Home / Cakes / How to grind charcoal at home. How to use activated charcoal

How to grind charcoal at home. How to use activated charcoal

Many moonshiners are greatly mistaken, thinking that their craft is only the distillation of mash for moonshine. But those who trust homemade alcohol more than industrial vodka need to take care of the high quality of their own drink.

It’s not so easy, because you need to know exactly all the secrets and recipes of the right one, and most importantly, determine for yourself what is the best way to clean moonshine.

For beginners and those who are in this business or have not yet decided which method is more suitable, I propose to learn how to clean homemade alcohol with charcoal, what are the pros and cons of this method, and how to make a carbon filter for moonshine.

It is known that in crude alcohol contains fusel oils and other harmful impurities. The principle of coal efficiency lies in its ability adsorb on its porous surface all the substances we do not need. The quality of cleaning also depends on how much coal you added and how many times you distilled. Since this material is ecological in itself, there is no reason to doubt its harmlessness if you did everything right.

It should be noted that not all types of carbon products are suitable in this case. It all depends on the size and number of pores on the surface, because it is in them that the adsorbed molecules of hazardous substances are contained. From this point of view, for example, cleaning moonshine pharmaceutical coal is not effective- there are small pores that will not let large molecules of fusel oils and dangerous impurities through.


Once again, we will return to it and tell you how to clean moonshine with activated carbon.

More recently, animal bones have been used in production. As a result of heat treatment, small pores formed on the coal surface. As you already understood, this is bad.

At present, the raw material is wood which means it is much more efficient. But, according to the recipe, it contains talc, starch, because of which the drink becomes unpleasant and bitter in taste. In general, the coaling of moonshine with such a product has many disadvantages. But if that doesn't stop you, use 45 tablets per 1 liter alcoholic drink.


It is produced as a result wood pyrolysis or decomposition under high temperatures while maintaining its structure. Due to this, this high-carbon product has a large number of capillaries and pores, and this increases adsorption capacity. Purifying alcohol with charcoal is much better than other options. Among its various types, it is better to use birch charcoal grade BAU-A.

Coals for barbecue

They are also made from charcoal, but since barbecue coals must burn well, they are impregnated with special solutions for better flammability. It is not known how these mixtures will affect alcohol, so cleaning moonshine with charcoal for barbecue not a good idea.

Coconut charcoal for cleaning

Cleaning moonshine with coconut charcoal has long been a very popular method used to purify homemade alcohol. On the surface of the pore special structure due to coconut shell from which they are made. This helps clean moonshine much faster, better and gives the drink a milder taste.

Embers for wine

Since it also contains harmful impurities and needs to be purified, coals for them are made specifically for this. With proper use, you can safely use this product.

Summarizing, birch and coconut coals are undoubted leaders in the process of carbonization. If you still think that cleaning moonshine with activated carbon is quite effective, we advise you to combine this method with any other that you like.

Ways of carbonization

Two purification options are known: using carbon filters and direct immersion of the carbonaceous product in alcohol. Let's deal with them in more detail.


The first method is harder, but better. First you need the filter itself. Perfect fit filter from a gas mask, but it contains specific ingredients that can ruin an already awful smell. We can also use the usual household water filter, but with its help you will have to overtake many times. You can also make a carbon filter for cleaning moonshine with your own hands. More on this later.

To speed up and simplify the process, you can clean the moonshine directly through the coal column. It is connected to, so the filtered product enters the tank. But since it is very expensive, a coal column for cleaning moonshine with our own hands will help us.

How it's done? We take a two-liter bottle and cut off the bottom. A large hole is made in the lid, and 5-6 small ones in the bottom. An already filtered alcoholic drink will drain through the hole in the lid, and with the bottom you need to press the crushed coals to the bottom so that it does not float on the bottle.

In a jar, neck down, put the base of the column - a bottle. Then we fill it with a suitable product for you, for example, coconut charcoal for cleaning moonshine and cover it with a bottom. Don't spare coal add it as much as possible. It should occupy at least 2/3 of the dishes, otherwise the cleaning will not be as high-quality and effective as you would like.

Do not be alarmed if the alcohol comes out of the column black, this is quite normal at this stage. In the future, the finished alcohol will be cleaned of coal dust and become crystal clear. From time to time, the lid opening will become clogged. To overcome this problem is very simple: shake and squeeze lightly bottle. If it does not come out, unscrew the lid and clean the neck with your finger. Another 2-3 times we distill alcohol through a coal column.

