Home / Pies / Stewed beans with meat in a saucepan. Beans with meat - instant recipes

Stewed beans with meat in a saucepan. Beans with meat - instant recipes

Step 1: boil the beans.

Any dry beans must be soaked in water before cooking. It is best to leave it for 6-8 hours or overnight in a sufficiently large container, because in the process the beans can grow one and a half or two times. After soaking, the liquid is drained. Leave the prepared ingredient in a colander for a while to allow excess water to drain.

Step 2: prepare the pork.

Frozen pork should be defrosted, but chilled pork can be cut immediately. First, cut off excess fat from the meat. It can be used later for frying or simply thrown away. After this procedure, the pork meat must be rinsed with cold water and dried with disposable paper towels. Cut the prepared pork into any pieces that are convenient for you, for example, cubes. The main thing is that they are not very large.

Step 3: prepare the onion.

Be sure to peel the onion and cut off unnecessary ends from it. Divide the peeled vegetable into two halves and use the soaked in cold water chop it into thin half rings. Use your hands to disassemble the resulting slices to separate them from each other. As a result, you should have a kind of onion straw, as in the photo.

Step 4: prepare the carrots.

Rinse the carrots under running water, then, using a special knife, peel off the peel from your orange beauty. Slice the peeled carrots again and chop into thin strips. For convenience, you can simply grate it on a coarse grater.

Step 5: stew the beans and meat.

In a skillet with high rims and a thick bottom, reheat sunflower oil... Place the meat, onion half rings and carrots in it. Fry vegetables with pork for 3-5 minutes over low heat and stirring all the time.
The next step is to add soaked beans to stewed meat in vegetables. Stir. Pour the required amount of salt, black pepper into the pan and add the tomato paste. Now pour purified water into the pan, it should almost cover the entire contents of the pan. Bring the liquid to a boil over medium heat, then reduce it. And now, over low heat, continue to cook the beans with meat for 2 hours... During this time, all the ingredients will soften and soak in tomato paste and spices, and, accordingly, will be completely ready for serving.

Step 6: serve the stewed beans with meat.

Beans stewed with meat are served hot, you can do this immediately after cooking, you can reheat the dish later. Just lay out your ready-to-eat lunch or dinner on a la carte plates and serve. I usually offer beans and meat as a complete stand-alone dish, but sometimes you can add to it, for example, a side dish of boiled rice or pasta.
Bon Appetit!

In some recipes, instead of vegetable oil it is recommended to use pork fat.

Instead of pork, you can also use chicken meat. The beef is too tough for this dish for my taste.

When soaking beans before cooking, be sure to change the water every 3-4 hours. If you do not have this opportunity, then you can add quite a bit, literally one teaspoon of baking soda.

Find thoroughly tried and tested bean and meat recipes in the site's collection of flavoring fantasies. Try to cook all kinds of beans with mushrooms, various meats and offal, aromatic herbs and vegetables, with the addition of cheese, tomato or sour cream. Create your own culinary masterpiece!

The variety of beans is amazing! There are more than two hundred varieties of it, and each has its own special appearance, flavoring shade. Therefore, bean dishes are not only highly nutritious and tasty, but also remarkably beautiful. Beans can rightfully claim to be a rejuvenating plant. In terms of protein, vitamins, antioxidants and minerals, these beans are unmatched. When cooking, it is important to take into account several nuances: the beans must be soaked for a rather long time before cooking, and during the cooking process they increase in volume.

The five most commonly used ingredients in bean and meat recipes are:

Interesting recipe:
1. Cut the meat into small pieces. Fry lightly.
2. Add chopped onions, carrots and tomatoes to it.
3. Peel the green beans and cut them in half.
4. Place the pods on top of the meat. Cover with water, salt and pepper.
5. Simmer over low heat.
6. Put the chopped mushrooms in a separate frying pan. Fry.
7. Add egg, tomato paste, sour cream and flour to them. Stir and simmer briefly.
8. Combine beans with meat and mushroom mass.
9. Place in ceramic pots.
10. Sprinkle generously with cheese shavings.
11. Bake in a preheated oven until a delicious cheese crust is formed.

