Home / Cakes / If during the brewing of the cream part. Classic custard: recipes for making the most delicious custard for napoleon, honey cake and eclairs with step-by-step photos and video tips

If during the brewing of the cream part. Classic custard: recipes for making the most delicious custard for napoleon, honey cake and eclairs with step-by-step photos and video tips

Prepare ingredients.

Cut the vanilla pod in half and scrape off the seeds from both halves of the pod.

Pour milk into a saucepan, add half the sugar (80-90 g), add vanilla seeds and the pod itself.
Stir and bring milk to a boil.
Remove from heat, tighten pan tightly cling film and leave to brew for 20-30 minutes (tighten the foil so that the milk absorbs even more vanilla aroma).
In the process of infusion, the milk will absorb the aroma of vanilla and the finished cream will have a pleasant vanilla taste. The most intense aroma comes from the vanilla pod itself, which we add to the cream.
If you don't have a vanilla pod, you can add vanilla sugar to the milk.

Pour the starch (or sifted flour) into a bowl and add the remaining sugar.
Stir the dry mixture with a whisk.

The more flour or starch, the thicker the cream will be.
The thickness of the cream and the sweetness are regulated by your wishes, or by the type of dessert / baking for which the cream is being prepared.

Add yolks to the dry mixture and mix with a whisk until smooth.

Bring the present milk to a boil again.
In a thin stream, pour a third of the hot vanilla milk into the starch-egg mixture, stirring vigorously with a whisk.
Then, with continuous stirring, pour in the remaining milk.

Pour over milk and egg mixture in a saucepan, put on low (or medium) heat and heat, stirring constantly, with a wooden spatula or whisk.
During the heating process, the cream thickens.

If the custard is prepared with starch, it must be brought to a boil and after boiling, boil for 1-2 minutes. If the cream is prepared on the basis of flour, it does not need to be brought to a boil. As soon as the cream thickens well, remove the pan from the heat.

Ready cream, if necessary, rub through a sieve from lumps.
Add 50 g butter and stir.

Transfer the cream to a bowl (to cool faster).
Cover the bowl with the cream with cling film so that the film lies directly on the surface of the cream - then a film will not form on the surface.

Remove the cream in the refrigerator for 4 hours (or leave overnight).
To add flavor to the cream, you can add whipped cream or butter to it.
When adding cream.
Whisk the well-chilled cream until soft peaks, add to the cream and stir.

To decorate cakes or impregnate cakes, prepare a gentle custard... 9 different cream options - for you!

A simple version of the cream for any sweet baked goods.

  • Milk - 1 Liter
  • Yolks - 4 Pieces
  • Butter - 350 Grams
  • Flour - 2/3 Cup
  • Sugar - 2 Glasses
  • Vanillin - 1 Piece

Pour milk into a saucepan. We leave half a glass of milk for later. Sift flour through a sieve. Pour flour into cold milk, rubbing it with a fork. Stir flour with milk, carefully removing lumps.

Now we separate the whites from the yolks. We don't need proteins. From them you can make meringues for cream. We put the pan with milk on the stove. While stirring, heat over low heat until the mass thickens.

Beat the yolks with the milk left by us from the total portion. You should get a liquid consistency. Add the yolks to a saucepan with a mixture of milk and flour, stirring continuously. At the same time, we do not turn off the fire.

When the mass thickens, we cool it down. We take out the butter. Beat it with a mixer with sugar and vanilla. Put the cooled dairy-flour mass in portions into butter, continuing to beat. Beat until you get a real smooth and fluffy cream.

Now all that remains is to put the cream in the refrigerator. This will make him harder. You can immediately spread it on cakes, or put in cakes. Bon Appetit!

Recipe 2: protein cake custard

  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • sugar - ½ cup (100 g);
  • vanilla sugar - small bag;
  • citric acid - 1 g

Separate the whites from the yolks. It is very important to do this efficiently - the yolks should not get into the whites.

Combine all other ingredients with proteins.

Mix everything together with a whisk or mixer. No need to beat yet - just mix.

Place cookware with this mixture on water bath and beat on high speed for about 15 minutes.

Remove from heat and continue whisking until the cream is completely cooled.

When the cream has cooled, it is completely ready. Protein custard can be used to decorate a cake or as a stand-alone dessert.

Recipe 3: custard cream cake

The custard is suitable not only for the layer, but also for decorating the cake.

  • butter - 200 grams;
  • sour cream (from 20% fat) - 200 grams;
  • wheat flour - 2 tablespoons;
  • condensed milk (not boiled) - 150 grams and 50 grams of sugar (optional);
  • chicken eggs - 1 piece;
  • vanilla to taste.

Put a suitable dish for a water bath on the stove, and on top place a saucepan with the main ingredients: sour cream, condensed milk, wheat flour, chicken egg and vanilla. Mix everything and boil in a water bath.

You need to cook the contents until a thick state: the cream should be thicker than sour cream. Then, when it is almost ready, place it in the refrigerator or on the balcony - it should cool completely, and thus prepare for the next cooking stage.

Beat softened butter until it becomes white and fluffy.

In the whipped butter, gradually add the completely cooled cream, without ceasing to beat with a mixer, we get a dense custard mass.

Store ready-made custard sour cream you need only in the refrigerator.

Recipe 4: custard cream with lemon for a sponge cake

Thanks to this impregnation, any cake will turn out to be extremely tasty and tender, melting in your mouth.

  • Milk - 500 grams
  • Sugar - 150 grams
  • Lemon
  • Flour 50 grams
  • Yolks - 6 pieces

We put 400 grams of milk on the fire until it becomes hot, but do not boil.

The remaining milk will be used to dilute the yolk sugar mixture. We turn off the warmed milk for now and proceed to the preparation of the yolks.

Grate lemon zest and put in milk and leave to brew for a while. Vanillin can be added instead of lemon.

Pour sugar into the yolks and mix thoroughly with a mixer until a white fluffy mass.

Without stopping whisking, pour milk into the yolks. Pour in milk so that the mixture becomes liquid and can be easily poured into the main part of the milk.

