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How long to cook long grain rice. Loose rice for garnish - recipes

Rice, as a grain crop, is quite widespread in the vastness of world cuisine and rightfully occupies one of the leading places in the arsenal of chefs and housewives. It is a rather ancient agricultural crop and is of great value for many peoples. Today, this crop is cultivated in many countries, although it began its journey from the warm countries of Asia, spreading to areas with a temperate, tropical and subtropical climate.

Useful properties of the product

Rice crop is rich in carbohydrates and poor in proteins, it is nutritious and limited in calories, it is preferable for dietary nutrition. The cereal is rich in B vitamins, such as: thiamine, riboflavin, pyridoxine, which are important for metabolism and the prevention of nervous disorders. Nicotinic acid, keratin, zinc, potassium, iron… the list of benefits for the body is endless. Easily digestible and low calorie useful product, suitable for nutrition for both adults and children, allergy sufferers and ulcers, indispensable in nutrition after severe poisoning and digestive disorders.

This product is an indispensable component of many dishes. Asian cuisine, in addition to Asia, in Africa, America, Australia is cultivated as an agricultural crop. Rice grains are used for food for cereals, various types of pilaf, risotto, paella, for the preparation of flour, starch, valuable oil is extracted from the germs. Often this culture is part of many national alcoholic beverages in the countries of America, Asia, Africa. In addition to the food industry, rice flour used for making face powder.

Methods for boiling cereals

The most common way to prepare rice groats is by boiling. There are several varieties this cereal and each of them should be boiled according to certain rules. The difficulty lies in the correct selection of the proportion of water and feedstock. The quality of the final product also depends on how much the cereal is cooked. In deciding how to cook rice deliciously, the choice of variety occupies not the last place, this is largely due to the choice of the dish, however, there are the most versatile varieties that are used immediately for many recipes.

steamed rice

This is the most convenient option for cooking rice in the kitchen, since the risk of grains sticking together is almost eliminated during cooking. This process is very difficult to mess up. When answering the question of how to cook rice so that it is friable, you should remember: you need to take the steamed cereal.

It is prepared by a special method in production. Steaming cereal is necessary to improve its quality characteristics. First of all, it is soaked in water, then doused with steam under pressure. This technology allows you to save more than fifty percent of the vitamin composition, the grains themselves become more durable. Cooking time takes about twenty-five minutes. This is a great option for various types of side dishes.

Cooking round polished grains

This is the most common and budget option for rice cereals. Before you cook this type of cereal deliciously, it should be washed and soaked in cold water for ten minutes. The round-grain variety of rice has a richer taste, and it should be boiled for fifteen minutes, only then the correct consistency is obtained. This is the best solution for soups and milk porridges.

For a long-grain garnish

Long-grain rice is very beautiful in appearance and rich in taste. And how to cook a crumbly side dish from this variety is very easy to guess. It will turn out to boil it correctly, subject to the recommendations for preparing the steamed look. However, the nuance lies in the fact that it is advisable to taste it directly during cooking so as not to overcook it. Long-grain rice is used in the form of side dishes for various dishes.

Boil red, brown and wild variety

These varieties are not processed, so the preparation time before brewing takes about six hours, they must be soaked in cold water for the specified time. The amount of time for cooking depends on how correctly the proportion of water and grains is adjusted: three parts of water are needed for one part of rice. Cooking for the first ten minutes takes place over high heat, then the temperature is reduced to a minimum, and kept under the lid for another thirty minutes. The wild variety undergoes heat treatment for an hour.

An important aspect in the topic “how to cook rice in water” is that for different types of cereal crops, a different ratio of the proportions of water and raw materials and different cooking times are used. Therefore, it should be remembered that mixing different varieties of the product is impractical. However, blends of any variety with a long grain are still a sure bet.

