Home / Pancakes, fritters / Wings in barbecue sauce. Step by step recipe with photo and video

Wings in barbecue sauce. Step by step recipe with photo and video

How to cook chicken wings in the oven? The recipe for cooking chicken wings in the oven is not complicated. Even a novice cook can cook this dish. Only he must clearly understand what kind of recipe he needs. After all, chicken wings in the oven are cooked according to different recipes and at the output you can get different dishes: chicken wings with potatoes in the oven, chicken wings in the oven in soy sauce, crispy chicken wings in the oven, honey chicken wings in the oven, spicy chicken wings in the oven, chicken wings with rice in the oven, chicken wings in mayonnaise in the oven.

Already want to cook delicious chicken wings in the oven? Then get to work! First, prepare the marinade for chicken wings in the oven. There are also many marinade recipes, you can experiment. As a rule, a set of spices (to taste), red or white, is used for the marinade. dry wine, mayonnaise, soy sauce, again a set of vegetables to taste. For a savory dish, cook chicken wings in a honey sauce in the oven. Chicken wings in the oven with honey - gourmet dish. Crispy wings are especially popular. How to cook crispy chicken wings in the oven? It all depends on the marinade, temperature and baking time. Our recipes have detailed description all wisdom. Plus photos of the finished dishes. This will certainly help you in choosing a recipe. For example, you wanted to cook chicken wings with potatoes in the oven. A photo of this dish will tell you whether you want it or not. The only pity is that the photo of the wings in the oven does not convey the taste and smell. By the way, if you are cooking own dish"chicken wings in the oven", the recipe and photos of your creation sent to us will decorate our site, as well as delight other fans of this dish. For example, a recipe for chicken wings in the oven with potatoes, a recipe for chicken wings with a crispy crust in the oven, a recipe for chicken wings in a sleeve in the oven can be varied, and therefore your experience in cooking chicken wings is very important to us.

We hope you understand that cooking chicken wings in the oven is not only not a complicated process, but also an interesting one. A very appetizing result. How to cook chicken wings in the oven delicious? How to bake chicken wings in the oven? How to cook chicken wings with potatoes in the oven? You can find out the answers first on the site, and then at the stove.

Here are some tips for preparing chicken wings:

Bake chicken wings in the oven at a temperature of 180-200 degrees on the middle shelf until golden brown. Baking time is about 40-50 minutes.

From the liquid remaining as a result of cooking the dish, meat juice is prepared, which is used to water the wings when serving the dish.

To form a more golden crust, before cooking low-fat wings, they are lubricated honey sauce or sour cream.

As a side dish for wings cooked in the oven, you can serve in a salad bowl, a vase or on a pie plate green salad, red salad or white cabbage, pickled berries and fruits, pickled apples.

Cooking time: 1 hour

Servings: 2-4

How to cook barbecue wings, step by step recipe with photos:

Step 1. Divide the chicken wings into joints and remove the skin and fat.

This is the longest process in cooking barbecue wings, but how nice it is to eat meat without removing the skin from each piece! And besides, the meat is perfectly soaked in the marinade!

Step 2. Heat up in a saucepan butter put the garlic and chopped onion. Add water and simmer over low heat for 10-15 minutes until the onion is soft.

Step 3. In a preheated pan, fry the wings until golden brown.

Do not fry the meat until tender, 3-4 minutes in a very hot frying pan is enough. It will "reach" in the oven.

Step 4. Add spices to the onion: black, red and chili peppers, salt and sugar. Bring the mixture to a boil, adding more water if necessary.

This recipe is quite spicy, adjust the amount of spices to your taste.

Step 5. Add the tomato paste and soy sauce to the barbecue chicken wing sauce.

Choose if possible not sour pasta, we already have enough tastes.

Step 6. Puree the tomato sauce with a blender until smooth.

Step 7. Fold chicken wings on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper and brush the meat with the sauce.

Bake barbecue chicken wings in an oven preheated to 230 degrees for 7 minutes on each side.

Step 8. Serve the BBQ chicken wings with the remaining sauce very hot! Such an appetizer will be eaten very quickly!

Enjoy your meal!

A great option for a picnic is crispy chicken wings cooked on the grill or in the oven.

Barbecue wings, the recipe of which is very simple, often decorate picnics and even outdoor receptions.

