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Chicken liver pate at home: recipes. how to make chicken pie how to make chicken pie at home

Delicate and incredible delicious pate from chicken liver, cooked at home - for breakfast, for a snack, for lunch or for dinner!

Homemade chicken liver pate in a blender. I liked it very much: it can be used for sandwiches, and for a feast it is great as a snack, and you can put it in the refrigerator in a container and use it for several days. The recipe for such a pate is very simple, does not require much effort and time.

  • Chicken liver - 0.5 kg
  • Onions - 2-3 heads (medium)
  • Carrots - 2 pieces (medium)
  • Bay leaf - 1-2 small
  • Butter - 100 grams
  • Sunflower oil - 1-2 tbsp. spoons
  • Water - about 1 cup
  • Salt, nutmeg, cinnamon, ground black pepper

Prepare the liver: if you need to defrost, then cut off the veins, bile ducts, etc. Rinse and let drain. Someone soaks chicken liver in milk for two hours to remove bitterness, but experience shows that it is chicken liver that does not taste bitter anyway.

Peel the onion and cut into half rings. Not necessarily "jewelry", since then the whole mixture will be ground into a single mass. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan, fry the onion until light golden brown over medium heat, stirring occasionally (on average, fry for about 10 minutes).

Peel the carrots, cut into rings (or as you like, you can finely, you can grate) and add to the onion, mix and fry for a couple of minutes. Then add the liver Bay leaf and a glass of water (you need enough water to practically cover the liver with onions and carrots). Salt (half a teaspoon of salt), bring to a boil, reduce heat.

Next, simmer covered small fire about 30 minutes until all ingredients are ready. Open the lid, evaporate excess liquid for 5-10 minutes (not completely, leave a little, it will go away during cooling, and the rest will make the chicken homemade pate more tender). During these 5-10 minutes of evaporating the water, you should first sprinkle the mixture with cinnamon (a pinch), and then, before turning off the fire, with nutmeg (slightly less than cinnamon). Turn off, hold for a few minutes under the lid, then open the lid and cool.

When the liver with onions and carrots have cooled, add a piece of butter (about 100 grams) and beat in a blender (the mass is soft enough, so choose the nozzle based on the instructions for your blender). If the flask is small, then you can beat in two batches, then mix them thoroughly. Chicken pate is ready!

Chicken liver pâté can be placed in the refrigerator for a short time before serving. Serve with a sprig of greens. Since the taste is very delicate, it is better to take bread with a neutral taste.

Recipe 2: Homemade Chicken Liver Pate

I present to your attention the simplest chicken liver pate in terms of a set of ingredients, because even in this version it is very tasty and tender! The preparation of the simplest pate will not take much time, but some principles will be required.

  • chicken liver - 500 g;
  • onion - 1-2 pcs.;
  • carrots - 1 pc. (150 g);
  • salt - to taste;
  • ground black pepper - to taste;
  • vegetable oil or butter - 100 ml (for frying);
  • water for cooking the liver.

To make the pate tender and elastic, wipe or beat the ingredients with a blender while hot.

Then add grated carrots. After the carrots are added to the onion, mix the vegetables and, covering the pan with a lid, simmer until fully prepared carrots, stirring occasionally, for 12-15 minutes. The roast should be tender and not overcooked.

The final stage. Drain the water from the liver, add tender frying, lightly pepper and salt.

Recipe 3: Chicken liver pate with cranberry jelly

If you are planning a family celebration or a bachelorette party, cook pate - chicken liver pate with cranberry jelly, and surprise your guests or girlfriends.

This appetizer turns out to be incredibly tasty and tender, especially with a glass of cold wine or champagne. If desired, you can prepare an individual portion for each guest.

  • chicken liver - 500 g
  • 1 white onion
  • white wine (any) - 100 g
  • garlic - 1 clove
  • fat cream - 100 g
  • butter - 1 tbsp.
  • olive oil - 3 tbsp.
  • ground coriander - 0.5 tsp
  • pinch of nutmeg
  • pepper pinch
  • salt to taste

for cranberry jelly:

  • cranberries - 200 g
  • red wine vinegar - 1 tbsp.
  • sugar - 3 tbsp.
  • gelatin - 10 g
  • salt - 0.5 tsp
  • ground black pepper - to taste.