Put the previously heated milk on the fire again and pour the egg mixture into it, while stirring the mass with a spatula.

Cook the cream until the mixture thickens, stirring constantly. It is especially important to stir the mass vigorously when it starts to boil.

The readiness of the cream can be checked as follows:

Put the cream in a spoon and put it back into the pan. A thin layer of cream will remain on the spoon. Run a small spoon over the spoon, making a groove. If the cream is ready, then the groove will remain the same as you made it, no matter how you turn the spoon over, the cream will not spread.

Remember, when the custard cools, it will thicken even more, so you don't need to cook it too long if you want the cream to saturate the biscuit.

Next, pour our biscuit custard into a clean plate. It is imperative to pour over and do not leave the cream to cool in the pan. If you don’t overflow, then the cream just rushes to the hot bottom of the pan and it’s difficult to get it out later.

When the cream has been transferred to another dish, cover the container on top with a plastic bag. We do this so that a film does not form on the surface of the cream when it cools. The cream should cool down at room temperature, in no case send the biscuit custard to cool in the refrigerator.

The cooled cream can be used for its intended purpose, for example, to lubricate biscuit cakes... Well that's it, our biscuit custard is ready! Bon Appetit!

Recipe 5: custard with milk for the Napoleon cake

Custard can be made at home not only for this famous cake, it is perfect for any other cakes and even for honey or sour cream cake.

  • Milk - 0.5 l
  • Butter - 50-100 g
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp.
  • Egg - 2 pcs.
  • Flour or starch - 2.5-3 tbsp without a slide
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 tsp

Mix dry ingredients in a saucepan: flour or starch, half sugar and vanilla sugar. We drive in eggs. It will be tastier with starch and the consistency will be slightly different.

Mix with a whisk and get a thick mixture. It is important not to add milk immediately, as lumps will form and it will be difficult to stir them, and in such a thick state, this is much easier to do.

Gradually pour in the milk and stir again to get a liquid homogeneous mixture without lumps. Pour in the remaining sugar.

Now we put on low heat and heat, stirring all the time. It is most convenient to stir with a wooden spatula. This must be done constantly, otherwise the cream will immediately burn, since it contains flour (or starch).

At first, the cream will be liquid, but as soon as it starts to boil, it will immediately begin to thicken. The longer you cook it, the thicker it will be. And don't stop getting in the way.

Its density depends on the amount of flour or starch (the more, the thicker the custard) and the duration of the boil.

When it becomes thick enough, turn off the heat and cover with a lid so that a film does not form on top. Let it cool slightly and add the butter. The more oil there is, the tastier it will turn out. After cooling, it will thicken a little more.

It will acquire the desired consistency only after it has completely cooled down, so it is better to leave it in the refrigerator overnight.

The classic Napoleon cake custard is ready. You can coat ready-made cakes.

Recipe 6: homemade cake custard

  • milk - 900 g
  • sugar - 250 g
  • corn starch - 80 g
  • vanilla sugar - 10 g
  • egg yolks - 6 pcs.
  • butter - 200 g

Pour 700 g of milk into a deep saucepan (set aside 200 g, we will need this part of the milk a little later) and send it over medium heat to heat up.

Combine cornstarch, sugar and vanilla sugar in a bowl. With a whisk, mix all the ingredients thoroughly to get a homogeneous mixture.

The amount of starch can vary slightly, depending on how thin or thick you want the custard. If suddenly you could not find corn starch, then you can replace it with flour.

Add the yolks to the dry mixture. By the way, if you wish, instead of 6 yolks, you can take 3 whole chicken eggs.

And rub them very carefully with a whisk until the mass becomes lighter. If you wish, at this stage you can use a mixer, but you do not need to be especially zealous for them.

Pour the deferred milk into the resulting yolk mass.

Stir well again. We should have a fairly fluid mixture.

When the milk in the saucepan starts to boil, pour the yolk mixture into it in a thin stream. In this case, the milk must be constantly mixed with a whisk.

After all the yolk mixture has been added, cook the custard over medium heat until it thickens and until the first signs of boiling (large bubbles should appear on the surface of the cream). At the same time, we must actively mix the cream. We are not distracted for a second, as it can stick to the bottom or lumps can form in it.

Rub the resulting custard through a fine sieve. This step, of course, can be missed, but it is thanks to him that we get rid of possible small lumps.

Leave the custard rubbed through a sieve to cool. To do this, while the cream is still hot, cover it with cling film so that it touches the surface of the cream. This prevents the custard from forming a dense crust on the surface of the custard. In this form, we leave the cream on the desktop until it cools down to a temperature of 35-40 C.

When the cream has cooled enough, add soft butter to it. To do this, add it in small portions, in five to six passes, and each time thoroughly beat the cream with a mixer.

That's all, a delicious custard for the cake is ready!

But before using it, again cover it with a film in contact with the surface and send it to the refrigerator for at least 1 hour. This must be done in order for the cream to set and ripen.

And after it “rests” and thickens well, the custard is ready to use.

Now you know how to make cake decorating custard!

Recipe 7: honey cake custard

  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 1-1.5 tablespoons flour
  • 1 egg
  • 2 cups milk

Pour a glass of sugar into a thick-walled saucepan.

and 1-1.5 tablespoons of flour, mix well.

Add the egg.

Grind everything to a white mass.

Pour in milk, mix thoroughly and put the pan over low heat. Stir the cream constantly. But do not let it boil, as soon as it starts gurgling, bubbles appear and the cream begins to thicken, you can turn it off.

Here is such a smooth cream, similar to condensed milk. Now it remains only to miss them the cake.

Recipe 8: Custard Chocolate Cake Cream

Thick, stringy, glossy and very chocolatey in taste. Such a cream is an indispensable ingredient for pastries and cakes, a wonderful independent dessert and a very appetizing addition to a morning bun or toast.

