Home / Buns / Pumpkin puree soup with shrimp recipe. Pumpkin soup with shrimps: recipe with photo

Pumpkin puree soup with shrimp recipe. Pumpkin soup with shrimps: recipe with photo

Pumpkin soup with shrimps - unusual dish by serving and by the combination of ingredients. However, the result will please both the hostess and her guests. This creamy pumpkin soup with shrimp can be a festive table decoration or an everyday gourmet dinner.

About the dish

Such a lunch will help out in any kitchen, as pumpkin cream soup with shrimp combines a main course and a side dish at once. Combination sweet pumpkin and seafood forms tender, extraordinary taste, so this lunch is able to diversify the everyday table.

In addition, soup with pumpkin and shrimp is also endowed with useful properties, so it is often included in the diet menu proper nutrition. Minimum heat treatment allows you to save useful material in a pumpkin, and this vegetable is a champion in the content of potassium, phosphorus and magnesium. Especially a lot of these minerals are found in seeds, so they should also be used in cooking. High-quality and fresh shrimp are rich in vitamins A, D, B and chitin, useful for digestion.

Pumpkin puree soup with shrimp is distinguished by its original serving, so you should work on decorations. For example, it is not necessary to cook soup from large shrimp, as they are still ground with a blender, and it is better to leave large ones for decoration when serving. You can fry them together with the rest and add a whole couple already on the plate. Pumpkin seeds should also go into business. They can be added during cooking, but it is better to grind them separately in advance, and then again in the soup. Then you can decorate with a handful of whole seeds ready meal. The main thing is that the seeds are dried and lightly calcined in a clean pan.

The readiness of shrimp when frying is determined by their appearance: They should become opaque and take on a reddish tint. If the pumpkin variety is too light and faded in color, you can add some carrots to the recipe. It will not only add a bright shade, but also diversify the taste. To prepare the right pumpkin soup with shrimp, you need to follow step by step recipe with photo.


Servings: - +

  • raw pumpkin 700 gr
  • shrimps 500 gr
  • cream 300 ml
  • garlic 3 cloves
  • parsley or cilantro taste
  • dried pumpkin seeds50 gr
  • salt, pepper, curry taste

Calories: 71.7 kcal

Proteins: 8.5 g

Fats: 2.8 g

Carbohydrates: 4.3 g

If you love pumpkin dishes, mashed soups and shrimp, then this is YOUR soup! I really like to cook this soup at a time when there is a large selection of pumpkins in the markets.

Pumpkin soup with shrimp is very fragrant, creamy, healthy, and hearty, besides. Preparing pumpkin soup with shrimp is also easy. You can cook it without carrots, but I once added it to the soup when the pumpkin was not very beautiful in color, but it turned out that the carrots added not only color to the soup, but also taste!

We will prepare all the products according to the list and prepare pumpkin soup with shrimp for the festive table.

We clean the pumpkin from the peel, seeds and fibers. Cut the pulp of the pumpkin into small cubes.

Transfer the pumpkin to a bowl. We add water.

Peel the carrots, wash and cut into slices.

Add carrots to the pumpkin in the pan. Salt and pepper the vegetables. We put the pan on the fire and cook the vegetables until fully prepared, minutes 25-30.

We check the readiness of vegetables by piercing them with a knife or fork. A well-cooked pumpkin starts to turn into a puree.

While the vegetables are cooking, let's take care of the shrimp. We will clean the shrimp from heads, shells, remove the intestinal wreath on the tail. I use two types of shrimp. I will add small shrimp directly to the soup, and leave large ones to serve the soup with festive table We're making holiday soup!

Heat up in a frying pan olive oil and either fry sliced ​​\u200b\u200bin plates on it fresh garlic until golden brown and remove it from the pan, or, like me, add ground garlic.

Add the shrimp to the garlic oil and cook them in a frying pan for 5-7 minutes, they should become reddish in color and opaque.

Remove the pot of vegetables from the heat. We punch the finished pumpkin with carrots with a blender in mashed potatoes. You can make puree with a potato masher.