Before you start cooking chicken liver pate, you need to rinse the liver thoroughly under running water, clean all the films and dry it with a paper towel. Mix vegetable and butter, fry the chopped onion and chopped garlic until translucent.

Add the liver, fry it for just a couple of minutes on both sides until golden brown, pour in the wine, salt, pepper, add coriander and nutmeg. Cook for 5-7 minutes, the liver should remain a little pink inside, otherwise it will start to taste bitter.

Pour in the cream, as soon as it boils, turn off the stove, cool slightly.

Transfer the liver and onion to a blender, adding a little sauce, punch the pate until smooth. The density can be adjusted as desired.

Divide the pâté into molds, cover with cling film and leave to cool completely.

Put the cranberries in a saucepan, add a glass of water, let it boil. Add vinegar, sugar (sugar can be added to taste), salt and pepper. Cook for 5 minutes.

After a while, grind the berries in a saucepan until smooth, add gelatin according to the instructions. In order not to come across bones, it is better to strain the mass through a fine sieve.

When the jelly has cooled to room temperature, pour it into molds with pate and refrigerate until completely solidified.

Serve with croutons for wine or champagne.

Recipe 4: Chicken Pate with Onions and Carrots (Step by Step Photos)

We suggest you cook chicken liver pate with carrots and onions for breakfast at home in 15 minutes. It is prepared with melted cheese and vegetables, without butter. Very light, low fat meal. It takes a quarter of an hour to prepare a pate according to this recipe, and 700 g of pate will be obtained from the ingredients given in the recipe.

  • chicken liver - 500 g;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • processed cheese - 1 pc.;
  • bay leaf - 1 pc.;
  • salt - 5 g;
  • vegetable oil - 15 g.

So, how to cook chicken liver pate. We take the liver, wash it, remove everything unnecessary: ​​bile, pieces of fat, films, cut each liver in half. We cut the carrots into circles, finely chop the onion.

Cook the liver for 7 minutes with bay leaf and pepper, cut into small pieces. Blanch carrots in salted water for 5 minutes. Fry the onion until transparent.

Grind blanched carrots, browned onions and pieces of liver in a blender. Salt to taste. Adding processed cheese and mix the pate with cheese at low speed. If the pate is very thick, add a little broth in which the liver was cooked.

To make it convenient to cook sandwiches with the finished pate, wrap it in two layers of food foil and put it in the refrigerator for an hour.

Delicate homemade chicken liver pate is ready! Enjoy your meal!

Recipe 5: how to make chicken liver pate at home (step by step)

I bring to your attention a recipe for chicken liver pate, which has many advantages - it is economical, tasty, satisfying and important to prepare such a pate quickly and easily. Butter should be at room temperature, in no case should it be heated, otherwise the already prepared pate will not look very attractive and it will also spoil taste qualities pate.

  • Chicken liver - 500 grams.
  • Onions - 1-2 pieces.
  • Carrots - 1 piece.
  • Chili pepper - to taste.
  • Salt, freshly ground black pepper - to taste.
  • Butter - 60-70 grams.
  • Vegetable oil - 2-3 tablespoons.
  • Bay leaf - 1-2 pieces.

Rinse the chicken liver under running water, dry, cut off everything that is inedible, cut into 2-3 parts.

Peel the onion, cut into half rings or a quarter of the ring. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan and lightly fry the onion. Salt and pepper the onion, so the onion becomes more fragrant and tastier.

Peel the carrots and cut into small cubes, add to the pan with the onions.

Cover the pan with a lid and simmer the carrots over low heat for 5 minutes, do not forget to mix.

Then transfer the liver and strong fire fry the liver with constant stirring.

The liver should change color. With a quick frying, the liver remains juicy and tender.

Pour 100-150 ml into the pan, hot water, add finely chopped hot peppers, bay leaf and simmer under the lid on the smallest fire for 20-25 minutes. Try the liver and carrots for readiness, they should be soft. And also adjust to your taste for salt and spiciness. If the liver is already soft, and there is still a lot of water in the pan, then remove the lid so that the excess water boils away.

Cool the mixture slightly, remove the bay leaf. Beat with a blender or in a food processor, in extreme cases, scroll 2 times through a meat grinder, use the smallest grate.

Add soft butter, beat again with a blender.

The pate is ready, transfer it to a container with a tight-fitting lid or a glass jar. Keep refrigerated.

Chicken liver pate, excellent spread on toast.

