case, the taste and consistency of yoghurt may differ from the usual store. Yogurt sometimes turns out to be more viscous, slippery, this happens due to a violation of the cooking technology. Or you can use natural yogurt (or bioyogurt) industrial production... One standard glass of yoghurt (~ 125 ml) for one liter of milk. The main task is to mix the starter and milk as best as possible, for this add a small amount of warm milk to the starter, stir thoroughly until a homogeneous consistency is obtained, and then dilute the resulting mixture in the rest of the milk, mix thoroughly again. For the next batch of yoghurts, you can use your own yoghurt as a starter. There is an opinion that yogurt can be re-fermented 4-10 times, but it must be borne in mind that at home we cannot provide sterile conditions, therefore, with each re-fermentation, the composition of the yogurt changes and not always for the better.


Warm milk, which should be kept at a temperature of 42-45 o C for 6-12 hours, is an ideal breeding ground for not only beneficial, but also harmful microorganisms, therefore, special attention should be paid to the cleanliness of the dishes. Before use, all the necessary utensils must be doused with boiling water, and if possible, then sterilized, for example, in a double boiler.

Yoghurt maker.

A yoghurt maker and other electrical appliances that allow you to make yoghurts are an excellent solution for those who often indulge their family with homemade fermented milk products. The main advantage of this device is that it maintains the optimum temperature throughout the entire fermentation time of the yoghurt, which provides a very good result. The yoghurt maker takes up little space and is completed with convenient lid jars for yoghurt. The yoghurt maker reduces your direct participation in the preparation of yoghurt to a minimum: you mixed milk with sourdough, poured it into jars, pressed the "insert." and that's it! Enjoy the result after 8-10 hours (the consistency will be optimal if, after fermentation, you put the yoghurts in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours).

Making yoghurt without a yoghurt maker.

After we have mixed warm milk and sourdough, we need to keep the yoghurt at a constant temperature of ~ 42-45 ° C for 6-10 hours. This can be achieved in several ways:

  • you can use a thermos;
  • you can cover the container with yogurt with a warm blanket (and cover with a pillow) and leave it next to the radiator;
  • you can put yoghurts in portioned jars, tighten cling film, put in a flat mold, gently pour warm water into the mold, the water should not get into the yogurt, tighten the entire mold again with a film and put it in a warm place without drafts (for example, in an oven that is turned off, but preheated to 50 ° C).

Whether you make yoghurt in a yoghurt maker or without, during the fermentation process, if possible, do not disturb the yoghurt: do not stir, do not open, do not shake.

The cooking time for homemade yoghurt is about 6-10 hours and depends on how well you manage to maintain the required temperature and on what consistency and taste you would like to get. At a constant optimum temperature, 6-8 hours is quite enough, with a falling temperature it will take 8-10, and possibly 12 hours. The longer the yoghurt is fermented, the more acidic it becomes.

In order to correctly complete the fermentation process, the yogurt must be cooled, as mentioned above, the product must be refrigerated for at least 4 hours. In this case, you will not only get a denser and more delicate consistency, but also extend the shelf life of the yoghurt by preserving live bacteria in it.

In the refrigerator, yoghurt is perfectly stored for 7-8 days.

Yogurt additives (sugar, fruit, nuts, muesli, etc.).

Natural yoghurts are great, but what if you like sweet yoghurts or yoghurts with fruits, chocolate, muesli, etc.?

Of course, you can add all these sweets to yogurt at the moment when you put it in portioned glasses before sourdough, but there is one but!

Yoghurt bacteria ferment milk sugar, lactose, but if you add sugar or sweet fruits to yoghurt before the fermentation process is completed, the bacteria will switch to fructose contained in these products, and begin to ferment not lactose, but, say, fruits. And citrus fruits and other fruits with a high content of fruit acids, such as, for example, kiwi, cannot be combined with milk at all. And upon contact with these fruits, the milk will curdle even before the start of the fermentation process. Therefore, it is much more useful (and even safer) to introduce all kinds of additives (fresh fruits, boiling, syrups, jams, muesli, nuts, dried fruits, cookies, chocolate) already in the finished yoghurts, well, or at the end of the fermentation process, before cooling.

