Home / Cakes / Charcoal baked potato spelling. Coal baked potatoes in foil

Charcoal baked potato spelling. Coal baked potatoes in foil

The potato on the fire has already become a traditional delicacy of any hike or picnic. Combination uncomplicated preparation and aromatic taste make it the most the best option for a snack in nature. Moreover, this simple dish has different variations, so you can choose a recipe to your liking.

Of course, you can cook potatoes in a cauldron over the fire, but not everyone wants to take massive and heavy dishes with them on a hike. But there are other options as well.

First and foremost, campfire cooking requires good young tubers. The smaller their size, the faster the process will go.

Before starting the process, they should be thoroughly rinsed, then there will be no need to remove the skin from them.

The fire should be such that there are enough coals in it, because it is in them that the vegetable will fit. Moreover, it must be completely covered with coal. To do this, it is convenient to make a depression with a stick, and then put the tubers there. Roasting time is approximately 25-30 minutes. The finished potato remains to cool slightly, break and sprinkle with salt.

Skewered potato recipe

Skewers are not always used only for meat kebabs. They can be used to make delicious baked potatoes.

Cooking process:

  • The tubers are washed and wiped thoroughly so that no moisture remains on them;
  • Cut the vegetable into slices, 1 to 2 cm wide;
  • String them on skewers so that the distance between them is about half a cm;
  • It remains only to water the vegetables with a small amount of vegetable oil and sprinkle with salt;
  • It will take 15-20 minutes to bake potatoes. In the process, you must not forget to turn the skewers.

Ketchup or your favorite sauce is the best addition to your vegetable kebab. If desired, you can string lemon circles, bay leaves, or come up with something of your own between the potato wedges.

Potatoes in foil

When going on a hike, many forget to take food foil with them, but in vain. It will allow you to make evenly baked fragrant potatoes, at the same time, without getting it dirty with soot and saving cooking time.

Cooking process:

  1. The foil is divided into pieces, the size of which should allow the tuber to be completely wrapped;
  2. If you have sunflower or butter at hand, as well as spices, then you can apply them directly to the foil before putting the fruit in it. Dry garlic will fit well here, giving a special spice to the dish;
  3. Thoroughly washed and dried potatoes are individually wrapped in foil so that the shiny side is outside;
  4. Each tuber is pierced in several places;
  5. Do not put potatoes in foil in the fire, you must wait until the flame has already extinguished, and the coals are still very hot. They put it in the lowest layer and sprinkle it with a stick or other available material;
  6. Cooking times vary from 40 minutes to 1 hour, depending on the size of the vegetables. The finished potato should have a baked crust and a soft center.

Fresh green onions well complement the dish with a hint of freshness.

Baked potatoes with bacon

This recipe will also need foil. A potato on a fire, flavored with lard, turns out to be more fatty and satisfying.

Cooking process:

  • The washed potatoes are cut into slices, 0.5 to 1 cm thick. If the vegetable is not young, then it is better to remove the skin;
  • Lard is cut in the same way. You can use both pork and fat tail;
  • Salt and spices are added to taste and depending on the type of lard used;
  • Pieces are planted on a skewer, alternating between themselves. After that, everything is wrapped in foil;
  • Fry this unusual kebab 30 to 50 minutes, turning occasionally;
  • 5 minutes before the end of the process, the foil is removed to create a golden brown crust.

Mayonnaise or sour cream will come in handy here as never before.

Potatoes baked in foil with butter and cheese

Highly tasty option, which will decorate any picnic and will please even children.

Cooking process:

  • Potatoes are washed, wiped and baked in coals;
  • At this time, the filling is prepared: soft butter is mixed with grated or finely chopped cheese. You can add herbs and garlic to taste;
  • In the finished potato, cuts are made. You can make one large depression in the middle or several parallel to each other;
  • The filling is placed in the incisions with a spoon;
  • The bottom of the tubers are wrapped in foil and returned to the charcoal for a few minutes, until the cheese begins to melt.

The dish is ready, you can enjoy it.

How to cook marinated potatoes

For baking potatoes, it is appropriate to use a marinade. You can add spices or products to it according to personal taste preferences.