The five fastest bean and meat recipes:

Helpful hints:
... Beans can be boiled for future use and kept frozen.
... Bean dishes will be more interesting if meat and vegetables are fried in high-quality butter or ghee.
... The water in which the beans were soaked for a long time, like the water after the initial boiling, must be drained. Then pour cold water over the fruits and continue cooking.
... It is recommended to add some salt to the beans before the end of cooking.

It's already autumn, it has become completely cool and men are demanding a more hearty dinner, and pork? Today I propose to cook a very tasty and satisfying dish red beans with meat and vegetables stew... For sure, our men will be happy.

Preparing for cooking

Today I use red, fresh beans for cooking. It must first be sorted out, removed the spoiled grains and rinsed thoroughly in several waters. Then let it swell for a few hours.

It is convenient to soak it in the morning to cook in the evening and vice versa soak it in the evening to whip it up in the morning.

How to cook delicious pork stew

So, and increased in size several times. Drain off the rest of the water and pour it into a saucepan with a thick bottom. I cook all such dishes in a duck, it's just more convenient for me. Fill the beans with fresh water so that it covers them by two fingers, close the lid, bring to a boil and reduce the heat. We will cook over low heat. It's time to add a little salt.

While the beans are boiled and vegetables.

I have a rather lean piece of pork that is not very easy to cut due to the lack of fat. But it doesn't matter, my kitchen knives, a whole arsenal for all occasions, which will always come to the rescue. The culinary expert should never save money on knives.

I am of medium size, about 2-2.5 cm thick. I put them in a preheated pan with vegetable oil. Then she fried the meat on high fire for several minutes, stirring occasionally.

Rinse with water and chop into half rings. Send the onion to the meat pan.

Thoroughly wash the carrots from dirt, peel them off with a vegetable peeler and rinse again with water. , put in a frying pan. Mix vegetables with meat and simmer for about 5-7 minutes. You can add half a bell pepper, but this time I did not find it.

Rinse the tomato with water and chop finely, add to the meat with vegetables, and then simmer for another 10 minutes. I decided not, but to put more fresh tomatoes than usual.

A couple of minutes before cooking, add salt to the contents of the pan, add spices and a few bay leaves, which we evenly distribute over the pan.

The beans are boiled, at this point and. We send the contents of the pan to the duck to the beans, and in addition add a few more chopped garlic cloves. As a result, we mix everything that is in the utyatnitsa several times.

If the dish is too dry, I advise you to top up with hot water.

Cover and simmer for a few minutes. That's all, a hearty, autumn dish is completely ready. I'm sure it turned out very tasty. Serve beans with meat, sprinkle with herbs with rye bread and fresh onions. Agree, this is a real, men's dinner. Bon Appetit!

  • 1.5-2 cups - fresh red beans;
  • 600-700 grams - lean pork;
  • 2 pieces - onions;
  • 2 pcs - carrots;
  • 0.5 pcs - sweet bell pepper;
  • 3-4 pcs - tomatoes;
  • 4-5 cloves - fresh garlic;
  • Salt, spices (coriander, ground black pepper, a mixture of herbs) - to taste;
  • 2-3 pcs - Bay leaf.

Amazingly simple and delicious recipe stew with beans. The dish turns out to be beautiful, hearty and healthy, and what is most remarkable - in the summer, the stew can be cooked with fresh beans, which significantly speeds up the entire cooking process, the rest of the time we use ordinary dry beans. In the recipe, I will describe in detail both options so that no one has any difficulties, although what difficulties are there, because everything is so simple)))


(Serves 4)