  • Chicken egg (yolk) - 4 pcs.
  • Milk - 500 ml
  • Sugar - 100 g
  • Corn starch - 2 tablespoons
  • Wheat flour - 2 tablespoons
  • Black chocolate - 1 bar (90-100 g)
  • Cocoa powder - 1-2 tablespoons
  • Butter - 20-50 g (optional)

Separate the egg yolks from the whites. Add sugar. Beat the yolks for a few minutes, until the sugar dissolves and a light, airy mixture is obtained.

Add 1-2 tbsp. cocoa powder, a pinch of salt, 2 tbsp. starch and 2 tbsp. flour and mix everything thoroughly again.

Measure out milk and add chocolate. Bring the milk to a boil over low heat, stirring occasionally, until the chocolate is completely dissolved.

Gradually, stirring occasionally, add the hotter to the whipped yolks. chocolate milk... Add milk in portions and stir constantly. First add 1-2 tablespoons. milk to warm up the mixture, and then gradually increase its amount - this way the yolks will not curdle due to the high temperature.

After pouring in about half of the hot milk, the cooled part can be added at one time, pouring in a thin stream.

Strain the resulting mixture and pour into a saucepan or saucepan.

Place the cream on little fire and, stirring constantly with a whisk, cook until thick.

The process may take several minutes, but gradually the foam on the surface of the mixture will disappear and the mass will become dense and shiny.

The readiness of the cream can be seen visually - quite clear traces of the corolla remain on the surface of the cream. Another classic test- Dip a spoon into the cream and then lift it over the container. The finished chocolate custard will wrap a thick layer around the spoon and drain off the spoon in a single thread. Slide your finger over the spoon - there should be a clear path.

Turn off heat and transfer cream to a container or bowl for final cooling. At this stage, it is already quite thick, but as it cools, it will thicken more.

Place the pieces of butter on top of the hot cream. Having melted, the butter forms a kind of protective layer on the cream, due to which a film does not form on the surface of the chilled cream. When the cream is completely cool, beat it again until smooth.

If you don't have butter at hand, you can line the surface of the cream with cling film, so that the film touches the cream.

Make a custard chocolate cream for a cake is very simple. Bon Appetit!

Recipe 9: poppy seed custard for a pancake cake

  • Milk - 400 ml;
  • Yolks - 3 pcs.;
  • Sugar - 4 tablespoons;
  • Vanillin - on the tip of a knife or a bag vanilla sugar;
  • Flour - 2 tablespoons with a slide;
  • Butter - 1 tablespoon;
  • Dry poppy seeds - 2 tablespoons.

Divide the milk into two equal parts. We put one on the stove in a non-stick dish, preferably in a cast iron with thick walls.

In a separate bowl, grind sugar and yolks with a spoon.

Add flour, vanillin (with it, the cream is even tastier and more aromatic), and grind even more.

Add softened butter, grind everything until smooth.

And little by little we pour in the second part of the milk, stirring, so that a homogeneous pouring mass without lumps is obtained.

When the milk on the stove heats up and is about to boil, mix the cream blank again and pour it into the hot milk in a thin stream, stirring constantly.

Cook the cream over low heat until thickened, stirring for about 7-10 minutes. At first it is liquid, but closer to readiness it quickly becomes thick and begins to gurgle. So it's time to take it off the fire.

Add poppy seeds.

Stir the custard with poppy seeds and set aside to cool.

Very often, the taste and tenderness of the cake depends precisely on the cream. Therefore, many hostesses for a certain type of dough eventually choose some of their own specific impregnation. Some people like to coat mascarpone cakes with sugar, others prefer whipped cream to everything, and some stick to the buttery textures.

But there is a versatile option that will be great with honey baked goods, will win the hearts of fans of "Napoleon" and even make eclairs the most beloved cakes. This is a classic custard. Don't be intimidated by its name. You don't have to cook for hours for him. In fact, you will spend only 5-10 minutes near the stove. However, prepare a consistency so delicious that you will be happy to tuck it in spoons like a regular dessert.

There are a huge number of recipes: with eggs and only with proteins or yolks, with milk and sour cream, with flour and starch, with and without butter. You can also add condensed milk, nut flavors, vanilla or fruit flavors. A drop of color or cocoa powder will delight you with beautiful shades. Try the good old classics and the custard becomes your signature.

As a child, I could not stand "Napoleon", because in cooking, the cream was always made of such a huge amount of oil that it was simply impossible to eat it. Because of childhood memories, I didn't even want to try it for a long time already in adulthood.

But once visiting a friend for tea, my "dislike" disappeared at once. And all thanks to the fact that the layer of crispy cakes was made from custard with condensed milk. From that evening at home, I also began to spoil my relatives from time to time with this wonderful cake.

There are only 5 components, and the taste is reminiscent of the ice cream "Creme brulee", beloved since Soviet times.


  • Condensed milk - 1 glass.
  • Flour, granulated sugar, milk - ½ cup each.
  • Fresh egg yolks - 4 pcs.


1. Combine granulated sugar with warm yolks and shake them well with a whisk to get homogeneous mass... Pour flour there and knead it well with it again to make a mass that looks like gruel.

2. We put the container on the minimum heating and immediately pour in the milk in a trickle, be sure to continuously whisk with a whisk so that both substances quickly combine without lumps.

You can even use the mixer at low speed all the time the future cream is heating.

3. Bring to a boil and remove from the stove. Stir in condensed milk in portions, beat again and send the finished dessert to cool in the refrigerator.

When cooling, it is better to tighten the surface with a film so that a dry crust does not appear.

4. Now all that remains is to miss puff pastry and let it soak.

Bon Appetit!

Homemade custard cream with milk

It just so happened that custard is usually prepared on the basis of milk. You can take home and store. I really like the delicate hint of baked milk. It remains even in a thermally processed dish.

In order not to spoil the aroma of delicate impregnation, remember that all dishes during cooking must be clean, odorless and always dry. Culinary products require delicate handling, then they will delight you with their taste and aroma perfection.


  • Milk - 0.5 l.
  • Granulated sugar - 250 gr.
  • Butter - 100 gr.
  • Vanilla sugar - 11 gr.
  • Fresh egg yolks - 4 pcs.
  • Flour top grade- 3 tbsp. l.


