Home / Cakes / The best plasticine recipes that I have found. Magnetic Clay By Heat Treatment

The best plasticine recipes that I have found. Magnetic Clay By Heat Treatment

Dear readers, hello!

Today I want to discuss with you a very interesting topic: homemade plasticine recipe. Moreover, I will tell you about the amazing properties of "smart plasticine", which is now very popular. I believe that this is important for many parents whose children love to sculpt with plasticine.

Briefly about plasticine

The name "plasticine" comes from the Italian "hlastilina", from the ancient Greek "stucco", a material for modeling. Each of us has been familiar with this material since childhood. It was made from purified and powdered clay, wax, animal fats and other substances that prevent drying.

Plasticine was invented in England in 1897 by art school teacher V. Harbutt. industrial production plasticine began in Germany in 1900 with the addition of dyes. For more than a hundred years, plasticine has not lost its popularity. Currently, high molecular weight polyethylene, polyvinyl chloride, synthetic rubbers and other high-tech materials are used in the production of plasticine.

What is the use of playing with plasticine for a child

Medicine strongly recommends this activity for kids, as one of the best, for the development of their fine motor skills. Fine motor skills are the ability to perform small and precise movements with the hands and fingers as a result of the coordinated actions of the nervous, muscular and skeletal systems. The term "sleight of hand" applies here. Fine motor skills are very important, as they are associated with the nervous system, visual system, attention, memory and perception of the child. Scientists say that fine motor skills contribute to the development of speech, since the motor and speech centers in the brain are located very close to each other. Therefore, stimulation of the motor center leads to the activation of the speech center.

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My son started modeling at the age of 1 year. I saw how this activity helped him to learn about the world around him. Currently, my boy is already 4 years old and modeling is his favorite thing. They built garages from plasticine with various brands of cars and various equipment; palaces with kings, knights, princesses and strategies to protect them; cuisines with various culinary delights. He loves to sculpt animals, flowers and much more.

It is difficult to imagine how much we used for these "works" of various types of plasticine, not to mention the prices. Our grandmother really did not like this material, as it polluted the premises and was difficult to clean (sometimes greasy, sometimes very sticky, sometimes crumbling). It was she who gave me the idea cook plasticine, comfortable for its use Houses. By the way, you know

Methods for self-preparation of plasticine

At first, I made plasticine simply from flour and water, but it dried out quickly, was sticky when it was restored with water, and did not hold its shape well. Then I started looking for recommendations. how to do plasticine of high quality and safe for the child, from the means at hand?

It turned out that there are many ways to make plasticine at home. It can be prepared:

  • cold way,
  • with help heat treatment,
  • edible and non-edible
  • monochromatic and multicolored.

To give color to plasticine, you can use food colorings and even directly:

  • beets - for red,
  • raspberry juice - for pink color,
  • juice red cabbage- for blue
  • carrots - for orange color,
  • saffron (turmeric) - for yellow color,
  • spinach - for green color,
  • hibiscus tea infusion - for blue color, etc.

For older children, in the manufacture of plasticine, non-natural dyes can also be used: gouache, acrylic paints.

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Homemade plasticine recipes

Play up

The recipe for home-made Play-Doh clay in the article By the link you will find recipes for beautiful, bright, elastic, exactly harmless Play-Doh plasticine, which is in no way inferior to the original. Store Play Do in a closed container in the refrigerator.

Salty dough

I also already told you the recipe for plasticine, which is called salty dough. This dough is used as a self-hardening clay. Figures are molded and left to dry. More details

Classic clay


  • salt - 2 tbsp. l.
  • flour - 1 cup
  • cold water - 1 glass

Mix all the ingredients well with a spoon, then put on a cutting board sprinkled with flour, and knead the mass until plasticity is convenient for modeling. Store in closed jar or in cling film.

By heat treatment.