This is the consistency of our soup. If you want the soup thinner, add a little boiling water to it.

At the very end, add cream.

Also, using a blender, mix all the components of the soup. We return the pot of soup to the stove and cook for another 5-7 minutes. The soup should warm up, but not boil. At the very end of cooking, put the shrimp in the soup, setting aside a few pieces for decoration.

Ready-made pumpkin soup with shrimp is poured into portioned plates. Decorate with shrimps, sprinkle pumpkin seeds and finely grated Parmesan cheese.

Festive, bright and very, very tasty!!

No first course is complete dinner table. True, over time, you start eating soup only out of obligation: recipes that are painfully familiar are no longer encouraging. Of course, you can decide to try something new, but the abundance of cooking methods stops. Which one to choose so as not to be disappointed in the experiment? Of course, pumpkin soup with shrimp! The taste is unusual, but not shocking, nothing is required for cooking super exotic. And it falls on the stomach easily, without making you regret your own adventurism.

Pumpkin soup with shrimps: a recipe with a photo for losing weight

Of course, it does not eliminate the need to visit the gym or pool. But it makes unnecessary the most severe diets, with which unfortunate ladies sometimes torment themselves. Tasty, low-calorie, satiating enough not to dream of an extra sandwich - and at the same time beautiful, which is important for a self-respecting gourmet. And the pumpkin soup with shrimp is cooked pretty quickly.

We take a pound of a sunny vegetable without skin and seeds, finely chop it and boil it in water, you can add dry vegetable mix. Together with dill and parsley (a couple of sprigs), we puree with a blender, pour the mass with a quarter liter of hot milk and let it boil. Boil large shrimp separately; pour the base on plates, lay out the marine inhabitants, a piece of butter and fresh herbs on top. The dinner is served!

A more satisfying option

Not everyone in our world loses weight, many need denser food. For them - pumpkin soup with shrimp, the recipe of which requires the presence of both additional vegetables and rich chicken broth. However, it can be replaced with vegetable broth, if you still want a relatively dietary dish.

Boil one and a half liters of broth; put in it a pound of pumpkin cubes. After the next boil, add a couple of potato straws, salt to them, season (Italian or Provence herbs will do) and cook until the vegetables are cooked.

Heat a little vegetable oil in a frying pan and fry very finely chopped carrots and onions. When the vegetables soften, pour in a couple of spoons of your favorite sweet and sour sauce and squeeze a quarter of a lemon. Roast in this environment king prawns at the rate of two pieces for each eater. We bring the finished base with a blender to a puree state, pour it into plates and supply with seafood. Before serving, sprinkle fragrant pumpkin soup with shrimps with chopped onion and season with sour cream. The perfect accompaniment to it will be white toast with a thin layer of butter.

with shrimp and coconut milk

An elegant and exotic recipe that will have to tinker with. Shrimps are needed large and raw, a dozen and a half pieces. We cut them according to all the rules, hide the pulp in the refrigerator, and fill the shells with half a liter cold water, add salt, season with allspice and ginger and set to cook for 10 minutes. Strain the finished broth.

We crush the garlic clove, chop 5 shallots, fry in olive oil, add cubes of a small pumpkin and pour in the shrimp broth. We keep on fire for a third of an hour under the lid until the main vegetable softens. Add a can of coconut milk to the mass and pierce all the components with a blender. Salt if needed.

Fry the reserved shrimp again in olive oil for about a minute and a half on each side. Transfer to a platter and sprinkle lemon juice. Pumpkin soup with shrimps and coconut milk pour into portioned cups, put seafood on top. It remains to season with the oil in which the chili pepper has been aged (bought or infused on its own), and ground red pepper.

Greek recipe

It is especially interesting in that the pumpkin does not need to be boiled, not stewed, but baked. We cut a half kilo of a medium-sized vegetable, lay it on a baking sheet, season with rosemary and thyme and sprinkle vegetable oil. Wrap the dish with foil and put in the oven for 40 minutes.