By the way, if you decide to sweeten the finished yogurt with sugar, then it is better to first dissolve it in a little water or make a syrup, well, or take icing sugar so that the teeth "do not grind".

Vanilla yogurt.

If you are preparing vanilla yoghurts and do not use vanilla sugar, which is also possible, but the vanilla pod, then, after making a longitudinal cut on the pod, dip it into the milk and heat the milk along with the vanilla. When placing the yoghurts in the cups, dip a small piece of the vanilla pod, which was warmed up with the milk, into each cup. Before use, the pieces of the pod will need to be removed from the finished yogurt. If you clean the pulp of the pod and add it to the milk, the aroma will be more pronounced, and the pod itself, after warming up in milk, can not be added to the cups of yogurt, but removed immediately, but small black particles of vanilla will be present in the yogurt. According to my feelings, this does not spoil the taste in any way, and the type of yoghurt turns out to be unusual, variegated. However, some children, and even adults, are suspicious of this yoghurt.

Fat content of yoghurt. Creamy yogurt.

The fat content of homemade yoghurt depends on the fat content of the milk you use to prepare the yoghurt and whether you add cream to the milk. The less fatty milk you use, the more fat-free yoghurt, and correspondingly less high-calorie product, you will get.

Creamy yoghurt (cream is added to the milk when it is prepared) turns out to be denser and more tender. Cream can be added directly to milk before fermentation, but be careful. If you heat milk with cream to high temperatures, then the cream may melt, separate from the milk, and float to the surface with greasy spots similar to melted butter. And then, when you add the starter, mix everything well and pour the yogurt into the fermenting jars, a hard, oily film may form on the surface of the finished yogurt. It's okay, after the fermentation and cooling process is complete, just gently remove this film from the yogurt. Such a film often appears when you use fresh milk "from under a cow" and not completely skimmed cream remains in the milk.

To avoid the formation of a greasy film on creamy yogurt, use industrial (that is, already thermally processed) cream and add it to milk before fermentation, when the milk has already cooled down to t 38-42 o C. I already wrote above that if you use a yogurt maker, then yoghurts will turn out even if you don't heat the milk at all, but just take it at room temperature, while you can replace some of the milk with cream, for example, take 200 ml of cream and 800 ml of milk and mix it all well. In this case, you will not have a greasy solid film, the only question is to trust the milk producer and the safety of the product.

Cream can also be added to ready-made yogurt, this will also make it more tender (this option is not suitable for people suffering from milk protein intolerance and lactase deficiency).

The thickness of the yoghurt.

If you need a dense, thick yogurt you can use the following techniques:

  • add a few tablespoons of milk powder to the milk before fermentation;
  • add peptin or agar-agar to the finished yogurt before cooling;
  • add cornstarch to the finished yogurt (1 tsp in a standard portion cup 125-140 g). This will also make the yogurt more tender.

Yoghurt bacteria.

The history of fermented milk products, and in particular yoghurt, has more than one thousand years, but Bulgaria is considered the birthplace of modern real yoghurt, where yoghurt is also called "sour milk". It was in Bulgaria that the yoghurt cultured milk cultures Lactobacillus bulgaricus, the Bulgarian bacillus (named after Bulgaria), and Streptococcus thermophilus, the thermophilic streptococcus, were first discovered, studied and used.

Ilya Ilyich Mechnikov, a famous biologist, Nobel Prize winner, studying the issues of aging, found that at the time of the study, of the 36 countries studied, Bulgaria had the largest number of people who had reached 100 years of age. For every 1000 people, there were 4 centenarians. In his studies, he linked this fact with the regular use of the inhabitants of the country "Bulgarian sour milk", And, accordingly, yoghurt cultures of the Bulgarian bacillus, which have such a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora and the body as a whole.