1. First, we need to warm all the components to room temperature. Therefore, we take out butter, eggs and milk at least a quarter of an hour before cooking and set them to warm up. The whites can be immediately separated from the yolks and put back in a cold place - we only need the yellow parts of the eggs.

2. While there is time, let’s sift the flour. This can be done immediately with vanilla sugar to eliminate any lumps in both bulk products.

Vanilla sugar can be replaced with cooking vanillin powder, but its amount should not exceed 2 grams, because it will start to taste bitter.

3. Add sugar to a bowl with yolks and mix them with a whisk or mixer at low speed. Pour milk into a bowl of flour in portions and also beat thoroughly to get a homogeneous mixture. We combine both liquids into a single mass and mix everything again, but already slightly increase the whipping speed.

If sugar is replaced by icing sugar then the cream will naturally "bleach".

4. We put the workpiece to heat up over low heat. So that it does not burn and thickens evenly, we continue whipping movements with our hand all the time. As soon as it begins to boil, remove the thickened cream from the stove to the table and let it cool slightly.

5. Add the melted butter and beat until the two structures come together. A slightly warm mass can be immediately applied to the cake for better impregnation.

Bon Appetit!

Sour cream that you want to eat with spoons

There is nothing easier than dissolving sugar in sour cream and smear biscuits with this mixture. However, we do not want our masterpiece to look like a daub of handicraft production, but almost like the great pastry chefs, so let's make a wonderful sour cream custard "Sundae".

And so that the sour cream does not turn away during cooking, it is best to use a water bath instead of directly heating it on the stove.


  • 20% sour cream - 350 gr.
  • Butter - 120 gr.
  • Granulated sugar - 110 gr.
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Flour - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Vanillin is on the tip of a knife.


1. Put sour cream in a small saucepan and add granulated sugar with an egg to it, and also add sifted flour with vanilla. Mix everything well so that all the components come together.

2. Place a saucepan with the prepared mass in another with boiling water and keep the cream on this steam bath, stirring all the time.

3. As soon as it thickens so much that the trail from the spoon does not drain, you can stop languishing and remove to cool for at least half an hour. Just be sure to close it with a film so that it lies directly on the cream and does not allow air to penetrate inside.

4. Using a mixer, add an airy consistency to the warm oil and immediately begin to mix the cooled sour cream in portions.

5. The fully bonded mass will become very stable and at the same time lush. Outwardly, it will resemble an oil cream, but it will not be so oily.

With a culinary syringe, you can not only decorate and layer cakes, but also place charming delicious curls on cupcakes.

Bon Appetit!

How to make a delicious custard for eclairs

Remember before the eclairs were filled with thick butter cream? I could only eat this with terribly hot tea and then only half of the cake. Then there was a time when these delicious airy "molds" of dough were filled with protein filling. It became tastier, but somehow, in my opinion, there was no complete harmony.

But the custard filling makes the eclairs simply unique and you want to eat them again and again. The same is with profiteroles!


  • Milk - 0.5 l.
  • Butter 200 gr.
  • Granulated sugar - 180 gr.
  • Egg - 2 pcs.
  • Flour - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 tsp


1. Sift flour into a deep bowl and immediately add eggs and half granulated sugar to it.

2. Stir until smooth and light foam on the surface of the mixture.

3. To speed up the process, in parallel we put milk with the remains of regular and vanilla sugar and heat over medium heat. As soon as it starts to boil, take a ladle of hot vanilla milk and pour it into the sweet egg-flour mixture in a thin stream, whisking as quickly as possible so that the eggs do not have time to brew.

4. Pour the resulting mass into boiling milk, stirring it also quickly. Then we languish, stirring, until thickened. Usually, the cream becomes viscous by the time it boils.

5. Cool and stir in warm oil to make a smooth, thick and pliable cream. We chill it in the refrigerator and start the eclairs.

Bon Appetit!

Delicious and simple recipe for custard with starch

The custard made from starch is called Patisier. But it seems to me that it lacks a little creamy note and splendor. Therefore, I would like to improve it quite a bit with the help of heavy cream whipped to a snow-white mass. You will get a very beautiful noble look, like soft ice cream, only much tastier!


  • 6% milk - 500 ml.
  • 33% cream - 320 ml.
  • Granulated sugar - 150 gr.
  • 72% butter - 50 gr.
  • Egg - 4 pcs.
  • Starch - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Vanillin is on the tip of a knife.


1. Separate the yolks from three eggs and combine them with 1 whole egg. Pour sugar with starch and vanilla there, mix well. With a constant circular motion, pour in portions of fatty milk with a whisk.

2. The resulting mixture is sent over medium heat to thicken. As soon as it looks like liquid semolina, add oil and stir it in, and then turn off the heating.

Be sure to stir the thickening piece all the time so that it does not turn into a kind of lumpy jelly!

3. Covering tightly with cellophane, leave the finished dessert to cool. Then it can be used as it is, or we can improve it a little.

4. Beat heavy cream with a mixer until stable smooth peaks.

5. Spoonfully add the whipped cream to the chilled cream and use a pastry spatula to combine them with stirring movements. We continue this way until we combine both mixtures. Let it cool in the refrigerator and you can eat it as it is, or use it for confectionery purposes.

Bon Appetit!

Cooking custard for a honey cake without eggs - lick your fingers

I know that there are people who should not eat eggs. But they, too, deserve to enjoy delicious pastries coated with delicious custard. How can a pastry chef be here?

It turns out that you can cook a sweet addition to honey cakes absolutely without eggs! Like this? After all, they help to tie together all the ingredients?

And just add a little more flour instead of the chicken product! Its gluten will be enough for a great, thick, creamy sweetness.


  • Milk - 100 ml.
  • Granulated sugar - 1.5 cups.
  • Butter - 150 gr.
  • Flour of the highest grade - 6 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar - 1.5 cups
  • Vanillin - 1.5 gr.


1. Pour milk into a saucepan and dissolve granulated sugar and vanilla in it. We put to heat over low heat.

2. Melt the butter in another saucepan. So that it does not immediately start burning, it is desirable that the bottom of the dish is thick and evenly slowly heated over low heat.