Recipe 6: Homemade Chicken Liver Pate with Butter

I present to you the simplest chicken liver pate, but in original performance. More precisely unusual presentation. The recipe for this cold appetizer quite simple, although there are some nuances, as well as subtleties in the preparation of liver pate. As a result, you will get not only tasty and satisfying, but also a presentable dish that will decorate even a festive table.

  • chicken liver - 800 gr
  • carrots - 300 gr
  • onion - 300 gr
  • butter - 120 gr
  • vegetable oil - 100 ml
  • cognac - 2 tbsp.
  • table salt - 0.5 tsp
  • ground black pepper - 1 pinch
  • nutmeg - 1 pinch

First of all, you need to process the chicken liver. To do this, rinse it under cold running water, then dry it with a paper towel or napkins. We cut the liver into 2-3 parts and cut off the white veins. You need to fry the liver in a deep wide frying pan in hot oil. 800 grams of liver is quite a lot, so I fried it in 2 doses. Do not put many pieces at once, because then it will not be fried, but stewed. Fry the chicken liver on both sides golden brown. This will take no more than 5 minutes. As soon as red juice stops oozing from the center when pierced, the liver is ready. Don't overdry it.

Then pour cognac and set fire to it. I had a hard time capturing the flaming process as it only lasts a few seconds. Our goal is to evaporate the alcohol so that only the flavor of cognac remains. Remove the cooked liver from the pan and transfer it to another dish to cool.

In the same oil, where we fried the liver, put the peeled and cut into medium pieces onion. We fry it on a fire below medium.

Then we put the carrots chopped on a coarse grater. You can just chop it finely enough with a knife - we still need to puree it later.

Cook covered until the vegetables are soft. At the end, add a pinch of ground nutmeg- with it, the finished chicken liver pate will acquire very pleasant fragrant notes. Remove the pan from the heat and let the onion and carrots cool down.

When all the ingredients have cooled, they will need to be turned into a paste. You can use an immersion blender, but I like it better in a food processor (nozzle - Metal knife). In addition, you can even scroll through the meat grinder twice. First, we break through the chicken liver, as it takes up quite a lot of space.

Then add the fried vegetables. Vegetable oil, which remains after cooking, you can pour or add to the pate - as you wish. Grind everything again, while adding salt and ground black pepper to taste.

And finally put soft butter (100 grams), which must be taken out of the refrigerator in advance. The remaining 20 grams will be left to decorate the pate.

Once again, we will break through everything so that the mass becomes smooth and homogeneous - this is a pate, after all. In fact, everything is ready, but I want to show you how you can beautifully serve chicken pate in the form of a tree (or rather a hemp). Since at this stage it still does not hold its shape well, the pate needs to be prepared, that is, cooled well.

To do this, we shift most of the pate onto a piece of cling film and roll it up, giving it the shape of a cylinder. This will be the trunk of the felled tree. We send the pate to the freezer for 15 minutes.

Now let's make a stump. To do this, we select a suitable flat dish (so that the barrel also fits later) and with the help of a forming ring we make just such a blank. If there is such a ring (I myself recently acquired it), use a one and a half liter cut off on both sides plastic bottle. This thing has served me well for many years.

We will also add a couple of knots to him. Then with a fork we will make bumps like the bark of a tree. It is very easy.

And finally, the tree rings, for which we left those 20 grams of soft butter. We just apply it with a knife on the improvised saw cuts of a tree, and then draw a spiral with a toothpick or a wooden skewer. And a little highlight - an ax, with which, in fact, we cut down our pate tree. It is cut from raw carrots. Just cut the carrots lengthwise to get an even plate - about 3-5 millimeters thick. And there, cut the hatchet with a knife, as fantasy allows.

Let's enliven our picture a little with fresh herbs - parsley sprigs will come in handy.

And now it's time to surprise your family or guests at the table with our unusual and spectacular-looking, yet very easy-to-prepare chicken liver pate. Try it and you will succeed!

Recipe 7, step by step: how to cook chicken liver pate

One of the favorite breakfasts in cold and dank weather is a warm toast with tender chicken liver pate and sweet hot tea. Butter melts on hot bread, soaking the toast, which makes the liver pate even more delicious. Preparing such a pate is very simple and fast, if there is no blender at hand, pass the chicken liver with garlic a couple of times through a meat grinder without oil, and only then add it, it will turn out no worse. You can store chicken liver pate for about a week in the refrigerator, closed with a lid or parchment paper from winding.