Then we pour coal powder in the proportion of 30 grams per 1 liter, close it tightly and leave it for a day. During this time, all the coal settles to the bottom of the can. In such a simple way, you can make a carbon filter for moonshine with your own hands.

At the next stage, moonshine is needed strain to remove sediment. We fill the neck of the watering can with cotton wool and pour the moonshine through it. Cotton wool will remove all coal particles and alcohol will become transparent.

We clean coal

The second method is much easier. First you need to collect all the ingredients, study the recipe, and then get down to business.

Since fusel oils are hydrophobic, we reduce the drink to 40 degrees. This will bring them together and help the charcoal absorb them. First of all, grind the coals as much as possible, and then add them to homemade alcohol. in the proportion of 50 grams per liter.

We tightly close the solution and put it in a non-plastic container for a week, shaking 1-2 times a day. As in the previous example, a precipitate forms. To get rid of it, you need to strain the alcohol through a layer of cotton wool.

This method attracts with its simplicity, but behind it danger is hidden. The fact is that with prolonged contact of coal with alcohol, even the most suitable for this, for example, BAU-A, KAU-A, aldehydes are formed, as a result of which your moonshine will not only not be cleaned, but will also acquire additional harmful substances. Also, over time, coal will begin to return all the impurities that it has absorbed.

  1. Do not rush to clean until you are sure of the quality of the carbon product. Test it on a small amount of alcohol, before the main cleaning. High-quality coal for moonshine should not leave a burning smell.
  2. Embers are used just one time.
  3. So that the coaling of moonshine is successful, carefully wash the embers. This will prevent dust from entering the final product.
  4. No need to filter moonshine in a cold room, as cold slows down the process.

In conclusion of the article, it should be noted that coal will not help you completely get rid of the typical "moonshine", which is better handled soda, potassium permanganate or tinctures on plants.

But cleaning moonshine with coal at home is in no way inferior to these methods in terms of efficiency, and in terms of health safety, it is far ahead of them. Which method to use is up to you. The main thing is to follow all the recommendations, as well as recipes and enjoy your creation.

An experienced distiller, making a home-made alcoholic drink, "cuts off heads and tails." These "operations" provide for the separation of the first strongest dose of alcohol and its last fraction, the weakest. And after the first distillation of the mash, it also makes a second one. Purification of moonshine with coal is done after the primary distillation. Fusel odor must be removed. And this is done by a vessel with a woody or other activated substance.

About receiving

Birch charcoal for cleaning an alcoholic drink from fusel oils is done like this. Completely dried birch firewood is burned (at high temperature) in a metal container or pit with a lack of oxygen. This is called pyrolysis. Coal for filtering moonshine can also be obtained from coal coke in this way. And even from the shells of coconuts and walnuts, peat coke, etc. You can also take ready-made coals, for example, for barbecue. The latter is the same tree, but it comes from different tree species. It is better to choose birch. Coconut charcoal is even better.

About cleaning

How to properly clean moonshine? It is necessary to take the appropriate activated material and build a filter. This substance is found in cans of gas masks, aquarium and water purification filters, and special coal for winemaking is also sold. The same one that is offered in pharmacies contains impurities. And in the water purification filters there is an ion-exchange resin for water softening. The gas mask must be clean. That is, it is necessary to take an unused device.

About different cleaning methods

Cleaning moonshine with coal at home is possible in two ways. The first one is filtering. And the second is the placement of activated carbon directly into the moonshine. What do you need to take to make a filter?

It is made from a cut plastic bottle or a ready-made watering can is taken. Cotton wool wrapped in gauze is stuffed into its neck (you can also take a ready-made tampon). And on top of it is placed in layers of activated carbon. Cleansing occurs by filtering the drink.

The process is quite lengthy, but effective. You can support the funnel with your hands. Or fix it over a container where the purified alcoholic drink will pour in any way.

How to clean without using a filter? The carbonization of moonshine by immersing a cleaning agent in it occurs in compliance with the correct proportions. 50 g of activated substance is consumed per liter of drink.

The mixture is infused for up to two weeks with shaking from time to time. Then moonshine is filtered. This can be done through cotton wool or calcined river sand.

About the coconut shell

Coconut charcoal has smaller pores than wood charcoal. Its properties are excellent. Yes, and it is consumed less per liter of alcohol liquid. It is difficult to make a carbon filter from coconut shells, because coconuts do not grow in Russia. But you can buy a ready-made activated substance from an exotic palm fruit. The technology for cleaning moonshine is the same as described above.