  • flour - 1 cup
  • salt - ¼ cup
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.
  • warm water - ½ cup

Combine water and vegetable oil and bring this mixture to a boil. Mix flour with salt and gradually pour into boiling liquid. Cook over low heat while stirring until a ball forms. Then, sprinkling the board with flour, knead the mass until it stops sticking to your hands and becomes elastic. Now the mass can be divided into several parts and, adding a few drops of food coloring of a different color to each, knead well again. Everything - homemade plasticine is ready!

Homemade plasticine that glows in the dark.


  • flour - 2 cups
  • salt - 2/3 cup
  • warm water - 2 cups
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.
  • vitamin B - 2 tablets
  • cream of tartar (sold in the spice department) - 4 tsp.

Grind vitamin B into powder, add flour, salt, cream of tartar and mix well. Pour in water and vegetable oil and mix the mass with a spoon without lumps. Cook this mass over medium heat until it stops sticking to the pan and spoon and looks like plasticine. After cooling, shape homemade plasticine, turn off the light and turn on the ultraviolet lamp. Plasticine will glow in the dark. To be honest, we have not done this yet, we have not tested it.

From shaving foam

You can make homemade plasticine foam for shaving.


  • shaving foam (I used ARKO)
  • potato starch
  • vegetable oil

We made this plasticine with our four-year-old son, it was very interesting and fun for us. First, squeeze about 3 tablespoons of shaving foam from the tube into a deep bowl, then add a little dye (gouache) of any color to it and stir. Add starch in a dessert spoon and mix until the consistency of plasticine is formed. Transfer to the board add ½ tsp. vegetable oil and knead until a plastic mass is obtained. Now you can sculpt any figures.

The disadvantages of such plasticine:

  • contamination of hands with starch (but it is easily washed off),
  • Not everyone will like the smell of shaving cream.

Many people know such a product of the American company Hasbro as Play Doh children's modeling mass. This plasticine was invented in 1956 as a wallpaper cleaner. It is elastic, pleasant to the touch, has bright colors and is positioned by manufacturers as absolutely safe. The exact composition of Play Do clay is a trade secret, but it is known that it mainly consists of flour, salt, wheat and water. However, the price of this plasticine is very high. It is easier, cheaper and more interesting to prepare Play Do plasticine do it yourself at home.

Plasticine from starch and hair balm.

Soft, pleasant to the touch, holds its shape well and smells great homemade plasticine from starch and hair balm.


  • potato starch - ½ cup
  • hair balm - ¾ cup

Mix the ingredients well in a bowl, then put on a board and knead until the consistency of plasticine. You can add food coloring and a drop of essential oil.

Popular plasticine handgum

The Scottish scientist James Wright in 1943 invented the amazing substance "Hendgam", which, literally translated from English. means "hand chewing gum" or hand chewing gum. It was obtained as a by-product of experiments carried out by scientists to obtain synthetic rubber. This plastic toy is called "smart clay". Handgum is the best toy for children and adults all over the world. In 2009, an international jury recognized smart plasticine as the "best gift of the year."

For a long period, the miracle composition was classified. Later it became known that smart plasticine consists of 65% organosilicon polymer (silicone), 17% crystalline quartz, 9% castor oil, 1% glycerin and other minerals of natural origin. It is completely non-toxic, harmless, odorless and tasteless.

Smart plasticine has unique properties:

  • does not stick to hands
  • can glow in the dark
  • can change color
  • can be magnetized
  • can be transparent
  • does not heat up in the microwave
  • sinks but does not dissolve in water
  • leaves no traces
  • You can print a photo on it
  • does not dry out
  • takes any form
  • does not get dirty
  • mixes easily (any colors).

Depending on the intensity of the kinetic impact, in short periods of time, smart plasticine behaves like a solid body: it stretches like rubber; torn like paper; bounces off the floor like a ball; breaks into fragments with a strong blow with a hammer, like porcelain; they can hammer a nail. In long time intervals, it manifests itself as a liquid (for example, a smart plasticine ball spreads over a table), flows through the holes in large drops.

