Home / Buns / Plum vinegar and other plum recipes. Homemade plum vinegar Recipe for making vinegar from mulberry berries

Plum vinegar and other plum recipes. Homemade plum vinegar Recipe for making vinegar from mulberry berries

I already gave a homemade recipe. But, in addition to apples, you can use other fruits and berries: pears, plums, currants, gooseberries, mountain ash.

That is, almost any fruits, vegetables, berries that summer residents have grown on their plots will do. You can even get by with leaves, for example, currant leaves, grapes. Unusual shades of taste and aroma will give the vinegar spicy herbs - sage, thyme.

Using Natural Fruit Vinegar.
You can use fruit vinegar for making drinks, acidifying soups, cabbage soup, borscht, for dressing salad or vinaigrette, making sauces and mayonnaise, and for preserving vegetables and fruits.

Technology of preparation of natural fruit vinegar.
The cooking technology is the same for all recipes: raw materials are placed in a jar with a wide neck, boiled water with sugar is poured. To speed up fermentation and get a more subtle taste, add a piece of white bread.

The jar is closed from the ingress of foreign objects, but providing air access, either tied with gauze or a plastic lid with holes. Fermentation lasts one to two months. Ready vinegar is filtered, bottled, corked. Store in the room, but not in the light. You can store for several years.

Natural Fruit Vinegar Recipes.

All recipes are based on 1 liter of water.

From chokeberry - chokeberry.
Aronia juice - 400 g
Sugar - 200 g
Cherry leaves - 50 g

Squeeze the juice from the berries, pour in chilled boiled water, add sugar, finely chopped cherry leaves, put on fermentation.

Red or white currant
Currant berries - 300 g
Melissa - 50 g
Sugar - 300 g

Wash currant berries, mash, pour chilled boiled water. Add sugar, a slice of white bread, chopped lemon balm leaves, put on fermentation.

From green gooseberries
Unripe gooseberries - 300 g
Sugar - 100 g
Tarragon greens - 50 g

Rinse unripe berries, mash, pour boiled water. Add finely chopped tarragon greens, a piece of white bread, put for fermentation.

from grape leaves
Fresh grape leaves - 200 g
Oregano - 50 g
Sugar - 200 g

Rinse the grape leaves and oregano greens, chop, pour chilled boiled water, add sugar, a slice of bread, put on fermentation.

Today, stores sell different types of vinegar, but very expensive. I hope you are convinced that summer residents are quite capable of preparing natural fruit vinegar at home and using it in their kitchen or as a cosmetic product.

With the addition of apple or wine vinegar (I add it to the dressing), and marinating fish or chicken wings with such vinegar will turn out delicious. My mom makes homemade apple cider vinegar, which I absolutely love, but life goes on and my parents get old. And now I cook a lot myself according to my mother's recipes, based on her advice and life experience. Store-bought table vinegars cannot be compared with home-made ones, they are softer and more aromatic. I read a lot of recipes for making vinegar from berries, I wanted to try it. Today I have strawberries, but it can be made from strawberries, cherries or currants, the technology is the same. The cooking process is not fast, but it’s worth the wait and you need to start now, while the berries are in full swing.


  • fresh strawberries - 300 grams.
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons.
  • water - 300 ml.

How to cook a bite at home:

1. Prepare all products for vinegar. The main ingredient is strawberries. There is only one rule: the berries must not be spoiled and the riper, the more aromatic the product will turn out. We will sort it out, remove twigs and other forest debris, disperse insects)) Sepals can not be torn off. Don't wash!! On top of the berries is the so-called "wild" yeast and we will not wash it off.

2. Mash the berries with a pusher or pestle. It is not necessary in puree, but try to crush all the berries.

3. Pour boiled water into a jar and completely dissolve sugar in it. Add berries and stir.

We close the neck of the jar with a cloth or gauze folded in several layers and fix it with an elastic band so that midges do not get into it, which appear from nowhere and try to profit from the contents of the jar when the degree of active fermentation begins. Berry puree (pulp) will float up and will be at the top first.

Let's put the jar in a dark place, I had the jar in the kitchen cabinet. After a day or two, fermentation will begin, you will see air bubbles and feel a characteristic smell. The degree of active fermentation will last from 10 days to two weeks, maybe a little more. During this time, the contents of the jar must be mixed once or twice.