  • 1 tbsp. dry beans or 2 tbsp. fresh
  • 600 gr. beef
  • 2 large onions
  • 1 large carrot
  • 1 cup tomato sauce
  • 1 / 2-1 tbsp. water or broth
  • salt to taste
  • sugar to taste
  • ground black pepper to taste
  • Bay leaf
  • 1/2 tsp hops-suneli (optional)
  • vegetable oil
  • So, if you have dry beans, you should soak them beforehand. In this case, we measure out a glass of beans, it can be white or red, no difference. Fill the beans with water and leave overnight. This is done so that the beans are then cooked faster.
  • If it’s summer, then it’s logical to buy beans of a new crop, fresh, not dry. In this case, you do not need to soak the beans. In the main photo I have meat stewed with fresh beans.
  • So, for beans with meat, we need 600 grams of beef, instead of beef, you can also buy pork.
  • Choose meat with small layers of fat - then the stew with beans will turn out to be more juicy. Cut the meat into pieces.
  • Pour vegetable oil into a cauldron or frying pan. We heat the oil over a fire.
  • We put the meat in a well-heated frying pan, fry for a fairly high fire... Do not turn over until one side is browned.
  • While the meat is fried, take two large onions, clean and finely chop.
  • We look after the meat with one eye so that it does not burn. When is formed golden brown, only then turn the meat over. We continue to fry over a fairly high heat.
  • When the meat is browned on all sides, add finely chopped onion.
  • Reduce the heat, cover the pan with a lid, and simmer everything together over low heat, stirring occasionally.
  • When the onion is soft, add the grated carrots to the pan.
  • Mix everything and simmer again on low heat for 5-6 minutes.
  • Now it's the beans' turn. Thoroughly drain the water from the soaked beans, put the beans themselves to the meat.
  • If you have fresh beans, then just wash them and add them to the meat. Alternatively, canned cooked beans can be used for the stew.
  • Pour in tomato sauce, preferably homemade. If tomato sauce is not available, tomato juice will do. We also add a little water or broth.
  • Salt, pepper, add sugar to taste, a couple of bay leaves for flavor. By the way, it turns out very delicious beans and a delicious stew with a little hop-suneli seasoning, but that's optional.
  • Cover the pan with a lid and simmer over low heat until full readiness meat and beans. Estimated time is about an hour, but it may be a little longer. The cooking time depends on the quality of the meat. If the meat is from a young animal and without veins, then it naturally cooks faster.
  • We look after the contents of the pan, stir occasionally so that our dish does not burn.
  • Stew with beans can be served as an independent dish, or with a side dish. Great as a side dish boiled potatoes, boiled rice or pasta. Naturally, with a side dish more practical option... Also see delicious

Hearty, healthy dish- bean stew, white, black, red or green beans: we have collected best recipes cooking.

Beans, like any legumes, are very useful for the human body. Cooking it, of course, takes a very long time, but in the end it turns out incredibly tasty dish... It is most often used to prepare salads, stews, add it to borscht, and even bake it with meat in the oven.

One of the budget and very tasty dishes is legumes stewed with various vegetables. You can pick up absolutely any gifts of nature, experiments in this case are appropriate.

  • beans - 500 g;
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • zucchini - 2 pcs.;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • oil - 50 ml;
  • water - 0.5 cups;
  • garlic - 1 pc.

Soak the beans in cold water for a few hours. Drain and fill with new water, simmer until soft. It will take at least an hour. Peel the zucchini, cut into cubes and salt.

Remove the husk from the onion and chop into half rings. Heat oil in a skillet and sauté onion until transparent. Drain the liquid from the zucchini, squeeze and add to the pan.

Wash the tomato and cut into cubes, garlic into slices.

Strain the beans, put them in a cauldron. Next, dump the toasted and freshly chopped vegetables. Mix everything, salt, pour in warm water.

Close the lid tightly and simmer over low heat for twenty-five minutes. Finally, sprinkle with black pepper and fresh herbs.

This dish will be a great addition to any side dish instead of meat or fish.

Recipe 2: beans, stewed with tomatoes and garlic

  • Dry red beans 1-2 pcs
  • Onion 0.5 kg
  • Ripe tomatoes 2 tbsp
  • Olive oil 2-3 cloves
  • Garlic 2-3 sprigs
  • Dill
  • Spices
  • Ground black pepper, salt, sugar, nutmeg

Beans can be cooked from any variety. It is important that the beans are cooked well and remain intact. It is better to use not the smallest beans, but the elongated beans in the shape of a crescent. I don’t know why, but these seeds are much better cooked and tastier. Large-seeded red beans are best.

Sort the beans, rinse thoroughly and remove all excess. It is very effective to clean beans from excess under a stream of running water. Next, pour the beans with cold water and refrigerate for soaking. Soaking time - from 6 hours. Ideal to soak in the evening and cook the bean stew the next day.