Usefulness of smart plasticine:

  • promotes the development of fine motor skills of the hands;
  • strengthens the muscles of the hands;
  • develops creative thinking;
  • perfectly massages the palms and fingers, gently acting on certain points, stimulates and normalizes the work of internal organs;
  • relieves fatigue, irritation, stress and aggression;
  • positively affects brain activity;
  • bright colors - energize, fill with joy;
  • pastel colors - give peace, bliss and harmony.

Disadvantages of smart plasticine: do not stick on hair and prevent spreading on carpets, fabrics, appliances, keyboards to avoid cleaning with alcohol (natural products) or solvent (synthetic products); reacts with chemicals.

Once, such a handgam stuck to the hair of a girl who was visiting us. We managed to wash it off with warm water and soap, but we washed it for a very long time and pulled out a little hair. It took at least half an hour to wash. Here he is such a smart plasticine.

Smart plasticine recipe


  • PVA glue - 100 grams
  • sodium tetraborate (borax on glycerin, sold in a pharmacy) - about 1 tsp.
  • food coloring (preferably liquid) - 3-5 drops.

Squeeze the glue into a glass container, add the dye and stir with a wooden stick until a uniform color. Add borax in glycerin and mix until a thick mass is formed. Stir gently so that the borax does not get into the eyes.

If you want a more fluid handgam, then add a little toothpaste to the glue. More details in our video.

Store in a closed container. So smart plasticine is ready. After 2-3 days, it acquires all the qualities inherent in American-made plasticine.

Edible plasticine

And finally, edible plasticine, as confectioners call it - mastic. Remember figurines on birthday cakes? They are made of mastic, which is molded like plasticine. So now you and your child can decorate a birthday cake yourself.

Plasticine from Marshmallow

Plasticine from powdered sugar and gelatin

Good luck to you in joint creativity, happiness and harmony to your families!

Marshmallow plasticine

Sincerely, Elena.

I look forward to your responses. Thank you in advance.

Come back, it will be interesting.

For children there are a lot of exciting activities, such as drawing or modeling. The latter especially develops the creative abilities of kids, because from plasticine you can mold everything that your imagination tells you. At the same time, parents do not have to run to the store - the modeling mass is easy to make at home.

How to make plasticine at home with your own hands

Plasticine is prepared different recipes, because there are several types of this material: each of them will require its own special ingredients. The main thing is that the components are not harmful to babies, who often put everything in their mouths. It is very easy to avoid eating homemade plasticine by adding citric acid and salt to the dough. Food colorings, which have a low price and are absolutely safe, will help to diversify the material with color. A bright and saturated shade will make the figures more attractive.

Salt dough for modeling and crafts

A mass of flour and salt is a standard version of plasticine. Preparing such a dough for modeling for children is not difficult, because necessary ingredients found in every housewife. The composition includes the following components:

  1. Flour is the basis that you can’t do without, and wheat, oatmeal, corn or any other will do. The main condition is a light shade so that any dye gives the material a color.
  2. Water is the second main ingredient that gives the modeling dough the necessary consistency and elasticity.
  3. Salt. Performs the function of absorbing and retaining moisture so that it does not evaporate. Without salt, the material will dry out and cannot be used.
  4. Lemon juice is a preservative that allows the dough to last longer and creates a sharp taste so that the child does not try clay.
  5. Vegetable oil. It adheres to all ingredients, gives plasticity, reduces stickiness, as a result of which it is much easier to work with the material.
  6. Tartar or alum. The first is needed to maintain the consistency and shape of the dough, it is sold in pastry shops. The function of the second is the same, only you can purchase this component at a pharmacy.
  7. Paints. Colored plasticine for modeling is much more interesting, but it is better to use natural, harmless dyes.