Cooking process:

  • The tubers are washed, dried and cut into thick discs up to 2 cm thick;
  • Prepare the marinade: in olive oil add your favorite herbs, crushed garlic, spices and a few drops of lemon juice;
  • The vegetables are marinated for 15-20 minutes, after which they are strung on skewers. Alternatively, you can lubricate already made workpieces with marinade;
  • The baking time can be up to 50 minutes.

This option is already a complete dish in itself, but you can add a light sauce to it.

In order to cook baked potatoes the first time, you should heed the following tips:

  • The potatoes should be young, the variety should be crumbly, with yellow flesh;
  • If you bake it whole, then you need to make transverse notches;
  • Chicken subcutaneous fat can replace lard;
  • There should be no flame in the fire. In order to eliminate its appearance, you can sprinkle the coals with salt.

And most importantly, experimenting with recipes will help you choose the most delicious option.

During picnics and field trips, charcoal-baked potatoes will be a great addition (or even an alternative) to kebabs. You can prepare in advance by making blanks at home, or you can quickly navigate in the "field conditions".

Charcoal potatoes are cooked in two ways: in foil after kebabs by burying the tubers in hot ash, or by frying them over a fire before the kebabs can be put on. In the first case, you will get baked potatoes with bacon, in the second - fried with a crispy crust.


  • potatoes - 1 kg;
  • fat - 150-200 grams (optional);
  • vegetable oil - for frying (for cooking without foil);
  • salt, pepper, spices - to taste.

Charcoal potato recipe

1. Wash tubers well and wipe dry.

2. For cooking in foil with bacon: make an incision about 1 cm thick in the middle of each potato. Fill the resulting cavity with a piece of bacon. Sprinkle with salt, pepper and other spices. Wrap each tuber with 1-2 layers of food foil. The advantage of this method is that you can make blanks even before leaving for nature.

For cooking on a fire: immediately before frying, cut the potatoes with the peel into slices about 2 centimeters thick. Rub each piece with salt on both sides. Place the circles on the grill rack or string them on skewers at a distance of 2-3 cm from each other. Water abundantly vegetable oil sprinkle with spices.

3. Make a fire. In the second method, fry the potatoes over an open fire for 10-15 minutes on each side until a golden crust appears. The finished dish is easily pierced with a toothpick to the middle.

If potatoes are baked in foil, you need to wait until the fire burns out. After that, put the potatoes on the coals, lightly sprinkle with heat on top. After 15-20 minutes, you can check for readiness by piercing the tubers with a knife.

A potato on a fire is a favorite treat on a camping trip. You don't need a cauldron or grate to prepare it. It may seem that there is only one way to bake it, but experienced tourists know more than one recipe for a dish with smoke. How to bake potatoes over a fire different ways?

Simple recipe

Before baking potatoes, let the fire burn for at least an hour so that enough coals and ash are formed. When red coals form, and the flames become small, it is necessary to make a hole in the center of the fire, put the tubers into it, put red coals on top and bake.

How long are potatoes baked? It depends on both the size of the tubers and the heat of the coals. To check the readiness, you need to remove one potato from the fire and pierce it with a stick. If it breaks, then it's ready.

Eat baked potatoes hot, with salt and green onions

In foil

Recipe 1

When going on a hike, it's easy to put foil in your backpack. It is useful for cooking potatoes over a fire.

Tear the foil into pieces according to the number and size of tubers. Each piece can be greased with oil if desired, but you can not grease it. Wash the potatoes and wrap each one in foil. You can also put garlic there. Wait until the fire burns out, the fire goes out and embers remain. Place the wrapped tubers in a fire and sprinkle with coals and ash on top. Leave on for 40 minutes. Eat hot, sprinkle with salt and bite with onion feathers.

Even empty potatoes baked in a fire are delicious

There is always an opportunity to make it more piquant and rich. For example, cook potatoes with garlic and cheese. 10 tubers will require 0.2 kg of cheese, four cloves of garlic, ground pepper and coarse salt to taste. The tubers need to be washed and cut into two halves, crush the garlic. On each half of the tuber, put a slice of cheese and garlic, pepper and salt, wrap in foil, bury in the coals and bake for half an hour.