  • 350 g chicken liver
  • 180 g butter (1 pack)
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • salt.

Melt half a stick of butter in a large skillet. Wash the liver, cut into large pieces, dry a little so that the oil does not splatter, and put in a pan.

Fry the liver until crispy on one side and only then turn over. Fry until crispy on the second side. The liver inside should turn pink, the blood should stop flowing.

Remove the cooked liver from the pan. Peel the garlic, cut in half and remove the core. Put the garlic in the oil where the liver was fried, reduce the heat a little, and fry the garlic until soft. While frying the garlic, turn it over so that it does not burn, and press it a little with a spatula, then you will feel when it becomes soft.

Put the fried chicken liver and garlic in a blender, pour in the oil in which everything was fried, salt (about half a teaspoon without a slide). Grind everything until smooth.

Transfer the chicken liver pate to a mold or jar, compact well and smooth the surface.

Melt the remaining butter over low heat.

Carefully pour the oil onto the liver paste.

Cool the delicious chicken liver pate to room temperature and then refrigerate to set.

Recipe 8: Delicious Chicken Liver Pate

Incredibly tasty and tender, hearty and nutritious - chicken liver pate, prepared quickly and quite simply. From minimum set products is an inexpensive and very healthy snack. I offer you my favorite recipes for chicken liver pate at home with photos, according to which it turns out to be especially tender and tasty.

Liver pate can be served both for breakfast and for dinner by making sandwiches. You can decorate them with herbs, finely chopped onion or pickled cucumbers, fresh tomatoes cut into thin slices.

And you can put it on foil or cling film and form into a roll with butter and herbs. Put the finished roll in the refrigerator for a couple of hours, and then cut into portioned pieces. You can also serve such delicious food at a festive table.

The finished pâté can be stored in the freezer. Before serving, put it in the microwave for a few minutes and you can prepare sandwiches for breakfast

  • 900-1000 grams of liver;
  • one bulb;
  • two carrots;
  • 100 ml sunflower or olive oil;
  • 70-100 grams of butter (more possible);
  • parsley - three or four branches;
  • salt and pepper - to taste.

Process the chicken liver - cut off the veins and fat. Rinse, put in a bowl with salt, add pepper and leave for twenty minutes.

At this time, peel the carrots and pass through a coarse grater. Heat up a frying pan and pour in the oil. Put in the carrots and fry a little.

After ten minutes, add the diced onion to the carrots. Fry until soft.

By the way, if you have an immersion blender with good power (from 600 W), then you can cut vegetables and large pieces. The main thing is to put them out well. I cook pâté often, and cut carrots and onions into 1-2 cm thick slices. Then I simmer well in a frying pan under the lid.

Put the liver into the pan with the vegetables. Step 5. Stew the liver and vegetables for ten to fifteen minutes. This time is enough for the liver to become soft and not overheated, turning into a dry solid mass.

Skip the vegetable-liver mass through a meat grinder or in a blender at least two times.

Put butter, mix well.

The pate is ready, you can treat your family with yummy, and put part of the snack in a plastic bag and put it in the freezer.

Almost every European country has its own version of chicken pate. Maria Sorokina gives a master class on cooking a simple chicken pate, which can be easily made at home - for a holiday or just for a big family dinner.

Chicken liver was especially popular in French bistros - for a snack before lunch or dinner with white toast and jam. French chefs have worked hard over the decades to create many of the most difficult-to-make versions of chicken pâté, including bain-marie, pastry-wrapped, and more. Some of them are very good. But most of all I like the simple one, which can be prepared in half an hour. The main thing is to follow a few simple rules.

Toast with pate and jam

Chicken liver for chicken pate

The liver can be taken both fresh and frozen - and thawed at room temperature. Some prefer to soak it in milk or salt water, but if the liver is of good quality, this is not necessary at all. Petelinka's liver is best suited for cooking - it will make a very tender and tasty pate. It is also not necessary to remove the films - in the finished ( already crushed) pate, they are not felt either in texture or in taste.

Much more important is how you cook the liver. It seems that it does not matter at all how to heat it, if then it is still sent to the combine, but this is not at all the case.