In this way, real yoghurt must contain only milk and a leaven containing Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus however, the composition of yoghurt is currently not regulated by law in many countries. In addition to yogurt bacteria, or instead of them, lactobacilli or bifidobacteria are used, for example, Lactobacillus acidophilus, lactobacillus bifidus, etc. Of course, these bacteria can also be very useful for the body, they also ferment lactose, contributing to a very tender yogurt-like mass, but this is no longer yogurt , but a yoghurt product. In addition, some types of bacteria themselves die after fermentation of milk, and it is already difficult to call such yoghurt "live". And there is a category of "yoghurts" prepared with the help of a culture called pima, "pima" makes the "yoghurt" mass so thick that there is no need to add any thickeners, say, natural peptin, to the product. This significantly reduces the cost of production, but! The mass turns out to be "slippery" and rather unpleasant in taste, so it is generously flavored with sugar and fruit puree. Can this product be called "yogurt"?

When buying yoghurts, we read the label.

Thus, when choosing natural yoghurt in a store, we carefully read the label and pay attention to the following:

  • the shelf life of "live" natural yogurt should not exceed 1 month, and in general, in this case, the shorter the shelf life, the better;
  • to increase the shelf life, yoghurts are often pasteurized, while the yoghurt bacteria die, to be honest, such yoghurts should be labeled “thermally processed”;
  • the composition of the yogurt - the less in the composition of the components (especially preservatives, stabilizers, sweeteners, dyes, etc.), the better, ideally - milk and yoghurt sourdough. By the way, manufacturers rarely write information about what yoghurt cultures are used, but if there is a label about the presence of a "live yoghurt culture" - this is better than nothing;
  • content lactic acid bacteria in yogurt at the end of the shelf life should be at least 10 7 CFU (colony forming units, 10 in the seventh degree) in 1 g of the product;
  • yogurt must be kept in the refrigerator;

And once again about the sad, giving preference to sweet and fruit yoghurts, nevertheless, do not comfort yourself with the hope of the high benefits of such yoghurts, especially fruit yoghurts, because at least the fruits have passed heat treatment, and therefore lost the lion's share of their benefits, and in order for lactic acid bacteria not to ferment fruit sugar, the manufacturer most likely had to add a variety of chemicals to the product.

Summary. Why is homemade yogurt good for you?

  • You can make completely natural yoghurt without artificial additives, colors, or preservatives.
  • You can adjust the calorie content and consistency of the yoghurt by choosing more or less fatty milk (see the yoghurt calorie table by this link).
  • You can make sugar-free yoghurts using, for example, natural sweeteners such as honey, maple syrup, Jerusalem artichoke syrup, fresh fruit or vegetable juices and purees, and add muesli, fiber, nuts and dried fruits.
  • Pouring yoghurt over fresh seasonal fruits or using it as a salad dressing only adds to the healthiness of your table.
  • I use special yoghurt starter cultures (for example, dry starter cultures), you can be sure what kind of yoghurt bacteria your yogurt is enriched with.

The use of yogurt in cooking.

Finally, a few words about how you can use yogurt in cooking.

In addition to traditional, natural or sweet yoghurts, as well as yoghurts with the addition of all kinds of fruits, yoghurts go well with various herbs (dill, parsley, mint, etc., etc.) and spices. Yoghurts can be salted, pepper, garlic can be added to them, they make a wonderful sauce or salad dressing.

At high temperatures, yoghurt curls up, so if you add it to hot dishes, then in order for it not to curdle, the yogurt should be at room temperature, it is better to add (stir) it at the very end of cooking, when the temperature is no longer so high or the dish is languishing over very low heat.