Recipe 2

For this recipe you need to take:

  • 6 young small tubers;
  • 200 grams of lard;
  • four cloves of garlic;
  • salt and other seasonings to taste.


  1. Rinse the potatoes, dry them properly, cut each tuber, not reaching the end of about 2 cm.
  2. Cut the bacon into very thin slices.
  3. Mix chopped garlic and spices (pepper, Bay leaf etc.) without adding salt.
  4. Grate the potatoes with the prepared mixture and leave for 20 minutes.
  5. Put bacon in the cuts of the tubers, wrap each one in two layers of foil.
  6. Make a recess in the center of the fire, place potatoes there, cover with coals and ash and bake for 30 minutes.

Salt ready meal while eating

Advice: there is no need to throw garbage into the fire, where potatoes will be fried, especially plastic objects that can release toxic substances when burned. For rubbish, it is recommended to light the fire separately.

Recipe 3

First, the potatoes are placed in a heated fire, and while they are baking, the filling is prepared.

This will require:

  • grated cheese;
  • butter;
  • Dill.

All this is taken by eye. Butter, grated cheese and finely chopped dill are kneaded with a fork, mixed and put in a cool place. The finished potatoes are removed from the fire, cut from above, without reaching the bottom, spread apart, crush the pulp, put a portion of the filling and connect the halves. When all the tubers are stuffed, they are put back into the fire for a couple of minutes.

You can fry it differently. Cut large potatoes into two halves, use a spoon or a knife to cut into each recess and fill with the filling. It can be minced meat, cheese with garlic, mushrooms, herbs and more. Fold the halves and wrap them tightly in foil. Bake in the coals of the fire.

For the filling, you can take other ingredients, for example, mushrooms, onions, bacon, herbs, garlic

Recipe 4

This dish is called an accordion. In addition to potatoes, you will need any products: cheese, meat, chicken, bacon, brisket, bacon, vegetables, herbs, onions, garlic, mayonnaise, spices, oil.

Prepare the potatoes: wash, dry and make cuts along the entire length, but do not cut through. Insert the selected filling into the cuts: thin slices of brisket, cheese or slices of vegetables. Top with oil or grease with sour cream, sprinkle with spices, chopped garlic, chopped herbs.

Each stuffed tuber should be properly wrapped in foil and put into the fire

On skewers

Shish kebab is prepared not only from meat. To cook potatoes on skewers over a fire, you will need cheese and boiled pork. Peel the tubers, rinse and cut into 2 cm thick circles. String potatoes, pieces of boiled pork and cheese on skewers alternately. Wrap the kebab in foil and set over the smoldering coals of the fire. As a support, you can use pieces of wood or stones found in the forest. If the potatoes are young, you can first boil them until half cooked.

If you want to get a golden brown crust, you need to fry kebabs without foil

If there is no fire

It is impossible to make a fire, but you want potatoes with smoke and delicious peel. Then you need to cook it like over a fire, but in an ordinary stove. It's simple, but there are a few secrets.


  1. Rinse unpeeled potatoes thoroughly, you can even walk over each tuber with a brush. Do not wipe off.
  2. Mix a small amount of flour with salt and roll each potato in this dry mixture.
  3. Place on a baking sheet and place in oven at 180⁰C for an hour. If you need to quickly - under the grill.
  4. There are ready-made potatoes with butter, herbs and garlic.

At a picnic there is nothing better than potatoes baked in a fire. The simplest recipe, familiar to every student, can be successfully diversified, the main thing is not to be lazy and fantasize.

With the arrival of warmth, the season of outings begins. Well, what could be nicer than sitting friendly company Outdoors. Now we will tell you how to cook charcoal-baked potatoes.

Baked potatoes on the fire


  • potato.


We wash the potatoes well. It is best to use a brush for this to remove dirt from the eyes and dents. And then wipe it dry with paper napkins. We wrap each potato in foil and send it to hot coals. We check the readiness as follows: unfolded the foil and pierce the tubers with a sharp knife, if it enters easily, then the potatoes baked in ash are ready! Gently lay it out on a plate, unfold it, sprinkle with salt and enjoy!

Baked potatoes with lard in foil


  • potatoes - 1 kg;
  • - 150 g;
  • salt, spices.


