Home / Khachapuri / Beautiful autumn pastries. The best recipes for autumn pies

Beautiful autumn pastries. The best recipes for autumn pies

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In autumn, I especially want something baked. In many cuisines of the world, it is customary to bake special pies in autumn. They bake pies with nuts, pumpkin, apples and cinnamon, with sea buckthorn and, of course, with fish and meat. Autumn is pie time.

How to bake an autumn cake read on.

Autumn Pie Recipes

Pie "Autumn" with jam


  • 150 gr. butter
  • 100 gr. sour cream
  • 100 gr. Sahara
  • dough baking powder
  • 2 tbsp. flour
  • 1 st. l. cocoa
  • 200 gr. thick jam
  • fresh or canned berries for decoration

Cooking method:

    Beat room temperature butter with sour cream, sugar and baking powder. Carefully add flour and knead elastic dough.

    Divide the dough into two unequal halves.

    Roll out most of it, put it on oiled paper. Distribute the jam on the rolled layer.

    Divide the smaller half of the dough into two more parts. Add cocoa to one and knead until it turns brown.

    Roll out each part of the dough, cut out any leaves. Put the leaves randomly on the jam, lightly press down and bake for about 30 minutes at 180 degrees.

    Ready pie decorate with berries, you can sprinkle powdered sugar.

Autumn pie with mushrooms


  • 1 st. flour
  • 150 gr. butter
  • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil
  • 100 ml water
  • 400 gr. mushrooms
  • 2 pcs. onion
  • 2 tbsp. l. butter for stuffing
  • 1.5 st. cream
  • parsley
  • pepper

Cooking method:

    Grate a pack of cold butter, grind it with flour and pour in vegetable oil.

    Continuing to knead the dough, add salt, pour in water. Knead a stiff dough. Distribute the dough in a form with sides, crushing it with your hands. Then prick the dough with a fork and place in a hot oven for 15 minutes.

    Fry in butter onion and mushrooms.

    In a separate bowl, beat eggs with cream, salt, pepper and chopped parsley.

    Mix the cooled mushrooms with the filling.

    Remove the dough from the oven, pour the mushroom nachika over it, spread with a spoon and return to the oven for another 20 minutes. Serve hot.

Pie with cranberries "Grape basket"


  • 4 tbsp. flour
  • 1 st. kefir
  • 50 gr. butter
  • 1 p. dry yeast
  • 4 tbsp. l. Sahara
  • vanillin
  • 2 eggs - one for the dough, one for brushing
  • 1.5 st. cranberries
  • bunch of seedless grapes

Cooking method:

    Knead the dough from kefir, eggs, sugar, dry yeast, melted butter, vanilla and flour. Knead the dough for at least 15 minutes.

    Transfer to a large deep dish, cover with a towel and put in a warm place to approach.

    Sort the cranberries, wash, dry on a towel. Then grind with a blender or meat grinder. Add sugar to taste and stir.

    Double risen dough, divide into two parts. Most roll out on oiled parchment, half a centimeter thick. Divide the second half of the dough into two more grow and roll into flagella by a centimeter in diameter.

    Divide the second egg into yolk and white.

    Beat the yolk, grease the edges of the rolled dough layer with it.

    Roll the flagella into a pigtail and lay along the edge of the future pie. Prick the dough with a fork and place in the hot oven for 5 minutes.

    Separate the grapes from the branches, wash and dry.

    Take the pie out of the oven and spread the cranberry filling in an even layer.

    From the remaining flagella lay out something like a basket.

    Roll out the dough pieces and cut out maple leaves. Put the leaves in a basket, lay the gaps with grapes in the form of a cluster.

    Brush dough with beaten egg white and bake until done, about 20 minutes. Fragrant autumn cake is ready!

Pour hot strong tea into a cup and invite everyone to the table!

Bake autumn pies more often and be healthy!

Always your Alena Tereshina.

Apple pie

Vladimir Bozhavets, chef 15/17 Bar & Grill


Golden apples - 4 pcs.