3. As soon as a piece of butter turns into a liquid consistency, pour flour into it and immediately stir thoroughly so that there are no clots. We continue to fry this mixture, stirring occasionally, for about 3 minutes.

4. By this time, the milk will be hot enough, but not yet boil. Pour it in a thin stream into the oil-flour mixture, quickly connecting them with a whisk.

5. We continue to cook our billet, without stopping the slow beating, until we get the cream thickness that suits us. At this stage, you can add any food colorings and aroma additives.

6. Turn off the heating, let it cool to room temperature, and then put it covered in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. Beat again to give the cream an airy lightness and use as directed.

Bon Appetit!

Video on how to make awesomely delicious caramel cream for Napoleon, Honey cake, Anthill

If you want your cakes to melt in your mouth, then I highly recommend cooking this the most delicate dessert with caramel flavor. It is suitable for any cake or pastries, and the creamy mass is guaranteed to be whipped into a fluffy mass.

The classic biscuit custard recipe

For biscuits, such an impregnation is ideal, which will contain a minimum or no butter. The classic custard based on yolks and milk immediately comes to mind.

Why not use a whole egg or whites? The thing is that, due to inexperience, you can accidentally "brew" proteins, and curdled white blotches will only worsen the taste and the texture itself will become heterogeneous.


  • Milk - 0.5 l.
  • Granulated sugar - 200 gr.
  • Chicken yolks - 4 pcs.
  • Flour of the highest grade - 50 gr.
  • Vanillin powder - ½ tsp


1. We put the milk to boil over medium heat so that it does not run away and acquire a burnt smell.

2. Grind sugar and yolks in a deep cup. Add vanilla powder and flour, which has been sifted in advance. We combine these components by mixing.

3. At this point, the milk has already begun to boil. We turn off its heating. Pour half of the boiling liquid into the yolk-flour mass with a quick beating so that the yolks do not grab into thick lumps. Be sure to bring it to homogeneity.

4. Now pour the resulting liquid mash into the milk, also quickly working with a whisk. Turn on the slow heating again and wait for the cream to thicken.

5. Put in a resealable container and cool first on the table and then in the refrigerator. Cover the biscuits evenly and let them brew a little to get a unified taste.

Bon Appetit!

Homemade eggs and milk are best for rich flavor and great consistency. Powder instead of granulated sugar will add more airiness and a delicate white tint.

And two more small secrets of a successful cream: heating should be carried out over low heat so that the workpiece does not thicken too quickly. And so that it does not burn, there are no lumps and the process of thermal exposure is uniform, it is imperative to constantly stir.

Many cakes have aromas of vanilla, amaretto, rum, citrus or coffee, so you can add these aromas not only to the cake dough, but also to the spread.

If you want the biscuits to be quickly saturated with custard and there is not even a hint of a thick layer between them, then it is best to coat them with a still warm sweet mass. The chilled cream will create a small layer between the cakes from any dough.

But you can not only smear a wonderful thick gruel. Nobody forbids using it instead of mousses, cake decorations, instead of chocolate paste etc. Eat as you like it!

Bon appetit and delicious desserts with classic homemade custard recipes!

Custard- this is not only a delicious impregnation for all kinds of cakes, it can act as an independent dessert, in addition to cakes or eclairs. There are thousands of variations in custard preparation, but many still avoid cooking it, as they are afraid that it will not turn out elastic, without lumps, melting in the mouth. Therefore, our magazine has collected the most popular and easy-to-prepare recipes for custards just for you.

The main thing in the article

Classic custard: a step-by-step recipe with a photo

Classic or traditional recipe cooked in canteens in the USSR, and if anyone remembers this unforgettable taste, then making a custard using the technology below, plunge into the memories of youth or childhood. For the classic (traditional) option, you need to collect the following products:

  • Pasteurized milk - 500 ml.
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp.
  • Four eggs.
  • Oils - 50 g.
  • Wheat flour - 4 tbsp.
  • Vanilla sugar one packet.

The cream is prepared like this:

Traditional or classic cream can be used not only "for the intended purpose", but as an addition to the patches. By the way, you will find recipes for delicious cakes in the article: "".

Delicate custard for napoleon: recipe

Napoleon cake differs in many thin cakes, so there are special criteria for the cream. It should be moderately thick, smooth, even in consistency. This is the perfect custard for soaking napoleon that we offer. You need to prepare:

  • Milk - 2 tbsp.
  • Powdered sugar - 300 g.
  • 5 tablespoons of wheat flour.
  • 2 packs (400 g) - oils.
  • 1/2 pack of vanilla sugar.

Cooking like this:

  1. Pour half of the milk into a bowl with a thick bottom, put on the fire to boil.
  2. Introduce the second half of the milk wheat flour, add vanilla, beat.
  3. As soon as the milk begins to boil, pour (little by little) the prepared mass of milk with flour into it.
  4. Cook, stirring occasionally, for 3-5 minutes, until the whole mixture is quite thick.
  5. Remove from heat and leave to cool.
  6. Send the icing sugar to the butter (softened) and grind. A viscous mixture should come out.
  7. When the custard mixture has cooled well, mix it with the sweet butter. To make the mixture homogeneous, initially add a few tablespoons of custard to the butter, beat, then repeat until all the custard is finished. Send in the cold for half an hour.

Napoleon with this cream turns out with a rich creamy aftertaste, while it comes out soft and tender.

Classic honey custard

With this cream, honey cake cakes are soaked in a couple of hours. It perfectly sets off the taste honey cakes... If you don't have a favorite recipe for honey cakes yet, then take a look and choose the recipe that you like the most. But back to the cream, you need to purchase for it:

  • Milk - 500 ml.
  • Granulated sugar - 0.5-1 tbsp (those who like it sweeter choose a larger proportion).
  • Two eggs.
  • Wheat flour - 4 tbsp.
  • Oil - 150 g.
  • Vanilla.