Ways to prepare cereals for cooking

According to the general rules, it is still better to soak the cereal before cooking, there are several ways:

  1. The first is that the grains are washed under running water and then filled with cold liquid, settled for about sixty minutes. As a result of this procedure, most of the water is absorbed, after which the pan, preferably with thick walls, or the rice cooker is filled with the prepared semi-finished product, a little water is added and everything is cooked over low heat without stirring.
  2. The second method takes more time. All grain is washed in several waters, then soaked for fifteen minutes. After drying the rice, it must be fried in butter or vegetable oil and poured with water or broth prepared in advance. The same option is applicable without oil, and the future side dish dried in a pan is poured into a saucepan with liquid and boiled after boiling for ten minutes.
  3. The third option involves washing the cereal and then pouring it into a container with cold water. After this, it is necessary to allow the water to boil and then drain the liquid. Then you should rinse the cereal and pour the prepared broth or water, cook until tender.

All methods will help to properly prepare and make the dish so that the rice remains crumbly and tasty. The general rule for calculating the correct proportions is the ratio of one to two: one part of the future side dish to two parts of the liquid.

What is the best way to cook

In addition to the traditional method, using a saucepan, a wonderful option for boiling a dish can also be obtained in the microwave. How to cook rice in water using a microwave oven is quite an interesting task.

Rice grain, by analogy with the preparation of other cereals, is pre-soaked in water and washed. Then it is placed in a special bowl and filled with water, salt is added. It cooks for about twenty minutes at full power under a closed lid. It is recommended to mix the ingredients during cooking at least twice and let it brew for fifteen minutes.

Among the technical devices, in addition to microwave ovens, the following are used everywhere:

  • Multicookers.
  • Steamers.
  • Rice cookers.

Cooking time and selection of proportions depends on the choice of a particular device. Multicooker - with a correctly set mode, no more than thirty minutes. Steamer - similarly half an hour. Rice cooker - wins ten minutes and spends twenty minutes cooking the dish. Which option to choose depends on the preferences of the chef himself.

Very often on the shelves of stores you can find a huge selection of cereals in bags for cooking. Information on how to boil rice and how long to cook it can often be found on the package itself, but not always. This method is great for beginners in the culinary arts.

In order to solve the question of how to cook a packaged product deliciously, you need to pour more water into the pan and add salt, adding literally one fourth teaspoon of salt to the water. Then place the bag in water and cook for twenty minutes until the grains swell. Carefully removing the package from hot water, free the rice by placing it on a dish, then season it with oil and add spices to taste to the boiled product.

Which cooking option and type of raw material to choose is a matter of taste for a particular consumer, however, for a successful result, certain general rules must be followed:

  • The proportions are one part raw material to two parts liquid.
  • A sufficient volume of dishes in which the dish is prepared, the final product increases in size by about three times, and this must be remembered.
  • Processing in any convenient way immediately before cooking.
  • Spices, salt, sugar or other dressings should preferably be added to a ready-made side dish or porridge, or a few minutes before it is ready.
  • After boiling, you need to reduce the temperature and bring the dish to readiness under a closed lid over low heat.
  • Ready grains always increase in size and become soft.
  • Be sure to give the dish time to rest for fifteen minutes.

Compliance with these simple conditions will provide the most delicious side dish for many types of meat, vegetables or fish, as well as a wonderful independent dish or the most delicate milk porridge for breakfast.

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How to cook long grain rice? How to cook this cereal? You will learn the answers to these and other culinary questions from the materials of this article.

General information about long-grain cereals

If you strictly adhere to all prescription requirements, you will definitely get tasty and crumbly long-grain rice. How to cook such cereals at home? It is easy to cook rice for a side dish on your own. Although such a process cannot be called simple either. After all, if you just pour this product with ordinary water and heat it, like other cereals, then you will get an unappetizing viscous mass, which can hardly be called a full-fledged side dish.

So what is the right way to cook long grain rice? Let's start with the fact that such cereals are different. Therefore, it should also be prepared in different ways.