Wheat flour - 500 g

Almond flour - 200 g

Sugar - 100 g

Powdered sugar - 180 g

Butter - 425 g

Vanillin - 2.5 g

Egg - 4 pcs.

Cinnamon - to taste

Cooking method:

Cooking shortbread dough. Mixing wheat flour, 60 grams almond flour, 300 grams of butter, powdered sugar and one gram of vanillin. Then add two eggs. Knead the dough well and spread on a baking sheet with a radius of no more than 30 centimeters. Bake in the oven until half cooked at a temperature of 170 degrees (5-7 minutes).

Cut the apples into eight pieces, sprinkle with cinnamon and put in the oven for 5 minutes at the same temperature. In the middle of the process, the apples will need to be turned over to the other side and also sprinkled with cinnamon.

Cooking almond cream. Beat sugar with 125 grams of butter, then add two eggs, 25 grams of almond flour and 1.5 grams of vanillin to the mass. Beat well until a homogeneous creamy mass is obtained.

Spread the almond cream evenly over the resulting dough and apples on top. Put the cake in the oven and bake until golden brown at a temperature of 170 degrees (5 minutes).

cherry pie

Maxim Batarin, brand chef and head of the BB & Burgers production complex


Frozen cherries - 500 g

Sugar - 180 g

Starch - 2–3 tbsp. l.

Cinnamon - to taste

Zest - on the tip of a knife


Flour premium- 230 g

Butter - 150 g

Water - 80 g

Eggs - 1 pc.


Turn on the oven at 190 degrees and prepare the dough. The butter should be very cold and cut into cubes, mix it on the table with flour and sugar and rub it with your hands - a very strange and heterogeneous mass is obtained. Add ice water and stir again. There is no task to obtain a homogeneous and smooth mass. Small unmixed pieces of butter will melt during baking, and the dough will turn out to be airy, crispy and light. Ready dough It will look unusual - don't let that scare you. We wrap what happened in a film and put it in the refrigerator. It will be clear to you that it is time to bake a cake when the dough becomes hard and will not stick to your hands, table and rolling pin.

We divide the dough into two parts (the lower part turned out a little more). We roll out the first half with a rolling pin according to the size of the mold and place it on the bottom and walls of the mold greased with butter. There is one important detail here: so that the bottom does not turn out raw and does not fall off, but turns out crispy, all the filling does not mix until the last minute - only frozen berries are needed, and they cannot be mixed in advance with sugar.

We put all the ingredients of the filling in a bowl, mix with a few vigorous movements with a spatula (only wooden) and pour into a mold with dough. Put a few cubes of butter on top, roll out the remaining dough and cover. Be sure to brush the top with beaten egg and sprinkle with sugar.

We put the cake in a preheated oven and reduce the temperature to 180 degrees, it will bake for 10-15 minutes. It all depends on the diameter of your form: the larger it is, the thinner dough and it will bake faster. The pie is best eaten hot - it tastes the best. Or wait until the cake is completely cool, then it can be removed from the mold and cut into even pieces.
By the way, it is very tasty to beat the fattest sour cream with sugar for this pie that you can find in the store - it will turn out quite at home.

Wild halibut pie in crispy dough with kale and spicy broth

Elena Savchuk, chef at LavkaLavka restaurant


Halibut fillet without skin - 140 g

Kale - 30 g

Puff pastry - 140 g

Marinade for halibut - 30 g

Eggs - 1 pc.

It is very good to spend a cold autumn evening with a cup of tea with fragrant pastries. When it’s cloudy outside and it’s raining, and the smell of fresh baked goods floats in the apartment, it pacifies and creates a feeling of harmony. Autumn pastries are varied, you can add apples, pumpkin, carrots, grapes, quince to it. When cooking, they reveal all their taste and aroma, saturate the dish with vitamins and minerals. In autumn, seasonal desserts are especially useful for the body, nourish it before winter and strengthen the immune system.

Charlotte "Festive"

Charlotte with apples

Juicy, with a pronounced sourness, apples go well with almost any dish. Classic recipe autumn baking - charlotte. There are many cooking variations, but there is a canonical recipe, the main recommendations of which should be followed.