By following these steps you will get the best cream to lubricate the honey cake:

  1. Pour wheat flour and sugar into a bowl, stir.
  2. Beat eggs into dry mixture, season with vanilla. Beat everything.
  3. Without stopping whisking, pour in milk. This is done little by little, in a thin stream. As a result, there should be a lump-free consistency.
  4. Place it on the stove and brew, stirring continuously, and when the cream becomes thick, remove from heat.
  5. Melt butter and pour into the custard. Stir, let cool.

After cooling down, grease the honey cake. After 2-4 hours, you can enjoy a delicious, soft cake.

How to make custard for eclairs: a recipe with a photo

Eclairs - delicious cakes that both adults and children adore. They are prepared from a minimum of components, and as a result, you get a lot of delicacies for the whole family. The taste of eclairs is 80% dependent on the cream with which they are filled. We offer to prepare the most awesome custard for eclairs. Products to have:

  • Milk - 2 tbsp.
  • Two eggs.
  • Butter (butter) - 100 g.
  • Granulated sugar - 150 g.
  • Flour - 4 tbsp.

We make the cream like this:

Custard butter cream: the most delicious recipe

Presence a large number oil makes such a cream delicate, but at the same time keeping its shape. It is simply made for soaking biscuits and decorating all kinds of desserts.

First, we prepare the products:

  • Milk - 1 tbsp.
  • Oils - 1 pack or 200 g.
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp.
  • One egg.
  • Flour - 2 tbsp.
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 pack.

Let's start the process of "creating" a delicious product:

  1. Place the egg in a container, add sugar, beat.
  2. Pour flour little by little, mix until smooth.
  3. Send 1/4 of the milk to the mixture, stir. After - add more milk, and so, until it ends, stir constantly.
  4. Brew the resulting mixture over a fire until the characteristic thickness. The process of this "brew" is similar to the preparation of pudding.
  5. Allow to cool to room temperature. Add butter (pre-softened), beat with a mixer until smooth. This usually takes 5 minutes. It should look like whipped cream.

Oil and custard must be at the same temperature. If after beating the mass peels off one another, put the mixture in the refrigerator for half an hour and beat again.

No butter custard recipe

Many people do not consume butter for special reasons (diet, medical reasons). But this is not a reason to refuse such a dessert as custard, because you can exclude this product from it without a twinge of conscience. For such a "naked" dessert you need to purchase:

  • Milk - 0.5 l.
  • Four eggs.
  • Granulated sugar - 250 g.
  • Wheat flour - 2 tbsp.
  • Vanilla sugar, one sachet.

The cooking method is as follows:

  1. For the dish, you only need yolks, and what to do with the proteins - come up with yourself. Grind the yolks with sugar.
  2. Add flour, beat well. There should be no lumps in the mixture.
  3. Introduce milk. This is done with a thin stream, while you need to interfere without stopping.
  4. Brew over the fire (about 8-10 minutes). The resulting composition should be moderately thick, but elastic.
  5. Add vanilla sugar. For a light airiness of the cream, beat with a mixer for 3 minutes.

The resulting version of the cream may well become an independent dessert. You just need to add some fruit to it.

Milk custard

The recipe is ideal for those who often have custard on tables and not only in cakes, pastries, buns, but also eat with a spoon with grated chocolate sprinkled on top. It turns out to be moderately sweet, so it is suitable for “pampering” children with delicious food. Prepare such a dessert for children - they will certainly appreciate it. You need to prepare the following products:

  • Milk - 800-1000 ml (density depends on the volume).
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp.
  • Three eggs.
  • Wheat flour - 5 tbsp.
  • Oil - 100 g.

Brewed milk cream in the following way:

  1. Turn the eggs and half the sugar into a froth by beating.
  2. Mix the flour with the remaining granulated sugar and slowly pour into the egg foam.
  3. When the egg mass is homogeneous, pour cold milk in a small stream, while not forgetting to stir.
  4. Put the liquid mixture to brew, stirring constantly, bring to the first bubbles on the surface. Boil for another 3 minutes.
  5. Remove from the stove when it cools slightly - add oil. As it melts, beat a little with a spoon.

Simple Egg-Free Custard Recipe

Do you believe you can make a great custard without the presence of eggs? At the same time, it will be not only tasty, but also elastic, keep its shape well, and another important factor - beautiful in appearance. Try this one quick recipe, and for sure, it will end up in your beloved piggy bank. Cooking components:

  • Milk - 250 ml.
  • Oil - 1 pack (200 g).
  • Sugar - 250 g.
  • Wheat flour - 2 tbsp.
  • Vanilla sugar - sachet.

So, let's prepare:

  1. Be sure to soften the oil (you can leave it on the table for a couple of hours). Pour vanilla into it.
  2. Send 1/2 milk to the fire, add sugar. Wait until it melts and the milk boils.
  3. Beat the remaining milk with flour until smooth.
  4. Pour it slowly into boiling milk.
  5. Brew until the consistency of sour cream is obtained.
  6. Cool, add softened butter.
  7. Beat with a mixer. Once the cream is smooth, it can be used as directed.

Thick custard with starch

Starch is an excellent thickener that can be used as a substitute for wheat flour in custards. In this case, the taste of the ultimately obtained dish will only benefit, since it will be more delicate. We prepare the following products:

  • Pasteurized milk - 500 ml.
  • Oil - 1 pack.
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp.
  • One egg.
  • Starch - 3 tbsp
  • Half a packet of vanilla sugar.

Cooking process:

  1. Combine sugar and starch, beat in an egg, grind.
  2. Dilute the resulting mixture with slightly warmed pasteurized milk.
  3. Brew the resulting composition to the required consistency.
  4. Remove, cool, add vanilla sugar and pre-whipped butter.

If you use cornstarch, the dish will end up being more tender.

Creamy Caramel Custard: The Original Recipe

You won't surprise anyone with custard, but if you serve a dessert with butter caramel cream to your guests, then words of praise and surprise to the new taste are guaranteed to you. Necessary products for butter caramel cream:

  • Milk - 250 ml.
  • Water - 50 ml.
  • 150 g of granulated sugar and butter.
  • Flour - 2 tbsp.
  • Vanilla sugar.