Yogurt belongs to fermented milk products and has a lot of useful properties known in all countries of the world. Bacteria are present in various leavens. The product is able to satisfy both hunger and thirst. It restores strength and energy. Yogurt contains a sufficient amount of amino acids, vitamins and minerals: magnesium, zinc, potassium. Such a set nutrients makes it an irreplaceable food product for adults and children. You don't have to run to the nearest store to enjoy yogurt, because you can make it at home.

What is known about yogurt?

As a result of milk oxidation by special bacteria, yoghurt is formed. It contains a lot of nutrients that have a beneficial effect on our body. What are the benefits of the product?

  • digestion improves. For the normal assimilation of foods, proper functioning of the digestive system is necessary. The bacteria contained in yogurt maintain the necessary acidity, relieve constipation and diarrhea. People who are intolerant of milk protein can safely consume yogurt;
  • toxins are eliminated. Putrefactive microorganisms gradually accumulate in the intestines. The fermented milk product neutralizes and removes them;
  • the risk of cancerous tumors is reduced;
  • the immunity of the whole body improves due to the synthesis of interferon gamma;
  • the combination of yogurt with salt-free food heals sore joints;
  • skin, hair and nails are getting better.

Unfortunately, the listed beneficial properties of the miraculous product do not apply to the yogurt that is sold in stores. Therefore, it is recommended to cook it yourself.

All kinds of

In addition to the usual, there is bioyogurt. Live bacteria called probiotics are added to it. For example, acidophilus bacillus and bifidobacteria.

Yoghurts are classified according to the type of milk used:

  • natural milk;
  • milk or cream with a fat content brought to a certain standard;
  • reconstituted milk powder;
  • recombined milk.

By the type of additives, the product is divided into two types:

  • fruit or vegetable;
  • flavored. Flavors and flavorings are used instead of natural fruits.

Yoghurts differ in the proportion of fat content:

  • milk non-fat. Fat content no more than 0.1%;
  • milk of low fat content. 0.3-1%;
  • milk bold. 1.2-2.5%;
  • dairy classic. 2.7-4.5%;
  • milk-creamy. 4.7-7.5%;
  • creamy milk 7.5–9.5%;
  • creamy. Not less than 10%.

Other varieties:

What are the features of cooking

There are two cooking methods:

  • thermostatic. The constituent components are immediately placed in the consumption container. Sourdough is added. The process goes on and the finished product is obtained in the form of an undisturbed clot, as when souring milk;
  • reservoir. The components are first placed in a large container, and ripening takes place there. Then the finished yoghurt is poured into smaller containers. The result is a broken clot.

Now in factories, preference is given to the second cooking option. Well, at home, everything depends only on you.

Selection of ingredients

Buy the starter culture at the pharmacy. Try not to use store-bought yogurt instead of this important ingredient, even if it has no preservatives. V fermented milk products a special microflora is formed. And after re-fermentation, it turns into pathogenic.

For yoghurt, pasteurized cow's milk with a short shelf life is suitable. It does not need to be boiled before sourdough. You just need to warm it up. Boil the rest. Do not take milk from private owners. You don't know what kind of cow they have. And she can be sick or fed with vitamins. Pay attention to the fat content. It varies in the range of 0.5–6%. For children, choose milk up to 3.2% fat. And for weight loss up to 2.5%.

Can be used goat milk... It is very healthy and hypoallergenic, but not everyone likes its taste. Pay attention to the expiration date and the integrity of the packaging. Color good milk White. Fat clots may be present. Looks sour. If there is a yellow tint, then cow's milk is substituted. A bluish tint indicates dilution with water.

Homemade recipes with and without a yogurt maker

To cook without a yogurt maker, you need a thermos, heater, or blanket.

How to make natural yogurt

Video: how easy it is to make yogurt without a yogurt maker

Drinking yoghurt

The recipe is the same as for natural yogurt, but milk should be no more than 1.5% fat. Add sugar or fruit to the chilled finished product to taste. If the yogurt turns out to be thick for you, then you should reduce the amount of starter culture by 1 liter of milk.