4. Gradually, the fermentation will fade away, and the pulp will sink to the bottom of the jar. After the end of fermentation, leave the contents of the jar alone for another 1-2 days, so that everything settles to the bottom.

5. Now the vinegar must be filtered. To do this, carefully drain the contents of the jar through several layers of gauze. Between the layers of gauze, I laid another layer of cotton wool, but this is not necessary. Squeeze the pulp thoroughly and strain it too. Drain the vinegar into a clean jar or bottle. The photo shows that the vinegar is cloudy, but it does not matter, the process is not over yet. And the vinegar itself is not ready yet, it tastes slightly acidic. It should still stand for a month or a half, you do not need to stir the vinegar. It will be passive fermentation. A precipitate will form at the bottom, and the vinegar itself will become transparent and will gain acidity.

Attention! Mold must not form on the surface of the vinegar! If it appeared, then the cooking technology was violated. Mold can form if the vinegar has not reached the right degree of acidity, that is, it has not survived the right fermentation time and the acid does not inhibit the development of mold. So let the vinegar fully ferment at an active fermentation level.

6. After passive fermentation, drain the vinegar from the sediment with a thin tube or simply carefully pour it into bottles or jars. The taste of berry vinegar will be sour with a distinct aroma of the berries from which you prepared it. Such homemade vinegar is stored for 5-7 years, at least as it is written in the sources. Holds up great at room temperature.

Delicious preparations for you!

Sincerely, Nadezhda Yurikova.

With a good housewife, the whole harvest goes to work. Even damaged fruits and berries, because they can be used to make fruit vinegar - an excellent tool for acidifying culinary dishes and for canning. In addition, natural vinegar is useful, as it preserves the vitamins of the original products. And vinegar on herbs will give you not only a pleasant taste and aroma, but also health.

There is an opinion that the first vinegar was obtained by accident, from wine sour in the sun. They didn’t pour it out, tried to use it, and liked the result.

Today, under the brand name "vinegar", manufacturers do not always offer us a natural product. For example, acetic acid is obtained by synthesizing natural gas processing products. Synthetic vinegar can be used for canning, but only natural vinegar for nutrition.

Many housewives know the miraculous properties of apple cider vinegar, which can improve not only the taste of prepared marinades and dishes, but also the size of the waist. It can be prepared quite easily at home, using both quality apples and carrion.

The best vinegars are obtained from apples, plums, mountain ash, red or white currants, raspberries. They have low acidity, pleasant color and original aroma.

It all depends on your preferences and application. For example, cinnamon vinegar is better to extinguish soda for dough, and juniper is good to add to barbecue marinades.

The technology for making homemade vinegar is almost the same for different products. The raw materials are poured with boiled water, granulated sugar is added, covered with a double layer of gauze or a thin linen napkin so that the dishes are covered and air is provided during fermentation. Keep at room temperature. After about 2 months, the finished vinegar is filtered, bottled, corked and stored in a dark place at room temperature.

When insisting vinegar on spicy herbs, they do this: they prepare any fruit vinegar and pour herbs into it, placed in a clean bottle. Together with fruits, herbs cannot be infused, as they prevent fermentation. The ideal dish for making homemade vinegar is a wooden barrel. However, you can use ceramic, glass or enamel containers. The main thing is that the dishes in which the fermentation process takes place should be wide-mouthed.


800 g chopped apples,
1 liter of water
100 g of granulated sugar,
10 g yeast

Grind apples on a coarse grater and pour warm boiled water. Add granulated sugar, yeast and keep for 10 days in a warm place, stirring regularly. Then squeeze through a gauze bag. For each liter of liquid, add 50 g of honey and put in a dark, warm place for 40-50 days. Ready vinegar is filtered, bottled and tightly closed with corks.


1.5 kg of red currant,
1.5 liters of boiled water,
200 g of granulated sugar,
50 g honey.

We crush clean and dried berries with a wooden pestle. We put it in a glass jar, fill it with water, add granulated sugar, mix well. After a month of fermentation, add honey.


500 g apples
150 g honey
50 g St. John's wort inflorescences,
1 liter of water.

Grind the apples on a coarse grater, put them in an enamel pan or a glass jar with a wide neck, pour in chilled boiled water, add honey, put on fermentation. We filter the finished vinegar, bottle it, where we put St. John's wort inflorescences in advance.