Creamy caramel custard is prepared like this:

  1. Boil the milk, ground with flour, to a creamy consistency.
  2. Beat butter (soften it beforehand) with a third part of sugar with a mixer.
  3. Add the cooled cooked mass, beat until the cream begins to thicken.
  4. For caramel, pour water into a cauldron or a saucepan with a thick bottom, add the sugar that remains.
  5. Dissolve sugar completely over low heat. When the syrup acquires a beautiful golden hue and becomes stringy, remove from the stove.
  6. Mix the slightly cooled caramel with a mixer into the thickened cream. The mixture should be like whipped cream.

If the caramel lays down in a thick layer on the walls of the dishes in which it is cooked, while there is an increased viscosity, this means that the caramel is burnt.

How to make curd custard for eclairs

Cottage cheese is very useful for children, but very often they simply cannot be forced to eat it in its pure form. What can you think of? Treat your children to eclairs with curd cream... They contain minimal amount sugar, while maximally filled with tasty and healthy cottage cheese... For a useful cream you need:

  • Whole cottage cheese 200–250 g (you can also use fat-free);
  • Milk - 500 ml.
  • Sugar - 150-200 g.
  • Butter - 1 pack (200 g).
  • Wheat flour - 6 tbsp.
  • 1/2 packet vanilla sugar

A healthy cream is prepared as follows:

  1. Initially, you should add a few tablespoons of milk to the flour, stir so that the mixture is free of lumps. After - introduce the rest of the milk.
  2. Brew until thick on the stove. Cool down.
  3. Combine butter with sugar. The oil should be softened. Beat with a mixer.
  4. Now, at low speed, add brewed milk, whole cottage cheese and vanilla sugar into the butter mixture. When the consistency is uniform, the cream is ready.

Best Protein Custard Recipe

How to make sour cream custard?

The peculiarity of a custard using sour cream is its density. It perfectly withstands the weight of the cakes, does not leak. At the same time, the taste is distinguished by its softness and amazing tenderness.

Cooking products:

  • Sour cream - 150 ml.
  • Sugar - 75-100 g.
  • Butter -100 g.
  • One egg.
  • Wheat flour - 15 g.
  • 1/2 packet vanilla sugar

Now step-by-step cooking such a cream:

  1. Drive an egg into a bowl with a thick bottom, add granulated sugar and send over low heat.
  2. As soon as it starts to boil, add flour, grind, so that there are no lumps.
  3. Last of all, add sour cream, vanilla sugar. As soon as it boils, remove from heat.
  4. Beat butter (pre-softened) until fluffy.
  5. Add the cooled custard mixture to the butter and beat until the mixture acquires a homogeneous consistency.
  6. Send in the cold for a few hours. During this time butter cream will become dense.

Chocolate custard with cocoa

This custard will add a new flavor to any sweet dish. You can compare such a cream with Nutella. It is great to use on bread and drink with tea. To prepare such a "yummy" you will need to prepare:

  • Milk - 500 ml.
  • Powdered cocoa - 5 tbsp
  • Sugar - 250 g.
  • Coffee - 1 tsp, instant coffee is perfect.
  • Oil - 100 g.
  • Wheat flour - 2 tablespoons
  • Vanilla sugar optional.

Let's get down to the cooking process:

  1. Stir sugar with cocoa and wheat flour.
  2. Warm up some milk and add it to the dry mixture.
  3. Send everything to the stove, when it starts gurgling - add coffee.
  4. After dissolving it, add butter to the cream. In order for it to dissolve faster, you need to cut it into cubes.
  5. After dissolving the oil and thickening, remove the cream from the heat.

Orange Zest Custard Recipe

For some reason, oranges and tangerines are always associated with the holiday, so custard with orange will look great in festive dessert... We prepare the following products:

  • Freshly squeezed orange juice - 100 g.
  • Sugar - 250 g.
  • One egg.
  • Oil - 50-100 g.
  • Orange zest - 1 tsp
  • Wheat flour - 40 g.

Preparing holiday cream So:

  1. To achieve a richer aftertaste, you need to grind the orange zest with granulated sugar with your hands and let this mixture stand for thirty minutes.
  2. Pour flour into this aromatic sugar, beat in an egg. Beat with a mixer.
  3. Add orange juice and brew everything.
  4. After boiling and thickening, add butter.
  5. After cooling down orange cream used for desserts.

Classic custard: video recipes

You may be interested in recipes for delicious homemade ice cream. You can find them in our article: ““.

Fragrant and delicate, homemade custard is still one of the main fillers for pastries, cakes, eclairs.

Today you will learn how to make a custard to delight yourself with the taste that comes from childhood.

Classic recipe with vanilla

A fragrant custard for a cake is prepared simply, it is only at first glance that many housewives consider its preparation problematic, in fact, the preparation takes place according to the following scheme:

  • 250 g butter;
  • a glass of milk;
  • 350 gr. powdered sugar;
  • 4 tablespoons flour;
  • 0.5 teaspoon vanilla.

Homemade custard is prepared according to the following instructions:

  1. Mix half a glass of milk with all the flour, break up the lumps using a mixer.
  2. Combine the remaining milk with vanilla, send over medium heat and bring to a state close to a boil. Pour the milk-flour mixture into the boiling milk with a thin thread (wait until the cream begins to thicken well). After that, remove the container from the heat and cool.
  3. Soften the butter and whisk with the icing sugar. Combine the resulting sugar-butter mass with chilled cream and beat.

The classic custard is ready to spread over any cake base.

Filling for eclairs

A simple recipe for custard filling for eclairs. Prepared according to this recipe, it comes out tender, light and tasty. Take:

  • half a liter of lukewarm milk;
  • sugar - glass:
  • 4 things. cold chicken yolk;
  • sifted flour - 50 gr.;
  • vanilla - on the tip of a knife.