In cooking, there are many options for preparing this dish: wings can be spicy, sweetish or salty, but regardless of the taste, everyone likes this dish. It is versatile and is often even baked for children. The taste of chicken wings is 95% dependent on the marinade. As a rule, many recipes are based on pickling and baking.

To properly marinate chicken wings, you must follow certain rules:

  1. If you decide to marinate the chicken at room temperature, remember that one hour will be enough for the wings to absorb all the flavors.
  2. If marinating in the refrigerator, it may take 2-4 hours.
  3. Do not use too much vegetable oil for the marinade.
  4. The ideal combination of acid and oil is 1:1.
  5. It is better to take fresh herbs and vegetables, and if this is not possible, then thoroughly crush the dry spices in order to release the aroma.
  6. Do not dry the wings after the marinade or rinse.
  7. After pickling, the wings can be cooked either on the grill or in the oven.
  8. Ideal utensils for pickling - glass or commercially available special plastic bag.

Before you buy wings, decide how you will cook them. The recipes are different and require different ingredients.

When choosing chicken wings in the store, pay close attention to their appearance and smell. Fresh wings should be a pale pink color. Cooks allow a bluish skin tone.

Kefir marinade for wings

Kefir marinade is very good for making wings. It makes the meat soft and tender.

For this marinade you will need:

  • 0.5 l of kefir;
  • 2 tablespoons of honey;
  • 0.5 teaspoon salt.

We mix all the ingredients and let the honey dissolve in kefir. Then pour the wings with this marinade and let it brew for 2 hours in the refrigerator.

Soy marinade for wings

Incredibly spicy and delicious meat marinated in soy
wom sauce.

For the marinade you need to take:

  • 50 g soy sauce (for 1 kg of wings);
  • 1 teaspoon curry seasoning;
  • 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil.

Mix all the ingredients and rub the wings with the sauce. Let it brew for one hour in a warm place.

How to cook wings with barbecue sauce?

Not all barbecue wings need to be marinated first. It all depends on taste preferences. You can bake the wings immediately in the marinade, and it turns out incredibly tasty. And there are gourmets who marinate, and after baking they serve a dish with original sauce. You can choose not to pickle chicken wings or combine two techniques at once - the choice is yours.

What is classic recipe barbecue wings?


  • chicken wings - 1.5 kg (they need to be divided into two parts along the line of the joints);
  • tomato sauce - 1 cup;
  • softened butter - half a glass;
  • 0.5 teaspoon of cayenne and the same amount of red hot ground pepper.

Cooking method

Grill the wings for a few minutes on both sides to form a crust. Separately, melt the butter and add tomato sauce (you can ketchup) and all kinds of pepper to it.

Transfer the semi-finished meat to a container, pour over the sauce and close. Let it brew for 2 hours, and then bake in the oven until tender. Chicken wings prepared in this way are very tasty and tender.

it home version cooking wings in the oven. It is better for gourmets to familiarize themselves with the barbecue sauce recipe in detail, because the quality and taste of the dish depend on it. By the way, for Americans barbecue sauce is a mandatory attribute on the dining table.

It is cooked in large quantities and they also serve fish and even battered cheese with it.

Sauce Ingredients:

  • 0.5 kg of finished tomato paste;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce;
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil;
  • 3 tablespoons apple cider vinegar(you can grape);
  • 1 tablespoon brown sugar;
  • 1 teaspoon of mustard powder;
  • 0.5 teaspoon cayenne pepper;
  • salt;
  • a pinch of black pepper;
  • 1 tablespoon honey.

Saute finely chopped onion and garlic in olive oil. As soon as the onion begins to turn yellow, add tomato paste and vinegar to the pan. Mix everything well.

Separately, pour half a glass of boiling water over mustard powder with sugar and honey. As soon as the tomato paste begins to boil, add this mixture to it. The dish is then seasoned with Worcestershire sauce, salt, cayenne and black pepper. All mix and cook over low heat for 10 minutes. Before use, you need to let it brew for at least an hour.

If you prefer spicy wings, add more black or cayenne pepper.

You can simplify the preparation of meat and do not fry it on the grill or grill, but immediately put it on a baking sheet and send it to the oven for 10 minutes. There, the wings are cooked at a temperature of +180 ° C until half cooked, they are taken out and smeared with barbecue sauce, and then sent back to the oven until cooked.

Chicken wings with ginger or yogurt

Barbecue chicken wings are oven-baked or grilled dishes. And there are many variations on the theme of barbecue. But there are recipes among them that deserve special attention. For example, spicy chicken wings will appeal to all your guests.