Choice of rice groats

For what purposes is long-grain rice used (we will describe how to cook it a little further)? This cereal is ideal for preparing a crumbly side dish for meat, fish, vegetables and seafood. This is due to the fact that it is this product that contains the minimum amount of starch. Therefore, it sticks together less during cooking.

It should also be said that, in addition to long-grain rice, there is also medium-grain cereals. As a rule, it is used to add to soups and cooking risotto. It is problematic to make a crumbly side dish from such a product, since only viscous dishes are good from it.

If you decide to cook rolls, sushi, pudding, casserole and milk porridge, then neither medium-grain cereals nor long-grain rice will suit you. For such purposes, only a round product is used. It quickly boils soft during heat treatment, and also sticks together well.

In addition to the shape, the color of the purchased cereal is also important for the preparation of various dishes. White rice is less beneficial to the body than yellow rice. Moreover, it boils a little faster.

As for the brown and red varieties, they are ideal for dietary nutrition. It should be noted that such cereals are cooked 1.5-2 times longer than a yellow or white product. By the way, black and red rice are particularly hard even after heat treatment.

Long grain rice: how to cook on the stove?

There is nothing difficult in the preparation of long-grain cereals. But to get a really tasty and crumbly side dish, you should still familiarize yourself with its recipe. To implement it at home, we need:

  • long white rice - a full glass;
  • cold water for drinking - 1.5 l;
  • coarse salt - 2/3 tablespoon.

Preparing rice groats for cooking

Before you start cooking long-grain cereals, it should be thoroughly sorted out. This process can be avoided if the product was purchased not by weight, but in selected form, that is, in packages.

After the rice is cleaned of debris, it is laid out in a fine sieve and carefully washed in warm water. Knead the cereal with your hands until the liquid flowing from the dishes becomes completely transparent.

In conclusion, the rice is rinsed again, but in cold water, and then shaken vigorously.

Plate heat treatment process

How to cook long grain rice? It can be made crumbly very easily. To do this, take a large pot and fill it with water. Putting the dishes on the stove, its contents are brought to a boil over high heat, and then salted and laid out previously processed cereals.

After mixing the ingredients with a large spoon so that they do not stick to the bottom of the pan, the water is boiled again. After reducing the heat, long-grain rice is cooked for 19-20 minutes. Periodically, the cereal is stirred. They also taste it.

If after the specified time the rice remains hard, then it is boiled for about 2-5 minutes more until the kernel of the cereal becomes completely soft.

Final stage

After boiling long-grain cereals, they throw it into a sieve and rinse well under running cold water. At the end, the ready-made friable rice is strongly shaken off and scalded with boiling water so that the side dish becomes hot again.

How to present to the dinner table?

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in cooking long fluffy rice. After the cereal is boiled, washed and deprived of all liquid, it is distributed on plates and presented to the table along with fried or baked meat, a piece of fish or other ingredients.

How to cook steamed long grain rice? Cooking such cereals should be exactly the same as described above. However, its cooking time should not be 19-20 minutes, but only ¼ hours. During this period, the cereal should noticeably increase in volume, become soft and crumbly.

To make such a side dish more nutritious and tasty, after cooking, the rice is washed well, shaken off, and then combined with previously browned onions and carrots and mixed thoroughly.

Long grain rice is one of the varieties of rice groats. Its grains have an elongated shape 6 millimeters long (see photo). There are many varieties of this rice. They differ in the way they are processed.

Scientists say that the main food of a large number of the world's population is rice groats. It is grown in many countries of the world and has over 35 thousand varieties with special qualities. This cereal replaces many cereals.

Rice groats are obtained from a herbaceous plant that belongs to the cereal family. It combines grains such as wheat, corn, etc. Rice contains many vitamins and minerals.

Rice is best grown in countries with a temperate or tropical climate. The most popular rice growing countries are China and India. Many scientists claim that it was in these countries that this culture originated. It can easily adapt to other climatic conditions, so its cultivation is very popular in almost all countries of the world.