Milk custard is prepared according to a certain technology. Cooking consists of the following stages:

  1. Boil milk over low heat. Whisk the yolks thoroughly with sugar, add vanilla and wheat flour to them.
  2. Stir the yolks and pour in warm milk. After that, put the resulting substance on moderate heat and bring to a state close to a boil.
  3. Boil the future shaving brush for about 5-10 minutes if you want to achieve greater thickening.
  4. When you achieve the desired thickness, turn off the heat and cool the "brew".

Such an additive can decorate the taste of not only eclairs, but also any other cakes.

Protein traditional recipe

From the children's point of view, the most delicious custard of all varieties. After all, it is his first thing that kids eat from the upper tiers of cakes, from biscuit cakes and filling eclairs. The following components are required:

  • granulated sugar - a glass;
  • egg whites - 4 pieces;
  • glass of water;
  • lemon acid - half a small spoon.

An excellent custard is being prepared step by step in the following sequence:

  1. Pour sugar and lemon acid with water. Boil over medium heat until the initial boil marks.
  2. After everything boils, increase the heat and make a "soft ball test" (see below) after 45 minutes.
  3. Let the syrup cool slightly. Whisk the cool whites into a strong, fluffy froth.
  4. Continuing to beat the whites, add sugar syrup to their composition. Continue whisking for 15 minutes.

A fluffy and perfectly shaped protein custard is ready. Feel free to use it in your culinary experiments.

Tip: "test on the ball" - pour the sugar syrup into a bowl of cool water with a spoon. After a minute, try rolling it into a ball. If possible, then he is ready.

Egg-free recipe

Napoleon's custard can be made without eggs. Its taste will turn out to be no less pleasant, and you will spend a minimum of food for cooking. Take:

  • milk (warm) half a liter + 150 gr.;
  • granulated sugar - a couple of glasses;
  • wheat flour - 6 tbsp. spoons;
  • a pack of butter;
  • vanilla to taste.

A simple custard without using eggs is prepared like this:

  1. Put half a liter of milk with sugar on a low heat and bring it to a boil.
  2. Beat the rest of the milk with a mixer, mixing it with the flour. You should have a creamy, lump-free consistency.
  3. Pour the boiled milk with sugar into the mixture of milk and flour, mix well.
  4. Put on low heat and cook until boiling, stirring occasionally.
  5. When the smear thickens, sprinkle with vanilla and leave to cool.
  6. After all manipulations, stir the mixture with whipped butter.

This recipe is suitable for all types of baked goods.

Orange original recipe

For gourmets who are looking for new culinary solutions, we offer interesting recipe orange juice smears. You will need:

  • orange juice - a glass;
  • half a glass of sugar;
  • chicken eggs - a couple;
  • wheat flour - a tablespoon.

Photo confectionery with orange filling surprise with a riot of colors. Cooking scheme:

  1. Bring the juice to a boil over medium heat.
  2. Combine sugar, eggs, and flour in a separate bowl and pour the mixture into boiling juice.
  3. Stir without lowering the temperature. Bring to a thick condition.
  4. Remove it from the stove and cool.

Great filling for many ready-to-eat sweets.

Filling for "Napoleon" with walnuts

When preparing the famous Napoleon cake, you really want to diversify the classic spread with something new and unusual. The culinary specialist does not quite come to the rescue classic recipe cream with nuts. Take:

  • milk - glass;
  • egg;
  • one and a half tablespoons of flour;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • 1.5 packs of plums. oils;
  • a couple of spoons of crushed walnuts;
  • vanilla sugar - to taste.

It is easy to prepare a new type of cake filling on your own. Follow these instructions:

  1. Beat the egg with sugar. Combine well beaten egg with vanilla, milk and flour. Place the resulting mixture over moderate heat and bring to a boil. Make sure that the mixture is not burnt during the cooking process. After boiling, remove the container from the heat and cool.
  2. Pass the nuts (fried or dried) through a meat grinder or blender.
  3. Add softened butter to your future homemade custard. Throw nuts there. Whisk everything thoroughly again.

The proudly named nut spread for the cake is ready. It will add spice to the dessert and add a new flavor to it.

Condensed milk recipe

For your favorite biscuit or cookie, you can try learning how to make condensed milk custard. This recipe does not require hassle, and the result will satisfy even a sophisticated sweet tooth. Need to:

  • a glass of milk;
  • flour - a couple of st. spoons;
  • sugar - a couple of tbsp. spoons;
  • vanillin - to taste;
  • butter - 100 gr.;
  • condensed milk - 200 gr.

Independent cooking process tasty addition to your favorite desserts:

  1. Send flour and sugar to an enamel saucepan, into which you first pour milk.
  2. Stir everything and place the container on low heat. Simmer on low heat until thickened, stirring continuously. If you do not trust yourself or the stove, it is better to choose a water bath for cooking.
  3. Connect the finished product with butter and condensed milk. Add vanilla to taste and beat thoroughly with a mixer.

Fragrant and delicate, the most delicious custard is ready. Try not to eat it before it hits the sponge cake.

Chocolate paradise

For the avid sweets lovers, we offer a very simple recipe for custard with chocolate flavor. Take:

  • egg yolks - a couple;
  • milk glass;
  • flour - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • starch from potatoes - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • black bitter chocolate - 50 gr.;
  • cocoa powder - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • soft butter - 100 gr.;
  • sugar - 150 gr.

Believe me, preparing delicious topping for dessert dishes will captivate any culinary specialist. Prepare chocolate custard at home using the following plan:

  1. Put the chocolate in a saucepan with milk and put it on the stove, let it warm.
  2. Turn sugar with yolks into a thick foam. Send starch, cocoa and flour there. Pour the chocolate milk into this mixture with a thin thread. While doing this, do not stop stirring.
  3. Stir the whole mixture and send over low heat. Boil until the desired thickness, stirring occasionally.
  4. Add the whipped butter at the end and work with the mixer one more time.

Delicious sweet addition to desserts is prepared. Use it for all types of baked goods, greasing the cakes liberally.

Now you are convinced that making custard is not as difficult as you previously thought. Prepare interesting desserts with your own hands using the suggested recipes.

Video: Cooking a fluffy and white custard