To knead salt dough for modeling, you will need the following ingredients:

  • flour - 2 tbsp.;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp;
  • fine salt - 1 tbsp.;
  • lemon juice - 2 tablespoons;
  • water - 2 tbsp.;
  • dyes.

Homemade plasticine is prepared according to this recipe:

  1. Take a saucepan, fill it with water, a spoonful of vegetable oil. Bring the mixture to a boil.
  2. In a second bowl, mix flour with salt, and then add to them lemon juice. Mix thoroughly.
  3. Pour the cooled water into the flour, mix until smooth and completely non-sticky.
  4. Add any dye, knead the dough so that it is evenly colored. For different colors, divide the plasticine into several pieces.

Magnetic smart plasticine

Smart plasticine has high elasticity, so it easily takes any shape. Once upon a time, it was called "lizun" or "jump" if it was made in the form of a ball, but now it has received a new name "handgam". This polymer can be made at home, because the process is not difficult, and the ingredients are very simple. The peculiarity of the material is that it does not leave greasy traces. In addition, this soft plasticine can simply be thrown against the wall, it will stick to it. The properties of the material develop creativity, fine motor skills and speech of babies.

Magnetic handgum differs from the usual one, because thanks to special particles it is able to be attracted to metals. To make smart plasticine at home, you will need:

  • PVA glue - 200 g;
  • fine magnetic particles;
  • sodium tetraborate (possible with glycerin) - 2 bottles;
  • dye - brilliant green or natural;
  • glitter for decoration or perfume for fragrance.

Here's how to make magnetic clay at home:

  1. In a clean glass container, mix the glue and dye. The first ingredient must be fresh: no more than a year, and even better - no later than 3 months from the date of manufacture.
  2. Add sparkles with flavor there, mix with a spatula.
  3. Add tetraborate, knead the mass until thick and homogeneous, add magnetic particles.

Liquid plasticine

Another recipe for smart plasticine does not include magnetic particles. The mass turns out to be both dense and liquid, like a regular hendgam. For cooking you will need the following ingredients:

  • medical alcohol or vodka;
  • silicate glue;
  • dyes or food coloring.

The recipe for how to make plasticine at home looks like this:

  1. In a container, mix alcohol with silicate glue in a 1: 1 ratio. If you use vodka, then in a ratio of 1.5: 1. Beat the mixture to the consistency of wallpaper paste.
  2. Color the mixture with brilliant green, iodine, gouache, nail polish or food coloring. Adding multi-colored sparkles or phosphorus chips will give the material a glowing effect.
  3. Rinse the finished mass under cold water.

The cheapening of modern technologies more and more often leads to the fact that even toys familiar in our childhood quite unexpectedly acquire a new, atypical look and properties that stagger the imagination of older people. Take at least the same plasticine - ordinary plasticine is also used to this day, but has long been no longer a fashion statement, since the developers have already come up with varieties of it that have practically nothing to do with the original material.

Today we will talk about magnetic plasticine - a special toy that can serve as an amazing material for creativity, and will also become a much more interesting and exciting activity than fun with newfangled spinners.

What is magnetic clay?

Magnetic plasticine is a "smart" plasticine, additionally endowed with magnetic properties. Since a huge number of people still have no idea even about smart plasticine, one should, for starters, dwell on what it is.

Actually, chemical composition conventional and smart plasticine are very different. Smart plasticine, like the vast majority of ingenious inventions of mankind, came into being by chance - as a by-product of chemical experiments aimed at creating new materials with improved properties.

The waste, first obtained in 1943, being also completely atypical in its qualities, for decades could not find any use for itself in the field thanks to which it appeared, that is, in industry.

Much later, someone came up with the bright idea that unused plastic mass can be used instead of classic plasticine, which it outperforms in a number of useful parameters. Now this substance, which has rapidly captured the shelves of children's stores, has finally become widely known, and in English it has received the name Handgam (handgum - literally "gum for hands").