Cooking the Greek version

First, do everything according to the recipe for natural yogurt. In the last step, fold the cheesecloth in two layers and place the curd in it. After 2 hours, the whey will drain and you will have something in between yogurt and pudding. To add thickness and increase the fat content, a glass of cream is added to the milk.

Greek yogurt is obtained after decanting the whey

Homemade yogurt differs from the store in taste and useful qualities... And in order to make this wonderful product, it is not at all necessary to have a yogurt maker on the farm.

How does the yoghurt preparation technology differ from the yoghurt preparation recipe? The fact that knowing the technology, you can change the ingredients, their quantity, the method of preparation and at the same time get the desired result.

I have been making yoghurt at home for many years. This is a fairly simple procedure that does not require special financial costs or complicated fixtures. But the result obtained in this case cannot be compared with what is offered to us in stores. Neither quality nor price. Not to taste.

And even more so, this process is interesting by the very creativity about which

What is the yoghurt making process?

  • Choosing and preparing milk.
  • Choosing a thickener (if necessary).
  • Choosing a yogurt starter.
  • We choose a cultivation method based on the presence or absence of adaptations.
  • We give the bacteria time to do their part.
  • We refrigerate for 5-12 hours.
  • We conjure over taste and consistency.

And remember three important rules:

  • The utensils for making yoghurt should be perfectly clean, it is better to pour over boiling water so that bacteria that we do not need are not included in the process.
  • The milk temperature before adding the starter should not be higher than 38-40 ° C, otherwise the yoghurt bacteria will die.
  • Do not shake or stir the fermented product so as not to destroy the structure, otherwise the yogurt will not ripen.

Yogurt preparation technology - selection and preparation of milk.

Animal milk

You can take any animal milk that is available to you. Raw, pasteurized, UHT. Shop and farm. Cow and goat. Sheep and milk of buffalo grazing in the highlands of Tibet.

The fattier the milk, the thicker and creamier your yogurt will taste.

Any animal milk of your choice must be heated to 80-82 ° C. The easiest way to do this is in a modern multicooker, which has a temperature setting function. You can use a food thermometer, metal meat probe. Well, or in the old fashioned way, by eye. When the milk is still not boiling, but a light foam is already collecting on the surface.

Then the milk must be cooled to 38-40 ° C. You can put it in a sink or container with cold water, which will greatly speed up the process. Here, it is quite possible to use a household thermometer to determine the temperature.

But there are options:

  • Store-bought pasteurized, ultra-pasteurized and homemade boiled can not be heated to 80 ° C, but only up to 40 ° C. I did this and that, I did not notice the difference.
  • Homemade raw milk some also do not want to heat up too much, like everything is natural. In this case, the yogurt turns out to be liquid, which few people like. To obtain a thicker drink, the cultivation process must be increased to 12 instead of 6 hours, from which the yoghurt turns out to be more acidic, more like kefir. Well, or add thickeners, which will be discussed below. I don't really like these options, and therefore I still heat it up to 80 ° C, and then cool it down. You decide for yourself.

Vegetable milk

Absolutely any vegetable milk is suitable for making yoghurt - coconut, almond, soy, oat, rice, hemp, from sunflower and other seeds and nuts. From the point of view of the origin of plant-based milk, I would recommend that you use home-made milk - believe me, no matter how tricky the process of its preparation seems to you, in the same way, you can use purchased plant-based milk, choosing the one that contains the least amount of all kinds of additives in the composition.

Plant-based milk yoghurts have the problem of being too thin, so thickeners are required to produce a thick enough yoghurt. The more there are, the thicker the final product.

The preparation of plant-based milk depends on the thickener you choose, which I will discuss below.