500 ml grape juice and water,
150 g of granulated sugar.

We dilute the freshly squeezed juice with water, pour it into a bottle, add granulated sugar, close the neck with a cotton plug and leave to ferment. After 3-4 weeks, when fermentation is over, we filter the finished vinegar and bottle it.


300 g pitted cherries,
800 ml of 9% table vinegar.

Pour cherries with vinegar and insist in glassware for 2 days. Then strain and bottle.


1.5 kg green gooseberries,
1.5 liters of boiled water,
200 g of granulated sugar.

We sort the berries, wash, dry and crush with a wooden pestle. We put it in a jar, fill it with water, add granulated sugar, mix thoroughly. We tie the neck of the jar with a linen napkin and leave it to ferment.


500 g raspberries,
125 g white fruit vinegar.

We sort out the berries and, without washing, put them in a glass dish. Pour fruit vinegar, cover with a lid and put in a warm and dark place. We insist 3 weeks, shaking every 2-3 days. Strain, pour into sterile bottles and store in a cool place.


1 head of garlic
1 lemon
1 pod of hot pepper,
750 ml fruity white vinegar.

We put the peeled cloves of garlic in a sterile bottle, add a lemon, washed in hot water and cut into slices, a pod of hot pepper. Pour fruit vinegar, cover with a lid and insist in a dark place for 2-3 weeks. Can be used without filtering.


450 ml white fruit vinegar
zest of 1 orange,
1 sprig of green basil

Grind orange zest, pour fruit vinegar, add basil, close the lid and insist in a dark place for 2-3 weeks. You can store without filtering.


1 liter of 6% white wine vinegar,
2 sprigs of tarragon, mint and basil.

We wash the greens, dry them on a towel, put them in a glass jar, pour vinegar over it and close it tightly. We keep 7 days on a sunny windowsill, periodically shaking the jar. Then we filter and insist on a new portion of herbs. So we repeat 2-3 times. Strained vinegar is bottled, tightly closed and stored in a dark, cool place.


The spicy herb chosen for aromatization (basil, lovage, marjoram, lemon balm, mint, thyme, tarragon) is washed and dried on a towel. We fill the glass jar to half, slightly compacting. Pour fruit vinegar, cover with a lid and keep in a dark place for 15-20 days, shaking once a week. We filter the finished vinegar, bottle it, close it with corks, heat it in a water bath for 15-20 minutes and cool it slowly.


1 liter of water
200 g of granulated sugar,
1 st. honey spoon,
a slice of rye bread
15-20 g fresh yeast
5-6 raisins.

Boil water with sugar and honey in an enamel saucepan for 15 minutes, then cool to a warm state and add bread with yeast. Mix thoroughly, cover with a linen napkin and set for 2-3 days in a warm place for fermentation. We filter the fermented liquid and pour it into clean glass bottles. We put 2-3 raisins in each, cork and leave at room temperature for a week. Then we filter again and store in a cool place, using for marinades and seasonings.


450 ml of 6% vinegar.
3 art. spoons of seeds of anise, coriander, celery, cumin and dill, taken equally.

The seeds are thoroughly mixed, poured with vinegar, closed with a lid and insisted in a dark place for 15-20 days. Then we filter the vinegar, pour it into a bottle, close the cork, heat it in a water bath for 15-20 minutes and cool slowly.


Twigs of flowering tarragon and dill umbrellas are thoroughly washed, dried on a towel. 6 liter jar put 2-3 sprigs of tarragon. 1 dill umbrella, 1 chili pepper, pour fruit vinegar, cover and keep for a week in a dark, cool place, shaking regularly. Then we filter, pour into a bottle, close the cork, heat in a water bath for 15 minutes and cool slowly.


Rinse the basil sprigs thoroughly and pat dry with a towel. We put it in a jar to the neck, without tamping, pour it with fruit vinegar, cover with a lid and put it in a dark, cool place for 7 days. Then we filter, bottle, put in each sprig of fresh basil. Store in a cool place for no more than 2 months. To increase the shelf life, we warm the finished vinegar in a closed bottle in a water bath for 15-20 minutes, wait for the water to cool and remove it from the water.