Here are some more facts you didn't know about handgaming:

  • Today it is a very popular children's toy that can be found in toy stores in every big city in the world.
  • Since the product itself is very funny, and even allows for numerous interesting experiments with it, it is openly recommended by psychologists not only to children, but also to adults.
  • For greater commercial attractiveness, manufacturers try to give the initially colorless and odorless mass a bright color and some kind of “tasty” smell.
  • It is difficult to list the specific properties of smart plasticine, since it is available in many varieties; the same applies to the magnetic subspecies, but at least it is united by a common feature - a characteristic reaction to a magnet.
  • Although it is undesirable to take magnetic clay by mouth and in no case should you eat it, when applied externally, it is completely harmless to humans, except in cases of an allergic reaction to a dye or flavor.


The special charm of smart plasticine is that it does not have a specific recipe and strict proportions. Rather, there is a certain range of required ingredients to which additional ones can be added to provide exactly the properties that the buyer wants.

In particular, magnetic plasticine is ordinary smart plasticine, but with the addition of the smallest metal crumb, which is not visually noticeable, however, is present in sufficient quantity to cause the material to bend bizarrely towards any magnet located close enough. This variability of the composition allows you to create a huge number of types of magnetic plasticine.

First of all, it differs in its color and smell. These criteria have little to do with the actual use of the product, but are often the main reason for choosing this particular product, and not any other.

Modern food colorings and flavorings allow you to give the mass any color and flavor, but usually it comes in bright colors and with a strong sweet smell - fruit or chocolate.

According to these indicators, it is worth choosing a toy, starting only from your own preferences.

It should be noted that in terms of color solutions, there are completely non-standard options- for example, transparent plasticine, or a mass of any color that can glow in the dark. Glowing plasticine looks very impressive, especially if you have already figured out how you can amazingly put it into practice.

Depending on the specific needs, magnetic plasticine can be of completely different consistency - from completely liquid to almost solid. liquid and soft options are often purchased for children, who use them mainly for creativity, but more elastic varieties are used by adults as an anti-stress, a kind of “chewing gum” for hands.

The very fact that this mixture is able to interact with a magnet allows you to have fun even more actively, stretching a piece of mass without touching it, or forcing a molded figure to “reach out” to a magnet.


So, magnetic smart plasticine is a soft or liquid substance that easily lends itself to attempts to change its shape. The product is initially produced in different densities and elasticity, however, you can also influence its properties at home - for this, the mass is mixed with a small amount of water, hand cream, or other substances, but here you need to be careful if you don’t know for sure from what your copy is made of. Regardless of the density, the magnetic handgam must be magnetized.

A separate moment is the interaction of magnetic plasticine with a magnet. If ordinary metal objects are attracted, literally breaking away, then the handgum, being a rather large and heavy bunch with elastic properties, generally remains in place, but is pulled towards the magnet.

Classic example for description - this is a figurine of an elephant's head, molded from such a material; if you bring the magnet close to the tip of the trunk, and then start moving it from side to side, then the trunk will, as it were, follow the movement.

In direct close contact with a piece of magnet, the handgam completely envelops it, pulling together from all sides; if the magnet is on the bottom, and a large enough piece of such plasticine is placed on top, it will even lift the magnet to envelop it from all sides! At the same time, it is not at all difficult to get a magnet from the “captivity”, and there will be no traces left on it.

By the way, about traces. Magnetic plasticine, unlike the classic one, does not stick to anything other than a similar substance. This is very convenient, because you can not be afraid of stains on clothes, furniture, tables or other interior items. A good sample does not stick to hands either, that is, we are dealing with a completely neutral substance.

Other characteristics may differ from recipe to recipe, but we will highlight at least some points. For example, upon impact, some types of hard handgam break into pieces, others deform according to the principle of ordinary plasticine, while others are resistant to such impact and only spring in response, like a ball. At the same time, some solid varieties, being attached to a vertical surface, begin to flow and drip down in a matter of minutes without any additional impact.