For cooking you will need:

  • chicken eggs - 4 pieces;
  • white sugar - 200 grams;
  • wheat flour - 250 grams;
  • lemon juice;
  • sweet and sour apples - 3 pieces of medium size.
  1. Beat eggs with sugar until completely dissolved and smooth.
  2. Add the sifted flour to the mixture and mix gently.
  3. Peel the fruit from the peel and seeds, cut into thin slices and sprinkle with lemon juice.
  4. Grease a baking dish with oil and lay out part of the dough, spread the fruit in an even layer, and lay out the remaining dough.
  5. Bake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees until golden brown.

During baking, the charlotte will increase in volume; vanilla or cinnamon can be added to the dough. Spices will make autumn dessert even more fragrant and fragrant. fresh apples well set off the taste of a delicate sweet biscuit. The pie will be a great start to culinary experiments.

Rustic Pumpkin Pie

Rustic pumpkin pie

Do not be afraid of pies, which include vegetables. They have a fairly neutral taste, which enriches the shades of delicate biscuit cake. Autumn dessert of seasonal vegetables is soft and fluffy.

For cooking you will need:

  • pumpkin pulp - 450 grams;
  • wheat flour - 150 grams;
  • corn or semolina flour - 150 grams;
  • butter 82.5% - 100 grams;
  • white sugar - 200 grams;
  • chicken eggs - 4 pieces;
  • baking powder dough - 5 grams;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • powdered sugar, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds - to taste.

Cooking sequence:

  1. Stew the pulp of the pumpkin over low heat until tender.
  2. Pass through a blender, add pumpkin seeds and sesame seeds there.
  3. Beat eggs with sugar until smooth.
  4. Melt the butter, cool it and mix with the egg mass.
  5. Mix both types of flour, add baking powder, salt, vanilla and cinnamon.
  6. Mix egg and flour mass until smooth.
  7. Add pumpkin puree to the dough, mix.
  8. Bake in an oiled oven at 180 degrees for 45 minutes.

Inclusions of sesame and pumpkin seeds dilute the taste and texture of the cake.

Curd dessert

Curd-pumpkin dessert

The pumpkin contains vitamin C, T, K, PP, E and B vitamins, as well as carotene, pectin and minerals. Combined with curd walnuts and honey, the dessert turns out to be healthy, with a rich taste that strengthens the immune system and the gastrointestinal tract.

Required Ingredients:

  • baked pumpkin pulp - 300 grams;
  • cottage cheese 9% - 200 grams;
  • honey - 2 tablespoons;
  • walnuts - 20 grams;
  • cream 30% - 60 ml;

Cooking sequence:

  1. Beat pumpkin pulp in a blender.
  2. Add to pumpkin puree cottage cheese, beat again.
  3. Add cream, honey and chopped nuts to the mass, beat well.
  4. Serve at the table.

Autumn dessert turns out to be a delicate peach color, with a light aroma of pumpkin and creamy taste. The dish satisfies hunger well, keeps the feeling of satiety for a long time.

The logical conclusion of any meal is dessert. In autumn, you should enjoy all the benefits of nature and seasonal products.

For most, the arrival of autumn causes an attack of blues: warm summer days are behind, ahead are rains and slush, and vacation is far away. Recipes for delicious autumn pastries are one of the most simple ways please yourself and loved ones. Moreover, the assortment of seasonal fruits and vegetables is impressive. How to cook simple and original dishes, read on.

Fragrant pies

Recipes for delicious autumn pastries cannot be imagined without rich products. Firstly, because the mere aroma of a cake taken out of the oven awakens a brutal appetite. Secondly, it is better to fight the autumn blues with something tasty - no one has yet canceled the effect of the hormone of pleasure, serotonin. Thirdly, in autumn it is difficult for the body to restructure its activities (a couple of days ago you were still basking on the beach, and now you are actively immersed in the work process). A double dose of calories is a must.

Contrary to popular belief, delicious autumn pastries do not have to be sweet at all. Here are the most popular baking recipes for lovers of nutritious, savory pies.