About column

Coal filter column with pump

You can buy a carbon filter and ready. It's inexpensive. Sold in the form of a steel column. The reagent is placed in it. Cleaning any alcoholic drink with such a column is effective because it is easy to use. In an hour, a liter of liquid passes through it. The column will last for many years, as it is made of stainless steel. And how to clean moonshine with coal, this was said above.

The simplest device

If there is birch charcoal for cleaning, then the manufacture of the simplest filtering device begins with crushing, if the pieces are large. This can be done in a saucepan. Then a funnel is prepared from a plastic bottle. Holes are pierced in its cork. Cotton wool is tightly clogged in the neck.

The activated material is poured into the funnel. When filtering, it will start to emerge, it is necessary to prevent this. It is easiest to press a mass of coal from above with a metal mesh. The bottle is placed on a glass jar upside down (it is cut off in advance). And moonshine is poured on top. And the purified liquid will pour from below. You can repeat the process by changing the coal. The moonshine filter is used once.


The adsorption of harmful fusel oils from moonshine with an activated substance must be used without fail. Eliminating fusel oils makes homemade rubbing alcohol safer. In combination with a double distillation, this will become even better.

Refinement of moonshine with an activated and obtained substance in various ways is possible at home, and it is not financially expensive. The main thing is that the drink will become safer for consumption, the health of the liver, and the whole human body, is most important. The use of coal for this is effective. Our ancestors also used a filter for cleaning alcohol.

Activated charcoal (Carbonis activati) has been known since very ancient times. Mentions of it are found even in ancient Indian scriptures, where it is recommended to pass water through coal to purify it. The beneficial qualities of coal were also known to the ancient Greeks, who used it to purify not only water, but also beer and wine.

Ancient Egypt in the 15th century B.C. e. charcoal has already been used for medicinal purposes. In Europe, the adsorbing properties of coal were noticed only in the 18th century. Then it was scientifically established that charcoal can absorb gases and discolor liquids. In the next century, charcoal began to be used in France to decolorize sugar syrups.

However, mass industrial production of activated carbon began only at the beginning of the 20th century. The first batch of powdered coal was released in 1909. In Russia, activated carbon was used to filter water from Borjomi mineral springs.

During World War I, the army introduced gas masks that used activated charcoal made from coconut shells.

Nowadays, activated carbon with a high adsorbing capacity is made from coconut shells. Activated carbon is a black powder, odorless and tasteless, insoluble in common solvents. Currently, there are many types of activated carbon, which are widely used in various areas of life, including medicine.

The drug is obtained from wood by dry distillation. For this purpose, trees of various species are used: beech, birch, pine, linden, oak, spruce, aspen, alder, poplar.

In accordance with the listed order, the adsorbing capacity of coal made from these tree species decreases.

You can make your own activated charcoal. For this, tree trunks no older than 50 years are used. Wood must be cleaned of bark, knots and core. The logs prepared in this way are burned on a fire until the fire disappears. Hot coals will be in the fire instead of wood. Usually potatoes are baked on such coals or kebabs are cooked.

Now you need to choose larger coals from the fire, shake off dust and ash from them and place them in pre-prepared dishes, then close them tightly. When the coals in the bowl have cooled, they can be removed and, again cleaned of coal dust, crushed in a mortar to not too small granules. Then the resulting cereal must be sifted. Activated charcoal is ready to use.

Trees used to produce activated carbon:

To get the best quality activated charcoal, you need to take the coals out of the fire and place them in a colander. After that, hot coals are steamed, for which you need to hold a colander over a bowl of boiling water. Do not put coals into water. When the coal has completely cooled down, you need to crush it and put it in storage.

It should be stored in a closed container, placed in a dry place, away from substances that emit gases or vapours. In air or in a place with high humidity, the adsorbing properties of activated carbon are significantly reduced.

The charcoal produced in this way can be used to filter water or spirits.

Due to its high adsorption capacity and high surface activity, activated carbon is widely used in the treatment of diseases. It is used for acute poisoning with alkaloids or salts of heavy metals, food intoxication, dyspepsia, flatulence, hyperacidity and hypersecretion of gastric juice, as well as for infections and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract), accompanied by processes of putrefaction and fermentation.