The consistency of the finished liver should be exactly this: juicy, creamy and pink inside

To make chicken liver really tasty, it must be fried. And for a very hot pan, in one layer and lightning fast. Then the outside will have a fried crust, and inside it will remain juicy, creamy and pink.

If the pan is underheated, there are too many livers on it, or you have kept it on fire longer than necessary, it turns out to be tasteless, evenly gray and dry. The difference between the first and second in taste is obvious.

Other Ingredients for Chicken Pate

Onions should be added. It gives the pâté moisture and sweetness. The ideal option is shallots, which also come with a slight garlic flavor. Pure garlic for chicken pate is a bit rough. But if the shallot could not be found, then you can take the usual ( better red) onions plus just a little garlic.

For the same reasons, you can add an apple to the pate - to taste it is combined with chicken liver wonderful. You should not add a carrot, it pulls the blanket over itself too much. It is better to leave it for beef and other meat pates.
With spices, do not be too zealous. Salt and pepper, in principle, is enough. White pepper is better than black. You can add fresh thyme if you like.

Prepared for cooking chicken pate onion and apple

Butter and heavy cream are usually added. They keep their shape better and become smoother, both in texture and in taste. But if for any reason you don’t want to add fat, you can do without them. The taste of the paste will be even brighter, but grains will be more noticeable in it. If you still decide to add butter, then knead it not into hot, but into a slightly cooled pate so that it does not lose its taste.

The alcohol helps enhance the flavor of the pâté. In the case of chicken pate, there is nothing better than sweet wine. Port, Madeira, sweet sherry, vinsanto - everything fits. If there is no sweet wine, cognac also turns out well.

chicken pate recipe

12 servings (600 g pate)

What do you need:

  • 450 g chicken liver
  • 150 g chilled butter
  • 2 shallots
  • 1 apple
  • 3 art. l. sweet wine (e.g. port, Madeira, sweet sherry)
  • salt, white pepper

What to do:

Clean the shallot and finely chop. Remove the peel and core from the apple and grate it on a coarse grater. Rinse, pat dry with paper towel and cut each in half.

In a wide skillet, heat 2 tbsp. l. butter. Add the onion and cook over medium heat, stirring, 3-5 minutes, until translucent. Add apple and continue cooking for 3 more minutes. Transfer everything to the bowl of a food processor.

Transfer applesauce mixture to a food processor

Return the skillet to the fire. Melt 2 more tbsp. l. oils. Add as many livers as will fit in one layer. Cook over high heat for about 2 minutes on each side the liver should turn brown on the outside but remain pink on the inside). Transfer to a food processor bowl and repeat with the rest of the liver.

Put the liver in one layer

Return the skillet to a low heat, pour in the sweet wine and cook for 2-3 minutes, until the alcohol smell is gone and a light soot has come off the bottom of the skillet. Pour the wine with juices into the bowl of the combine.

Add salt, pepper and grind until smooth. Cool the pate for 10-15 minutes.

Cut the remaining butter into small cubes and add one at a time to the pate, continuing to grind. Taste, add salt and pepper if needed.

Add the cubes of butter to the bowl of a chicken pate processor

Shift pate into a serving bowl or jar, cover with cling film or a lid and refrigerate (at least 2 hours, preferably 4 hours). Remove from refrigerator 20-30 minutes before serving.

Make toast, white or cereal. Put a jar of sour berry jam on the table, and even better, onion marmalade and proceed!

Ready-made chicken pate in a jar

Maria Sorokina:

« Most of all I love to cook and feed my friends and relatives. For the sake of blogging about food, cooking classes and driving gastronomic tours to Italy, I left successful career management consultant. I have traveled extensively and studied cooking throughout Western Europe and South East Asia. And now it is quite clear that what touches me the most is simple food, which almost without effort turns out to be bright and unforgettable. There are so many of them that it is absolutely not necessary to take on complicated recipes. I will talk about her».

I love pâtés and cook them often. The simplest, of course, is from the liver. But you won’t surprise anyone with them ... Well, I came up with something that I haven’t seen anywhere else.