The next day, pour the beans with cold water and cook. After the water begins to boil, reduce the heat slightly so that the water barely boils, and do not cover the pan with a lid. You should not force the cooking process.Most likely, with a violent boil, the outer part of the seeds will boil, while the inside will still be raw. It is also worth monitoring readiness quite often. Bean boiling time is a thing in itself. But in any case, this process takes at least half an hour. Throw the boiled beans into a colander so that the water is glass, and pour into a deep bowl, which is covered with a plate so that the beans do not dry out.

Peel the onion and cut into large strips. By the way, you can add more onion to stewed beans. Heat olive oil in a skillet.

Fry the chopped onion olive oil until golden brown. This should be done over high heat without covering the pan with a lid, and stirring often enough for even frying.

Add boiled beans to the fried onion, after draining the remaining water from it, and finely chopped garlic with a knife. Season the beans and onions with salt and pepper. Fry for 1-2 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Scald fresh and very ripe tomatoes with boiling water, remove the skin and seeds. Grind the tomato pulp with a blender until the state of tomato puree. If the tomatoes are not too ripe, you can add 1 tsp to them. good tomato paste.

Fill tomato puree to onions and beans, add half a glass of boiling water, 1 tsp. sugar and ground nutmeg on the tip of a knife. To stir thoroughly. Bring sauce to a boil, reduce heat and cover skillet.

The braised beans will cook for 20 minutes. During the stewing process, the tomato sauce should boil very little. Bubbling is categorically unacceptable.

After 20 minutes, remove the lid and increase the heat. At your request, the stew can have a consistency like thick soup or stew. Excess moisture should boil away. Cooked beans with onions and tomatoes are served only hot immediately after cooking. Sprinkle very finely chopped dill on the stewed beans and serve.

The bean stew takes about half an hour to cook, if you take care of soaking the dry beans first. Delicious red bean stew with toasted bread or corn tortillas.

Recipe 3: stewed black beans (step by step photos)

  • 450 ~ 500g black or red beans,
  • 100 ~ 150g bacon,
  • 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil
  • 2 medium carrots (250 g),
  • 2 onions (400g),
  • 3 tablespoons of tomato paste,
  • 1.5 ~ 2 tsp salt,
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 1.5 liters of water, pepper,
  • 2 ~ 4 bay leaves,
  • if desired - adjika

Wash the beans and soak in cold water for a day.

Chop the onion and carrots.

Heat vegetable oil in a cast iron or deep skillet with a thick bottom and add chopped bacon.

Fry until the bacon is not completely browned.

Put onions and carrots with bacon.

Fry with occasional stirring for about 5 minutes.

Drain the water from the beans and put it on top of the vegetables.

Pour boiling water over.

Bring to a boil, reduce heat to low and cover with a tight lid. Simmer for 7 ~ 8 hours until the beans are soft. Make sure that the water does not boil away and, if necessary, add boiling water. Put salt, pepper and tomato paste 20 ~ 30 minutes before the end of stewing. To receive spicy taste you can add adjika or red pepper. Taste the sauce and, if necessary, adjust the flavor with sugar or lemon juice.

When the beans are ready, remove the cast iron from the heat, put finely chopped garlic and bay leaf in the beans.
Leave on for 10 ~ 15 minutes.

When serving, the beans can be sprinkled with finely chopped herbs.

Recipe 4: stewed beans with meat and vegetables

A very simple recipe for delicious hearty dish, homely cozy, ideal for cold weather. It is prepared almost from what is in the house: a small piece of meat, a couple of handfuls of beans, onions with carrots and tomato sauce. If there is canned beans, cooking is simplified to a minimum and cooking time is significantly reduced. If there are no ready-made beans, dry beans should be soaked for several hours or overnight. Long soaking before boiling is not required only when you are sure that your beans are new crop - they are soft and quickly boil down.

In addition to onions and carrots, other vegetables are added to the gravy: bell pepper, celery, zucchini, eggplant. Serve beef stew with onions and carrots, recipe with red beans, you can either as an independent dish or with a side dish. Unleavened rice will do, mashed potatoes or stewed cabbage. Choose spices to your taste, according to the recipe, the meat turns out to be noticeably spicy, with peppercorns.