Practical edition "Activated charcoal treatment"

Hi all! We continue to fight for the quality of our drinks. The topic of my today's post is cleaning moonshine with activated carbon. This method is very effective and is able to rid the distillate of 86% of the fusel oils contained in it and of 92% of the esters.

But with improper use of coal in moonshine, toxic substances.

Get comfortable, I'll tell you about everything in detail.

How coal cleans moonshine

The surface of charcoal has a very large number of pores, which makes it an excellent adsorbent. It absorbs and retains harmful impurities(sivuhu) contained in moonshine.

Fusel oils are hydrophobic substances - they are poorly soluble in water, but they do it perfectly in alcohol. Therefore, in order for the cleaning process to take place more fully, moonshine must be diluted with water to a strength of 15-20%. Then the fuselage ceases to dissolve in alcohol and the coal readily absorbs it.

With the right approach, a very high degree of product purification can be achieved. Below is an excerpt from the book “Production of alcoholic beverages” (A.K. Dorosh, V.S. Lysenko)

Not bad, right? By the way, due to such high efficiency, it is not recommended to charcoal moonshine from fruit and berry mash or mash for jam. Otherwise, you risk losing the taste of such a drink. But for sugar mash this is what you need.

Harmful properties

This cleaning method also has a negative side. With prolonged contact of coal and alcohol, the latter is oxidized with the formation of harmful substances - aldehydes.

Again I quote from Dorosh-Lysenko's book:

It follows from this that the process must be limited in time - a maximum of 20 minutes.

We summarize the above: for maximum purification of moonshine from harmful impurities, it must be diluted to 15% of the fortress and carbonized for 20 minutes.

Update from 04/14/2019: Now, after several years since the writing of this article, I would like to add something. Do not strictly adhere to the cleaning time limit of 20 minutes. It's okay if it takes, say, an hour. Coal filters well from fusel alcohols, including isoamylol, which, as is known, are intermediate impurities, which are not so easy to get rid of in the distillation process. And cut off the extra heads at the next distillation. The main message of the article is that coal for sugar moonshine is very good. It is necessary to carb dilute to 15% SS, but not for days, as many advise.

Yes, I almost forgot. After cleaning, a decrease in strength by about 2 degrees is possible.

Varieties of coal

In this section I will list the types that are used with more or less popularity by moonshiners to clean their drinks.

  1. Birch activated carbon(BAU)

Very popular with moonshiners. Sold in shops for winemakers, as well as in specialized stores, such as "Russian Chemist".

  1. Coconut (KAU)

As it is not difficult to guess from the name, it is made from coconut shells.

Also a very popular brand. That is what I recommend for use. According to many sellers, KAU has a higher cleaning power than birch. You can buy it in the same place as BAU.

  1. Pharmacy activated charcoal.

Everyone has probably seen and even tried this. You can use it, but there is one caveat. Pharmaceutical coal often contains excipients, mainly potato starch and sucrose.

I have heard from fellow winemakers that these additives make moonshine harder. To be honest, I never noticed the difference, but just in case I try to use only KAU.

  1. Charcoal for barbecue

Some distillers use this as well.

Activated carbon for alcohol purification is produced at 800-1000 °C. If the temperature is lower, then resins may remain in it in a small but sufficient amount to spoil the product for us.

  1. Household filters

You can clean moonshine by passing it through a filter jug. He does his job well. True, in some cases there is an increased loss in the fortress - about 5 degrees.

  1. Filtration plant

Coal installations specially created for distillers. Very efficient and convenient for those who operate with large volumes - throw the intake hose and drain hose into a container with distillate and the unit drives the SS through the filter in a circle until you turn it off. But the price of such systems is appropriate.

Instructions for charring moonshine

So, below are a few methods for cleaning moonshine with charcoal. As I said at the beginning of the article, before cleaning, moonshine must be diluted to 15-20% alcohol. Then distill it again to increase the strength.

The maximum effect can be achieved if clean moonshine with vegetable oil.

  • Purification of BAU or KAU
  1. Coal is taken at the rate of 10 grams (heaped tablespoon) per 1 liter of sorting.
  2. Washable with drinking water from dust.
  3. Take a regular plastic bottle. Several holes are made in the cork and the bottom is cut off. A piece of cotton wool or a cotton pad is placed under the cork and the required amount of KAU is poured in (if washed well, then cotton wool is not required). Subsequently, I recommend making a simple and convenient column for carbonization - instruction here.
  4. Well, then moonshine is poured and filtered. I run 3 times.