In case of use:

  • Gelatin, agar, gum, or lecithin immediately heat the entire volume of vegetable milk to a temperature of 60 ° C, pour 250 ml separately, dilute the thickener in it, pour it back into the pan and stir with a whisk until it is completely dissolved. Then cool everything down to 38-40 ° C.
  • Using other thickeners first, the required amount of thickener is diluted in 250 ml of milk at room temperature. The rest of the milk is heated to 60 ° C, milk with a thickener is added to it and the total amount is already brought to 60 ° C, stirring with a whisk. Then cool everything down to 38-40 ° C.

Yoghurt preparation technology - thickeners.

For drinking yoghurt, we take less thickener, for thicker, naturally more. The figures below are based on 1 liter of plant-based milk. Well, or a raw animal.

  • 2-4 tbsp flax seeds (preferably ground)
  • 2-4 tbsp chia seed
  • 2-4 tbsp coconut flour
  • 2-4 tbsp corn starch
  • 2-4 tbsp arrowroot starch
  • 2-4 tbsp tapioca starch
  • ½-1 tsp agar agar (vegetable analogue of gelatin)
  • ½-1 tsp gelatin
  • ½-1 tsp xanthan gum
  • ½-1 tsp powdered soy lecithin granules

You can find the last four products on the list in the list of ingredients for store-bought yoghurts, so I see no reason to use them at home. But nevertheless, as an option.

Yoghurt preparation technology - starters.

At present, the choice of starter (sourdough) for yoghurt production is not a problem. Even vegetarian is easy to find.

I use:

Starter cultures Yogurt Russian production, specially designed for home cooking of various fermented milk products and produced at the oldest biotechnological enterprise in Russia, FGUP Experimental Biofabrika of the Russian Agricultural Academy.

For 1-3 liters of milk each bag

Belle + Bella, Dairy-Free Yogurt Starter, 4 Packets, 5 g Each

Price $ 5.98

Since the starter culture is dairy-free, it is suitable, firstly, for those who have lactose deficiency or are allergic to lactose. And secondly, vegetarians. I was neither, I just took it for a test.

For 1-1.5 liters of milk each bag.

Our yoghurt makes it a little thicker. Although, perhaps, I just cooked for 1 hour less.

Sourdough from the previous batch of yoghurt. Approximately 100 ml per liter.

I do not do more than two derivatives.

Packaging of store-bought yoghurt with live bacteria.
They should have a very limited shelf life and should be taken closer to the production date. Fermented milk products must contain live microorganisms, the number of which is indicated on each package by the CFU index.

To make BIOGHURT from regular yogurt, it is enough to add one to three capsules of probiotics to the milk along with the starter, which, I hope, you always have in the refrigerator.

Quite fit 21st Century, Acidophilus Probiotic Blend

Price $ 5.99 for 100 capsules.

Dilute the starter of your choice in about 100 ml of milk already cooled to 38-40 ° C and stir until completely dissolved.

Yoghurt preparation technology - cultivation.

A yogurt maker is most logical for making yoghurt. I have it. Tefal Lacteo. With a capacity of 1.5 liters. It makes no sense for me to bother with jars, because we consume this business in serious volumes.

The thing is inexpensive, of high quality, it does not cause problems. Because she has one task - to maintain the specified temperature - 40 ° С for a given time.

Pour the prepared milk with a starter into the container, choose the time according to the instructions on the starter package, or 6 hours and after the set time the device will signal the end of the process. Everything. Then refrigerate to finish. By the way, this model has a very convenient container for yogurt. She is with a lid and, like a family, she gets into the door of the refrigerator.

But a yogurt maker for yogurt, although logical, is an inconvenient thing in a small kitchen. I took mine back when I had ̶ v̶e̶l̶o̶s̶i̶p̶e̶d̶a̶ there was no multicooker. Now it is. With the Yoghurt program.

The task has been simplified even further. In one container, you can heat milk to the desired temperature, cool it in it, and put it on cultivation in it. And then put it in the refrigerator. The only inconvenience is that it is better to have a spare bowl available in case the main one is busy and you urgently need it. Well silicone cap, so that there is something to cover during storage.