Potato pie with mushrooms

Ingredients. To prepare the dough, you will need half a glass of milk, 7-10 g of dry yeast (or 20 g of fresh), half a tablespoon of sugar, 1 egg, 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil, a glass of flour, a pinch of salt. For the filling, take half a kilogram of any mushrooms (it is most convenient to work with champignons), 2-3 large potatoes, one and a half onions, 150 g of cheese (preferably soft, then golden brown on the finished product will not be too hard), 2-3 tablespoons of sour cream (with mayonnaise the taste is more piquant).

Cooking. Dissolve sugar, flour and yeast in warm (but not hot) milk, cover with a clean towel and leave in a warm place for 10-15 minutes until risen. Separately, beat the egg with a pinch of salt (without salt, the dough will turn out too bland), add vegetable oil, beat everything again (you can use a fork, not a whisk). Add whipped mass to the dough in small portions, stirring constantly. We mix in the flour (it is better to pour one spoon at a time so that there are no lumps) and knead the dough. Ready, it should not stick to your hands. If the dough is too soft, add flour. If very tight, add a little vegetable oil. Knead should be, crushing the edges on all sides. Leave in a warm place, covered with a towel. In half an hour, the dough should increase in volume by one and a half to two times.

If you use dry yeast, you can skip the first step of increasing the dough in volume. In this case, all dry ingredients are mixed separately, liquids are separately, after which everything is thoroughly mixed together.

For the filling, cut the onion into half rings, mushrooms into thin slices. We do not cut the mushrooms very finely, as during baking they significantly decrease in size. We cut the potatoes into circles (try thinner so that they bake) or rub them on a coarse grater (like potato pancakes). Cheese is rubbed on a medium grater.

Grease a springform pan with a diameter of 25 cm with margarine or vegetable oil(if using baking paper, grease only the sides). To prevent the dough from sticking, you can sprinkle the form with flour (be sure to shake off the excess).

We roll out the dough thinly, no more than 3 mm, carefully form the sides. Lubricate the dough with sour cream (for spice, you can mix sour cream with Dijon mustard), spread the mushrooms, add spices (basil, salt, pepper). If you added mustard to sour cream, do not get carried away with spices. If not, you can sprinkle with Provence herbs. We spread the filling, and the top layer is grated cheese.

The cake is baked at a temperature of 180 degrees for 30-35 minutes. We focus on the color of the cheese. If slightly golden - just right (do not wait until it turns dark brown).

If you are preparing a pie for the first time, it is better to add the filling half-finished. Fry the mushrooms with onions, boil the potatoes until half cooked and grate. You can add fresh dill and a little cilantro to the filling (do not overdo it with cilantro, as its taste is pronounced).

Other filling options:

  • one large zucchini (you can zucchini) is cut into cubes, mixed with onions (half rings) fried until golden brown and carrots (grated on a coarse grater). For color you can add green onion or dill;
  • half a head of cabbage cut into thin strips, stew until half cooked with onions. You can mix fresh cabbage with sour (two parts of fresh take one sour). From spices - salt, pepper;
  • tomatoes and red pepper (2 each). Pour boiling water over the tomatoes to remove the skin. It is better to take hard ones so that they give less juice and the dough does not get wet. Peppers and tomatoes cut into large cubes, lightly fry in vegetable oil. To make the filling more viscous, add 100-200 homemade cottage cheese. For piquancy, black pepper can be replaced with paprika;
  • half a kilogram of pumpkin pulp (pre-cut the skin and remove the seeds), rub on a coarse grater, stew with onions and carrots, salt and pepper.

Delicate desserts

Pie with apples

Ingredients. For the dough: half a pack of butter, one and a half cups of flour, 3-4 tablespoons of sour cream, 2 yolks. For the filling: 5 large non-sour apples, 150 g of sugar, cinnamon, vanillin (on the tip of a knife).

Cooking. Grind the cooled butter with flour until crumbs are obtained. Separately, grind the yolks with 2-3 tablespoons of sugar, add sour cream. Pour the resulting mixture in portions into crumbs and mix. If the dough sticks to your hands, add more flour. As a result, it should be elastic. Put the dough in the refrigerator for 2 hours.