And this is how the idea came about. In the store, I always read the composition of the product, and have repeatedly noted that in ready-made semi-finished products - cutlets, dumplings, sausages, the composition says: “Mechanically deboned poultry meat”. Moreover, almost all poultry products contain this component. And this is nothing but meat and bone mass. They do it this way: the carcasses of broiler chickens or chickens are ground together with the bones. Moreover, valuable meat: legs, breasts and drumsticks are separated - this process is called deboning. There remains the skeleton of the chicken - a little meat, skin, cartilage, but mostly bones. All this is finely-finely ground in several stages and the output is, I quote the fragment technological process: "half dry bone mass and the mass of muscle joints, having the appearance of finely dispersed minced meat."

Why am I saying all this - to the fact that we regularly use all this with the vast majority of meat products. To be honest, it's not very pleasant to imagine. And if we remember that in many sausages present pork skin, appetite in general vanishes.

But if you think about it, meat and bone meal is a valuable source of protein. So, I thought, what if we throw out the skin, cut off the fat and take the sugar bones? Surely you can get something tasty!

I had a multicooker available (you can replace it with a pressure cooker), and I decided to cook pate from chicken necks and stomachs. And believe me, you won't regret it!

So, to prepare the pate, we need a slow cooker, a blender, a sieve, a very sharp knife or kitchen scissors, skillful hands and:


  • Chicken gizzards - 350 g
  • Chicken necks - 700 g
  • Salt 1 teaspoon
  • 4 bay leaves
  • 1 st. a spoonful of paprika
  • 1 st. a spoonful of dried herbs (basil, dill, parsley)
  • Ground black pepper

The ratio of the stomachs and necks is approximately 1: 2, at the exit I received 635 g of pate.

How to cook chicken pate

We take, cut off fat from them and cut out the middle, which is white - connective tissue.

We take chicken necks and cut off all the fat from them. There can be a lot of it, it wraps the neck with a film, I cut and cut it with scissors, not a knife. All that's left is meat on the bone.

We put the meat in a saucepan, fill it with water and cook after boiling for 2-3 minutes.

Drain the broth - to the dog or into the sink.

Pour fresh water again and bring to a boil.

Drain the water again.

We put the meat in a slow cooker, fill it with water to cover all the meat, but no more.

Add salt, dried herbs and bay leaf.

We turn on the multi-cook mode at a temperature of 95 degrees, a time of 7 or 8 hours, or a similar mode without boiling (usually stewing). I leave overnight.

We take out the finished meat, pour the broth into a jar. Necks literally fall apart in the hands.

We put the meat in a blender and scroll until it becomes clear that it will not turn out smaller. For 7 hours of stewing, the bones in the necks are not completely ground, but their main part.

In the process of grinding, I add a tablespoon of sweet paprika, ground black pepper and salt (if not enough).

The finished puree is slightly diluted with broth and wiped through a sieve. We discard the bones remaining in the sieve (there are 50 g of them left).

Add broth to the pate to bring to the desired consistency (you can not add at all). I only added 50 ml of broth. This was enough to easily rub the meat mass through a sieve.

Put in trays and put in the refrigerator. The pate can be stored for one week at 2-4 degrees. Can be frozen.

By taste you will not understand what it is made of, no aftertaste chicken stomachs(when boiled or fried, they have a specific taste). The product is practically fat-free. We cut off all the fat and poured it into the broth.

Instead of animal fat, it is much more useful to dilute the pate (if desired) olive oil but the taste may change slightly.

The taste of the meat pate. Not chicken, not liver, but pure meaty and tender texture. When cooled, the pate solidifies and can be cut into slices. But at the same time, it is soft and the slices are easy to spread on a sandwich.

No additional products - onions and carrots are not needed if you want to have classic version pate, like a store-bought, only instead of 30 g of fat, we have a practically fat-free product - about 1.5-2.2% fat.

Nutritional value of products:

it the nutritional value raw product, before cleaning and boiling with a change of water.

Chicken pate, nutritional value.

Today I will show two recipes for chicken liver pate, both with photos and step by step. The first will be everyday and budget, which is prepared at home quickly and easily. The second one is more expensive, it takes longer to cook on it, but the pate turns out to be softer, more airy. According to it, I usually prepare the filling for or vol-au-vents on the festive table.

Chicken liver pate with onions and carrots

Prepares very quickly. True, and flies just as quickly. And by the way, this is useful and, one might say, diet dish gobble up for both cheeks even the most ardent haters of the liver.


  • chicken liver - 500g;
  • carrots - 1 pc;
  • onion - 1 pc;
  • sunflower oil - 2-3 tablespoons;
  • salt - to taste;
  • butter - 200g.