For cooking you will need:

  • 1 kg of wings;
  • 30 g ground ginger;
  • orange;
  • 20 g soy sauce.

Cooking method

We take 1 kg of chicken wings, wash them under running water cold water and dry well with paper towels. For the marinade, squeeze the juice from the orange, mix it with ginger and soy sauce. Coat the wings with this mixture and marinate for an hour.

The meat must be baked in the oven. To do this, cover the baking sheet with parchment or foil, grease with odorless vegetable oil and carefully lay out the wings. Bake for 30-40 minutes until golden brown at a temperature of +200°C.

Another original and incredibly tasty recipe is wings with yogurt. For this dish you will need:

  • 1 kg of wings;
  • yogurt without fillers;
  • a bunch of basil;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 teaspoon of salt;
  • 1 teaspoon cumin.

Wash the chicken meat thoroughly, wipe it with a paper towel. We cut each wing into two parts along the joint. Sprinkle them with cumin and mix well.

Prepare the marinade: chop garlic and basil in a blender, add yogurt. Pour the wings with this mass, mix. Let it rest for 15 minutes and then put it in the oven to bake.

Line a baking sheet with parchment paper first. Cooking time - 30 minutes (at a temperature of + 180 ° C). This version of the dish does not require a golden crust. Such wings can be considered dietary, but at the same time they are no less tasty. Yogurt makes chicken meat tender and gives it a touch of piquancy due to basil. Be sure to try it, you won't regret it.

Chicken wings are the perfect product for culinary experiments. You can bake them at least every day. At the same time, every time different sauces and marinades, and this dish will always have a new incredible taste. Of course, barbecue wings are rightfully considered the most spicy and fragrant. compete with the combination chicken meat and tomato paste is really hard.

But cooks are constantly experimenting, they have already come up with dozens of recipes for the so-called barbecue wings, that is, those that are cooked on fire. Experiment, as a result, you will be rewarded with the amazing taste of your dishes, as well as delight your loved ones and guests.

Hello, today you are interested in a rather high-calorie dish. Therefore, I can not offer you to look.

In the meantime, I'll tell you about the recipe for spicy chicken wings in barbecue sauce, and show you how to fry them properly. We will bring them to a state of readiness in the oven, preheated to the optimum state. As a result, we get well-done and very tasty chicken meat.


1. Chicken wings - 1 kg.

2. spicy pasta from chili peppers - 1 tsp

3. Olive oil - 1 tbsp.

4. Soy sauce - 1 tsp

5. Dried garlic - 1 tsp

6. Dried herbs - 1 tsp

8. Ketchup - 5 tablespoons

9. Mustard - 1 tsp

10. Salt to taste

Cooking method:

1. Let's start preparing the sauce first, in which we then roll our wings well. To prepare it, we mix the following ingredients in a free bowl:

Dried herbs, salt, paprika, dried garlic, soy sauce, olive oil, spicy sauce from chili peppers, mustard and ketchup.

All these ingredients in the indicated proportion will make an excellent marinade, which can be used both for our dish and for marinating, for example, kebabs or any other meat cooked in one way or another.

2. Mix all the ingredients well. By the way, I want to remind you that on my blog there are very many recipes that you can easily cook at home with your own hands.

3. Dip the wings in the resulting marinade.

4. We coat them well with the prepared marinade. Do it with your hands, so you will miss everything more thoroughly.

It is best to keep them there for one hour, so the meat will absorb the right amount of salt and spices, but original recipe you should start cooking right away.

5. Lubricate the baking sheet with vegetable oil. I don’t cover it with anything, but you can use, for example, foil.

6. Evenly distribute the wings over the surface. We send them to the oven, heated to 200 degrees for 30-35 minutes.

7. Ready meal can be transferred to a free plate and served immediately. As you know better hot food there is nothing, so I recommend eating them right away. If the wings are a little burnt, it's okay, cut off the burnt part, and give the most delicious to your loved ones.

Video recipe:

Additional Information:

At the moment, there are a large number of recipes in which chicken wings are considered the main ingredient. However, their taste is especially piquant in barbecue sauce.

As regards the availability useful properties in this dish, special attention should be paid to the low level of cholesterol in their composition.

This contributes to the fact that this food is actively included in the menu of those who follow their figure.
It should also be noted that chicken wings can be considered an important part of a large number dishes ranging from soups to cold appetizers.