The Eastern culture of rice consumption has one peculiarity. It consists in the fact that rice is consumed daily, several times a day and cooked in different ways. Also, for most people in the industry, growing and processing rice is a life's work.

Rice came to Europe much later. Initially, it was considered a very exotic cooking ingredient and was only served at festive tables. After a certain time, rice groats became an integral part of the daily diet of Europeans.

There are a huge number of ways to process rice grain, as a result of which the shade of the product changes.

Typically, long-grain rice has a white color, smooth, even and slightly transparent grains. This is all due to the fact that they go through the process of grinding and releasing from the husk. During cooking, this type of rice does not stick together and does not absorb excess water. True, the content of vitamins in long-grain polished rice is much less than in steamed. But this does not prevent him from being very popular in the dishes of many countries.

What useful components are included in the composition of long-grain rice, we will describe below.

Benefit and harm

The benefits of long grain rice depend on the processing method. Unpolished rice contains more nutrients than rice that has been polished. Rice grains, unpolished and polished, have a different color - brown and white, respectively. This is due to the fact that during grinding, the upper layers are removed from the grains, and they acquire a snow-white color. But it is in these layers that the greatest amount of useful components is contained. Therefore, people who lead a healthy lifestyle and play sports prefer to consume long-grain brown rice.

Long grain rice has the following health benefits:

  1. Helps improve metabolism and weight loss. This is because it is high in fiber and gluten-free, making long-grain rice ideal for a gluten-free diet.
  2. The use of rice has a strengthening effect on the digestive system, eliminates heartburn and nausea.
  3. Due to the high content of magnesium and lignins, the use of rice cereal regulates blood pressure and prevents the occurrence of diseases associated with the heart.
  4. Manganese, present in rice, helps the rapid absorption of carbohydrates and serves as a source of strength and energy for the body.
  5. When eating unpolished long-grain rice, the amount of cholesterol in the blood, the risk of developing cancer and diabetes are reduced.
  6. Rice flour will serve as an excellent tool for eliminating puffiness, skin defects and will prevent the occurrence of skin diseases.
  7. Rice contains a large amount of potassium, which has the ability to remove excess salt from the body. Due to this, it is recommended to eat it for people suffering from kidney and heart diseases.
  8. Porridge made from rice groats can be consumed by children from six months of age. This is due to the fact that it does not contain gluten and does not cause allergic reactions.
  9. Rice porridge is suitable for lactating mothers to stimulate lactation.
  10. The calorie content of long-grain boiled rice is very low, so it is recommended to use it as a main course in a diet.

Despite the large number of benefits from this type of rice, if it is consumed excessively, it can be harmful to human health. This cereal is categorically contraindicated for people suffering from constipation, as it has a strengthening effect.

Before cooking long grain rice, it must be washed well. When transported from distant countries, this cereal is treated with talc and glucose, which gives shine and improves the taste of rice, but has a detrimental effect on the body.

Fans of this cereal should not forget that it is not necessary to abuse rice, since it has the property of cleansing the body and, with prolonged use, it is able to wash out all the useful components necessary for normal life.


There are many varieties of long grain rice. This is due to the fact that the cereal goes through a certain processing process. We'll talk more about each below.