  • beef - 400 gr.;
  • dry red beans - 1 cup;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • tomato sauce - 3 tablespoons;
  • flour - 1 tablespoon;
  • salt to taste;
  • ground chili pepper - 0.5 tsp (or paprika);
  • hot seasoning for meat - 1 tbsp. (taste);
  • garlic - 3 large cloves;
  • bay leaf - 1 pc .;
  • vegetable oil - 3-4 tablespoons;
  • water or meat broth- 2-3 glasses.

We sort out the beans, remove all spoiled, chopped ones. Fill with cold water (three glasses of water per glass of legumes), leave for several hours. We change the water two or three times. Then we drain, pour over the beans with clean water and transfer to a saucepan. Pour enough cold water to cover the beans by 4-5 cm. Bring to a boil, reduce the boil to quiet, cook for 1-2 hours until soft. Legumes harvested this year boil quickly, and those stored for two or three years will take a long time to boil. The boil should be low so as not to compromise the integrity of the beans. You do not need to salt during cooking.

The beef is stewed for a long time, at least an hour, so at the same time as cooking the beans, we start preparing the meat. Cut the beef into small pieces.

Season with spices, add finely grated garlic. Stir and leave to marinate for one hour. If spicy foods are not to your taste, pick up your spice bouquet. You can use Provencal herbs, oregano, thyme, basil, nutmeg, coriander, all kinds of pepper.

Pour two tablespoons of oil into a deep frying pan or saucepan. Heat well and lay out the pieces of beef. Stir, fry for about ten minutes, until browned on all sides.

Pour in a glass of boiling water, cover with a lid. Reduce the fire to barely noticeable, simmer the meat for 40-50 minutes, almost until tender. During stewing, the water will boil off, add as needed so that the beef is half covered with liquid.

The beans had already been cooked by this time. Drain the broth or leave as much as needed for stewing.

We shift the beans to the beef. Stir, salt to taste, add broth or water. Cover and simmer for another 10-15 minutes.

When the meat is very soft, cook the vegetable fry. Cut the onion and carrot into small pieces. In a saucepan with a thick bottom, heat 1-2 tbsp. tablespoons of oil. First lay out the onion, lightly save it until soft and add the carrots. Simmer vegetables over low heat for two to three minutes, until soaked in oil.

We shift the contents of the pan to the vegetables (meat and beans without liquid). Stir, lightly fry.

Mix the tomato sauce with flour, grind until smooth so that there are no lumps. Gradually pour in half a glass of water, dilute the sauce.

Pour tomato sauce with flour into a saucepan for meat and vegetables. Warm up to a boil. We add water, make the sauce not very thick (or thick - to your taste). Salt and simmer for about ten minutes. Shortly before readiness, we throw a bay leaf. Turn it off, leave it to infuse.

Serve the stew with beans and vegetables with a side dish. If you make more gravy (sauce), then you can serve it as a hot dish for dinner without a side dish, soak the sauce very tasty with slices of fresh homemade bread.

Bon Appetit!

Recipe 5: stewed cabbage with beans (with photo)

Simple lean recipe... This is a stewed white cabbage with tomato paste and beans. Thanks to the beans, the dish turns out to be especially tasty and satisfying. I hope you enjoy this recipe too, and you will often cook it not only in Lent but also as a side dish for your main course.

The recipe is budgetary and simple, but very tasty and interesting.

  • beans 200 g
  • white cabbage 600 g
  • onion 1 pc.
  • refined vegetable oil 2 tbsp. l.
  • tomato paste 2 tbsp l.
  • small bunch of fresh dill
  • granulated sugar 1 tsp
  • salt to taste
  • ground black pepper 0.5 tsp

Any kind of beans will work for the recipe, so use whatever beans you have. To speed up the cooking process, you can pre-soak it in cold water overnight or at least a few hours before cooking. I use a different cooking method. Rinse the beans thoroughly, pour into a saucepan and cover with cold water. When the water boils, pour it out of the pan. Fill the ingredients with cold water again and add 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil to a glass of beans. We will simmer the legumes until soft. They will be completely ready in 30-40 minutes.