How to cook chicken liver pate at home:

  1. Liver preparation. Of course, it is best to make a dish from chilled, but if you have frozen, then it must be completely thawed. To do this, we take it out of the freezer the day before cooking, put it in a bowl and put it in the refrigerator compartment. It will gradually thaw under such conditions, which is better for it in particular and for meat products in general. The bowl will be needed because water and blood will flow from the liver, which must be drained. For the same purposes, it is also best to put the chilled liver in a colander and support it for about 10 minutes. Then we sort it out, cut off possible fat and remnants of the bile ducts or pieces with spots of bile, which is bitter, so we don’t need it at all. Unlike beef or pork, you do not need to remove the film from the chicken liver, it is thin and will not interfere.
  2. Then we cut it into pieces. Usually cutting in half is sufficient. And let's put it aside for now.
  3. Peel carrots and onions, rinse with water. Carrots can be grated, can be cut into pieces. It doesn't matter, because in the end it will all be ground, but grated carrots cook faster. Finely chop the onion with a knife.
  4. Heat sunflower oil in a frying pan. Fry vegetables until soft.

  5. Put the liver in the pan, mix, fry for 1 minute.
  6. Then pour 1/3 cup boiling water, salt and cook over moderate heat for 7-8 minutes, stirring often. Check the liver for readiness, if the inside is not red, then you can safely turn it off. Usually this time is sufficient. If you cook longer, the product will become dry and hard.
  7. There are recipes when vegetables and liver are fried separately. I think this is superfluous, since it will all turn into a pate later, and cooking together is a great time saver.
  8. Transfer the contents of the pan to a bowl and let cool slightly.
  9. Then we take everything carefully so that not a single piece remains. I use a submersible for this, but a blender with a bowl is also suitable. And you can also pass it through a meat grinder, but then you need to install a grate with the smallest holes, plus twist everything twice.
  10. Butter will give the pate the desired consistency and density. You need to add it very soft. So now is the time to get it out of the fridge. As the pate cools, it will soften. It is impossible to add to warm, and even more so hot liver mass! The butter will melt and the snack will turn out liquid.
  11. You can mix with a blender, but I'm usually too lazy to wash it a second time, so I take a fork to mix.
  12. We lay out the finished mass in containers. By the way, this can be a normal glass jar. We put it in the refrigerator for at least a couple of hours. The main thing is not to start eating right now, not cooled down. Very tasty!

Chicken liver pate recipe with photo step by step

A feature of this recipe will be the addition of cream and cognac, with which the pate turns out to be very tender and fragrant. After adding cognac, we will bake the semi-finished product in the oven. The alcohol will evaporate from heating, but the aroma will remain.


  • chicken liver - 450g;
  • onion - 1 pc;
  • cream 10% - 100 ml;
  • butter - 100g;
  • vegetable oil for frying;
  • salt, black ground pepper - to taste;
  • cognac - 1 tbsp.

How to cook delicious chicken liver pate at home:

The pate can be spread on bread, put into flounces using a culinary syringe or a cornet, so that the liver pate looks beautiful in them, and served on any, even the most sophisticated holiday table.

If you ever try to cook chicken liver pate at home, you will forever refuse store products. Making such an appetizer is quite simple, while there is different variants pate with spices, herbs and even cognac. Therefore, you can safely fantasize and prepare a new dish every time.

Classic homemade chicken liver pate

The simplest version of the pate involves the use available ingredients, but to give snacks delicate taste and flavor we put butter and spices.


½ kg of chicken liver;
one onion and one carrot;
55 g butter (butter);
salt, pepper, bay leaf.

Cooking method:

  1. In a frying pan, heat refined oil, overcook onion half rings until golden, put carrot quarters and pieces of offal.
  2. Pour a cup of water to the ingredients, flavor them with spices, put a bay leaf, cover and simmer for half an hour. Then remove the lid and cook for another 10 minutes to evaporate all the liquid.
  3. Pour the contents of the pan into a bowl, put the softened butter and grind the ingredients with a blender. That's all, serve the pate with slices of wheat or rye bread.

Diet pate

If you follow your figure or go in for sports, then chicken liver pate will be for you. healthy dish. Indeed, in such an appetizer there is practically no fat, the main thing is that there are no carbohydrates in it, it is one hundred percent protein.