  1. Rice that passed steaming process, is called steamed. It has a yellow color that disappears when cooked. Processing helps to increase the quality and composition of the beneficial properties of rice. Rice during this process absorbs all the vitamins and minerals that are contained in the upper layer, that is, bran. Steam processing makes the grains stronger. The process of cooking this rice takes 15-25 minutes. An additional advantage of steamed cereals is that, after any heat treatment, rice grains do not stick together and do not lose their taste.
  2. Long grain white rice is "jasmine". It has a pleasant milky aroma, which is a bit like jasmine. This variety is suitable for salads, side dishes, desserts and oriental dishes. Jasmine rice, although it has a sticky texture, does not turn into a mushy mass when cooked.
  3. The most popular variety of rice is the amazing long grain rice. "indica". It is not subjected to such careful processing, unlike other species, so all the beneficial properties are fully preserved in rice. Also, minimal processing contributes to the preservation of the germ in the grains, which will bring great benefits to the body.
  4. brown rice is most popular among the elderly and supporters of a healthy lifestyle. This is due to the high content of nutrients in rice, which are stored in the outer shell. This variety is several times more useful than ordinary white rice, because all the useful components are concentrated in the outer layer.
  5. red variety rice (see photo) is a traditional Thai product. The cooking process of this variety takes quite a long time - 45 minutes. For faster cooking, it is necessary to pre-fill the rice with water for 12 hours. Using this trick, the cooking time can be reduced by 20-25 minutes.
  6. sanded long grain rice is the most popular type. It is used to prepare salads, side dishes, pilaf in many countries. It pairs perfectly with seafood. You can buy it in any store at a very affordable price.
  7. Long grain rice "basmati" or "indian", grows near the Himalayas. It has a snow-white color (see photo), unsurpassed aroma and unique taste. This is all due to the fact that it is grown in good climatic conditions.
  8. Rice white long-grain goes through all stages of processing and grinding. Its grains have a smooth and transparent surface. This type of rice will bring much less benefit to the body than brown or steamed, but despite this, it is very popular in the world. It does not take much time to cook white rice, cooking takes 15-20 minutes.
  9. Gives a special taste to your dishes brown rice with a nutty flavor. It has this color due to the fact that the grains are not so deeply processed, and the outer layer remains on them (see photo).

As you can see, there are a very large number of varieties of long grain rice. All of them differ in the way of processing, external and taste characteristics. When purchasing rice, everyone can choose the right one, taking into account their gastronomic preferences.

How to cook long grain rice?

How to cook long grain rice? How to make it tasty and not sticky? Where is it better to cook it: in a saucepan or a slow cooker? How much water and rice should be put in? These questions are of interest to many fans of this cereal.

Rice is used for making sushi, rolls, pilaf with chicken, milk porridge and as a side dish. Moreover, they choose different varieties of rice: polished, steamed and even instant rice in bags. To get a delicious dish, you must follow the tips below:

  1. The first step is to sort out the cereal: perhaps there was a husk left after the processing process.
  2. Then we pour the peeled grains into a colander or sieve and rinse under running, preferably warm water.
  3. In the process of washing, it is necessary to knead the rice with your hands.
  4. It is necessary to rinse the cereal until the water becomes clear.
  5. Then rinse the rice in cold water...
  6. And leave in a colander until all the water drains.

There are many ways to cook rice, but the most common are stovetop, slow cooker, or double boiler. We will tell you more about how to cook this cereal using different devices below.


Cooking method

Cooking long grain rice on the stove

To cook rice on the stove, you need to pour two liters of water into a cauldron or pan with thick walls and bring to a boil. Then add salt to it (to taste) and a glass of pre-washed long-grain rice. Stir the rice and cover with a lid. After boiling, it must be cooked over medium heat for 15-25 minutes. After the specified time, remove from heat and leave the rice for a few minutes so that it swells. After the boiled cereals, pour into a colander and rinse under cool water. Then mix the rice well and pour over boiling water to make it warm. The side dish prepared in this way is very tasty and crumbly. It is ideal for meat or fish dishes.

Rice in a double boiler and multicooker

Before the cooking process itself, it is necessary to warm up the bowl of the multicooker so that a kilogram of rice washed under hot water has the same temperature as the container. Pour rice into a heated bowl and pour two liters of water, salt (to taste), add a piece of butter and turn on the “Rice”, “Porridge” or “Steaming” mode. This method is very simple and does not require much effort.

There is a wide variety of recipes for making long grain rice using different ingredients and appliances. Everyone can choose the right one for themselves.

What is the difference between a long grain variety and a round grain variety?

“What is the difference between a long-grain variety and a round-grain variety?” - this question is of interest to many lovers of this cereal, because the varieties differ not only in appearance, but also in taste and composition of useful components.