For the apple filling, cut off the peel, remove the core, cut into slices, add sugar and cinnamon.

Roll out the dough to a thickness of up to 5 mm, put it in a mold on baking paper. To make it rise evenly, we pierce with a fork in the middle and along the sides. We distribute the filling.

We bake at a temperature of 180 degrees for 30-40 minutes. Sprinkle the finished cake with powdered sugar.

Instead of apples, you can add a pear or plum. Dried fruits and nuts will help diversify the taste, which can be pre-fried a little in a dry frying pan. Raisins must be washed and pre-steamed.

Unusual combinations of ingredients

Pie with viburnum

Ingredients: 1 cup washed viburnum berries, 2 apples, 5 eggs, 2 cups flour, 1 cup sour cream, 1 cup sugar, soda slaked with vinegar (a third of a teaspoon).

Cooking. Mix viburnum and apples grated on a coarse grater with 2 teaspoons of sugar. Beat eggs with a glass of sugar, add sour cream, soda slaked with vinegar, mix thoroughly. Add flour one tablespoon at a time. Pour one third of the dough into a detachable form (you can line the bottom with baking paper), spread the filling, fill it with the remaining dough and level it. Bake at 200 degrees until golden brown.

See the video below for more delicious autumn baking recipes.

On long October evenings, you just want to warm up, wrapping yourself in a warm blanket and drinking a cup of aromatic tea with a piece of soft home baking(with pumpkin, apples, nuts or mushrooms). This article contains the best recipes with different fillings.

Variant with mushrooms

This soft pastry is made on the basis of air yeast dough, goes well with chanterelles, mushrooms and cream cheese cheese. It has a rich taste and appetizing aroma of garlic and spices, and remains fresh for a long time. To make this pie you will need:

  • 800 grams of flour;
  • a glass of pasteurized cow's milk;
  • 50 grams of yeast;
  • 150 milliliters of water;
  • 100 grams of fine crystalline sugar;
  • ¾ packs of good quality butter.

Since this recipe for an autumn pie assumes the presence of a filling, the above list will have to be slightly expanded by additionally entering into it:

  • 600 grams of creamy curd cheese;
  • 150 g of oyster mushrooms, champignons and chanterelles;
  • 100 grams of onions;
  • garlic, dill, thyme, coriander, parsley, truffle oil and salt.

Yeast is added to a bowl filled with the right amount of warm milk and water. After 15 minutes, sugar, butter and flour are sent there. Everything is well kneaded and left for an hour and a half.

In order not to waste precious time, you need to start preparing the filling. Chopped mushrooms are sent to a heated frying pan, greased with oil, and fried together with chopped onions until golden brown. Then they are cooled and mixed with cream cheese, salt and spices.

The risen dough is evenly distributed on the bottom of a slightly oiled form, and then covered with a layer of filling and put in the oven. They bake an autumn pie, the photo of which is published in this article, at 160 degrees for no more than 40 minutes. Then it is sprinkled with fragrant and served with tea.

with apples

Charlotte, which will be discussed, is considered one of the simplest and most budgetary homemade pies. It has a pleasant taste and a pronounced apple aroma, which means it will be a great addition to a family tea party on a cold rainy evening. To bake such an autumn cake, you will need:

  • a glass of sugar;
  • 7 ripe apples of medium size;
  • 5 fresh eggs;
  • 1/3 teaspoon of slaked soda;
  • a glass of flour;
  • a tablespoon of vegetable oil.

Proteins are carefully separated from the yolks and whipped into a dense foam, gradually adding sugar, flour, slaked soda and the remains of eggs. Half of the resulting creamy mass is poured into an oiled mold. Top spread apple slices and fill them with the remaining dough. Bake an autumn cake at a temperature of 180 degrees for about 25 minutes. Just before serving, it is decorated with powdered sugar and cut into portions.