You can also simply pour the coal into a sorting container and shake well. In this case, it is better to double the dosage. Keep coal in moonshine for no more than 20 minutes, then filter through cotton wool or filter paper.

  • Pharmacy activated charcoal cleaning

Everything is the same as in the previous cleaning. Dosage - 45 tablets per 1 liter of moonshine. Crush tablets before use.

Laboratory analysis of cleaning quality

I give the results of a laboratory analysis of moonshine before and after charcoal cleaning.

Analyzes were conducted by a highly respected member of the Homedistiller forum under the nickname Alexander956. Here link to a forum post.

These data confirm what this article says - coal very effectively copes with fusel oils, and the quality of cleaning increases markedly with a strong dilution of moonshine.

Raw alcohol from sugar mash, distilled to a temperature of 99 degrees in the cube, was subjected to analysis. almost to the water.

The amount of impurities is indicated in mg per liter of anhydrous alcohol.

Coal regeneration at home

Charcoal can be used several times, but over time it loses its adsorbing properties. In industry, it is subjected to regeneration. This can be done at home as well. Maybe not as effective, but still. How to do this is described in the same book by Dorosh-Lysenko. Instructions in the photo below:

OK it's all over Now. Now you know how to properly coal moonshine. Together with you can get a very high quality and tasty product.

In my plans, I have articles about a few more cleaning methods, so I suggest subscribing to new articles. I also encourage you to share your experience in the comments. I'm very interested.

And that's all for today.

All for now. Dorofeev Pavel.

Moonshine in terms of taste and quality is not inferior even to expensive strong alcoholic beverages, if it is fully cleaned. One of the available ways to rid home-made alcohol of unpleasant odors and harmful substances is to clean the moonshine with activated carbon. With it, most of the esters and fusel oils formed during distillation are removed.

Why is carbon filtration necessary?

A lot of side substances are formed in the distillate, which worsen not only the taste of the drink, but also make its use dangerous. These are fusel oils, all kinds of aldehydes, esters, etc. Not all harmful impurities are removed by activated charcoal, but the use of the latter is still necessary. Filtering allows you to remove:

  • up to 86% fusel oils
  • up to 92% esters

Purification of moonshine with coal gives such an effect due to the presence of pores on its surface, which determine the excellent adsorbing properties of this material.

What charcoal can be used for cleaning

Not all grades of coal are suitable for filtering your moonshine with them. For example, you should not buy pills from a pharmacy, since the effect described above will not be fully achieved. The pores of the tablets are too small and not suitable for absorbing large molecules of fusel oils.

Therefore, it is advisable to clean moonshine with activated carbon at home:

  • With the help of BAU-A (birch activated carbon). You can buy it in specialized shops for distillers or make it yourself.
  • Using KAU-A (coconut charcoal). We give preference to this particular adsorbent, considering its cleaning ability to be the highest.

Fans who are just starting to delve into the intricacies of home brewing often wonder if it is possible to clean moonshine with charcoal for barbecue. It's actually not recommended to do this. To filter moonshine, you need to use only an activated adsorbent, which, of course, is not ordinary coal for barbecue.

Its activation occurs at a temperature of 1000 degrees. If the conditions are not met, a lot of harmful substances and carcinogens remain in the product, and it is simply dangerous to eat moonshine, which was used to clean ordinary charcoal. Therefore, even cleaning moonshine with activated charcoal in tablets, and not with specialized birch charcoal or coconut charcoal, will be much more effective.

The mentioned brands BAU-A, KAU-A are already initially made for use in the alcoholic beverage industry. Also note that the "A" in the name means the highest degree of activity of the material. If you purchase grades BAU-B or BAU-V, then please note that they are actually rejected coals in terms of activity during the production of BAU-A. The same should be taken into account when purchasing KAU, when it is planned to clean the moonshine with coconut charcoal.