The main difference is the appearance. Round-grain rice has rounded grains, while long-grain rice has an oblong shape.

Round varieties of rice contain a large amount of starch, which cannot be said about long ones. Long-grain rice is considered more useful and tasty. With proper cooking, it does not turn into a mushy mass and retains the original shape of each grain.

When preparing this or that dish using rice, it is necessary to choose the right variety of this cereal. For example, it is better to use long-grain rice to prepare crumbly pilaf, but if you want to enjoy porridge with milk or some kind of dessert, then round rice is ideal for this.

Having studied the materials on this topic, we can conclude that long-grain rice is a very healthy, tasty and easy-to-cook cereal. Thanks to the wide variety of rice varieties, everyone can satisfy their taste preferences.

Long-grain rice is primarily a high-quality cereal that does not stick together when cooked, has an excellent taste and aroma, and is a product loved by many around the world. If you want to cook porridge in which all the grains are well cooked, and at the same time they do not “stick together in a lump”, then this cereal is the best fit for you.

How to cook long grain rice? Check out this wonderful recipe that will help you prepare an excellent crumbly porridge that can be used both as a side dish and as a base for various dishes.

How to cook long grain rice correctly?

  1. To begin with, before cooking long-grain rice, rinse it thoroughly.
  2. Next, take a pot for cooking long-grain rice (it is better to use a pot with a thick bottom and a tight-fitting lid), pour the cereal with water (in a ratio of 1 to 2), add salt, then cover with a lid and put on fire at maximum power.
  3. After the water boils, reduce the heat and simmer the long-grain rice over low heat for about 15 minutes.
  4. Now you can turn off the gas and leave the pan without opening for another 5-7 minutes.
  5. Then open the lid, put the butter and close again for a few minutes. Everything, our porridge is ready!

Long grain rice - cooking recipe

Try making a long-grain rice dish that allows you to enjoy a delicious combination of rice, fried meat, seasoned vegetables and a tender omelet. You can cook long-grain rice with pork, vegetables and scrambled eggs. This recipe can be an amazing alternative to traditional pilaf!

  • long grain rice - 300g;
  • salt - 1.5 teaspoons;
  • pork neck - 400g;
  • shallots - 100g;
  • garlic cloves - 3 pcs.;
  • fresh ginger - 5 cm;
  • carrots - 100g;
  • pepper (paprika) - 1 pc.;
  • frozen green peas - 100g;
  • chicken egg - 2 pcs.;
  • soy sauce - 15 ml.

How to cook long grain rice fluffy?

  1. Put long-grain rice to boil in salted water. After cooking, drain the long-grain rice in a colander.
  2. Cut the pork into cubes a few centimeters in size, then fry until golden brown.
  3. Fry shallots and chopped garlic separately, add grated ginger at the end.
  4. There also put diced peppers and carrots, as well as green peas. Cook for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  5. Once the vegetables are soft, add the meat and rice to the pan. Salt and cook for another 5-7 minutes.
  6. Beat the eggs, adding soy sauce to them, and prepare an omelette. When the finished omelette has cooled, roll it up (like a pancake) and cut across so that you get small rolls. Add them to Long Grain Rice with Pork and Vegetables and you're done!

Rice is one of the most popular side dishes for a reason. It goes well with meat, vegetables, fish and seafood. To date, there are several varieties of this cereal. Each of them is suitable for cooking certain dishes. For example, for crumbly side dishes, it is desirable to use long-grain rice. How to cook this cereal, you will learn from today's publication.

For the preparation of this cereal, it is desirable to use deep cast-iron dishes. This is due to the fact that the product perfectly absorbs liquid and significantly increases in volume in the process. Before cooking long-grain rice (it is quite easy to make it friable), the grits are washed until they are completely free of starch, dust and husks. After that, it is soaked for half an hour to reduce the cooking time.