Variant with pumpkin

This delightful dessert has a rich taste and a pleasant fruity aroma. It is optimally suited for friendly gatherings over a cup of strong tea. To bake pumpkin autumn pie, you need to take:

  • 300 grams of good white flour;
  • 30 grams of dried figs and light raisins;
  • 2 apples;
  • 300 grams of pumpkin;
  • 2 pears;
  • 60 grams of softened butter;
  • ¼ teaspoon ground cinnamon and nutmeg each;
  • 100 grams of sugar;
  • 40 milliliters of vegetable oil;
  • a teaspoon of baking powder;
  • lemon peel.

Sugar, spices, butter and vegetable oil are added to a bowl filled with the right amount of milk. Shredded lemon peel, grated pumpkin, steamed raisins, pieces of figs and flour. The finished dough is poured into an oiled form and covered with fruit slices. Sprinkle the future pie on top with two tablespoons of granulated sugar and put in a hot oven. The product is baked at 190 degrees for 40 minutes. If desired, the finished dessert is decorated with chopped nuts.

Baking with vegetables

This fragrant autumn cake is prepared on the basis of curd dough, perfectly in harmony with the juicy and savory filling. To bake it you will need:

  • 200 grams of good butter;
  • 2.5 cups of white flour;
  • 150 grams of semi-hard cheese;
  • a tablespoon of fine sugar;
  • 250 grams of granular cottage cheese;
  • bell peppers, ripe tomatoes, and eggplant;
  • salt and rosemary.

Combine butter, flour and sugar in a deep bowl. All intensively knead and put in the refrigerator. After about an hour, the cooled dough is carefully spread over the bottom of a pre-greased refractory form and covered with blue onion rings, eggplant slices, tomato slices and chopped bell pepper. All this is lightly salted, sprinkled with semi-hard cheese and rosemary, and then sent to a preheated oven. Bake this product at a temperature of 180 degrees for no more than 30 minutes.

Plum variant

This recipe will surely interest true lovers of unusual homemade pastries. The product perfectly combines soft potato dough and sweet curd-plum filling. To treat your family and friends to a piece of this dessert, you will need:

  • 200 grams of potatoes;
  • a bag of baking powder;
  • 300 grams of high-quality white flour;
  • a sachet of vanillin;
  • 60 grams of sugar;
  • a teaspoon of fine salt;
  • 100 grams of soft cottage cheese;
  • 80 milliliters of pasteurized milk and vegetable oil.

All of the above components are needed for the test. To prepare the filling, you should have at hand:

  • 200 grams of poppy;
  • 100 milliliters of pasteurized milk;
  • 100 grams of sugar;
  • egg.
  • 150 grams of fresh soft cottage cheese;
  • 6 ripe plums;
  • 80 grams of chopped walnuts.

Peeled potatoes are boiled in salted water, mashed and cooled. Then it is mixed with flour, baking powder, cottage cheese, vanillin, sugar, milk and vegetable oil. The finished dough is rolled out with a layer of 50x35 cm. A filling made from poppy seeds, sugar, egg yolk, milk and cottage cheese is laid on top. All this is sprinkled with chopped nuts and cut in half. Each layer of dough is rolled up and placed in a round shape so as to get something resembling a snail. Slices of plums are placed between the rolls. The future cake is smeared with egg white and sent for heat treatment. Cook it at a temperature of 180 degrees for about 65 minutes.

Rhubarb variant

This recipe for an autumn pie, the photo of which can be found in this article, will be able to reproduce even those who are far from everything related to cooking. For this you will need:

  • 1.5 cups of good white flour;
  • ¼ teaspoon each of table salt and baking soda;
  • 100 grams of fine sugar;
  • ½ teaspoon ground cinnamon;
  • 100 grams of soft butter;
  • a teaspoon of lemon zest;
  • 120 grams of fresh cream cheese;
  • 3 large eggs;
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract;
  • 250 grams of rhubarb.

Combine in a deep bowl soft butter, cream cheese, sugar, lemon zest and eggs. The resulting mass is thoroughly mixed with all bulk ingredients and vanilla. The finished dough is evenly distributed over the bottom of the pre-oiled form and decorated with pieces of rhubarb. Dessert is baked at a temperature of 180 degrees for no more than 55 minutes.