1 l fruit vinegar
1 Antonovka apple,
50 g of dill and celery greens,
2-3 leaves of blackcurrant,
1 bay leaf,

In a glass jar we put an apple cut into slices, sprigs of celery and dill, bay and currant leaves, pour fruit vinegar and close tightly. We insist in a dark place for 2 weeks, regularly wind a jar. We filter the finished vinegar, bottle it and bury it with corks.

To infuse vinegar, you can use both herbs and a variety of products: from onions or garlic to exquisite cinnamon or hot peppers, from tart juniper cones to fragrant lemon peels.

Berry vinegars are also stored at room temperature, but at 5-15 degrees they do not deteriorate even after 8 years. The period of use of apple cider vinegar is less, no more than 2 years, flavored about 6 months. While fruit and herbal vinegars lose their freshness and color over time, apple vinegar becomes richer and more fragrant.

If you buy fruit vinegar, pay attention to the concentration of acid, in natural it is not higher than 6%. Don’t let the sediment appear after about six months, this is evidence of the naturalness of the product.

If there is nowhere to put the plum crop, the easiest way out may be to prepare homemade vinegar. Not everyone loves plum jam, compotes, or, moreover, not everyone knows how to make homemade preserves. But anyone can cook plum vinegar, and there will always be a use for it.

Homemade plum vinegar is a great addition to any meat, marinade, salad dressing.

Also, plum vinegar has medicinal properties and can be useful for:

  • Spasms of the intestines;
  • diarrhea;
  • flatulence;
  • dysentery;
  • Enlargement of the spleen;
  • Puffiness.

The only drawback of plum vinegar is the duration of its preparation - 3 months. The good news is that nature will make it on its own and, almost without our participation.

Here is an easy way to make plum vinegar at home.

Homemade plum vinegar recipe.



water - it should be 2 times more than the drain

1 hour or 1 tbsp. teaspoon sugar, optional



  • As an additive in the preparation of marinades, sauces, meat.
  • If you dilute 1 tbsp. spoon in 500 ml of water, you get a natural hair rinse. From the finished plum vinegar, you can make nettle vinegar for hair,.
  • For internal use, add 1-2 teaspoons of vinegar and 1-2 teaspoons of honey to a glass of water. Take 1-2 times daily with or after food.
  • On the basis of plum vinegar, you can easily prepare, which will not leave a chance for colds during the cold season.


Up to 2 years in a dark, cool place.


The same as for taking apple cider vinegar: on an empty stomach, a mixture of vinegar, water and honey should not be used by those who have any stomach diseases.

If heartburn begins while taking the mixture, this is the first sign that you should not take it and it is time to stop taking it.

Here I collect recipes based on plums. We have a plum orchard for 30 acres next to our house, so the drain is the sea. We are studying what can be prepared from them in order to at least partially save for the winter.

Plum vinegar well disinfects the intestines, enhances its peristalsis and improves digestion.

It should be taken in the same way as apple: a tablespoon of vinegar in a glass of water (on an empty stomach in the morning - to improve digestion or before going to bed in the evening - to disinfect the intestines).

plum marshmallow

Pastila is prepared from plum puree boiled down to a reduction by half. The mass in a cold state is laid out in a layer of 1.5-2 cm in boxes lined with oiled parchment paper, dried in the sun for 3-5 days, then removed from the boxes and dried further on the board. Ready marshmallow does not break and does not stick together when folding.

plum chutney

raisins - 250g
- shallots - 300g
- onion - 30g
- sweet pepper (paprika) - 3 pcs.
- vinegar - 1 l
- plums - 250g.

Put in a saucepan: raisins, shallots, onions, chopped sweet pepper (paprika). Cover with a lid, simmer in vinegar for 1 hour. Pitted plums cut in half each, stir into the mass, cook over low heat for 2 hours.

And another plum chutney.

  • Peel 3 sweet peppers, finely chop the flesh.
  • Also chop a couple of onions, peel the ginger root (4 centimeters) and grate on a fine grater.
  • Put all the vegetables in a saucepan, add salt to taste, two or three tablespoons of sugar, two teaspoons of ground red hot pepper, pour in a liter of apple cider vinegar and simmer over low heat under the lid for one hour.
  • Add halves of plums (2 kg) to vegetables and continue to simmer under the lid for another 1.5 hours.
  • Rinse 250 g of raisins, pour hot water for 10 minutes, drain in a colander and add to chutney. Simmer another 30 minutes.