To get a crumbly snow-white side dish, a couple of drops of lemon juice are added to the pan with boiled cereals. It is advisable to salt the water at the very beginning of cooking. To make a truly delicious side dish, you need to adhere to all the recommended proportions. So, half a teaspoon of salt should be added to a glass of cereal. As for the ratio of rice and liquid, one cup of bulk ingredient will require twice as much water, milk or broth.

Option using a frying pan

To prepare a delicious crumbly side dish, you will need a glass of cereal, previously cleaned of debris. On a hot frying pan, greased with four tablespoons of vegetable oil, spread long-grain rice and heat it for a couple of minutes, not forgetting to stir constantly. After it turns white or becomes transparent, it is slightly salted, and then three glasses of hot drinking water are poured into the pan. After the liquid boils, the dishes are covered with a lid and the fire is reduced. After about twenty minutes, the dishes are removed from the stove, and its contents are infused for a quarter of an hour. As a result, you will get a delicious fluffy long-grain rice.

How to cook this cereal in different ways, you can find out further. As for the method described above, it is good because it does not require preliminary washing of rice. And so that the side dish does not stick to the bottom of the dish, it is advisable to use a pan with a non-stick coating.

Option using a multicooker

This device greatly simplifies the cooking process. To make a crumbly fragrant side dish, it is advisable to purchase steamed long-grain rice in advance (you will learn how to cook later). Before starting the process, the required amount of cereal is measured, washed thoroughly and soaked in cold water.

After about an hour, the liquid is decanted, and the rice is placed in the multicooker bowl. The required amount of filtered water is also poured there. After that, the device is closed and the “Pilaf” mode is activated. Ten minutes before the end of the program, turn on the “Heating” option and cook the side dish. Salt and a small piece of butter are added to the finished rice.

Oven option

In cooking, there are many ways to cook delicious long-grain fluffy rice. We have already figured out how to cook in a slow cooker a little higher, and now it's time to talk about how to make a hearty and fragrant side dish in an ordinary oven. It should be noted that this process takes a relatively long time, but the result is worth it.

First, excess starch must be removed from the cereal. To do this, it is washed in several waters and thrown into a colander. When excess liquid drains from the cereal, it is laid out in a baking dish. Hot water is poured there, the volume of which is twice the amount of rice. All this is covered with foil and sent to the oven. Prepare a side dish at one hundred and eighty degrees for forty minutes. After that, turn off the fire and let the dish brew in a hot oven.

Pot option

To determine the right amount of dry product, you need to remember that during the cooking process, its volume will triple. Before cooking long-grain rice in a saucepan for a side dish, it is washed from excess starch. Do this until the complete disappearance of the white precipitate. Then the cereal is sent to the pan, poured with water in a ratio of 1: 2 and put on the stove.

Three minutes after the liquid boils, the fire is reduced to a minimum, the dishes are covered with a lid and boiled for about a quarter of an hour. After that, the almost ready side dish is removed from the stove and left to reach in the pan for a short time. Rice made in this way can be an excellent basis for various salads.

Microwave option

It should be noted that not only long-grain rice is suitable for these purposes. How to cook this cereal on the stove, we have already figured out. Now it's time to consider another simple and fairly quick way to prepare this product.

The pre-washed cereal is laid out in a heat-resistant glass form, poured with cold drinking water in a ratio of 1: 2 and covered with a lid. After that, the dishes are sent to the microwave and set the timer for fifteen minutes. To make the rice more tender and soft, it is left in the switched off oven for another quarter of an hour and only then served to the table. If desired, the garnish is seasoned with a little butter. In this case, you will get very fragrant and satisfying long-grain rice.

In this case, the cereals are prepared in accordance with the basic principles. First, it is washed in several waters until the white precipitate disappears completely. Then the rice is laid out in a special cauldron. An appropriate amount of cold filtered water and a tablespoon of butter or vegetable oil are also poured there.

Among other things, fried meat, carrots and onions are put in the future pilaf. All this is salted, seasoned with spices and sent to the stove. It is very important not to mix the contents of the cauldron ahead of time.