This suggests that they have a lot of positive properties that can have a beneficial effect on human health. Moreover, despite the lack of a large number of calories in this dish, it perfectly satisfies hunger if you cook it for a large company.

Traditionally, wings are considered an appetizer that is consumed before serving a side dish. This is due to the fact that spicy barbecue sauce can enhance taste qualities main course.

Thus, its competent serving contributes to the fact that the taste characteristics of the side dish, meat, salads will increase several times.

Thank you for being with us, I promise to make as many releases as possible, and you promise to tell your friends about this recipe. That's all for now!

Summer, hot, sun, pond... In such weather, we often go out into nature and have picnics. This leaves the inevitable question, what to cook? Let's talk about the most delicious recipes cooking chicken wings on the grill.
Recipe content:

Despite the fact that chicken wings are the most deprived of meat, they are considered a delicacy part of the bird. And if you pick the right marinade, sauce and heat treatment, then you get just a real overeating, which will easily give odds to the thighs and breasts. Therefore, housewives often cook them in the oven, and in summer the brazier gives way to the barbecue. At the stake, wings become the main competitor to barbecue. Since this is a budget, quick to prepare and very tasty hot meat dish that everyone loves without exception.

How to cook chicken wings on the grill - secrets and features

The final taste of cooking chicken wings on the grill depends on the marinade in which they are marinated before baking. Well, their options are endless: from spicy to sweet. It is also important to skillfully make a fire and determine the temperature of the coals so that the wings do not burn and bake well inside.
  • Wings are cooked on coals in different ways: in the most different marinades, on skewers, grill. The grid is more convenient, because you need to string the product on skewers, which is not very convenient. However, which method is better, the chef decides. Depending on the option chosen, the preparation of the wings may vary.
  • For skewers, the third small joint must be removed from the wing. He'll still get pissed off. Cooking them on the grill, you can not do this. The wings are simply laid down so that the joint is pressed against the bars. A large grill grate usually holds 1.5 kg of wings. Before laying the wings on the grill, it is lubricated with oil. For one skewer, it is optimal to string 3-5 wings.
  • Try not to use frozen wings for grilling, when thawed, all the juice will flow out of them, and they will turn out dry. If the product has been in the refrigerator all night, then first warm it up to room temperature, and then start cooking.
  • When frying, do not touch the meat, otherwise the integrity of the crust will be broken and all the juice will flow out. It is recommended to salt the wings after browning, because. the salt will penetrate deep into the fibers and the product will become very dry. To prevent the bird from burning, periodically sprinkle it with water, wine, lemon juice.
  • To decorate the wings with a beautiful mesh pattern, press them firmly against the grill.
  • Grilled baked wings served with herbs, fresh vegetables, cheese, mushrooms, potatoes. The noble taste is enhanced by sauces. Do not start tasting immediately, let the wings stand for a while. Because after removing them from the fire, they still continue to cook due to the internal heat. And after a certain time, the juice will be evenly distributed inside the piece, and the food becomes juicy and tender.
  • Firewood, on which meat is cooked, also has an important place. Maple, plum, and apple woods are best suited for poultry. The fire is kindled half an hour before the start of cooking, because. the metal needs to heat up. A signal that the coals are hot: a reddish color with a thin layer of white ash.

To make grilled chicken wings especially tasty, it is important to prepare the right marinade. Since a successful marinade will make even the most ordinary meat noble and refined. The following are examples of marinades.
  • Honey and tomato paste with salt and spices will give a golden crust.
  • Spicy marinade based on soy sauce, curry, wine, vegetable oil, lemon juice. Salt is optional as soy sauce is quite salty.
  • Tomato marinade will require tomato paste, garlic, mild ketchup, salt and pepper.
  • Ginger marinade consists of ginger root, honey, thyme leaves, chili and onion.
  • Citrus marinade can be prepared from sugar, soy sauce, orange juice, mustard, ground pepper.
  • A “gentle” marinade is prepared from fatty kefir, rosemary, salt, and a mixture of peppers.
  • A “light” marinade is just perfect. You will need white wine, paprika, basil, vegetable oil, lemon juice.
  • Mustard marinade consists of mustard, sour cream, mayonnaise, spices.
  • A sweet marinade is made from sugar or honey with soy sauce or ketchup.
However, there can be many variations of the marinade. Dry wine, cognac, beer, olive oil or peanut butter, pomegranate or orange juice, wine or balsamic vinegar. Tabasco sauce adds piquancy, lemon juice, kiwi slices, sour cream, tomato paste, kefir, ketchup, mayonnaise. Add onion, garlic to taste fragrant herbs, spices. Subtle flavor add thyme, mint, laurel, rosemary, basil, tarragon, sage, cayenne pepper, curry.