  • 550 g offal;
  • one carrot and onion;
  • 55 ml vegetable oil;
  • teaspoon of nutmeg;
  • pepper, salt, herbs.

Cooking method:

  1. In a frying pan with a little oil, put the chopped onion and grated root crop. We do not fry the vegetables much, but just give them a good soak in oil.
  2. Then we put the vegetables in a bowl, and in their place we put pieces of the liver, which also should not be fried too much. As soon as the offal changes color, return the vegetables, pour in half a glass of water, cover and simmer for 10 minutes.
  3. After we sprinkle the ingredients with spices, be sure to put nutmeg and a little of any herbs, simmer another 10 minutes.
  4. Now it only remains to grind all the ingredients with a blender and the pate is ready.

Recipe with mushrooms

Many housewives have long stopped buying pates in stores, because it is not known what is included in their composition. But, at home, you can cook a healthy snack with various additives, for example, with mushrooms.


  • 820 g of poultry liver;
  • 95 ml of cognac;
  • 620 g of mushrooms (oyster mushrooms, champignons);
  • half a pack of butter;
  • two bulbs;
  • 280 ml cream (33%);
  • salt, pepper, thyme.

Cooking method:

  1. First of all, we fill the liver with cognac and leave it to marinate for two hours. The addition of alcohol will give the pâté a special flavor. spicy taste and aroma. Then just cut it into big pieces.
  2. But first, fry the chopped onion in melted butter, after 5 minutes put the liver, salt, pepper, sprinkle with thyme, fry for 5 minutes.
  3. Separately, we also overcook finely chopped mushrooms in melted butter.
  4. Now we transfer all the components to the blender bowl, add the cream and grind until smooth, we get a tasty and fragrant pate, which should be infused for 7 hours in the refrigerator before serving.

With cheese

If you do not like mushrooms, then you can make a pate with cheese. We will make an appetizer in the form of a roll, so it will not be a shame to serve such a dish even on the festive table.


  • 525 g chicken liver;
  • 325 g of processed cheese;
  • onion and carrot;
  • dill greens;
  • half a pack of oil.

Cooking method:

  1. We cut the offal into pieces and overcook for sunflower oil sprinkling with salt and pepper.
  2. Then add onion rings to the liver, and after a quarter of carrots, cover and simmer until the liver is ready.
  3. Once the contents of the pan are ready, give them time to cool, then put the oil and grind with a blender until a homogeneous consistency is obtained.
  4. Now chop the dill greens and mix it with melted cheese.
  5. We lay out a pate in the form of a rectangle 1 cm thick on a cling film, and on the other film we make the same layer only from cheese and a smaller thickness.
  6. We connect the two layers, remove the film from the cheese and use the bottom film to roll the roll, wrap it with the same film and send it to cool for several hours.

Liver pate in a slow cooker

We are offering to you interesting recipe pate in a multicooker. Unlike other recipes, we will use eggs, and the appetizer will resemble a soufflé in consistency.


  • 680 g chicken liver;
  • four eggs;
  • large bulb;
  • half a pack of butter;
  • 280 ml cream (milk);
  • a couple of cloves of garlic;
  • nutmeg, spices to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Put the pieces of liver, oil and beat in the blender container, then pour in the eggs, put the chopped cloves of garlic, onion and turn on the device again.
  2. Now pour in the cream, put the spices, beat the mass again and send it to the multicooker bowl, select the “Baking” mode for an hour.
  3. After the signal, it is worth holding the snack for another 20 minutes so that it does not lose shape.

Delicate pate with onions and carrots

You can cook a tender chicken liver pate with the addition of cream. We will also use cognac, which will give the appetizer a special flavor.


  • 425 g offal;
  • one carrot and onion;
  • 125 ml cream;
  • half a pack of butter;
  • Art. a spoonful of cognac;
  • spices, oil.

Cooking method:

  1. In oil, overcook the chopped onion until golden, put the grated carrots, and then lay the pieces of the liver, salt, pepper and fry for 10 minutes.
  2. Then we transfer the liver with vegetables to a bowl, give them time to cool, beat with a blender.
  3. As soon as the mass has completely cooled down, pour in the cream, cognac, beat again and put it in a mold, send it to the oven for 20 minutes (temperature 180 ° C).
  4. After we take out, cool and beat again with soft butter. The pâté may be watery, but after being refrigerated for a few hours, it will harden and hold its shape.