At the same time, simmer in a thick-bottomed saucepan for butter chopped garlic, onion, ginger and carrots - we take them to our liking. We also lay the pumpkin here, add a little water and simmer for about a quarter of an hour, after which we bring the vegetables to a smooth mass with a blender. Pour a full glass of coconut milk, add a couple of spoons and one - brown sugar. Now bring to a boil, and at the same time boil the shrimp in a separate saucepan. From three peeled shrimp, chopped with chili and cilantro and mixed with Sirtaki cream cheese, we form quenelles. The rest (a couple of pieces for each serving) are left whole. Distribute pumpkin soup with shrimp and coconut milk on plates, supplement with quenelles and whole seafood, decorate with herbs and feta cubes. No one will refuse such a luxury!

What will please Maria Kozhevnikova

This young actress has not only stage talent, but also culinary talent. The pumpkin soup with shrimp prepared according to her recipe will appeal to even the most picky aesthetes.

Pumpkin weighing 600 grams, freed from seeds and chopped, grease with honey, add salt, put in a heat-resistant bowl, add some water there and bake under foil for about half an hour. We cut a large onion into half rings and fry until golden in olive oil, then pour half a stack of dry white wine into the pan and simmer for about ten minutes. We put the finished pumpkin in a saucepan, pour half a liter of water, add two potatoes, diced - and keep on the stove until cooked. Then we combine the contents of the pot and pan and pierce the mass with a blender. Seafood by this point should already be boiled and cleaned. Pour the pumpkin soup (with shrimp as a decoration) into bowls, season with herbs. You can put a couple of drops of olive oil on the plates.

Original submission

Real aesthetes as containers from which this is eaten seductive soup, plates and cups must be rejected. The dish will become even more delicious if served directly in pumpkins.

You need to find small specimens, cut off the “hat” from them and clean out the fibers with seeds. The pulp inside, so that it is able to hold the soup, is smeared with olive oil. Now you have a real masterpiece waiting for you on the table of eaters!

Many have heard about the benefits of pumpkin, but not everyone cooks a variety of first, second courses and desserts from it. This is very healthy vegetable. If you have tried shrimp soup somewhere or found a recipe on the Internet, do not put it off for a long time, try to cook it as soon as possible. This original recipe and the dish is amazing. The taste is unusual, but you will appreciate the combination of your favorite shrimp with cream, fried onions with carrots and pumpkin.

This vegetable contains many vitamins and minerals useful for the human body. If you are on a sick diet, losing weight, playing sports and want to diversify your menu with a nutritious, healthy, but low-calorie soup, pumpkin and shrimp soup puree is exactly what you need! True, nutritionists advise taking yogurt or kefir instead of cream, and the recipe and cooking technology are the same.

Creamy shrimp soup will come out sunny, orange, and gentle combination shrimp with cream and an unusual hint of pumpkin, sautéed onions with carrots will win your heart for years. You will periodically cook for yourself and your family such an extravagant, tasty soup- puree. In autumn, stock up on pumpkins until early spring and eat a wonderful pumpkin-shrimp soup puree for health.

Pumpkin is excellently stored all winter on the balcony or in the basement, cellar. It contains many vitamins and microelements useful for humans. You can stock up on vegetables and cook an unusual creamy shrimp soup at least every week.


For this soup, you need not ordinary, but small bright orange pumpkins. If you have a dacha, buy seeds and grow your sunny pumpkins by autumn. In the meantime, walk around the market and be sure to find a similar pumpkin. For 3 or 4 servings, you need a small one, only 1 kg. To prepare a wonderful puree soup, you need the following products:


  1. Peel 2 garlic cloves. Heat up the skillet. Fry pre-peeled tiger prawns on it. Squeeze the garlic on top or finely chop and sauté with the seafood. Advice. If you bought frozen unpeeled shrimp, you need to remove the shell from them. The easiest way to do this is to pinch the tail, then tear off the head, and then the legs. Carefully remove the shell. Since the shrimp are large, you need to remove the insides. Cut open the tummy and carefully remove. Rinse each under running water, and you can start cooking.
  2. Peel pumpkin, potatoes and carrots. Put them in a saucepan. Salt. Bet on strong fire and boil until fully cooked.
  3. Are the vegetables soft? Take out and grind in a blender until homogeneous mass. Try, and the puree soup will turn out beautiful and delicate in taste. If it turns out too thin, you can make it thicker by adding flour with melted butter. If thick, add 15% or 20% cream.
  4. Add garlic-fried tiger prawns to soup puree.
  5. After cooking or in the process, be sure to taste the soup for salt. Shrimps live in salt water, and those who eat little salt may not need an extra serving. And if you like salty, then add salt to your liking.
  6. Sauteed onions with carrots are placed at the bottom of pots or deep plates, and shrimp are placed on top and “sunny” pumpkin puree soup is poured.
  7. If you have greens, for example, parsley, mint, lemon balm, dill and others, decorate the plate with it. A wonderful aroma emanates from the puree soup.
  8. Serve pumpkin shrimp soup warm or hot. Very tasty with shrimp potato chips or croutons with mayonnaise and garlic. You can add tomato or cucumber.

Seafood is very healthy. If you eat this puree soup every week, you will lay another brick of a healthy diet food. Scientists say that people who include shrimp in their diet are less likely to get sick with ODS, tolerate stress more easily, do not suffer from hormonal disruptions and do not gain weight, since seafood is low in calories. Cook often like this puree soup and you will be cheerful and healthy.

In contact with

Recipes for pumpkin puree soup are diverse, pumpkin goes well with meat, beans, potatoes and even shrimp. Fragrant, appetizing and quite satisfying pumpkin shrimp soup, cooked according to the method written below, will feed your family. Copy the recipe for pumpkin puree soup in a cookbook so as not to lose it, because the household will require repetition.

Pumpkin Soup Ingredients:

  • pumpkin - 800 gr.;
  • peeled shrimp (boiled) - 300 gr.;
  • onion - 1 onion;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • purified water - 800 ml;
  • cream 20% - 150 ml;
  • garlic - 2-3 cloves;
  • olive oil - for frying;
  • greens - 1 bunch;
  • nutmeg(ground) - 2 pinches;
  • ground pepper - to taste;
  • salt - to taste.

How to make a delicious pumpkin soup with shrimp:

Preparing Vegetables for Pumpkin Soup
Wash the pumpkin from dirt, peel, remove the core with seeds, cut into small cubes. Transfer to a suitable saucepan, fill with clean water and put on the stove, turning on medium fire.
clean, wash onion and carrots. Finely chop, throw into a hot frying pan with oil, fry until a golden hue appears.

Transfer the frying to a saucepan with pumpkin, add all the indicated seasonings, including salt.
Boil, then reduce the boiling point to a minimum and cook until the pumpkin is soft.

Blend the contents of the dish to a puree consistency using a food processor.
Pour the cream into the pureed pumpkin mass, mix, cover with a suitable lid and leave for 10 minutes so that the pumpkin soup has time to infuse.

In the meantime, it is necessary to peel the garlic cloves from the husk, cut small cube and send to fry in a hot pan with a little oil.

Cooking delicious pumpkin soup with shrimp
Add pre-thawed and dried shrimp to it. Roast well.
Distribute the infused fragrant pumpkin cream soup in portions, garnish each with 2-3 shrimps with garlic and finely chopped herbs in advance. So, from simple homemade ingredients with the addition of only one marine, an appetizing cooking masterpiece. We wish you all bon appetit!

Tips for housewives

  1. To this pumpkin cream soup, you can cook croutons from butter in butter. white bread with basil and oregano.
  2. In addition to the proposed seasonings, cumin, red pepper (for spicy lovers) are suitable for this first course. For piquancy, you can put 1 tsp in the pumpkin puree soup recipe. granulated sugar.
  3. Pumpkin puree soup with cream, it is advisable to cook at one time, since the next day it will no longer be so tasty, even when hot. In this case, the shrimp must be kept separately.

Watch the video recipe for making puree soup, healthy, satisfying and very tasty.