In the meantime, let's prepare the vegetables. Peel a large onion, wash and cut into cubes. Pour the vegetable oil into a large skillet or saucepan and pour the chopped onions into it.

Fry it over medium heat until soft, stirring occasionally with a spatula.

WITH white cabbage remove the top damaged and contaminated leaves. Cut the stump and cut the head of cabbage into large pieces... We chop vegetables into thin strips using a knife or a special shredder.

When the onions are fried and clear, pour the chopped cabbage into the pan.

While stirring, we will fry the ingredients together until the vegetables are ready. You can add a little more vegetable oil if necessary to prevent the ingredients from burning.

Then add the tomato paste and mix all the ingredients.

Next, add boiled beans strained from water. Salt to taste, add black pepper and a little sugar.

We will simmer the dish over low heat for another 5 minutes. Then add finely chopped greens, mix and turn off the heat.

Serve stewed cabbage we will be hot, decorating it with fresh dill.

Recipe 6: braised green beans (step by step)

Green Bean Stew Recipe available ingredients... This dish is an excellent side dish, garlic gives it the necessary piquancy, and tomatoes - juiciness. Beans are very tasty to stew, for example, with carrots and all kinds of spices from dried herbs. But in this dish, tomatoes will be used as a vegetable supplement. The cooking process takes half an hour.

  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • green beans - 430 gr.;
  • 1 tomato;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - 120 gr.;
  • tomato paste - 140 gr.;
  • pepper - 5 gr.;
  • salt - 7 gr.

After peeling the carrots and onions for stewed green beans, finely chop the onion into rings or pieces, chop or rub the carrots.

Fry in refined sunflower oil. The onion should be lightly browned.

Cut the beans in half.

Then add the beans, mixing with the vegetables. Stew green beans with vegetables for no longer than fifteen minutes, making a small fire.

Chop the tomato and garlic, add to the beans along with tomato paste, salt and pepper.

Once again, mixing everything as it should, fry for no longer than seven minutes.

Our side dish is ready!

Recipe 7: multicooker stewed white beans

Beans in a slow cooker, in tomato sauce perfect as a side dish for lunch or dinner, and a beautiful presentation can make conventional recipe for real holiday dish... How to cook beans just like this, tell in this recipe with step by step photos.

  • white beans- 300 g;
  • onions - 2-3 pcs.;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • tomato paste or homemade adjika - 2-3 tbsp. l .;
  • tomato juice - 1 glass;
  • spices to taste.

Sort the white beans and pre-soak for 6-8 hours. It is more convenient to do this in the evening.

When the beans are swollen, we start cooking. Peel the onion and cut either into half rings or into large cubes. In a multicooker (I have a dex dmc-60) set the "Baking" mode and fry the onions for 7-10 minutes.

Grate the carrots and add to the onion. Continue simmering on the same setting for about 15 minutes.

Then add 0.5-1 tomato juice, swollen beans, a little sugar (about 1 tsp), 2 tbsp. tomato paste, ketchup or homemade adjika and your favorite spices to taste.

Mix all ingredients until homogeneous mass... Cook beans in a slow cooker on the "Stew" mode, cooking time - 1.5 hours.

Beans in a slow cooker in tomato sauce are ready. Decorate ready meal finely chopped herbs and serve.

Recipe 8: stewed beans in tomato sauce

I suggest you prepare a delicious dish from this wonderful gift of vegetable gardens - stewed beans in tomato. I added raw smoked sausages to the composition - for color and aroma; however, you can do without them: in any case, it will turn out to be very satisfying and appetizing.

  • 2 cups dry beans
  • 1-2 onions;
  • 1-2 carrots;
  • 2 tbsp sunflower oil;
  • 2-3 tbsp tomato paste;
  • 1 tbsp flour;
  • 0.5 l of water for gravy + 1 l for soaking and boiling beans;
  • 1 tsp salt (no top);
  • ¼ tsp ground black pepper;
  • smoked sausages - 1 per serving;
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic;
  • A bunch of parsley.

For long-term storage beans dry well, and practically no moisture remains in them. It takes a long time for dry legumes to re-feed on it. Therefore, in order for the beans to cook quickly, turn out soft and tasty, they must first be soaked for at least 3-4 hours, or better - for 8-12, ideally overnight.