Wash the potatoes, dry them and cut them in half, but not completely. We want the potato to open and not split into 2 pieces. Salt, sprinkle all tubers with spices, both outside and inside. Put a slice of bacon into the cut of each potato and then completely wrap the tubers in foil. We put it in hot coals and bring it to readiness.

Baked potatoes on the fire


  • potatoes - 500 g;
  • butter - 40 g;
  • salt;


We take the washed potatoes, pierce them with a fork in two places, send them to the microwave for about 7 minutes. Then wrap them in foil and put them in hot coals. Turn over after 5 minutes. Unfold the finished potatoes, baked in their uniform, cut into 4 parts, but not until the very end, and insert a piece into the center butter... Add some salt, sprinkle with chopped herbs and feast on!

Everyone loves delicious baked potatoes and almost everyone loves barbecue. And if not meat, then from vegetables with smoke, on coals, he has absolutely special taste... Therefore, if you are not a big fan of meat, but love potatoes, then we suggest you cook baked potatoes on the grill with lightly salted bacon and herbs. We will cook in foil, on skewers. It is not difficult to bake potatoes on the grill, you can use ready-made coals or light a fire from wood. Such potatoes are truly royal dish: it is ruddy with an appetizing crust, crumbly and sugary on the bend.

Honey and soy sauce will enrich the taste and smell of familiar potatoes, spices will make it spicier, and lard will add butteriness and tenderness. Such an unusual barbecue will replace any meat dish for you, and will bring much more benefits.

First, decide which lard you will take for this recipe. For example, you can take lightly salted or smoked bacon, as well as fresh bacon. Take small potatoes, you can use both young and mature.

You can serve potatoes with bacon as a separate dish or as a side dish with a kebab or baked fish.


  • young (mature) potatoes 7 pcs .;
  • lightly salted lard (smoked or fresh) 200-300 g;
  • garlic 4 cloves;
  • mayonnaise (sour cream) 2 tbsp. l .;
  • dill or parsley 2-3 sprigs;
  • salt or soy sauce to taste;
  • honey 1.5 tsp;
  • spices to taste;
  • foil.


Wash the potatoes thoroughly with a clean kitchen sponge, without peeling them. Cut lightly salted lard into slices, about 3 mm thick.

Prepared bacon can be left in its original form or slightly enriched and made rich to taste. Place the sliced ​​bacon in a deep bowl. Add two tablespoons of mayonnaise or sour cream and chopped dill to the lard.

Stir in the bacon and add a pinch of ground pepper and honey to add a beautiful shade and enrich the flavor.

Pour in a few spoons soy sauce to lard and add a pinch of salt.

Finely chop or squeeze the garlic through the garlic press and send to the bacon.

Cut the potatoes into two or three pieces in circles, send them to the bacon and stir. Do not chop coarsely, otherwise it will bake for a long time.

String potato slices in turn with bacon on skewers. Then wrap the potatoes in several layers of foil and immediately go to the already prepared brazier. Instead of mayonnaise sauce, on prepared potatoes with lard on a skewer, add a few slices of butter with garlic on top. Then wrap the skewer in foil.

Potatoes should not be cooked on an open fire, only coals of moderate heat are used. Bake the potatoes in foil, turning occasionally in a circle for 15-20 minutes. The foil will help prevent burning of the potato slices and speed up the cooking process.

Otherwise, you can wrap a few potatoes with lard in several layers of foil and bury them in the coals. Cook for 15 minutes as well. Coal potatoes in foil are a wonderful, aromatic and satisfying dish.

Use a knife or fork to pierce the potatoes through the foil. If the knife easily enters the tuber, then you can unfold it. Due to the foil, the potatoes turn out to be faded, now bring them on the grill until golden brown, for about another 10 minutes. Baked potatoes on skewers on the grill should turn out to be bright golden in color with a golden brown crust.

Advice: in nature, you can also use and fry delicious potatoes there.

Serve baked potatoes with lard on skewers or place on a large plate. You can complement the serving of potatoes with fresh herbs or chopped tomatoes and cucumbers.

Our kebab of potatoes with bacon on charcoal is ready, serve hot, hot, hot. From sauces for such a dish, ketchup, mayonnaise or sour cream sauce with garlic and dill.