The principles of pickling are the same for all recipes, only the nuances and preparation of marinades differ. Here are some tips to help marinate chicken wings.
  • You can marinate at room temperature for no more than 30-60 minutes. Longer - use a cold place: refrigerator.
  • To make the marinade more aromatic, reduce the vegetable oil. The most harmonious marinade is when oil and acid are mixed in a 1:1 combination.
  • Chicken wings are marinated strictly according to the recipe. Otherwise, the meat may soften, because. acid will destroy it.
  • Crush the dried herbs between your fingers before adding them to the marinade to release the aromatic oils.
  • After pickling, the wings are not washed and dried with a paper towel. They are immediately sent to the fire.

Delicious chicken wings baked on the grill will turn out with a fragrant and beautiful golden brown if honey is added to the marinade. In addition, they are obtained with a peculiar sweet taste, which will certainly appeal to every eater.
  • Calorie content per 100 g - 194 kcal.
  • The number of servings - 15 pcs.
  • Cooking time - 2 hours


  • Wings - 15 pcs.
  • tomato paste- 100 g
  • Honey - 2 tablespoons
  • Salt - 0.5 tsp
  • Ground pepper - a pinch

Step by step cooking chicken wings on the grill in a honey marinade:

  1. Rinse the wings and dry thoroughly.
  2. Mix all spices until smooth.
  3. Coat the meat with the resulting mixture, put in a bag and leave in the sauce for an hour at room temperature.
  4. After the time has elapsed, put the wings on the grate, press down firmly on top with the second grate and send to hot coals for half an hour. Turn them occasionally so they cook evenly on all sides.
  5. If desired, roll the finished wings in sesame seeds.

Tomato paste is a common sauce. Surely its taste will be appreciated by every eater.


  • Wings - 0.5 kg
  • Tomato paste - 0.5 tbsp.
  • Mild ketchup - 1 tsp
  • Garlic - 1 clove
  • Salt - 1/4 tsp
  • Ground pepper - a pinch
Step by step cooking chicken wings on the grill in tomato sauce:
  1. Wash the wings, wipe with a paper towel and cut into phalanxes.
  2. For the marinade, combine all the spices. Pass the garlic through a press.
  3. Add all the chicken parts to the mixture and mix.
  4. Cover the bird with plastic wrap and let it brew for 30-40 minutes.
  5. Put the wings on a greased baking sheet and bake them on the grill until cooked. Turn them over a few times, but not very often.
  6. Optionally, you can put chopped fresh tomatoes on top.

Spicy, slightly tart and moderately refined ginger sauce has a special taste. Of course, he is an amateur, but a large audience perceives him with pleasure.


  • Wings - 25 pcs.
  • Green onion - bunch
  • Honey - 2.5 tablespoons
  • Red Chili - Pod
  • Ginger root - 5 cm.
  • Thyme - 2 leaves
  • Salt - a pinch
Step by step cooking chicken wings on the grill in ginger sauce:
  1. Wash green onions, dry and chop with a blender.
  2. Peel the ginger root and grate it on a fine grater.
  3. Combine all ingredients for the sauce.
  4. Cover the washed and dried wings with sauce and leave to marinate for a day in the refrigerator.
  5. Lay them on the grill and send them to the fire.
  6. Cook for about 40 minutes until golden and soft.

Chicken wings marinated in mayonnaise and grilled on the grill - a classic of the genre. This is the most common recipe among many housewives. Everyone likes these wings without exception.


  • Wings - 15 pcs.
  • Mayonnaise - 3 tbsp.
  • Curry - pinch
  • Garlic - 2 cloves
  • Mustard - 1 tsp
  • Salt - a pinch
Step by step cooking chicken wings on the grill in mayonnaise:
  1. In a gravy boat, mix mayonnaise, mustard, curry, salt and garlic passed through a press.
  2. Marinate the prepared wings in the sauce and put them in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf overnight.
  3. Lay the wings on the grill. Press firmly with the second grate and place on a melted brazier with coals.