Even in the presence of vinegar, our seasonings - chutney - are a worthy accompaniment to meat, fish, pasta, and simply - on a sandwich.

Plum marmalade

For 1 kilogram of plums, 400 grams of sugar, half a glass of a glass of water.

Wash ripe fruits, cut into halves and remove the seeds. Put the plum in a cooking bowl, mash with a wooden pestle, add water, put on low heat and boil until completely softened. Rub the hot mass through a sieve. Add sugar to the puree, mix and boil, stirring, over low heat until tender. Put the finished material on a dish or baking sheet covered with parchment, level it. When the mass has cooled and covered with a crust, cut it into figured pieces and store in a sealed container in a dry place.

Plum marmalade hard

For 650 grams of plum puree, 550 grams of sugar, 100 grams of pectin apples.

Prepare mashed potatoes from the Hungarian variety (see plum marmalade recipe), add sugar and boil the mass to 1 kilogram. Before the end of cooking, add the pectin billet.

Plum puree

Rinse ripe sweet plums with a well-separating stone, cut in half, remove the stones. Put the plum halves in a saucepan, pour in a little water (1 glass of water per 1 kg of plum halves), close the lid and boil over low heat for 5-8 minutes from the moment of boiling. Stir so that the plums do not burn.

Rub hot plums through a hair sieve or pass through a meat grinder. Pour the finished puree into prepared liter jars and sterilize in boiling water for 10 minutes. Banks roll up and turn upside down. You can do without sterilization. In this case, place the mashed plums in an enameled saucepan, bring to a boil, pour into dry prepared sterilized jars to the top, close tightly, turn upside down and leave for a day.

Plum marmalade with cinnamon

Ingredients for about 2 cans of 250 ml:

1 kg. white plums
1 large lemon
700 grams of sugar
1 cinnamon stick
100-150 ml. water

Wash the plums, remove the pit. Wash the lemon too. Pour water over plums, sprinkle with sugar. Boil and boil for about 20 minutes. Remove the foam constantly.

Turn off and leave until the evening. In the evening, add sliced ​​​​lemon slices (along with the crust) and a cinnamon stick. Boil 20 minutes. Switch off.

In the morning, boil again for 20 minutes. Switch off. Cool down. In the evening of the same day, boil again for 20 minutes and turn it off.

Look at the density yourself, it depends on the plums. If necessary, you can repeat the procedure the next day. Pull out the cinnamon stick at the very end. And pour into banks.

1. Stir constantly, make sure that it does not burn.
2. Fire is slow.
3. Do not wait for it to harden instantly. It freezes when cooled down.

plum cake

(for 16 - 20 pieces)

For dough:
180 g flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
100 g sugar
125 g butter or margarine.

For sweet dough:
200 g butter or margarine
200 g sugar
1 sachet of vanilla sugar,
3 eggs
200 g flour
2 teaspoons of baking powder.

To decorate the cake:
1.5 kg plums,
100 g apricot marmalade,
almond nuts.

1 Quickly knead the dough from flour, sugar, baking powder and butter shavings. Wrap it in cling film and put it in the refrigerator for 1 hour. Then roll out the dough on a floured work surface.

2 Place the sheet of dough on a greased baking sheet and trim along the edges, cutting off the excess. Prick with a fork. Bake for 12 minutes in an oven heated to 200 degrees C. Remove the finished cake and cool.

3 For a pastry, beat the butter or margarine into foam with regular sugar and vanilla sugar. Add one egg at a time, mix. Flour mixed with baking powder, sift on top of the butter-egg mass and mix from bottom to top.

4 Put the pastry on top of the baked cake and spread evenly. Cut the plums in half, remove the pits, carefully lay the berries on the sweet dough, pressing lightly.

5 Put the cake to bake for 35-40 minutes. Take it out of the oven, grease it with warm marmalade rubbed through a sieve, sprinkle with almonds, cool.

Jam taiga from burdock

It has nothing to do with plums, it’s just that I accidentally found such an interesting and unexpected recipe, I’m publishing it here for now, while there is no separate article on burdock.

400 g of burdock roots, 200 g of sorrel. This sweet and sour jam can be cooked in the forest. Crushed burdock roots and sorrel cook until tender in a small amount of water.