The reaction of the material to an attempt to stretch is also different - some plasticine stretches perfectly, while the other easily breaks into pieces. Some types of magnetic plasticine under the influence of heat can even change their color.

Separate inexpensive varieties of toys dry out quickly enough, which negatively affects their elasticity. On the Internet you can find various recommendations on how to make the toy softer, but again, it is important to know the exact chemical composition of a particular instance. In addition, the material can be softened only until it has completely hardened, otherwise it is impossible to restore its original flexibility.

Role in development

Modern experts note the unique properties of magnetic plasticine, which allows it to be not just a toy for the banal killing of time, but a valuable acquisition that can help its owner and bring him real benefits. Here are some useful results noted first of all:

  • Since even an innocent game with smart plasticine requires a certain destructive effort, such a mass is excellent. helps to reduce the level of aggression both in a child and in an adult. Everyone is familiar with the situation when, in a fit of rage or extreme grief, a person wants to break or break something. At such a moment, valuable things often come across at hand, but it is better to vent aggression on a toy that already does not have any specific form, therefore it will not suffer from too violent emotions.

  • For children, magnetic clay is also a great way to develop fine motor skills. Toddlers of preschool age are not yet very good with their fingers, but they are simply obliged to learn - this will come in handy in life. Instead of doing it through some boring, uninteresting exercises, they can practice by playing, even if they don't make any meaningful figures out of the mass.

If the child is excellent at giving the product some very specific complex shape, magnetic plasticine will allow you to identify and develop talent as early as possible - what if your kid can become a famous sculptor or designer?

  • A bright, pleasantly smelling, beautiful toy does not at all imply that a child or an adult will be bored with it. Psychologists note that it helps to take up free time well and distracts from any negative thoughts. In other words, it is an excellent and completely harmless antidepressant.
  • In addition to the development of motor skills, handgam also contributes to strengthening the muscles of the hand. In a sense, this is a kind of expander, but if the child is unlikely to be interested in repeatedly squeezing an ordinary spring, then with a beautiful plastic mass he will play without even mentioning the possible benefits of such an activity. Daily “training” for at least half an hour will allow you to quickly make your baby’s hands strong beyond their years.

In addition, such a result of using “gum for hands” has long been noticed by doctors who recommend playing with magnetic clay for those who have had serious hand injuries, including those with sutures.

  • With the help of the chosen color of the toy, you can try to make certain adjustments to the particular behavior of the baby. It is no secret that bright, defiant tones provoke activity in children, while calm, pastel ones, on the contrary, calm them down. It is very likely that magnetic plasticine will become a child's favorite toy, with which he will spend a lot of time, and then the psychological effect of her color will be very noticeable.

As is the case with any other product, the quality of handgam can vary greatly, depending on the conscientiousness of the manufacturer and the ingredients used in the production process. On the one hand, low prices usually indicate not the best high quality On the other hand, sometimes it makes no sense to overpay for qualities that are simply not needed. Here are a few useful advice how to choose the best magnetic clay:

  • The degree of magnetization of each individual magnetic clay is different, in addition, it can be differently magnetized to different magnets. Because of this, experts advise giving preference to topics sets, where the manufacturer initially put both plasticine and a magnet - when buying via the Internet, this will be the only relative guarantee that the product fully meets expectations.

When buying a product in a store, be sure to check its magnetic qualities, even if the magnet is included in the kit.

  • The transparent variety of magnetic clay seems much less attractive., but it has its own, very practical advantage. The fact is that many young children are very sensitive to any dyes that cause them allergies. Since you certainly cannot say for sure in advance whether the dye used in this particular model will provoke an allergy in your child, it is better to give preference to those models in which there are no dyes at all. The rest of the ingredients are generally non-allergenic, so this precaution should work.

For this reason, users are advised to overpay a little, but purchase Russian products. The only company engaged in the production of magnetic plasticine in Russia is Magic World.

A short video review of magnetic plasticine is waiting for you in the next video.