How to make your own activated charcoal

We will describe how to make activated charcoal with our own hands, using wood raw materials for this, which will be a birch log peeled from the bark and finely chopped (into chips about 3 cm long). Charcoal must be prepared with minimal access to oxygen, for this:

  1. Prepare a flat jar in which you will cook birch charcoal
  2. Punch about 20 holes in it, place raw materials in it and close it tightly
  3. Put the jar on the fire, where organic gases will come out through the holes from the hot coal and immediately burn
  4. When the degassing stops, remove the jar from the heat and let it cool.
  1. Activated charcoal is wrapped in gauze and placed over a large saucepan half filled with water.
  2. Place the container on the stove, where the resulting water vapor will activate our filter material
  3. Next, transfer the wet coal to a tin can with holes that was previously used for degassing, put it on fire to remove moisture

After you prepare the activated adsorbent for moonshine with your own hands, store it only in a dry, tightly closed jar without air access. Otherwise, coal will begin to absorb various organic molecules from it, losing its properties.

Nevertheless, it must be understood that such a method of preparation is significantly inferior to the industrial one, where the material is calcined at a temperature of 1100-1200 degrees and processed not with simple saturated, but with superheated steam at a pressure of about 2.5 atm. Naturally, its activity is an order of magnitude higher than that of coal prepared at home for cleaning moonshine.

Our advice to you, do not save and do not waste your precious time, but just buy high-quality coal, it is not at all expensive.

Recipe for filtering moonshine with coal

It is correct to carry out the carbonization of moonshine before the second distillation, since for the high-quality purification of alcohol it must be diluted to 15-20%. This requirement is due to the fact that fusel oils dissolve perfectly in concentrated alcohol and it is almost impossible to catch them by filtration in this case.

On the contrary, if alcohol is diluted, the solubility of this harmful impurity drops significantly, which makes it possible to adsorb up to 86% of this component on the surface of the filter element, for example, cleaning moonshine with activated carbon in tablets.

As already noted, it is better to use coconut charcoal for cleaning moonshine, although birch charcoal is also good for these purposes. The process can be carried out in two fundamentally different ways:

  • flow cleaning of moonshine through a carbon filter element
  • by filling coal directly into the medium to be cleaned

Purification of moonshine by flow filtration

The first recipe will require some improvised materials, for example, a jug for filtering water, where you will need to fill the adsorbent. The filter can also be made independently, for example, from a plastic bottle. For this, the bottom is cut off for this, holes are made in the cork, and the neck is laid with cotton wool.

The filter material should be laid out in the proportion:

  • homemade coal requires about 50 g per liter of filtered solution;
  • BAU-A should be put about 12 g per liter of moonshine.

Moonshine can be passed through the filter element up to several times, but the result will be worse each time, so it is better to change the coal after each filtered batch. The amount of filter material required for the process is recommended to be washed with water to remove coal dust, which subsequently also has to be removed from the filtrate.

Filtration by filling coal into moonshine

If moonshine is cleaned with coal in the second way, that is, by pouring it into alcohol, then the filter element is taken with the calculation of 50 g per 1 liter of distillate. Drink manufacturers with many years of experience often recommend infusing the resulting mixture for 1-2 weeks to filter moonshine at home, shaking it periodically. Then the drink settles for another 5-7 days and is filtered through a dense cotton filter.

However, such an approach to the purification of an alcoholic beverage is contrary to scientific facts, indicating that only during the first 15-20 minutes of such processing, the content of aldehydes hazardous to health decreases, reaching a minimum value by the 20th minute.

Therefore, it is better to use coal for half an hour, then you need to remove it or, if necessary, repeat the procedure with a fresh portion of the adsorbent.

Coal dust removal

Next, we will consider how to clean moonshine from coal dust in order to make the distillate clouded after filtration as transparent as possible. We note right away that this procedure is not mandatory, since the mentioned dust is not harmful to health and in no way affects the taste of the drink. However, a good ashless filter can be used to improve the appearance of the alcoholic beverage.

These elements are made from 95% pure cellulose and are filter paper cut in the shape of circles. For example, a "White Ribbon" filter can be used, which has a high filtration rate and a good ability to screen out coarse particles in solution like coal dust.

Filter reuse

Those who are just starting to learn the intricacies of making homemade alcoholic beverages often do not know if the same cleaning element can be used to filter different batches, and also how many times this is allowed.

In fact, this should not be done, if only because when the pores of coal are saturated with harmful substances, it loses activity. Moreover, with further use, the adsorbent begins to give these substances back, that is, after its use, you will no longer receive a filtrate, but a solution saturated with aldehydes and fusel oils.

But if you already use used coal, then before cleaning moonshine, the material must be reactivated. To do this, it is treated with a 2% hydrochloric acid solution, washed thoroughly with water, dried and re-calcined. However, for high-quality filtration, it is still desirable to use fresh, manufactured in industrial conditions.